Templar Sentence Examples
On the 13th of October 1307 came the arrest of all the Knights Templar in France, the breaking of a storm conjured up by royal jealousy and greed.
The play, which is written in blank verse, is too obviously a continuation of Lessing's theological controversy to rank high as poetry, but the representatives of the three religions - the Mahommedan Saladin, the Jew Nathan and the Christian Knight Templar - are finely conceived, and show that Lessing's dramatic instinct had, in spite of other interests, not deserted him.
The Knights Templar School chamber choir gave a very slick performance ranging from Elizabethan madrigals to songs from the shows.
Legendary actor Roger Moore stars as debonair playboy Simon Templar in the series that made him an international star.
Coverham Abbey owned extensive estates in Coverdale while the Knights Templar had a preceptory at Penhill.
The Knights Templar founded a priory in the late twelfth century, which may have encouraged settlement.
To begin with there are the great models of the knight and his opponents, Paul being particularly resplendent in his Templar outfit.
The Knights Templar did become very powerful and were destroyed by Philip the lV on a charge of devil worship.
Most witnesses, like the second Templar, added the vow of poverty to the other two.
The Knights Templar The Knights Templar were an order of warrior monks, originally formed to give pilgrims protection in the Holy Land.
AdvertisementSimilar in plot mechanics to The Da Vinci Code, the clues connect Gates to the Declaration of Independence, the Knights Templar and the Freemasons.
It was on that day that France's King Philip IV arrested, tortured and executed the Knights of the Templar, a Catholic order that protected travelers in Jerusalem.
These lending practices would lead to their downfall, as the King became envious of their power and wealth, and when the Knights Templar refused to lend the King any more money, he decided to end the Knights Templar forever.
The Knights Templar did exist, and their purpose included escorting travelers through the Holy Land in the years of the Crusades.
Hungry for gold, King Philip conspired with Church leaders and secretly ordered the abolishment of the Order of the Knights Templar on Friday, October 13, 1307.
AdvertisementA Knight Templar uniform clearly identified the religious soldier on the battlefield.
This small group of nine knights became known as the Knights Templar.
Through the following decades the Knights Templar grew rapidly in number.
Each Order of Knights Templar had a Draper in charge of the Templars' linens and garments.
The Draper ranked very high in Templar hierarchy, with only the Master and the Marshal above him.
AdvertisementEach Draper had a varied number of tailors, two squires, and a brother to care for his pack animals and his four personal horses.Originally each Knights Templar was given a mantle, a white cloak and a wool shirt.
The chain-mail hauberk of a Knight Templar was long-sleeved with chain-mail hand coverings.
Some Templar units wore a kettle-hat, called a chapeau de fer.
The Templar Knight's shoes were also covered with chain-mail.
Over his armor, a Knight Templar wore a white surcoat adorned with the red cross to let everyone know he was part of the Order of the Knight Templar.
AdvertisementKaren's Whimsy includes five images of Knights Templar taken from her collection of books.
A History and Mythos of the Knights Templar includes excellent articles on Templar history, legacy and the mystery surrounding them.
Medieval Chain-Mail Armor is a website where you can purchase modern versions of Knights Templar clothing and armor.
A Knights Templar uniform, whether dressed for peacetime or battle, was plain.