Teach Sentence Examples
You teach them to respect people.
Now you can teach me.
Are you going to teach him to use it?
We'll teach you to do it the right way.
Are you going to teach me to fight?
Or you can teach me a few things.
How did he teach you to use your body?
My brother says your home is very different, that we need to teach you everything.
It didn't teach her anything, either.
I would teach you how to draw pictures of sheep and horses, and even of men, said the stranger.
AdvertisementI'm a little too old to teach to fight.
A combatant in the volunteer corps during the war of 1848, he returned to Brescia after the defeat of Novara, and for a time earned a livelihood by teaching law, but was molested by the Austrian police and forbidden to teach in consequence of his refusal to contribute pro-Austrian articles to the press.
I'll teach you the first weapons form we teach our warriors.
Miss Sullivan began to teach Helen Keller on March 3rd, 1887.
Minor schools attached to mosques are found in other places, but teach still less than the great schools already mentioned.
AdvertisementMazarin was not a Frenchman, but a citizen of the world, and always paid most attention to foreign affairs; in his letters all that could teach a diplomatist is to be found, broad general views of policy, minute details carefully elaborated, keen insight into men's characters, cunning directions when to dissimulate or when to be frank.
The death of his mother in 1762 having deprived him of his means of support, he went in 1763 on the invitation of the pastor of the Lutheran community, Anton Friedrich Biisching, the founder of the modern historic statistical method of geography, to teach natural history in the Lutheran academy, St Petersburg.
Richard Simon undertook to teach him Hebrew and Biblical criticism with no better success.
Orthodox Jews refused to teach those who were not of their faith, and on the other hand many churchmen conscientiously believed in the duty of entirely suppressing Jewish learning.
All grow from small beginnings and increase by a sort of popular contagion; all teach that God is to be appeased by prayers, presents, vows, but especially, and most irrationally, by human suffering.
AdvertisementHe learned Latin from Vittorino da Feltre, and made such rapid progress that in three years he was able to teach Latin literature and rhetoric. His reputation as a teacher and a translator of Aristotle was very great, and he was selected as secretary by Pope Nicholas V., an ardent Aristotelian.
In 383 the emperor Theodosius, who had demanded a declaration of faith from all party leaders, punished Eunomius for continuing to teach his distinctive doctrines, by banishing him to Halmyris in Moesia.
In it are the business and industrial quarters; the palace of justice; the academy of science, with picture-galleries, a library and a collection of antiquities; the theatre; the Franz Josef University, founded in 1874 to teach theology, law and philosophy; the synagogue; and the only Protestant church existing in the country at the beginning of the 10th century.
The Greeks of Sicily had had no such military practice as the Greeks of old Greece; but an able commander could teach both Siceliot soldiers and Siceliot seamen to out-manoeuvre Athenians.
His father, a district physician, died early, and the boy, after attending the gymnasium of Czernowitz, was obliged to teach in order to support himself and prepare for academic study.
AdvertisementThe Pyramid texts and the Book of the Dead are the most important of these, and teach us much about the dangers and needs that attended the dead man beyond the tomb, and about the manner in which it was thought, they could be counteracted.
Our task is not to rule the Egyptians, but as far as possible to teach the Egyptians to rule themselves..
Originally the latter part of the verse must have run, "That I may give thee the tables of stone which I have written, and may teach thee the law and the commandment."
The student's chief task is to know the rules by heart; this accomplished, he is dismissed at the end of the year with a certificate (ijaza), entered in his textbook, which permits him to teach it to others.
I will teach you afresh, unless you behave better.
In 1830 he became assistant to a country clergyman, and nine months later accepted the post of professor in the high school at Maulbronn, having to teach Latin, history and Hebrew.
Parents should teach children to run away from danger, never towards it.
Medical personnel can teach parents about safe practices for handling an infant with a virus infection that can possibly spread to family members.
While discipline in necessary to teach a child how to live comfortably in society, it should not be confused with punishment.
Many use familiar characters to teach basic things such as shape matching, the alphabet, and counting.
What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy.
Parents may experience their first opportunities to teach about peer pressure and independent decision-making over toy requests.
Biofeedback training may be used to teach the patient how to consciously reduce muscle tension.
In addition, parents can teach their child how to ask for help.
The use of educational programs to teach caregivers good parenting skills and to be aware of abusive behaviors so that they seek help for abusive tendencies is critical to stopping abuse.
They should also teach their children to report abuse to a trusted adult.
Parents should teach children not to share drinks, food, or eating utensils, and not to exchange kisses with someone with mouth sores.
It also can teach the child various coping strategies.
An RD can also teach the family how to use either the dietary exchange lists or carbohydrate counting system to monitor food intake.
It is important to teach children and adolescents to handle their hair with care, especially when shampooing, drying, brushing, combing, braiding, and using chemical processes.
School-based programs from early childhood onward that teach conflict resolution, emotional literacy, and anger management skills have been shown to interrupt the development of antisocial behavior in low-risk students.
Teach therapeutic coping mechanisms by modeling how to handle stress, pain, or tension in healthy ways, by exercising, using yoga and meditation, and talking about feelings.
The term "discipline" comes from the Latin word "disciplinare," which means "to teach."
Discipline, properly practiced, uses a multifaceted approach, including models, rewards, and punishments that teach and reinforce desired behavior.
Doing so can teach decision-making, enhance children's moral judgment, and reinforce independence.
Parents need to identify those skills and behaviors they want their children to demonstrate and then make a concerted effort to teach and strengthen those behaviors.
Teach the child basic rules of safety in playing with household pets as well as in dealing with large dogs and other animals outside the house.
Teach the child to deal with quarrels with other children without physical fighting and set the child a good example in relationships with others.
Parents should teach children to wash their hands often, especially before they eat and after using the bathroom, or after petting animals.
One of the most important lessons parents can teach their child, who is living with psoriasis, is not to be embarrassed because of the disease.
Mindfulness training, which is a form of meditation, has been used to teach self-mutilators to observe and identify their feelings in order to have some control over them.
There had been no one at Nuremberg skilled enough in the art of metal-engraving to teach it him to much purpose, and it had at one time been his father's intention to apprentice him to Martin Schongauer of Colmar, the most refined and accomplished German painter-engraver of his time.
The Union gave a considerable impetus to the manufacture, as did also the establishment of the Board of Manufactures in 1727, which applied an annual sum of £2650 to its encouragement, and in 1729 established a colony of French Protestants in Edinburgh, on the site of the present Picardy Place, to teach the spinning and weaving of cambric. From the 1st of November 1727 to the 1st of November 1728 the amount of linen cloth stamped was 2,183,978 yds., valued at £103,312, but for the year ending the 1st of November 1822, when the regulations as to the inspection and stamping of linen ceased, it had increased to 36,268,530 yds., valued at £1,396,296.
So far as the hounds are concerned, the object of cub hunting is to teach them their duty; it is a dress rehearsal of the November business.
There are the same difficulties to be contended with as in hunting with the ordinary harrier, and a very few days' running will teach the youthful sportsman that he cannot run at the same pace over sound ground and over a deep ploughed field, up hill and down, or along and across furrows.
Apart from love of his own country, the desire to study, to teach and to practise the art of war was his ruling motive.
The early universities of Europe, being under the same religious authority and animated by the same philosophy, resembled each other very closely in curriculum and general organization and examinations, and by the authority of the emperor, or of the pope in most cases, the permission to teach granted by one university was valid in all (jus ubicunque docendi).
The successful candidate received from the archdeacon the formal " licence to teach " by the authority of the pope in the name of the Trinity, and was invested with the insignia of office.
At Bologna, though not at Paris, the " permission to teach " soon became fictitious, only a small number of doctors being allowed to exercise the right of teaching in that university (Rashdall).
At their best they fulfilled precisely the technical purpose for which they were intended; they fully tested the capacity of the candidate to teach the subjects which he was required to teach in accordance with the methods which he was required to use.
The doctor's degree does not give the right to teach in a faculty (venia legendi).
A myth (preserved by Berosus) records that Oannes (Hea) the fish-god came up from that part of the Erythraean Sea which borders on Babylonia, to teach the inhabitants of that country letters and sciences and arts of every kind.
He insisted on a poetical interpretation of the Church's liturgy; and while strenuously maintaining her Divine commission to teach faith and morals, he regarded the Church as in other respects a learner; and he advocated a policy of conciliation with the world, and an alliance with the best tendencies of contemporary thought.
He began to teach in the synagogue; they were astonished at His teaching, for he spoke with authority.
His father, an official in the fiscal service of Wurttemberg, is not otherwise known to fame; and of his mother we hear only that she had scholarship enough to teach him the elements of Latin.
This measure provided for the foundation and maintenance of colleges "where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics [which had not been included in the original bill], to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts...
The humanist Vives was brought from Italy to teach Latin, and the reader in theology was instructed to follow the Greek and Latin Fathers rather than the scholastic commentaries.
Once begun the breach widened, until Luther could contrast "our theology" with what was taught at Erfurt, and by September he began to write against the scholastic theology, to declare that it was Pelagian at heart, that it repudiated the Augustinian doctrines of grace, and neglected to teach the supreme value of that faith "which throws itself upon God."
Once on the enemy's side of the obstacle the bishop halted to wait for Edward, who was now following him, but his undisciplined barons, shouting "'Tis not for thee, bishop, to teach us war.
As for Socrates, he ranked himself neither with the philosophers, who professed to know, nor with the sophists, who professed to teach; and, if he sometimes described himself as a cbtX6a040s he was careful to indicate that he pretended to no other knowledge than that of his own limitations.
Gorgias said plainly that he did not teach " virtue."
The administrative head of the system fs the director of education, who is appointed by the commission, and who arranges the course of study, approves the plans for school houses, determines in what towns secondary schools shall be established and in what towns American teachers shall teach, divides the archipelago into school divisions and appoints a division superintendent in each, and supervises the examination of teachers and the application of insular school funds.
It was far easier for the monks to learn the native dialects than to teach their parishioners Spanish.
Some of the Greeks, notably Origen, teach that even the perfect must go through fire in the next world.
The Council of Trent, while it commands all bishops to teach "the sound doctrine of purgatory handed down by the venerable fathers and sacred councils," bids them exclude from popular addresses all the "more difficult and subtle questions relating to the subject which do not tend to edification."
Petrarch and Boccaccio, though they both held the medieval doctrine that literature should teach some abstruse truth beneath a veil of fiction, differed from Dante in this that their poetry and prose in the vernacular abandoned both allegory and symbol.
From his early years he displayed an extraordinary talent and appetite for knowledge, and as soon as he had completed his own education he began to teach with distinguished success grammar, rhetoric, divinity and philosophy.
These novels teach the moral of renunciation (Entsagung).
The physician had an only daughter, Clara Maria by name, who, besides being proficient in music, understood Latin, it is said, so perfectly that she was able to teach her father's pupils in his absence.
Laetus continued to teach in Rome until his death on the 9th of June 1498.
Educated at Oxford, he soon began to teach in the university, of which he became chancellor, probably after he had studied in Paris and in Bologna.
The mullahs are referred to in questions concerning religious law, hold religious assemblies, preach in mosques, teach in colleges, and are appointed by the government as judges, head-preachers, &c. Thus the dignitaries, whose character seems to us specially a religious one, are in reality doctors, or expounders and interpreters of the law, and officiating ministers charged with the ordinary accomplishment of certain ceremonies, which every other Mussulman, true believer, has an equal right to fulfil.
Under the influence of Africander nationalism strenuous efforts have been made to teach the language in the schools throughout the greater part of South Africa.
He writes of it with despondency as a degenerate and declining age; and, instead of triumphant prophecies of world-wide rule, such as we find in Horace, Livy contents himself with pointing out the dangers which already threatened Rome, and exhorting his contemporaries to learn, in good time, the lessons which the past history of the state had to teach.
Scarcely less strong than his interest in Rome is his interest in the moral lessons which her history seemed to him so well qualified to teach.
At last he came (here some words are missing) and began to teach sitting under a plane tree.
Roscellinus, the famous canon of Compiegne, is mentioned by himself as his teacher; but whether he heard this champion of extreme Nominalism in early youth, when he wandered about from school to school for instruction and exercise, or some years later, after he had already begun to teach for himself, remains uncertain.
When he began to teach again he found consolation, and in gratitude he consecrated the new oratory they built for him by the name of the Paraclete.
He had soon learnt all that Verrocchio had to teach - more than all, if we are to believe the oft-told tale of the figure, or figures, executed by the pupil in the picture of Christ's Baptism designed by the master for the monks of Vallombrosa.
Perhaps, however, it was worth while to teach the English ministry that not everything could be done in Ireland.
He collaborated with his father Apollinaris the Elder in reproducing the Old Testament in the form of Homeric and Pindaric poetry, and the New after the fashion of Platonic dialogues, when the emperor Julian had forbidden Christians to teach the classics.
In spite of ill-health, he continued to teach and write until his death, which took place on the estate of one of his friends near Minturnae in Campania.
As soon as Dionysus was grown up, he started on a journey through the world, to teach the cultivation of the vine and spread his worship among men.
Of far greater interest is the literature of maxims, and lives of saints, real or apocryphal, intended to teach by example.
Arians and Semi-Arians seemed to him to be pagans, who worship the creature, instead of the God who created all things, since they teach two gods, one having no beginning, the other having a beginning in Time and therefore of the same nature as the heathen gods, since, like them, he is a creature.
He attached himself first to a brahmin sophist named Alara, and afterwards to another named Udraka, from whom he learnt all that Indian philosophy had then to teach.
About 1866, when he had begun to teach and to gather disciples, he first saw the Christian scriptures, which he vehemently assailed, and the Rig Veda, which he correspondingly exalted, though in the conception which he ultimately formed of God the former was much more influential than the latter.
His reputation soon widened, and in 1754 he became professor of logic, metaphysics and Greek in the university of Reggio, and in 1760 was translated to Modena, where he continued to teach with great assiduity and success, but devoted his whole leisure to natural science.
As many as are persuaded and believe that what we teach and say is true, and undertake to be able to live accordingly, are instructed to pray and entreat God with fasting, for the remission of their sins that are past, we praying and fasting with them.
At the age of seventeen he joined the Benedictine order, and in 1698 was appointed to teach theology and philosophy at the abbey of Moyen-Moutier.
He began to lay down galleys and long ships, and hired pirates renegade vikings no doubtto train crews for him and to teach his men seamanship. The scheme, however, was only partly completed when in 876 three Danish kings entered Wessex and resumed the war.
Even St Paul has been supposed, not without a certain plausibility, to teach the sinless perfection of real Christians.
No higher function could be given to free will; unless, by an extravagance, some theologian should teach that the Almighty Himself had merited His sovereignty by the virtuous use of freedom.
About 1770 he removed to Milan, where he continued to teach and to hold the directorship of the observatory of Brera; but being deprived of his post by the intrigues of his associates he was about to retire to his native place, when the news reached him (1773) of the suppression of his order in Italy.
In 1834 he began to teach in Berlin as a licentiate of theology, and in 1839 was transferred to Bonn.
The alterations, however, in the metaphysical position of the Academics had little effect on their ethical teach ing, as, even during the period of Scepticism, they appear to have presented as probable the same general view of human good which Antiochus afterwards dogmatically announced as a revival of the common doctrine of Plato and Aristotle.
Paley, however, holds that scripture is given less to teach morality than to illustrate it by example and enforce it by new sanctions and greater certainty, and that the light of nature makes it clear that God wills the happiness of his creatures.
His earliest studies in grammar, rhetoric and the Latin language were conducted at Padua, where he acquired so great a reputation for learning that in 1417 he was invited to teach eloquence and moral philosophy at Venice.
That Christ had but one will was declared to be the only orthodox doctrine, and all the faithful were enjoined to hold and teach it without addition or deduction.
These provided that no Papist might teach a school or any child but his own or send children 3' ?
In the quarrels of the priesthood under the Empire it was St Bernard, the great abbot of Clairvaux, who tried to arrest the papacy on the slippery downward path of theocracy; finally, it was in Sugers church of St Denis that French art began that struggle between light against darkness which, culminating in Notre-Dame and the SainteChapelle, was to teach the architects of the world the delight of building with airiness of effect.
Within this, it is said, Rashi was wont to teach.
In the course of that exile the traces of Semitic or Mahommedan influence gradually faded away, and the last of the line of Saracenic thinkers was a truer exponent of the one philosophy which they all professed to teach than the first.
Two days later Galileo was, by command of the pope (Paul V.), summoned to the palace of Cardinal Bellarmin, and there officially admonished not thenceforward to "hold, teach or defend" the condemned doctrine.
The British Bee-keepers' Association is an entirely philanthropic body, the only object of its members being to promote all that is good in British bee-keeping, and to " teach humanity to that industrious little labourer, the honey-bee."
In 1655 the British admiral, Robert Blake, was sent to teach them a lesson, and he gave the Tunisians a severe beating.
After her grandfather's death in 1850 she was trained to teach, but her refusal to acknowledge Napoleon III.
At the very least, keep them away from the car keys—and teach responsible sex.
Kiera was dumbstruck both by his willingness to teach her and his touch.
I will teach you to kill without mercy and turn the humans into obedient beasts.
They started a chain letter to teach phrasal verbs to other students in the school.
This section is designed to teach the principles of inlay anastomosis, not aneurysm repair.
Rebecca is powerfully anointed by the Holy Spirit to teach.
The usual response of catholic apologists is to repeatedly assert that 2 Timothy 3 does not teach sufficiency.
After the fall God sent the archangel Raziel to teach it to Adam and Eve, so that mankind might find redemption.
We teach a totally artificial way of learning language.
In 1963 Sagan was hired by Harvard to teach astronomy.
Others may teach an international curriculum or offer the European baccalaureate.
I'll teach you a method of working that's much more valuable than a whole bagful of expensive gear.
Their youth is spent to teach them to stitch and sew, or make baubles.
Pawar advised him to teach beginners, it allows a re-examination of your beliefs.
So a church leader who is a " hired hand " can teach the Bible and feed the sheep.
The local guides are going to teach us how to use the blowpipe.
Sheila is knitting bootees, June's knitting a matinee coat and Danny is offering to teach young Patrick John some hot Doom cheats.
The only proper way to teach botany is by means of the plants themselves.
We aim to teach beyond the prescribed curriculum thereby broadening the intellectual horizons of our pupils.
God will teach you real peace by putting you in absolute chaos!
Happily she has agreed to continue as a Tutor and to teach chemistry for the College.
She was asked, 'Why not teach children how to decode from the start?
She was looking for a photo editor to help her teach a class on photo restoration.
Shunning the difficulties of such methods, geographers have begun to teach applied climatology.
The purpose of the course is to teach you about the effects of alcohol consumption.
I don't think I'd ever enter into a life long courtship with someone who didn't have a lot to teach me.
I teach level three of the form at 1st Dan; fourth level at 2nd dan, and fifth level at 3rd dan.
In this muddle he continues to ask, how can an ostensive definition teach the meaning of a term?
Being compassionate for all living beings the Buddha decided to teach the dharma.
Overall it is more of an interesting tool to teach analyzing discourse than an analysis of language in comics.
Teach soccer training drills and fun youth soccer drills to keep players and kids interested.
Note the number of them who teach economics in the state universities.
Let me say right away, before we enter into these verses, that the Bible does not aspire or teach false ecumenism.
Non-US citizens also will need to obtain a visa from their home country's embassy to teach in the US.
But they can teach, and inspire, and encourage emulation.
This will teach him about all of the necessary elements of electrical engineering, from installing lighting systems to changing plugs.
I asked him one day what was the value of the simultaneous equations he was trying to teach us how to solve.
S. Jackson, England I teach adult beginners and find flashcards very useful when teaching vocabulary.
Remember you CAN teach an old dog new tricks Now do you still want a wolfhound?
Teach it through drama - Year 5 As part of Year 5's project on Victorians, there will be a drama workshop in school.
The tutor was no more eager to teach than the pupil to learn.
Modern theories date from the 18th century, when the humanitarian movement began to teach the dignity of the individual and to emphasize his rationality and responsibility.
A community whose mission it is to teach religious truth, which involves on the part of its members the obligation of belief in this truth, must, if it is not to fail of its object, possess an authority capable of maintaining the faith in its purity, and consequently capable of keeping it free from and condemning errors.
Of his writings on social and political questions may be mentioned Die Erziehung des Weibes (1865); Ueber die nationals Entwicklung and Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften (1865); Die Aufgaben der Naturwissenschaften in dem neuen nationalen Leben Deutschlands (1871); Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat (1877), in which he opposed the idea of l - L eckel - that the principles of evolution should be taught in elementary schools - on the ground that they were not as yet proved, and that it was mischievous to teach a hypothesis which still remained in the speculative stage.
Those who were initiated into the mysteries of Eleusis found a deep meaning in the myth, which was held to teach the principle of a future life, founded on the return of Persephone to the upper world, or rather on the process of nature by which seed sown in the ground must first die and rot before it can yield new life (see Mystery).
The third and fourth weeks are intended to confirm the soul in the new way chosen, to teach how difficulties can be overcome, to inflame it with the love of God and to help it to persevere.
He ventured to teach that he who is a true servant of God need fear no papal curse, that the Roman hierarchy is corrupt, and that marriage is permissible to the clergy, of whom only some have the gift of continence.
About 290 he went to Nicomedia in Bithynia while Diocletian was emperor, to teach rhetoric, but found little work to do in that Greek-speaking city.
Sigismund himself gave it as his opinion that it had been clearly proved by many witnesses that the accused had taught many pernicious heresies, and that even should he recant he ought never to be allowed to preach or teach again or to return to Bohemia, but that should he refuse recantation there was no remedy but the stake.
And as to Christians, Tertullian about 210 tells how the presbyter who, in proconsular Asia, had " composed the Acts of Paul and Thecla" was convicted and deposed, for how could it be credible that Paul should confer upon women the power to "teach and baptize " as these Acts averred ?
For example, even many months after the beginning of the war advertisements were to be read in all the papers, in which English and French people offered to teach languages or instruct children even in English and French, stating their nationality and address - a proof that the authorities did not put any particular difficulties in the way of these foreign ers, and that the people did not take advantage of knowing their addresses to molest them.
Discussions between them on theological questions soon convinced Colet of Erasmus' worth, and he sought to persuade him to stay and teach at Oxford.
Its professors teach grammatical inflexion and syntax, rhetoric, versification, logic, theology, the exposition of the Koran, the traditions of the Prophet, the complete science of jurisprudence, or rather of religious, moral, civil and criminal law, which is chiefly founded on the Koran and the traditions, together with arithmetic as far as it is useful in matters of law.
He felt, no doubt, that the object of epic poetry was not to teach moral lessons or doctrines of faith, but to depict the good and bad tendencies of the human mind, the struggles and passions of men; and indeed in the whole range of Persian literature only Firdusi and Fakhr-uddin As`ad Jorjani, the author of the older epopee Wis u.
Many Pietists soon maintained that the new birth must always be preceded by agonies of repentance, and that only a regenerated theologian could teach theology, while the whole school shunned all common worldly amusements, such as dancing, the theatre, and public games.
Primary school teachers in the Netherlands are qualified to teach in special schools.
Teachers will be aware that there is no requirement to teach RE to pre-reception pupils.
Demo Oct 2002 Animated Puzzles Teach kids spatial reasoning skills with this puzzle game.
Some classes seem easier to teach and more receptive than others.
And as a Jew who believed the Old Testament, obviously Jesus did not believe in, nor teach reincarnation.
Yet in spite of this, all of the great monotheistic religions teach that man was created in God 's image.
As for the republication of the cartoons across continental Europe, this was deliberately done to teach Muslims a lesson.
Then they can train the younger women Titus is to teach the older women to also be reverent in the way they live.
How dare these teachers use methods other than rote memorization to teach you about 19th century America?
Some consultants even take sabbaticals or teach classes in an attempt to keep up.
Introduction to Sailing is designed to teach you the fundamentals of sailboat racing.
We teach our children to be curious and independent but then we scold then for getting accidentally lost.
With this tutorial we'll teach you how to organize your scrapbook layout, to make creating your layout easier than ever.
I guess you really can teach an old sea dog new tricks Reviewed by Christopher Martin for AceGamez (All Rights Reserved).
Ursula Markham 's positive and practical book will teach you how to control the stress in your life, and gain self-confidence.
Perhaps our 21st century sensibilities are stopping us see what these verses actually teach us about God.
These documents were to serve as an introduction and to teach Chen to understand his own role in the 1925-27 period.
Everyone has something to teach, and hopefully a smartass comment or two to make.
I teach African-Caribbean dances accompanied by recorded music such as drums or soca rhythms and live African drums.
Teach them to hold the sparkler at arms length, but not near anyone else Sparklers are not for the under 5s.
The Year One CD-Rom provides an exciting and visually stimulating way to teach handwriting to the whole class using an interactive whiteboard.
We 're here simply to teach you how to be a stunt rider.
Ask your vet to teach you how to give subcutaneous injections.
We will teach you how to survive in the wilderness.
He claims that " it is not natural, even if it is possible " to teach practical mathematics as a separate subject.
However, ministers believe recent schemes to teach Gaelic in primary schools could help to arrest the decline.
The Fellow may teach elsewhere during tenure of the Fellowship only with the express permission of the Director.
Exchange Traders teach you how to become a profitable betting exchange trader.
Hornigold soon became a full pirate, with Teach as one of his most trusted lieutenants.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
They then start a chain letter to teach phrasal verbs to other students in the school.
Teach it through Drama - Year 5 As part of Year 5's project on Victorians, there will be a drama workshop in school.
The deacons decided to put him on a yearlong instruction course to teach him basic Christian truths.
Studying geology can help teach us the history of the land.
We teach that candor will benefit you both as an individual and as a business person.
Children sometimes don't realize they are acting out of malice. It's a parent's job to teach them to be kind.
As a parent, I believe it's my job to teach my son about taking accountability for his actions.
The Edushape Sensory Puzzle Cube can be found at Teach Children and Strollers.com.
So, have fun, and teach your little one all of those old favorites.
For example, if you want your child to let you know when she is hungry, you can teach her to point at the refrigerator as you say "eat".
If you want to teach her the word "dog", you can say "dog", and pet the back of your hand.
Use patience as you teach your baby signs.
It is your responsibility to teach your child to treat your pet with kindness and respect.
Point out that she can teach her younger brother or sister how to do things.
Teach him to be patient with his baby brother or sister.
You'll need to teach baby good dental hygiene by brushing those teeth early and often.
While you might be able to do it more quickly than the time it takes to teach your child, the time you spend showing your child how to be responsible will be well worth the effort!
When an individual possesses a talent or skill that can lead to a creative activity there is the opportunity to teach this to children.
The key here is to teach baby that nighttime is for sleeping, even after he awakens to eat or be changed.
Each baby will teach his or her parents how much he or she needs.
Take the time to teach her about life in her new world, and don't be disappointed when she seems reticent to learn.
Let them help you around the house, teach them some basic skills, teach them how to talk to adults.
For a fee of $14.95, customers get access to three comprehensive diaper cake training lessons that add up to 15 videos that teach people how to make many different styles of diaper cakes.
As baby grows into toddlerhood, parents can teach him the story of Noah's Ark.
Others depend on relatives or friends who are more experienced in caring for a baby to teach them about diapering their child.
Educational value - Does every gift have to teach a lesson?
Teach your child the names of colors by sorting and folding laundry together.
Teaches something beyond computer skills; for example, an interactive game about animals might teach the toddler how to use the mouse and the names of different animals.
Toy computers teach toddlers basic math skills, dolls can have a conversation with your child, and older kids have toys that were once considered the cutting edge of technology.
There are many DVD's that teach you how to play banjo and there are many teachers ready to take on new students.
You can teach them tricks, lead them through agility courses and curl up with them on the couch while watching TV.
Training cats is worth the effort, but in order to teach them you need to understand how they think.
In time, this should teach him he won't get what he wants with that behavior.
It will teach her where her litter box is and it will help her get used to her new surroundings on a small scale before she ventures into the bigger house.
However, there are specific training techniques that can be used to teach your pet this same trick.
During this part of the process, it is important that you teach your cat the proper position to avoid mishaps and accidents.
Simple play fights or other kitten games start to teach a kitten how to communicate through body language.
However, you have to teach him not to bite.
I was wondering if there is anything to be done to teach him better hygiene.
As for the cleanliness, there probably isn't much you can do to teach him.
Let me share with you the basics for the room, and then I will teach you how to make my cool cat perch.
It will speed up the process, teach them about baking and it is a fun way to spend time with family members.
It will also teach the cat where to use the litter.
This can also teach your new kitten where her litter box is located.
Teach your child the importance of giving to others by selecting books from the Scholastic order form that he or she can donate to the local library, a children's homeless shelter, or a low-income preschool.
Read the book, teach the song, and invite kids to become part of the band by providing them each with an instrument to borrow.
Short Bible stories for young children are a good way to teach youngsters about their Christian faith.
Children's Bible stories are also wonderful tools to teach youngsters about history.
Song Lee and the Leech Man by Suzy Kline is an easily relatable book with great opportunities to teach some admirable character traits.
Books that teach about emotions are also good choices for toddlers, who often have trouble expressing their feelings adequately.
These individuals teach consumers to manage spending and control debt, frequently through nonprofit organizations offering free or low-cost services.
There are many websites available online that purport to teach people how to pay off debt in ways other than the traditional method of systematically paying debt down until it's paid off.
They will also lose the lesson this card is trying to teach.
Divorce is stressful for children and can teach them effective ways to handle crisis.
Laugh - Teach kids the importance of humor by poking gentle fun at them and encourage them to do the same to you.
Charitable giving is important in many families and many parents teach their children to be compassionate toward those who have less in the world.
You'll learn how other families differ from your own and be able to pinpoint what your values are so you can effectively teach them to your children.
The best way to ensure that your child stays safe is to teach him good bunk bed etiquette, which means no roughhousing on the bed or jumping from the top bunk.
Recycling, reusing and reducing waste is an important message to teach children and students of all ages.
In addition to helping the environment by reducing waste, they also teach children about the importance of recycling and this is an increasingly essential life skill.
Teach your children about the Fair Trade label and what it means.
You can teach your child about green living by using the playroom for a green project.
Most community colleges offer art classes in stained glass techniques that you can take for a very small fee that will teach you the basics you need to churn out your own personalized lamp shade designs.
How-to Guides teach you the basics of applying interior and exterior paints.
They also stock makeup experts as employees, who teach anyone how to transform to something modern and beautiful.
There are usually makeup artists in most spas and salons who can teach anyone new makeup techniques and recommend products.
Claiming to be schools, they cost a fortune and usually teach you very little.
I do these all over the country and teach how to look like a million without spending a whole lot of money.
Whether you're an individual or a corporation, an image consultant can teach you how to polish your professional image in three key areas-physical, behavior, and communication.
Several recipes can be found at Teach Soap.
The company is also highly involved in doing workshops and hosting events around the United States that teach women how to apply and use makeup.
McEvoy still gives makeup lessons today and travels the country putting on events to teach women about her products and makeup application techniques.
Bear in the Big Blue House, the Little Einsteins, JoJo's Circus, Higgly Town Heroes, Stanley... these are shows that teach lessons and make children feel good about themselves.
Phonics has three different modes to teach your child letters by sounding them out.
Phonics uses the tried and true method of sounding it out to teach reading.
Free online preschool games are plentiful, but the best ones teach and will keeping a child amused.
Regulations put in place by the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001 tightened restrictions on the content areas in which a certified teacher can teach.
Games in this section help to teach and reinforce phonics, vocabulary, reading, comprehension, and more.
Some are designed specifically to teach kids what it's like to be responsible for the care of a pet.
Setting limits is a good way to teach children responsible gaming.
If you are looking for gifts or tools to teach your children about financial responsibility, utilize their prepaid cards.
At Learners Dictionary, students of English and those who teach others English as a second language can benefit from the resources provided.
This special section teaches the environmental issues of today, yesterday and the future and shows you how to reduce your carbon footprint on the world as well as how to teach others to do the same.
Fashion.net has a great article on putting together a portfolio, and many schools teach classes on how to create a portfolio that will get you noticed.
The multi-week courses are designed to teach children the basics of digital photography.
Professional photographers teach most classes and they provide techniques to help you take better pictures.
Master Chefs teach the techniques and methods of cuisine, pastry, and bread baking which have been codified in France over the last 500 years.
Cooking with your kids is a great way to teach them about nutrition and show them the value of food safety.
If you follow this practice every time you teach your kids how to cook, they will learn this good habit.
You can't see bacteria and that makes it hard to teach children about them.
When preparing to teach your children about cooking and food safety, it would probably be a good idea to think about the recipe you want to prepare in advance.
Yes, I became a vegetarian, but my mom was still cooking meat dishes, so we decided to have her teach me how to cook so I can cook my own separate vegetarian meals.
Consulting is one of the most popular scrapbook career opportunities since it offers the freedom to set your own schedule and a chance to teach others how to preserve their memories.
They can guide your thinking and teach you what works without a major investment in time or money.
The scrapbooking tutorials teach sample layouts and decorative element tips as well as more advanced scrapbooking techniques such as adding layers to a design.
The company was started when Rhonda decided to teach mothers in her town how she made albums for photo preservation.
Sample layouts or other crafts are provided in the idea book so the new consultant will know how to teach new techniques at the in home parties.
However, if you have the time to teach and a love of scrapbooking, this may be the best way to earn money while doing something you truly enjoy.
If you attend or teach classes about scrapbooking or if you don't have a lot of storage and work space in your home, you might find that portable storage is the best option for you.
They can assist beginners with learning the basics to get started and teach advanced skiers new techniques that can challenge them when heading down the mountain.
Wisp offers specialized lessons that teach them the latest techniques and moves.
The online lessons teach effective ways for experienced skiers to maintain and improve technique through photos and instructions.
Professional ski photographers accompany the class and teach participants how to ski for the camera.
Only instructors with the highest certification levels can teach at the top ski clinics.
Female instructors, who understand women's unique anatomical issues, teach at these clinics.
This program combines parents and children in the lesson and gives parents a lesson on how to teach their child ski techniques, mountain safety and etiquette.
However, shortly thereafter, TM received some bad publicity when they were accused of fraud for charging clients to teach them to "fly".
Cognitive and behavioral therapy can teach you to recognize sources of stress in your life, and will provide you with the tools needed to manage those stressors.
Anger management programs teach respect, manners, compassion, forgiveness, responsibility, and foster positive character development.
Role-playing, modeling, and other techniques teach the students the correct process for dealing with emotions.
Anger management programs teach healthy, effective ways of dealing with both internal and external pressure and stressors.
In stress management courses, instructors teach various methods of reducing and managing stress.
Stress management classes teach you how to effectively cope with, and mange, the stress you experience in life every day.
Group classes will teach you that you are not alone in your feelings.
These facilities can teach you coping mechanisms for situations in which an easy resolution is unavailable.
This teaching stress management interview will give you expert advice on how to successfully teach others about managing stress.
Some companies are bringing programs to their employees, such as the one offered by Work Life Balance, to teach employees and managers the skills they need to reduce and manage workplace stress.
Teach time management skills to employees.
They'll probably want you to teach them to knit next!
Talk to her about how she feels about school, and teach her that doing as well as she can is all she can do and that is all you want from her.
These quotes inspire and teach life lessons.
A ray of hope shines through when a local errand boy begins to teach her to read.
Always take the time to teach the young females in your life that science in the middle school is important to their future and they have as much a right as anyone to take advantage of their opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.
Modeling schools teach tween models poise, how to apply makeup, how to prepare for interviews with potential clients, and the basics of the modeling business.
A personal trainer can teach you how to stay focused and become disciplined, both of which are traits that will help you athletically and academically throughout your life.
Parents can help teach teens healthy habits while they are young so that they will not be overweight in adulthood.
If you and your family are looking to begin living a healthier lifestyle, or if you want to teach your children good eating and exercise habits early on, then being active is a great way to start.
Looking at why that is can help law enforcement to prevent accidents caused by new drivers on the road as well as helping parents teach their children to be better drivers.
Young boys with lots of energy often will love having an older mentor who can help them learn to pitch tents or teach them to fish.
Many also say that while the course teaches serious topics, the Red Cross babysitting course is a lot of fun to both teach and take!
The course will teach teens on these topics and many more through a unique combination of video, lecture, and interactive opportunities.
If you are a teacher for middle school aged children, then you may want to do a course on bullying, especially if you teach a class such as Health.
A free guide to teach teens about personal money management can help set up a teenager for a secure financial future.