Teaches Sentence Examples
The Key of Truth teaches that after the fall Adam and Eve and their children were slaves of Satan until the advent of the newly created Adam, Jesus Christ.
It teaches that the divine-human Son of God established it, and returning to heaven committed to the apostles, especially to St Peter, his authority, which has descended in an unbroken line through the popes.
In Islam the orthodox theology teaches an absolute predestination, and yet some teachers hold men responsible for the moral character of their acts.
He also teaches astrology at local classes in North Wales.
If history teaches anything, it teaches this, and with monotonous repetition.
Rosemary Shrager teaches fine food cookery in the luxurious surroundings of the ' Hotel of the Year ' What does the activity include?
Mr. Mill teaches that such laws or customs must be wholly inoperative.
The Bible teaches that we are unclean - very unclean.
Allen, who attempts to " distinguish what he (Edwards) meant to affirm from what he actually teaches."
As regards public law Pufendorf, while recognizing in the state (civitas) a moral person (persona moralis), teaches that the will of the state is but the sum of the individual wills that constitute it, and that this association explains the state.
AdvertisementHe teaches the medieval Platonic realism, but he accepts the Aristotelian philosophy of his day, marking off certain truths as proved and understood by the light of nature, and stamping those which are not so proved as not understood nor understandable, i.e.
Yet, in contrast with the doctrine usually ascribed to Ulrich Zwingli, Calvin teaches that grace does come through sacraments; but then, nothing comes beyond the fruits of faith; from which grace all salvation springs 1 Roman Catholic scholars naturally hold that Paul was misconstrued, but they cannot deny that Protestant theology was directly a version and interpretation of Paulinism.
Thus far the outcome of what Locke teaches about matter is, that it is Something capable of being expressed in terms of mathematical.
When further he teaches that the attainment of happiness depends almost entirely upon insight and right calculation, fortune having very little to do with it; that the pleasures and pains of the mind are far more important than those of the body, owing to the accumulation of feeling caused by memory and anticipation; and that an indispensable condition of mental happiness lies in relieving the mind of all superstitions, which can be effected only by a thorough knowledge of the physical universe - he introduces an ample area for the exercise of the philosophic intellect.
Apart from her research on commons she also works on economic history and teaches historical cartography and GIS.
AdvertisementMany schools employ a chaplain, usually a priest, who also teaches part-time.
Currently she teaches intermediate classes and travels countrywide giving IST days, seminars and workshops.
Seven British children even study in the local school, and a fellow countrywoman of theirs teaches Bulgarians English there.
Jenn, who teaches her children at home, would become cranky, tired and irritable during the day.
Having graduated from Lancaster University's creative Writing Program with distinction, she now teaches Creative Writing for the University.
AdvertisementThey remind us of the inner jogo and teaches us to conquer ourselves before we seek dominion over others.
The use of such epithets may relieve the spleen, but it teaches us nothing.
It is an educational program which teaches the fundamentals of office ergonomics.
Charlie McKerron usually teaches fiddle for at least one weekend a year, and last summer Marc Duff was teaching whistle.
People might then be willing to follow a preacher, prophet or king who teaches what normally would have been considered heretical.
AdvertisementDeb is so incredibly modest you would never guess she teaches horary from her own website!
He is a pianist, organist, and viola player, and teaches piano improvisation.
Stephen Smith joined the School of Law in 2003 and teaches jurisprudence and Law and Medicine.
The SOS School teaches primary and secondary level pupils, and includes a kindergarten.
He is Professor of Economics and Head of Department at the London School of Economics, where he teaches mainly macroeconomics.
Ian teaches applied microeconomics, business decision-making, finance and defense economics.
At the same time, if he preaches morality, he after all teaches the very same idea himself.
Notes for editors 1. Simon Warner teaches popular music at the University of Leeds.
Professor Morris, whose research interest is in neuro- and cellular endocrinology, teaches neuroanatomy, systems, and reproductive biology.
Dr. Beauchamp teaches holistic medicine classes and provides consultations focusing on detoxification and whole-foods nutrition.
Obedience dog Training Dog training book that teaches you step by step how to do dog training obedience dog Training Dog training book that teaches you step by step how to do dog training obedience at home.
She specializes in the baroque oboe, and teaches the instrument at several centers of music.
However, against what Jesus clearly teaches Dr. Badawi claims that the promised paraclete is in fact Muhammad.
Teaching The Department teaches veterinary Biology to BVSc students during their first two years of their course, and also veterinary pharmacology.
Synthetic phonics teaches the 45 basic English phonemes from the outset.
For this sum the master teaches at a small quarterage, and the average number of children is about 60.
He also teaches sociology of Education within Masters degrees in Sociology.
In addition Durham teaches subjects in an interdisciplinary way, to imitate real life situations.
Currently, he teaches tabla at the London University and in many schools throughout London.
It teaches you the insider job interview tips that most interviewers dont want you to know.
Marcus is a seller who trains not a trainer who teaches selling.
She is prose and script tutor on the MA degree course in creative writing at The University of Northumbria and also teaches undergraduates there.
She studied music at York University and now teaches woodwind in the Borders.
Lynda also teaches word processing on a part-time basis at East Antrim Institute of Further and Higher Education.
A final reflection then teaches us that the nature of this universal and all-pervading substance can only be imagined by us as something analogous to our own mental life, where alone we experience the unity of a substance (which we call self) preserved in the multitude of its (mental) states.
Marcus Aurelius teaches that even if the spirit survive for a time it is at last "absorbed in the generative principle of the universe."
He teaches (whether suggestively, metaphorically or deliberately), pre-existence' as well as survival; perhaps he is moved to this by non-Greek influences.
In physics - but in that region of speculation its positions are more perfunctory - it teaches pantheism on a quasi-materialistic basis.
The distinctions made by him above amount to a formal criticism of categories, and in the same spirit he teaches that no one of the categories can be applied in its literal sense to God (see further Gilbert De La Porree).
In political philosophy he teaches an ethical communism, and attacks the Darwinian principle of struggle for existence.
These definitions being thus various, the Eleate notes that the sophist, in consideration of a fee, disputes, and teaches others to dispute, about things divine, cosmical, metaphysical, legal, political, technical - in fact, about everything - not having knowledge of them, because universal knowledge is unattainable; after which he is in a position to define the sophist (7) as a conscious impostor who, in private, by discontinuous discourse, compels his interlocutor to contradict himself, in opposition to the Sn,uoXoyucos, who, in public, by continuous discourse, imposes upon crowds.
For, as not a single pilgrim passes through the Wicket Gate in infancy, and as Faithful hurries past the House Beautiful without stopping, the lesson which the fable in its altered shape teaches, is that none but adults ought to be baptized, and that the eucharist may safely be neglected.
Practical experience teaches every clinician that, whatever the mode of action, iron is most valuable in anaemia, though in many cases, where there is well-marked toxaemia from absorption of the intestinal products, not only laxatives in combination with iron but intestinal antiseptics are necessary.
One of them is the precious science of patience, which teaches us that we should take our education as we would take a walk in the country, leisurely, our minds hospitably open to impressions of every sort.
He teaches that the quickening of the Spirit precedes and alone makes possible faith in Christ.
The courses that she teaches in PSI revolve around these themes.
The bible plainly teaches that man is sinful by nature.
There is the worm of the title, who teaches a very snooty princess a lesson - and eats her.
He also provides undergraduate dissertation guidance and teaches modules in the sociology of sport.
He also teaches Sociology of Education within Masters degrees in Sociology.
Darren teaches students of all levels from beginners to advanced in his soundproof home studio.
What the Church teaches is Divine; she is God's voice speaking to the unbelieving world; qui vos audit me audit.
When not wrangling macros, she teaches courses in on-screen editing, among others, for the SfEP and the Publishing Training Center.
My friend Katherine teaches a workshop about how to control your own destiny and take charge of your future.
Marivi's Heraldry teaches origamic architecture enthusiasts how to create a coat of arms.
Another lovable classic that uses pattern and repetition is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. The illustrations make wonderful companions to this fun learning book that teaches children about animals and colors.
The caterpillar book is a great choice because it teaches children about foods and it offers a quick lesson in counting that is seamless.
Another book for children ages 0 to 2 that teaches counting along with other valuable lessons is Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes.
The card teaches the child money management.
As a professor, Dr. Markman teaches undergraduate courses in Marital and Family Interaction and Therapy and the Psychology of Love.
At the graduate level, Dr. Markman teaches courses in Couples Intervention, Advanced Issues in Marital Therapy, and Community Psychology.
This teaches a child that he or she is allowed to disobey authority especially when he or she doesn't like someone in that position.
Presenting a positive attitude to the child teaches him that life is full of surprises, good and bad, and whatever the case, tomorrow is another day full of promise and hope.
This reinforces the importance of limitations and teaches children how to live within their means, a lesson that will benefit them the rest of their lives.
Tibetan medicine teaches that the body is ruled by three humors known as rLung, mKrhispa and Badkan, roughly translated in English as wind, bile and phlegm, respectively.
The demo video teaches you how to mask each surface so that when you're ready to paint, you will be able to add different colors to each surface.
Color theory also helps you understand the difference between warm and cool colors and teaches you about color value.
The computer lab for kids teaches basics like keyboarding with a variety of games.
Staples - Staples offers the latest version of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing.
Many schools use Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing to instruct students on how to type.
It offers a tutorial which teaches you how to play the game, and which gives you pointers and tips for how to improve.
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is an application that provides instruction for those who want to learn how to type or improve their existing keyboarding skills.
This special section teaches the environmental issues of today, yesterday and the future and shows you how to reduce your carbon footprint on the world as well as how to teach others to do the same.
The product's website does, however, have a detailed manual that teaches you how to use the various features.
This system eliminates the wedge progressions and teaches new skiers to go directly to parallel.
Anger management is a form of therapy that teaches new, healthier behaviors while working to eliminate more destructive behaviors.
The basic philosophy of meditation teaches you to let go, to be present in the moment.
Your day-to-day life teaches you to hurry, meet deadlines, and watch your time.
If you suffer from stress in your life, taking stress management classes teaches you the skills you need to live a life that is happier and healthier.
Put a proven system in place that trains employees and teaches them the goals of the company so they have an understanding of where they are starting and where they are going.
Utilizing effective time management strategies, teaches you how to make the most of your time as you gain confidence, become more productive and have time to relax and enjoy your life.
The Center for Well Being teaches the technique of Turiya Meditation.
Covey teaches about a number of related items in his books and seminars, such as prioritizing activities, goal setting, and focusing on the results you want to achieve.
This therapeutic environment not only teaches your teen what it is to be a responsible citizen, it also allows her to grow personally through a better understanding of who she is.
It teaches breathing and muscle control and is perfect for toning the body.
If young children read for story, teens read for connection - whether it's on a personal level (the book reminds them of themselves) or an interpersonal level (the book teaches them about other people).
Education on the topic from an early age teaches kids how to recognize and handle bullying.
Many also say that while the course teaches serious topics, the Red Cross babysitting course is a lot of fun to both teach and take!
Since the course not only teaches about how to take care of children, but emergency care management and handling your time, the suggestion is one that many teens may want to consider heeding.
This therapy teaches people to think about their actions and modify their behaviors.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches users to modify their thinking, expectations, and behaviors in order to stay away from drugs.
Through her daily explorations, she teaches viewers Spanish and even encourages them to help her reach destinations with Map, a rolled-up map character that lives inside Dora's animated talking Backpack.
The school is a non-profit "wilderness" school that takes groups of children out into the wilderness and teaches them things like self-reliance, teamwork and leadership via challenging outdoor adventures.
The show also teaches Spanish and the importance of cultural diversity.
This tutorial teaches you to sew a pair within about ten minutes by refurbishing a pair of worn-out socks.
Typing Invaders is a freeware program that teaches typing through the use of an arcade style space invader game.
The course teaches students how to arrange for wedding photography, plan ceremonies and receptions, handle floral arrangements, organize invitations, and become start-up entrepreneurs.
In contrast, if you know exactly what you want to do, a better choice would be a program that specializes in just one area of study and teaches you just about everything there is to know about that area.
This negative stimulus eventually teaches your dog to knock it off.
It teaches you which foods and herbs will prevent illnesses and help you avoid trips to vet.
It teaches you why a healthier diet will be less expensive for you in the long run.
My good friend Kathy Santo, dog trainer and New York Times best-selling author, teaches her students to use the word "Here".
This teaches the dog that the word "off" means not to touch.
Never hit your dog or slap his face for biting because this only teaches him to fear you, and your aggression will eventually encourage more aggressive behavior from him.
They believe that nudism teaches one to be comfortable with one's body, whatever it looks like.
The artist teaches basic chords and correct fingering, but he's also quite enthusiastic about his craft, and encourages improvisation.
The site provides a guitar chord primer that teaches all about chords, but it also has a guitar codex, guitar chord dictionary, and articles on all types of chords, from power chords to barre chords to slash chords.
The site's country guitar section teaches such lessons as chicken picking, country thirds, snapping/popping and D country lick.
Hodge teaches music at Berkshire Community College where he has created a program that started out as a singles' beginner's guitar course.
Hodge also teaches at Berkshire Music School and privately instructs around thirty students.
Jewelry boxes for children are essential tools to help keep jewelry safe and clean, but at the same time they can be fun storage that teaches great jewelry care habits.
The benefit of such a diet plan whether it includes Amy's Organic Foods or another line of products is that it teaches you portion control.
One of the best is Knitting Help, which gently and methodically teaches you all the basics, plus a number of advanced techniques and decorative work.
Mirror Image teaches young people about cyberstalking in a game which is based on a real-life incident where several young women were victimized by an online predator pretending to be a modeling scout.
Taking part in programs on bicycle safety teaches young riders how to be safe and responsible bicyclists, the rules of the road and proper bicycle maintenance.
Teaches the problems of driving without adequate sleep and aims to help reduce the frequency of this occurring.
Future plans for the park include an African village exhibit that teaches park goers about the lifestyle and customs of various African tribes.
This teaches you the basics of what makes a game a game, whether it's Tic Tac Toe or Halo 2.
Tutorial teaches you the basics of how to "play" this game.
Mercurys brilliant tutorial walks you through the basic strategy of the game and in the process teaches you valuable lessons that you need to learn to be able to unlock all six of Mercurys worlds.
The Academy of Game Entertainment Technology teaches courses in game design and game programming.
Physical therapist-A healthcare provider who teaches patients how to perform therapeutic exercises to maintain maximum mobility and range of motion.
Physical therapy teaches individuals how to strengthen muscles around joints and may help to prevent or limit damage.
Biofeedback, which teaches patients how to direct mental thoughts to influence physical functions, may be helpful for some patients.
Cognitive therapy teaches children to redirect their thoughts and actions into a more flexible and assertive pattern.
Discipline teaches both social and moral standards and should protect children from harm by teaching what is safe.
It teaches individuals how to change their thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes, while providing techniques to lessen anxiety, such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and refocusing.
Violence at home or against the youth teaches teens that the way to resolve conflict is through violence, and suicide is the ultimate act of self-violence.
Letting children play with these objects teaches them how to fit objects together.
If the upset has occurred over something the child wants and has been denied, it is tempting to give in to the child's wishes, but doing so can be harmful because it teaches children that they can get what they want by having a tantrum.
Money illustrates parental values and teaches children about the relative worth of things, time, and effort.
Allotting children chores that are proper to their abilities teaches responsibility and makes them feel the worth of their contribution to the family.
In a home-based program, a home visitor teaches parents how to provide learning experiences for their children.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches patients how to confront their fears and obsessive thoughts by making the effort to endure or wait out the activities that usually cause anxiety without compulsively performing the calming rituals.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches people how to change abnormal thoughts and behavior, is also used.
Dance teaches independence, and is also a rewarding experience for parents who will get the opportunity to watch their children grow and achieve.
If you want to learn combinations for performance, go to a dance studio that teaches hip hop.
If you need a more thorough resource, you can try the instructional DVD by Anthony King that teaches you all kinds of Michael Jackson dance moves.
King also teaches Michael Jackson dancing in a London dance studio.
Despite this preference for ballet, there are many things that tap dancing can provide that ballet also teaches, and for many children, tap is even more fun than ballet.
Search for someone who teaches a style that you enjoy, and you might even be able to email them and post your own videos for feedback.
One of her core systems is ColorAlchemy, which teaches that "color is energy" and that every day of the week is ruled by a different color, resulting in an inner peace.
Feng shui principles acknowledge the correct cycle of the five elements and teaches you how to apply them in your home and life for a balanced life so chi energy can thrive.
She also teaches the Reiki Masters training program at Red Deer College, located in the central area of Alberta, Canada.
Taoism teaches that while you cannot fully express the concept or fullness of the Tao, you certainly can understand what it is and recognize its essence.
Bear in mind beauty school only teaches basic cutting and coloring, so anything beyond cosmetology school requires advanced training and classes.
It teaches a child how to give back to their community.
Synthetic phonics teaches individual letter sounds first, and then teaches a student how to blend the letter sounds.
This popular approach teaches children to use what they know to help them discover what they don't know.
It teaches that each letter or combination of letters has sounds.
This curriculum also teaches concepts in a concrete way in the earliest grades, then moves to pictures, and then finally in the higher grades teaches the abstract.
Often overlooked in public schools, art as a discipline teaches so much more than how to color between the lines.
Children have different learning styles and each homeschool parent teaches a bit differently.
Starfall is an interactive website that teaches children to learn basic computer controls while learning their ABC's and vowel sounds.
The program then teaches how to add letters to make additional words such as "cat", "rat" and "hat".
Many homeschooling parents need a curriculum that not only teaches reading and writing in the target language, but also helps the learner hear and speak.
The founder of the company, Joe Dudek, is also a senior trainer for the American Home Inspector Training Institute and teaches home inspection courses at universities and technical colleges throughout the United States.
She teaches a program called HypnoBirthing, which involves the use of hypnosis for childbirth.
A midwife teaches, educates and empowers women to take control of their own health care.
It improves flexibility, reduces stress, increases your stamina, and teaches you relaxation techniques that can help you cope with the pain of childbirth.
Scientology teaches parents to provide a clear message of love and affection to the child, right from the start.
Lamaze teaches distraction from the pain of labor while Bradley encourages controlling pain.
It is also teaches that women are well-equipped to manage the birth of a child and that women have the right and the ability to give birth without medical interventions or pain medications.
The Lamaze method is a popular method of childbirth that teaches the expectant mother and father skills to help them have a better experience during labor and delivery.
The Lamaze philosophy is not against intervention methods when they are necessary, but teaches women skills that may help avoid them if possible.
The Lamaze method teaches you to focus on a spot on the wall or have a special picture hanging on the wall on which you can concentrate.
Some lessons may be taught by lifeguards or swimmers trained in lifeguard skills, while others may have a more casual approach toward who teaches the class.
It's a simple, basic stroke that teaches you how to move your arms, legs and head in conjunction, as well as how to breathe while swimming the length of a pool.
Make Your Own Sock Puppets is not so much a book as a craft project that teaches by example and application.
They come with a DVD that teaches children how to dance the "Tickle Hand Groove", Elmo's latest dance.
Touch & Learn Super Duper Computer teaches alphabet skills, improves reading comprehension and includes lessons on word families, rhyming, letter sounds, spelling and phonics.
The blocks come in many colors that appeal visually to young children, and also teaches them about colors.
Turns. Waiting for a turn teaches patience to "wait your turn" and how to pay attention.
Dice. Tossing the dice, reading the dice and moving the correct number of spaces teaches how to follow directions.
This board game for boys is good because it teaches memory and deduction.
This is an easy game to learn and teaches your son how to save money and how to spend it wisely.
Children will get a kick out of playing this game, and it teaches them important lessons such as taking turns, being a gracious loser, and having patience.
The program teaches young people to become active, compassionate and knowledgeable global citizens.
Haiti Endowment Fund teaches and trains pastors in Haiti to spread the word to the people in their communities.
This is a particularly good fundraising idea for children; not only does it put their energy to good use, but it also teaches them the value of helping others.
Society teaches men crying is not manly so men will channel their anger through sports, exercise, or other physical activities.
It teaches girls to not feed into negative media images, but instead assess their value beyond the physicality.
He teaches them good manners and social mores, and he expects them to be just as well-behaved in private as they are in public.
Virgo helps Pisces learn greater discipline while Pisces teaches Virgo that it's okay to let loose of self-discipline every now and then.
Game play is simple and teaches basic reasoning skills, as well as concepts like colors and counting.
Listening to a story helps young children develop their language skills, lengthens their attention spans, and teaches them about the world around them.
In this method, the family chooses relatively broad topics and then teaches all subject areas through or around that subject.
Easy Cut-up Cakes for Kids by Melissa Barlow teaches you how to use different types of pans to create various shapes and then use patterns to cut the cake and fit the pieces together.
The play food teaches children about the food groups and the classic toys, like stacking blocks or shape sorters, are great for children of all ages.
Shape and Color Dance is a kids' math game that teaches colors and shapes.
In addition, it teaches a bit about water safety and water testing.
The show teaches a wide variety of things, some educational and some social.
Like his younger cousin, Dora the Explorer, Diego teaches his young viewers.
In his many travels, Diego teaches preschoolers all about the animals of Latin America.
Far beyond just their appearance and the sounds they make, Diego teaches little-known animal facts.
The Cat in the Hat (ages 3 to 6) - Based on the beloved book, this board game teaches early reading.
Name that State (ages 8 to 15) - This board game teaches national geography.
Not only does it provide some relief for working parents in keeping up the house, but it teaches the children responsibility.
Not only is this a way to compromise, but it teaches children about saving, money, and wants versus needs.
It teaches young children that even though mommy or daddy's face is hidden, he or she will reappear in a matter of seconds when the hands are removed.
While the rules of War can be slightly modified depending on who is playing, the basic concept of the game teaches children how to add small numbers, and how to quickly determine which of two numbers/cards is higher and lower in value.
Monopoly teaches a child to count money, to add numbers on the dice, to manage multiple loans/mortgages, and to read and follow directions on the property cards.
Scrabble teaches children how to look at random letters and form them into a legitimate word for the game board.
It also teaches counting, addition, and score-keeping.
Operation is a game that seems silly, but teaches children to be gentle and have steady hands.
It also teaches them about different areas of the human body, and in a very funny way.
A Kid's Heart teaches shapes, beginning numbers and letters, and colors.
Cooking involves math and teaches your child how math is used everyday.
It's a toy that teaches social skills, responsibility, an understanding of money management and computer skills.
A Consumer Math Game teaches real life skills.
Allowance teaches children how to earn and save money.
Instead of focusing on the shopping games, pick up a game that teaches something.
The site teaches children different skills such as reading, counting, and even money management.
This lesson teaches them to have a good work ethic, which can only benefit them through their school years and when they enter the work force.
Arty the Part Time Astronaut is an adorably creative site that teaches children about outer space and aeronautical history.
Healthy competition teaches kids about good sportsmanship, how to set, prepare and accomplish a goal and how to accept both winning and defeat.
It also teaches healthy eating habits by letting kids "fix a plate" full of varied nutritious foods.
It teaches economic principles, math skills, and even customer relations and marketing in a funny, cartoonish world.
One of the permanent exhibits, "Sensing Chicago," is designed for kids and teaches children how to use their senses to learn about the Windy City.
QuickTime is necessary to view the course, which teaches basic parenting skills.
This podcast teaches viewers how to make a quick and healthy Green Salad with Tuna Fish dish that is perfect for lunch or a light dinner.
This film is very popular and consists of a girl visiting a camp and meeting the camp's dancing instructor, who teaches her how to dance and ends up falling for her.
Sometimes teenagers feel helpless finding a job that teaches them responsibility, broadens their social circle, and gives them money to manage.
Tabitha teaches Endora how to be a witch.
The practice teaches inversions, arm balances, and ways to build upper body strength.
An instructor teaches you to incorporate certain modifications that assist you in easing into poses as your body adjusts.
An instructor routinely checks your form and teaches you to perform the poses correctly, thus protecting you from injury and ensuring you get the most from every practice.
She teaches classes at the Exhale Center for Sacred Movement in Venice, California and is the founder of the ARRIVE movement, a yoga outreach program for troubled teens based on the theory of somatic healing.
With Life, she teaches her yoga method around the world.
While many books are also on the market, a good DVD is a viable substitute for a yoga instructor if you don't live near enough to a yoga studio, no one nearby teaches the style you're interested in, or you can't afford the yoga classes.
The Vayu Center is run by Abby Dorn, who specializes in Hatha Yoga, She teaches all classes.
The New Day Yoga center teaches yoga from a Christian perspective.
The Lourdes wellness program teaches that spirituality is a component of wellness.
The "Easy Does It" program teaches daily breathing exercises, muscle relaxation methods, meditation, self-massage and gentle seated poses modified from Hatha asana poses.
Practicing yoga teaches proper posture and alignment, offers counter-positions for the daily slouched-over syndrome, and streamlines and lowers the overall body weight distribution.
She still teaches yoga in the Santa Barbara, California, area.
The best way to start learning yoga is to find a certified instructor who teaches at a studio nearby.
This studio teaches courses in the theory and practice of asana, sun salutations and mantras, teaching methodology, anatomy and the philosophy of yoga.
In the first session, the theme is on what yoga teachers should know; the second session teaches prospective teachers how to teach what they learned in session one, while the third session focuses on the business of yoga.
In addition to yoga, Peggy teaches meditation and guided relaxation.
You can also use this opportunity to tell a social story that teaches about social interaction socially appropriate behavior.
Early intervention services for infants and toddlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders teaches families valuable teaching strategies while working with affected children.
Applied Behavioral Analysis teaches a child or young adult how to communicate effectively with others, to independently care for himself and to self-soothe in the event of anxiety or problems.
History teaches us that once a country tastes the sweet nectar of freedom and the power of money, there's no turning back.
She offers personal and virtual one-on-one coaching and consulting services, and teaches a variety of courses and teleseminars for individuals interested in learning more about setting up and growing a business.
This great clip teaches a dance and more importantly shows you how to break something down to teach to others.
The thigh hitch teaches the littlest cheerleaders the initial progressions for future stunting.
Gathering together to make your own laundry detergent is a good rainy day project for children, as it teaches them a valuable lesson on competency and frugality, while providing them with a positive sense of independence.
If you can find someone in your area who teaches bead making classes, this is the best way to learn.
She has been designing jewelry since childhood and is a certified metal clay instructor who teaches classes in the Utah area.
Knitting with Leftover Yarn teaches you how to do just that -- create wonderful projects and gifts from yarn leftover from larger projects.
Artists who enjoy plein air painting say the practice teaches them how to "see" their surroundings.
The second phase continues the principles followed in the first phase, but relaxes some of the strictures and teaches a person to keep the glycemic load of each meal below 50.
The third step starts with a primer on healthy eating and teaches you to design a diet that works for your lifestyle and improves your nutrition with foods that are optimal for health and achieving an ideal weight.
It also teaches how to incorporate the Atkins lifestyle into your busy life, including recommendations for eating out in restaurants and on the go.
Finally, according to Cruise, frequent eating also teaches the body to reset its metabolic reactions, speeding up the metabolism and aiding fat-burning.
It teaches that, by balancing blood sugar levels, you can lose weight and be healthy.
Instead, the South Beach Diet teaches you to change the balance of food you eat to emphasize health and weight-loss!
Each phase teaches you how to eat and helps you banish cravings by changing the chemistry of your body.
This time in the hospital allows for careful patient monitoring and teaches families how to follow the diet.
So eating these cookies not only teaches clients to eat multiple meals each day but also has been shown to improve cholesterol and cardiac risk factors.This program is also conducted under the supervision of a doctor.
Weight Watchers helps to identify those triggers and teaches members how to handle them without eating.
Instead, the diet teaches you to change your lifestyle, including your eating and exercise habits.
Putting the theory of moderation into play again, the program teaches you to gradually increase your fitness level in the healthiest way possible.
The second level of the program teaches dieters how to increase their energy levels and shed pounds by performing physical activity.
The third level teaches dieters how to maintain a balanced lifestyle of healthy foods and frequent physical activity.
It teaches you what to eat before and after your workouts for optimum energy and fitness.
Look for something that allows you to order out on occasion and teaches you to make healthy options on the go.
It teaches you portion sizes as well as calorie counts of common foods.
The American Heart Association's No-Fad diet is a way of eating that teaches you to make healthy food choices that meet your daily requirements for nutrients.
If you need more structure to help you stay on a diet, you can find healthy diets for men through programs such as Weight Watchers which allows you to eat your favorite foods but teaches you to limit them based on a points system.
This diet teaches you to eat less but doesn't require any special foods.
Weight Watchers diet teaches you portion control and healthy food selection using an easy to follow points system.
It teaches you to avoid foods not compatible with your body.
They concede that the Russian belly dancer who teaches the video workout, Neon, has excellent musculature and tone, but like many belly dancers has a "distinctive belly dancer pooch."
Beginning Callanetics teaches you the fundamentals of the Callanetics exercise system, which is a system easily used at home.
The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution teaches you how to get in shape in just 30 minutes a week.
Rosetta Stone French is a computer based program that teaches French through immersion.
They perform the song while Gabriella teaches Troy to waltz.
Making and giving birthday cards not only enhances artistic talents but teaches children the value of hard work and consideration for others.
Find a local dance studio that teaches Latin-style dancing and inquire about hiring an instructor for the evening (if you and your friends don't already know how to salsa).
The show teaches wilderness survival tips by stranding Grylls in the middle of nowhere and filming his struggles and successes.
Bentley has written a self-help book, called Advance Your Swagger, in which he encourages and teaches basic etiquette and good manners.
Carson also teaches Pilates in a home studio.
Known as devout Christians, family members are followers of QuiverFull, an evangelical movement that teaches that all children are blessings from God and should be welcomed.
If you are looking for a family-friendly reality show, which celebrates the human spirit and teaches important lessons about acceptance, then TLC's The Little Couple is must-see TV.
Teams each have their own personal trainer who teaches them about healthy eating and pushes them to exercise.
Many of the titles are plays on Steven Seagal movies or some reference to Zen or what Seagal teaches.
In 2010, Kelly Cutrone committed some of the lessons she teaches her interns to paper.
Hoebel is based in New York, but also teaches in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Minya popularity was clarified by his recurring role in Godzilla's Revenge (1969) when Godzilla teaches his son how to protect himself.
Be sure to study the tutorial which teaches you how to navigate the game.
This is how Alex teaches you?
It teaches compassion, because sitting on the bus, I know the person beside me is someday going to have to search his soul the same way I did, so I don't mind that he's spilling his coffee on my shoes.
Two important educational establishments are the Indian Institute for the education of civil service students for thecolonies, to which is attached an ethnographical museum; and the Royal Polytechnic school, which almost ranks as a university, and teaches, among other sciences, that of diking.
Higher education is represented by the provincial university, which teaches science and mathematics, holds examinations, distributes scholarships, and grants degrees in all subjects.
The most important free institution in this class is the cole des Sciences Politiques, which prepares pupils for the civil services and teaches a great number of political subjects, connected with France and foreign countries, not included in the state programmes.
The "analogy of faith," as a rule of interpretation, he greatly limits, and teaches that it can never afford of itself the explanation of words, but only determine the choice among their possible meanings.
Lastly positivism teaches a corporate instead of an individual immortality; man should desire to live on as a beneficent influence in the race.
In 1616 appeared his Treatise on the Love of God, which teaches that perfection of the spiritual life to which the former work is meant to be the "Introduction."
He teaches free will and immortality; and the design and cosmological arguments are both traceable in him.
In other words; whenever philosophy g teaches a doctrine of the Absolute, and regards such doctrine as valid and certain, we have the essence of an ontological or a priori argument.
Erigena teaches the restitution of all things under the form of the Dionysian adunatio or deificatio.
The intellect combines what the understanding separates; hence Nicolas teaches the principle of the coincidentia contradictoriorum.
In this treatment we have to bear in mind what the entomologist teaches us, that is, the nature, habits and structure of the pest.
The spirit of Nathan der Weise may not have been exactly the spirit engendered by the Crusades; and yet it is not without reason that Lessing stages the fable which teaches toleration in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem.
He tells us that, at this time, God wrought with him as a master with a schoolboy whom he teaches.
They possess the principle of individuation in themselves, he teaches, but plurality of individuals is in such a case equivalent to plurality of species (in eis tot sunt species quot sunt individua).
Such a conclusion would be in the face of the principle of energy, which teaches plainly that the retardation in question leaves the aggregate brightness unaltered.
Augustine teaches that the Father and the Son are the one principle of the Being of the Spirit.
Thus Joachim of Floris in his Expositio magni abbatis I oachimi in Apoc. teaches that Babylon is Rome, the Beast from the Sea Islam, the False Prophet the heretical sects of the day, and that on the close of the present age which was at hand the millennium would ensue.
I (preaches in the synagogues, later more commonly by the lake-shore or on the mountain sides; or He teaches in a house where He happens to be); at iv.
Further, he urges that all historical study is valueless which does not take in a knowledge of original authorities, and he teaches both by example and precept what authorities should be thus described, and how they are to be weighed and used.
The first book teaches physics - in the wide sense which the Greeks assigned to this term - by means of extracts.
That teaches us what we ought to believe in history as it is compiled according to ostensible events and results known to the generality of people."
Nor is the ideal of unity adopted simply because experience teaches that " union is strength."
Finn came to the conclusion that young birds have no instinctive knowledge of the unpalatability of distasteful insects, but that experimental tasting soon teaches them to recognize and avoid species they have previously rejected with dislike, and that having once learnt the lesson they long remember it.
So soon, however, as the Gospel was carried in Greek to Greeks, Hellenic elements began to enter into it, in the writings, for instance, of St Paul, the appeal to what " nature " teaches would be generally admitted to be the adoption of a Greek mode of thought.
It teaches us that scientific method is sometimes induction, sometimes deduction, and sometimes the consilience of both, either by the inductive verification of previous deductions, or by the deductive explanation of previous inductions.
Their religion teaches them benevolence as the first principle, and no people practise it with more liberality.
Suffrage requirements are citizenship in the United States, registration and residence in the state for six months and in the county for thirty days immediately before election, but mental deficiency, conviction of infamous crimes (without restoration to rights of citizenship), bribery or attempt at bribery, bigamy, living in " what is known as patriarchal, plural or celestial marriage," or teaching its validity or belonging to any organization which teaches polygamy,' are disqualifications.
He teaches all areas of biology, including field botany and ecology.
Now principal cellist with The Academy of Ancient Music, she also teaches baroque cello at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama.
David is an award-winning Sound Designer who directs feature films, performs classical and jazz clarinet, and teaches vibrational healing and sound design.
She teaches the clarsach and pedal harp in schools and privately and has recently formed a flute and harp duo with flutist Emma Wilkin.
This is a department which teaches over a wide range, including Egyptology.
She teaches hatha yoga and meditation for adults, yoga for children, including those with special needs, and parent-child yoga.