Taw Sentence Examples
Mulk property is governed chiefly by the Sheri (sacred Taw).
The older part of the town, being the whole of the municipal borough previous to 1836, occupies the west bank of the Taw& near its mouth and is now wholly given up to business.
Though his relation to collection is still in theory the chief monument of the general ecclesiastical law, it only marked a certain stage and taw.
Soak up the beautiful English countryside on the way as the train stradlles the river taw all the way up to North Devon.
Soak up the beautiful English countryside on the way as the train stradlles the river Taw all the way up to North Devon.
The name Taw was taken over in the Greek Tali.
The uplands of this district are bounded by the low alluvial plain of Sedgemoor on the east, by the lower basin of the Exe on the south, by the basin of the Taw (in part) on the west, and by the Bristol Channel on the north.
The Taw is here crossed by a stone bridge of sixteen arches, said to have been built in the 12th or 13th century.