Terminal Sentence Examples
The beetles have feelers with eleven segments, whereof the terminal few are thickened so as to form a club.
There has been also a further attempt in England to divide terminal charges into station and service terminals, according to the nature of the work for which compensation is sought.
Under this system each consignment of freight is compelled to pay its share of the terminal expense, independently of distance, plus a mileage charge proportionate to the length of the journey or haul.
Entering the terminal, she glanced around anxiously.
In this family there is often a marked divergence between the sexes; the terminal antennal segments are larger in the male than in the female, and the males may carry large spinous processes on the head or prothorax, or both.
I have a terminal brain tumor.
She'd felt the same loss of control and fear when first diagnosed as terminal.
Waves of wind-driven rain pummeled the terminal with a fury.
No apologies, no regrets, she repeated the mantra she adopted when Wynn first diagnosed her as terminal.
He was one of the only people she didn't shut out of her life when she was diagnosed as terminal.
AdvertisementI probably got a terminal case of hemorrhoids.
At the receiving station a telephone receiver was placed in series with another insulated battery, the negative terminal of which was to be in connexion with the earth.
In birds, this stalk consists entirely of blood-vessels, which in the adult enclose no terminal vesicle, and fuse with the membranous linings of the skull.
It extended the meaning of the term " railroad " to include switches, spurs and terminal facilities, and the term " transportation " to include private cars, and all collateral services, such as refrigeration, elevation and storage.
The Danube, joined by the Iller just above the town and by the Blau just below, here becomes navigable, so that Ulm occupies the important commercial position of a terminal river-port.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, an unusually large tergal plate, whether terminal or in the series, is not always due to fusion of the dorsal plates of once-separate somites, but is of ten a case of growth and enlargement of a single somite without formation of any trace of a new somite.
The Silurian scorpion Palaeophonus, differs, so far as obvious points are concerned, from a modern scorpion only in the thickness of its legs and in their terminating in strong spike-like joints, instead of being slight and provided with a pair of terminal claws.
The " retrovert " or bent-back first pair of appendages is provided with a poison gland opening on the fang or terminal segment.
The sperm is removed by the male from the genital aperture into a special receptacle on the terminal segment P FIG.
The flowers are borne in a terminal raceme, the anthers open introrsely and the fruit is a capsule, very rarely, as in Dianella, a berry.
AdvertisementBulbous plants with a terminal racemose inflorescence; the anthers open introrsely and the capsule is loculicidal.
It is the terminal station of a branch of the London & North-Western railway coming southward from Shrewsbury, and is a station on the main line of the Great Western running to Fishguard; it is also the terminus of a branch-line of the Great Western running to Newcastle-Emlyn.
A closely-related species or variety (Euterpe edulis) is the well-known palmito or cabbage palm found over the greater part of Brazil, whose terminal phylophore is cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
The small inconspicuous flowers are generally more or less crowded in terminal or lateral clusters, the form of the inflorescence varying widely according to the manner of branching and the length of the pedicels.
These infarcts are most common in organs provided with a terminal circulation, such as prevails in the kidney and spleen.
AdvertisementThe grouping of the forms 5 to Io with II to 16 is designed to show that the pairs 5, II for example become identical when the terminal groups are the same.
Hence, when the coil at one fixed station was in action it generated high frequency alternating currents, which were propagated across the air gap between the ordinary telegraph wires and the metallic surfaces attached to one secondary terminal of the induction coil, and conveyed along the ordinary telegraph wires between station and moving train.
P g PY en P however, the cotyledon is not really terminal.
If the terminal generates only uppercase letters, UNIX accommodates it by printing everything in uppercase letters.
The mouth is terminal and anterior and surrounded by a ring of spicules or a half-ring of hooks.
The terminal branches of the arteries supplying these organs are usually described as not anastomosing but many, if not all, of Cohnheim's end-arteries have minute collateral channels; which, however, are usually insufficient to completely compensate for the blocking that may occur in these arteries, therefore, when one of them is obstructed, the area irrigated by it dies from malnutrition.
The South-Eastern & Chatham railway has four terminal stations, all on or close to the north bank of the river - Victoria, Charing Cross,' Holborn Viaduct and Cannon Street (City).
The North London railway has a terminal station at Broad Street, City, and serves the parts of London implied by its name.
The tendril or inflorescence, according to the views above explained, though in reality terminal, is bent to one side; hence it appears to be lateral and opposite to the leaf.
It has large compound leaves composed of four or five pairs, with a terminal odd one, of short-stalked, oblong, blunt, leathery leaflets, and inconspicuous green flowers.
Simarubaceae, but is readily distinguished by its large handsome red flowers arranged in terminal clusters.
The plane projection of molecular structures which differ stereochemically is discussed under Stereoisomerism; in this place it suffices to say that, since the terminal groups of the hexaldose molecule are different and four asymmetric carbon atoms are present, sixteen hexaldoses are possible; and for the hexahydric alcohols which they yield on reduction, and the tetrahydric dicarboxylic acids which they give on oxidation, only ten forms are possible.
If the configuration of d-saccharic acid were given by either 6 or To, bearing in mind the relation of mannose to glucose, it would then be necessary to represent d-mannosaccharic acid by either 7 or 8 - as the forms 6 and Io pass into 7 and 8 on changing the sign of a terminal group; but this cannot be done as mannosaccharic acid is optically active.
The small flowers or spikelets are borne in pairs on the ultimate branches of a much branched feathery plume-like terminal grey inflorescence, 2 ft.
Outline of the ventral surface to show the external apertures and nervous system; a, rosette-organ; b, uterine pore; c, terminal sucker; e, vaginal pore; g, male gonopore; n, o, p, nervous system.
The opposite end is pointed and provided with a terminal sucker.
The former bears two terminal suckers on the flattened dorsal and ventral surfaces, the latter six hooks near the tip of the tail.
The thicker portion develops a terminal muscular rostellum and two or four suckers, the thinner end (" tail ") is vesicular, more or less elongated, and contains the six embryonic hooks.
With regard to the adult worm we have to remember that its two extremities, scolex and terminal proglottis, are different from the intervening region.
The terminal or first-formed proglottis is sterile, and contains the primitive and (except in a few genera) the only excretory pore.
When the plants show signs of flowering they are topped " to prevent seed formation, the terminal buds being removed, and only a certain number of leaves left on each plant to ripen.
The female flowers are solitary or few in number, and borne on Short terminal spikes of the present season's growth.
The oral sucker may alone be present (Monostomidae), more usually a second is developed on the under surface, but may be mid-ventral (Distomidae) or terminal.
The excretory system is highly developed; the larger collecting ducts are elaborately looped and open posteriorly by a single terminal aperture.
Likewise primitive, but in various respects degraded, mainly owing to burrowing habits, are the Typhlopidae with the Ilysiidae, and Uropeltidae as a terminal branch, and on the other hand the Glauconiidae.
It is an important railway centre, with terminal stations of the Great Northern, Northern Counties (Midland of England), and Belfast & County Down railways, and has regular passenger communication by sea with Liverpool, Fleetwood, Heysham, Glasgow, and other ports of Great Britain.
The Capsidae are a large family of rather soft-skinned bugs mostly elongate in form with the two basal segments of the feelers stouter than the two terminal.
Third and fourth digits of both feet almost equally developed, and their terminal phalanges flattened on their inner or contiguous surfaces, so that each is not symmetrical in itself, but when the two are placed together they form a figure symmetrically disposed to a line drawn between them.
It is the terminal station of the Cambrian railway, and also of the Manchester and Milford line.
There are various pleasure resorts in the mountains, and among seaside resorts are Santa Monica, Ocean Park, Venice, Playa del Rey, Hermosa, Redondo, Terminal Island, Long Beach, Alamitos Bay, Huntington Beach, Newport, Balboa and Corona del Mar.
It is served by the Southern Pacific railway, which has car shops and terminal yards here.
The head is large and laterally compressed with a blunt snout, nearly terminal nostrils and relatively small eyes.
The flowers are generally arranged in terminal or axillary clusters, and are markedly regular with the same number of parts in each series.
Many species spread by means of a creeping much-branched rootstock, or as in house-leek, by runners which perish after producing a terminal leaf-rosette.
In making the test, the whole of the copper wires belonging to any section of the wiring and the test must be connected together at some point and then connected through the series coil of the ohmmeter with one terminal of the dynamo.
In this case one terminal of the battery is connected to the earth, and the other terminal is connected through the galvanometer with the copper wire, the insulation of which it is desired to test.
Edwardsville is served by the Toledo, St Louis & Western, the Wabash, the Litchfield & Madison, and the Illinois Terminal railways, and is connected with St Louis by three electric lines.
These terminal lakes, or more accurately sedimentary plains, are therefore almost always dry."
Bassett, 3 is the petiole, and its terminal tuft of woolly hairs the enormously developed pubescence of the young oak-leaf.
To one end of this fine wire is attached one terminal of a sensitive galvanometer.
Instead of adjusting in this manner the electromotive force of any form of cell, if we pass any constant current through a known resistance and bring wires from the extremities of that resistance into connexion with the slider and the galvanometer terminal, we can in the same way determine the fall of potential down the above resistance in terms of the electromotive force of the standard cell and thus measure the current flowing through the standard resistance.
One terminal of the galvanometer can then be shifted to the junction 6 7 g between any pair of consecutive coils and the slider shifted to any point on the potentiometer wire.
The mandibles are normally five-jointed, with remnants of an outer branch on the second joint, the biting edge varying from strong development to evanescence, the terminal joints or " palp " giving the organ a leg-like appearance and function, which disappears in suctorial genera such as Paracytherois.
The bottom bone is the terminal phalanx which is inserted in the heart of the hoof.
The railway was first completed in 1894, but light and defective construction, together with lack of shipping facilities at its terminal points, rendered it useless.
To correct these defects the line was completely rebuilt and terminal ports constructed.
Body elongated with a narrow neck above the disk; foot ending in a terminal perforated disk.
Both bear their round or ovoid male catkins at the ends of the slender terminal branchlets; the ovoid cones, either terminal or on short lateral twigs, have thick woody scales dilated at the extremity, with a broad disk depressed in the centre and usually furnished with a short spine; at the base of the scales are from three to seven ovules, which become reversed or partially so by compression, ripening into small angular seed with a narrow wing-like expansion.
In 1873 the Northern Pacific railway (completed in 1887) established its terminal on Commencement Bay, and named it New Tacoma.
If the needle is connected to one terminal of a circuit, and the fixed plates or cells to the other member of the circuit, and a difference of potential is created between them, then the movable needle is drawn in so that the aluminium blades are more included between the fixed plates.
Heavy terminal moraines and outwashed fluviatile plains have been laid on the cuesta remnants, increasing their height as much as 100 ft.
The great ice sheets formed terminal moraines around their border at various halting stages; but the morainic belts are of small relief in comparison to the great area of the ice; they rise gently from the till plains to a height of 50, 100 or more feet; they may be one, two or three miles wide; and their hilly surface, dotted over with boulders, contains many small lakes in basins or hollows, instead of streams in valleys.
The principal terminal moraines are associated with the ice of the Wisconsin epoch.
Terminal moraines at the border of the Illinoian drift are generally feeble, though widely recognizable, and such moraines at the margin of the Iowan and Kansan drift sheets are generally wanting.
The very names of the islands indicate their nature, for the terminal a or ay is the Norse ey, meaning "island," which is scarcely disguised even in the words Pomona and Hoy.
Each auricle forms the terminal enlargement of the efferent vein of the ctenidium of its own side.
Before the 19th century the name Athos was usually confined to the terminal peak of the promontory, which was itself known by its ancient name, Acte.
The terminal phalanges of the four outer digits are small, somewhat conical and flattened in form.
The terminal phalange of the inner (or second) digit is deeply cleft, and has a peculiar long curved claw, the others having short broad nails.
Meinert, open to the exterior by a median aperture, the terminal part of the duct being single, either by the fusion of the primitive paired ducts or by the suppression of one of them.
In the vast majority of winged insects the terminal part of the genital system (vagina and ductus ejaculatorius) is unpaired and ectodermal.
The antennae of these weevils are short and end in a knob; those of the Longicorns are very much larger, but the weevil-like look is produced by the presence of a knob-like swelling upon the third joint, the terminal portion of the antenna being so extremely fine as to be almost invisible.
This shield if shaped in such a manner as to resemble closely the body of an ant, the median portion of the shield being deeply constricted in imitation of the waist and the terminal portion sub-globular like the abdomen of the ant.
The fourth is not cut at all owing to its shortness and weakness, its terminal bud being allowed to grow to draw strength into it.
Other distinct kinds are P. campanulatus, 12 ft., pale rose, of bushy habit; P. humilis, 9 in., bright blue; P. speciosus, cyananthus and Jaffrayanus, 2 to 3 ft., all bright blue; P. barbatus, 3 to 4 ft., scarlet, in long terminal panicles; P. Murrayanus, 6 ft., with scarlet flowers and connate leaves; and P. Palmeri, 3 to 4 ft., with large, wide-tubed, rose-coloured flowers.
The extinct Gryptochitonidae, Pilsbry, with other Palaeozoic genera, narrow and elongated in form with terminal margins of end valves elevated, belong to this group.
The mouth is anterior, terminal and crescentic, and beneath it is a rounded ventral shield.
More generally the hypha below the septum grows forwards again, and repeats this process several times before the terminal conidium falls, and so a chain of conidia results, the oldest of which terminates the series (Erysiphe); when the primary branch has thus formed a basipetal series, branches may arise from below and again repeat this process, thus forming a tuft (Penicillium).
The asci may be derived from the terminal cell of the branches of the ascogenous hyphae, but usually they are derived from the penultimate cell, the tip curving over to form the so-called crozier.
The male organ (antheridium) consists of a few cells, the terminal one of which either abstricts from its end, or emits from its interior the non-motile spermatia, reminding us of those of the Florideae.
Considerable interest attaches to the diamonds found in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio near the Great Lakes, for they are here found in the terminal moraines of the great glacial sheet which is supposed to have spread southwards from the region of Hudson Bay; several of the drift minerals of the diamantiferous region of Indiana have been identified as probably of Canadian origin; no diamonds have however yet been found in the intervening country of Ontario.
In some ferns, however, there seems to be a provision for indefinite terminal growth, while in others this, growth is periodically interrupted.
By careful dredging, the broad river is navigable as far as Brisbane for ocean-going vessels, and the port is the terminal port for the Queensland mail steamers to Europe, and is visited by steamers to China, Japan and America, and for various inter-colonial lines.
Except where it is terminal it arises, like the leaf-shoot, in the axil of a leaf, which is then known as a bract.
In Dicotyledons the shoot of the embryo is wholly derived from the terminal cell of the pro-embryo, from the next cell the root arises, and the remaining ones form the suspensor.
In many Monocotyledons the terminal cell forms the cotyledonary portion alone of the shoot of the embryo, its axial part and the root being derived from the adjacent cell; the cotyledon is thus a terminal structure and the apex of the primary stem a lateral one - a condition in marked contrast with that of the Dicotyledons.
In albuminous Monocotyledons the cotyledon itself, probably in consequence of its terminal position, is commonly the agent by which the embryo is thrust out of the seed, and it may function solely as a feeder, its extremity developing as a sucker through which the endosperm is absorbed, or it may become the first green organ, the terminal sucker dropping off with the seed-coat when the endosperm is exhausted.
In such cases as Lemanea, the terminal cells of the lateral branches form a superficial layer which has all the appearance of a parenchyma when viewed from the surface.
These are for the most part long, thin-walled, unicellular and colourless, and arise from the outer cells of the pseudo-cortex, or from the terminal cells of branches when the filaments are free.
The sporangia may be terminal or intercalated.
The male sexual cells are produced singly in the terminal cells of branches.
The female sexual cell is represented by the contents of a cell which is terminal on ordinary or specialized branches.
Even among Bangiaceae the carpospores arise from the fertilized cell by division, while in all other Rhodophyceae the oospore, as it may be called, gives rise to a filamentous structure, varying greatly in its dimensions, epiphytic, and to a large extent parasitic upon the egg-bearing parent plant, and in the end giving rise to carpospores in the terminal cells of certain branches.
The terminal phalanges are small and nodular, not flattened on their inner or opposed surfaces, and not completely encased in hoofs, but bearing nails on their upper surface only.
The ears are short and rounded; the toes of the broad feet very imperfectly separated; the tail is well developed, with a terminal tuft; and the straight hair is not woolly.
These bones, although separate, have their adjacent surfaces more closely applied than is the case in the latter; while in this and the earlier genera the terminal toe-bones indicate that the foot was of the normal hoofed type.
In the Miocene Agriochoerus, which typifies a second sub-family (Agriochoerinae), there is no gland-pit in the skull, of which the orbit is open behind; while the upper incisors are wanting in the adult and the terminal toe-bones are claw-like rather than of the hoofed type.
The mouth is terminal or subterminal; there is a weak sucking pharynx situated behind the brain, and a long intestine lying along the medio-ventral body-cavity; it ends in a cloaca which receives the vasa deferentia in the male.
The chief buildings are the governor's palace, customs-house, post office, and the terminal station of the railway to Abyssinia.
The great mass of it is confined to the main ranges and their Vegeta- immediate off-shoots, whilst on the more distant and terminal prolongations it is almost entirely absent; in fact, these are naked rock and stone.
The lowest terminal ridges, especially towards the west, are, as has been said, naked in aspect.
For charging in parallel a number of jars are collected in a box, and all the outside coatings are connected together metallically and all the inside coatings brought to one common terminal.
The rod terminates externally in a knob or screw terminal.
If, on the other hand, the body is finite, certain terminal conditions have to be satisfied.
In neither does the terminal segment or telson, whether large or obsolescent, whether articulated or coalescent, carry appendages, unless occasionally in fusion with itself.
In the mandibles and maxillae some of the terminal joints of the stem are invariably wanting.
The genuine Isopoda are divided among the Flabellifera, in which the terminal segment and uropods form a flabellum or swimming fan; the Epicaridea, parasitic on Crustaceans; the Valvifera, in which the uropods fold valve-like over the branchial pleopods; the Asellota, in which the first pair of pleopods of the female are usually transformed into a single opercular plate; the Phreatoicidea, a fresh-water tribe, known as yet only from subterranean waters in New Zealand and an Australian swamp nearly 6000 ft.
There are a terminal station in the town and a station at West Cliff on the Saltburn branch.
The initial element Caed - or Cead (probably adopted from British names in which it represents catu, war) appears combined with an Old English terminal element in the name Caedbaed (cp., however, the Irish name Cathbad), and hypocoristic forms of names containing it were borne by the English saints Ceadda (commonly known as St Chad) and his brother Cedd, called Ceadwealla in one MS. of the Old English Martyrology.
A long leaf (spathe) borne immediately below the spike forms an apparent continuation of the scape, though really a lateral outgrowth from it, the spike of flowers being terminal.
William Nicholson (1753-1815) and Sir Anthony Carlisle (1768-1840) in 1800 constructed a pile of silver and zinc plates, and placing the terminal wires in water noticed the evolution from these wires of bubbles of gas, which they proved to be oxygen and hydrogen.
The two principal railways serving the Principality are the London & North-Western, which passes along the North Wales coast-line by way of Conway and Bangor, crosses the Menai Strait and has its terminus at Holyhead; and the Great Western, which traverses South Wales by way of Cardiff, Landore, Llanelly and Carmarthen, and has its principal terminal station at Fishguard Harbour.
Swedish geologists distinguish between bottengrus (bottom gravel, bottom moraine) and ordinary krossgrus (terminal and side moraine).
The Vale of Neath branch of the same railway and the Rhondda & Swansea Bay railway (now worked by the Great Western) have terminal stations near the docks on the other (eastern) side of the river, as also has the Midland railway from Hereford and Brecon.
In 1838 he made important investigations in regard to the conditions and range of induction from electrical currents - showing that induced currents, although merely momentary, produce still other or tertiary currents, and thus on through successive orders of induction, with alternating signs, and with reversed initial and terminal signs.
The great terminal moraine of the glacial epoch crosses the N.E.
The Delaware and Raritan canal 2 was long a very 1 The Pennsylvania railway has constructed tunnels under the Hudson river, and has erected a large terminal station on Manhattan Island.
Railway communication is complete, three great trunk lines making the city a terminal point, viz.
In this case, the claw-like terminal segment may be simply flexed against the preceding in the same way as the blade of a penknife shuts up against the handle.
The terminal part of the male ducts may be protrusible and act as an intromittent organ, or this function may be discharged by some of the appendages, as, for instance, in the Brachyura.
Each contains a terminal ganglion connected with sensory cells in the lateral pit.
The paired ovaries discharge their products into a median coelemic chamber with lateral branches (C), often called the uterus, from which the ripe ova are discharged by a median dorsal pore into the terminal region of the rectum (cloaca).
More than a hundred almost reach the sea, from which they are separated by detrital lowland or terminal moraines.
The inflorescence is of a cymose character, the terminal branch being represented by the tendril, the side branches by flower-stalks, or the inflorescence may be reduced to a single stalk.
This presents itself variously developed from a mere subulate point to an organ several inches in length, and when complete (as in Andropogoneae, Aveneae and Stipeae) consists of two well-marked portions, a lower twisted part and a terminal straight portion, FIG.
When terminal the awn has three fibro-vascular bundles, when dorsal only one; it is covered with stomate-bearing epidermis.
Robert Brown suggested two primary divisions - Paniceae and Poaceae, according to the position of the most perfect flower in the spikelet; this is the upper (apparently) terminal one in the first, whilst in the second it occupies the lower position, the more imperfect ones (if any) being above it.
Fertile glumes generally longer than the empty, unawned or with a straight, terminal awn.
Amphicarpum, native in the southeastern United States, has fertile cleistogamous spikelets on filiform runners at the base of the culm, those on the terminal panicle are sterile.
West-bound freight consists largely of coal for general distribution and for terminal railway points.
It is served by several railways, including the Pennsylvania, the Wabash, the Chicago Terminal Transfer (whose shops are here), the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Chicago, Indiana & Southern, and the Indiana Harbor railways.
In the genus Cycas the female flower is peculiar among cycads in consisting of a terminal crown of separate leaf-like carpels several inches in length; the apical portion of each carpellary leaf may be broadly triangular in form, and deeply dissected on the margins into narrow woolly appendages like rudimentary pinnae.
In addition to these cauline (fi rstcell).(After strands (confined to the stem and not connected Webber.) with the leaves), collateral bundles are often met with in the pith, which form the vascular supply of terminal flowers borne at intervals on the apex of the stem.
This lateral course is due to the more vigorous growth of the axillary branch formed near the base of each flower, which is a terminal structure, and, except in the female flower of Cycas, puts a limit to the apical growth of the stem.
The phloem consists of sieve-tubes, with pitted areas on the lateral as well as on the inclined terminal walls, phloem-parenchyma and, in some genera, fibres.
After the egg-cells have been fertilized by the non-motile male cells they grow into tubular proembryos, producing terminal embryos.
The mountain chains which cover this part of Colombia are the northern terminal ranges of the great Andean system.
The Glacial striae, and the dislocated rocks - moved a few inches or feet from their places, and others, at greater distances, turned over, and beginning to assume the sub-angular form of Glacial boulders - were found precisely as the glacier, receding from the bar, and giving place to the ancient lake, had left them, covered and preserved by sand and gravel washed from the terminal morain.
Its body is divisible into three portions, an upper capitulum bearing the mouth and tentacles, a median scapus covered by a friable cuticle, and a terminal physa which is rounded.
The thecae in the earliest family - Dichograptidae - are so similar in form to the sicula itself that the polypary has been compared to a colony of siculae; there is the greatest variation in shape in those of the latest family - Monograptidae--in some species of which the terminal portion of each theca becomes isolated (Rastrites) and in some coiled into a rounded lobe.
The volume of traffic is immense, because practically all freight from the more westerly lakes finds terminal harbours in Lake Erie.
In B The Terminal O'S Of The Partial Products Are Omitted.
This is soldered to two thick terminal rods of copper, and the coil is enclosed in a water-tight brass cylinder so that it can be placed in water, or preferably in paraffin oil, and brought to any required temperature.
At last a quinqueradiate symmetry influenced the plates of the theca, partly through the development of a plate at the end of each groove (terminal), partly through plates at the aboral pole of the theca (basals and infrabasals) arising in response to mechanical pressure, but soon intimately connected with the cords of an aboral nervous system.
In the Echinoidea the water-canals and associated structures, ending in the terminal plates, stretched right up to these genital plates; but in the Asteroidea they never reached the aboral surface, so that the terminals have always been separated from the aboral pole by a number of plates.
Though usually more or less cylindrical or circular in section, hairs are often elliptical or flattened, as in the curly-haired races of men, the terminal portion of the hair of moles and shrews, and conspicuously in the spines of the spiny squirrels of the genus Xerus and those of the mouse-like Platacanthomys.
With few exceptions, the terminal extremities of the digits of both limbs of mammals are more or less protected or armed by epidermic plates or sheaths, constituting the various forms of nails, claws or hoofs.
Whatever the form, the upper surface is, however, covered with numerous fine papillae, in which the terminal filaments of the taste-nerve are distributed.
C, Fertile shoot showing two leaf-sheaths and the terminal strobilus.
The plant is reproduced by tubers, which resemble the protocorm in bearing first a number of protophylls and later the upright shoot with its single terminal strobilus.
The sporophylls are arranged radially in the cones, which are terminal on the branches.
It is not true that all the biting processes of the Arthropod limb are thus produced - for instance, the jaws of Peripatus are formed by the axis or corm itself, whilst the poisonjaws of Chilopods, as also their maxillae, appear to be formed rather by the apex or terminal region of the ramus of the limb; but the opposing jaws (= hemignaths) of Crustacea, Arachnida and Hexapoda are gnathobases, and not the axis or corm.
Terminal telescoping of the abdominal somites and excalation may occur in the adult, reducing the obvious abdominal somites to as few as eight.
Propane, CH 3 CH 2 CH 3, can give rise to two alcohols - a primary alcohol, CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH (normal propyl alcohol), formed by replacing a hydrogen atom attached to a terminal carbon atom, and a secondary alcohol, CH 3.
Alton is served by the Chicago & Alton, the Chicago, Peoria & St Louis, the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis, and the Illinois Terminal railways.
In numerous cases, lakelets have gathered under rocky cirques behind the terminal moraines of the last surviving glaciers.
It has also three terminal switching lines and the belt line of the Minnesota Transfer Company, serving both Minneapolis and St Paul.
The flexor perforans (9) is as usual inserted into the terminal phalange.
The terminal phalange of the toe is greatly enlarged and modified in form to support this hoof, and the size of the internal framework of the foot is increased by a pair of lateral fibro-cartilaginous masses attached on each side to the hinder edges of the bone, and by a fibro-cellular and fatty plantar cushion in the median part.
The " Oregon Trail," the " Old California Trail," and the " Old Salt Lake Trail " - all nearly identical in Nebraska - ran along the Platte across the entire state with various terminal branches near the eastern border, to the Missouri river towns; while branches from St Joseph, Missouri and Leavenworth, Kansas, ran up the valleys of the Big Blue and Little Blue rivers and joined the Nebraska roads near Ft.
Genital opening subterminal, behind the last pair of fully developed legs; oviduct without receptacula seminis or receptacula ovorum; the terminal unpaired portion of vas deferens short.
The primary axis of the inflorescence is sometimes called the rachis; its branches, whether terminal or lateral, which form the stalks supporting flowers or clusters of flowers, are peduncles, and if small branches are given off by it, they are called pedicels.
The flowers produced in this inflorescence are thus terminal.
The second kind of inflorescence is determinate, definite or terminal.
From the leaves which are radical proceeds the axis ending in a solitary terminal flower f'.
This is a solitary terminal inflorescence.
Its position may be terminal or lateral.
In this stem the flowers may have been terminal, as in existing Cycads.
It is served by the Baltimore & Ohio, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Pennsylvania, the Chicago, Indiana & Southern and (for freight only) the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern, the Chicago Terminal Transfer, and the Indiana Harbour Belt railways; and is connected with Chicago and with the surrounding XXVIII.
The cathode terminal is connected to the negative pole of an electrostatic machine, such as a Wimshurst or Voss machine, giving a steady pressure.
With a disposable cell phone and papers in hand, I caught a cab to the Port Authority bus terminal.
Diagnosed with a brain tumor as a child, she was pronounced terminal over three years before.
Oh, no, I'm … well terminal but relatively okay in that area.
She'd withdrawn everything from her retirement account when she was diagnosed terminal.
Homer might not have been a resident, but he was murdered in our bus terminal!
His family is lucid that this disease is terminal.
Terminal nerve fibers release acetylcholine into the neuromuscular junction, which then binds to acetylcholine receptors on muscle cells.
Motor neurons that survive develop new terminal axon sprouts in response to an unknown stimulus.
Ocean Terminal October 12th come along and be a lucky guest with face painting and goody bags.
Ticket leasing terminal by many to chinchorro biosphere reserve.
On the basis of the above analysis, the differential terminal bonus policy had applied since terminal bonus was first introduced in 1973.
The discussions, described as at a detailed stage, could see a new terminal being sited behind the proposed breakwater at the pier.
These then branch to give rise to several orders of progressively smaller airways called bronchioles, the smallest of which are called terminal bronchioles.
All other particles that are too small to impact will be carried deep into the lungs and reach the terminal bronchioles and alveoli.
The taxi rank is along side the terminal building.
The terminal carboxyl of each ubiquitin is linked to the e -amino group of a lysine residue of the adjacent ubiquitin in the chain.
There are even the group has the terminal the gross-register-ton carnival.
The arrivals area in Terminal 2 has only one baggage reclaim carousel, a lost luggage office and several car hire companies.
Again terminal disinfection would be an essential part in preventing the carry-over of pathogens from one batch to the next.
Chill out at T5 The first of four York ammonia chillers has been delivered to London Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5. More.
This system synchronizes a high quality clock at the receiving terminal with a similar clock on the sending terminal.
Out of Kennedy Virgin Atlantic has recently opened a new clubhouse in a prime location in the new Terminal 4 building.
But what are we to say about the rudimentary and variable vertebrae of the terminal portion of the tail, forming the os coccyx?
As a finale, they turned the leaflets into paper planes and fired then across the terminal concourse!
The microphone used is a 3 terminal electret condenser microphone insert.
Mr Brook, 03 Oct 05 This car park is extremely convenient, within easy walking distance of the terminal building.
They said Conservatism in Wales was in terminal decline.
Scheduled departure broke terminal to board rates began to.
Transit cells have the ability to divide rapidly a limited number of times, after which they undergo terminal differentiation.
Disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect the battery or batteries, removing the earth terminal first of all.
Location The cave is located on the southern edge of the Vega de Aliseda, slightly to the west of the terminal moraine.
To run pine on the Teaching System, you need at least vt100 terminal emulation.
Is there a program similar to either one of these that can provide terminal emulation on Linux.
To conduct terminal emulation or to transfer files.. .
This variable is set automatically by the xterm terminal emulator.
In both cases, these are for systems with crossbred ewes bred to terminal sire rams i.e. with all lambs intended for slaughter.
The use of electricity produced the fluorine at the positive terminal.
A barium follow-through examination may show a terminal ileal or colonic stricture.
There is a taxi rank on the terminal forecourt.
The highly fragrant flowers, arranged in large terminal racemes, are borne in spring.
Whole groups of people can join the fray all from the safety of their own terminal.
Britain also buys a liquefied natural gas via a tanker terminal in Kent.
The terminal plasma half-life in these patients was 3.8 hours.
The range of observed apparent half-lives is broad, the apparent terminal half-life is generally in the range of 10 - 72 hours.
In patients with chronic renal failure the mean terminal half-life was found to be 19.5 hours.
Features Allows unlimited concurrent connections for any device running terminal emulation, including hand-held RF systems.
How do I configure Linux to run headless with a terminal connected to a serial port?
Similar results were produced by the excavation of an inner ditch terminal at the southern henge.
Flowers are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters or cymes which are spherical, domed or flattened like a lacecap hydrangea.
This patient was discharged well after a proximal loop ileostomy and repair of the terminal ileum.
Figure 3 Identification of the terminal ileum The distance can be measured.
Inflammation of the terminal ileum may also occur however.
For instance, to settle someone into respite care or to nurse someone through a terminal illness.
Narrow pale green/blue stiff leaves and produces a pale purple/pink inflorescence on terminal spikes, which can be used as cut flower.
The flowers of the plant are terminal inflorescences which develop into large heads of glossy small, round grain.
During the tour members visited the Ostbahnhof interchange - the second largest interchange terminal in the city.
There is a 5 min transfer bus journey which will drop you right in front of the terminal.
Above each screw terminal is an led lamp to indicate which terminal (or gear) is active.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments » I'm sorry ma'am, but it's terminal.
The effects of asbestos related illness particularly malignant mesothelioma which is a terminal illness is obviously devastating upon the individual and their family.
The original terminal at temple meads was built for the Great Western Railroad and designed by Isambard kingdom Brunel.
The module also supports the VT100 communications protocol, giving the QL a valuable new role as a terminal to widely used minicomputers.
If traveling from the North Terminal take the monorail from the South Terminal.
We climbed the terminal moraine which had cut off a bay from the main flow of the river.
From the road head we walked to the edge of the terminal moraine where we set up tents.
These are called the ` leaves ' or terminal nodes of the tree.
Casting accuracy Terminal set-up is a simple paternoster with the bomb or feeder on a 6-inch link and the hook length about 3 feet.
The terminal part of the Odra lobe is marked by several broad tunnel channels oriented perpendicular to the former ice margin.
Each bears three pairs of lateral leaflets and a terminal one, all supported on rather long sub- petioles.
This involves hydrolysis of the terminal phosphate of the ATP.
The palps are always greatly enlarged, with the terminal segments modified into strong pincers used for catching and crushing prey.
Business planned to build gas terminal, which would be linked by an undersea pipeline to underground storage facilities.
Every week at least two dozen of them offer you the hot poop on Elvis's illegitimate kids or terminal cancer.
Aristide is conciliating with them on every front, but he can never escape their terminal fear of his rapport with the great potentiality.
Any Medical Condition for which You have received a terminal prognosis.
The six silicon rectifiers face inwards to ensure efficient cooling without risk of terminal contamination.
Prof. David Smith with Dr. Elaine Hoey and Arvind Mahajan have established primary cell cultures from crypts isolated from the colon and terminal rectum.
Doggen is putting together an excellent trip, somewhat redolent of early Plastic Ono band meets Terminal Lovers.
Air France had to substantially reorganize flight departures and arrivals following the partial collapse of boarding lounges at Terminal 2E last May.
Neuraminidase (NA) treatment alters the glycocalyx by removing terminal sialic acid residues.
The voltage on the left hand 10 ohm resistor is flowing out of the top terminal of the resistor.
This stream can be followed to a terminal choke where it sinks in a choked rift.
Peter's parting shot was " That air hose should be repaired, rainwater in a diesel engine can be terminal " .
Dorset Horn rams are terminal sires in flocks using natural ' frequent lambing ' to achieve year-round production of top quality fattened lambs.
The Dorset Down is an ideal terminal sire, producing solid, meaty, early maturing lambs.
Fragrant, orange flowers with prominent dark stamens are borne in dense terminal spikes up to 25cm long.
Well the nice folks at Terminal Reality have left hidden stashes of cash all over the courses.
The tables are all declared static, and are named according to the type and the name of the corresponding terminal entry.
Eventually seven cavers gathered at the terminal sump to watch Rick assemble his swag.
The terminal sump is in the pool, which contains a muddy ledge on the right hand side.
Here, the neuron terminal forms fine branches, which make a network of close contacts, called synapses, with other neurons.
The car park is within easy walking distance of the terminal, is well lit and is on newly laid tarmac.
Term life policies are generally tax-free and may even allow for a partial payout upon diagnosis of a terminal disease.
By default, messages about the progress of the search are written to the controlling terminal.
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London's Heathrow Airport.
Our corporate boxes also each have a dedicated tote terminal.
Upon reaching the ferry terminal turn left onto High Street.
In addition Waterloo International Station and the Eurostar terminal are on a short tube or taxi ride away.
In addition, a new container terminal is being built, which should be capable of taking five million TEU by July 2007.
Be able to use weight = mass x gravitational field strength why falling objects reach a terminal velocity.
Terminal insurance major medical texas in april will remain in.
A pointer to the screen of the previous terminal is returned by the rou- tine.
It is active in harbor, ocean and terminal towage, salvage, emergency response and rescue, and crew boat services.
Ocean Terminal I cant believe Ocean Terminal - pity about the air traffic tho ' .
The synaptic terminal contains a number of small sacs, called synaptic vesicles.
Airways Bed & Breakfast Hotel Airways Bed and Breakfast Hotel in London UK offering budget hotel rooms in central london victoria terminal england.
Flowers are borne in terminal cymes and may be pink, red, violet, purple, blue or white.
The effort to ensure a speedy buy out of the Inverness Air Terminal has been far too wishy-washy.
Upon leaving the main Terminal Building at Domestic arrivals, using the zebra crossing go to the Multi story car park opposite.
The best crystals are the brilliant, blackish-brown prisms with terminal pyramidal planes (fig.) from the Restormel iron mines at Lostwithiel, and the Botallack mine at St Just in Cornwall.
The French, after their occupation of the city (1830), built a rampart, parapet and ditch, with two terminal forts, Bab Azoun to the south and Bab-el-Oued to the north.
Gradually coming to occupy definite beds, which are deepened and polished by the friction, they impress a characteristic appearance on the land, which guides them as they traverse it, and, although the ice melts at lower levels, vast quantities of clay and broken stones are brought down and deposited in terminal moraines where the glacier ends.
The city has a large traction terminal station, and is the principal centre for the interurban electric lines of Indiana, which handle freight as well as passengers; in 1908 twenty-five interurban electric lines entered the city and operated about 400 cars every 24 hours.
Thus, besides such forms as Evan, Aune, Anne, Ive, Auney, Inney, &c., in the British Islands, Aff, Aven, Avon, Aune appear in Brittany and elsewhere in France, Avenza and Avens in Italy, Avia in Portugal, and Avono in Spain; while the terminal syllable of a large proportion of the Latinized names of French rivers, such as the Sequana, the Matrona and the Garumna, seems originally to have been the same word.
It is served by six railways, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago Great Western, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Missouri Pacific, and the St Joseph & Grand Island; in addition there are two terminal railways.
In propane, on the other hand, the hydrogen atoms attached to the terminal carbon atoms differ from those joined to the medial atom; we may therefore expect to obtain different compounds according to the position of the hydrogen atom substituted.
But it must be here understood that each member of these condensed nuclei need not necessarily be identical in structure; thus the central nuclei in anthracene and phenanthrene differ very considerably from the terminal nuclei (see below, Condensed Nuclei).
The Monozoa are unsegmented; the Ligulidce have segmented gonads and gonopores without any trace of somatic metamerization except secondary excretory pores in addition to the usual terminal one; the remaining Cestodes are unisegmental only in their larval stage, and all of them show in their later stages repetition of the reproductive organs and of the musculature.
One form consists of a tuning-fork electrically maintained in vibration of known period, which closes an electric contact at every vibration and sets another electromagnet in operation, which reverses a switch and moves over one terminal of the condenser from a battery to a galvanometer contact.
The Swansea Canal and that of the Vale of Neath have also their northern terminal within the county, at Ystradgynlais and Abernant respectively.
The;'s` scale-leaves clothing the terminal bud are " linear-lanceolate in form, and of a brown or yellow colour; they are pushed aside as the stem-axis elongates and becomes shrivelled, finally falling off, leaving projecting bases which are eventually cut off at a still lower level.
However pupils are reactive to light until terminal stages.
In patients with chronic renal failure the mean terminal half life was found to be 19.5 hours.
Peter 's parting shot was " That air hose should be repaired, rainwater in a diesel engine can be terminal ".
The lights of the airport bus pick out the tiny terminal building in front of which are silhouetted palm trees and groups of soldiers.
Having stripped the wires ready, slacken the screw of the appropriate connection terminal.
A container belonging to the defendant shipowners exploded whilst on the terminal and destroyed a straddle carrier and terminal tug and trailer.
A morphological character matrix was compiled for the fifteen terminal taxa.
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London 's Heathrow Airport.
Specific program names would be great, I cant find a good terminal emulator for it.
Read in her notes she has a ' terminal illness ' which threw me a bit.
The mean terminal half-life was 12 minutes (range 2 to 33 minutes).
Morphine and similar drugs titrated up for pain control, and even sedatives in the terminal phase of illness, do not shorten life.
Ocean Terminal I cant believe Ocean Terminal - pity about the air traffic tho '.
Hoo could they think o ' pittin twa thoosan men there tae build a container terminal?
New berths and quays were constructed specifically for the unloading of container ships, and also a rail container terminal.
Additionally, the Humber Sea Terminal offers fully bonded contract warehousing and transportation facilities as well as the traditional wharfage facility.
This includes virtual terminal, merchant accounts, echeck services, point of sale swipers, recurring billing options and other features.
Present the card for payment and sign for the purchase or swipe the card at a terminal for payment.
While the majority of Master's degrees are not terminal (i.e. you can still go on to receive a Doctorate in the field), the MBA and MFA are considered to be terminal.
If a department's teaching staff seems weak (perhaps very few teachers have terminal degrees or are there are many new teachers), look to see if there are reasons for this.
Of those 93%, 20% have terminal degrees in their fields.
However, what one chooses to do with that terminal degree is unlimited.
Most often, parking is in standard lots alongside the terminal, though larger ports in busier cities may have parking garages available.
When arriving at the cruise port, passenger may drop their luggage with the porters near the terminal's entrance before parking, or they may park first and bring their luggage to the terminal by hand.
Upon entering the cruise terminal, passengers need to check in to verify their arrival.
The cruise terminal is located in the heart of downtown at 1650 North Harbor Drive.
The cruise ship terminal is located in downtown Manhattan on the Hudson River, several blocks west of Times Square.
Royal Caribbean vessels routinely dock at Terminal 2, and free shuttle buses are available to transport guests from the terminal to the secured parking facilities.
The logo is also a part of Carnival's cruise ship ID cards, which is useful in foreign ports of call to help security agents ensure that passengers are entering the proper terminal.
What's more, the city recently spent millions of dollars creating a new Baltimore Cruise Terminal, located near the Inner Harbor site.
If you are cruising from Galveston you will depart from the Texas Cruise Ship Terminal located on Galveston Island.
The terminal is located less than 45 minutes from the Houston Hobby International Airport and about an hour's drive from the Houston Intercontinental Airport.