Tempera Sentence Examples

  • It was painted in tempera about 1495, in commemoration of the battle of Fornovo, which Ginfrancesco Gonzaga found it convenient to represent to his lieges as an Italian victory, though in fact it had been a French victory; the church which originally housed the picture was built from Mantegna's own design.

  • The tempera vehicle, perhaps including new experimental ingredients, did not long hold firmly to its plaster ground, nor that to the wall.

  • Very soon after this Baptism, he moved to oils; he moved from tempera painting to oils, so changed again.

  • Using markers or tempera paint, children can paint the egg carton cup red.

  • Place a bit of tempera paint onto some plain wrapping paper, then give your child a straw.

  • Murals have been drawn in inks made of animal and vegetable dyes, painted in egg tempera frescos, paneled in wood and are now available in a wide range of options.

  • All you need for this project is bubble solution, blowing wands and powdered tempera paint.

  • In the paper cup, mix together 1/4 cup of plaster of Paris, two tablespoons of powdered tempera paint in the color of your choice, and two tablespoons of cold water.

  • Paints - Be sure to have old t-shirts handy if the paints you choose are acrylic or tempera paints.

  • A liquid in which the com position is nearly that of the eutectic shows the changes in the rate of fall of tempera ture as it is allowed to cool.

  • The actual tempera ture of the metal itself can then be observed by inserting thermometers or thermo-couples at measured distances from the centre.

  • An interval of five years separates the Vienna "Madonna" from the two fine heads of the apostles Philip and James in the Uffizi at Florence, the pair of boys' heads painted in tempera on linen in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris, the "Madonna with the Pink" at Augsburg, and the portrait of Wolgemut at Munich, all of 1516.

  • The picture, originally painted in tempera, has suffered much from later repaints in oil, rendering exact judgment difficult.

  • One of these was a cartoon or monochrome painting of Adam and Eve in tempera, and in this, besides the beauty of the figures, the infinite truth and elaboration of the foliage and animals in the background are celebrated in terms which bring to mind the treatment of the subject by Albrecht Darer in his famous engraving done thirty years later.

  • He painted the picture on the wall in tempera, not, according to the legend which sprung up within twenty years of its completion, in oil.

  • The ghost has now been brought back to much of true life again by the skill of the most scrupulous of all restorers, Cavaliere Cavenaghi, who, acting under the authority of a competent commission, and after long and patient experiment, found it possible to secure to the wall the innumerable blistered, mildewed and half-detached flakes and scales of the original work that yet remained, to clear the surface thus obtained of much of the obliterating accretions due to decay and mishandling, and to bring the whole to unity by touching tenderly in with tempera the spots and spaces actually left bare.

  • The master lost no time in proceeding to the execution of his design upon the mural surface; this time he had devised a technical method of which, after a preliminary trial in the Sala del Papa, he regarded the success as certain; the colours, whether tempera or other remains in doubt, were to be laid on a specially prepared ground, and then both colours and ground made secure upon the wall by the application of heat.

  • The tuition focuses on traditional methods, particularly in the use of egg tempera or fresco, echoing the cultural history of the region.

  • We may name, besides those already specified - in the Naples Museum, " St Euphemia," a fine early work; in Casa Melzi, Milan, the " Madonna and Child with Chanting Angels " (1461); in the Tribune of the Uffizi, Florence, three pictures remarkable for scrupulous finish; in the Berlin Museum, the " Dead Christ with two Angels "; in the Louvre, the two celebrated pictures of mythic allegory- " Parnassus " and " Minerva Triumphing over the Vices "; in the National Gallery, London, the " Agony in the Garden," the " Virgin and Child Enthroned, with the Baptist and the Magdalen," a late example; the monochrome of " Vestals," brought from Hamilton Palace; the " Triumph of Scipio " (or Phrygian Mother of the Gods received by the Roman Commonwealth), a tempera in chiaroscuro, painted only a few months before the master's death; in the Brera, Milan, the " Dead Christ, with the two Maries weeping," a remarkable tour de force in the way of foreshortening, which, though it has a stunted appearance, is in correct technical perspective as seen from all points of view.
