Tbe Sentence Examples
In other cases this growing-point becomes active at once, there being little or no elongation of the hypocotyl and tbe cotyledon or cotyledons remaining in the seed.
There is a radical difference between the points of view of the Japanese and the Western connoisseur in estimating tbe Japanese merits of sculpture in metal.
A wide, well-made and well-kept avenue, it was lined throughout the greater part of its length by giant pine-trees, rendering it the most picturesque highway in tbe world.
In the investigation, therefore, of the comparative motion, of the driver and follower, in an elementary combination, it is unnecessary to consider relations of angular direction, which are already fixed by the connection of each piece with the frame; so that the inquiry is confined to the determination of the velocity ratio, and of tbe directional relation, so far only as it expresses the connection between forward and backward movements of the driver and follower.
I28.* The Connecting Rod Problem.A particular problem of practical importance is tbe determination of the force producing the motion of the connecting rod of a steam-engine mechanism of the usual type.
The Domestic Calendar (the first volume of which is very inadequate) extended in 19o9 in a series of more than seventy volumes nearly to the end of tbe 17th century; the mass of MSS.
A common approach is transitional bilingual education (TBE).
Transitional bilingual education (TBE)-Bilingual education that includes ESL and academic classes conducted in a child's primary language.