Task-force Sentence Examples
This abductor was a high level serial killer and of paramount interest to the special FBI task force.
The maneuver battalion task force field trains are not always located in the BSA.
We remain at our guns as the task force races at flank speed seeking battle.
Girl Friday is actually an extremely well paid one woman task force she can do anything - including a mean cello.
It is to set up a task force led by his faithful lackey Stephen Byers.
A big thank you to all the Task Force members who turned out to tackle this difficult job but we left it looking spotless.
Carry out environmental reviews and participate... restructure of the environmental task force.
Termite task force tackles trash A Ugandan scientist has discovered a potentially useful role for the soldier termite task force tackles trash A Ugandan scientist has discovered a potentially useful role for the soldier termite - waste disposal.
The proposed subsection would place a duty on the commission to follow the Better Regulation Task Force 's five principles on better regulation.
A planning task force is to visit Kerala next year to move the project forward.
AdvertisementTermite task force tackles trash A Ugandan scientist has discovered a potentially useful role for the soldier termite - waste disposal.
It conducts limited independent operations under the direction of a joint task force or theater commander.
Triad is a joint task force comprised of local law enforcement and an AARP coalition or another senior advocacy group.
For these and other reasons, the United States Preventive Services Task Force states that there is some evidence that using EFM on low-risk women in labor might not be indicated.
A task force of 350 members discussed ways to create a memorial that would forever keep the tragedy that took place fresh in people's minds.
AdvertisementMayor Ron Norick wanted the task force to come up with a plan for the memorial.
The task force became the Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation.
So, happy sales consultants that feel strongly about Gold Canyon products are the best task force a company can employ!
The US government's newly formed Auto Task Force did provide GM and Chrysler with short-term working capital.
A deal struck with the government's Auto Task Force promised that GM would reduce its US workforce to only 72,650 by year 2014.
AdvertisementThe Joint Terrorism Task Force found evidence that showed sale of counterfeit goods financed the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
The Justice League super heroes quest to fight evil has been carried to a new level in the gaming industry where Justice League Task Force was one of the first quality videogames to feature DC Comics characters.
He had spent his career in the city, the last seven months investigating the crime family as a part of a special task force.