Taylor Sentence Examples
Maybe you could hire on as a nanny at Old Man Taylor's ranch.
In the Yale Divinity School his influence was powerful, and in 1833 one of his foremost opponents, Bennet Tyler (1783-1858), founded in East Windsor a Theological Institute to offset Taylor's teaching at Yale.
Taylor (Republican), each of whom claimed the election, Goebel was assassinated at Frankfort.
Laughton's polemical treatise was published in 1780, and those of Milner and Taylor in 1781.
With all the majesty and stately elaboration and musical rhythm of Milton's finest prose, Taylor's styleis relieved and brightened by an astonishing variety of felicitous illustrations, ranging from the most homely and terse to the most dignified and elaborate.
The first biographer of Jeremy Taylor was his friend and successor, George Rust, who preached a funeral sermon (in 1668) which remains a valuable document.
Coleridge was a diligent student and a warm admirer of Jeremy Taylor, whom he regarded as one of the great masters of English style.
This he has called his third stage as a political economist, and he says that he was helped towards it by the lady, Mrs Taylor,' who became his wife in 1851.
This new inner life was strengthened and enlarged by Mrs Taylor.
During the seven years of his married life Mill published less than in any other period of his career, but four of his most ' Mrs Taylor (Harriet Hardy) was the wife of John Taylor, a wholesale druggist in the city of London.
AdvertisementMill's friendship with Mrs Taylor and their marriage in 1851 involved a break with his family (apparently due to his resentment at a fancied slight, not to any bitterness on their part), and his practical disappearance from society.
Captain Taylor, however, found their nests as well on low bushes of the same tree in the Bay of Fonseca (Ibis, 1859, pp. 150-152).
Most of the measures were rejected and the whole plan seemed likely to fail, when the situation was changed by the death of President Taylor and the accession of Millard Fillmore on the 9th of July 1850.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge lived some time at Keswick, and also with the Wordsworths at Grasmere.
He reached the conclusion that the religious friend who directed Wesley's attention to the writings of Thomas a Kempis and Jeremy Taylor, in 1725, was Miss Betty Kirkham, whose father was rector of Stanton in Gloucestershire.
AdvertisementThis situation did not last long, however, for on the 3rd of March 1849 the bill organizing the territory of Minnesota was passed, and on the 19th President Zachary Taylor appointed Alexander Ramsey of Pennsylvania the first territorial governor.
Complaints of the obstructions in it are not uncommon, and John Taylor, the Water Poet (1580-1653), in a poem commemorating a voyage from Oxford to London, bewails the difficulties he found on the passage.
John Hales (1584-1656); Edmund Calamy (1600-1666); the Cambridge Platonist, Benjamin Whichcote (1609-1685); Richard Baxter (1615-1691); the puritan John Owen (1616-1683); the philosophical Ralph Cudworth (1617-1688); Archbishop Leighton (1611-1684) - each of these holds an eminent position in the records of pulpit eloquence, but all were outshone by the gorgeous oratory and art of Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667), who is the most illustrious writer of sermons whom the British race has produced.
The best known of the Anglican books is Jeremy Taylor's Ductor Dubitantium (1660).
Taylor Jones showed in 1897 that only a small proportion of the contraction exhibited by a nickel wire when magnetized could be accounted for on Kirchhoff's theory from the observed effects of pulling stress upon magnetization; and in a more extended series of observations Nagaoka and Honda found wide quantitative divergences between the results of experiment and calculation, though in nearly all cases there was agreement as to quality.
AdvertisementTaylor, Political rand Constitutional History of Roane (1899).
Taylor, another Englishman in Brazilian service, followed the vessels across the Atlantic, and even captured some of the ships in sight of the land of Portugal.
In June 1835 he resigned from the army, married Miss Knox Taylor, daughter of Colonel (later General) Zachary Taylor, and became a cotton planter in Warren county, Miss.
He served in the Northern Campaign under his father-in-law, General Taylor, and was greatly distinguished for gallantry and soldierly conduct at Monterey and particularly at Buena Vista, where he was severely wounded early in the engagement, but continued in command of his regiment until victory crowned the American arms. While still in the field he was appointed (May 1847) by President Polk to be brigadier-general of volunteers; but this appointment Davis declined, on the ground, as he afterwards said, "that volunteers are militia and the Constitution reserves to the state the appointment of all militia officers."
In the autumn of 1765 he escorted to Italy the son of a Mr Taylor.
AdvertisementTaylor, The Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald (London, 1903), which gives a prejudiced and distorted picture of Pamela.
Interesting accounts of the impression produced by the performance at Rome may be found in the first volume of Mendelssohn's letters and in Miss Taylor's Letters from Italy.
Taylor bag filters are generally used for clearing the melted liquor of its mechanical impurities.
His associations and predilections were with the Whigs, and he was a delegate to the National Convention that nominated General Zachary Taylor in 1848.
Taylor's Methodus Incrementorum Directa et Inversa (London, 1715) added a new branch to the higher mathematics, now designated the " calculus of finite differences."
Taylor was elected a fellow of the Royal Society early in 1712, sat in the same year on the committee for adjudicating the claims of Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, and acted as secretary to the society from the 13th of January 1714 to the 21st of October 1718.
Taylor's fragile health gave way; he fell into a decline, died on the 29th of December 1731, at Somerset House, and was buried at St Ann's, Soho.
Taylor gave (Methodus Incrementorum, p. 108) the first satisfactory investigation of astronomical refraction.
Among the rectors of Hadleigh several notable names appear, such as Rowland Taylor, the martyr, who was burned at the stake outside the town in 1 555, and Hugh James Rose, during whose tenancy of the rectory an initiatory meeting of the leaders of the Oxford Movement took place here in 1833.
It was in 1857 that Bayard Taylor saw him, and carried away the impression of a man "tall and broad-shouldered as a son of Anak, with hair, beard and eyes of southern darkness."
On the one hand are Andrewes, Hall, Chillingworth, Jeremy Taylor, Barrow and South; on the other Baxter, Calamy, the Goodwins, Howe, Owen, Bunyan, in each case but a few names out of many.
During the Black Hawk War (1832) Zachary Taylor, then a lieutenant-colonel, was in command of Fort Crawford, and to him Black Hawk was entrusted after his capture.
The problem of vibrating cords, which had been some time before resolved by Brook Taylor (1685-1731) and d'Alembert, became the subject of a long discussion conducted in a generous spirit between Bernoulli and his friend Euler.
An army of 2000 men under Zachary Taylor arrived on the north bank of the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras, on the 28th of March 1846.
The Mexican commander, Pedro de Ampudia, demanded Taylor's withdrawal beyond the Nueces within twenty-four hours.
In November 1847 he was elected comptroller of the state of New York, and in 1848 he was elected vice-president of the United States on the ticket with Zachary Taylor as president.
President Taylor died on the 9th of July 1850, and on the next day Fillmore took the oath of office as his successor.
Unlike Taylor, Fillmore favoured the " Compromise Measures," and his signing one of them, the Fugitive Slave Law, in spite of the vigorous protests of anti-slavery men, lost him much of his popularity in the North.
Dr C. Taylor in 1886 drew attention to some important parallels in Jewish literature; his edition contains an English translation.
About the same time a new English version was made by Isaac Taylor (London, 1829).
Sedley Taylor, Sound and Music (1882), contains a simple and excellent account of Helmholtz's theory of consonance and dissonance.
Taylor in 1854, in a ruin then called by the natives AbuShahrein, a few miles south-south-west of Moghair, ancient Ur, nearly in the centre of the dry bed of an inland sea, a deep valley, 15 m.
The ruins, in which Taylor conducted brief excavations, consist of a platform of fine sand enclosed by a sandstone wall, 20 ft.
Calculating from the present rate of deposit of alluvium at the head of that gulf, Eridu should have been founded as early as the seventh millennium B.C. It is mentioned in historical inscriptions from the earliest times onward, as late as the 6th century B.C. From the evidence of Taylor's excavations, it would seem that the site was abandoned about the close of the Babylonian period.
Under the pseudonym George Taylor he wrote several historical romances, especially Antinous (1880), which quickly ran through five editions, and is the story of a soul "which courted death because the objective restraints of faith had been lost."
He founded or endowed various professorships, including those of Hebrew and Arabic, and the office of public orator, encouraged English and foreign scholars, such as Voss, Selden and Jeremy Taylor, founded the university printing press, procuring in 1633 the royal patent for Oxford, and obtained for the Bodleian library over 1300 MSS., adding a new wing to the building to contain his gifts.
Skirmishing constantly with the Confederates under Kirby Smith and Taylor, the Federals eventually on the 8th and 9th of April suffered serious reverses at Sabine Cross Roads and Pleasant Hill.
There are also many connexions with Dr Johnson, a frequent visitor here to his friend Dr Taylor, who occupied a house opposite the grammar school.
Taylor, Republican, was inaugurated governor on the 12th of December, but the legislative committee on contests decided in favour of the Democrats.
Taylor fled the state to escape trial on the charge of murder.
The next great advance on the Trigonometria artificialis took place more than a century and a half afterwards, when Michael Taylor published in 1792 his seven-decimal table of log sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant; it was calculated by interpolation from the Trigonometria to 10 places and then contracted to 7.
Importance attaches chiefly to the movements of the first force under General Zachary Taylor.
It was not till the 5th of September 1846 that General Zachary Taylor could leave his depot at Camargo on the Rio Grande, and march on Monterey.
Taylor (1784-1854) of New York making the admission of the state conditional upon its adoption of a constitution prohibiting slavery.
Mt Taylor in western New Mexico is of similar age, but here dissection seems to have advanced farther, probably because of the weaker nature of the underlying rocks, with the result of removing the smaller cones and exposing many lava conduits or pipes in the form of volcanic necks or buttes.
Subsequently another inquiry was carried out by Major Reynell Taylor, which dealt simply with Hodson's accounts and found them to be "an honest and correct record.
Passing by the Taylor, famous lamasery of Labrang, south of the Yellow 1892.
The fort and the settlement were named in honour of General William Jenkins Worth (1794-1849), a native of Hudson, New York, who served in the War of 1812, commanded the United States forces against the Seminole Indians in 1841-1842, served under both General Taylor and General Scott in the Mexican War, distinguishing himself at Monterey (where he earned the brevet of major-general) and in other engagements, and later commanded the department of Texas.
C. Taylor (Ibis, 1878, p. 372) saw an adult which had been killed near Lake Menzal in 1877.
C. Taylor remarked (Ibis, 18 59, p. 51), that the buff-backed heron, Ardea bubulcus, was made by the tourists' dragomans to do duty for the "sacred ibis," and this seems to be no novel practice, since by it, or something like it, Hasselqvist was misled, and through him Linnaeus.
Hudson Taylor in 1853 went to China as the agent of a number of folk in England who feared that missionary work was becoming too mechanical.
Bishop Taylor's effort at creating a self-supporting mission proved fruitless.
Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission, and James Gilmour, the apostle of Mongolia, are pre-eminent.
They received no electoral votes, all these being divided between the Whig candidate, Zachary Taylor, who was elected, and the Democratic candidate, Lewis Cass.
These include the austenitic or gamma non-magnetic manganese steel, already patented b y Robert Hadfield in 1883, the first important known substance which combined great malleableness with great hardness, and the martensitic or beta " high speed tool steel " of White and Taylor, which retains its hardness and cutting power even at a red heat.
It has also the Taylor Library (founded in 1894), and along the Sound are many summer residences.
The harbour is defended by Fort Taylor, built on the island of Key West in 1846, and greatly improved and modernized after the Spanish-American War of 1898.1898.
The sturdy Protestantism of Taylor and his flock, who seem to have caused various commotions, marked him out for the special enmity of Mary's government; and he was one of the first to suffer when in January 1 555 parliament had once more given the clerical courts liberty of jurisdiction.
The alleged descent of Jeremy Taylor from him has not been proved.
Taylor's Constitutional and Political History of Rome (1899) will also be found useful.
He thus fixes the date at the same period as Isaac Taylor had done in his Greeks and Goths and The Alphabet.
Taylor, however, derived the runes from the alphabet of a Greek colony on the Black Sea.
If this view (which is identical with Taylor's) be true, we have a parallel in the Armenian alphabet, which is similarly used for a new value of the sounds.
Taylor contends that the alphabet is Iranian in origin, but the circum.
The alphabet, according to Taylor, shows no resemblance to any northern Semitic script, while its stiff, straight lines and its forms seem like the Sabaean.
But he rejects Taylor's derivation of this alphabet from the Sabaean script, and contends that it is borrowed from the North Semitic. To the pedantry of the Hindu he attributes its main characteristics, viz.
Owen (13,102), Teocalli Mountain (13,220), Snow Mass (13,970, Hayden) and Maroon (14,003, Hayden) mountains, Castle Peak (14,259), Capitol Mountain (13,997, Hayden), Pyramid Peak (13,885, Hayden), Taylor Peak (13,419), and about a dozen other summits above 12,000 ft.
In 1848, Zachary Taylor, a Mexican War hero, and hardly even a convert to the Whig party, defeated Clay for the nomination, Kentucky herself deserting her "favourite son."
Taylor volcano (11,389 ft.), which is surrounded by lava tables and some of the most wonderful volcanic buttes in the world.
Among books professedly dealing with the Free Church question, the most valuable are Sydow's Die Schottische Kirchenfrage (Potsdam, 1845), and The Scottish Church Question (London, 1845); Buchanan's Ten Years' Conflict (1849); Hanna's Life of Chalmers (1852); and Taylor Innes on The Law of Creeds in Scotland (1867).
In March 1849 he became secretary of state in the cabinet of President Zachary Taylor, to whose nomination and election his influence had contributed.
His brief tenure of the state portfolio, which terminated on the 22nd of July 1850, soon after Taylor's death, was notable chiefly for the negotiation with the British minister, Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.
For several years after 1840 Zachary Taylor made his home on a plantation near Baton Rouge.
Next year he married Harriet Ann Taylor, whose father had been the founder and proprietor of the Manchester Guardian.
In the year following, 1788, Nembana, a Timni chief, sold a strip of land to Captain John Taylor, R.N., for the use of the "free community of settlers, their heirs and successors, lately arrived from England, and under the protection of the British government."
In 1812 the fort was successfully defended against an attack of the Indians by its commandant Captain Zachary Taylor, and in 1817 was abandoned.
He was an apprentice of Joseph Henry Green, the distinguished surgeon at St Thomas's, well known for his friendship for Samuel Taylor Coleridge, whose literary executor Green became.
Mr Taylor (A Treatise of International Public Law, p. 174) treats the Transvaal after the convention of 1884 as a " neutralized state only part sovereign."
C. Taylor (Ibis, 1864, p. 90), have a strong crow-like odour.
During the following year his father, Colonel Richard Taylor, a veteran of the War of Independence, migrated to Kentucky, settling near Louisville, and thereafter played an important part in the wars and politics of his adopted state.
The boyhood and youth of Zachary Taylor were thus passed in the midst of the stirring frontier scenes of early Kentucky, and from this experience he acquired the hardihood and resoluteness that characterized his later life, although he inevitably lacked the advantages of a thorough education.
In May 1808 Taylor received a commission as first lieutenant in the 7th United States Infantry, and for the next few years was employed in routine duties.
In 1836 Taylor was ordered from Wisconsin to take command against the Seminoles in Florida.
While at New Orleans in 1845, Taylor received orders from President Polk to march his troops into Texas, as soon as that state should accept the terms of annexation proposed by the Joint Resolution of Congress of March 2, 1845.
Upon the definite refusal of the Mexican government under Paredes to resume with the United States the diplomatic relations broken off by the annexation of Texas, Taylor was ordered to advance to the Rio Grande for the purpose of anticipating any hostile incursion from Mexico.
Taylor not only disregarded this summons, but within the following week proceeded to blockade the Rio Grande.
A brilliant charge by the dragoons under Captain May decided this contest, which Taylor followed up by a pursuit of the Mexican general to the Rio Grande.
After relieving Fort Brown, which had been besieged since the 3rd of May, Taylor himself crossed the river, and on the 18th of May occupied Matamoras, from which Arista had already retreated to Monterrey.
As it was the intention of the administration to wage war for the purpose merely of bringing Mexico to negotiate, Taylor did not immediately advance southward from the Rio Grande.
Taylor formed a new base of operations at Camargo, farther up the river, and from this point, in August began an advance towards Monterrey, the capital of Nuevo Leon.
By this time Taylor had been reinforced by some 3000 troops which had marched under Gen.
President Polk distrusted Taylor because of his supposed Whig views, and now began to express his dissatisfaction with the general's failure to take full advantage of his victories and his hesitancy to suggest a plan for the future conduct of the war.
Taylor was unwilling to lead his own army farther into the desert interior of Mexico and remained non-committal upon the projected attempt from Vera Cruz.
Learning of the weakened condition of Taylor's force he made a sudden advance to the northward, with some 20,000 troops, and on the 22nd of February 1847 encountered Taylor with one-fourth that number at Buena Vista, a few miles beyond Saltillo.
The all-day battle in the narrow mountain pass was the most stubbornly contested of the whole war, and the brilliant victory of Taylor over such odds made " Old Rough and Ready," as he was called by his troops, the hero of the hour.
Taylor's brilliant victory, won when he was so greatly handicapped by 'Polk, emphasized the popular discontent which that president's policy had already aroused, and suggested him to the political leaders as a presidential possibility.
Taylor first adopted a course of discouraging these suggestions and emphasized his non-partisan attitude, but later gave way to the pressure, and issued a statement that proved satisfactory to the majority of the Whig politicians.
The disaffection of these leaders was more than counterbalanced, however, by the split of the New York Democrats over the slavery question, which assured Taylor of the vote of that state.
As a result Taylor carried eight slave states while his opponent secured seven, but in the free states the conditions were exactly reversed.
Under the circumstances the first message from President Taylor was awaited with great interest.
Montgomery's Life (Auburn, 1850) and John Frost's Life (New York and Philadelphia, 1847) are almost wholly devoted to President Taylor's military career, and are excessively laudatory in character.
There is much material about Taylor in the general histories of M`Master, Von Holst, and Rhodes.
During the war between Mexico and the United States General Zachary Taylor arrived before the city on the 19th of September 1846, with about 6600 men.
On the 29th of January 1555, Hooper, Rogers, Rowland Taylor and others were condemned by Gardiner and degraded by Bonner.
With Peter Cooper, Moses Taylor (1806-1882), Marshall Owen Roberts (1814-1880) and Chandler White, he formed the New York, Newfoundland & London Telegraph Company, which procured a more favourable charter than Gisborne's, and had a capital of $1,500,000.
In 1847 Brigham Young had succeeded Joseph Smith as president of the Mormons, and he held that position of veritable dictator until his death (1877); John Taylor succeeded him, and Wilford Woodruff in 1890 was chosen head of the organization; then Lorenzo Snow was president in 1898-1901, and Joseph Fielding Smith was elected in 1901.
He was secretary of war under President Polk from 1845 to 1849, and as such discharged with ability the especially onerous duties incident to the conduct of the Mexican War; he became involved, however, in controversies with Generals Scott and Taylor, who accused him, it seems very unjustly, of seeking to embarrass their operations in the field because they were political opponents of the administration.
In 1899 a school of medicine was established, in connexion with which the Eleanor Taylor Bell memorial hospital was erected in 1905.
The scheme was one which had approved itself to minds of the highest orderto Sir Thomas More, to Bacon, to Hales and to Jeremy Taylor.
One of the best-known gas-producers for working with compressed air from below is Taylor's, shown in fig.
The railways determined to evade the law, but Taylor promptly brought suit in the State Supreme Court and an injunction was issued restraining the companies from disobedience.
Casuistry (with parallels in early Protestantism like Jeremy Taylor's Ductor Dubitantium), growing out of the Confessional, is characteristic of this Roman Catholic Ethic; yet the study is not restricted to the technical equipment of confessors.
The site of the present city was settled in 1625 as Merry Mount or Mount Wollaston by Thomas Morton - the present Wollaston Heights is a part of the grant of 600 acres made in 1636 by the town of Boston to William Hutchinson, husband of Anne, the Antinomian, and was formerly known as Taylor's Hill.
Chillingworth, Jeremy Taylor, Glanvill and other philosophical thinkers in the Church of England urged toleration in the state, in conjunction with wide comprehension in the church, on the ground of our necessary intellectual limitation and inability to reach demonstration in theological debates.
Sanderson, as well as the more eminent Jeremy Taylor, whose Ductor dubitantium appeared in 1660.
Professor Taylor expounds these two theories with great brilliance of argument and much ingenuity, yet neither of them will perhaps carry complete conviction to the minds of the majority of his critics.
For whatever may be the real character of the interrelation of moral and metaphysical first principles it is obvious that Taylor's own dissatisfaction with current moral principles arises from an inability to believe in their ultimate rationality, i.e.
But further, it is becoming increasingly apparent that psychology (upon which Taylor would base morality) itself involves metaphysical assumptions; its position in fact cannot be stated except as a metaphysical position, whether that of subjective idealism or any other.
Taylor himself attempts to find the roots of ethics in the moral sentiments of mankind, the moral sentiments being primarily feelings or emotions, though they imply and result in judgments of approval and disapproval upon conduct.
Moreover, it is obvious that a great part of Taylor's quarrel with current moral ideals arises from the fact that they do not commend themselves to the moral judgment, i.e.
Taylor's polemic against metaphysical systems of ethics is based throughout upon an alleged discrepancy and separation between the facts of moral " experience," the judgments of the moral consciousness, and theories as to the nature of these which the philosophers whom he attacks would by no means accept.
Taylor is more persuasive when he is developing his second main thesis - that of the alleged existence of an ultimate dualism in the nature of morality.
With Taylor's presentation of the difficulties with which morality is expected to grapple probably few would be found seriously to disagree, though they might consider it unduly pessimistic. But when he turns what is in effect a statement of certain forms of moral difficulty into an attack upon the logical and coherent character of morality itself, he is not so likely to command assent.
And what perhaps would first strike an unprejudiced critic in Taylor's examples of conflicting ideals or antagonistic yet ultimate moral judgments would be the perception that they are not necessarily moral ideas or judgments at all, and hence necessarily not ultimate.
It will be clear from the foregoing account of Taylor's work that the tendency of his thought, as of that of Bradley, is by no means directed to the confirmation or re-establishment of those principles of conduct recognized by the ordinary moral consciousness.
Green and Bradley and Taylor are the chief representatives, have dominated the field of ethical speculation since 1870.
All classes of Protestants were tolerated, and Jeremy Taylor preached unmolested.
Jeremy Taylor began a persecution which stopped the influx of Scots into Ireland.
Thomas Taylor, at the end of the i 8th century, indulged in much mystical allegorizing of myths, as in the notes to his translation of Pausanias (1794) At an earlier date (1760) De Brosses struck on the true line of interpretation in his little work Du Culte des dieux fetiches, ou parallele de l'ancienne religion de l'Egypte avec la religion actuelle de Nigritie.
The hymns may be read in Sir George Grey's Polynesian Mythology, and in Taylor's New Zealand.
Additional waterpower (25,000 h.p.) is derived from Taylor's Falls on the St Croix river.
Canovas so fully comprehended the necessity of averting American intervention that he listened to the pressing demands of secretary Olney and of the American minister in Madrid, Hannis Taylor, an.d laid before the Cortes a bill introducing home rule in Cuba on a more liberal scale than Maura, Abarzuza and Sagasta had dared to suggest two years before.
Short lives of Cowper have appeared in many quarters, from Thomas Taylor's (1833) to Goldwin Smith's in the English Men of Letters " series (1880).
Reference may also be made to C. Taylor, An Introduction to Ancient and Modern Geometry of Conics (1881).
He clarified the principles of the calculus by developing them with the aid of limits and continuity, and was the first to prove Taylor's theorem rigorously, establishing his well-known form of the remainder.
Thomas Taylor, the "Platonist," translated the commentaries on the Timaeus and Euclid, The Theology of Plato, the Elements of Theology, and the three Latin treatises.
In the northeast the ridges are more numerous and higher than in the southwest, where White Oak Ridge and Taylor's Mountain are among the highest, although Missionary and Chickamauga Ridges are better known, because of their association with battles of the Civil War.
Nonetheless, Taylor is still adamant he is the man to put things right.
The poignant ballad had Chip Taylor beckoning a young lady from the audience called Florence.
Lots of love Millie xxxxxxx mark taylor and adele penny mark taylor and Adele penny mark taylor and adele penny Congratulations on your recent engagement.
Laurie Taylor talks to the distinguished anthropologist, Adam Kuper, about his new book on the concept of culture.
Crystal Palace have arranged a press conference to announce their new manager tomorrow, with Peter Taylor the expected appointee.
The church has a three-sided apse, a rare form in this county, part of the John Taylor design.
Beckham was given the armband initially by caretaker boss Peter Taylor for the friendly international with Italy in Turin in November 2000.
Vicky Taylor, our long-established Development Officer, left in January 1998 to take up a research assistantship at the Royal Veterinary College.
Robert Taylor finds out The best in summer boredom beaters!
Tony Oliver provided a singularly oily villain in the shape of Clarence Creep and Janet Taylor gave a nice cameo as the Fairy Queen.
Professor Taylor's main clinical and research interests lie in surgical oncology but particularly colorectal cancer and colorectal liver metastases.
In the first instance a small deputation to include Roland Rosner and Paul Jeffrey would arrange to see John Taylor.
Peter Taylor has hinted that Keith Andrews could be rested for tomorrow's local Derby against Leeds United at Elland Road.
Caroline Taylor's father accidentally drowned in the 1890's which appears to be suicide.
Elizabeth Taylor and marries any man she can lay her hands on.
When Taylor and Prentice heard the news they quickly returned to St. Peter's Field and began interviewing eyewitnesses.
While todays game will be a pressure cooker for former boss Peter Taylor Leicester have a great chance to ease their relegation fears.
Cairns went one better than last year, when he was the beaten finalist behind Nick Taylor.
This new edition contains a new foreword by David Wood, John V Taylor's great admirer.
Close to the railroad is the famous Taylor's bell foundry which has a museum open to the public.
Engraved emblematic frontispiece by Baynes and Taylor titled ' AUDE TACE ' dated 1797.
The old village electricity generator is now the home of Taylor & Green who make fine hand made furniture.
Taylor Brown However, ' Fergie; was not the first geriatrician in Scotland.
Mike Taylor Typical Icelandic turf house spectacular steam geyser erupting Geographers take time out for a hot swim in the Blue Lagoon!
Please join us to celebrate the launch of Debbie Taylor's new novel, hungry ghosts, set on the Greek island of Crete.
Paul Taylor struck the kick to the right but Marine's debutant goalkeeper, Mike Stewart, leaped to push the ball away.
Designer christening gowns Beautiful hand made designer silk Christening gowns, by Jacqueline Taylor.
It depicts Ken Taylor throwing a harpoon from his kayak on Loch Lomond in 1960.
A new spring tine harrow specially designed for use on grassland is solving an age-old problem for dairy farmer Will Taylor.
Guests attending the day included industrialists, staff, and friends of the students as well as the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Chris Taylor.
Mr Taylor will shortly be appointing a panel of senior private sector industrialists to advise him in this task.
The graves bear the inscriptions " Corporal J TAYLOR.
The pet lioness of the former President of the country, Charles Taylor, should leave.
An example of the rather lurid Taylor coloring scheme is shown here.
Kirkwall Auction mart by Craig Taylor Craig sends in this picture of the old mart, which stood between Junction Road and Great W. .
Taking advantage of a strong northerly Capt. TAYLOR ran to Zante on 6 February 1814 to consult with Lieut.
We believe that Mr Taylor was right to question the desirability of making a disease notifiable without doing anything else.
Debbie Taylor's acclaimed novel The Fourth Queen was published last year; she also edits the writing magazine Mslexia.
The Council congratulated Cllr Taylor on the satisfactory outcome to the process.
The green-eyed monster will be in the shape of Peter Taylor's devoted gray parrot, Merlin.
This supporter was Richard Mulcaster, the great pedagogue, head of the famous schools of Merchant Taylor's and St. Paul's.
The book will be introduced by long-time Ginsberg collaborator Steven Taylor and prefaced by respected beat poet David Meltzer.
Taylor was helped by Manchester's fast growing population.
During the year there was much preparatory hard work in liaison with Richard Taylor of Leeds Planning Department and Leeds Leisure Services.
The sergeant told Taylor that she would not stay quiet, but that he could not arrest her as she was not drunk.
Simon Taylor, who is TDC's Product Manager has a garden shed at home which houses two pet rabbits.
The Street Talk (Hertfordshire Music Service, Rock Project) team included rapper Robert Taylor, producer Richy Parker and Danny Fisher.
Taylor's views on parliamentary reform also became more conservative.
Ms Williams, originally from Wales, was 21 when Joshua died and in a long-term relationship with his father Paul Taylor.
Regards, David Dear John, I have been given your name by Sid Taylor the owner of the recently builyt riptide Ramillies.
My brother Taylor read prayers, and assisted at the truly blessed sacrament.
Taylor is Vicar, into the Hands of certain Sequestrators named in the said sequestration, for the Use of Mr. Geo.
Oulton breathed a huge sigh of relief, for the previous over Taylor had clean bowled the Aussie with a no ball.
But never did she go without Mr. Woodhouse's giving a gentle sigh, and saying, " Ah, poor Miss Taylor!
In 2002, Granada Television invited the cheerleading squad from Zoë Taylor School of Dance to perform for them.
The main reason for this is the reduced capacity levels demanded by the Taylor Report for all seater stadia.
However, despite an encouraging performance from his players, Magpies manager Carl Taylor seemed surprisingly subdued.
Taylor's Gold brought the overall medal tally for the young British squad to three.
The 24-year old joins former teammate Gareth Taylor at Prenton Park and becomes Tranmere's ninth signing of the summer.
Taylor is candid about the fact that some of the best theories we have at present are rather tentative.
Cullen would have to walk the disciplinary tightrope for at least 80 minutes as referee Taylor cautioned him for the challenge.
Andrew Taylor, Bass trombone Born in 1988 he joined the band in 1999 on second trombone, taught by Gareth Churcher.
Yet I think of Lester Bangs, spitting vitriol toward MOR safety in his " James Taylor Marked for Death " piece.
Hugh Taylor was the other angler to break the 13lb barrier taking again a personal best zander weighing 13lb 8oz.
On the 12th of February 1420 proceedings were begun before him against William Taylor, priest, who had been for fourteen years excommunicated for heresy, and was now degraded and burnt for saying that prayers ought not to be addressed to saints, but only to God.
Taylor's theology was distinctively infra-lapsarian; it disagreed with Samuel Hopkins and Emmons in rejecting the theory of "divine efficiency" and in arguing that man can choose the right "even if he won't" - distinguishing like Edwards between natural ability and moral inability; it distinguished sensibility or susceptibility as something different from will or understanding, without moral qualities, to which the appeal for right choice may be made; and it made selflove (a term borrowed from Dugald Stewart, connoting the innocent love of happiness and distinct from selfishness) the particular feeling appealed to by the influences of the law and gospel.
No wonder that Taylor, writing to the duke of Ormonde shortly after his consecration, should have said, "I perceive myself thrown into a place of torment."
Here, then, was Taylor's opportunity for exemplifying the wise toleration he had in other days inculcated, but the newt bishop had nothing to offer the Presbyterian clergy but the bare alternative - submission to episcopal ordination and jurisdiction or deprivation.
At the instance of the Irish bishops Taylor undertook his last great work, the Dissuasive from Popery (in two parts, 1664 and 1667), but, as he himself seemed partly conscious, he might have more effectually gained his end by adopting the methods of Ussher and Bedell, and inducing his clergy to acquire the Irish tongue.
Taylor's fame has been maintained by the popularity of his sermons and devotional writings rather than by his influence as a theologian ' or his importance as an ecclesiastic. His mind was neither scientific nor speculative, and he was attracted rather to questions of casuistry than to the problems of pure theology.
Jeremy Taylor with a life of the author and a critical examination of his writings was published by Bishop Reginald Heber in 1822, reissued after careful revision by Charles Page Eden (1847-54).
Taylor, Miss Emily Davies and others, of the first women's suffrage society, which developed into the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, and his writings are still the most important theoretical statement of the case for women's suffrage.
The fault of the 1 7th-century sermon was a tendency, less prominent in Jeremy Taylor than in any other writer, to dazzle the audience by a display of false learning and by a violence in imagery; the great merit of its literary form was the fullness of its vocabulary and the richness and melody of style which adorned it at its best.
This is a particular case of Taylor's theorem (see Infinitesimal Calculus).
In 1841 he published a valuable paper, "Sur la convergence de la serie de Taylor," in Crelle's Journal.
In his Treatise on Perspective (1712) he explained the mathematical principles of that art; and anticipated the method afterwards elaborated by Brook Taylor.
The road followed by them to Yekundo is called by Tibetans the upper road (gong lam), and had apparently been followed previously by Miss Taylor.
During this short period in the cabinet he established the naval academy at Annapolis, gave the orders which led to the occupation of California, and sent Zachary Taylor into the debatable land between Texas and Mexico.
Among his numerous publications were A Missionary Gazetteer (1832), A Biography of Self-Taught Men (1832), a once widely known Eclectic Reader (1835), a translation, with Samuel Harvey Taylor (1807-1871), of Kiihner's Schulgrammatik der Griechischen Sprache and Classical Studies (1844), essays in ancient literature and art written in collaboration with Barnas Sears and C. C. Felton.
The instrument has a triple photo-visual Taylor object-glass of 122 in.
On Oct_ 28 Granite Harbour was reached and stores left there by Griffith Taylor allowed of full rations of good food for the first time for nine months.
The Glagolitic was founded upon the ordinary Greek minuscule writing of the period, as was shown by Dr Isaac Taylor,' though the writing of the letters separately without abbreviations and an obvious attempt at artistic effect has gradually differentiated it from Greek writing.
Sir John Taylor Coleridge, his fellow scholar at Corpus and his life-long friend, says of him, after their friendship of five and fifty years had closed, "It was the singular happiness of his nature, remarkable even in his undergraduate days, that love for him was always sanctified by reverence - reverence that did not make the love less tender, and love that did but add intensity to the reverence."
In 1848 he received the Demo ratic nomination for the presidency, but owing to the defection of the so-called " Barnburners (see Free-Soil Party) he did not receive the united support of his party, and was defeated by the Whig candidate, Zachary Taylor.
By the middle of August Taylor had selected a position at Corpus Christi, on the west bank of the Nueces and within the disputed territory, and here he remained until the following spring.
Winfield Scott, although the latter was personally unacceptable to himself, as its leader, and despite Taylor's vigorous protests detached most of his experienced troops to join Scott's command.
Nevertheless when Taylor meetings became the fashion and newspapers began to advocate his nomination, party lines threatened to disappear despite the frantic efforts of the oldtime chiefs of the two leading organizations to stem the tide against the popular favourite.
In the first place, owing to the general disuse of such ministrations, there were none among the English clergy who had experience in delicate questions of conscience; and there had been no treatment of casuistry since Sanderson and Jeremy Taylor (see Casuistry).
Keith Taylor scored the highest Green vote in the country, almost quadrupling the Green vote.
In magical combinations, the lute and harp-playing by Robert Phillips and William Taylor produce the most ravishing, resonant sound.
Taylor 's views on parliamentary reform also became more conservative.
In the midst of his effusions Taylor is remiss enough to give the cost of the war to the people of Britain.
The losses suffered during the Boxer Rebellion affected Taylor 's health and he resigned officially in favor of D E Hoste in 1903.
Meanwhile, the Taylor case gives the OK to no win, no fee or no win, part fee for run-of-the-mill construction stuff.
Taylor is Vicar, into the Hands of certain Sequestrators named in the said Sequestration, for the Use of Mr. Geo.
But never did she go without Mr. Woodhouse 's giving a gentle sigh, and saying, Ah, poor Miss Taylor !
Maddie was upset when Karen snubbed a girls ' night out to see Taylor.
Missionary statesman Hudson Taylor had complete trust in God 's faithfulness.
However, Burnley struck back in the 22nd minute through Gareth Taylor 's stooping header.
Two minutes later Peter Band had his hat-trick, this time stooping to head home a Matty Taylor cross.
The sump pool in Wilf Taylor 's Passage is usually static.
Taylor 's Gold brought the overall medal tally for the young British squad to three.
The 24-year old joins former teammate Gareth Taylor at Prenton Park and becomes Tranmere 's ninth signing of the summer.
The tic ' s eMedia Center Manager, Steve Smith chaired the table with colleagues Bez Shivani, Dave Taylor and Ha Vu.
Peter Taylor suffered a torrid time whenever the Sky camera 's arrived to watch his team.
Lib Dem treasury spokesman Matthew Taylor said, Labor 's tax system is unfair.
Andrew Taylor, Bass Trombone Born in 1988 he joined the band in 1999 on second trombone, taught by Gareth Churcher.
During the early 1990s, Taylor was France 's third largest supplier of tropical hardwoods.
Even Taylor never managed to get a videotape recording of their performances.
Another record-breaking newborn, Amillia Taylor was born in Miami, Florida, on October 24, 2006.
Ann Taylor offers classic styles, suitable for most offices and workplaces.
Taylor, using Tiger's legal first name, Eldrick, obtained a driver's license in the state of California as well as a Social Security card in 2002.
The one's that did neglected to confiscate Taylor's identification.
Unfortunately for him, when Taylor was caught, the court noted that he had two previous convictions for robbery.
Nordstrom, Lord and Taylor and even Target are some the more common, but any quick search of the web will find many more.
Another nice prom makeup expression is to draw your eye liner over your top lid for a sexy, starlet look reminiscent of Briget Bardot or Elizabeth Taylor.
They believe that if they look a certain way they will always be recognized, for example, Brooke Shields and Elizabeth Taylor and their full eyebrows.
Some say the first was Elizabeth Taylor, but ever since, celebrities have not only been putting their star on the map, but their scent too.
Having a scent named after you, inspired by you, or designed by you, is a good sign you have hit the big time, and everyone from Ms. Taylor to Britney Spears can attest to that.
Sure, you remember that Rebecca Taylor is famous for her pastel palettes and sweet kittenish designs in 2003.
The deeply intense purple color was inspired by the color of Taylor's own violet eyes, and the bottle itself is a testament to the actress's own passion for strength in femininity.
My life is like that "Teardrops On My Guitar" song by Taylor Swift!!!
I mean, she was played by Elizabeth Taylor.
Jovani dresses are very popular and have even been worn by celebrates such as Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift.
Seen all over celebs such as Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift, bold floral patterns are girly but with an edge.
This was the concept that CEO and founder Gidget Taylor of The Puvet Company came up with for her bedding product.
LoveToKnow would like to thankGidget Taylor, President and Founder, of The Puvet company for taking time out of her busy schedule to introduce readers to her line of children's bedding.
Proving he is indeed an American Idol, Taylor Hicks' debut single, "Do I Make You Proud" debuted at number one on the Billboard Pop Charts.
Country singer Taylor Swift hails from Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.
Entertainment recently featured Niki Taylor's story on a new celebrity biography series.
Taylor is alleging that the entertainment network misrepresented her and she is filing a slander lawsuit.
Entertainment television began the first episode of their new series, Blvd. of Broken Dreams, with a feature about Niki Taylor.
The show also explained that Taylor beat her addiction and left modeling to raise her twin boys.
The show features Taylor and family members recounting the events of her life.
Taylor was led to believe that the focus of the piece would be about her life now, including the development of her clothing, fragrance and cosmetics lines, as well as the foundation created in her sister's memory.
Taylor may have had some warning of their intent with their tag line, "In a place between heaven and Hollywood, dreams turn tragic and fame goes sour fast."
Taylor's attorneys ordered the entertainment network to pull the episode featuring Taylor, but the show still aired.
Despite the hard times that Niki Taylor faced, she did manage to rise above it all - a fact that she hoped the E! special would focus on.
McPhee was runner-up to Taylor Hicks in season five of the popular Fox television show.
It was the second highest best-selling single of 2006 after Taylor Hicks' "Do I Make You Proud?".
In his best-known rant to date, he stormed up on stage at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards and interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to claim that Beyonce's video should have won.
That's what former New York waitress and aspiring writer Katherine Taylor has penned in her new book, Rules for Saying Goodbye.
Taylor worked as a bartender and waitress in New York City for several years, and claims her anecdotes about these celebrities are true, according to AHN.com.
Katherine Taylor now lives in Los Angeles, California, and is no longer a waitress or bartender.
Taylor, who is now working on her second novel since her first book is being praised by critics, claims that former Beatle Paul McCartney was actually "too drunk to tip" one night when she was working.
Jennie Garth co-starred on Beverly Hills, 90210 in the 1990s, playing Kelly Taylor.
This is a fabulous collection of over 80 pictures of celebrity homes, including the residences of stars like Taylor Swift, Charlie Sheen, and Britney Spears.
Heigl was signed within weeks, initially posing in catalogs for Sears, Macy's and Lord & Taylor.
Not to be outdone, American Idol season five winner, Taylor Hicks, is also eyeing a nightclub project in Birmingham.
Elvis, Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor's fake mugs still appear on various websites, such as TMZ and Photobucket.
Rogen's latest co-written screenplay is for the upcoming film Drillbit Taylor, starring Owen Wilson.
By his teenage years, Bateman became more of a household name, appearing on the series Silver Spoons as Derek Taylor, opposite Ricky Schroeder, who played rich kid Ricky Stratton.
Stiller married actress Christine Taylor in 2000.
Hasselbeck and husband, former Arizona Cardinal Tim Hasselbeck, currently have two children - a daughter Grace, born in 2005 and a son Taylor, born in 2007.
Kristen an older brother named Cameron, and two adopted brothers called Taylor and Dana.
In a rare moment of contrition for Kanye, he actually looks as though he is really sorry for hurting Taylor Swift's feelings.
Taylor Lautner is an actor best known for his role as Jacob Black in the Twilight series of films.
Taylor Daniel Lautner was born on February 11, 1992, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Taylor has one younger sister, named Makena.When he was six years old, Lautner enrolled in karate lessons.
Soon after his first television role, Taylor Lautner was making regular appearances on the small screen.
It's not unusual for young actors to make the jump from television to film, and this is the exact course Taylor Lautner's career took.
Starring alongside Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner holds his own as Jacob.
Since hitting the big time with Twilight, Taylor Lautner has made appearances many major talk shows, both in daytime and in prime time, as well as other weekly series and many awards shows.
Lautner has dated some famous women, including Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez.
You can learn more about Taylor Lautner, keep up with his career, find photos, and meet other fans at his many fan sites and other information portals online.
Taylor Lautner Fan - This site has frequent news updates, all of Lautner's latest projects in the side bar, and an extensive photo gallery.
He has two daughters with Bach, named Taylor Ann and Hayley.
The Hoff, as he is nicknamed, has been married and divorced twice, He has two daughters, Taylor Ann and Hayley, with his former wife, actor Pamela Bach.
Elizabeth Taylor - Iconic actress Elizabeth Taylor has a large collection of designer jewelry, which has often been the target of burglars over the years.
As Taylor Swift accepted her VMA Award for Best Music Video, singer Kanye West barged in and declared that Beyonce's video for Single Ladies was one of the best videos of all time.
Jacob, the leader of the pack, is played by Taylor Lautner who is part Native.
Taylor Momsen - The Gossip Girl star makes sure that tongues wag when she enters the room in outfits that are meant to flatter her figure, but fall far short.
Crew. Teens may also like Ann Taylor or Laura Ashley, but, generally speaking, Old Navy or the Gap are fairly safe bets.
Acoustic Guitars - If you're looking for an acoustic guitar, check out their line of acoustics that includes Martin, Gibson, Taylor, Yamaha, Dean, Seagull and more.
What he wouldn't know until later on after landing is that approximately $1,200.00 worth of damage was done to his Taylor guitar during that incident.
Taylor has made a reputation based on the quality of their acoustic electric guitars.
The 210-CE-G has a solid spruce top, a cutaway body design so you can really reach those high notes, and Taylor's famous integrated electronics.
However, you may be slightly surprised to see comparatively newer artists like Bruno Mars, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift right alongside such a classic band.
Department stores like Macy's and Lord & Taylor routinely offer in-store coupons good on men's apparel.
Note that the majority of dresses in this category are only available online, but can be returned to Ann Taylor stores.
They created their own players (except for Lawrence Taylor) and their own style of play.
Rhythm games are incredibly popular, giving gamers the opportunity to rock out to artist like The Who, Nirvana, Oasis, Marilyn Manson, Taylor Swift and more.
Walter Taylor and his wife, Addies, bought seven acres of vineyard on Bully Hill and picked their very first harvest in 1879.
The Taylor Company was thus established and would soon outgrow the confines of his small barn.
Mr. Taylor applied for a wine making license in 1881 and was finally granted permission the following year.
The Taylor Company name was then changed to The Taylor Wine Company.
Walter Stephen Taylor still owned the original seven acres of vineyard on Bully Hill and he was interested in starting his own wine business.