Target Sentence Examples
It'll make a good target for your enemies.
She focused on the target, a plate above the hearth.
You need to do a little target practice too.
Pick a human school to target for breakfast.
The three Austrian corps were exactly the target Prince Frederick Charles desired.
They will see you as a target.
Cassie squinted into the darkness, searching for a target, but all she could see was dust and an occasional hoof.
Everyone associated with your target is a weak point.
She had a laser gun, even if she couldn't hit a target two feet in front of her.
Molly was his prime target but for some reason, he'd kept me alive.
AdvertisementGood. We've been monitoring the target for awhile.
You make an easy target.
I should make too good a target for the French, besides I am afraid I should hardly be able to climb onto a horse.
She was his next target.
Being underground meant he was a much harder target to hit, yet despite his attempts to convince his brother to act likewise, he'd not yet succeeded.
AdvertisementJoseph has a gun and I don't like being used for target practice.
Because Cade was so reclusive and entertained controversial ideas, he was a target for that kind of gossip.
Watch yourself; you're public and he might very well target you or your people.
She willed the magic to hit its target.
Not until 11 was it possible to open fire, for want of a visible target, but about noon, after a preliminary cannonade, Gustavus gave the word to advance.
AdvertisementThe layer has under his control the hand-wheel for setting the range on the sights, another hand-wheel for elevating the gun and the sights on to the Detachable target, and a third for traversing the turret.
To overcome drift the axis must be pointed to the left of the target, and the amount will increase with the range.
You must focus on controlling your breathing and keep your eye on the target.
Alex took them to the place where he target practiced with Bill and Jonathan.
Pulling her rifle from the box under the seat, he left Jonathan with the younger children and walked Carmen to a spot facing the target.
AdvertisementHis first literary work, except the bombastic but eloquent Essai sur le despotisme (Neufchatel, 1 775), was a translation of Robert Watson's Philip II., done in Holland with the help of Durival; his Considerations sur l'ordre de Cincinnatus (London, 1788) was based on a pamphlet by Aedanus Burke (1743-1802), of South Carolina, who opposed the aristocratic tendencies of the Society of the Cincinnati, and the notes to it were by Target;, his financial writings were suggested by the Genevese exile, Claviere.
Seeing clearly that his want of an efficient cavalry precluded all ideas of a resolute offensive in his old style, he determined to limit himself to a defence of the line of the Elbe, making only dashes of a few days' duration at any target the enemy might present.
Moseley, shortly after the discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals, set to work to examine the X-ray spectrum of a number of elements each of which he made in turn the target of an X-ray tube.
When the target is completely concealed it is necessary to lay the gun on an aiming point more or less out of the line of fire, or to lay on a " director " with a large amount of deflection, and to align aiming posts with the sights at zero to give the direction of the target, and afterwards perhaps to transfer the line of sight to some other distant object, all of which require a far greater scope of deflection than is afforded by the deflection leaf.
Xander turned his back to the approaching Guardian to give her a better target then addressed her.
For the first time, Cassie realized what a target they had been around the fire at night.
If it is not she I suspect she possesses knowledge of the one I seek, the one who is my target.
I'm still undecided which one is my target but I'll soon have my answer and more!
Your target is in this house, and you're going to lay there?
He kicked himself mentally for not thinking before he made any sort of pact with the Watcher, even one that seemed so straightforward, until he met his target and realized she was an innocent caught in the crossfire.
He refused to do as we said and kill his target.
So what if he failed at taking out a target?
The tile floor was dressed with a Native American rug that didn't look like a Target sale item.
Any thought she had at Andre's apartment not being the target fled as she saw the damage done to her side of the building.
If he tried, he.d be able to locate his target and track her as she moved until she was dead-dead.
At the first drop of laser missiles, Brady had figured there was one thing that would make the fed jets target the inconsequential town, and it was Lana.
He flung open his arms, giving her his whole body as a target.
The first lesson I taught Jonny was that those people closest to his target were vulnerabilities.
Strutt (Sports and Pastimes) suggests that the first player's bowl may have been regarded by the second player as a species of jack; but in that case it is not clear what was the first player's target.
A greater volume of fire can thus be obtained, but the great height of the cavalier makes it an easy target for a besieger's guns.
Finally, although Clay for his support of the compromises and Seward and Chase for their opposition have gained in reputation, Webster has been selected as the special target for hostile criticism.
But the improved organization, better communications and supplies, superior moral, and once again the breech-loader versus a standing target, which caused the Prussian successes, at least give us an opportunity of comparing the old and the new systems under similar conditions, and even thus the principle of the "armed nation" achieved the decision in a period of time which, for the old armies, was wholly insufficient.
Any Turkish battery that was chosen for target generally ceased firing before long; and the assailants were disposed to assume that the work was definitely put out of action, whereas all that had happened in reality was that the hostile gunners had been driven from their guns.
The English archers were provided with a good target in the masses of the Scottish spearmen, and Hotspur was restrained from charging by his ally, George Dunbar, earl of March.
Owing to the conical shape of the early muzzle-loading guns, if one trunnion were higher than the other, the " line of metal " would no longer be in the same vertical plane as the axis; in consequence of this, if a gun with, say, one wheel higher than the other were layed by this line, the axis would point off the target to the side of the lower wheel.
Personal error is to a great extent eliminated, power of vision extended, the sight is self-contained, there is no fore-sight, a fine pointer in the telescope being aligned on the target.
In speaking of quadrant elevation a brief reference was made to the necessity for making an allowance for difference of level of gun and target.
The reduction of friction by improved mechanical arrangements, and the introduction of electric firing, enabled the layer not only to train and elevate the gun himself, but also to fire it the moment it was truly " on " the target.
An automatic sight is a sight connected in such a manner with the elevating gear of the gun, that when the sight is directed on the water-line of a target at any range the gun will ---- have the proper quadrant g B elevation for that range.
The automatic sight has, however, distinct limitations; it depends for its accuracy on height of site, and at long ranges even from a high site it cannot compare for accuracy with independent range-finding and careful laying or accurately applied quadrant elevation; it is also useless when the water line of the target is obscured, as may often be the case from the splashes caused by bursting shell.
In the navy the conditions of an unstable platform rendered quadrant elevation of little use, and necessitated a special pattern of tangent sight to facilitate firing the moment the roll of the ship brought the sights on the target.
The shape of the part seen when aiming indicates whether the proper amount of the fore-sight is taken up into the line of vision from the back-sight to the target.
He had been the target of constant attack during his life, and his personal foibles, careless dress and mental eccentricities were the theme of endless ridicule.
The details of this system, which has no other refuge in the civilized world save partially in Switzerland, are remarkable for a most extraordinary diversity in the manner of collection, which practically becomes, however, self-assessment, and an equally extraordinary and general evidence of the crudity and inadequacy of the system, which has been the target of state tax reports throughout the Union for half a century.
The clergy and the fair sex presented the most attractive target for the shots of the satirists.
At this point most commanders of the time would have decided not to fight, but to manoeuvre Mercy away from Freiburg; Enghien, however, was a fighting general, and Mercy's entrenched lines at Freiburg seemed to him a target rather than an obstacle.
The wood of the aspen is very light and soft, though tough; it is employed by coopers, chiefly for pails and herring-casks; it is also made into butchers' trays, pack-saddles, and various articles for which its lightness recommends it; sabots are also made of it in France, and in medieval days it was valued for arrows, especially for those used in target practice; the bark is used for tanning in northern countries; cattle and deer browse greedily on the young shoots and abundant suckers.
The sun is a small target for a meteorite coming from infinity to hit, and if this considerable quantity reaches its mark, a much greater amount will circulate round the sun in parabolas, and there is no evidence of it where it would certainly make itself felt, in perturbations of the planets.
Second, if he didn't execute his target, he has a damned good reason.
A division of share rights agreements becomes contentious where the target company's country has a domestic CGT regime.
If eating together every day is almost impossible, set a target of 3-4 meals per week.
The "brand proposition" was for a more natural product for the target market of "chefs who aim to please."
Figure 2. SEM images of an MgB 2 target ablated at 193 nm at a fluence of 12 J cm -2.
The target groups is about to greater contentment with.
This provides a cross-check on progress toward the target.
The design of such medicaments is to enable the drug to be absorbed through the skin into the target area of the body.
The target is to reduce maternal mortality by three-quarters.
Dose dependent relaxation of the target muscle is achieved within one week, with little or no effect on adjacent muscles.
Target 25% of bail and remand hearings in respect of young offenders to be conducted by live video link.
Target Renegade is still a brilliant game today, chopping Double Dragon thoroughly in the windpipe.
A target of 12% energy from renewable sources has been set for 2010.
Sponsored projects might include repositioning a brand or writing to a specific target market.
In the year up to 31st March the plant reprocessed only 362 tons of spent fuel out of a target of 833 tons.
The Adam Sandler fan retards who labeled the film boring were more on target than most critics.
As the target moves across the reticle pattern, the observer measures the number of mils traveled to the nearest 5 mils.
An alternative way of preventing rhinovirus infection is to target viral entry pathways.
The practice target for the " ranch pistol " may most conveniently be an empty box of 22 rimfire ammunition.
The EKV separated from its rocket booster more than 1,400 miles from the target warhead.
A rule of thumb might be spirit magic has a target number of 5 per point while rune magic requires 8 per point.
Once the desired saccade target has been selected, how is this desired eye movement executed?
Furthermore this target may selectively reduce the intake of snack foods, a significant contributor to obesity, without altering hunger or satiety signals.
As of 2007, you may be able to buy Star Wars Bounty Hunter PS2 at Target, Best Buy, WalMart or Kmart.
Smart bombs were used during the Gulf War with pinpoint accuracy they hit their target.
Target setting and external pressures for raising pupil achievement.
They will be closely tied to existing BBC programs and will target affluent 40 to 55 year-olds.
Given that 50.7 is the average age age of the menopause this is the most relevant age to target with limited resources.
Of course Weber was right in terms of operating policy - the ECB does not target a monetary aggregate.
It must be small enough to remain airborne without being too small to hit the target.
The figure on take-up of disability living allowance for disabled children is from Reaching its Target?
To direct RNase L to an RNA target, 2-5A is attached to an antisense oligonucleotide (2-5A antisense ).
Conflicting results appeared to be obtained in in-vivo assays for effects on DNA in bladder epithelium, the target tissue of concern.
The Project Board have agreed that Bolton will not reach the Regional target of complete assimilation by October 2005.
Mask preparation In most cases, suitably accurate astrometry of the target field will not be available.
Hard kill means will damage or destroy the target system, and are thus a means of inflicting attrition.
A mooted move to a younger target audience may be discounted.
You should make sure that you have a suitable backstop behind your target.
Vodafone boss Arun Sarin has set his company a target of winning 10 million 3G phone users by March 2006.
The choice of EPIC operation mode depends primarily on the target's X-ray brightness.
It was believed that a target of 60 per cent brownfield was the general target was this actually incorporated in the plan?
Returns included brown trout, sea trout and the target species, pollack.
The target by the end of Year 5 is to reduce domestic burglary by 10% from 2003/04.
Could you drive an armored vehicle, fire a 30mm cannon or guide a missile to its target?
Along its path, an individual projectile may create fast recoil atoms which in turn may initiate collision cascades of moving target atoms.
Dual metal setting circle dials allow quick location of target using celestial coordinates.
We have generated ensembles of Cα and sidechain centroid models conformations with RAPPER, for each target in the above list.
We are now using expression profiling in wildtype and Gli3 mutant mice to identify novel Wnt target genes in the developing cerebral cortex.
The energy from the light source is absorbed by the target chromophore (melanin) in the hair.
Double Vinyl Focus Target, Creates a loud clap with contact.
Seven ski areas can be found throughout the village, each with its own distinct atmosphere and target clientele.
The target audience is more the historian than the whiskey connoisseurs.
This method reshapes the components in the specified target container in order to satisfy the constraints of the GridLayout object.
Our target was the other endemic corvid, the White-necked Crow.
To display countdown to a specific date (past or future) use the parameter cdt to specify the target date.
An agency will have complementary clients who are already receiving extensive media coverage in your target sector.
In 2000 the government announced the creation of the first nurse consultant posts and established a target of 1,000 nurse consultants by 2004.
The baster lets me target individual moving critters, as well as exploratory sampling under rocks or in vegetation.
Field target crossbows are usually hand-made, often home-made by their users.
Instead of fighting the guerrillas, the army and pro -government paramilitary death squads target people they consider sympathizers.
In this case, we create enzymes whose activity should result in the proteolytic degradation of one target protein only.
Adding a good heavy-duty detergent the contamination is reduced much more to well below the target level.
With his binoculars, he measures an angular deviation of 62 mile from the church to the target.
Briefly, target molecules will be used on bone marrow stem cells in tissue culture to induce specific appropriate differentiation.
Target values were determined by isotope dilution GCMS at Professor Thienpont's laboratory in Gent.
The main target group for the scheme is people within socially disadvantaged communities.
In the dissociated condition, the GM&L target was spatially dissociated from the main actor.
Cobra Beer is to target female beer drinkers with a £ 1m integrated ad campaign for its Cobra Lower Cal brand.
Happiness economics would target unemployment beyond what is economically efficient to what is optimal for well-being.
Other target market areas are in wearable electronics, smart cards, and disposable medical diagnostic systems.
Thaton The target here is Jerdon's Bushchat found in what remains of the native elephant grass that borders the Mae Kok River.
Target groups visits were defined inherently endogenous to assess definitively.
There are some ADSL modems that actually allow the end-user to tweak the connection, by setting a higher target noise margin.
Returns the number of keys that compare equal with target.
With regard to these objectives we would identify significant exemplars with target achievement dates.
High throughput PCR primer design is then used to target specific protein domains and features allowing the team to produce fusion protein expression constructs.
Activities include falconry, clay pigeon and target shooting, archery, pony trekking, massage therapy - all onsite.
His desire for airfields near Norway sealed the fate of Denmark which became another target.
The handle is used as the target in classid and flowid phrases of tc filter statements.
The majority of trawl vessels directly target Nephrops but they are also taken as by catch inthe demersal fishery.
Over this weekend, all our target seats will be working flat-out to maximize our support in the first wave of postal votes.
You must first gain a foothold in the target machine.
The narrator of these poems is himself, according to Combe, " the target fop who sees " (60 ).
Dario G might not have former North Ender and former Burnley target Colin Murdock available tonight.
Comments England manager front-runner and Newcastle Utd target Martin O'Neill is not qualified for Newcastle job, but he is for England.
Like how do you deliver a digital fryer to its target without frying the digital systems of the delivery equipment?
Pray for successful fundraising that the target of one million pounds may be met to support the work for another year.
Connections shown in red have an excitatory effect on target structures (primarily through the transmitter glutamate ).
The Harrow Safe Home Project has brought gains through target hardening.
Now, local footballing heroes like Nigel Clough and Garry Birtles have helped launch a national campaign to meet the £ 500,000 target.
This spell enables the target to see as well in the dark as this reptilian humanoid, that is to say 90 ' .
This hydrophobic Probe (which we will call HP) represents a hydrophobic molecule approaching the surface of the Target.
All hyperlinks can have attributes associated with them to provide more information and a way of previewing the target before activating a hyperlink.
When her blood glucose is below her target range, she is probably experiencing hypoglycemia.
We have given operational independence to the Bank of England to set interest rates to achieve the Government's target for inflation.
Last year, we exceeded the target figure set in the performance indicator.
In the end an air raid in 942 solved one problem when the old thatched inn proved a vulnerable target.
In the case of the Kepler Mission about 1000 of our target stars should have giant inner planets.
Target plants are mechanically inoculated by rubbing leaves or by dipping tomato roots into diluted inoculum.
Insider trading statutes target both corporate insider trading statutes target both corporate insiders that breach their duty to shareholders and corporate outsiders that trade on non-public information.
The target seemed to pull away swiftly from the jet interceptor.
A web-based interface allows a user to select data from various data sources for a specified target geography.
If the target interpreter for the alias is the invoking interpreter then an empty list is returned.
Why is this particular target chosen, and why does it inspire so much ire so much ire?
Left snap kick a target of opportunity (groin, far knee joint ).
A minimum first lactation of 6,500 liters is aimed for, with subsequent lactation 's not below 7,500 liters (target 8900 liters ).
A target was erected and the Page would mount a wooden ' horse ' on wheels holding a lance.
Criminals will target fleet vehicles used by businesses in order to steal laptops.
And also I will have achieved my target of building 400 communal latrines and bathing shelters.
And change my proposed target to involve a ton of live leeches.
The Cry gene toxins target specific insect cell receptor proteins and create pores that lead to osmotic lysis of the insect gut cells.
Such a job might take an unacceptably long time, because a single Target could well be a very large macromolecule.
Each target may be operated in either unbalanced magnetron or cathodic arc mode.
The availability of large amounts of data from modem radar systems makes the automation of target detection almost mandatory.
They target HIV because the virus is coated with the sugar mannose, which the bacteria use as a food source.
I also need to add extra markup to target specific images.
Target Heads (12) is an assemblage that is clearly evocative of the traditionally masculine domains of heavy engineering and weaponry.
It was Crusaders that suffered most from the disruption in the flow of play, seeing only Collins on target for the home side.
The campaign will target roads that have suffered a high number of collisions involving motorbikes.
Once a target has been selected and accurately located, the laser designation capability is used to identify the specific target for laser-guided munitions.
The older target readership becomes immediately apparent when you find that the main villain is a psychopathic murderer!
Perceived nearness of screen The fact that the subject ' knows ' that the visual target is close leads to instrument myopia.
The neutron fluence rate depends upon factors such as target thickness, charged particle beam current, geometry and required neutron fluence rate depends upon factors such as target thickness, charged particle beam current, geometry and required neutron energy resolution.
Over the years the search engines were the target number one on the hunt for visitors and traffic to millions of web sites.
But in the song Dear Mr President, she's going for the kind of target most chart stars consider off-limits.
A larger catapult called an onager fired stone shots weighing about 50kg and could hit a target 270 meters away!
Additionally, it slows the growth of target cells and inhibits the expression of certain oncogenes.
The new improved BIC is on target to be fully operational by the end of 2005.
Other projects that are part of the YM group of services also conduct outreach with their target populations.
The highly oxygenated liquid can then be either released to the target liquid or directed to any other point in the tank.
Multicast packets The last example of scanning to discover a target network's topology is by exploiting multicast packets.
The scanner needs to be upstream so that the multicast packets go only to the target and not to the rest of the Internet.
The target to achieve parity could not be achieved.
Target group we accounts to help weak parity the medical expenses who.
Granted patents relating to the target antigen are available for licensing.
Perhaps a useful target for the year 2020 would be to have no more than about 1 in 100 children born with surprising paternity.
Each " man " in the target also holds a pennon for windage.
The fund's performance for the year failed to meet its target, ranking in the 85th percentile of the WM 50.
Leeds is the only site predicted to exceed the EU stage 1 2004 90th percentile target.
The report says that the government's ability to reach the target on carbon dioxide is ' in grave peril ' .
The periscope has been lowered - we don't want a target - or its escorts - noticing a tell-tale periscope wake.
Response times correlated negatively with measured target phoneme length.
Phosphate requirement The target index for soil phosphorus is Index 2 (16-25 mg/litre ).
The target computer will send a ping back to confirm.
Therefore, the helper plasmid lacking one or the other of the ITS cannot integrate itself into target DNA.
If a scattering matrix is known, the response of the target to any combination of incident and received polarizations can be computed.
Target materials are low and linear low density polyethylene, but the new masterbatches can also be used with HDPE and PP.
The head of this list is iteratively decimated and the list updated until a target number of vertices for the sparse polyhedron is met.
Our characters, around the Cluedo board distributed quality postcards to the target audience.
He argued that being a former member of the American Communist Party made him an easy target for the right-wing press.
The target is a time suitable for an average kart racer taking into account the current weather conditions.
We work closely with our clients to ensure a quality product, which is well-presented, accurate and relevant to the target readership.
Their first target was the glucocorticoid receptors responsible for mediating cortisol's stop signals.
The Prime Minister has set a target for a 30 per cent reduction in vehicle crime by March 2004.
Despite a hostile reception and disparaging remarks from sections of the Scottish press, the nationalist campaign could be right on target.
In the present case index I will refer to our particular cationic nitrogen in our particular lysine residue in our particular protein Target molecule.
For the duration of the Artillery Strike, your designated target will appear on their Command Map and Mortar sights as a targeting reticule.
The SFO is currently within the target set for small departments for ill-health retirements.
Shooters have one hour 45 minutes in which to fire a.22 rimfire rifle at a target 50m away in the elimination round.
That is, to aim for a new target object or to explore the same object with a second saccade.
In 1930 a small airfield was established to service aircraft using the offshore sandbanks for target practice.
Like precipice bonds and with-profits policies before them, target funds may be a mis-selling scandal in the making.
In these events, a single high-energy quark is ejected from the target proton, indicative of deep-inelastic scattering.
Each of the target countries has experienced unusually severe climatic conditions in recent years, often with life-changing consequences.
You can set up start menu shortcuts to the same target, of course.
Former chairman Clive Thompson earned the sobriquet Mr 20% for the regularity with which the company met this earnings target during the nineties.
The new atlantis moved forward to try and engage the target with the Simrad scanning sonar but without success.
An average of ten reflectance spectra was collected for each target surface.
Release your grip on the pouch and hey presto - the bomb soars into the air before giving a satisfying splat on your target!
Four minutes later, Ward again found the target from a superb, defense splitting Simon Davies pass which beat the off side trap.
McDonalds, a major corporate sponsor of the Olympics, has been a longtime target of animal rights attacks.
To maintain stability the MPC has an inflation target of 2½% .
Its extremely sticky, gluing together any target's feet and hands to the pavement.
The 4.1 kDa N-terminal transit peptide appears to target the nuclear encoded gene product through the chloroplast envelope into the chloroplast stroma.
These are based on the physico-chemical properties, identification of active substructures, or virtual docking to the target's binding site.
They are becoming increasingly subversive in how they target, particularly young people, with their evil message.
If the template and the target belong to different families within the Membrane all-alpha superfamily, the model is judged as ' false ' .
We are on target to achieve, and indeed surpass, the targets in our five-year commercialisation strategy.
The message is then synthesized into spoken output in the target language.
The UK Energy White Paper sets a national target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60% by 2050.
What is the penalty for failure to hit the target?
Meet the agreed target of 0.7% of national income in overseas aid.
Despite the ambitious target program the Government had set itself for Part P, progress has been slow.
It was a prime terror target, a magnet for anarchists, warned the press.
Could an inflation target regime have been introduced earlier on in the 1980s, when the main arguments about the ERM were taking place?
From the outset, the emphasis is on using the target language for communication and understanding the culture of the country concerned.
The target group tau xsubi stands ie without distinguishing elasticity of outcome.
They suggest that SCLC would be a prime target for therapies directed at the RNA component of human telomerase.
Is small cell lung cancer the perfect target for anti- telomerase treatment?
This process is a known target for anti-cancer therapeutics.
Its target market will be mainly university towns and Grant said the tie-up effectively triples the size of his operation.
What is the expected time frame in achieveing this target price?
We arrived at the gates with anticipation high that another target bird, crimson topaz, could be nailed.
The duration before onset of symptoms depends on the time taken for ingested toxin to reach the target site.
Four national traitors were killed during special target operations, said the Chechen Command spokesman.
Another target that is attracting some interest is an enzyme called farnesyl protein transferase.
This will now target more than 10,000 serial truants who account for 1 in 5 of all instances of truancy in England.
Arson target to come down Mental health review Parkside plans given final tweak Spare a drop?
Air Cannon Target our air cannons at a target and push the plunger to send a spinning vortex of air across the room.
He has set himself a fundraising target of £ 2,000, the cost of a lightweight manual wheelchair.
Suddenly we heard the whistle of a shell, which, luckily for us, missed its target.
The target was to increase the number of year 11 students in north Yorkshire considering apprenticeships by 20% .
Also included will be zombie target practice, where you'll scoop prizes for accurately shooting mock zombies in the head.
Target, mayor of Paris, Lafayette generalissimo to reform the army, Louis Philippe, comte de Segur (foreign affairs), Mounier and I.
With rifled guns deflection was also found necessary to allow for effect of wind, difference of level of trunnions, movement of target, and for the purpose of altering the point of impact laterally.
To to 13 explain this more fully, and show that for indirect laying the angle of sight must be Target Horizontal line Angle Of-eleuation?'- - of sight; ??.
For purposes of torpedo attack the periscope is used as a range-finder to determine the distance the target is away, and also in connexion with tables to determine the correct time to fire the torpedo, allowing for the speed of the enemy, course, etc. Officers of submarines have devised various mechanical devices to avoid calculations, and these have been added to the periscope.
But this sort of thing is the very devil, with them shooting at you like a target.
The purloined data was used to inflate Snipermail 's contact list and make it a more attractive target for acquisition.
Dont get too caught up in the line of your feet but make sure the putter face is square to the target.
The original target of funding for this Quadrennial project has long been surpassed.
The central target in the strategy is to quadruple the amount of cycling trips (based on 1996 figures), by 2012.
Its target was to quadruple the number of journeys by bike by 2012 from a two percent base.
A target of 1 full time qualified teacher per Children 's Center in place by March 2006 has been set.
Marty was racked with guilt and later said that he felt he should have been the target.
Their first target was the glucocorticoid receptors responsible for mediating cortisol 's stop signals.
Absolute reflectance was calculated by ratioing the collected target and reference spectra.
Key target group is children under 5 years old who suffer nearly 45% of all severe burns and scalds accidents.
Also, for a given target mass, the ion energy decreases with increasing scattering angle.
Forssell rose well at the far post but his header was inches off target with Andersen scrambling across.
Scrawled on the back of each envelope is a list of the handsets their organizer has told them to target.
Over all a scutcheon gules with a round pointed target lying sinister bendwise.
Type II is a result of either failure to secrete adequate insulin, or failure in target receptors to respond to the insulin produced.
Attribute selectors Attribute selectors allow you to target an element based upon its ' attribute '.
The past experiments in linkage banking involving semiformal institutions have yielded in good response for reaching the target group.
Like he 's been shooting arrows into the dark, hoping for the occasional yelp when the odd dart finds its target.
They dropped 172 shells, many of which hit their target, plus several thousand shrapnel bombs.
Hackers are finding them an easy target to snoop on consumers ' laptop PCs and, eventually, their employers ' networks.
His answer was to inform me that the target audience was 38 year-old Christian soccer moms !
Pyrethroids are much more soluble in fats than in water; they are therefore able to rapidly reach the target cells within the insects.
A great partner for sparring techniques or target training.
Until 1939 National Socialism had been the target of the most spiteful attacks.
Release your grip on the pouch and hey presto - the bomb soars into the air before giving a satisfying splat on your target !
The NanoTest was used to investigate diamond-like carbon films on silicon which were prepared by magnetron sputtering from a graphite target.
To maintain stability the MPC has an inflation target of 2½ %.
Attaining full transactional status for the website is a key target for next year.
Its extremely sticky, gluing together any target 's feet and hands to the pavement.
Sehwag stutters out of the crease as he chases the single, but Bell 's throw agonizingly misses his target.
These are based on the physico-chemical properties, identification of active substructures, or virtual docking to the target 's binding site.
We have seen how the Government 's rigid and centralized target culture is suffocating innovation and local discretion in the public services.
If the template and the target belong to different families within the Membrane all-alpha superfamily, the model is judged as ' false '.
We had been told to aim into the wind, so as to swerve the round into the center of the figure 11 target.
The swordfish catch rate, the target species of this fishery, was significantly higher by 16.0 percent.
The experts raise their price target on syzygy 's stock from EUR 5.40 to EUR 6.00.
In a tantalum target, the electrons generate an intense highly directional gamma-ray beam that can be used to carry out photonuclear reactions.
All language modules and some academic modules are taught in the target languages.
The target market sectors are in telecommunications and the emerging field of terahertz imaging .
Bicycle theft is high in Rushcliffe, so ensure that your bike wo n't become a target by following the tips below.
Fast x-ray transients will be a particular target for LOBSTER observations.
I usually troll two plugs at different depths to begin with to establish the target depth.
The truancy target has now been revised downwards having been missed.
Eight rural transport typologies have been developed to help target rural policy solutions.
Never knowing if you were going to be the next target did a great deal to undermine morale in the RIC.
Monetary policy would respond, but a large negative demand shock might result in an undershoot of the inflation target for some considerable time.
Has guided Turkey to single digit inflation, after four years of undershooting the target.
Underlying retail price inflation is forecast to go on undershooting the government 's target.
A particularly popular target for uninformed complaint is the new var keyword.
Velvet Crab Fishery The smaller inshore boats target velvet crabs.
In white-out conditions, there is a danger of target fixation leading to disorientation.
The target was to increase the number of year 11 students in north yorkshire considering apprenticeships by 20 %.
Stay-at-home moms and others in our target market wanted real jobs, and we were one of the only sites that had them all in one place.
Deciding to throw out or delay features is fine, even advisable, if these actions will help you hit the target release date.
The more narrow a market you can define as your first target, the more targeted your solution can be.
Target - The portrait studio at Target specializes in family photos and pictures of children and babies, including newborns.
Whether you shop at Babies "R" Us, Target, Wal-Mart, or any other department store or baby specialty shop, you'll quickly discover the wide variety of baby bedding sets available.
Target and Wal-Mart offer unbeatable prices and convenience, and these retailers have a decent selection in the store and a larger selection online.
Give boys something to aim at in the potty, such as a dissolvable animal target or a picture drawn on a piece of toilet paper.
Disposable cameras and photo albums can be found in many discount stores such as Target and Wal-Mart.
Finally, there are many different places that you can purchase baby books, such as Target and Walmart, but there are also lots of great online stores.
Gift certificates to popular stores, such as Target, Walmart, Kmart, Babies R Us, and Toys R Us are always welcome.
You can also visit places such as Walmart, Target, JC Penneys, and BabiesRUs.
Don't overlook department stores such as Target and JC Penney.
You can purchase products online via their Website, at online retailers such as, or at department stores such as Target and Wal-Mart.
Stores like Target and Wal-Mart also run seasonal sales on baby nursery items.
The chair retails from $56 to $75 and can be found at Target.
Whether or not you have a formal party, many couples opt to register at popular stores such as Babies "R" Us and Target.
Walking Wings are available in navy or pink and retail for $24.99 at Babies R Us and Target.
Milkscreen retails for $5.99 for a 3-pack of test strips at Walgreens, Babies R Us, and Target.
You can also find virtually anything you need for baby at discount stores like Target or Walmart.
Baby cameras and monitors can be found at superstores like Target or at specialty baby marts such as Babies"R"Us.
You can find diaper pins in the baby section of many stores such as Target or Wal-Mart.
As you register at stores like Target, Babies "R" Us, and Wal-Mart, use the list below as a guide.
Parents' wants and/or needs - Many parents register with department stores, like Target, and baby specialty shops so they can choose exactly what they need for their baby.
Wal-Mart, Target, and JC Penney, to name a few, sometimes carry nursing bras.
Finally, keep a close watch on your favorite department stores like Target and Wal-Mart.
The Leading Lady company only sells online or through their retail online partners like Target and Gap.
Target offers clothing, luggage, home decor, kitchen and home gadgets, bedding and home improvement merchandise.
Target has just about everything you need for your home and coffee tables are no exception.
You can buy just about anything at your local Target, including clothes for girls.
Target specializes in folding high chairs made of metal, rubber and plastic.
Target offers all sorts of baby clothes, from onesies to rompers to shirts.
You can buy them at stores like Target or Wal-mart, Sears, Macy's, or Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Big chain stores like Best Buy, Target and Wal-Mart do not sell used DVDs.
Target has a good selection of women's skirts in contemporary materials and a variety of styles.
Target has a good selection of women's dresses in contemporary materials and styles.
A great idea is Target or Wal-Mart...someplace the parents can buy staples like diapers and wipes.
Even Target and Wal-Mart often offer good deals.
Target has really improved their bedding selection in recent years.
Use blaster pistols, blowtorches, cable snares and missile-launching jetpacks to catch your target and being captured or killed.
Target has a wide variety styles and colors of table linens at moderate prices.
If you are on a budget, buying wood picture frames at a major retailer like Wal-Mart of Target could be your best option.
One of the downsides of navigation systems is that they have become a target for thieves and devices should be removed from the car when the car is left unattended.
Because of their expense, broadheads are not used for target practice.
Straight fletching can cause the arrow to zig-zag and miss the target in windy conditions.
Straight fletching may cause your arrow to fly erratically, causing you to miss your target.
This can help you achieve maximum workout efficiency by achieving a target heart rate.
Scour the ads of Target, Walmart, and Best Buy weekly to find these deals.
Target, Walmart, or Kmart are three top retailers that are in most major towns or are available within driving distance if you are located in a rural area.
Hollow-point rounds are also recommended because they're less likely to make it through the target and into something (or someone) else.
These are best used for target practice.
Longer barrels are good for those times when you're hunting from a tree or from a long distance away from your target.
If so, then look into getting a start telescope kit or a telescope at your local Target or Walmart.
If the pool stick bends at an awkward angle or at the wrong moment or with not enough strength, then the spin of the ball is will inadequate and send the cue ball for the wrong part of the target.
This will cause the target to go in directions you didn't want it to go.
Brick and mortar retail stores like Best Buy and Target typically have standard pricing when it comes to Apple products, especially iPods.
Many big box retailers like Target and Wal-Mart have other areas in the store to checkout.
During the holidays, most retailers like Target and Walmart stock special food gifts ranging from hot chocolate combinations to coffee bundles to candy specials.
It was available your local grocery stores, convenience stores, and locations like Walmart, Target, Sam's, K-mart, and anywhere else Pepsi products are sold.
For example, if you live in Atlanta, you'll see that you can find them at the Super Target at 100 Perimeter Center Place, the Target at 3535 Peachtree Rd NE, and the K-mart at 453 E Main Street in Cartersville.
Some of the merchants on that list include Walmart, CVS, Kmart, Sears, Target, Best Buy, Babies R Us, Ikea, Kohl's, Meijer, and more.
Use the Internet to search the online stores of retailers in your area like Target, Walmart and Best Buy.
Office supply stores like Office Depot, Staples and Office Max are good options for PCs, as are mass merchandisers like Walmart and Target and warehouse stores like Sam's and Costco.
With such a large target audience, antique collectors and appraisers are constantly browsing listings in search of sports cards.
Don't expect great deals on printers at big-box retailers such as Best Buy or Target.
Consider, however, the amount of PC viruses and that the majority of hackers target PC computers.
When you're hunting, you want the greatest amount of contrast between your target and its background, right?
While gray lenses won't give you more contrast between your target and its background, they are the best for shooting in bright sunlight.
Check Target or small boutiques for colored lenses, varying shapes, and a wide array of frame prints, metals, and more.
Shop for polycarbonate lenses for everything from motorcycle riding to target practice, and on to golf.
Also, try to find "inspired" versions of the watch at stores like Claire's, Target and Wal-Mart.
When the alarm is activated, a target pops up from the top of the alarm clock.
Using the provided toy gun, you must then shoot the target to turn off the alarm.
You can also keep your eyes on major online retailers that sell toys, such as Target and Walmart.
Any large retailer that has an offline presences as well like Kmart, Target and Walmart.
Now it's also possible some of your non-traditional electronics stores like Target and Walmart might have some good discounts, so don't neglect their ads.
Target, Toys R Us, Walmart and Kmart are the four large chains that do that.
Pricing with both devices is a moving target, but Nooks tend to be slightly more expensive.
Otherwise, she's a prime target for all the Toms in the area.
This info helps them target their advertising to the consumers that actually use their products.
They can even be purchased at stores like Walmart, Target and Meijer.
Yesterday's News is widely available at several grocery stores including Walmart, Target and Safeway.
One of the drawbacks of Blue Buffalo cat food is that you can't purchase it at your local Wal-mart or Target store.
If you are a regular Target customer you might want to look into the benefits a Target Visa will bring you.
Not only will you be able to use this card at Target, you can also use it anywhere Visa is accepted.
Applying for a Target Visa is an easy and quick process.
Interested individuals can apply online at, pick up a brochure at a local Target store and send it in, or apply in the store and have the application processed while you shop.
Upon opening a new account, Target will send you a coupon for 10 percent off for an entire day.
Target Rewards - When you use your Target Visa card at Target stores, you will receive one reward point for every dollar you spend, and at all other locations you will receive one reward point for every $2 you spend.
If you purchase 10 prescriptions with the Target Visa you will earn a 10 percent off day of shopping.
Optional SafetyNet® - This is a wonderful option to look into when applying for a Target Visa.
This is a program every Target Visa cardholder can take advantage of.
That school then receives 1 percent of your purchases at Target and 0.05 percent of your purchases made at other places you used your Target Visa.
Hackers often target wireless networks to get personal data.
Target gift cards can be a great way to give a gift while also allowing the recipient to choose what to buy.
Target gifts cards are prepaid cards that allow users to make purchases at Target stores and online at
For example, if the purchaser buys the card for $200, the card then has $200 available for purchases at Target.
One of the most attractive features of Target gift cards is the lack of fees.
Gift cards can be purchased at a Target store or online.
The cards are available at Target stores at both the checkout and at kiosks scattered throughout the store.
Electronic versions of Target gift cards can be purchased online.
These "e-gift cards" can only be used for purchases on the Target website and cannot be used to make purchases within the store.
Recipients do not receive an actual card, but instead receive e-mail notification of the gift along with a number to use to make purchases using the Target website.
There is no cost associated with purchasing a Target e-gift card.
Purchasers have a wide variety of card designs to choose from when buying a gift card from Target.
Target also offers gift cards that have interesting shapes as well as cards that are attached to key chains or small toys.
Target offers a special program for corporate clients that allows the customer to purchase gift cards in bulk or to offer gift cards in conjunction with a promotion.
For example, businesses might offer customers a $5 Target gift card for filling out a customer service survey.
These lists assist companies in finding the ideal consumers within their target market.
They often target vulnerable people, including people in debt.
Thieves target those who are less vigilant.
Check large stores including Wal-Mart, Target and others.
Some creditors specifically target people who have recently discharged bankruptcies because the creditors know that there is a certain period of time before these consumers will be eligible to file for bankruptcy again.
One distinction between Target and non-Target-affiliated Visa cards is Target's SafetyNet program, which permits cardholders who suddenly become disabled or unemployed for longer than 90 days to cancel their balance.
Another distinction is a cardholder's ability to charge utility bills to their Target Visa card.
Target uses the Money Rates section in the Wall Street Journal published on the last business day of the month to determine the prime interest rate.
Target calculates interest on charges made to the card daily.
To determine the daily percentage rate for a card Target divides the annual percentage rate by the number of days in the month.
Each day Target adds new charges to the card to the balance on the card at the beginning of the day, and then multiplies that amount by the daily percentage rate.
Target restricts the types of qualifying events that can be used to cancel a balance.
There is no limit to the number of times a cardholder can request a balance cancelation, but Target limits the total amount of money that can be canceled to $10,000 regardless of the number of claimed qualifying events.
Target Visa cardholders are able to use their card to pay for their phone, cable or other utility bills.
Target Visa payments can be made online through the store's website.
LoveToKnow loves to hear from readers so that articles target exactly what readers are interested in reading about.
Target has furniture designed for small spaces.
This compact furniture categorized on Target's website includes furniture for every room in the home.
Check out large department stores like Target and JC Penney; home stores such as Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel; and any garden and outdoor furniture stores that might be in your area.
Stores such as Staples, Target, and even Wal-Mart carry them.
This set, available at Target, retails for $30.
The more unfortunate problem with solar panels is that they have recently become the target of thieves.
They mostly target your house, car and flights.
For furniture on a budget, don't forget to check retailers like Home Goods and Target, where you can often find French inspired pieces for a fraction of the cost.
Simply Shabby Chic from Target - An affordable line of furniture, bedding and bath items designed by Rachel Ashwell.
You can go to local discount stores such as Walmart and Target to find dorm room goodies.
Target has a good selection of inexpensive but stylish dorm furniture.
The furniture in places like Target, Walmart, and Kmart has come a long way.
Target - The furniture at Target is great for those who are shopping on a budget, but who don't want it to look like it.
Target's many furniture options can hold their own in even the fanciest of homes.
Furniture stores; discount retailers, such as Target or Sam's Club; and better department stores all carry vanities.
Target, Wal-Mart, and Kmart all have tons of storage containers designed to organize your Christmas decorating materials.
You can get great storage containers designed for your Christmas gear at Target and Wal-Mart - for good prices on these containers, pick them up on your post-Christmas bargain shopping spree.
Target has a nice selection of wall stickers that range from small children's characters, to more mature themes including flowers, sports teams, butterflies and shapes to create your own custom design.
There are several stores that offer decorating lines devoted to dorm room and apartment living, such as Target and Linens 'n Things.
Stores like Target have made contemporary design style available to the masses.
Design stars like Michael Graves make tea kettles and toasters with beautiful style for Target.
Target is the low-price chain store that home design lovers are crazy about because it \ offers a lot of style for a very little price.
Check out their selection of inexpensive toss pillows from designers such as DwellStudio for Target, Thomas O'Brien, and Thomas Kinkade.
Target - For bargain priced chalkboard paint, give Target a try.
Target - Larger Target stores carry a small selection of headboards in their brick and mortar locations, but if you really want to browse their full collection, turn to their website.
You can also find Mohawk rugs at Home Depot, Lowes and Target.
Paint is target number one for many people concerned with eco-friendly design.
Rachel Ashwell slipcovers are sold exclusively through Target stores.
In Target, they are listed as Simply Shabby Chic Slipcovers.
Patchwork fabric furniture has been cropping up everywhere from magazines to Target.
Discount décor stores, like Marshall's Home Goods, and other discount chains, like Target and Walmart, are excellent places to land a deal on wall décor.
Nordstrom, Lord and Taylor and even Target are some the more common, but any quick search of the web will find many more.
Discount stores, such as Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target also offer many brands of perfume at affordable prices.
Magnifying makeup mirrors are available in discount and department stores, such as Target and Wal-Mart, drug stores, beauty supply stores, specialty stores, and a plethora of online venues.
They can also be purchased at mass retailers like Walmart and Target.
Use a concealer to target the spots that need special attention.
Hanging cosmetic travel bags are available at many beauty stores, department stores, and even large everything stores such as Target.
L'Oreal and Revlon have always been on target for the trends.
At its beginnings it was sold exclusively through Target, much like the Olsen Twins phenomenon over at Wal-Mart.
While a few products can be found through eBay, Amazon, and a handful of other websites, the easiest way to get the cosmetics created by the girl you love is to visit your local Target.
Check out Sonia Kashuk's line at Target for affordable choices.
At a reasonable price, it is available online and also at popular chain stores such as Target.
If you want to give the gift of scent but still aren't sure what your target would like to spray on her skin, consider other outlets.
This scent is available nearly everywhere, from drugstores and Target to department stores and online boutiques.
Fashion Fair can be found at department stores such as Macy's, Dillard's and Belk, while Iman and Black Opal are more accessible and available at retailers such as Target and Walgreens.
While e.l.f. largely operates by internet sales, they do offer some of their products at K-Mart and Target stores, as well as some convenience stores.
This system can be found at most drugstores and discount stores such as Walmart or Target.
Revlon is a common brand available for purchase in a variety of discount retailers, such as Target and Walmart, as well as in drugstores, beauty retailers, and online.
Style icon and former supermodel Iman launched her own line of namesake cosmetics that are available at specialty beauty retailers such as Ulta and mass market stores such as Target.
If you need advice, there are also many books available, like Resumes for Dummies, and some of them even target specific industries and offer sample letters.
Target occasionally posts coupons to be used at Super Target stores.
Games found here include target shooting and other themes to help develop fast reflexes.
Over the past few years, Target has become more than a big-box discount retailer.
By acquiring name designers like Issac Mizarahi and special artists to design seasonal merchandise, Target has become a big player in upscale department stores.