Tastes Sentence Examples
It still tastes like venison.
In a yet broader sense it is used adjectivally of mere wideness or universality of view, as when we speak of a man as " of catholic sympathies " or " catholic in his tastes."
Simple and frugal in her tastes, and devout in thought and manner of life, she helped to bind her children to the life of Corsica, while her husband, a schemer by nature and a Voltairian by conviction, pointed the way to careers in France, the opening up of which moulded the fortunes of the family and the destinies of Europe.
At the same time the crown prince was able to indulge to the full his personal tastes.
He took no leading part in the war against the English, his energies being largely occupied with the satisfaction of his artistic and luxurious tastes.
The Gothic architecture of the Strassburg minster became to him the symbol of a national and German ideal, directly antagonistic to the French tastes and the classical and rationalistic atmosphere that prevailed in Leipzig.
Joachim, who was a prince of generous and cultured tastes, died at KOpenick on the 3rd of January 1571, and was succeeded by his son, John George.
In the first decades after the establishment of independence the resources and energies of the nation were absorbed in the task of occupying the vacant spaces of a continent, and sub-, duing it to agriculture; and so long as land was so abundant that the spreading population easily sustained itself upon the fruits of the soil, and satisfied the tastes of a simple society with the products of neighborhood handicrafts, there was no incentive to any real development of a factory economy.
He was a man of extravagant and luxurious tastes, and, although he greatly improved the city of Dresden, he cannot be called a good ruler.
Although lacking military tastes, he joined the French army at the siege of Gibraltar in 1772, merely for distraction.
AdvertisementFor Antoninus came to his new office with simple tastes, kindly disposition, extensive experience, a well-trained intelligence and the sincerest desire for the welfare of his subjects.
Possessing strong scientific tastes, he was the chief founder of the Royal Society and its first secretary.
In the pursuit of pure science for its own sake, undisturbed by sordid considerations, he shone as a beacon light to younger men - an exemplar of simple tastes, robust nature and lofty aspirations.
Little can be said of this degenerate son of Suleiman, who during the eight years of his reign never girded on the sword of Osman, and preferred the clashing of wine-goblets to the shock of arms, save that with the dissolute tastes of his mother he had not inherited her ferocity.
To such its romantic setting would be specially adapted, as falling in with the literary habits and tastes of the period; while its doctrinal peculiarities would least give offence in a work of the aim and character just described.
AdvertisementRoman tastes now came in; Roman buildings, especially amphitheatres, arose.
It is enough then here to observe that Iran and Babylonia do, as a matter of fact, continually yield the explorer objects of workmanship either Greek or influenced by Greek models, belonging to the age after Alexander, and that we may hence infer at any rate such an influence of Hellenism upon the tastes of the richer classes as would create a demand for these things.
Conti, who died on the 2nd of August 1776, inherited literary tastes from his father, was a brave and skilful general, arid a diligent student of military history.
All authorities combine in praising his handsome presence and the affability and charm of his address, together with a certain simplicity of personal tastes, which led him in his intercourse with his friends or with the representatives of friendly powers to dispense with ceremonial and etiquette.
Besides the three main disciplines the student takes up according to his tastes other subjects, such as rhetoric (ma`ani wabayan), logic (mantiq), prosody (`arud), and the doctrine of the correct pronunciation of the Koran (gira'a watajwid).
AdvertisementIt was already recognized that in him the country possessed not only a public man of exceptionally attractive personality, but one whose literary tastes were combined with a gift for expression which was at once original and fluent.
Slowly and obscurely the Renaissance comes to Scotland; its presence is indicated by the artistic tastes of the king, and, later, by the sweet and mournful poetry of Henryson.
He was sounded as to whether he would accept the laureateship upon the death of Tennyson, but declined, feeling that his tastes and his record were too remote from the requirements of a court appointment.
Although every European country was affected by this neo-classical revival it may be claimed that England absorbed it more com - pletely than any other country, for the brothers Adam (the - architects) and Josiah Wedgwood brought it into absolute correspondence with modern tastes and ideas.
His personal tastes, apart from his activities as a Maecenas, being economical, he endeavoured also to limit public expenditure, in a way which was not always a benefit to the country.
AdvertisementBut although he goes to the Scriptures, and tastes the mystical spirit of the medieval saints, the Christ of his conception has traits that seem borrowed from Socrates and from the heroes of Attic tragedy, who suffer much, and yet smile gently on a destiny to which they were reconciled.
But science and free thought then, as now, in Islam, depended almost solely on the tastes of the wealthy and the favour of the monarch.
One of the richest and most delicious of Indian fishes is the hilsa (Chepea ilisha), which tastes and looks like a fat white salmon.
Lord Ellenborough, who loved military display, had his tastes gratified by two more wars.
The Paseo was originally the quinta of a German of cultivated tastes named Joseph Buschenthal, who spent a fortune in its adornment.
One who feels pained or pleased, who feels hot or cold or resisting in touch, who tastes the flavoured, who smells the odorous, who hears the sounding, who sees the coloured, or is conscious, already believes that something sensible exists before conception, before inference, and before language; and his belief is true of the immediate object of sense, the sensible thing, e.g.
A man of considerable wealth and literary tastes, he may be compared with Atticus.
Now that which binds together these elements of our nature and maintains their interrelation in their respective spheres of activity - that which determines an individual's powers, his tastes, his opportunities, advantages and drawbacks, in a word, the character - is his "Karma."
It seems that his father was an innkeeper but a man of cultivated tastes.
Though intended for the Church, his studies and tastes inclined him to astronomy, and with a view to gaining experience in the routine of an observatory he accepted the post of observer in the university of Durham.
But his personal tastes always led him back to the study of modern history.
And, quite apart from their political colouring, such attempts to meet the devotional tastes of the masses as the miracles of Lourdes, or the modern French religious press, lie well within the range of criticism.
The policy of indulging his tastes and helping him to enjoy.
Their place was filled by Poppaea, and the infamous Tigellinus, whose sympathy with Nero's sensual tastes had gained him the command of the praetorian guards in succession to Burrus.
In the decorative arts the Nuremberg handicraftsman attained great perfection in ministering to the luxurious tastes of the burghers, and a large proportion of the old German furniture, silver-plate, stoves and the like, which are now admired in industrial museums, was made in Nuremberg workshops.
That such dietary restrictions were merely ceremonial and superstitious, and not intended to prevent the consumption of meats which would revolt modern tastes, is certain from the fact that the Levitical law freely allowed the eating of locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and cockroaches, while forbidding the consumption of rabbits, hares, storks, swine, &c. The Pythagoreans were forbidden to eat beans.
Helmholtz was a man of simple but refined tastes, of noble carriage and somewhat austere manner.
Wild elephants abound and commit many depredations, entering villages in large herds, and consuming everything suitable to their tastes.
The political organization of the country has not been favourable to the development of artistic or scientific tastes, though Chile has produced political leaders, statesmen and polemical writers in abundance.
On the death of the Shah Rukh in 1446 he was succeeded by his son Ulugh Bey, whose scientific tastes are demonstrated in the astronomical tables bearing his name, quoted by European writers when determining the latitude of places in Persia.
His father, Thomas Jevons, a man of strong scientific tastes and a writer on legal and economic subjects, was an iron merchant.
In his words it was intended "to insure a more natural union between intellectual and manual labour than now exists; to combine the thinker and the worker, as far as possible, in the same individual; to guarantee the highest mental freedom by providing all with labour adapted to their tastes and talents, and securing to them the fruits of their industry; to do away with the necessity of menial services by opening the benefits of education and the profits of labour to all; and thus to prepare a society of liberal, intelligent and cultivated persons whose relations with each other would permit a more simple and wholesome life than can be led amidst the pressure of our competitive institutions."
Showing decided military tastes Francois Arago was sent to the municipal college of Perpignan, where he began to study mathematics in preparation for the entrance examination of the polytechnic school.
Mentor proposes to "change the tastes and habits of the whole people, and build up again from the very foundations."
We should infer also that he was not dependent on any professional occupation, and that he was separated in social station, and probably too by tastes and manners, from the higher class to which Tacitus and Pliny belonged, as he was by character from the new men who rose to wealth by servility under the empire.
Despite the difference between them in politics, Varro and Caesar had literary tastes in common, and were friends in private life.
The great library of Nineveh was to a considerable extent his creation, and scribes were kept constantly employed in it copying the older tablets of Babylonia, though unfortunately their patron's tastes inclined rather to omens and astrology than to subjects of more modern interest.
Hitherto the Pathan kings had been content with the ancient Hindu capital, altered and adorned to suit their tastes.
His tastes were literary, and the earliest fact which he records of his career is that he assisted Abbot Godfrey (1081-1105) in collecting a library for the use of the community.
A second edition of the Gesta regum (1127) was dedicated to Earl Robert of Gloucester, whose literary tastes made him an appreciative patron.
The two men were bound together by a mutual respect deeper than a sympathy of tastes, and a community of spirit stronger than a similarity of opinions.
His principles were democratic, his tastes aristocratic. He did not like crowds, streets, hotels - "the people who fill them oppress me with their excessive civility."
By his vast expenditure, ascribable not only to his wars in Italy, his incessant embassies, and the necessity of defending himself in the Comtat Venaissin against the incursions of the adventurous Raymond of Turenne, but also to his luxurious tastes and princely habits, as well as by his persistent refusal to refer the question of the schism to a council, he incurred general reproach.
Now, when naturalists observe a close agreement in numerous small details of habits, tastes and dispositions between two or more domestic races, or between nearly allied natural forms, they use this fact as an argument that all are descended from a common progenitor who was thus endowed; and, consequently, that all should be classed under the same species.
Similarity of tastes, views and talents soon established between these two great men a friendship which is rarely to be found amongst military chiefs, and contributed in the fullest measure to the success which the allies obtained.
These contradictions were, moreover, due, not merely to an incapacity or an unwillingness to argue strictly, but also to the presence in his mind of a large number of inconsistent tastes and prejudices which he either could not or would not co-ordinate into an intelligible creed.
In 1734 he made himself master of Naples and Sicily by arms. Charles had, however, no military tastes, seldom wore uniform, and could with difficulty be persuaded to witness a review.
For this profession he was, both by capacity and tastes, utterly unfitted, and it was fortunate that, shortly after his graduation, he received an offer of a professorship of modern languages at Bowdoin College.
Whiteside was a man of handsome presence, attractive personality and cultivated tastes.
From an early age he exhibited marked scientific tastes and spent all his spare time in electrical and chemical experiments.
But Bunyan's notions of good and evil had been learned in a very different school; and he was made miserable by the conflict between his tastes and his scruples.
Thomas Corneille himself, who to his undoubted talents united wonderful facility, untiring industry, and (gift valuable above all others to the playwright) an extraordinary knack of hitting the public fancy, died, notwithstanding his simple tastes, "as poor as Job."
He was tall (the Yorkshiremen called him "Long Forster") and strongly though stiffly built, and, with his simple tastes and straightforward manners and methods, was a typical North-country figure.
One of them, Alessandro (1520-1589), was created cardinal at the age of fourteen; he was a man of learning and artistic tastes, and lived with great splendour surrounded by scholars and artists, among whom were Annibal Caro, Paolo Giovio, Mons.
While lacking the artistic tastes of the Valois, Henry beautified Paris, building the great gallery of the Louvre, finishing the Tuileries, building the Pont Neuf, the Hotel-de-Ville and the Place Royale.
Civilized Europe had been caught at a moment when it was completely destitute of a war-navy; the Franks had never been maritime in their tastes, the English seemed to have forgotten their ancient seafaring habits.
Most of Edwards favorites had literary tastes.
Her father, Michael Opido, was a musician, and her tastes soon declared themselves strongly in favour of a dramatic career; but it was not until after her marriage in 1861 that she first attempted to act, and then it was with a company of strolling players.
It was not pretended that the apostles had legislated on the matter, but the general and natural feeling that the anniversaries of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ ought to be celebrated by Christians took expression in a variety of ways according to the differing tastes of individuals.
It is dedicated to Cornelianus, a man of literary tastes, and one of the imperial secretaries, who had invited the author to undertake the work; It is a collection of current words and forms which deviated from the Old Attic standard, the true Attic equivalents being given side by side.
The sparsely populated country afforded a welcome to the fugitive Waldenses, who did something to restore it to prosperity, but this benefit was partly neutralized by the extravagance of the duke, anxious to provide for the expensive tastes of his mistress, Christiana Wilhelmina von Gravenitz.
But the art and literature expressed by the genius of the masters, reflected in the tastes of society, and to be taken by Europe as a model throughout a whole century, are no criterion of the social and political order of the day.
He inherited his father's literary tastes, and published Stray Verses in 1890, besides other miscellaneous literary work.
The states-general were silenced and the royal prerogative increased; the royal domains were extended, and the wealth of the crown was augmented; additions were made to the revenue by the sale of municipal charters and patents; and taxation became heavier, since Charles set no limits to the gratification of his tastes either in the collection of jewels and precious objects, of books, or of his love of building, examples of which are the renovation of the Louvre and the erection of the palace of Saint Paul in Paris.
How far the mandi was the controller of the movement which he started cannot be known, but from the outset of his public career his right-hand man was a Baggara tribesman named Abdullah (the khalifa), who became his successor, and after his flight to Jebel Gedir the mandi was largely dependent for his support on Baggara sheikhs, who gratified one of his leading tastes by giving him numbers of their young women.
Thus provided for, he proceeded to enjoy life to the utmost, with the help of his wealth and liberality, his literary and artistic tastes.
Licentious and luxurious in his manners, cultured and catholic in his tastes, he united in his person the most diverse qualities.
His tastes were historical, and he taught history at Rodez, at Fontainebleau and at St Cyr.
This design change may also foreshadow the tastes of the upcoming overhaul for the Fiat, which is expected in 2015.
Twenty exciting Kitchens to cater for all tastes at prices that won't leave a bitter aftertaste.
The new menus incorporate appetizers, salads, entrees and desserts that reflect distinctively European and American tastes.
We are meeting highly competitive markets with a consumer attitude which is leading to individual tastes and buying habits.
Recognizing these changes in its customer base, Medirest is adapting its menus to ensure they respond to a wide range of popular tastes.
Garnish with a drizzle of olive oil and a few shredded fresh basil leaves and you have something which tastes heavenly!
It'd get fa too bitchy fa my tastes.
Wednesday 5th April 2006 Your expensive tastes could push you over the financial brink.
Superb menu choices and wine selections from their experienced caterers mean that all tastes are catered for.
Our vast cellarage and choice of wines is guaranteed to satisfy all tastes.
Days & Nights Whether you want to party the night away or sip a cocktail at sunset, Cyprus caters for all tastes.
After all, Jan promised home made stuff tastes nicer, and not lemon crud at all.
Or, if that is too Western for some people's tastes, what about a nice, spicy curry?
In time these fellows grew dainty in their tastes, and only infested boats that had an established reputation for setting good tables.
Yes, I use Extreme whey which tastes delicious especially whilst on a diet!
Can a man consent to place the object of his affection in a situation so discordant, probably, to her tastes and inclinations?
The aim of the team at Copper Dragon is to brew quality ales to satisfy the tastes of the discerning drinker.
Finally India learned the art from the Persian weavers, developing a style to suit the tastes of their mogul emperors.
At St Albans lodge we have rooms to suit everybody 's tastes.
Apart from main road cycling, which is not much fun, there is a variety of cycle routes here to satisfy most tastes.
A variety of materials and styles for all tastes, from fashion gaberdines to superfine lightweight.
If you think all grappa tastes the same think again, this is a wonderful sensory experience.
I suppose my reading tastes then were similar to now in that they've always been eclectic and not particularly highbrow.
These ornaments displayed the owner's tastes and skills, but it was the unfortunate housemaid who had the chore of regularly cleaning them.
More Music - At the moment, I'm a bit insular in my music tastes.
The wrap is generously filled with chicken, fresh crunchy lettuce, and a dressing that tastes of cheese.
This was mostly because I had very lowbrow tastes.
The salmon also tastes good served cold cooked, then marinated in the olive dressing with a mixed green salad.
Sway- Little Derek (Dec, 2005) Out of all Sway material released to date, this perhaps tastes the most like marmite.
No matter what I try, I can not make a meatloaf that tastes good to me.
Except don't, because it tastes very nasty.
This site is not about healthy food - it is about veggie food that tastes nice.
The tabloid style journalism makes usually dull professional information lively, although it may be considered just a little offbeat for some tastes.
I found this to be entirely too oppressive for my tastes.
I don't have fully universal tastes - I consider Charles Dickens to be highly overrated.
We can custom design the setup and arrange a music playlist to meet your tastes.
Also, little polymerization of resins has occurred, so aromas and tastes are often less resinous and tar like than at later stages.
The 10 styles currently offered cover a broad range of artistic tastes, from pop art, to more traditional oil portraiture.
On the Attribute toolbar, you can change any of the settings for the selected preset to customize it to meet your tastes.
For pure, unadulterated raunch try Squeeze My Melons, a cheeky hot pink that tastes of plump watermelons.
Whatever your tastes or budgetary restraints, we are certain you will find the perfect dress for your special day at Bride's Delight.
The odd decent radiohead interview notwithstanding, it's a little retro for my tastes.
Now my bizarre tastes are open for public ridicule.
Nearly 120 items on the menu ensure that, whatever your tastes, you'll be fully sated.
However, vegetarian tastes are catered for, with appealing salads and thick hearty soups.
Nowadays, because we are used to high levels of sugar in our food, the crab apple tastes really sour.
However there is still room to learn on transom main boats and conventional spinnakers, so everyone's tastes are catered for.
I'm trying to work toward not spluttering with incomprehension because not everyone else shares my tastes.
Serve as quickly as possible, so the kale tastes fresh, not stewed.
There was light modern music playing a bit loud for my tastes but as more people arrived it did become more subdued.
Already a huge success in Asian markets, the drink has now been adapted to Western tastes.
One conifer tastes of fruit cake another has the fresh citrus tang of oranges.
We offer all styles of filming to suit personal tastes.
His musical tastes have expanded from Abba to Wings, ' the band the Beatles could have been ' .
I was approached by ' We Love You ' Record label who have really eclectic tastes.
Has anyone noticed how green tea tastes a bit like fish scales?
The DJ spins records to suit all tastes, from classic 40s music to current chart toppers.
Our repertoire includes traditional, modern, secular and hymnal music to meet most tastes.
The art show was interesting, although some stuff was rather twee for my tastes.
However you may not wish to drink the water, or give it to your family, because it looks or tastes unpleasant.
Gerry went to the library but found their recipes too utilitarian for his and his rabbits ' tastes.
Wine all tastes like grape juice gone horribly wrong to me.
His father, a poor engraver, sent him to study art under the painter David, but his own tastes were literary, and he became a student in the College de France, where it is said he used to exercise his already strongly developed critical faculty by correcting for his own amusement old and bad texts of Greek authors, afterwards comparing the results with the latest and most approved editions.
In accordance with this scheme Pericles sought to educate the whole community to political wisdom by giving to all an active share in the government, and to train their aesthetic tastes by making accessible the best drama and music. It was most unfortunate that the Peloponnesian War ruined this great project by diverting the large supplies of money which were essential to it, and confronting the remodelled Athenian democracy, before it could dispense with his tutelage, with a series of intricate questions of foreign policy which, in view of its inexperience, it could hardly have been expected to grapple with successfully.
This, coupled with the realization of the fact that the value to France of her colonies was mainly commercial,, led at length to the abandonment of the attempt to impose on a great number of diverse peoples, some possessing (as in Indo-China and parts of West Africa) ancient and highly complex civilizations, French laws, habits of mind, tastes and manners.
Alembert continued to the end to lead the quiet and frugal life dictated by his limited means as well as his simple tastes.
The character, tastes and capacity for management of different individuals and groups differ so widely that equal incomes do not necessarily imply identity of standard.
The democratic character of the assembly of Basel was the result both of its composition and of its organization; not only was the number of prelates in it always small in comparison with that of the doctors, masters, representatives of chapters, monks or clerks of inferior orders, but the influence of the superior clergy had all the less weight because, instead of being separated into "nations," as at Constance, the fathers divided themselves according to their tastes or aptitudes into four large committees or "deputations" (deputationes), one concerned with questions of faith (ldei), another with negotiations for peace (pacis), the third with reform (reformatorii), the fourth with what they called "common concerns" (pro communibus).
He adapted both tragedies and comedies from the Greek, but the bent of his genius, the tastes of his audience, and the condition of the language developed through the active intercourse and business of life, gave a greater impulse to comedy than to tragedy.
Though he received, like all the heirs-apparent to the Russian throne, a certain amount of military training, his personal tastes did not lie in that direction, nor did he show any inclination for the boisterous amusements of the jeunesse doree of St Petersburg.
His wife, Margaret Duncan, the daughter of a Manchester merchant, was a woman of kindred tastes, and their union was entirely happy.
His tastes were singularly modest, his manners rather reserved, but always kind and considerate for humble folk.
Davis was a man of scholarly tastes, an orator of unusual ability and great eloquence, tireless and fearless in fighting political battles, but impulsive to the verge of rashness, impractical, tactless and autocratic. He wrote an elaborate political work entitled The War of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the Ninteenth Century (1853), in which he combated the southern contention that slavery was a divine institution.
At Weimar her talents, hitherto held in check, found an atmosphere to stimulate and foster them, her aesthetic and literary tastes formed themselves under the influence of Goethe and his circle, and her little salon gained a certain celebrity.
A man in intellect and courage, yet without conceit or bravado; a woman in sensibility and tenderness, yet without shrinking or weakness; a saint in purity of life and devotion of heart, yet without asceticism or religiosity; a knight-errant in hatred of wrong and contempt of baseness, yet without self-righteousness or cynicism; a prince in dignity and courtesy, yet without formality or condescension; a poet in thought and feeling, yet without jealousy or affectation; a scholar in tastes and habits, yet without aloofness or bookishness; a dutiful son, a loving husband, a judicious father, a trusty friend, a useful citizen and an enthusiastic patriot, - he united in his strong, transparent humanity almost every virtue under heaven.
Besides the appearance of the hair, the raised cicatrices, the belief in omens and sorcery, the practices for testing the courage of youths, &c., they are equally rude, merry and boisterous, but amenable to discipline, and with decided artistic tastes and faculty.
You, personally, are pretty happy with the generic knockoff, which saves you a dollar and tastes the same to you.
And we all know about those that optimize for cost and nutrition but the resulting food tastes awful; I have consumed enough wheatgrass to attest to this.
Southern customers objected to its blue color, which is the evidence of its purity, as if it were muddy, and preferred the Cambridge ice, which is white, but tastes of weeds.
Thanks to Anna Mikhaylovna's efforts, his own tastes, and the peculiarities of his reserved nature, Boris had managed during his service to place himself very advantageously.
I don't know, I am very far from having military tastes, but in these times no one can answer for himself.
Only when he had understood the peasants' tastes and aspirations, had learned to talk their language, to grasp the hidden meaning of their words, and felt akin to them did he begin boldly to manage his serfs, that is, to perform toward them the duties demanded of him.
The odd decent radiohead interview notwithstanding, it 's a little retro for my tastes.
However there is still room to learn on transom main boats and conventional spinnakers, so everyone 's tastes are catered for.
I 'm trying to work toward not spluttering with incomprehension because not everyone else shares my tastes.
His musical tastes have expanded from Abba to Wings, ' the band the Beatles could have been '.
Our repertoire includes Traditional, modern, secular and hymnal music to meet most tastes.
Yes folks, those of you whose tastes veer toward the dark side are well catered for, especially in the top-floor leather bars.
It tastes like the sugar mice you can buy to hang on xmas trees !
Because the app wasn't tailored to individual tastes, it failed to sell.
Babies have specific tastes and preferences just like adults do.
A newborn is learning from everything he sees, hears, touches, and even tastes.
This is obviously the least important consideration given that safety is paramount, but with all the choices available now, there is no reason you cannot please your tastes and have a safe crib.
The fannings allow the oils to evaporate, leaving something that tastes little better than sawdust.
Know your tastes, and have a general idea of what you'd like to buy before going shopping.
Dress according to your tastes and lifestyle.
Other factors would be your personal tastes and choices.
Choose a material that suits your personal tastes.
For instance, if you have traditional tastes, you're not going to want to frame your pictures in sleek, trendy, modern frames.
While connoisseurs will tell you many reasons why you should choose a particular wine with a particular food, it still all comes down to how a wine tastes to you and how it pleases your palate.
Values of the anniversary gift that you choose should reflect the significance of the years that have gone by, and mirror more expensive items or tastes.
Carefully consider your recipient's tastes before you buy.
They can be filled with specialty food items or even popular brand-name snacks, depending on the particular tastes of your recipient.
The latest Game Boy system, the Game Boy Advance, is still alive and well and features a library of hundreds of unique games to suit anyone's tastes.
Do your tastes run along the conservative side, or do you like attention and want something a bit flashier?
With a large inventory selection available in multiple sizes, there is something to fit the tastes of any discriminating buyer.
The wide variety of properties means that there is likely to be a property that will suit all tastes and budgets.
Some kids have very specific tastes and only want this color notebook, or these types of pens.
There are hundreds of gifts out there associated with even the most obscure hobbies and tastes.
This is particularly true of cats with tastes that have been corrupted or influenced by a prior diet containing flavoring agents.
However, if a cat's tastes remain uncorrupted by flavor enhancers and additives, you will have an easier time introducing high quality brands that eliminate the needless chemicals and fillers contained in many commercial brands.
When considering which food is the best, remember that each cat is different in her tastes.
Whichever food you choose, your feline is sure to thank you for putting her health and tastes first.
The truth is that the best vodka martini is the one that you make according to your own tastes.
Both Early Times and Maker's Mark manufacture time-saving Mint Julep mixes that contain bourbon and mint flavoring, but a homemade Julep tastes far superior.
With a little experimentation, you can create a cocktail to suit your tastes.
Some recipes call for significantly less apple schnapps than others do, and the amount you choose is subject to your specific tastes.
Even before the end of Prohibition, revelers were coming up with new concoctions that combined alcohol with other flavorings to appeal to a wide range of tastes.
At 198 calories per serving, this drink may not look like the traditional deep red sangria, but it sure tastes like it.
This drink tastes best when it's refrigerated for at least 30 minutes.
While the popularity of mixed drinks depends on the time of year, the tastes of the patrons or partygoers, you can't go wrong with these old standbys.
A solid inventory of hard liquor and mixers satisfies multiple tastes and can be combined for a wide variety of easy mixed drinks.
Like most popular recipes, people have customized the key lime martini recipe by adding and subtracting ingredients to suit their particular tastes.
With a gift card, you don't have to worry about sizes, colors or personal tastes and the recipient can buy something they really need or really want.
A seemingly endless number of possibilities ensure that there's a different type of foam couch cushion suited to the unique tastes of every individual.
You might be surprised at the options that are available, suited to your specific tastes.
Rustic outdoor dining tables may run the gamut from rugged to refined, all depending on the tastes of the individual.
I noticed that most outdoor furniture is heavy (wrought iron), bulky and geared toward traditional tastes.
Patterns, colors and styles of cushions for outdoor lawn furniture are numerous, allowing consumers to choose the exact type to fit their personal tastes.
Furthermore, the fruit tastes delicious; its flavor has been described as a sweet mix between berries and dark chocolate.
As the most expensive spice in the world, you may wonder what saffron tastes like.
The balance between its honey and bitter tastes is contained in a single pinch.
It tastes like a gourmet treat and you may be helping your cholesterol too.
Frozen basil tastes best when used in culinary dishes such as pesto, stews or sauces where a drop or two of olive oil just adds to the dish rather than clashes with it.
It also tastes good and children often enjoy a warm cup of peppermint tea.
From the historic 18th century homes of Society Hill to the row homes of Mayfair, Philadelphians love to decorate in a style that reflects their own tastes and personalities.
Whether your design tastes are classic, modern, retro, cottage chic, or yes, even cowboy, your H-town options are limitless.
Instead of having one specialty style, the company strives to cater to each client's style, tastes, and vision.
If your tastes are similar, you can make some design decisions together.
It may be something as simple as soccer or horses or a more intricate design to match evolving college-bound tastes.
If you have champagne tastes when it comes to furniture, but a budget more fit for beer, then discount furniture may the answer for you.
For all the pluses offered by home décor catalogs, there is one major drawback - there are so many catalogs out there, how do you know which ones suit your tastes?
This catalog is the right choice for the person who has specific tastes and wants to deck their home out with a flourish.
Most of the items in the Horchow home décor catalog fall into the category of French Country style, English Country style, and Old World style, but there are pieces in the catalog to satisfy most tastes.
Horchow - While Horchow isn't the cheapest retailer in the world, they have a wonderful selection of unique kitchen furniture to choose from, especially if your tastes run to the Old World or French Country style.
Raleigh, North Carolina, is a city that melds traditional Southern charm with an increasingly modern and international feel, and as such, Raleigh interior design encompasses many traditions and tastes.
All any teen really wants is to feel like their opinions are being considered and that they have a room that reflects their styles and tastes to some degree.
If you look for ideas that can grow with your teen, it will save you the money and hassle involved in re-doing as your teen continues to mature and their tastes change.
Living room design ideas for eclectic tastes involve combining furnishings from a blend of sources and eras.
If making one from scratch is a little ambitious for your tastes, there are plenty of kits available in the grocery store.
When buying this kind of furniture, it is usually best to look for timeless pieces instead of furniture that is strikingly done in a certain style, as your tastes are likely to change over the years.
With ever-changing tastes as they grow, removable wall art is an inexpensive way to update your child's room as they grow.
They suit changing tastes - especially for children's rooms, kids tastes change all the time.
You can create more elaborate patterns with your brush to suit your tastes.
Clean lines sit side by side with intricate abstracts in modern lighting - the kind that is right for you depends on your personal design tastes.
If your cinema tastes run to Bogie and Bacall, why not inject a taste of Old Hollywood glamour into your home theater?
It is easy to create a clean, green and beautiful interior that matches your individual tastes by installing a bamboo floor.
If your tastes tend toward the artistic or eclectic, then look for a grill that is beaten up and rusted.
A bedroom can come with a personal masseuse, but if it doesn't match your personal tastes it will never be a truly restful space for you.
Although this style varies widely according to a homeowner's personal tastes, there are a few key concepts that appear in nearly every traditionally designed interior.
You can mix and match different styles and motifs to create a bathroom that reflect your tastes and give your home a personal touch.
For instance, if your decorating has a country or contemporary inspiration, you can find catalogs that are tailored to your personal tastes.
Grandin Road - Grandin Road is a little less style specific - there is a little something to suit most tastes here.
It can be applied to any primed surface, and can be painted over in the event of the house changing hands or the homeowner changing tastes.
Additional wall tile layout patterns and backsplash ideas include multiple looks and techniques depending on your tile and tastes.
Since their tastes are always evolving it's an easy way to add decoration and then take it away when your child's changes his or her mind.
Kids tastes can change quickly, and so does their sense of style.
The nice thing about contemporary style is that it can encompass a wide variety of tastes.
The choices are so many and varied, you can let your personal tastes and likes guide you in creating your ideal country kitchen.
From Mexican influence to Native American themes, Southwest décor is extremely fluid, enabling you to pull together a bathroom with Southwestern flavor and your own tastes.
For many people, the interior decoration of the home reflects not only their personal tastes, but also their personality and beliefs.
If you have designer tastes without the designer budget, this is your kind of shopping.
Load up on a variety of flavors and styles depending on your tastes and needs.
Look at her portfolio to determine if her talents and your tastes go together.
Select designs that will complement the cut of your outfit as well as appealing to your personal tastes.
While it gave my late 30s skin a youthful shimmer, it also looked a little too shiny for my tastes.
Users may have compared it to other similar scents, or they may have similar tastes to those of the recipient and give the perfume in question the thumbs-up or thumbs-down.
You may just have different tastes in scents.
It also allows you, as a gift-giver, to seek out a style that reflects the recipient's personality and tastes in some way.
If you're an old school sort of male whose tastes are ingrained and who really knows what he likes in a fragrance, you'll probably find one of your favorite classics at a drugstore.
A more complex blend than the original, So Sexy is ideal for the woman whose tastes run the gamut from floral to spicy.
Bold eye makeup ideas can also be tempered with more neutral shadow shades if the look ends up being too colorful for your tastes.
You can search by genre or browse the most popular stations to find the one which best suits your tastes.
An online store can satisfy your discerning tastes for fine wines and aged cheeses.
All use fresh and preserved ingredients, but also use different herbs and spices to differentiate tastes and textures.
If it is too dry, add in more rum or a little water, depending on your tastes.
Macaroni and cheese is so easy to make and tastes so much better when made from scratch that the box kind should never enter you kitchen.
An abundant supply awaits the most discriminating of tastes.
You can concoct a toddy using whiskey, brandy, rum, or bourbon, making the toddy a great party drink because you can make one to each guests tastes.
Using several different coatings for one batch of no bake cookies to create different tastes for different friends or family members.
The fiery tastes come directly from the use of chilies.
It's made up of many Americanized versions of Mexican foods, and it evolved along the Texas-Mexican border, blending traditional Mexican foods with Americanized tastes and even some Southwestern cowboy fare thrown in.
The Mojitos without the bitters were a bit too sweet for my tastes.
It is, by definition, fast and convenient, and with all that fat and sodium, it tastes good too.
Whether organic food tastes better than conventional is subjective.
The USDA makes no assertion that organic tastes better or is more nutritious.
If you use your creativity, you can make a raw organic recipe that looks and tastes cooked, but is much better on all levels possible.
If you really enjoy cooking and want to try a lot of different tastes in your meal, tapas are a good bet.
Many salmon filet recipes are available that will tickle the taste buds of people with all different tastes.
Jambalaya might look difficult to make and it definitely tastes like you spent all day working on it, but if you can brown chicken you can make a great tasting dinner.
According to ancient Chinese medicine, sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, and sour tastes correspond to the five essential elements needed by the human body.
This is why everything tastes so much better when you eat out.
Everybody knows an apple tastes best fresh off the tree.
If the chronological approach to scrapbook organization is too linear for your tastes, you may wish to try organizing your albums by subject.
If you think your guests may have varying musical tastes, ask each person to send you a list of their "top 5 scrapbooking songs" before the event.
If Uncle Vinnie's homemade lasagna tastes just like the version served up by La Pasana or Aunt Lucy's sundae is better than ones sold at Baskin-Robbins, then say so in your journaling block.
Even The N's website is in tune with teen tastes, featuring a blog, message boards, games, quizzes, podcasts, and other interactive content.
The only limits on shirts are your own personal tastes.
This can keep your room looking fresh or make for an easy change when tastes change.
Miso is also an excellent way to flavor rice and can be spooned into the cooking liquid or stirred into the cooked rice to add a dash of different tastes.
Raw food recipes create new and exciting tastes, or recreate popular cooked recipes.
While both claim to be good for you, a green smoothie tastes more like a shake and provides living food to nourish your body.
Vegetables in the cabbage family have been shown to help fight cancer, and you'd be surprised to learn that you can add them to a smoothie that still tastes sweet!
When food is commercially prepared it is prepared to meet general tastes.
Making your own protein shakes ensures that you can make the shake so it tastes great to you, regardless of what others think.
Experiment with different ingredients and cooking methods until you find what works best for your tastes.
The standard American diet panders more to sweet and salty tastes, so the sensation of sour can require some adjustment.
It depends on the tastes of the betrothed.
Seek out cake recipes early and test on trusted loved ones to find which tastes best.
Exotic limousines are available to suit a variety of tastes.
Couples often have distinct tastes in music that may be different from each other, and they also want to take into consideration the likes and dislikes of their guests.
Not only can you put whatever kind of cake you'd like on the inside, you can layer your flavors for more creative tastes - celebrities do it all the time!
A groom's cake is a rich dessert that is specially designed to honor the groom's tastes, preferences, and hobbies.
Instead, think of a personalized gift as something that reflects their individual tastes, personality and lifestyle.
Instead of relying solely on the stores' respective suggestions, try creating a unique compilation of gifts that reflect your personal style and tastes.
Loving couples can take time to select stores that offer a balance of their personal tastes.
Feel free to get creative with your wedding registry ideas and express your individual tastes and interests.
The store is known for its clean style and its spectacular tastes.
If you're planning a beach wedding, the latter style is perfect - but if your tastes happen to run the more refined route, you'll still find options galore.
As far as what other songs to play during the reception, use the age and musical tastes of the guests as a gauge.
The key to choosing an appropriate and hopefully beloved gift is to remember the couple's tastes and choose items based on what they want, not on what you want to give.
It is also important to consider the tastes of the couple; some couples feel uncomfortable when in a formal situation while others abhor casual wear.
However, it often tastes overly sweet, and many people prefer the taste of buttercream instead.
After all, most guests care far more about how their cake tastes than what the slice looks like.
Keep in mind that many of the guests will be your daughter and her husband's friends or people in his family you do not know; do not assume that as mother of the bride, you will know everyone's tastes in food or music.
After they get used to the idea, guests will likely be delighted at your choice, especially if you pick a cake that tastes just as good as it looks.
Sample invitation text is very helpful, as you can use this wording exactly as it is or change it to suit your own tastes.
Is the design too bold for your personal tastes?
Even those with understated tastes will find looks to love here, ranging from simple taupes etched with seashells to light blues with cream colored flowers.
The extent of how much you accessorize will depend on your personal tastes and what you've budgeted for this makeover.
There are many creative options in holiday bedding that are designed to suit all tastes, whether you're bold or conservative.
Making your own fondant is much cheaper than buying store-bought fondant, and it often tastes better.
It's not a frosting that tastes as good as marshmallow fondant or buttercream, but its decorating potential is significant.
Note that you can also mix equal amounts of gum paste and fondant to get a dough that is still stretchy and durable but that tastes a little better than pure gum paste.
Fondant cake decorating looks professional and tastes great when you use homemade fondant.
While fondant does not have a reputation for being the best tasting frosting, homemade always tastes better than pre-packaged.
There are no hard-and-fast rules you need to follow when considering 40th birthday cake designs, but it is a good idea to keep the birthday person's tastes and preferences in mind.
Although Curtis owes a lot to his grandmother, the woman could not accommodate his expensive tastes.
So delish - This is another expression that describes how good something tastes or smells.
It's always a treat for viewers to find out how their favorite celebrity lives and their decorating tastes - plus provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their private home.
Clothing and musical tastes, what his house looks like, hairstyle preference and more are put to the test.
How would you describe your musical tastes?
A judge annulled the marriage when Spears' lawyers claimed they entered into it unaware of each other's personalities and tastes.
Because children's tastes change so frequently, make sure you know which music star or cartoon princess she loves right now before you buy.
But punk does traditionally have its uniform, so it makes sense to look for the desired clothes in places tailored for those tastes.
Do some price comparisons on websites that allow you to view products side-by-side, asking for your young man's input, and make the choice that best fits his tastes.
More affluent parents may simply prefer to have all of their child's clothing custom made because current fashion trends don't always pander to their tastes, or they prefer their child to have flawlessly fitted garments.