Technically Sentence Examples
Technically that's true, but maybe she has an angle.
Well, technically I have to eat, just not food.
Technically, what you saw was an image of the Bryce brothers.
Any good, technically competent web design firm can set this up for you.
The term bacterial cystitis should technically be used where bladder inflammation is as a consequence of bacterial infection.
The conservation of objects is a technically demanding job, which uses a range of scientific techniques.
Majella Cullagh's Pia is remarkable - technically exacting, and remorselessly exposing the woman's physical, moral and emotional hell.
A constantly evolving, technically advancing and multi-faceted CTBT verification gauntlet is something that no state is ever likely to contemplate running.
They were technically on three route cards but evolved into one amorphous gestalt.
Technically, if you drop a shackle from above waste height you should put a hacksaw through it.
AdvertisementDespite that, around 70 million technically illegal workers crowd the urban streets looking for employment.
The Customer acknowledges that it is technically impracticable to provide a fault free Service and Griffin does not undertake to do so.
Removing the contaminated soils was technically impractical, and removing contaminated ground water did not address the source of the contaminants.
While technically incorrect, it is popularly used in a great deal of published literature.
Day Two Being technically inept I couldn't work out how to charge the phone.
AdvertisementIt's surprisingly technically mature given the inexperience of the director, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone.
The joint entity became technically insolvent in February, losing almost $ 500 million of investment.
It's possible that a technically knowledgeable participant could bypass the security by using system programs of some kind.
Later on in the art museum, we came across the same sculptures, now technically perfect, but quite dead.
Bruce's work is deeply independent and technically precise.
AdvertisementThe intense pressure saw Musson cross for Gibson to score with a technically superb volley from 20 yards.
Wednesday 15th October 2003 | Read more What's new pussycat (for the technically inclined) Well, here is the aforementioned redesign!
The audience gradually warmed to the musical quality and inspired playing from a richly talented quartet coping admirably with often technically difficult scores.
The trek is not technically difficult but the ascents and descents can be long and feel relentless, especially in hot weather.
Only fairly technically savvy users would pick that up from the tips page.
AdvertisementTechnically the strategic inter-cutting between Close-Ups of the performers and members of the audience is a simple and apparently seamless device.
Technically called finnock (small sea trout) tho some are as large as 3lb plus.
My first job was working with VSO in London matching suitable technically skilled volunteers to overseas positions.
Contrary to popular belief, much computer fraud and abuse is not technically sophisticated.
Technically speaking, spooks don't even exist they have no names, identities, or known...
We have recently introduced a range of mobility products including easy-access swivel seats, a technically advanced power chair and quality mobility scooters.
First and foremost you need tenacity and you need to be technically very competent.
The present proposal also takes into account the technically unavoidable traces of GM material.
In addition, they are also limited by geography - wave power is only technically viable in coastal locations.
They think their take on squashed together living in what is now technically a desert, is the cats ' whiskers.
Moreover, the opening theme is formed of slow arpeggios; and the more modern harmonic elements, though technically chromatic, consist, from the modern point of view, rather in swift changes between nearly related keys than in chromatic blurring of the main key.
The component of a balance weight which is necessary to balance the reciprocating masses introduces a vertical unbalanced force which appears as a variation of pressure between the wheel and the rail, technically called the hammer-blow, the magnitude of which increases as the square of the speed of the train.
As to the use of the word, it must be further stated that it is also technically applied to altar cloths, the altar being "vested" in frontal (antependium) and super-frontal (see Altar).
The Jesuits also pleaded a verbal approbation by Pius VI., technically known as an Oraculum vivae vocis, but this is invalid for purposes of law unless reduced to writing and duly authenticated.
That Bacon underestimates the importance of selective and of provisional explanatory hypotheses even in such fields as that of chemistry, and that technically he is open to some criticism from the point of view that negative judgment is derivate as necessarily resting on positive presuppositions, may be true enough.
By common usage the word " seal " is employed as a term to describe both the implement for making the impression, and the impression itself; but properly it should be confined to the latter, the graven implement being technically called the matrix.
In his dealings with Turkey, the suzerain power, he displayed considerable acuteness; he gained the confidence of the Sultan, whom he flattered and occasionally menaced; and aided by the ambassadors of the friendly powers, he succeeded in obtaining on two occasions important concessions for the Bulgarian episcopate in Macedonia (see Macedonia), while securing the tacit sanction of the Porte for the technically illegal situation in the principality.
Wednesday 15th October 2003 | Read more What 's new pussycat (for the technically inclined) Well, here is the aforementioned redesign !
This was rectified within 24 hours but meant that technically the distribution of the report failed to comply with the required notice period.
Add apostrophe s to the owner 's name, and so on... Word form is technically referred to as morphology.
Tomatoes, although technically short-lived perennials, are treated as annuals and raised from seed each year.
In the opening two rounds, Hastie had real difficulty coming to terms with the southpaw stance of his technically gifted opponent.
Secondly, even if vets had been technically able to safely spay female rabbits, the client demand was not there.
Sadly I do n't have a camera technically capable of capturing the splendor.
Technically speaking, Spooks do n't even exist they have no names, identities, or known...
Tho technically this may have been just about possible, during this time period it is stretching credulity a little far.
Musculo-skeletal - Degenerative changes in the vertebral column may make subarachnoid block (SAB) technically difficult.
Technically the game stands up well, but feels a bit rushed in places, leading to some rather uninspired level design.
The vapor trail is technically known as an aircraft wake vortices.
In this case, baby may get a last name that is technically nontraditional because it isn't just dad's, but the decision was made prior to their arrival.
Technically, this snowblower model is actually a modified shovel and is powered by electricity.
While refurbished items are not technically new, (they're typically returned items that have had the defects corrected,) they still work like new.
Sales tax is usually not included in a purchase since the gold you are purchasing is technically legal tender.
While technically you might be able to feed your cat for an indefinite period of time using coupons and free samples, most veterinarians recommend that you find a food that your pet does well on and stick with it.
These accidents occur because, although technically inside the box when she shuffles around the litter, your cat's back end may have been too far outside the box's edge.
They are technically covered since they are hidden, although how they are "covered" can vary.
While not technically a Martini, this fruity drink is a perfect choice for any number of occasions.
While technically the information is supposed to be passed on once you contact one bureau, making a separate request to each will ensure the alert is put on quickly and that it is done properly.
Unless the creditor can prove that the consumer actually owes the money, the creditor is technically not in a position to demand payment.
Technically, any lawyer can help you file for divorce.
Technically, couples can't dissolve a marriage under the common law umbrella term.
If you're the type of person that is technically minded and you like taking things apart, you might be able to save some money by buying the parts you need and doing the repairs yourself.
Hardwood trees to eventually grow back, so they are technically a renewable resource.
They are designed for the do-it-yourselfer who is not particularly technically inclined, so the information is clear, concise, and helpful.
While technically not an herb, L-theanine is distilled from one of the most well known herbs--green tea.
It's a good idea to check out a few different programs to find one you are comfortable with, especially if you're not very technically inclined!
Technically named potassium hydrogen tartarate, it is an acid that is collected from the inside of wine barrels.
While a hamburger could be technically considered a sandwich, most Americans would do a double take if you ordered it that way.
Technically, puberty is defined as the process by which one becomes physically mature enough to sexually reproduce.
Crystal,Technically, you can have sex at any age.
Although you don't technically need to worry quite so young, it is important and wise to start some preliminary planning.
While this is becoming more acceptable, technically it's considered poor etiquette.
Although technically not a decoration, a smoke machine producing eerie fog filters the light and creates a graveyard theme.
If your note is longer than that, it is technically a letter.
Seasonal Affected Depression; technically called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a real and debilitating form of depression that causes problems for many each year.
Technically, woolen flannel was called flannelette and had a light nap to the material.
Technically, the weave is created by using at least four yarns of what's known as cool fill or weft yarns.
The judge determined that the nanny's firing was technically illegal and Price was ordered to pay $8,000 to Gould.
Is it technically considered a "marriage" if it lasts less than three days?
Gibson and his wife of nearly 30 years, Robyn, filed for divorce in April of 2009, though some sources claim the couple has been technically separated for over three years.
Perhaps whatever they earn from Roca, which technically, Jay-Z no longer owns, and Dereon is just a bit of rainy day money for the two.
His mother was born Jewish while his father was not, making him technically only half-Jewish.
Though they are technically not socks, if you are looking for plush socks because they're comfortable to wear around the house, these plush slippers will go far beyond your expectations!
Though this is technically a camping supply store, they offer all kinds of children's clothing for the great outdoors, from fleece to winter hats.
Although technically not a cruise, you can have a magical wedding cruise New Orleans style with New Orleans Paddlewheels.
While technically there are only a few adult only cruise ships, there are many opportunities for cruises with few or no children aboard.
Technically your male may be old enough to breed, but he's not really ready for it.
Technically, you may be able to use that puppy at stud, but I really don't recommend using such a young dog, especially if your bitch has also never been breed before.
The ideal time to breed is when the bitch's ovaries begin releasing eggs for fertilization, technically referred to as ovulating.
Soil with a pH over 7.0 is technically considered "alkaline."
While not technically under 110 dollars, one look at the Zone XM and you just might say "close enough!"
I've been to open mic nights where I see these bass players that are brilliant technically but they fall apart when they try to play even a simple blues riff.
The average height of an American man falls between the range of 5'9" and 5'10"; you'll technically be considered short if you measure in significantly below that.
You may not think much of socks, believing, like many do, that one pair is as good as any other, but once you see the attention to detail and technically advanced features of this particular sock, you may be forced to change your opinion.
The gothic look is technically an echo of Victorian and Edwardian styles, although it can also be mixed with medieval and Renaissance fashions.
So called because of their shape and color, organic kombucha mushrooms are not, in fact, technically mushrooms at all.
Foods containing GMO ingredients cannot hold an organic certification because even if they are not exposed to additional toxins and chemicals during production, they are still not technically natural because of the scientific modification.
Ralph Lauren is one of the many brands that do not technically offer belts in plus sizes.
The color black is really not a color, but is technically the absence of color.
Technically many small-time food services such as an Amish women or farm stands should still be regulated by normal standards.
Technically, PABA-free is safer for most people.
While it isn't technically possible to force someone to fall asleep, it is possible to create conditions that are most favorable for sleeping.
Technically, the definition of retro is any outdated style that has become a fashion icon because of its uniqueness or rarity.
While any older, outdated and unique glasses can technically be considered retro, certain styles are more famous than others.
While you could technically go to any optical shop and have your bifocal readers custom made, there's no need to do that.
They can overpower your face, even if they aren't technically "oversized."
You'll have to find your own ROMs for commercial games since they are technically illegal to download and rip from the cartridge (unless you have the rights to do so).
Some are technically considered WiiWare, whereas others are considered Virtual Console titles.
Instead of travelling through a "story" mode, all of the missions -- if you can call them that -- are selectable right from the start, each technically no more difficult than the next.
Technically, since the smallest individual picture elements - or "pixels" - in Mattel Football were the hyphens, the game ran at around 8 x 6 resolution.
Technically the same as the SP and GBA systems, the Micro is roughly two inches tall and less than inch deep.
I wouldn't technically classify this title as an RPG, largely because it lacks enough depth to be truly considered a role-playing game.
Although Rez was technically a rail shooter, the visual and audio aspects of the game also play a huge part.
It was a step up technically and still managed to play phenomenal and superb games.
Although it is technically listed as an action-adventure game, Overlord also has aspects of real-time strategy, RPG, and platform-style video games.
That letter means a lot; both are the same incredible resolution, but a progressive picture is basically flicker-free, and technically an interlaced picture is half the resolution of a progressive one.
Okay, while technically not a website, Microsoft Windows XP offers up the classic checkers that we all know and love.
Sure, the game is technically a part of the Rayman series, but it is those nutty (and occasionally screaming) raving rabbids that steal the show.
Because there are no true objectives (other than to try to amass as much riches as possible, just like in real life), points, scores, or anything of that sort, Second Life technically isn't a "game" in the traditional sense of the word.
The Sony PSP Go is not technically a successor to the existing PlayStation Portable (PSP) portable game console.
These are the best ways to advance your Sims in the game and some of them cannot technically be classified as cheating so much as taking advantage of your resources.
While technically an "action-shooter", Resident Evil 4 is enough of a non-stop thrill ride to be included in this list.
Technically, a video game must have some kind of video involved.
The red LED lights were also removed, so even if the system overheated, there was technically no "Red Ring of Death."
The Seylem edged out the Vosne Romanee by a hair and so technically speaking, the Yanks won!
Although technically not free, one of the most effective ways to get an affordable cellular phone is to purchase a prepaid phone that comes pre-loaded with a certain amount of airtime.
However, muscular dystrophy (technically a myopathy) is far more severe.
Technically, puberty refers to the period during which an individual becomes capable of sexual reproduction.
Technically a roux is a cooked mixture of fat and flour.
Technically there are many others, both folk dances and popular disco-era dances like the Electric Slide.
Dance is, by nature, a subjective skill, and it's certainly possible for a performer to be technically perfect but artistically poor, and vice versa.
Getting the head movements 'right' is what makes the crucial difference between a technically accomplished dancer (good turnout, fluid movement, graceful arm angles, etc) and a dancer who can steal the crowd's focus when she comes onstage.
Competitive teams that succeed showcase their most flexible and technically advanced dancers.
Technically that's only two words repeated, but that's really all you need to know to dance the two-step.
While center work may not technically be in the center of the room (for example traveling exercises like series of jumps or turns), barre work is always done at the barre.
For example, MJ's kick was never all that technically advanced; rather, it's the attitude with which he put a certain flair on the kick that makes everyone go wild for this particular dance step.
Technically, once you've mastered steps one and two, you know how to do the basic, and you could just go out on the floor and do that step alone all night long.
Well, technically, what they are saying is that you can search for the death record for free.
While Ancestry is not technically a free site, many public libraries have a subscription for patrons to use.
Dissecting poetry and learning to interpret a poem's intent will be a frustrating task for students who are more technically oriented as opposed to those who are gifted with the abstract.
Those who do not meet the HUD income guidelines for low income housing may not receive HUD support, as they are technically capable of providing for their own living space.
Although the progestin is technically different, Yasmin birth control has side effects similar to other contraceptive pills.
In fact, technically, it does not even require penetration.
Although they're not technically considered eating disorders, there are some eating problems that are more likely during pregnancy.
This is technically not induction since labor has started but slow labor will usually call for induction methods.
Technically, it is illegal via the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to fire someone for simply having a high risk pregnancy.
Even though it's not technically illegal to quit after maternity leave, it's generally considered unprofessional conduct.
In fact, a women is not technically considered pregnant until the blastocyst (sometimes health care providers call this the "products of conception") implants in the uterus.
Technically speaking, teenage pregnancy refers to any pregnancy in which the mother has not yet turned 20 when the baby is born or when the pregnancy ends by some other means.
The horrifying thing about this accident is that you often don't feel it because your top is technically still secured.
Technically, every swimsuit is a designer piece as someone, somewhere, sat at a drawing board and designed the style's intricacies.
As long as the right length and waist size is achieved and the girl likes the pattern, it really doesn't matter if it's technically a boy's swimsuit.
Technically, you may have clothes on, but these see-through bikinis will put your physical assets on display for the world to see!
Technically, a bikini is described as a swimsuit that covers three quarters of a man's rear.
Although slingshot bikinis are technically swimsuits, they are not swimwear in the average sense.
While the bottoms to match can technically be made in any style, it's most likely that they will be string bikinis or thong bikinis.
Technically, Atari games were introduced in the late 70s; however, most people think of Atari as the 80s revelation to home entertainment.
Technically, there are eight B-complex vitamins.
Just because you're wearing something technically casual doesn't mean you can't amp up the makeup a little.
The Rainbow's technically advanced separator makes sure that all the dust and dirt collected by the machine remains in the water reservoir and never allows it to re-enter the atmosphere.
Technically, infrared is part of what's known as the electromagnetic light spectrum.
While not technically grants, these benefits follow a very similar process and require no repayment.
Technically, it was never released in theaters, but it's an hour long television special that airs yearly during the Christmas season and definitely deserves mention as one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time.
Technically, MySpace doesn't have chat rooms.
Technically, any website or service which allows you to browse or search for gay men is a gay dating personal.
But, more technically, gay dating personals are profile-listing services where gay men can post photos, write about themselves, and describe what they are looking for.
While it's not technically a "dating" site, Deaf Spot is a portal website designed to provide a wide variety of resources for deaf people.
Technically, each anniversary has specific types of gifts associated with it that gradually become more elaborate the longer a couple has been married.
Although it's not technically necessary for a successful career, many writers have found that picking a specialty increases their odds of landing magazine assignments.
That package would certainly help the winning writer transition from a vanity press to future paid writing work, but technically the prize still doesn't equal a job.
While corn gluten meal is technically gluten-free, there is always the theoretical potential for cross-contamination from other grains during the processing, packaging or storing process.
Alright, so Pluto is no longer technically a planet, but this heavenly body still brings about long-term changes.
My Reward Board - While not technically free, this site is worth mentioning.
Although technically this is a search engine for kids, it appears much more like a kids' site with links for games, videos, cartoons, and even something for homework help.
While not technically free, Netflix allows you unlimited movie streaming from their on-demand database.
Both Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner refer to this as the "break up" scene, even though the two are not technically breaking up.
These films are technically excluded from the Disney vault process; however, Toy Story and Toy Story 2 both spent some time in the vault leading up to the release of the collector's editions of the films.
Everything else is technically a "want" - new laptop computer, cell phone, iPod, European vacation, etc. Frugal people understand that needs must be attended to before it's acceptable to spend money on other items.
Although they're not technically traditional Veterans Day freebies, retail stores often provide special discounts for veterans that you can use to save money on any large purchases you were planning.
The X-Boot III Multi Ground is a high performance boot with many technically advanced features for the serious soccer player.
Birthstone charts vary, too, according to the culture where they originated, which gives you a few color options while still being technically correct.
Technically you need to have the Navy's permission to use this emblem exactly as is, so most service men opt to personalize the design.
Utilizing a technically superior energy system, Citizen's line of Eco-Drive watches effectively harnesses the power of any available light source whether it be the sun, a lamp or a simple flashlight.
To whet your appetite for Wenger watches, check out some of the company's most technically and aesthetically appealing timepieces.
Technically, TPE isn't a rubber at all, and doesn't contain any rubber bi-products, but it's often described to consumers as synthetic rubber for ease of understanding the product and to reduce any confusion with PVC.
Technically, if not legally, speaking, you should not so much as use your work desk to pay a non-work related bill.
Technically speaking, a resume will not get you a job.
Technically, you can have employees sharing an account, but this often leads to confusion as the team grows.
Fitting eight adults into a minivan can be somewhat tricky, even if the van can technically seat this many people.
Now, you'll notice that the nationally televised ESPN cheerleading competition is technically the World Cheer and Dance Competition.
First, technically these words, created by someone else, belong to them, under terms of copyright.
The stickers I used were technically for a wedding, but Jolee's also has a New Year's collection of stickers that would work quite nicely.
While it is technically possible to use food coloring to color your soap, it isn't the best choice.
This hot water and agitation process is known technically as "fulling."
Technically speaking, making soap without lye is impossible.
After all, it is technically possible to be a vegetarian and subsist entirely on cheese puffs.
Technically the diet should be moderate in concentrated sugars but each individual's body handles diabetes differently so moderate is at different levels for people.
Technically a detox diet, vegan or otherwise can last as long as you see fit, and as long as it's healthy for you to follow.
Without diving too deep into chemical aspects, a protein calorie is much less likely to be stored as body fat than say a sugar calorie even though they technically contain the same amount of energy.
As a matter of fact, a number of high calorie, high fat foods are technically vegan.
Technically, anyone already going to a gym most likely benefits from group exercises.
While it's true that human bodies are technically made to run, they were not made to run for the decades and decades that running enthusiasts live in modern times.
You can tap into this strength reserve by having a partner help you lift weights that are technically too heavy and then do 6-8 reps mainly resisting the weight on its way down before your partner helps you lift the weight again.
This strength reserve can be tapped through smart training as a way to train harder than you technically can.
It's technically not a part of the bicep, but it is closely related and -- perhaps more importantly for cosmetic purposes -- it "props up" the overlying biceps to dramatic effect if you manage to grow it.
Of course, most types of exercise will have the end result of helping you lose weight, but that doesn't mean that they'll be technically titled as weight-loss exercises.
Most translation work will be somewhat technical and will come from fields such as law, science and business but can be even more technically oriented, such as translations of instructions that accompany products.
Though the CignaPlus Savings Program is not technically a dental insurance plan, it does provide access to discounts on dental services through a nationwide network of participating dentists.
While not technically a Florida high risk insurance pool, those in Florida can take advantage of this program, which is run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
While the two divisions do both technically fall under the same name, the car insurance division of this company is not the same as the financial advising division.
Coverage for motorcycles through AAA is provided by third party insurance companies who work with AAA, but are not technically a part of the American Automobile Association.
This is not to infer that all or most men who wear feminine style fabic are cross dressers, as this is not technically or otherwise accurate.
If you're going the semi-sheer red leggings route (though not technically nylons, they're worn that way), slide on a pair of black flats and you're on your way.
Technically more of a thong or a brief, it's stretchy, semi-see-through white fabric is worth checking out.
When the band started, he was the most technically proficient of the group, and it was often the strength of his playing that carried the band through its early days.
Many of these competing sites were more technically advanced and offered more customization to seasoned users.
Now, technically, you should not replace your iPod battery yourself.
For the less technically savvy out there, some of these companies will replace your battery for you, for a fee.
Shiny Toys Guns play the kind of music that you know is technically electronica, but yet has all the sweat, swagger, and sex appeal of punk rock.
The Woodstock music festival, which is technically known as the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, was one of the most significant events of the 1960s, and it remains one of the most important moments in the history of music.
Although it was technically preceded by the somewhat obscure Drill EP, Creep was Radiohead's first single from their debut album, Pablo Honey.
Success came very quickly after the deal with Columbia, with the release of Room for Squares (which technically was a reissue album - it had previously been released as a download only album).
Although not technically "based on" the music of ABBA, ABBA's songs are the driving force behind the musical and absolutely instrumental in making Mamma Mia such a hit.
Technically, royalties should be paid for any performance in a place that is open to a public or at which the majority of the people are not related and sing the song, and Warner attempts collection as often as possible.
Warner sometimes finds itself on the wrong side of some negative publicity when they demand a royalty from, say, a school, but technically, they are not overstepping any bounds.
Kesha came close to signing with Warner while working with DAS, but Dr. Luke stepped in and blocked the deal since she was technically still under contract.
The Monkees weren't technically even really a band, but thanks to quality songwriting and of course the TV show based on the "fictional" band, The Monkees scored hit after hit.
Technically, no bat mitzvah ceremony is needed.
Party favors and goody bags aren't technically necessary, but it is nice to send each guest home with a small memento from the day.
Jo was never technically a Coto housewife.
The Hills - technically not celebrities until after the show begins, the lives of the cast members are documented as they go about their daily business.
Judges choose the winner of the Shortcut challenge based on how well he or she cuts hair technically.
True, technically, this is the Harry Potter villain's rebirth so to speak, but the effect is the same.
Technically, anything with a microprocessor can be considered a robot.
Technically, a robot is a machine which gathers information from its environment and then processes that information in way that allows it to follow instructions.
While not technically a traditional robot, HAL represented the idea of artificial intelligence in any form, and what could happen when artificial intelligence became better than human intelligence.
Technically, a nail spa only differs from a nail salon in name.
While Peachaboo was technically considered a light orange hue, the metallic base changed the polish into soft, glowy shades of rose, copper and sunset.
These common ailments are technically benign tumors that are harmless.
If you are concerned about copyright laws, you should also know that the majority of images you will find in free layouts are not properly licensed and are technically illegal.
While technically any text editor like NotePad would work, using a code editor such as Dreamweaver has a lot of advantages.
Technically called Pope2You, this Facebook application went live May 24, 2009 at the 43rd World Communications Day.
Technically this is violating copyright laws, but it happens all the time.
Some player discovered that if you open several windows "visiting" your friend in each, you can get multiple points even though you are technically only visiting them once!
It allowed you to place more "land" in one place than should have technically been allowed.
Because employers and employees must both contribute, FICA is therefore more akin to a contribution program, despite technically being regarded as a tax.
While technically taxpayers only need to pay their amount of the tax liability, the agency prefers that taxpayers file both a return and remit any money they owe by the due date.
His or her job is technically to direct both the direction of the marchers (whether a band, a color guard, or some combination of the two) and the actions they take.
Advanced webmasters typically use the ftp approach, while webmasters who aren't quite as technically savvy use the simple file management interface.
Hosting a web page is often a scary concept to most people who do not consider themselves technically savvy.
Technically, I am a dead doctor.
Oh yes, that would make Lori a member of the Reynolds family too – technically.
Anyway, it isn't until Tuesday, so technically, you didn't forget.
This spawn may be obtained from old pastures, or decayed mushroom beds, and is purchased from nurserymen in the form of bricks charged with the mycelium, and technically known as mushroom spawn.
Should either fault occur (technically called " fiddling ") it is fatal to accurate measurement.
But he could hardly be said seriously to have oppressed the subject cities, and technically all the League money was spent on League business, for Athena, to whom the chief monuments in Athens were reared, was the patron goddess of the League.
But, secondly, the pneumatic utterances technically known as speaking with tongues failed to reach this level of intelligibility; for Paul compares "a tongue" to a material object which should merely make a noise, to a pipe or harp twanged or blown at random without tune or time, to a trumpet blaring idly and not according to a code of signal notes.
These bodies, known technically as chioroplaIts, are found embedded in the protoplasm of the cells of the mesophyll of foliage leaves, of certain of the cells of some of the leaves of the flower, and of the cortex of the young twigs and petioles.
Yet it seems plain that any theology, maintaining redemption as historical fact (and not merely ideal), must attach religious importance to conclusions which are technically probable rather than proven.
Muller brought out at Nuremberg a German translation of the Systema Naturae, completing it in 1776 by a Supplement containing a list of animals thus described, which had hitherto been technically anonymous, with diagnoses and names on the Linnaean model.
Technically speaking they are in quarto, but their size is so small that they may be well spoken of here.
It will no doubt aid the understanding of the functions of the latter if some explanation is offered of the needs met by the former, which are sometimes known technically as " deferred deliveries."
Thus in January the futures quoted will be January (technically termed " current," " present month " or near month," " futures "), January-February, " February-March, March-April, April-May, May-June, June-July, July-August, and perhaps two or three more.
The exercises are divided into four series of meditations technically called "weeks," each of which may last as long as the director considers necessary to achieve the end for which each week is destined.
It is, therefore, also called by Turks Ramadan Bairam, and exhibits more outward signs of rejoicing than the technically " Greater Festival."
In Congress he was one of the ablest opponents of slavery, contending particularly against the Compromise Measures of 1850,1850, but he was never technically an Abolitionist and he disapproved of the Radicalism of Garrison and his followers.
It was for centuries a "head port," its limits extending from Chepstow to Llanelly; in the 18th century it sank to the position of "a creek" of the port of Bristol, but about 1840 it was made independent, its limits for customs' purposes being defined as from the Rumney estuary to Nash Point, so that technically the "port of Cardiff" includes Barry and Penarth as well as Cardiff proper.
In the reformed Churches the word "benediction" is technically confined to the blessing with which the priest or minister dismisses the congregation at the close of the service.
Specimens of the best known and of many of the lesser known rubbers are included in the Colonial and Indian Collections and Sample Rooms of the Imperial Institute, and many of the authentic specimens have been chemically and technically examined in the Scientific and Technical Department of the Institute and commercially valued.
The word has been used technically in philosophy with various shades of meaning.
The poem was technically known as a Bar or Gesetz, the melody as a Ton or Weis.
The numerous enactments of councils to ensure the proper care of church property, prohibiting the use of churches for secular purposes, for the storing of grain or valuables, for dances and merry-making, do not technically come under the head of legislation against sacrilege.
At the beginning of the 19th century the process was technically at its greatest height, and in the hands of the great landscape artist, Hiroshige I., as well as the pupils of Toyokuni I.Kunisada and Kuniyoshiand those of Hokusai, it at first kept up an excellent level.
Two faults, however, marred the workfirst, the shapes were clumsy and unpleasing, being copied from bronzes whose solidity justified forms unsuited to thin enamelled vessels; secondly, the colors, sombre and somewhat impure, lacked the glow and mellowness that give decorative superiority to the technically inferior Chinese enamels of the later Ming and early Tsing eras.
The thin clumsily-shaped vases of the Kaji school, with their uniformly distributed decoration of diapers, scrolls and arabesques in comparatively dull colors, ceased altogether to be produced, their place being taken by graceful specimens, technically flawless, and carrying designs not only free from stiffness, but also executed in colors at once rich and soft.
Of these, the 8-acid and Bronner's acid are of more value technically, since they combine with ortho-tetrazoditolyl to produce fine red dye-stuffs.
In 1905 the gross value of the manufactured product (of establishments on the factory system) was $160,572,313, as against $132,870,865 in 1900, an increase of 20.8%; whereas, even including the products of smaller establishments not technically factories, the value of the product in 1850 was only $3,551,783, and in 1880 was only $71,045,926.
Although the tendency in Massachusetts is towards chartering as cities " towns " which have a population of 12,000 or more, the democratic institution of the town-meeting persists in many large municipalities which are still technically towns.'
As a member of the committee he signed its decrees and was thus at least technically responsible for the acts of the Reign of Terror.
A third oil was obtained by heating the liver-residues to above the boiling-point of water, whereupon a black product, technically called "brown oil," separated.
What is technically and conventionally meant in dogmatic theology by "the Nestorian heresy" must now be noticed.
The least stain at the base of the flower, technically called the "bottom," would render a tulip comparatively valueless.
At a later date in the order of St Benedict the title was applied to the monk next in authority to the abbot, though this usage was not adopted technically until the r3th century.
Artillery had fallen, technically, far behind the infantry arm, and in face of long-range rifle fire could not annihilate the hostile line with case-shot fire as in the days of Napoleon.
Compline, technically 9 P.M., but usually combined with vespers, is a prayer for protection during the darkness.
A much less wise class than the 7r-computers of modern times are the pseudo-circle-squarers, or circle-squarers technically so called, that is to say, persons who, having obtained by illegitimate means a Euclidean construction for the quadrature or a finitely expressible value for 7r, insist on using faulty reasoning and defective mathematics to establish their assertions.
The same term - gum-waste--is applied to " waste " made in the various processes of silk throwing; but manufacturers using threads known technically as organzines and trams call the surplus " manufacturer's waste."
When the teeth are full the machine is stopped, and the silk stripped off the drum, then presenting a sheet-like appearance technically known as a " lap."
As neither party yielded, Oudinot listened to his Catholic advisers, attacked Rome, with which the French Republic was technically at peace - and was roundly repulsed by Garibaldi.
Technically it was often imperfect, and its artistic treatment was never of a high order.
The skin of the object, D, which is undergoing rolling, technically called " the piece," is drawn forward powerfully by the friction of the revolving.
Technically he was not a chemist; he did not concern himself either with the composition of his compounds or with an explanation of what occurred in their making.
The Belgian officer is technically as well trained and educated as any in Europe, but he lacks practical experience in military service.
Lincoln had early put himself on record as opposed to slavery, but he was never technically an abolitionist; he allied himself rather with those who believed that slavery should be fought within the Constitution, that, though it could not be constitutionally interfered with in individual states, it should be excluded from territory over which the national government had jurisdiction.
It must be remembered that technically there is no German army, as there is no German minister of war.
Technically, therefore, the preliminary convention still remains in force, and in reality the Ottoman commissioner continued to reside in Cairo till the close of 1908.
Technically Charles was, without doubt, guilty of high treason, and the considerable minority of all classes which adhered to Sigismund on his landing in Sweden in 1598 indisputably behaved like loyal subjects.
Technically one of these arts, that of line-engraving on copper, sprang from the craft of the goldsmith and metal-chaser; while that of woodengraving sprang from the craft of the printers of pattern-blocks and playing cards.
There was, technically speaking, no taxation.
In 1893 he wrote The Philanderer, a topical comedy on Ibsenism and the "new woman," for the same theatre, but the piece proved technically unsuitable for Mr Grein's company.
Technically speaking, he had much finish and harmony of composition and colour, without corresponding mastery of light and shade, and his knowledge of the human frame was restricted.
Throughout he was conspicuous as an opponent of the extension of slavery, though he was never technically an abolitionist, and in particular he was the champion in the House of Representatives of the right of petition at a time when, through the influence of the Southern members, this right was, in practice, denied by that body.
It is not easy to make it stronger than 92% of sodium carbonate, which is technically expressed as " 52 degrees of available soda " (see next page).
The chief of the Indian services is technically known as the Indian civil service.
In 1792 Jay consented to stand for the governorship of New York State, but a partisan returningboard found the returns of three counties technically defective, and though Jay had received an actual majority of votes, his opponent, George Clinton, was declared elected.
Technically this right was limited to the inhabitants of manors entered in the Domesday Survey as terra regis of Edward the Confessor.
If, however, the two conditions mentioned were forthcoming, villeins, or, as they were technically called, villein socmen of ancient demesne manors, could resist any attempt of their lords to encroach on their rights by depriving them of their holdings or increasing the amount of their customary services.
Never was a population more in need of clear laws than the motley Californian people of 1848-1849, yet they had none when, with peace, military rule and Mexican law technically ended.
The proceedings before the praetor were technically known as jus in distinction from judicium, which was the actual trial before the deputy judge.
Convex and concave screws are distinguished technically by the respective names of male and female; a short concave screw is called a nut; and when a screw is spoken of without qualification a convex screw is usually understood.
Rough or unworked flax is found in the lake-dwellings made into bundles, or what are technically called heads, and, as much attention was given to this last operation, it was perfectly clean and ready for use."
This preparation is technically called " making-ready," and is an operation requiring much time and care, especially in the case of illustrated work, where artistic appreciation and skill on the part of the workman is of great assistance in obtaining satisfactory and delicate results.
By the pressure of war and taxes they were all driven into debt, and debt ended practically, if not technically, in slavery.
The oyster being sedentary, except for a few days in the earliest stages of its existence, is easily exterminated in any given locality; since, although it may not be possible for the fishermen to rake up from the bottom every individual, wholesale methods of capture soon result in covering up or otherwise destroying the oyster banks or reefs, as the communities of oysters are technically termed.
Reinforced by Phocian and Orchomenian troops and a Spartan army, he met the confederate forces at Coronea in Boeotia, and in a hotly contested battle was technically victorious, but the success was a barren one and he had to retire by way of Delphi to the Peloponnese.
The root bark is reddish-brown, thin and shrivelled, and there is an abundance of rootlets, which are technically known by the name of "beard."
We know much 'of the results of these studies; of his philosophy technically we know very little.
Technically and scientifically the term syrup is also employed to denote viscid, generally residual, liquids, containing substances other than sugar in solution.
Shipping opium is distinguished by its soft character and clean paste, containing very little debris, or chaff, as it is technically called.
To speak technically, it is an idealist monism."
The Phoenicians, as was only to be expected of those traders and artisans of the ancient world, appear to have adopted both the cylinder of Assyria and the scarab of Egypt as have survived the numerous engraved stones or g pebbles, technically called gems, which served as matrices and in most instances were undoubtedly mounted as finger-rings or were furnished with swivels.
He was always an anti-slavery man, but never technically an abolitionist, and he joined the Republican party soon after its organization.
The outer layer is known technically as the ectoderm, the inner layer as the endoderm.
His conduct in both instances was perhaps technically correct, but it was much resented by loyal colonists.
But the determination of the birds which should be technically considered "Teals," and belong to the genus Nettion, as distinguished from other groups of Anatinae, is a task not yet successfully attempted, and much confusion has been caused by associating with them such species as the Garganey and its allies of the group Querquedula.
When the result of addition in one denomination can be partly expressed in another denomination, the process is technically called carrying.
But he never understood that power only attends sympathetic leadership. He contented himself with putting himself technically in the right, and with resting his case on the favorable decisions of the judges.
Technically he was justified in adopting this course, but people generally felt that there was some hardship in compelling a young queen to separate herself from her companions and friends, and they consequently approved the decision of Lord Melbourne to support the queen in her refusal, and to resume office.
The ammonia in the first class of compounds is technically spoken of as "free"; that present in the latter as "fixed."
Though he may technically be classed as an " extreme realist, " Duns is the forerunner of those later Nominalists, like William of Occam, who unsettled every intellectual ground of belief in order that they might resettle belief upon Church authority, not reason but rather scepticism being for them the ancilla domini.
A lively trade had grown up between Great Britain and the revolted colonies; but since this commerce, under the colonial laws of Spain, was technically illegitimate, it was at the mercy of the pirates, who preyed upon it under the aegis of the Spanish flag, without there being any possibility of claiming redress from the Spanish government.
The adjective "hypothetical" is used in the same sense, both loosely in contradistinction to "real" or "actual," and technically in the phrases "hypothetical judgment" and "hypothetical syllogism."
Under the rule of the earliest margraves, it was the official side of their position that was prominent, and it was not forgotten that they were technically only the representatives of the emperor.
The tendency towards what may be technically called subjectivism, a tendency which differentiates the modern from the ancient method of speculation, is expressed in Locke and Leibnitz in a definite and peculiar fashion.