Taxed Sentence Examples
In the case of corporations realty and machinery are taxed generally by the local authorities, and stock values by the commonwealth.
Crime, with the many facilities offered for rapid locomotion to those who committed it, had ceased to be merely local, and the whole state rather than individual communities ought to be taxed; prison charges should be borne by the public exchequer and not by local rates.
It is also to be noticed that the Domesday Survey constantly mentions the terra villanorum as opposed to the demesne in the estates or manors of the time, and that the land of the rustics is taxed separately for the geld, so that the distinction between the property of the lord and that of the peasant dependent on him is clearly marked and by no means devoid of practical importance.
The qualifications for suffrage include one year's residence in the state, six months in the county, and one month in the voting district, next before election; idiots, insane persons, convicts, Indians not taxed, minors and women are disqualified; aliens who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States vote on the same terms as actual citizens.
Almost all the Indians of the state are taxed as citizens.
But I was so shrewdly taxed with posing as a strong-minded woman and a philosopher that one fine day I said to myself, ` What, I wonder, is philosophy?'
Towards the close of the 13th century the Egyptian king Merneptah (Mineptah) records a successful campaign in Palestine, and alludes to the defeat of Canaan, Ascalon, Gezer, Yenuam (in Lebanon) and (the people or tribe) Israel.3 Bodies of aliens from the Levantine coast had previously threatened Egypt and Syria, and at the beginning of the 12th century they formed a coalition on land and sea which taxed all the resources of Rameses III.
To pay for rendering inoperative the banishment edict of 1744, the Jews were taxed 3,000,000 florins annually for ten years.
Descriptive chemistry was now assuming considerable proportions; the experimental inquiries suggested by Boyle were being assiduously developed; and a wealth of observa tions was being accumulated, for the explanation of which the resources of the dominant theory were sorely taxed.
Under the first head would be included proportional taxes dependent upon the value of the property taxed; under the second, taxes whose amount does not depend upon that value.
AdvertisementThe seigniorial taille, like the servile, had the character of a personal tax (taille personelle), a rudimentary tax on income, every man being taxed according to his wages or other income.
It was not an equal tax falling on all landowners, but the question as to whether a certain estate was to be taxed or not was decided according to the quality of the property, and not that of the owner.
The biens nobles (fiefs) and the biens ecclesiastiques were exempt; tenures roturieres, however, by whomsoever held, were taxed.
But it was not long before their worst fears with regard to the Boers began to be realized, and their patience was once more severely taxed.
The lesser gentry were protected against the tyranny of the magnates, encouraged to appear at court and taxed for military service by the royal treasury direct - so as to draw them closer to the crown.
AdvertisementA particular case of the last equation, namely, y 2 = ax e + 1, sorely taxed the resources of modern algebraists.
They are still deprived of all political rights, they are denied any voice in the government of the country, they are taxed far above the requirements of the country, the revenue of which is misapplied and devoted to objects which keep alive a continuous and wellfounded feeling of irritation, without in any way advancing the general interest of the state.
The ransom demanded was 150,000 marks; though it was never discharged in full, the resources of England were taxed to the utmost for the first instalments; and to this occasion we may trace the beginning of secular taxation levied on movable property.
The natural objection of the colonies, as voiced, for example, by the assembly of Pennsylvania, was that it was a cruel thing to tax colonies already taxed beyond their strength, and surrounded by enemies and exposed to constant expenditures for defence, and that it was an indignity that they should be taxed by a parliament in which they were not represented; at the same time the Pennsylvania assembly recognized it as " their duty to grant aid to the crown, according to their abilities, whenever required of them in the usual manner."
Suffrage is conferred upon all adult citizens of the United States (including women, 1910) who have lived in the state one year, in the county ninety days, and in the city, town, ward or precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election, and are able to read and speak the English language; Indians who are not taxed, idiots, insane persons and convicts are debarred.
AdvertisementOf the Indians 9293 were taxed.
A savings bank is taxed on its deposits, and a state bank is taxed on its capital-stock.
These pacts have hitherto been scrupulously observed, and as the local authorities levy the contribution after their own local customs, landed property and the industrial and commercial classes are less heavily taxed in these territories than in the rest of Spain.
Heretofore the Federalist regime had taxed the people to support the Congregational Church, but now the Baptists, Methodists and Universalists joined the Democrats, and in 1819 this state support was abolished by the " Toleration Act."
The administrative duties connected with the army of occupation would alone have taxed to the uttermost the powers of an ordinary man.
AdvertisementThe city has a public library (1865), and is the seat of St John's School and the Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes (both Roman Catholic), of a state hospital for the insane (1878), originally planned (1877) as an inebriate asylum, liquor dealers being taxed for its erection, and of St Mary's Hospital (1889), a famous institution founded and maintained by the Sisters of St Francis.
Despite their troubled history and long subjection, the Belgic provinces still retained to an unusual degree their local liberties and privileges, and more especially the right of not being taxed, except by the express consent of the states.
Under these rulers the rich kingdom was heavily taxed to supply the sinews of war and to support every kind of lavish expenditure.
The Indians are all taxed.
The people of the country are by no means heavily taxed, a large number of the natives of the interior escaping all payment of dues to the company, the revenue being for the most part contributed by the more civilized members of the community residing in the neighbourhood of the company's stations.
The result was failure, for the democracy of small farmers which would have taxed slavery out of existence was denied proportionate representation.
They were common in the African churches, where they led to abuses which taxed the energy even of a Cyprian.
This influx was looked upon with disfavour by Kruger and his supporters, and, while the new corners were heavily taxed, steps were speedily taken to revise the franchise laws so that the immigrants should have little chance of becoming burghers of the republic. This exclusion the tilt' policy was even applied to immigrants from the le nders.
Chrysippus's im mediate successors were Zeno of Tarsus, Diogenes of Seleucia (often called the Babylonian) and Antipater of Tarsus, men of no originality, though not without ability; the two lastnamed, however, had all their energies taxed to sustain the conflict with Carneades (q.v.).
In 1640 war with France and a revolution in Catalonia had taxed the of 1640.
The climatic conditions are highly favourable for this product in eastern Bolivia, but it is heavily taxed and is restricted to a small home market.
All the Indians of Arizona live on reservations save the few non-tribal Indians taxed and treated as active citizens.
In 1900 there were 1836 taxed Indians, 26,480 reservation Indians not taxed, and in addition many friendly Papagoes unenumerated.
Domestic telegraph, telephone, express, cable, parlourand sleeping-car, gasand electric-lighting, oil and pipe line companies, and several classes of insurance companies, are taxed on the amount of their gross receipts.
Other domestic corporations are taxed on the amount of their capital stock.
The state itself then became engaged in a struggle with the railways in order to secure from them their full portion of taxes, as the property of individuals was then taxed many times as heavily as that of railways.
Sweden too was now in open revolt; and both Norway and Denmark were taxed to the uttermost to raise an army for the subjection of the sister kingdom.
And it provides further that, in the event of the judgment of the court being given in favour of the council, the council shall be entitled to recover their costs taxed as between solicitor and client.
Not only so, but excise duties and customs duties are in some cases supplementary to each other, like articles being produced at home and imported from abroad, so that for the sake of the revenue they have both to be taxed alike.
The result is not highly favourable to either; neither can be taxed with deliberate falsification, but both have coloured and suppressed.
In 1 795 the heavily taxed burghers of the frontier districts, who were afforded no protection against the Kaffirs, expelled the officials of the East India Company, and set up independent governments at Swellendam and Graaff Reinet.
In abbeys exempt from episcopal jurisdiction, the confirmation and benediction had to be conferred by the pope in person, the house being taxed with the expenses of the new abbot's journey to Rome.
He was taxed with speaking too often, any with being too forward.
Insurance companies are taxed on premiums and income.
The new fiscal system taxed men according to their means and raised no obstacle to commerce within the national boundaries.
The northern province, which so severely taxed the energies of Elizabeth, has since been the most prosperous and loyal part of Ireland.
No individual Irishman was taxed on a higher scale than any corresponding citizen of Great Britain.
As stated in the French senate (February 1909), everything is taxed in the island; and no sooner has any enterprise become fairly successful than it is so heavily taxed as to be no longer worth carrying on, and certain crops have therefore been destroyed by the colonists who had planted them.
She was blamed for her friendship with the comtesse de Polignac, who loved her only as the dispenser of titles and positions; and when weary of this persistent begging for rewards, she was taxed with her preference for foreigners who asked nothing.
But the resources of Genoa had been taxed to fit out the squadrons she had already sent to sea.
In 1890 there were in the state 2893 untaxed and 3538 taxed Indians, the latter being citizens; in 1900 there were 3,322 altogether, all of them taxed; and in 1908 there were 3720, of whom 1270 were Omaha, 1116 Santee Sioux, 1060 Winnebago and 274 Ponca.
The Code of 1650 (Connecticut) taxed all persons for its support, provided for the collection of church taxes, if necessary, by civil distraint, and forbade the formation of new churches without the consent of the general court.
You will be taxed on the proceeds of the sale, whether tangible or intangible.
This annuity taxation can be compared to a compulsory purchase annuity taxation can be compared to a compulsory purchase annuity for a pension where all the income is taxed as earned income.
At the moment leisure boaters in the UK fill up with red diesel, a fuel taxed at a lower rate than roadside diesel.
Any vehicle using public byways must be licensed and insured, properly taxed and fit for use on public roads.
Only two ideas, maximum, were to be made to fit into a half-hour documentary; anything more taxed the brain.
Payments are taxed as ordinary income each time and are therefore ineligible for transfer to an IRA.
It was found by inquisition that he had temporalities taxed at 50 s.
Samaria was also overrun by the Assyrian monarch, and the country heavily taxed.
Family owned for past 12 years, taxed and tested, brakes recently overhauled and fuel injection engine replaced with brand new 1600cc carburetor.
The Irish Chambers ' proposal is for all sites except those occupied by principal private residences to be taxed.
They also invented ' stealth ' taxes, only they were so stealthy, no-one realized they were actually being taxed.
They suffer the double whammy of being denigrated at all social levels and at the same time taxed heavily.
Indeed, in those days, the difficulties attached to such measures, and to the measurement of distances with the filar micrometer, were exceedingly great, and must have taxed to the Utmost the skill and patience of the observer.
Thenceforth he became the rallying point of a large number of men dissatisfied with the new administration, and in 1877 he headed a rebellion which taxed all the resources of the central government.
The Italian provinces were the most heavily taxed in the whole empire, and much of the money thus levied was spent either for the benefit of other provinces or to pay for the huge army of occupation and the fortresses in Ausfrian Italy.
The university is supported by a state tax of 0.23 mills per dollar on the taxed property of the state, by special appropriations from the state (for " deficiency," for School of Mines, and for salaries of teachers in the department of mines and engineering), by the interest on state bonds and land contracts purchased with the proceeds of Federal land grants under the Morrill Act of 1862, by Federal appropriations under the Morrill Act of 1890 and the Hatch Act, and by students' fees, &c. the total of this income was estimated in1906-1907at 8628,500.
But, with all her eagerness and intelligence, learning to speak taxed her powers to the utmost.
It puts to rest many questions which he would otherwise be taxed to answer; while the only new question which it puts is the hard but superfluous one, how to spend it.
If they pay the tax from a mistaken interest in the individual taxed, to save his property, or prevent his going to jail, it is because they have not considered wisely how far they let their private feelings interfere with the public good.
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Savings interest and retirement annuity income are normally taxed before you receive them.
The human body, when taxed by extra weight (or too little weight; many severely underweight women do not even menstruate), does not get pregnant as easily.
This is especially important during cold and flu season, when your immune system is constantly taxed from exposure to bacteria and viruses.
Any income is taxed to the child on an annual basis.
If you open a 529 savings plan and the child does not end up pursuing higher education, you will be taxed on the earnings.
Shares of stock in Delaware corporations are not taxed if the owner lives out of state.
The taxed amount is a percentage of the product's cost (also known as taxing on an ad valorem basis).
The use tax makes that tax-free purchases made outside of a consumer's taxable jurisdiction subject to a separate fee reflecting the amount that would have otherwise been taxed.
Other necessities may or may not be taxed; California is one example of a state offering many tax exclusions.
This allows you to pay for your medical expenses with money that has not been taxed, thus reducing your overall medical expenses.
When distributions of the payments are made, the payments will be taxed, but not until then.
With this type of investment plan, the annuitant is not taxed on any of the interest earned on the money until he or she starts to receive payments.
As the money is removed from the fund, the annuitant is taxed on the payments.
When the annuitant is ready to start withdrawing funds from the plan, he or she will likely be in retirement and the money withdrawn may be taxed at a lower rate than when the individual was working full-time.
Your contributions, which are taken directly from your income, go into the retirement plan automatically and so they are not taxed, at least not until some point in the future at which you would withdraw them.
Thus, at retirement age you will be in a lower tax bracket, which in turn means you'll get taxed a lower amount on the retirement funds as you withdraw them.
It's also important to note that any gains in the annuity fund, such as investment gains, are not taxed.
Since the funds are not taxed as long as they are in the annuity, the money has the potential to grow faster for the annuitant.
It is important to remember that the amount you are taxed on changes as you earn more income, possibly requiring you to periodically review your estimations.
The Cretans were in 1906 more lightly taxed than any other people in Europe.
The town was so heavily taxed by the Hamdanid princes at Mosul that the Arab tribe of the Banu Habib, although blood relations of the Hamdanids, migrated into Byzantine territory, where they were well received, accepted Christianity, attracted other emigrants from Nisibis, and at last began to avenge themselves by yearly raids upon their old home.
Under his administration the Church was severely taxed for the prosecution of Henry's foreign wars; and the chancellor incurred the reproach "of plunging his sword into the bowels of his mother."
The ingenuity of the compiler is frequently taxed when called upon to illustrate graphically the results of statistical information of every description.
Laurent points out that direct taxes furnish 54% of the revenues of the empire, that agriculture is accordingly very heavily taxed, and that the tax on realty is both excessive and unfairly administered.
Reform of this system, and, further, very necessary reforms of the methods of collection of the wines and spirits revenue (which is protection turned upside down, the home-growers being far more heavily taxed than importers), and of the customs (in which almost every possible administrative sin was exemplified), were also undertaken.
It was transformed long since into a fixed amount per head of the animals taxed, which amount varies according to the region in which the tax is levied, the highest tariff being in the sanjak of Jerusalem (72 piastres) and the lowest in the Yemen (1 piastre).
They were therefore naturally open to bribery and corruption, with the result that, while the rich often got off almost scot free, the poor were unduly taxed, and often cruelly oppressed by the tax collectors and farmers of revenue.
Taxed with a tribute in furs from the earliest years of the Russian conquest, they often revolted in the 17th century, but were cruelly reduced to obedience.
In the words of the Gospel of St Luke, he ordered "the whole world to be taxed," or, according to the revised version, to be enrolled.
House-cleanings and struggles with builders during the construction of a " soundproof room " taxed her energy, while Carlyle was hiding himself with his family in Scotland or staying at English country houses.
In accordance with the recommendations of the Hemp Drugs Commission, the government of India passed an act in 1896 providing that, in regard to ganja and charas, cultivation of the plants should be restricted as much as possible, and that a direct quantitative duty should be levied on the drugs on issue from the warehouse in the province of consumption; while as regards bhang, cultivation of the hemp for its production should be prohibited or taxed, and collection of the drug from wild plants permitted only under licence, a moderate quantitative duty being levied in addition to vend fees.
Cotton goods are taxed at 32%, whether imported or woven in Indian mills.