Tender Sentence Examples
His eyes were so tender — so sweet.
Her neck was tender and swallowing was painful.
Nicholas turned with a tender smile on his face.
He ate anyway, surprised to find the chicken tender and juicy and the veggies still slightly crisp and well-seasoned.
His arm draped across her shoulder in a tender but possessive way.
He could be tender and thoughtful, as well as charming.
She sighed, delighting in the tender moment.
I can't find words for how beautiful that was, tender and haunting all at once.
A creditor is not bound to give change to the debtor, whose duty it is to make tender in lawful money the whole amount due, or more, without asking for change.
Sonya was more tender and devoted to him than ever.
AdvertisementIt cannot be grown in the open air in Britain, as it requires protection from frost, and is more tender than the Brazilian pine.
Tender, compassionate, weak, like a human, and failing miserably to take my place.
She slowly moved from her position and crawled down the tree with effort, the movement sending pain through her tender wrist.
The toll booth requested a small tender before allowing them to pass through.
She turned slowly, propelled by a tender breeze from the cold night air that filled the room.
AdvertisementThe meat was well cooked and tender, which made up for the lack of seasonings.
The dark eyes were tender.
Contracts for large or important works or for the supply of large amounts of goods are usually put out to tender in order to secure the lowest price.
Sonya did not succumb to the tender tone Natasha used toward her.
The executive board met to decide how much they should tender the old office building for.
AdvertisementHis face was above hers, the blue eyes tender and searching.
Six years later, in 1899, the change was completed by an act making gold legal tender at the rate of I for Rs.15, or at the rate of is.
The deadline tender submissions is 12.30pm, Friday 30 September 2005.
In November 1899 a committee was appointed by the Colonial Office for the further examination of the scheme, and towards the end of 1900 a tender was accepted for the manufacture and laying of a submarine cable between the Island of Vancouver and Queensland and New Zealand for the sum of £1,795,000, the work to be completed by the 31st of December 1902.
When, in the early years of steam navigation, the English government made known its desire to substitute steam vessels for the sailing ships then employed in the mail service between England and America, Cunard heartily entered into the scheme, came to England, and accepted the government tender for carrying it out.
AdvertisementThat the passion which she inspired in him was tender, pure and fitted to raise to a higher level a nature which in some 1 The Journal for 1755 records that during that year, besides writing and translating a great deal in Latin and French, he had read, amongst other works, Cicero's Epistolae ad familiares, his Brutus, all his Orations, his dialogues De amicitia and De senectute, Terence (twice), and Pliny's Epistles.
The list of seeds given for the southern states in January may now be used at the north, while for most of the southern states tender vegetables, such as egg plant, okra, sweet potatoes, melon, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, &c., may be sown and planted.
He was unusually tender and kind to me, and for a brief space the shadow lifted.
Trees and grass are supple and tender shoots, But dry and withered when dead.
Burt's Bees Baby Bee Diaper Ointment-This ointment is rich with vitamins A and E and is perfect for baby's tender skin.
Bring to boil and simmer until the potatoes are tender.
With a tender kiss on her forehead, Rhyn stepped away.
It was the first time she had heard him call her that, and the tender smile on Mum's face made it clear that she was pleased.
This attention to detail and concern for excellent animal husbandry produces tender meat consistent in quality and flavor throughout the year.
Thus a shoot will grow more vigorously whilst waving in the air than when nailed close to the wall; consequently a weak shoot should be left free, whilst its stronger antagonist should be restrained; and a luxuriant shoot may be retarded for some time by having its tender extremity pinched off to allow a weaker shoot to overtake it.
There is no shortage of plants to choose from among hardy and half-hardy annuals or hardy and tender perennials.
Californian Laurel (Umbellularia Californica) - A handsome evergreen tree, seldom planted, though hardy in our southern gardens and suited to walls where too tender for the open.
The restaurant is famous for its tender, delicious roast pork and cube steak; meat lovers are particularly satified with its menu.
Many fungi (Phallus, Agaricus, Fumago, &c.) when strongly growing put out ribbon-like or cylindrical cords, or sheet-like mycelial plates of numerous parallel hyphae, all growing together equally, and fusing by anastomoses, and in this way extend long distances in the soil, or over the surfaces of leaves, branches, &c. These mycelial strands may be white and tender, or the outer hyphae may be hard and black, and very often the resemblance of the subterranean forms to a root is so marked that they are termed rhizomorphs.
My wife and I join in affectionate remembrances and greetings to yourself and your aunt, and in the sincere tender of our sympathies.
Sir James Horlick acquired the estate in 1944 he wished to establish a garden to grow his more tender rhododendrons.
The tender meat of skate clinging to the strip of cartilage is reminiscent of pork ribs.
I like how it sounds, what Berman talks about and the way he expresses himself it's tender, but not saccharine.
Areas of skin that become scaly, itchy, tender or red, or areas that ooze, bleed or become crusty.
However, the decision on tender acceptance must be taken by an Officer of appropriate seniority, not otherwise involved in the tender process.
Presently there came walks in the long shrubbery, talks in the Belvedere, and I know not what tender familiarity.
In the first place, the so-called internal causes of disease is probably a mere phrase covering our ignorance of the factors at work, and although a certain convenience attaches to the distinction between those cases where tender breeds of plants apparently exhibit internal predisposition to suffer more readily than others from parasites, low temperatures, excessive growth, &c.as is the case with some grafted plants, cultivated hybrids, &c.the mystery involved in the phrase internal causes only exists until we find what action of the living or nonliving environment of the essential mechanism of the plant has upset its equilibrium.
Thus let an engine and tender weighing 80 tons haul vehicles weighing 200 tons at a uniform speed on the level of 40 m.
H.P. - (Were ?-W v r v)V ?2240WV ?2240WVa (22) 55 0 550 550G 550g where W e is weight of engine and tender in tons, Wv the weight of vehicles in tons, W the weight of train in tons =W e r e and r z, the respective engine and vehicle resistances taken from the curves fig.
If the starting resistance of the whole train be estimated at 16 lb per ton, this engine would be able to start 1.163 tons on the level, or about 400 tons on a gradient of I in 75, both these figures including the weight of the engine and tender, which would be about 100 tons.
Hence if W is the weight of the vehicles in tons, and the weight of the engine and tender be taken at too tons, the value of W can be found from the equation 1 4 W +33 00= 744 0, from which W =296 tons.
Locomotives may be classified primarily into " tender engines " and " tank engines," the water and fuel in the latter being carried on the engine proper, while in the former they are carried in a separate vehicle.
A tender is generally mounted on six wheels, or in some cases on two bogies, and carries a larger supply of water and fuel than can be carried by tanks and the bunker of a tank engine.
A tender, however, is so much dead-weight to be hauled, whilst the weight of the water and fuel in a tank engine contributes largely to the production of adhesion.
In the second instance, while the Hebrew says that the man who rebels against his Heavenly Benefactor will a fortiori rebel against a human benefactor, the Greek text gives a cynical turn to the verse, "Let the man who rebels against his true benefactor be punished through the tender mercies of a quack."
Tender and compassionate will we abide, loving in heart, void of malice within.
Sir John Taylor Coleridge, his fellow scholar at Corpus and his life-long friend, says of him, after their friendship of five and fifty years had closed, "It was the singular happiness of his nature, remarkable even in his undergraduate days, that love for him was always sanctified by reverence - reverence that did not make the love less tender, and love that did but add intensity to the reverence."
Rama, perhaps too perfect to enlist all our sympathies; his impetuous and loving brother Lakshman; the tender, constant Bharat; Sita, the ideal of an Indian wife and mother; Ravan, destined to failure, and fighting with all his demon force against his destiny - the Satan of the epic - all these are characters as lifelike and distinct as any in occidental literature."
Then I knew that you had not forgotten the dear little child, for the gift brought with it the thought of tender sympathy.
She does not realize that one can be anything but kind-hearted and tender.
In August, the large masses of berries, which, when in flower, had attracted many wild bees, gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, and by their weight again bent down and broke the tender limbs.
Prince Andrew's face looked very thoughtful and tender.
The princess' beautiful eyes with all their former calm radiance were looking with tender affection and pity at Mademoiselle Bourienne's pretty face.
She saw him tender and amused as he was when he put on the little icon.
Prince Andrew was standing before her, saying something to her with a look of tender solicitude.
Princess Mary could not quite make out what he had said, but from his look it was clear that he had uttered a tender caressing word such as he had never used to her before.
She was sure he would speak soft, tender words to her such as her father had uttered before his death, and that she would not be able to bear it and would burst into sobs in his presence.
He, the sensitive, tender Prince Andrew, how could he say that, before her whom he loved and who loved him?
Sir James Horlick acquired the estate in 1944 he wished to establish a garden to grow his more tender Rhododendrons.
I like how it sounds, what Berman talks about and the way he expresses himself it 's tender, but not saccharine.
Operational We are strictly mail order with specially designed packaging to protect your tender plants sent by overnight courier.
Bring to the boil and simmer gently until the vegetables are tender.
The meat was presented as strips of tender lamb, the sauce was thick with a glossy slick of oil on top.
As everyone retires, the fairies perform their blessings and Puck delivers a tender epilog soliloquy.
A beautifully designed work, it 's a tender film suffused with melancholy.
A tender whisper here, a despairing wail of anguish there, it 's a real floor-filler as everyone around her swoons in admiration.
Mark Twain 's mother was a woman of sturdy character and with a keen sense of humor and tender sympathies.
In 1983, at the tender age of 26, he shot himself.
More correctly it was a terrine of confit rabbit, beautifully slowly cooked so that the meat was meltingly tender.
The old penny and threepence coins ceased to be legal tender on 31st August 1971, just over six months after D-day.
I did know or rather felt the tender and timorous soul in her.
Leavin ma twa sons tae the mither in laws tender mercies.
Over a hundred years later it still has the power to raise eyebrows and unsettle some tender minds.
Farmed venison tends to be tender; wild venison is often tough.
One wily way is to devalue your money by having you bet chips instead of legal tender.
Tender plants will benefit from a windbreak screen which you could make out of stout polythene.
Very tender plants should be taken off the windowsill at night if you are closing the curtains to avoid getting harmed by frosts.
Choose plants that will over-winter in an unheated greenhouse, or grow tender plants and seedlings on a sunny windowsill in the house.
I rarely tender my stock, since companies that can buy shares back are usually doing pretty well.
The newborn infant stage includes some of the most tender and critical moments in a baby's life.
She may want to pull your pet's tender ears and tail, or poke him in the eyes.
Summertime means sun and bugs, so help protect your little one's tender skin with a bug net car seat cover.
The most important requirement is that the fabric is 100% or nearly 100% cotton since it will be next to your baby's tender skin.
The bacteria from urine and feces can quickly buildup on a baby's tender skin, causing a rash that can become more severe if left untreated.
These samples are tender no matter the gender.
The pain and worry of a severe diaper rash can disrupt a happy family, but with a little diligence and tender loving care, your baby's health and happiness will improve in no time.
Pick a quiet time to sit and reflect on the tender moments you shared with your precious baby, then write a letter to him or her sharing memories and relating your feelings of love and sorrow.
Powder can be very drying to baby's tender skin.
Soft cotton lining-You won't worry about tender skin irritations when you purchase a Hot Milk bra that features soft cotton lining.
This process breaks down the meat fibers and become more tender then beef packaged and sold in supermarkets.
Sales tax is usually not included in a purchase since the gold you are purchasing is technically legal tender.
Tender Vittles cat food was manufactured by Nestle under the brand name of Purina.
Tender Vittles was slightly moist and came in a sealed package.
There are many other alternatives to Tender Vittles now that is it no longer available in the United States.
Some owners want to use products such as Tender Vittles cat food as an occasional treat or to entice an older cat with lost appetite to eat.
Basil, like most tender or soft-leaf culinary herbs, is easy to dry and freeze.
Winter Protection for Trees and Shrubs -- Depending on where you live, you'll probably want to add some extra protection to first season and tender plants and shrubs.
Use gloves and spray the tanning mist on your hands, then apply to tender areas like the face.
Turn once with a metal spatula when lightly charred and tender.
Smothered - Meat or vegetables cooked down until tender and reduced.
This helps keep the meat tender and moist during cooking.
Drop your asparagus into a pot of boiling water just long enough for it to start to get tender, about a minute.
Bakers understand how acidic juices react with baking soda to make baked goods that rise high and are tender and flaky.
The longer the beef marinates, the more tender it becomes, so it is recommended that you let it marinate for approximately 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on your schedule and if the meat was cold to begin with.
When the vegetables are tender, drain them with the pasta.
Kentucky Fried Chicken offers the Tender Roast Sandwich, which if ordered without the sauce has 270 calories with 45 calories from fat, making the sandwich under 20 percent fat.
The most flavorful and tender rib roasts are graded USDA Prime.
True prime rib is tender and well-marbled.
Roast the asparagus until tender and lightly browned, about 15 to 20 minutes, stirring once or twice.
If you want tender crisp asparagus, roast just until the asparagus changes from a medium green to dark green.
Although this crucial connection between your ski boots and your skis should be secure, it will occasionally require some tender loving care.
No one at any age wants to endure embarrassment or rejection, and during the tender junior high years egos are even more fragile.
If you are parenting a male teen, embrace their journey into manhood and be sure to keep communication lines open to discuss the woes and heartaches common during these tender years.
By staying involved in your child's education and upbringing, you can ensure her tender teen years are filled with opportunity rather than failures.
A sentiment can be defined as something that brings tender, nostalgic or emotional feelings to a graduating senior.
Pick the leaves when they first come out in the spring so that they will be tender and mild flavored.
Vegetables in foil may not have the same smoky aroma or taste as those cooked right on the grill, but they're just as tender and flavorful.
Add remaining coconut milk, and simmer until vegetables are tender.
At the tender age of 18, Brad Coleman has already taken NASCAR and the sport of auto racing by storm.
He won his first adult-level triathlon at the tender age of 15.
At the tender age of 10, she was nominated for a Grammy for her voice work on A Bug's Life.
Joanna first appeared on television at the tender age of six, when she wowed Bill Cosby and his audience on Kids Say the Darndest Things.
His big break came in 1992, when at the tender age of 17, Maguire landed a role in the television comedy, Great Scott.
Kristen Stewart got her start in show business at the tender age of eight and has been working steadily ever since.
Whether he's playing a student wizard or a dangerous vampire with a tender heart, Pattinson has easily won over millions of teens and tweens with his good looks and convincing character portrayals.
Slips can provide protection for tender skin.
They typically feature cut-out places for the eyes and mouth, providing additional protection and warmth to tender skin on blustery, cold days and nights.
The ship is required to tender (ferry passengers) in Catalina, but the pleasant ride and welcoming atmosphere of the island are both enjoyable.
He knew he wanted to work with dogs since the tender age of eleven.
Bake until the liquid in the pan is bubbling and the apples are tender.
May be useful in a garden where tender fine-leaved plants will not thrive.
Athrotaxis - A little group of tender trees from Tasmania, which do well in the southern parts of our islands near the sea, but of slight value elsewhere.
There is a form of this kind in which the leaves are heavily variegated, but this is tender and needs partial shade.
L. Jacobaeus, a tender species with almost black flowers, succeeds in the open air in summer, and is all the better for planting out.
Blue Daisy (Agathaea) - A. caelestis is a tender spreading Daisy-like plant, with blue flowers useful for the margins of beds.
In the southern counties some of them succeed in open borders, but elsewhere they are tender.
Chilian Needle Tree (Rhaphithamnus Cyanocarpus) - A shrub or small tree of much beauty, but too tender for any save favoured districts.
They are too tender for general outdoor planting in the British Isles, although they thrive in the milder parts, and very few are grown indoors except in botanic collections of plants.
In sheltered places and in warm soils these plants will pass the winter in the open, but they prove a little tender in many places, and the autumn-sown plants bloom earlier and more finely than those raised in heat early in the year.
Hardy as they are far into the north and near the sea, the Griselinias fail inland, save in quite the warmest places, and are tender round London even upon sheltered walls.
It is tender in many gardens, and especially in cold wet soils, but is useful for its brightness during summer when planted in May or June.
Viburnum Cotinifolium - A spreading shrub or low tree of 20 feet, found high on the Himalayas, yet so tender as to need shelter or a place on a warm wall during our winters.
It is rather tender, and requires a sheltered and well-drained spot in the rock garden.
As yet it is little planted in England, and in my planting proved a tender tree.
Being a native of Mexico, it is rather tender, and not satisfactory for open-air culture.
Nearly all the golden kinds are robust and easily grown, and the bicolor group are even more so, but, speaking broadly, the delicate sulphur and white sorts are tender and unsatisfactory, except on the most favourable soils.
A native of Buenos Ayres, it is somewhat tender, only succeeding in light warm soils in sheltered situations, and is best close to the foot of a south wall in warm loamy soil.
African bulbs, slender and elegant in growth, and brilliant in flower, but not much grown, because some are tender and require glass protection.
It has been considered a tender plant, dying away in our gardens in spite of the most careful handling, but it is likely to grow as well as other Ramondias if its special wants are attended to.
Farther north they are tender in hard winters.
Strangely enough, it is also the most tender, many plants having been cut to the ground or killed outright in the winter of 1880.
It is somewhat tender, but in warm sheltered spots, in light sandy soil, succeeds, and flowers in winter and spring.
L. maritima, a perennial, is somewhat tender, and should be treated as an annual.
When planted among other things the young and tender uprising shoots are greatly protected in spring.
Lophospermum - L. scandens is a tender climber with long slender stems, pale green hairy leaves, and large pink flowers.
You will notice that your breast has a tender, reddened area or that your whole breast is tender and red.
During pregnancy, it's common for your breasts to become swollen and tender.
You have early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and tender breasts.
Get nipple cream, take hot showers, and accept tender massages from your partner, if you catch my drift.
Common early pregnancy symptoms include backaches, headaches, and tender breasts.
Between one and two weeks after conception, your breasts may become slightly swollen, tender to the touch, or sore.
Tender breasts are not always a sign of pregnancy, though.
Another pregnancy sign is tender or tingling breasts.
So midway between your periods each month, you may have always noticed your nipples are tender or your breasts are swollen.
Your nipples may become darker and feel tender.
Your breasts may feel swollen, tender, or heavy.
If your breasts feel tender or your nipples are unusually sensitive, it's wiser to look for some of the other early signs of pregnancy before you jump to any conclusions.
If it's tender, you have located the right place.
Born in France, he received his first apprenticeship in Paris at the tender age of 14, and was trained by some of the best chefs in Europe.
Lit cigarettes and broken glass can hurt tender feet, and they're hazardous for animals too.
A native of Arkansas, Bridget Hall made her modeling debut at the tender age of seventeen.
Put the potatoes into a pot and boil until they are tender.
The big George Foreman rotisserie oven does a lot more than just cook tender, juicy chicken.
This type of oven cooks meat in its own juices to deliver juicy, tender food cooked prepared in a healthy manner.
The best part about this oven is its ability to cook tender, juicy meats with very little effort on the user's part.
The menu features fish, clam, shrimp, scallops and chicken tender dinners.
The thinly sliced steak featured in their beef and broccoli dish is tender and moist.
If you are brave, try the chicken feet---they are surprisingly tender, and flavored with a delicious garlic sauce.
Midwest, corn-fed beef is slowly aged using a secret process that creates a tender and succulent steak.
He glanced down at her, his expression tender.
He traced her jaw with a finger and his gaze became tender.
The gloom and harshness of these Spanish mystics are absent from the tender, contemplative spirit of Francois de Sales (1567-1622); and in the quietism Fof Mme Guyon (1648-1717) and Miguel de Molinos (1627-1696) there is again a sufficient implication of mystical doctrine to rouse the suspicion of the ecclesiastical authorities.
The result was a whole series of wars with the Teutonic Order, which now acknowledged Swidrygiello, another brother of Jagiello, as grand-duke of Lithuania; and though Swidrygiello was defeated and driven out by Witowt, the Order retained possession of Samogitia, and their barbarous methods of "converting" the wretched inhabitants finally induced Witowt to rescue his fellow-countrymen at any cost from the tender mercies of the knights.
It grows in marshy places; and is cultivated in China, the fruit having a supposed value as a diuretic and anti-phthisic. It was cultivated by John Gerard, author of the famous Herball, at the end of the 16th century as a tender annual.
Among the advantages of enclosures, he observes, " you will gain much more labour from your servants, a great part of whose time was taken up in gathering thistles and other garbage for their horses to feed upon in their stables; and thereby the great trampling and pulling up and other destruction of the corns while they are yet tender will be prevented."
Sometimes the joint-king is merely titular, an infant of tender years, as for instance Antiochus Eupator, the son of Antiochus Epiphanes, or Ptolemy Eupator, the son of Ptolemy Philometor.
After the Restoration there began a persecution of Friends and other Nonconformists as such, notwithstanding the king's Declaration of Breda which had proclaimed liberty for tender consciences as long as no disturbance of the peace was caused.
They feed chiefly on grass, but also on moss, lichens and tender shoots of the willow and pine.
In 1790 the interest was reduced to 3%, and as the treasury had again become exhausted, a further issue was decided upon; it was also decreed that the assignats were to be accepted as legal tender, all public departments being instructed to receive them as the equivalent of metallic money.
For dry situations almond stocks are preferable, but they are not long-lived, while for damp or clayey foams it is better to use certain kinds of plums. Double-working is sometimes beneficial; thus an almond budded on a plum stock may be rebudded with a tender peach, greatly to the advantage of the latter.
He refused to follow the financial policy of his party in 1862, and delivered a notable speech against the passage of the Legal Tender Act, which made a certain class of treasury notes receivable for all public and private debts.
The paper notes already issued had been constituted by law legal tender for all debts, but in 1868 their power of actual purchase was only 30% compared with that of gold, and by 1870 it had fallen as low as 25%.
Foreign coins were formerly legal tender in the republic, but this has been changed by the exclusion of foreign silver coins and the acceptance of foreign gold coins as a commodity at a fixed value.
Silver and nickel are legal tender for 50 and 20 bolivares respectively.
Paper currency is issued by the banks of Venezuela, Caracas and Maracaibo under the provisions of a general banking law, and their notes, although not legal tender, are everywhere accepted at their face value.
No one shows a truer humanity and a more tender sympathy with natural sorrow.
The vine is hardy in Britain so far as regards its vegetation, but not hardy enough to bring its fruit to satisfactory maturity, so that for all practical purposes the vine must be regarded as a tender fruit.
The continued attacks upon the Presbyterians led him to publish his Short, Sober, Pacific Examination of Exuberances in the Common Prayer, as well as the Apology for Tender Consciences touching Not Bowing at the Name of Jesus.
At one isolated village the natives, who were unarmed, reported that they not unfrequently saw and heard the gorillas, which broke down the stalks of the plantains in the rear of the habitations to tear out and eat the tender heart.
He gave earnest support to the Legal Tender Act, and the substitution of the national for the state banking system.
In the loftiest regions the pasture chiefly consists of a coarse grass (Stipa ychu), of which the llamas eat the upper blades and the sheep browse on the tender shoots beneath.
The change from the double standard was effected without any noticeable disturbance in commercial affairs, but this was in part due to the precaution of making the British pound sterling legal tender in the republic and establishing the legal equivalent between gold and silver at 10 soles to the pound.
At last their depreciation reached a point where their acceptance was generally refused and silver was imported for commercial needs, when the government suspended their legal tender quality and allowed them to disappear.
The country was still labouring under the curse of an inconvertible currency originatingwith the Legal Tender Act res - paperY g dncy.
In a sermon on the Apocalypse he shook men's souls by his terrible threats of the wrath to come, and drew tears from their eyes by the tender pathos of his assurances of divine mercy.
He excels in his representations of landscapes and waterscapes, and has succeeded -in transferring to gold-lacquer panels tender and delicate pictures of natures softest moodspictures that show balance, richness, harmony and a fine sense of decorative proportion.
If we add to pictures of this class a few Scriptural subjects, a few Oriental dreams, one or two of tender sentiment like "Wedded" (one of the most popular of his pictures, and well known by not only an engraving, but a statuette modelled by an Italian sculptor), a number of studies of very various types of female beauty, "Teresina," "Biondina," "Bianca," "Moretta," &c., and an occasional portrait, we shall nearly exhaust the two classes into which Lord Leighton's work (as a painter) can be divided.
Of the three Tibullus (c. 541 9) is the most refined and tender.
As an amatory poet he is the poet of pleasure and intrigue rather than of tender sentiment or absorbing passion.
Legal tender were the "Ostmark" (originally introduced by the German Military Administration of the Army of Occupation, "Militdrisches Verwaltungsgebiet Ober-Ost"), which in Lithuania proper ranked pari passu with the German "Reichsmark," and other German fiduciary currency to a total not less than one milliard marks.
The homilies of Beda are marked by a tender devoutness, and here and there rise to glowing eloquence.
He felt that a distinction might be drawn between adults and those of tender years; and that allowance might be made for any one who recanted.
The whipping-post was in 1908 still maintained in Delaware, and whipping continued to be prescribed as a punishment for a variety of offences, although in 1889 a law was passed which prescribed that " hereafter no female convicted of any crime in this state shall be whipped or made to stand in the pillory," and a law passed in 1883 prescribed that " in case of conviction of larceny, when the prisoner is of tender years, or is charged for the first time (being shown to have before had a good character), the court may in its discretion omit from the sentence the infliction of lashes."
Almost all state employees are under civil service rules; the same is true of the city of Boston; and of the clerical, stenographic, prison, police, civil engineering, fire, labourforeman, inspection and bridge tender services of all cities; and under a law (1894) by which cities and towns may on petition enlarge the application of their civil service rules.
His three hundred letters reveal a rich and observant nature, which, despite the troubles of ill-health and ecclesiastical unrest, remained optimistic, tender and even playful.
In this capacity he was conspicuous for fearless independence of thought and action in his opinion in the test oath case, and in his dissenting opinions in the legal tender, conscription and "slaughter house" cases, which displayed unusual legal learning, and gave powerful expression to his strict constructionist theory of the implied powers of the Federal constitution.
Congress had passed a law in 1878 requiring the treasury department to purchase a certain amount of silver bullion each month and coin it into silver dollars to be full legal tender.
Nearly $600,000,000 of " fiat money " had been thrust into the channels of commerce in addition to $346,000,000 of legal tender notes that had been issued during the Civil War.
Holders of the government's legal tender notes anticipating this fact presented them for redemption.
He was a shepherd, or perhaps a sheep-breeder, but combined this occupation with that of a tender of sycomore figs.
The total cost was £1,458,311, but the contractor's tender for the bridge alone was £425,081.
For the lightest class, he takes a locomotive and tender of 93.5 tons, 52 ft.
Jeremiah's was a sensitive, tender nature; and he laments, with great pathos and emotion, his people's sins, the ruin to which he saw his country hastening, and the trials and persecutions which his predictions of disaster frequently brought upon him.
No epistle sheds more light on St Paul's character as a man - so mobile, so tactful, so tender and affectionate, and yet so statesmanlike and so commanding.
A court decision denying the legal tender quality of the notes issued by the Bank of the Commonwealth gave rise to a bitter controversy which had considerable influence upon the political history of the state.
After nearly all the forty-six banks chartered by the legislature in 1818 had been wrecked in the financial panic of 1819, the legislature in 1820 passed a series of laws designed for the benefit of the debtor class, among them one making state bank notes a legal tender for all debts.
Fractional silver coin is not legal tender above 20 pesos, and bronze and nickel coins not above 1 peso, but the government maintains conversion offices where such coins can be converted into silver pesos without loss.
The notes are not legal tender, and it is forbidden to count them as " cash on hand " in bank returns, but ample safeguards both as to issue and redemption inspire full confidence in their employment as a substitute for gold.
Turkeys thrive well, grow to a fine size and have flesh of tender quality.
Sometimes the abscess declares itself by a bulging at the surface, but if not an incision should be made through the belly-wall over the most tender spot, and a direct examination of the surface of the liver made.
Abscess of the Gall-bladder gives rise to a painful, tender swelling near the cartilage of the ninth rib of the right side.
A bill went through both Houses of Congress providing that a silver dollar should be coined of the weight of 4122 grains, to be full legal tender for all debts and dues, public and private, except where otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract.
In his annual message of the 1st of December 1879 President Hayes urged the suspension of the silver coinage and also the withdrawal of the United States legal tender notes, but Congress failed to act upon the recommendation.
This it leaves at nightfall to seek fields of young wheat and other cereals whose tender herbage forms its favourite food.
Her devotion to her father is historical; she gave him not only the tender affection of a daughter but the high-minded sympathy of a soul great as his own.
He would go from town to town, "travelling up and down as a stranger in the earth, which way the Lord inclined my heart; taking a chamber to myself in the town where I came, and tarrying sometimes a month, more or less, in a place"; and the reason he gives for this migratory habit is that he was "afraid both of professor and profane, lest, being a tender young man, he should be hurt by conversing much with either."
The marriage took place in London on the 2nd of May 1641, but owing to the tender years of the bride it was not consummated for several years.
The shelter afforded by a wall, and the increased temperature secured by its presence, are indispensable in the climate of Great Britain, for the production of all the finer kinds of outdoor fruits; and hence the inner side of a north wall, having a southern aspect, is appropriated to the more tender kinds.
Peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries and the more tender varieties of plums and pears succeed well in houses of this kind.
In this way the india-rubber tree (Ficus elastica), for example, and many other tender plants may be increased with the aid of a brisk bottom heat.
Rhubarb and sea-kale among esculents both need to be forced in darkness to keep them crisp and tender, and mushrooms also are always grown in dark structures.
The class of tender annuals, being chiefly grown for greenhouse decoration, should be treated much the same as soft-wooded plants, being sown in spring, and grown on rapidly in brisk heat, near the glass, and finally hardened off to stand in the greenhouse when in flower.
Sow seeds of greenhouse and hothouse plants; also the different sorts of tender annuals; pot off those sown last month; sow cineraria for the earliest bloom; also Chinese primulas.
Still sow tender annuals if required; also cinerarias and primulas.
Pot off tender annuals, and cuttings of half-hardy greenhouse plants put in during February to get them well established for use in the flower garden.
Plant out tender deciduous trees and shrubs raised in pots; plant out tea-roses, mulching the roots.
Turn out hardy plants about the middle, and the more tender at the latter end of the month.
Sow tender annuals for succession, potting and shifting those sown at an earlier period; sow cinerarias for succession; and a few hardy annuals and tenweek stock, &c., for late crops.
Remove the coverings from all tender plants in the open air.
These will now be occupied with tender greenhouse plants and annuals, and the more hardy plants from the stove.
Plant out dahlias and other tender subjects, if risk of frost is past.
Take up, dry and store dahlias and all tender tubers at the end of the month; pot lobelias and similar half-hardy plants from the open borders.
But little can be done in the northern states except to prepare manure, and get sashes, tools, &c., in working order; but in sections of the country where there is little or no frost the hardier kinds of seeds and plants may be sown and planted, such as asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, leek, lettuce, onion, parsnip, peas, spinach, turnip, &c. In any section where these seeds can be sown in open ground, it is an indication that hotbeds may be started for the sowing of such tender vegetables as tomatoes, egg and pepper plants, &c.; though, unless in the extreme southern states, hotbeds should not be started before the beginning or middle of February.
The covering of leaves or litter should be taken off bulbs and tender plants that were covered up for winter, so that the beds can be lightly forked and raked.
Pelargoniums, pinks, monthly roses and all the half-hardy kinds of flowering plants should be planted early, but coleus, heliotrope and the more tender plants should be delayed until the end of the month.
Hoe deeply all transplanted crops, such as cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, &c. Tender vegetables, such as tomatoes, egg and pepper plants, sweet potatoes, &c., can be planted out.
Tender plants will require to be put in the greenhouse or housed in some way towards the end of this month; but be careful to keep them as cool as possible during the day.
Little can be done in the flower garden, except to clean off all dead stalks, and straw up tender roses, vines, &c., and, wherever there is time, to dig up and rake the borders, as it will greatly facilitate spring work.
In the colder latitudes, and even in the middle states, it is absolutely necessary to protect cauliflower in this way, as it is much more tender than cabbage and lettuce plants.
When he was diseased in body and in mind, she was the most tender of nurses.
Though the tender care which had mitigated his sufferings during months of sickness at Streatham was withdrawn, and though Boswell was absent, he was not left desolate.
Of the thalers, the Vereinsthaler, coined until 1867 in Austria, was by ordinance of the Bundesrat declared illegal tender since the 1St of January 1903.
The total value of thalers, which, with the exception of the Vereinstbaler, are legal tender, was estimated in 1894 at about 20,000,000.
That period of crisis witnessed two great changes in American financial policy, the establishment of a national banking system and the issue of a legal tender paper currency.
Griswold (8 Wallace, 603), 1869, which declared certain parts of the legal tender acts to be unconstitutional.
When the legal tender decision was reversed after the appointment of new judges,1871-1872(Legal Tender Cases, 12 Wallace, 457), Chase prepared a very able dissenting opinion.
The father died young, and never inspired love or much regret in his son; but in spite of wide differences of opinion, tender affection always subsisted between William Godwin and his mother, until her death at an advanced age.
Then from 1st January 1900 the old reckoning by gulden was superseded, that by krone being introduced in all government accounts, the new silver being made a legal tender only for a limited amount.
The tender, half-broken tones in which these words were said, the inexpressible pathos of his voice and manner, were never forgotten by those who heard that Wednesday morning speech.
The notes are not legal tender, but are accepted by the government in payment of taxes.
His original verse tends chiefly to show that with all his sarcastic and cynical wit his genius had also its tender, serious and sentimental side.
He was beautifully loyal to his mother and his sister Wilhelmina; his letters to the duchess of Gotha are full of a certain tender reverence; the two Keiths found him a devoted friend.
The next shows us that this great strength is united to a most tender sympathy.
In 1893 the Indian mints were closed to the free coinage of silver, and in 1899 the British sovereign was made legal tender at the rate of 1 s.
Harlan confirmed him in his post, and, after having received the chiefs of Tabaristan who came to tender their submission, returned through Bagdad to Rakka on the Euphrates, which city was his habitual residence.
The Dai Ichi Ginko (First Bank of Japan), which has a branch in Seoul and agencies in other towns, was made the government central treasury, and its notes were recognized as legal tender in Korea.
He was characterized by an absolutely fearless honesty, which sometimes gave offence, but at the basis of his nature there was a warm, tender and sympathetic heart, incapable of meanness or intrigue.
His tender affection for his relatives abundantly appears from his correspondence, along with his profound attachment to the great ideas of the Revolution and his noble love of country.
The habit of allowing their meat to putrefy before regarding it as fit for food, and of encouraging children of tender age to drink to intoxication, accounts for absence of old folk and the heavy mortality which are to be observed among the Muruts of British North Borneo and some of the other more debased tribes of the interior of the island.
This jurisdiction is undoubtedly extensive, comprising among others, power to legislate concerning trade and industry, criminal law, taxation, quarantine, marriage and divorce, weights and measures, legal tender, copyrights and patents, and naturalization and aliens.
Possibly the growth of the legend of Krishna - his being reared at Go-kula (cow-station); his tender relations to the gopis, or cowherdesses, of Vrindavana; his epithets Gopala," the cowherd,"and Govinda," cow-finder,"actually explained as" recoverer of the earth "in the great epic, and the go-loka, or" cow-world,"assigned to him as his heavenly abode - may have some connexion with the sacred character ascribed to the cow from early times.
Yet even the most defective poems commonly have, at least, a single verse, expressing some profound thought or tender shade of feeling, for which the sympathetic reader willingly pardons artistic imperfections in the rest.
Among cultivated plants, for example, hardier and more tender varieties often arise.
In Italy, as long as orange trees were propagated by grafts, they were tender; but after many of the trees were destroyed by the severe frosts of 1709 and 1763, plants were raised from seed, and these were found to be hardier and more productive than the former kinds.
The peach is believed to have been tender, and to have ripened its fruit with difficulty, when first introduced into Greece; so that (as Darwin observes) in travelling northward during two thousand years it must have become much hardier.
In a state of nature, every recurring severe winter or otherwise unfavourable season weeds out those individuals of tender constitution or imperfect structure which may have got on very well during favourable years, and it is thus that the adaptation of the species to the climate in which it has to exist is kept up. Under domestication the same thing occurs by what C. Darwin has termed "unconscious selection."
Each cultivator seeks out the kinds of plants best suited to his soil and climate and rejects those which are tender or otherwise unsuitable.
Favourable variations of constitution will soon show themselves, and these should be carefully selected to breed from, the tender and unhealthy individuals being rigidly eliminated.
The habits of life of the Assamese peasantry are pre-eminently domestic. Great respect is paid to old age; when parents are no longer capable of labour they are supported by their children, and scarcely any one is allowed to become a burden to the public. They have also in general a very tender regard for their offspring, and are generous and kind to their relations.
Her daughter Adele (1796-1849) seems to have had a brave, tender and unsatisfied heart, and lavished on her brother an affection he sorely tried.
Great opposition was raised by the representatives of the debtor class in congress to the suppression of the inconvertible paper money, but in the end President Montt carried the day, and on the 11th of February 1895 a measure finally became law establishing a gold currency as the only legal tender in Chile.
There was no doubt much anarchy and confusion in the interval between the death of Yaqub and the restoration, for two years, of the dynasty of the White Sheep. But the tender age of Alamut would, even in civilized countries, have necessitated a regency; and it may be assumed that he was the next legitimate and more generally recognized sovereign.
Fifteen or sixteen years later it was repeatedly pointed out to the authorities that the revenues from the customs of the Persian Gulf would be much increased if control were exercised at all the ports, particularly the small ones where smuggling was being carried on on a large scale, and in 1883 the shah decided upon the acquisition of four or five steamers, one to be purchased yearly, and instructed the late Au Kuli Khan, Mukhber ad-daulah, minister of telegraphs, to obtain designs and estimates from British and German firms. The tender of a well-known German firm at Bremerhaven was finally accepted, and one of the ministers sons then residing in Berlin made the necessary contracts for the first steamer.
The most accomplished minstrels of his time were Mlnst,aels Mahommed FarklSdi (or FarSlSwI); Abfl l-Abbks of 10th of BokhSrg, a writer of very tender verses; Abu Century.
The skin over the affected part is often red and swollen, and, even after the attack has abated, feels stiff and tender to the touch.
He left Brussels for Breda, and issued in April 1660, together with the letters to the council, the officers of the army and the houses of parliament and the city, the declaration of an amnesty for all except those specially excluded afterwards by parliament, which referred to parliament the settlement of estates and promised a liberty to tender consciences in matters of religion not contrary to the peace of the kingdom.
The British sovereign is legal tender for 4500 reis, but in practice usually commands a premium.
The Menina e moga of Bernardim Ribeiro, a tender pastoral story inspired by saudade for his lady-love, probably moved Montemor or Montemayor (q.v.) to write his Diana, and may some fifty years later have suggested the Lusitania transformada to Fernao Alvares do Oriente, who, however, like Ribeiro, owes some debt to Sannazaro's Arcadia.
The hatching of eggs, whether of fresh-water or salt-water fishes, presents no serious difficulties, if suitable apparatus is employed; but the rearing of fry to an advanced stage, without serious losses, is less easy, and in the case of sea-fishes with pelagic eggs, the larvae of which are exceedingly small and tender, is still an unsolved problem, although recent work, carried out at the Plymouth laboratory of the Marine Biological Association, is at least promising.
It is not, indeed, to be contended that Rabelais was a man with whom religion was in detail a constant thought, that he had a very tender conscience or a very scrupulous orthodoxy.
His diary reveals a tender and devout private life which has been overlooked by those who have only considered the versatile facility and persuasive expediency that marked the successful public career of the bishop, and earned!
There he spent the remainder of his life, a devoted husband, a wise and tender father, a careful householder, a virtuous villager, a friendly neighbour, and, spite of all his disclaimers, the central and luminous figure among the Transcendentalists.
When the first or a new antler is about to be formed, the summits of these pedicles become tender, and bear small velvet-like knobs, which have a high temperature, and are supplied by an extra quantity of blood, which commences to deposit bony matter.
The sheath is often of great length, and generally completely surrounds the culm, forming a firm protection for the internode, the younger basal portion of which, including the zone of growth, remains tender for some time.
The raw meat eaten in this way is considered to be very superior in taste and much more tender than when cold.
He was a member of the committee on finance throughout his service in the Senate, and his first speech in that body was a defence of the free coinage of silver and a plea for the preservation of the full legal tender value of greenback currency, though in 1893 he voted to repeal the silver purchase clause of the Sherman Act.
Of friendship, even of tender regard, he was fully capable, but not of love.
The subjects of Longfellow's poetry are, for the most part, aspects of nature as influencing human feeling, either directly or through historical association, the tender or pathetic sides and incidents of life, or heroic deeds preserved in legend or history.
Silver is legal tender only up to 50 lei.
The Pilgrimage of Tender Conscience, the Pilgrimage of Good Intent, the Pilgrimage of Seek Truth, the Pilgrimage of Theophilus, the Infant Pilgrim, the Hindoo Pilgrim, are among the many feeble copies of the great original.
In all the countries through which he travelled his memory is cherished by the native tribes who, almost without exception, treated Livingstone as a superior being; his treatment of them was always tender, gentle and gentlemanly.
They are often cut whilst still tender, dried and used as forage being known as oat hay (67,742,000 bundles of about 52 lb each were produced in 1904).
But then having thought on a tender way of polishing, proper for metall, whereby, as I imagined, the figure also would be corrected to the last; I began to try, what might be effected in this kind, and by degrees so far perfected an Instrument (in the essential parts of it like that I sent to London), by which I could discern Jupiters 4 Concomitants, and shewed them divers times to two others of my acquaintance.
Meanwhile the constant repetition of confession and reconciliation, together with the fact that the most tender consciences would be the most anxious for the assurance of forgiveness, led to the practice being considered a normal part of the Christian life.
Currency of Panama is legal tender in the Canal Zone, and that of the United States in the Republic of Panama.
She could ridicule him for the aspirations which he had not and for those which he had; on the other hand, he never heard from her a tender word "though she lived to be eighty."
In addition to fruits of various kinds, they consume tender shoots and buds, insects, eggs and young birds.
The extent of French influence is indicated by the fact that the five-franc piece, locally known as a dollar, is largely circulated throughout the protectorate, and is accepted as legal tender, although the currency in the colony proper is the English coinage.
Later the affected muscles become exquisitely tender, and then atrophy, while the knee-jerk or other reflex is lost.
But the only silver coin which is legal tender up to any amount is tim 5-peseta piece, and the coinage of this is restricted.
The president of the Republic and his ministers had to call in person on their guest to tender an apology, which was coldly received by Alphonso and his minister for foreign affairs.
The leaves should be cut frequently so as to obtain them tender and succulent.
The process of enfleurage is used in those cases where the odoriferous substance is present to a very small extent, and is so tender and liable to deterioration that it cannot be separated by way of distillation.
Less tender plants can be treated by the analogous method of maceration, which consists in extracting the odoriferous substances by macerating the flowers in hot oil or molten fat.
He arrived at French On account of the scarcity of a circulating medium more than twenty articles were valued and declared legal tender.
Matthew's little fingers pressed on her tender breasts, creating a new sensation.
He pulled the knife from his pocket, flipped it inward, and sliced into the tender flesh of his wrist.
These were happy images of shared exploits, battlefield victories, and tender moments crying on each other's shoulders as their world grew uglier.
He'd flipped on her again, going from the tender lover to the homicidal maniac.
For a moment they clung to each other, their kiss evolving from tender to eager and on to passionate.
To surrender even one night to this man, one night of his tender touch, heated kisses, and hard body…
Their tender embrace the previous night had affected him more than it should have, and yet she had walked away.
He was so strong, yet he'd been tender with her only minutes before.
His mother was a woman of sturdy character and with a keen sense of humor and tender sympathy.
Love is a profound feeling of tender affection for or intense attraction to another.
Even fewer can claim their first screen kiss to have been at the tender age of 11.
Back pressure on the caecum from an obstructing ascending colonic carcinoma causing a tender caecum may also mimic appendicitis.
He added that 5 pumping appliances, 1 rescue tender and 1 emergency support unit support the district resources.
Scottish banks issue their own notes and these are accepted as legal tender in Scotland as well as English bank notes.
Stir-fry for a minute or two until barely tender, then add the bean sprouts, soy sauce and chili sauce.
Now came another bitter blow when cut backs in public expenditure forced the withdrawal of the invitation to tender.
Wild boar meat is leaner and deeper red than pork; meat of the young boar is very tender.
Home made with chunks of British steak, mushrooms and onions, slow cooked in ale and beef bouillon until very tender.
It was a funny and tender film partially because of Moore's steadfast performance to Grant's stumbling buffoon.
Pull over to the side of the road to pick up tightly wrapped bundles of tender asparagus or punnets of sweet juicy strawberries.
Poultry meat toughness reaches its maximum level as recently slaughtered carcasses are washed, but the meat becomes more tender as carcasses are chilled.
My companion had the beef carpaccio, which was tender and savored with enjoyment.
This entails cleaning the battery terminals and connecting a Battery Tender or similar trickle charger.
In sheltered warm gardens, prune tender climbers and wall shrubs that are already showing signs of strong growth.
His voice has a special sound; tender in romantic passages yet commanding when it has to be.
We dare not turn our backs on the tender compassion of Jesus.
While the vegetables are cooking place the pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water and cook until tender.
The chen loi - celeriac - added a crisp counterpoint to the tender pork.
Each one is hand-made in Britain from solid sustainable wood with the tender loving care of a traditional craftsperson.
The ever popular dahlia which is a tender perennial provides color to the garden when so many flowers are past their best.
This is brooding music, often slow, taking time to unfold, embracing extreme dissonance as well as tender, diatonic harmonies.
Our experience over the last five years has enabled us to put together a tool kit of tender documentation.
James Bartley and Rebecca Bryant then performed a tender contemporary dance duet.
Accordingly, the lyrics were concerned with expressing affection and exploring more tender emotions.
I also like the tender song called Nebel which speaks of love with a dose of high emotionality.
But the grilled calves ' liver was very tender, artfully arranged with braised endive and a well smashed potato mash.
His deeply expressive throaty voice; tender, vulnerable with underlying menace - soul plugged.
The livestock contract has now been included as part of the lifeline ferry services which are currently out to tender.
Patients with borderline fibromyalgia had muscle pain and five to 10 tender points on physical examination.
The priceless championship the tender filet full round of.
Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family prized for its top crowns of tender, edible, green flower buds.
Good time gal and fashion icon model, Lizzie has launched to super star fame at the tender age of 20!
Instead, formal invitations to the private corporations to tender for these key services were placed in the official gazette of the European Community.
But for him the link is tender, not grandiose.
It is full of tender meat in a delicious gravy.
Make sure that you have finished bringing all tender plants into the heated greenhouse or conservatory for the winter.
The Icelandic gunboat is risking getting a stem packed with ice in a very tender spot from the trawler steaming at high speed.
The rude old tales are as tender to minorities as any modern political idealist.
A shoe with a soft insole may help to protect any tender joints on the soles of the feet.
At the tender age of just 20, Elliot has worked his way up the PADI career ladder and is now a certified instructor.
Because of this fact the bid was invalid according to the tender invitation.
Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and Thy loving kindnesses, for they have ever been of old.
The Hollywood heartthrob made Princess Beatrice and Eugenie's night by greeting them with a tender kiss on the cheek.
Bands were despatched wherever the great landholders failed to tender their submission.
The Euro became legal tender in these countries on 1st January 2002.
Bring up to the boil, then reduce heat and leave to simmer until red lentils and sweet potato are very tender.
Sometimes there are tender lymph nodes around the ear or the neck.
Hence the garden has a favorable microclimate for tender plants.
No more will you be called tender or delicate. { 2 } take millstones and grind flour; take off your veil.
Could it be that this item was already consigned to the tender ministrations of David Maclean in Mr Farrall's mind?
The language of the state with its many strong roots does not leave sufficient nourishment for the tender sapling, our hapless language " .
To boil, bring a pan of water to the boil, add the prepared okra and cook for 4-6 minutes or until tender.
In front of a work of such tender pathos the viewer is almost compelled to offer a hand in aid.
The next day, place the soaked peas in fresh water to cover and cook until tender, about 3 hours.
Pour in the coconut milk and stock, scatter in the green peppercorns, and leave to simmer until the vegetables are fully tender.
Ginger, which is used in a vast array of sweet and savory dishes around the world, is a tender, creeping perennial.
These can be filled with summer bulbs, tender perennials or annuals.
And thus we see " the end of the Lord, that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy.
All this shews that he has a full heart of tender pity.
We have four of them next to the veg plots and we use them to grow tender plants or to extend the growing season.
Maidens Wreath (Francoa) - Chilian plants of the Saxifrage family, somewhat tender, and best for dry sheltered positions on warm borders in light loam.
It is tender in England, needing the protection of a warm wall.
Mina - Fast-growing climbers from Mexico, and, while perennials in their own country, mostly grown as tender annuals with us.
P. tenax is the common green-leaved kind, and is a noble plant of very vigorous growth, but tender.
The tender Nierembergias are N. frutescens, a sub-shrubby plant of erect growth, and N. filicaulis, or gracilis, as it is called, which has slender drooping branches.
B. Colvillei is a tender Himalayan kind, with bunches of pale rose-colored flowers.
When planting, because of their early flowering, positions sheltering them from north and east should be selected, in order that the young tender shoots and flowers may escape the ill effects of spring frosts.
If the young trees are cut back annually they make strong shoots bearing enormous leaves, with the advantage of being much hardier than the tender greenhouse plants used in summer to give such effects.
It flowers about the middle of May, just after the foliage unfolds, and affords a charming contrast between tender green leaves and snow-white flowers as large as florins.
The best are H. moschata and microphylla, two New Zealand species, and nitidula, though all of these are somewhat tender.
Plagianthus - Handsome flowering shrubs of the Mallow order, most of which belong to Australia, and are tender, but three kinds come from the mountains of New Zealand, and succeed against walls in the milder parts of Britain.
P. Lampeni is also grown against walls, where it bears a profusion of fragrant, creamy-white flowers, but it is tender, and probably now confined to collections.
Podocarpus - Evergreen trees of the Yew tribe, tender in Britain save in the mildest parts.
Rhododendron Aucklandi - This tender species attains the dimensions of a small tree, its stems being of a grey color with the bark peeling off.
Of this species there are two or three forms in cultivation, and though somewhat tender, if given some root protection, they are seldom killed.
Shrubby Poppy (Dendromecon Rigidum) - A handsome half-shrubby Poppy bearing yellow flowers and glaucous grey leaves; a little tender, and one that requires a warm wall and some protection in winter.
It appears quite hardy, as it passed through 10 degrees. of frost on four nights last winter, which killed many tender subjects, without being harmed in the least.
Europe generally, it is somewhat slow and tender.
It is somewhat tender when young, but stands better after the first few years.
K. comosa is a showy plant, flowering in September, but is rather tender.
G. Jamesoni is a handsome plant, nearly hardy in the southern counties, but too tender for the midlands and the north.
All grow about 1 foot high, and should be treated like other tender annuals, such as Rhodanthe.
The tiny, pear-shaped, pests often appear in the spring and feast on your plants' tender new leaves.
Even if you have a particularly tender plant, you should be able to bring it through cold snaps safely and enjoy that beautiful scent next spring!
If you live in the south, you'll want to plant asparagus in the fall because the heat of summer is hard of the tender plants.
Harvest the last of the tender herbs such as basil and parsley; dry them.
Keep in mind some very tender annuals, especially tropical flowers, suffer even when temperatures dip into the 50s without a frost.
A bell-shaped glass open at one end, called a cloche, is a European method of protecting tender vegetables and flowers.
Not only can you start seeds earlier, you can winter over tender plants, grow exotic plants, and grow tender vegetables year round.
Use your cold frame after the first frost to maintain tender herbs, annuals, or house plants.
Whether your summer plant is a tropical plant or a tender herb you'd like to keep alive throughout the winter months, learn the steps to taking care of plants through the wintertime.
Tender herbs require a cloche or covering over them to protect them from frost.
Any non-native summer plants such as many annual flowers, tender perennials, houseplants and tropical plants require special care, so take steps now to ensure health plants year-round.
With a bit of preparation and a little tender loving care, your plants should survive the winter and be ready to bloom in the spring.
Marigolds, for example, have a strong odor that is unpleasant to many insects and deter them from feeding on tender plants.
Larger plants may be used to shield plants from heavy winds or strong sun and prevent the more tender plants from being uprooted or from wilting.
With containers, there are only a few inches of soil or less between the tender roots and the outer shell of the container.
Investing time and energy in learning how to plant asparagus the right way means tender, tasty vegetables for years to come and is well worth the initial investment.
If this tender love song has touched you, see the links below to find versions of this song to play on your guitar.
To add to the surprise presentation, wrap that bracelet with tender loving care.
Lotions with artificial ingredients can be very irritating to the tender skin of babies.
This product is formulated with a mixture of high-quality natural oils and emulsifiers designed to be especially effective for hydrating the tender skin of babies.
Many men report that regular shaving cream products irritate their skin, leaving it tender and dry.
Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Herbal Diaper Rash Soap offers a great way to fight diaper rash while still providing gentle cleansing for tender baby skin.
Sprouts are delicious, with their slightly nutty sweet flavor and their tender and crisp texture.
When they are not used in growing, the cotton remains pure and is better for your skin as it does come in direct contact with tender skin.
Organic cotton soaks up that moisture, dries out quickly and keeps it away from tender skin to avoid chafing.
In 1964 it began striking legal tender coins for various foreign countries.
Cook the meal over a fire for 45 minutes, or until the vegetables are almost tender.
Sauté onion, garlic, and bell peppers in the butter or oil until vegetables are tender.
Joints ache and bones are soft and tender.
The nose will be tender for at least three weeks.
Removing these scales exposes tender skin, which bleeds and causes the plaques (inflamed patches of skin) to grow.
The nodes may be tender and hard or soft and "rubbery" if an abscess has formed.
The doctor will press (palpate) the affected lymph nodes to see if they are sore or tender, and search for an entry point for the infection, like a scratch or bite.
This is a deep pain that may be exquisitely tender to the touch.
Other symptoms include skin blisters and discoloration, weakness, sweating, nausea, faintness, dizziness, bruising, and tender lymph nodes.
Pain and swelling usually subside after five to seven days, although the testicles can remain tender for weeks.
The abdominal incision become red, warm, tender to the touch, or is draining fluid.
Frequently a flat, red rash resulting from chafing of the diaper against tender skin causes friction rash.
Frequent and vigorous washing with soap can strip the baby's tender skin of natural protective barriers.
The joints become so tender that even the touch of bed sheets or clothing is terribly painful.
Dermatomyositis is a disease of the connective tissue that also involves weak, tender, inflamed muscles.
Lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin become swollen or tender.
Early symptoms of necrotizing enterocolitis include an intolerance to formula, distended and tender abdomen, vomiting, and blood (visible or not) in the stool.
The joints become swollen, tender, and painful with movement; the pain may be debilitating.
Lymph nodes in the area become swollen and tender, and the patient develops fever, chills, and headache.
The nipples will be tender and elevated.
It will become red and swollen, and there may be enlarged and tender lymph nodes in front of, or behind, the ear.
Oral contraceptives may cause the gums to become tender and swollen or to bleed.
The traditional BRAT diet-bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast-is tolerated by the tender gastrointestinal system.
There may be painful urination, and swollen and tender lymph glands in the groin.
The glands become swollen and tender and are painful.
It is important for people who come into contact with the child to realize that a cleft is not a wound, although it may give the impression that it is tender or sore.
The degree of tender joints remained unchanged in controls, but in the diet group their number decreased significantly.
During a physical examination, the doctor palpates the abdomen to find tender and painful spots.
The individual should get out of the sun and protect tender skin against more sun exposure for at least one week.
Parents should pay attention to unexplained fevers; night sweats; or tender, swollen lymph nodes.
In order to make the pie crust even more tender and flaky, we will be using apple cider vinegar.
Bake for at least 45 minutes or until tender.
Bake the sweet potatoes for 45 minutes or until tender.
From salads to appetizers to main dishes, hard-boiled eggs add a tender and tasty element to your recipes.
The braciole is done when the meat feels tender when tested with a fork.
This recipe uses basil, mint, garlic, and lemon to enhance the rich flavor and the tender meat of the lamb leg.
Bake until the mushroom is tender all the way through.
For the most tender cut of steak that you've had, ask for a filet mignon and be ready to be impressed.
The filet mignon was once cut only from shorter most tender tip of the tenderloin but now any cut from the tenderloin is considered a filet mignon.
The tenderloin is a muscle that does not get much of a workout and, as such, is very tender.
But with a tender cut like filet mignon, you want to cook it fast over high heat.
Set goals with your stylist and realize maybe just a few months of tender loving care is all that will be required to increase your hair's health prior to your desired service.
Despite being a superstar since the tender age of 15, Beyonce is well-known for her close family ties and down-to-earth personality.
Hormonal changes also lead to tender breasts that result from the body's preparation to feed the baby.
While a roaster oven produces a very juicy, tender turkey, some people want the nice crispy finish that can only come with oven roasting.
I have been teaching people about the power of juicing since 1948, when I got bladder cancer and was afraid, at the tender age of 25, that I was going to die.
They can be to help out on household chores, for hugs and kisses (or other tender moments) or for anything else your sweetie has been wanting.