Tem Sentence Examples
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Tas to Tem.
The residual liquid would thus become richer in B, and the tem perature and composition would pass along the curve till E, the eutectic point, was reached.
From 1882 to 1885 he was president pro tem.
This window shows a simulated TEM diffraction pattern for the wurtzite structure, colour-coded to show the phase of diffracted intensity.
The results will be com pared with that obtained from cross-sectional TEM.
About half the passive samplers had measurable levels of asbestos by TEM.
He was president of New Hampshire in1785-1786and in 1788-1789; a member of the Federal Constitutional Convention in 1787, where he voted against granting to Congress the power of issuing paper money; a member of the state convention which ratified the Federal Constitution for New Hampshire; a member of the United States Senate in 178 9 -1801, and its president pro tem.
The title of bishop survived the Reformation in certain of the Lutheran churches of the continent, in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Transylvania; it was tem oraril restored in Prussia in 1 01 for the coronation P Y 7 ?
Microstructures were studied using a combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).