Termination Sentence Examples
During the war the number decreased, but on its termination the trade immediately revived.
Termination of the pregnancy may be considered.
What termination fees will be charged if you need to break the agreement?
Staten Island appears to be the termination to the east.
Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage.
The cheek-prominences are of an intense blue, the effect of which is heightened by deeply sunk longitudinal furrows of a darker tint, while the central line and termination of the nose are bright scarlet.
Thus the point that Josephus catalogues the events of Felix's procuratorship under Nero cannot be pressed to bring down Felix's tenure as far as 60 or 61, but it does seem to exclude as early a termination as 56, or even 57.
On either side is attached a dorsolateral and ventro-lateral appendage, each with a fan-like plumose termination consisting of compound hairs or setae, found elsewhere only among arthropods (q.v.); each of these is moved by muscles running upwards towards the neck and arising immediately under the trochal disk, the inferior ventro-lateral pair also presenting muscles which form a girdle in the hind region of the body.
The posterolateral angles of the gena are commonly produced into spiniform processes, which may project backwards beyond the middle of the body as in Paradoxides, or considerably beyond its posterior termination as in Trinucleus or Ampyx.
The termination -kar implies that the founder of the family came from the village of Hol near Poona.
AdvertisementHis university career lasted three years, and on its termination he became a tutor at Toxteth, devoting to astronomical observations his brief intervals of leisure.
Large confiscations of the estates in the county were made in 1586, and on the termination of the wars of 1641; and in 1666 the restoration of his estates to the 4th Viscount Mayo involved another confiscation, at the expense of Cromwell's settlers.
The town of Corfu stands on the broad part of a peninsula, whose termination in the citadel is cut from it by an artificial fosse formed in a natural gully, with a salt-water ditch at the bottom.
The diphthongal pronunciation of 'the termination aim is probably a much later development.
As in all Suidae the snout is truncated, and the nostrils are situated in its flat, expanded, disk-like termination.
AdvertisementThe badge of the combined order is composed of the white cross with trefoil termination of St Lazarus resting on the green cross of St Maurice; both crosses are bordered gold.
The conservatory may also with great propriety be placed in the flower garden, where it may occupy an elevated terrace, and form the termination of one of the more important walks.
They are the termination of a stony plateau, containing several small oases, which southward joins the more arid and uninhabitable wastes of the Libyan Desert.
This was the termination of the French occupation of Egypt, of which the chief permanent monument was the Description de lEgypte, compiled by the French savants who accompanied the expedition.
In the first place, it marks the termination of the Adelsvaelde, or rule of the nobility.
AdvertisementThe term is also given to the apse or semicircular termination of the choir; as at Canterbury in the part called "Becket's crown."
Balleny's Sabrina Land, D'Urville's Cote Clarie and most of the land reported by Wilkes were found not to exist, though an enormous ice-tongue which might well have been taken for part of the continent occupied the position of Termination Land.
The French occupation in 1795 and the resulting restriction of trade weighed for a while heavily upon the new industry; but with the termination of the war and the re-establishment of Prussian rule the old prosperity returned.
At the termination of this feast the procession re-forms, and with lanterns and music escorts the bridegroom back to his own house, where they feast until midnight.
At the termination of the period Peru wished the plebiscite to be left to the original population, while Chile wanted it to include the large number of Chilean labourers sent into the province.
AdvertisementA further cause of the termination of treaty obligations is a total change of circumstances, since a clause " rebus sic stantibus " is said to be a tacit condition in every treaty.'
Arrangements were perfected for the termination of the American military occupation of Cuba and the inauguration of a Cuban Republic as a virtual protectorate of the United States, the American government having arranged with the Cuban constitutional convention for the retention of certain naval stations on the Cuban coast.
The new prince, who was compelled to purchase his elevation with a heavy bribe, proceeded to the country which he was selected to govern, and of the language of which he was in nearly every case totally ignorant, accompanied by a horde of needy hangers-on; he and his acolytes counted on recouping themselves in as short a time as possible for their initial outlay and in laying by a sufficiency to live on after the termination of the prince's brief authority.
But no reconciliation with the duchess took place, and in 1709 a further dispute led to an angry correspondence, the queen finally informing the duchess of the termination of their friendship, and the latter drawing up a.
Her death took place on the 1st of August, and the security felt by the public, and perhaps the sense of perils escaped by the termination of the queen's life, were shown by a considerable rise in the national stocks.
There are two pairs of specialized cerebral nerves innervating the praeoral lobe, and provided with peripheral ganglia placed near the termination of the smaller branches.
Corresponding with each pair of myotomes, and subject to the same alternation, two pairs of spinal nerves arise from the neurochord, namely, a right and left pair of compact dorsal sensory roots without ganglionic enlargement, and a right and left pair of ventral motor roots composed of loose fibres issuing separately from the neurochord and passing directly to their termination on the muscle-plates of the myotomes.
In 1841 the tracts were brought to an abrupt termination by the publication of Newman's tract No.
Plural adjectives are formed from the singular by i-affection or by adding the termination -ion or -on; thus hardd, " beautiful," pl.
During the civil wars between the sons of Shah Jahan, the king of Assam renewed his predatory incursions into Bengal; upon the termination of the contest, Aurangzeb determined to avenge these repeated insults, and despatched a considerable force for the regular invasion of the Assamese territory (1660-1662).
Hence arose the series of hostilities with Ava known in Indian history as the first Burmese War, on the termination of which by treaty in February 1826, Assam remained a British possession.
The lastnamed incident soon came to an inglorious termination for its hero.
On his arrival at Ephesus a three months' truce was concluded with Tissaphernes, the satrap of Lydia and Caria, but negotiations conducted during that time proved fruitless, and on its termination Agesilaus raided Phrygia, where he easily won immense booty since Tissaphernes had concentrated his troops in Caria.
Others admire more the Mammoth Dome, at the termination of Spark's Avenue, where a cataract falls from a height of iso ft.
Shortly after the termination of the diet of 1446 George of Podebrad therefore determined to appeal to the fortune of war.
On the termination of the Danish war in 1864 Rendsburg was jointly occupied by Austrian and Prussian military until 1866, when it fell to Prussia.
The central part stands high on a ridge at the northward termination of which is the church of St Matthew, dating in part from the i 5th century, but almost wholly rebuilt.
On the termination of her connexion with Charles II., Lucy Walter abandoned herself to a life of promiscuous immorality, which resulted in her premature death, at Paris, in 1658.
The sudden termination of the secondary tracheids against the pith-cells may afford evidence of root-structure as distinct from stem-structure, in which the radial rows of secondary tracheids pass into the irregularly-arranged primary elements next the pith.
In 1866-1867 the tide of prosperity was interrupted by a financial crisis, due to the fall in the price of cotton on the termination of the American war.
There are three regular conjugations, distinguished (as in Latin) according to the termination of the present infinitive in a, e or i; e.g.
These latter appear to be dependent on the former, for whereas we may have a Quest romance without any insistence on the previous history of the Grail, that history is never found without some allusion to the hero who is destined to bring the quest to its successful termination.
This portion of the range is crossed near its southern termination by a railway from Foligno to Ancona (which at Fabriano has a branch to Macerata and Porto Civitanova, on the Adriatic coast railway), which may perhaps be conveniently regarded as its boundary.
The valley of the Ofanto (Aufidus), which runs into the Adriatic close to Barletta, marks the northern termination of the first range of the Lucanian Apennines (now Basilicata), which runs from east to west, while south of the valleys of the Sele (on the west) and Basiento (on the east) - which form the line followed by the railway from Battipaglia via Potenza to 1 This river (anc. Aesis) was the boundary of Italy proper in the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C.
A characteristic, comparable in value to that presented by the pygidial shield of Arachnida, is the frequent development of a pair of long appendages by the penultimate somite, which with the telson form a trifid, or, when that is small, a bifid termination to the body.
At the Restoration the handle becomes broad and flat, the bowl is broad and oval and the termination is cut into the shape known as the pied de biche, or hind's foot.
Many words are used indiscriminately, as nouns, adjectives or verbs, without change; but sometimes a noun is indicated by its termination.
At its eastern termination, where it merges with the plains, it has an elevation of about 750 ft.
He easily defeated the Greeks in the open field, and though the siege of Missolonghi proved costly to his own troops and to the Turks who operated with him, he brought it to a successful termination on the 24th of April 1826.
Until he felt sure of the early termination of the struggle with the pretender, he ruled in a dictatorial manner without the assistance of parliament.
Uttoxeter (Wotocheshede, Uttokeshather, Utcester, Uttoxater) was probably not a Roman site, although the termination of the name suggests one, and a few remains have been discovered.
The hoof of the horse corresponds to the nail or claw of other mammals, but is so constructed as to form a complete and solid case to the expanded termination of the toe, giving a firm basis of support formed of a non-sensitive substance, which is continually renewed by the addition of material from within, as its surface wears away by friction.
The nostrils are placed laterally, near the termination of the muzzle, and are large and dilatable, being bordered by cartilages upon which several muscles act.
The penis is very large, cylindrical, with a truncated, expanded, flattened termination.
The termination of the peduncle, or the part on which the whorls of the flower are arranged, is called the thalamus, torus or receptacle.
Here f is the termination of the primary axis, and this flower expands first, while the other flowers are developed centrifugally on separate axes.
The stigma is the termination of the conducting tissue of the style, and is usually in direct communication with the placenta.
The name Thyrostraca, meaning doorshells or valve-shells, is preferred as agreeing in termination with the titles of the other two divisions, the Malacostraca and Entomostraca.
To the north of Tres Cruces is a transversal depression in the Cordillera, which is considered to be the southern termination of the high plateau of the Puna de Atacama.
Vegetation is luxuriant in the valleys, which are well watered with streams and, from their seaward termination in small bays, are themselves known as "bays."
When melted the products separate on the bed (which is made of closely packed sand or other infusible substances), according to their density; the lighter earthy matters forming an upper layer of slag are drawn out by the slag hole K at the flue end into an iron wagon or bogie, while the metal subsides to the bottom of the bed, and at the termination of the operation is run out by the tap hole L into moulds or granulated into water.
Before the battle, in which King Harold fell, William vowed to build an abbey on the spot if he should prove victorious, and in 10 94 the consecration took place with great pomp. The gatehouse, forming a picturesque termination to the main street of the town, is Decorated; and there also remain parts of the foundations of the Norman church, of the Perpendicular cloisters, and of the Early English refectory.
Quinn burst past us, anxious to perform what tasks were necessitated by the deadline that signaled the termination of his experiments.
It doesn't matter what causes its termination, there were always a myriad of possibilities something could go wrong.
The bad feelings were incurred as a result of the termination.
One death followed amniocentesis; a few followed miscarriage or termination.
Initiation, propagation, termination... The reaction of hydrogen and chlorine is a typical photochemical chain reaction involving radicals.
This project focuses on the financial hardship suffered by cohabitants or their children on the termination of their relationship by separation or death.
Radicals also come together forming covalent bond in Termination steps.
The unit cell used was two dimer rows wide, each of which was four dimer rows wide, each of which was four dimers long, with the usual termination.
We unexpectedly demonstrate that all these genes play key roles in regulating Pol II transcriptional elongation and termination [44, 45] .
Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.
Clauses 6, 7, 11 and 12 will survive any expiry or termination of these Advertising Terms and Conditions.
The bugbear is termination charges on these plans, which are often extortionate.
These include false positive rates, and method of termination of an affected fetus.
There is also a three way handshake at the termination of a TCP session.
Termination or fetal malformation is legal up to 24 weeks gestation.
Termination of the experiment, to minimize any suffering, will begin when animals show partial hind limb paralysis.
Ofcom have opened a consultation into a dispute over a geographic call termination reciprocity agreement between BT and Telewest.
These obligations will survive any termination of this Agreement.
Similarly, no refund will be made for periods missed due to premature termination of courses.
Evidence for south aisle provided by abrupt termination of chamfered plinth on west side of south nave, suggesting a pre-existing wall.
Supplying the actual number of bytes in the longest line to be merged (or some larger value) prevents abnormal termination.
All damages shall be limited to the immediate termination of service.
First I attempt to identify regulatory signals in the sequence downstream of the cleavage site that may be responsible for transcription termination.
The third party right of veto only applies to acts done by agreement, not unilateral acts such as termination for material breach.
Subsequently, in the declaration of the 14th of June, arbitrary power either in the parliament or in the king was denounced, and demand was made for a representative parliament, the speedy termination of the actual assembly, and the recognition of the right to petition.
To the right of the head is seen the muscular penis p, close to the termination of the vas deferens (spermatic duct) vd.
At its termination by the side of the head is the muscular introverted penis.
If more than two be known, the one inferior in oxygen content has the prefix hypo- and the termination -ous, and the one superior in oxygen content has the prefix per- and the termination -ic. This is illustrated in the four oxyacids of chlorine, HC10, HC10 2, HC10 3, HC10 4, which have the names hypochlorous, chlorous, chloric and perchloric acids.
Chem., 1832, 3, p. 2 49) is to be regarded as a most important contribution to the radical theory, for it was shown that a radical containing the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which they named benzoyl (the termination yl coming from the Gr.
He hastened at once to Arretium, the termination of the western high road to the north, to protect the passes of the Apennines, but was defeated and killed at the battle of the Trasimene lake (see Punic Wars) .
In 1815 the order was instituted, in three classes, " to commemorate the auspicious termination of the long and arduous contest in which the Empire has been engaged "; and in 1847 the civil knights commanders and companions were added.
The country south of the Tarn is occupied in great part by the huge plateau of Larzac, which lies between the Causse Noir and the Causse St Affrique, the three forming the south-western termination of the Cevennes.
In Arabic it is such an easy thing to accumulate masses of words with the same termination, that the gross negligence of the rhyme in the Koran is doubly remarkable.
BaocXsbs resists all attempts to explain it as a purely Greek formation, and the termination assimilates it to certain Phrygian words.
Greece being a state under the joint protection of three powers, Russia and France protested against its coercion by the British fleet, and the French ambassador temporarily left London, which promptly led to the termination of the affair.
The Boer War of 1881, with its disastrous termination, naturally reacted throughout South Africa; and as one of the most important results, in the year 1882 the first Afrikander Bond congress was held at Graaff Reinet.
The unsaturated members of the series are named on the Geneva system in which the termination -ane is replaced by-ene, -diene, -triene, according to the number of double linkages in the compound, the position of such double linkages being shown by a numeral immediately following the suffix -ene; for example I.
Many of the coolies chose to remain in the colony after the termination of their indentures, and began to displace the European country traders.
Lander, Journal of an Expedition to explore the Course and Termination of the Niger..
The name has been derived (1) from (goad) and Tavpos (bull), implying a people who were primarily herdsmen, (2) from and the common termination -avpos or aiipa (" air ") spearmen."
Notice of termination of appointment The length of notice required to resign an appointment shall six months.
Sir Isaac Newton called this sudden termination of motion the stooge 's surcease.
Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will survive any termination of this License.
Termination resistors at the ends of the cable absorb the frame energy, preventing reflection of the signal back along the cable.
Intellectual property rights and termination clauses should also be studied closely.
Her contract has a guaranteed termination payment of £ 12.4 million.
How many of you know someone who has had a termination of a pregnancy?
What rent is payable in the meantime following the termination of the long tenancy by the landlord 's notice?
However, upon termination of such employment, the alumnus will be able to register onto the alumni website.
This fall in costs is due to the termination of the agreement with DRC.
Failure of an audit or the terms of the Contract may result in termination of the Contract.
In relation to selective termination for fetal abnormality this point is especially important.
You can check if a drive supplies termination power by using a volt meter.
This includes representing women who need to appeal against a wrongful termination of support by NASS.
Watch out for suspiciously low rates, make sure you understand the contract before you sign it, and ask for details on what it takes to cancel the contract and if there is a termination fee or time commitment.
Parents will submit tax returns, termination letters, payroll check stubs, medical records of any disability, or evidence of receipt of government assistance such as unemployment benefits.
When a person files for divorce, finances need to be dealt with as part of the legal termination of the marriage.
This steady increase is a response to the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) of 1997 that recommends termination of parental rights and encourages adoption if a child has been in foster care for 15 out of the previous 22 months.
In some cases, the adoptive child is placed in the adoptive home before the legal termination of parental rights has freed the child for adoption.
Reason for Termination - In most states, people are eligible for unemployment only if job loss did not result from a voluntary resignation or termination for cause.
Common examples of involuntary losses of a job include termination, lay-off, or business closure.
It goes on state that the company operates a drug-free workplace and that using, distributing or possessing drugs or controlled substances while engaging in work-related activities is grounds for termination of employment.
It is essential that no decision is made lightly and it is always advisable to balance the options of continuing with the pregnancy versus deciding on a termination.
If the author dies, their surviving spouse owns one-half of the copyright termination interest.
If there is no surviving spouse, children or grandchildren the termination interests shall be handled by the author's personal representative, trustee or executor.
Users attempting to use any cheat codes they have learned of should be cautioned that their usage of such codes could result in termination of their account.
It protects small business owners in case of sexual harassment, misconduct and wrongful termination lawsuits.
The last day I am available for work is (specify desired termination date, which is typically two weeks from the date notice of resignation is given).
While it is true that some jobs are more secure than others, it is always a good idea to have a backup plan in the event of an unexpected job termination.
This kind of business insurance policy provides coverage for claims of sexual harassment, discriminatory hiring practices, wrongful termination, illegal denial of employment and other related issues.
Sometimes quitting or being fired is an eligible reason too, but only if the Department of Labor determines that the termination was not the fault of the employee.
However, oftentimes the former employer and the applicant come to an impasse on the reason for termination, especially when either one or both of the parties is lying or they have a different interpretation of the same events.
The term life policy depends greatly upon the actual date that death occurred and the termination date of the policy.
This is why it's important to keep track of any termination or layoff slip that you received.
People who lost their jobs after September 1, 2008, but before the new COBRA rules were instated, can count the time between their termination date and the first day the new policy was enacted as not being a break in coverage.
They usually are for a period of one to six months and have a set termination date, although many of them allow for renewal.
She agonized telling her family about her impending pregnancy and even considered termination.
The colors and formats are there to stay, and any attempt by users or those who make applications for Facebook can result in termination from the service.
At that period geographers regarded the Senegal as the termination of the Niger, a theory held until Mungo Park's demonstration of the eastward course of that stream.
The foreseen adverse termination of this long-drawn cause led to Henry's legislation.
Cromwell, upon the inconclusive termination of the conference summoned in 1655 at Whitehall to consider the Jewish question, tacitly assented to the return of the Jews to this country, and at the restoration his action was confirmed.
The male duct vd becomes fleshy and muscular near its termination at the genital pore, forming the penis p. Attached to it is a diverticulum fl, in which the spermatozoa which have descended from the ovo-testis are stored and modelled into sperm ropes or spermatophores.
The ancient market town of Hartlepool lies on a peninsula which forms the termination of a southeastward sweep of the coast and embraces the bay.
If one acid be known its name is formed by the termination -ic, e.g.
The Zoutpansberg has steep slopes and is regarded as the northern termination of the Drakensberg.
The word is of Armenian formation and signifies a son of Paulik or of little Paul; the termination -ik must here have originally expressed scorn and contempt.
He warmly advocated the insertion in the Reconstruction Acts of a provision ensuring the early termination of military government; and he opposed the impeachment of President Johnson, though he voted for conviction on the trial.
The industry was nearly ruined by the Chileans in 1880, but its recovery soon followed the termination of the war and the output has been steadily increasing.
Against this savage background of the forest Parkman shows the rise, progress and dramatic termination of the colossal struggle between France and Great Britain for colonial empire.
The derivation of Assiniboia is from two Ojibway words, assini meaning a stone, and the termination "to cook by roasting"; from these came a name first applied to a Dakota or Sioux tribe living on the Upper Red river; afterwards when this tribe separated from the Dakotas, its name was given to the branch of the Red river which the tribe visited, the river being known as the Assiniboine and the tribe as Assiniboin.
After the surrender of Cronje at Paardeberg on the 27th of February 1900 Bloemfontein was occupied by the British troops under Lord Roberts (March 13,) and on the constitution met on the 18th of December 1907, when it was announced that the Transvaal and Orange Colony had each given notice of the termination of the intercolonial council with the intention of each colony to gain individual control of its railways and constabulary.
From Pegwell Bay south to a point near Deal the coast is flat, and the drained marshes or levels of the lower Stour extend to the west; but thence the coast rises again into chalk cliffs, the eastward termination of the North Downs, the famous white cliffs which form the nearest point of England to continental Europe, overlooking the Strait of Dover.
Only by way of the Hudson and Mohawk valleys, and round about the southern termination of the system were there easy routes to the interior of the country, and these were long closed by hostile aborigines and jealous French or Spanish colonists.
As president of the provisional government he summoned (Dec. 18th, 1830) the Diet of 1831, and after the termination of Chlopicki's dictatorship was elected chief of the supreme council by 121 out of 138 votes (January 30th).
After the termination of the monothelite controversy (638-680), creed and doctrines were complete; it was only necessary to preserve them intact.
The equivalent terms applied by Sars are Anostraca, Notostraca, Conchostraca, involving a termination already appropriated to higher divisions of the Crustacean class, for which it ought to be reserved.
For the termination -as for Km, see Lagarde, Psalt.
Near the termination of a fatal case there is a paralysis of the sensory columns of the cord, so that general sensibility is lowered.
He had now become the angel Michael in a human form; as such he vanquished Satanail, and deprived him of the termination -il= God, in which his power resided.
In the case of a marriage of "long duration," spousal support may be paid indefinitely unless an order for termination is obtained or the spouses agree in writing to do so.
Look back on the situations that led to the termination of your employment, feel the rejection, sadness and anger, and then let it go by telling yourself that there is nothing you can do about it now.
I had personal loans outstanding, was on C.O.D. from the company I purchased my products from and they were threatening termination.
In response to his termination, Washington said in a statement, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore," borrowing a line from the 1970s movie, Network.
White claimed that the mother of Prince Michael and Paris was negotiating a deal said to be in the millions with Katherine Jackson regarding the permanent termination of Rowe's parental rights.
If a job is lost due to a layoff or termination, the senior may want to look for another job.
Canceling your contract if you lose your phone won't be inexpensive either; there's an early termination fee for contracts of either length.
Divorce is the termination of the family as a unit.
Alternately, knowing the diagnosis during pregnancy allows for the option of pregnancy termination.
Pregnancy termination provides one form of management.
The plant formation may be designated in technical language ph the termination -ion added to a stem denoting the habitat.
The cathedral of Sodor was on St Patrick's Isle at Peel, and it is possible that the name Sodor being lost, its meaning was applied to the isle as the seat of the bishop. The termination "and Man" seems to have been added in the 17th century by a legal draughtsman ignorant of the proper application of the name of Sodor to the bishopric of Man.
This second duct has normally no spermathecal gland at its termination, which is simple and blunt.
Parker in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Journal asiatique, Revue numismatique, Asiatic Quarterly, &c. (C. EL.) EPI, the French architectural term for a light finial, generally of metal, but sometimes of terra-cotta, e forming the termination of a spire or the angle of a roof.
The general rule with regard to " waygoing crops " on arable farms is that the tenant is entitled to reap the crop sown before the term of removal (whether or not that be the natural termination of the lease), the right of exclusive possession being his during seed time.
The Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Acts 1883 and 1900, already referred to incidentally, contain provisions - similar to those of the English acts - as to a tenant's right to compensation for unexhausted improvements, removal for non-payment of rent, notice to quit at the termination of a tenancy, and a tenant's property in fixtures.
It is situated on both sides of the river Calder, at the termination of the Rochdale canal.
Campbell, representing President Davis, on the other, he instructed his representatives to insist on the recognition of the Confederacy as a condition to any arrangement for the termination of the war.
In 1783 appeared his History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic; it was very popular, and went through several editions.
The passage at first runs obliquely upwards in the bank, sometimes to a distance of as much as 50 ft., and expands at its termination into a cavity, the floor of which is lined with dried grass and leaves, and in which, it is said, the eggs are laid' and the young brought up. Their food consists of aquatic insects, small crustaceans and worms, which are caught under water, the sand and small stones at the bottom being turned over with their bills to find them.
He remained in prison until August 1704, and then owed his release to the intercession of Robert Harley, who represented his case to the queen, and obtained for him not only liberty but pecuniary relief and employment, which, of one kind or another, lasted until the termination of Anne's reign.
Prince Andrew sat in another room, faint with fear lest the baby should be drowned in the font, and awaited the termination of the ceremony.
He could feel her tense against him as he explained in detail the late night suicide and the termination of the police investigation.
The only way Denton was going to accept the termination of their engagement was if she publicly announced it, and that was what she would have to do as soon as she returned.
There are three declensions, each with a definite and indefinite form; the genitive, dative and ablative are usually represented by a single termination; the vocative is formed by a final o, as memmo from memme, " mother."
This depression is the termination of what is in all probability the bed of one of the dried-up Saharan rivers.
After a few months' rest it started on the return journey, following Sturt Creek until its termination in Gregory's Salt Sea, and then keeping parallel with the South Australian border as far as Lake Macdonald.
The other colonies interested were anxious to bring the matter to a speedy termination, and readily agreed to this course of procedure.
As a bundle is traced towards its blind termination in the mesophyll the peridesmic stereom first disappears, the sieve-tubes of the phloem are replaced by narrow elongated parenchyma cells, which soon die out, and the bundle ends with a strand of tracheids covered by the phloeotermic sheath.
The plant association is sometimes referred to in technical nguage;3 the termination -etum is added to the stem of the meric name, and the specific name is put in the genitive.
He went to Rome after the termination of the civil wars, and spent twenty-two years in studying the Latin language and literature and preparing materials for his history.
The extraordinary patience requisite to a successful termination of such an analysis can only be adequately realized by actual research; an idea may be obtained from Crookes's Select Methods in Analysis.
On the 13th of September 1584 the last stone of the masonry was laid, and the works were brought to a termination in 1593.
The peace of Karlowitz marks the definitive termination of Turkey's power of offence in Europe.
For the Rostov family the whole interest of these preparations for war lay in the fact that Nicholas would not hear of remaining in Moscow, and only awaited the termination of Denisov's furlough after Christmas to return with him to their regiment.
My termination was a sorry-we'll-miss-you-what-was-your-name?
No period was fixed for the termination of the lease, but it was stipulated that it should continue so long as Russia continued to hold Port Arthur.