Terrible Sentence Examples
It was a terrible choice for a hiding place.
They wouldn't all be there unless something terrible had happened.
It must have been terrible for Yancey.
If it was a bear, she was in a terrible predicament.
Anyway, what's so terrible about a woman wearing pants?
Jeff was terrible with money.
I feel terrible about the woman who was murdered.
Is he very terrible, Denisov?
Oh, what a terrible state he is in!
Belfair watched, a sneering smile painted on her beautiful face, revenge was hers, as Jership the Terrible crashed in a bloody heap on the rocks below.
AdvertisementThere was nothing terrible in the one small, distant fire in the immense city.
What could be so terrible about Alex that his own sister would fear to discuss with her best friend?
There was a terrible fire Thursday.
Oh, how terrible it was!
The sensation of those terrible whistling sounds and of the corpses around him merged in Rostov's mind into a single feeling of terror and pity for himself.
AdvertisementYou've only been strangled nearly to death and gone through a terrible scare.
There is nothing so terrible that a few words from the Padre can't mend.
There was something she was supposed to remember — something so terrible that she couldn't bring herself to think of it.
The vicomte who was meeting him for the first time saw clearly that this young Jacobin was not so terrible as his words suggested.
Helene's face became terrible, she shrieked and sprang aside.
AdvertisementWhat could happen so terrible to cause you to do something you felt so strongly against?
Even the police, who see the aftermath of terrible, gut-wrenching crimes, aren't forced to watch them actually happening.
The ground seemed to groan at the terrible impact.
He had awaked from a terrible dream.
He flung down the slab, broke it, and swooping down on her with outstretched hands shouted, "Get out!" in such a terrible voice that the whole house heard it with horror.
AdvertisementThen suddenly a terrible shriek--it could not be hers, she could not scream like that--came from the bedroom.
Your loss is so terrible that I can only explain it to myself as a special providence of God who, loving you, wishes to try you and your excellent mother.
I feel terrible asking you this, but it keeps nagging at me.
When, when was this terrible affair decided?
Owing to the terrible uproar and the necessity for concentration and activity, Tushin did not experience the slightest unpleasant sense of fear, and the thought that he might be killed or badly wounded never occurred to him.
Together with Tushin, stepping across the bodies and under a terrible fire from the French, he attended to the removal of the guns.
Natasha knows that he is struggling with terrible pain.
To keep one another back, to breathe in that stifling atmosphere, to be unable to stir, and to await something unknown, uncomprehended, and terrible, was becoming unbearable.
It must have been terrible for you – having to make a promise to a dying friend like that.
And my affairs are in such a bad way that my position is now a terrible one, continued Anna Mikhaylovna, sadly, dropping her voice.
One soldier, in his fear, uttered the senseless cry, "Cut off!" that is so terrible in battle, and that word infected the whole crowd with a feeling of panic.
I found her in a terrible passion.
That's a terrible way to find out.
After thinking a little while, she added, 'I think Shakespeare made it very terrible so that people would see how fearful it is to do wrong.'
Oh, it would be a terrible loss, she is an enchanting woman.
It is terrible to think....
It sounded like she was in terrible pain.
Suddenly a terrible concussion threw him backwards to the ground.
To give that terrible order seemed to him equivalent to resigning the command of the army.
Everything is done to deprive him of the remains of his reason and to prepare him for his terrible part.
Was it so terrible, Adrienne?
In spite of her words, she still looked terrible but Dean was thankful for even forced improvement.
God, it was a terrible night.
This act liberated the serfs from a yoke which was really terrible, even under the best landlords, and from this point of view it was obviously an immense benefit.2 But it was far from securing corresponding economic results.
I feel terrible I slipped up and they traced the phone call but it's not the end of the world.
You've had a terrible day.
The rough track he followed ceased to exist, as if the vehicle had become airborne in its terrible fall.
It's been a terrible couple of weeks.
Josh simply didn't realize how strong he was — and he had a terrible temper.
Under the command of the lord of Lumbres, the lord of Treslong, and William de la Marck (lord of Lumey) they spread terror and alarm along the coast, seized much plunder, and in revenge for Alva's cruelty committed acts of terrible barbarity upon the priests and monks and catholic officials, as well as upon the crews of the vessels that fell into their hands.
Yet the terrible year was by no means all loss.
Physalia, known commonly as the Portuguese man-of-war, is remarkable for its great size, its brilliant colours, and its terrible stinging powers.
By them the Parthian War was brought to a conclusion in 165, but Verus and his army brought back with them a terrible pestilence, which spread through the whole empire.
Here the close and solitary confinement, and the dreary and hopeless inactivity to which he was condemned, proved a terrible punishment for the full-blooded, energetic and masterful Bothwell.
In larger doses colchicum or colchicine acts as a most violent gastrointestinal irritant, causing terrible pain, colic,vomiting, diarrhoea, haemorrhage from the bowel, thirst and ultimately death from collapse.
Cannibalism, which earned them in earlier years a terrible name, was generally restricted to the bloodthirsty banquets which always followed a victory.
About the origin and character of these terrible invaders we are much better informed than the early Russian chroniclers.
Before reaching the new order of things, the country had to pass through an internal crisis similar to that which followed the death of Ivan the Terrible, but not nearly so severe.
The problem of obtaining a firm footing on the Baltic coast, on which Ivan the Terrible had squandered his resources to no purpose, was now solved satisfactorily.
Though the moralization of gods has only proceeded pari passu with the moralization of mankind, the deities of the more advanced nations are perhaps felt by them to be more terrible and more difficult of access than the divinities of lower races; herein lies one explanation of the power of the priesthood.
Ivan the Terrible in 1561 made it the centre of the ecclesiastical province of Moscow.
According to the Jewish legend Heliodorus was attacked when he entered the Temple by a horse with a terrible rider and by two young men.
Following on this came the Black Death with its terrible consequences in Germany; even in Poland, where the Jews had previously enjoyed considerable rights, extensive massacres took place.
Despite a huge emigration of Jews from Russia, the congestion within the pale is the cause of terrible destitution and misery.
The intervention of Greece caused immense excitement among the Christian population, and terrible massacres of Moslem peasants took place in the eastern and western districts.
The Irish numbering 25,000, and strongly posted behind marshy ground, at first maintained a vigorous resistance; but Ginkel having penetrated their line of defence, and their general being struck down by a cannon ball at this critical moment, they were at length overcome and routed with terrible slaughter.
This, with Grant's driving energy infused into the best army that the Union possessed, resolved itself into a series, almost uninterrupted, of terrible battles.
But a new and more terrible danger now threatened Greece.
The lowlands are sometimes visited by terrible sand-storms from the west, which exhaust men and kill the cotton trees.
Threatened with the desertion of his barons he drove all whom he suspected to desperation by his terrible severity towards the Braose family (1210); and by his continued misgovernment irrevocably estranged the lower classes.
The hope of the advent of an ideal king was only one feature of that larger hope of the salvation of Israel from all evils, which was constantly held forth by all the prophets, from the time when the seers of the 8th century B.C. proclaimed that the true conception of Yahweh's relation to His people could become a practical reality only through a great deliverance following a sifting judgment of the most terrible kind.
In the terrible crisis of affairs preceding the French Revolution, when minister after minister tried in vain to replenish the exhausted royal treasury and was dismissed for want of success, Calonne was summoned to take the general control of affairs.
But the real founder of the state of Gwalior was Mahadji Sindhia, a natural son of Ranoji, who, after narrowly escaping with his life from the terrible slaughter of Panipat in 1761 (when Jankoji was killed), obtained with some difficulty from the peshwa a re-grant of his father's possessions in Central India (1769).
Potato haulms, and club-rooted cabbage crops should, however, never be mixed with ordinary clean vegetable refuse, as they would be most likely to perpetuate the terrible diseases to which they are subject.
It was a terrible wound, but fortunately not fatal.
On the 23rd of January 1904, Aalesund was the scene of one of the most terrible of the many conflagrations to which Norwegian towns, built largely of wood, have been subject.
Hardly any lives were lost, but the sufferings of the people were so terrible that assistance was sent from all parts of the kingdom, and by the German government, while the British government also offered it.
The second siege by Russia was begun in 1788, and lasted six months, until the fortress was stormed and taken, after a terrible loss of life.
It was not until terrible reports as to the misgovernment of the Congo created a strong agitation for reform in Great Britain, America and other countries responsible for having aided in the creation of the state, that public opinion in Belgium seriously concerned itself with the subject.
The short-lived Ligurian republic was soon swallowed up in the French empire, not, however, until Genoa had been made to experience, by the terrible privations of the siege when Massena held the city against the Austrians (1800), all that was meant by a participation in the vicissitudes of the French Revolution.
These measures,` though severely criticized by the Opposition, were introduced to remedy obvious, and in some cases terrible social evils.
After lengthened suffering from a terrible disease, said to have been cancer in the face, he died in 1773, leaving to his son Timur the kingdom he had founded.
The effect upon the overcrowded population of the city was terrible.
The lukewarm are rebuked, the enemies threatened with terrible punishment, both temporal and eternal.
In such cases he was not slow to utter terrible threats against those who ridiculed the preaching of the unity of God, of the resurrection, and of the judgment.
A terrible pest is a kind of termite which is locally abundant and has probably visited most parts of Egypt at one time or another, destroying all dead vegetable or animal material in the soil that was not specially protected.
When Horus grew ie set out to avenge his fathers murder, and after terrible ggles finally conquered and dispossessed his wicked uncle; is another version relates, the combatants were separated by th, and Egypt divided between them, the northern part ng to Horus and the southern to Seth.
Under the firm and wise rule of Psammetichus, Egypt recovered its prosperity after the terrible losses inflicted by internal wars and the decade of Assyrian invasions.
In January 1791 a terrible plague began to rage in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt, to which Ismail Bey and most of his family fell victims. Owing to the need for competent rulers IbrghIm and Murad Bey were sent for from Upper Egypt and resumed their dual government.
For one day and a half he enjoyed the title; the friends of the late Thir Pasha then accomplished his second degradation,i and Cairo was again the scene of terrible enormities, the Albanians revelling in the houses of the Mameluk chiefs, whose hareems met with no mercy at their hands.
Here they were fired on by some soldiers from the houses; and with this signal a terrible massacre began.
A terrible outbreak of plague occurred in Moscow in 1771, and the populace began to throng round an image of the Virgin to which they attributed supernatural healing power.
The inner history of the Convention was strange and terrible.
The death of Marat, who was stabbed by Charlotte Corday to avenge the Girondins, gave yet another pretext for terrible measures of repression.
The trial of 130 prisoners sent up from Nantes led to so many terrible disclosures that public feeling turned still more fiercely against the Jacobins; Carrier himself was condemned and executed; and in November the Jacobin Club was closed.
His courage and resolution averted what nearly became a terrible catastrophe.
His last years, notwithstanding the terrible rebellion of Stenka Razin, were deservedly tranquil.
When Erik Blood-axe, son of Harold Haarfager, visited Bjarmaland in 922, he found Gunhild, daughter of Asur Tote, living among the Lapps, to whom she had been sent by her father for the purpose of being trained in witchcraft; and Ivan the Terrible of Russia sent for magicians from Lapland to explain the cause of the appearance of a comet.
Smallpox, famine, sheep disease, and the eruptions of 1765 and 1783 follow each other in terrible succession.
A terrible epidemic of measles in that year swept away 40,000, or about one-third of the Fijians.
They perhaps identified themselves too closely with their Tongan friends, whose dissolute, lawless, tyrannical conduct led to much mischief; but it should not be forgotten that their position was difficult, and it was mainly through their efforts that many terrible heathen practices were stamped out.
His daughter Louise married against his will a gentleman of no rank, and this led to terrible family dissensions.
The destruction of their crops starved the people into submission, and the contest was only less terrible than the first Desmond war because it was much shorter.
Terrible riots took place at Belfast in June, July and August.
After days of terrible suffering, he resigned himself to the annexation by Prussia of northern Germany.
His last years were embittered by the terrible sufferings of his daughter, who died in 1854, and he himself died on the 22nd of September 1857, and was buried in Ary Scheffer's family tomb.
There was no trace of a political idea in these disputes; the mutual hatred of two women aggravated jealousy to the point of causing terrible civil wars from 561 to 613, and these finally created a national conflict which resulted in the dismemberment of the Frankish empire.
The ecclesiastical party also abandoned Brunhilda because of her persecution of their saints, after which Clotaire, having now got the upper hand, thanks to the defection of the Austrasian nobles, of Arnulf, bishop of Metz, with his brother Pippin, and of Warnachaire, mayor of the palace, made a terrible end of Brurihilda in 613.
The war began, like every feudal war of that day, with a solemn defiance, and it was soon characterized by terrible disasters.
From 1436 to 1439 there was a terrible repetition of what happened after the Peace of Brtigny; famine, pestilence, extortions and, later, the aristocratic revolt of the Praguerie, completed the ruin of the country.
To the hanging of the brave garrison of Granson the Swiss responded by terrible reprisals at Granson and at Morat (March to June 1476); while the people of Lorraine finally routed Charles at Nancy on the 5th of January 1477, the duke himself falling in the battle.
But the scattered heterogeneity of his possessions, the frequent crippling of his authority by national privileges or by political discords and religious quarrels, his perpetual straits for money, and his cautious calculating character, almost outweighed the advantages which he possessed in the terrible Spanish infantry, the wealthy commerce of the Netherlands, and the inexhaustible mines of the New World.
Catholic propaganda, revived by the monks and the Jesuits, and backed by the armed confraternities and by Catherines favorite son, the duke of Anjou, now entrusted with a prominent part by the cardinal of Lorraine; Catherines complicity in the duke of Alvas terrible persecution in the Netherlands; and her attempt to capture Coligny and Cond at Noyers all combined to cause a fresh outbreak of hostilities in the west.
The police, instituted in 1667 by La Reynie, became a public force independent of magistrates and under the direct orders of the ministers, making the arbitrary royal and ministerial authority absolute by means of lettres de cachet (qv.), which were very convenient for the government and very terrible for the individuals concerned.
Instead of profiting by Dumouriezs treachery and the successes in La Vende, the Coalition, divided over the resuscitated Polish question, lost time on the frontiers of this new Poland of the west which was sacrificing itself for the sake of a Universal Republic. Thus in January 1794 the territory of France was cleared of the Prussians and Austrians by the victories at Hondschoote, Wattignies and Wissembourg; the army of La Vende was repulsed from Granville, overwhelmed by Hoches army at Le Mans and Savenay, and its leaders shot; royalist sedition was suppressed at Lyons, Bordeaux, Marseilles and Toulon; federalist insurrections were wiped out by the terrible massacres of Carrier at Nantes, the atrocities of Lebon at Arras, and the wholesale executions of Fouch and Collot dHerbois at Lyons; Louis XVI.
Yusuf came, and in 1086 inflicted a terrible defeat on Alphonso VI.
Hearing of Ismail's murder the Defterdar marched to Shendi, defeated the forces of the mek, and took terrible revenge upon the inhabitants of Metemma and Shendi, most of the inhabitants, including women and children, being burnt alive.
In 1 577 the garrison blew it up to prevent it from falling into the hands of Ivan the Terrible of Russia.
In short Gedymin, recognizing the superiority of western civilization, anticipated Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great by throwing open the semi-savage Russian lands to influences of culture.
He strenuously supported Stephen during his long struggle with Ivan the Terrible, despite the obstruction and parsimony of the diet.
She had determined not to tell her and persuaded her father to hide the terrible news from her till after her confinement, which was expected within a few days.
And the birches with their light and shade, the curly clouds, the smoke of the campfires, and all that was around him changed and seemed terrible and menacing.
Moreover, toward evening, as if everything conspired to make Petersburg society anxious and uneasy, a terrible piece of news was added.
From the midst of that crowd terrible screams arose.
The harder his position became and the more terrible the future, the more independent of that position in which he found himself were the joyful and comforting thoughts, memories, and imaginings that came to him.
They do not sing but bluster the lyrics, and they sound terrible.
I have tried everything to deter this terrible behavior, but nothing seems to work.
In 1347 Florence was again stricken with famine, followed the next year by the most terrible plague it had ever experienced, which carried off three-fifths of the population (according to now threatened Florence in the person of Castruccio p Villani).
According to the legend, the town in the year 1284 was infested by a terrible plague of rats.
The terrible conditions obtaining there were due to the lack of food supplies in the Confederate States, the incompetence of the prison officials, and the refusal of the Federal authorities in 1864 to make exchanges of prisoners, thus filling the stockade with unlooked-for numbers.
The rivalry of the Burgundians and Armagnacs brought terrible disasters upon France, and for many years afterwards the name of "Armagnacs" was bestowed upon the bands of adventurers who were as much to be feared as the Grandes Compagnies of the preceding age.
Simultaneously with the approach of Persia to the Caucasus the terrible empire of the Huns sprang up among the Ugrians of the northern steppes.
The climate, therefore, in parts is exceedingly cold and bleak in winter, and as it is very wind-swept and parched in summer by the terrible qibli or "sirocco" it is much less attractive in appearance than the favoured region on the northern littoral.
The most terrible was that of 1746, which destroyed Callao, on the 28th of October, and there were 220 shocks in the following twenty-four hours.
There have been many terrible wrecks on the coast, and there are life-saving stations on Muskeget Island, near Maddaket, at Surfside and on Coskata Beach.
But when Candia was attacked by a large force, under the terrible vizir Keuprili, Morosini was sent to relieve the fortress in 1667; the siege lasted eighteen months, but Morosini, in spite of his prodigies of valour, was forced to surrender to save the surviving inhabitants.
In a sermon on the Apocalypse he shook men's souls by his terrible threats of the wrath to come, and drew tears from their eyes by the tender pathos of his assurances of divine mercy.
To quote his own words, it was "a terrible sermon," and legend adds that he foretold he should preach for eight years.
If Tennyson had died of the savage article which presently appeared in the Quarterly Review, literature would have sustained terrible losses, but his name would have lived for ever among those of the great English poets.
The fact that no traces of it have been discovered in Japan would be easily accounted for, when it is remembered that the examples taken home would almost certainly have been religious pictures, would have been preserved in well-known and accessible places, and would thus have been entirely destroyed in the terrible and minute extermination of Christianity by Hideyoshi at the beginning of the 17th century.
Others were "Elijah in the Wilderness" (1879), "Elisha raising the Son of the Shunammite" (1881) and a design intended for the decoration of the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, "And the Sea gave up the Dead which were in it" (1892), now in the Tate Gallery, and the terrible "Rizpah" of 1893.
The prophet Elijah must reappear to bring back the hearts of fathers and children before the great and terrible day of Yahweh come.
The chief characteristic of the day's fighting was the terrible effectiveness of the Prussian artillery, which was handled in masses and not, as on the French side, by batteries.
Its historical remains are mostly associated with Prince Dmitri, son of Ivan the Terrible, who was believed to have been murdered (1591) here by Boris Godunov.
A terrible panic prevailed in London, where an attack was expected.
The traditions of Charlemagne's fights with the Norsemen (Norois, Noreins) are preserved in Aiquin (12th century), which describes the emperor's reconquest of Armorica from the " Saracen " king Aiquin, and a disaster at Cezembre as terrible in its way as those of Roncesvalles and Aliscans.
But the condition of France was terrible.
Like the districts round Lake Rudolf, the average altitude (near the Nile) is not more than 2000 ft., but the rainfall is more abundant than in the terrible Rudolf region, being an average of 30 in.
How can they have been the " awful mysteries," the " dread and terrible canons," the " mystic teachings," the " ineffable sentences," the " oracles too sacred to be committed to writing " which the homilists of that age pretend them to have been?
The considerable pamphlet literature of the time substantiates the conclusion of an eminent modern Catholic historian, Ludwig Pastor, who declares that the crisis through which the church passed in this terrible period of the schism was the most serious in all its history.
The decree Frequens was not wholly neglected; though the next council, at Siena, came to naught, the council at Basel, whose chief business was to put an end to the terrible religious war that neatly, as if we were mere barbarians.
The Lutheran heresy he held to be God's terrible judgment on the sins of the clergy.
In 1525 the conservative party, which had from the first feared that Luther's teaching would result in sedition, received a new and terrible proof, as it seemed to them, of the noxious influence of the evangelical preachers.
The German rulers took Luther's advice with terrible literalness, and avenged themselves upon the peasants, whose lot was apparently worse afterwards than before.
These parliament enacted into the terrible statute of " The Six Articles," in which a felon's death was prescribed for those who obstinately denied transubstantiation, demanded the communion under both kinds, questioned the binding character of vows of chastity, or the lawfulness of private Masses or the expediency of auricular confession.
As supreme governor of the Church of England the sovereign strictly controlled all ecclesiastical legislation and appointed royal delegates to hear appeals from the ecclesiastical courts, to be a " papist " or to " hear Mass " (which was construed as the same thing) was to risk incurring the terrible penalties of high treason.
Contemporaneously with the Wars of Religion in France a long and terrible struggle between the king of Spain and his Dutch and Belgian provinces had resulted in the formation of a Protestant state - the United Nether- United lands, which was destined tola an important role play p in the history of the Reformed religion.
His friends and his party thought to carry the body back to his beloved Paris for burial, but the government of the day arrested the procession at the frontier, an act which caused some scandal, and furnished the occasion of a terrible song of Beranger's.
In 1572 Haarlem joined the revolt of the Netherlands against Spain, but on the 13th of July 1573, after a seven months' siege, was forced to surrender to Alva's son Frederick, who exacted terrible vengeance.
But a more terrible disaster occurred in October 1899, when a series of landslips carried away houses and broke up the hill railway.
In 1694 there was a severe earthquake; and the more terrible earthquake which on the 16th and the 17th of December 1857 passed through southern Italy, and in Basilicata alone killed 32,475 persons, laid the greater part of Potenza in ruins.
The battle of Sandepu (Heikoutai), fought in a terrible snowstorm on the 26th and 27th of January 1905, came near to being a great Russian victory.
No other country in Germany was so scourged by this terrible war.
His accession brought a welcome relief from the terrible strain of the last few years.
The publication of a spiteful letter (really by Horace Walpole, one of whose worst deeds it was) in the name of the king of Prussia made Rousseau believe that plots of the most terrible kind were on foot against him.
He stands in history as a bloodthirsty monster, yet in judging him one must remember the persecutions he endured and the terrible disease from which he suffered.
In the 7th century, perhaps owing to a terrible inundation,' its exiles founded, at a distance of 4 m.
In 1699 Batavia was visited by a terrible earthquake, and the streams were choked by the mud from the volcano of Gunong Salak; they overflowed the surrounding country and made it a swamp, by which the climate was so affected that the city became notorious for its unhealthiness, and was in great danger of being altogether abandoned.
The terrible tragedy which was consummated on the 23rd of May 1498 before the Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, casts a lurid light upon the irreconcilable opposition in which the wearers of the papal dignity stood to medieval piety; for Girolamo Savonarola was in every fibre a loyal son of the medieval Church.
The Hydrozoa comprise the hydroids, so abundant on all shores, most of which resemble vegetable organisms to the unassisted eye; the hydrocorallines, which, as their name implies, have a massive stony skeleton and resemble corals; the jelly-fishes so called; and the Siphonophora, of which the species best known by repute is the so-called "Portuguese man-of-war" (Physalia), dreaded by sailors on account of its terrible stinging powers.
In less than twenty years after the death of its founder, it collapsed before a combined attack of all Poland's enemies, and simultaneously a terrible pagan reaction swept away the poor remnants of Christianity and civilization.
The German chroniclers describe them as the most terrible of all the barbarians.
After an anarchic period of suspense, lasting from 1546 to 1561, during which Sweden secured Esthonia, while Ivan the Terrible fearlessly ravaged Livonia, in the hope of making it valueless to any other potentate, Sigismund II., to whom both the grand-master and the archbishop had appealed more than once for protection, at length intervened decisively.
This further act of repression led to two terrible Cossack risings, in 1635 and 1636, put down only with the utmost difficulty, whereupon the diet of 1638 deprived the Cossacks of all their ancient privileges, abolished the elective hetmanship, and substituted for it a commission of Polish noblemen with absolute power, so that the Cossacks might well declare that those who hated them were lords over them.
To save himself he hit upon the novel and terrible expedient of uniting the Tatars and the Cossacks Cossack in a determined onslaught upon the Republic, whose Rebellion of inward weakness, despite its brave outward show, 1648.
But for the terrible and persistent ill-luck of Poland it is doubtful whether the "truce" of Andrussowo would ever have been signed.
Her husband's execution in 1649 was a terrible blow.
When Burnside fought his battle of Fredericksburg (q.v.) an appalling reverse was the result, the more terrible as it was absolutely useless (December 13).
History has few examples to show comparable to this terrible campaign in Virginia.
It is true that Great Kabylia had to be subdued only ten years later, and that terrible insurrections still had to be quelled.
New Kulja, Manchu Kulja, or Ili, which lies lower down the valley on the same side of the stream, has been a pile of ruins since the terrible massacre of all its inhabitants by the insurgent Dungans in 1868.
Boris' career of service began at the court of Ivan the Terrible.
But "the terrible power in the universal church, the great riches and the extraordinary prestige" of the Society, which Palafox complained had raised it "above all dignities, laws, councils and apostolic constitutions," carried with them the seeds of rapid and inevitable decay.
About the middle of the 16th century it was the seat of an English commercial factory, under the traveller Jenkinson, afterwards envoy extraordinary of the khan of Shirvan to Ivan the Terrible of Russia.
The revolution of July in the same year was a terrible blow to him, and filled him with the most dismal anticipations of the future of Europe.
Gervaise of Tilbury, writing early in the 13th century, has in his Otia Imperialia a chapter, De lamiis et nocturnis larvis, where he gives it out, as proved by individuals beyond all exception, that men have been lovers of beings of this kind whom they call Fadas, and who did in case of infidelity or infringement of secrecy inflict terrible punishment - the loss of goods and even of life.
Among all the fathers of the first three centuries Tertullian has given the most powerful expression to the terrible earnestness of the Gospel.
On the one hand he is the healing god who releases from sickness and the ban of the demons in general, and on the other he is the god of war and of the chase, armed with terrible weapons.
But, marching thence against the Georgians, Suleiman's troops suffered a terrible defeat.
In September 1908, after an investigation which showed that many wardens had been in the pay of convict lessees and that terrible cruelty had been practised in convict camps, an extra session of the legislature practically put an end to the convict lease or contract system; the act then passed provided that after the 31st of March 1909, the date of expiration of leases in force, no convicts may be leased for more than twelve months and none may be leased at all unless there are enough convicts to supply all demands for convict labour on roads made by counties, each county to receive its pro rata share on a population basis, and to satisfy all demands made by municipalities which thus secure labour for $100 per annum (per man) paid into the state treasury, and all demands made by the state prison farm and factory established by this law.
But you try telling someone who has a terrible stammer and has just found speech, not to speak!
Don't succumb to the scourge Of the sexual urge, Or you'll cause a most terrible stink!
And Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the people of Egypt, because the time of hunger became terrible in Egypt.
Recovering money can in no way compensate for the terrible suffering that victims of this disease endure.
Now, those who use the swastika are largely neo-fascists who do not mind too much about its terrible history.
I must have been a terrible swot, getting up at 6am to conjugate my verbs.
Let's face it, daytime telly is pretty terrible - like most telly actually.
There you have a terrible temptation to fall into social patriotism!
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the websites I visit these days have absolutely terrible titles that hurt their online business.
In four years of army service I never saw anything so terrible.
It is distinct from being unhappy, however terrible that may be.
I've had terrible toothache in South Georgia, in the middle of nowhere.
Got into terrible trouble for being late, but could never wear a watch.
Bancroft was soon rueing his decision not to change tires as his lack of front-end grip caused terrible understeer.
An agent can be told by utilitarianism to do something terrible in order to avoid something even worse, as Jim and George are.
These members are all marked by the fact they have lost loved ones to Yason attack and sworn terrible vengeance.
This terrible atrocity occurred when terrified villagers tried to escape the bombs hailing down on them.
There is one terrible monument that greets visitors on the road from Colombo to Galle.
Ivan the Terrible had succeeded in stamping out ruthlessly all open resistance to his will, and had created an autocratic Theodore government of the Oriental type; but the elements 1.,1584- of disorder were still lying beneath the surface, and 1598.
This terrible intermezzo was no longer terrestrial, but was a cosmic and universal crisis in which the Messiah would emerge victorious from the final conflict with the heathen and demonic powers.
The two meteorological events of the decade which will probably live longest in the recollection were, however, the terrible drought of 1893, resulting in a fodder famine in the succeeding winter, and the severe frost of ten weeks' duration at the beginning of 1895.
The success of the brochure, so terrible as to send the leaders of the Gironde to the guillotine, alarmed Danton and the author.
At Manzikert, on the Murad Tchai, north of Lake Van, he was met by Alp Arslan; and the sultan having proposed terms of peace, which were scornfully rejected by the emperor, a battle took place in which the Greeks, after a terrible slaughter, were totally routed, a result due mainly to the rapid tactics of the Turkish cavalry.
Believing himself secure behind this screen, he advanced from Vitry along the roads leading down the valley of the Marne, with his columns widely separated for convenience of subsistence and shelter - the latter being almost essential in the terrible weather prevailing.
The terrible rapacity of its representatives in Bohemia, which increased in proportion as it became more difficult to obtain money from western countries such as England and France, caused general indignation; and this was still further intensified by the gross immorality of the Roman priests.
Meanwhile Ahriman sent a terrible drought upon the land.
But the duke recovered the place after a severe siege, and inflicted a terrible vengeance on the defenders, who had taunted him with his base birth; he also captured the castle of Domfront from the Angevins (1049).
It served to strengthen the unfavourable impression formed in England of the Transvaal Boers with regard to their treatment of the natives; an impression which was deepened by tidings of terrible chastisement of tribes in the Zoutpansberg, and by the Apprentice Law passed by the volksraad in 1856 - a law denounced in many quarters as practically legalizing slavery.
For the hardships and sufferings of the English soldiers in the terrible Crimean winter before Sevastopol, owing to failure in the commissariat, both as regards food and clothing, Lord Raglan and his staff were at the time severely censured by the press and the government; but, while Lord Raglan was possibly to blame in representing matters in a too sanguine light, it afterwards appeared that the chief neglect rested with the home authorities.
Some curious traits are recorded of this life - one being that in the terrible famine year of Malplaquet a hundred francs a year were added to the usual boarding expenses, and yet the boys had to eat pain bis.
She fell in love with Jason the Argonaut, who reached Colchis at this time, and exacted a terrible revenge for his faithlessness (see Argonauts and Jason).
Ladmirault, commanding the French 4th Corps had seen, during the afternoon of the 15th, the terrible crowd and confusion prevailing in the defiles leading to Gravelotte, and resolved to disobey his orders and to move direct from his bivouacs by the road from Woippy to St Privat, disregarding altogether the alleged danger from the Prussians supposed to be advancing from Thionville.
The Treasons Act, terrible in its operation, included among capital offences that of declaring in words or writing the king to be " a heretic, schismatic, tyrant, infidel or usurper."
Jesus Himself now put a question as to the teaching of the scribes which identified the Messiah with " the Son of David "; and then He denounced those scribes whose pride and extortion and hypocrisy were preparing for them a terrible doom.
Beethoven read the final prayer of the Mass as a "prayer for inward and outward peace," and, giving it that title, organized it on the basis of a contrast between terrible martial sounds and the triumph of peaceful themes, in a scheme none the less spiritual and sublime because those who first heard it had derived their notions of the horror of war from living in Vienna during its bombardment.
The cold reception it met with shattered at a blow the dream of Wolfgang's life; henceforth he realized that to the world he was interesting mainly as "Goethe's grandson," that anything he might achieve would be measured by that terrible standard, and he hated the legacy of his name.
The terrible cruelty at first exercised on the natives was restrained, not merely by the zeal of the missionaries, but by effective official measures; and ultimately home-born Spaniards and Creoles lived on terms of comparative fairness with the Indians and with the half-breed population.
The divine object of the adoration of the Saktas, then, is Siva's wife - the Devi (goddess), Mahadevi (great goddess), or Jagan-mata (mother of the world) - in one or other of her numerous forms, benign or terrible.
And think not slightly of this advertisement, but retire yourself into your country, where you may expect the event in safety, for though there be no appearance of any stir, yet I say they shall receive a terrible blow the Parliament, and yet they shall not see who hurts them.
At an early stage he came to the conclusion that Dreyfus was the innocent victim of a nefarious conspiracy, and on the 13th of January 1898, with his usual intrepidity, he published in the Aurore newspaper, in the form of a letter beginning with the words J'accuse, a terrible denunciation of all those who had had a hand in hounding down that unfortunate officer.
Beginning with surprise attacks, if these failed, the struggle was continued by means of sieges and by terrible exploits like those of the Catholic Montluc and the Protestant des Adrets in the south of France.
Yes, my dear; I am Oz, the Great and Terrible.
The gloom was terrible.
I rarely have dreams that are not in keeping with what I really think and feel, but one night my very nature seemed to change, and I stood in the eye of the world a mighty man and a terrible.
He knew that he must do something to put an end to this suffering, but what he wanted to do was too terrible.
To say "tomorrow" and keep up a dignified tone was not difficult, but to go home alone, see his sisters, brother, mother, and father, confess and ask for money he had no right to after giving his word of honor, was terrible.
Everything seemed dark, obscure and terrible.
To tell Marya Dmitrievna who had such faith in Natasha seemed to Sonya terrible.
Because, you will agree, chere Marie, to fall into the hands of the soldiers or of riotous peasants would be terrible.
And now during these last three weeks of the march he had learned still another new, consolatory truth--that nothing in this world is terrible.
Too soon or too late... it is terrible!
I cannot propose to her at present, but the thought that perhaps she might someday be my wife and that I may be missing that possibility... that possibility... is terrible.
I 'm hoping for a cracking time... Yeah go on, groan, it 's a terrible pun....
Poseidon was n't happy about this and called upon the king of the gods, Zeus, to reek a terrible revenge.
A TERRIBLE SHAMBLES 29 June 2006 MINISTERS must take responsibility for the latest terror law shambles.
Its also much harder skidding off an exercise bike in terrible weather than off the real thing honestly.
She descends into a fog of smoldering ash and into the center of the twisted reality of a town 's terrible secret.
Pevsner was rather sniffy about the interior, considering the chancel ' truly terrible '.
A terrible lore that allows spell casters, both Arcane and Divine to rape the land of its very life to fuel their magic.
As someone who never wanted to perform did n't this give you terrible stage fright?
But you try telling someone who has a terrible stammer and has just found speech, not to speak !
Do n't succumb to the scourge Of the sexual urge, Or you'll cause a most terrible stink !
The pirates take Syn-Jern to their island to recover from the terrible physical abuse he has suffered at the hands of his sadistic captors.
Let 's face it, daytime telly is pretty terrible - like most telly actually.
What a terrible situation for our travelers, to be thus overtaken by a tempest in a frail bark which they could not manage !
Ants have erected a termite hill in the ruins of his kitchen - a terrible omen.
Do n't think I have any pictures that are worthy of putting up, they 're all pretty terrible.
Even really terrible events can be got through with a good mate who 's there for you.
It will be fully expressed and that will be terrible to behold.
Failure in the finals was too terrible to contemplate.
It's terrible to think that she died just as she found her voice.
In the evening we directed our steps to the Palace of Salviati, where a terrible tragedy was acted some three hundred years ago.
We are here to support you through this terrible ordeal you have been through.
Mrs McMuffin does n't look terrible amused by my ranting.
Well I did of course, and I 'm sure they sounded just terrible.
Sometimes products may be low fat, yet taste terrible !
Sadly the terrible toll of homicide bombers in Israel has led to several well-publicized examples of organs from victims helping others live.
I 've had terrible toothache in South Georgia, in the middle of nowhere.
Of course, he 'd heard about the terrible tragedy of the young farm girl.
I love the way the terrible digital clock has been replaced by a turbo boost gage.
No sooner had he commenced to dig in earnest than he heard a terrible, unearthly noise under his feet.
And Hester... well, Hester has an ungovernable temper, which betrays them all into terrible danger.
Compensating the victims of crime 21st January 2006 Terrorist bombs in London in July 2006 left many people with terrible injuries.
The failure of the pagan gods to wreak a terrible revenge undermined the whole pagan belief system.
A plowman and his great plow, now standing idle in the furrow, had in a day wrought a terrible havoc.
Is not Satan 's service a terrible task, an intolerable burden, an iron yoke, in comparison to God 's service?
Cassandra abhors going outside in the spring because she has terrible allergies.
The vibration of the washing machine made a terrible noise, making it difficult to concentrate.
I'm afraid that no one will ever date me, because of this terrible skin abnormality that makes me so red.
The captain decided to abort the mission to avoid putting his soldiers in terrible danger.
I'm hoping that my terrible grades in school right now do not portend my later success in life.
You may have heard these years sometimes referred to as the terrible two's and three's.
Still others share their child's story and then offer small tidbits of wisdom or advice on how to handle the death of a child or what to do to try to prevent this terrible tragedy.
Finally, remember that sharing your story with others may not only help you through this terrible time of loss and heartache, but it may help someone else as well.
The phrase "terrible twos" continues to be well-known in parenting circles from one generation to the next.
Global warming will also lead to increased smog in urban areas, which has terrible health related consequences.
I have a terrible time getting the right shade of makeup.
For example, they may say if you don't send them a certain amount of money, terrible things are going to happen to you and your family.
However, those objects and creations come from his passion to become a crime-fighter, and that passion is fueled by his terrible past that formed him into the hero without superpowers that he is.
In this case, a cat plays a keyboard after someone has a terrible (but humorous) accident.
Although the choice is now more complicated, choosing the correct ski length can make the difference between a great day or a terrible day at the slopes.
Every time one of these terrible incidents rears its ugly head, it seems that the music and performers of that music are the ones we blame, not the bullies at school, not the parents, nor the guns and depression.
It can cause them to make terrible decisions that can haunt them for the rest of their lives.
By this time, at least thirty people had left as a direct result of the terrible strain on their ears.
I almost laughed, thinking it must be some kind of terrible joke.
You may be wondering how so many terrible things can be caused by smoking tobacco.
We all know that the economy is, to put it mildly, terrible... but what's with all the broke celebs?
While she has acknowledged the terrible results and having had some repair work done since, some scars remain.
Jerseys, hats, novelties, jewelry, "terrible towels" (part of a gimmick going back to 1975) and DVDs are all available.
It is said that on August 4, 1577, during a terrible storm, the devil took the form of a black dog and appeared in St. Mary's Church in Bungay, Suffolk, and in another church seven miles away in Blythburgh.
Due to the terrible conditions and lack of human contact, many of these puppies are terrified of people, and after living in their own waste for so long, they can be difficult if not impossible to housetrain.
A visitor's dog has a terrible skin infection.
It is terrible with scales all over her body?
It's a terrible feeling to watch your dog suffer and not be able to fix the problem.
At the same time, Florida was enduring a terrible hurricane season and hurricane Jeanne had just come along and destroyed the office where my marketing and advertising business had been for ten years.
You either have to sit on the ground at the dog's level or hunch over and try to trim her hair from a terrible perspective.
The paradox used to be that inexpensive electric guitars were of such poor quality that they were no fun to play, and they sounded terrible.
Unbeknown to Pandora the box was full of terrible things, including all the bad things that would happen to the world.
If a hair oil has terrible reviews, you may want to rethink the product.Here are four quick tips that will help you evaluate the effectiveness of a products review.
The voice acting is terrible and mostly due to the fact the animators kept the mouths moving long after the line is spoken.
Fiona Vie has summoned you to stop a terrible threat on the Planes of Power.
You are a hero who helps find this treacherous lord, locate the princess and save the lands from a terrible fate.
By the end of a camping season, these tanks are filled with a great deal of bacteria and fecal matter that can freeze and remain all the way until the spring, and could foster bacterial growth and a terrible smelling holding tank.
Sometimes, the child's newfound assertiveness during the so-called terrible twos can put a strain on the parent-child relationship.
Because of this remarkable quality, human stem cells hold huge promise for the development of therapies to regenerate damaged organs and heal people who are suffering from terrible diseases.
Ever since my sister was diagnosed with MS in 1996, I've been searching long and hard for ways to fight this terrible disease.
Share your terrible tales with your guy or girl friends over drinks or dinner and watch them gasp in horror or recognition.
Intellectually you know she would not cheat on you (and this guy may be gay) but your heart is missing her, so it worries that something terrible may happen, just like in the past.
The legend goes that if you wear a titanium ring and you get in some sort of terrible accident wherein your hand is crushed, your finger will have to be amputated because titanium is too durable to be cut.
As mentioned earlier, the purse may look great online, but look and feel terrible in person.
Gullible individuals may find themselves financially drained over a "free reading" which, unfortunately, revealed many "terrible curses and conditions" necessitating a host of expensive "cures".
Acceptance doesn't mean that you are succumbing to a terrible circumstance.
Interestingly, most dinosaurs were herbivores and not really so terrible.
While the end of summer vacation is often viewed as a terrible disappointment and the "end of all fun" by kids, it doesn't have to be.
The hospital's earliest history involved a great deal of death and terrible human suffering.
However, in 1906, a terrible tragedy struck the area as a tremendous earthquake shook the ground all around the local area.
This terrible event marked one of California's greatest loss of life in a single incident when the main treatment building, including the clock tower, collapsed and killed the 112 residents and staff who were inside.
In the steamed up mirror, a fingertip had scratched the terrible words "HELP ME".
Any time anyone took a very hot shower, the grease from the poorly cleaned lipstick stain would repeat her terrible cry for help.
Each boy suspected the other, but no one would admit the terrible possibility that not a single one of them was the ultimate culprit.
While not all Ouija board experiences are negative, there are many stories that recount some terrible effects from using the Ouija board.
The lesson learned from this incredible episode is that even members of the U.S. military are psychologically vulnerable to the terrible magic of the Ouija board.
On the surface, it's a peaceful, lovely area, but underneath the beauty there is a dark and terrible history.
Gardening is a great way to save money on the cost of fresh produce, but not if you hate to be outdoors or suffer from terrible seasonal allergies.