Tares Sentence Examples
After the householder had sown the wheat in the field, his servant came to report that tares were growing among the grain.
To the former belong the ordinary leguminous crops - the clovers, beans, peas, vetches or tares, sainfoin, lucerne, for example - which obtain their nitrogen from the air, and are independent of the application of nitrogenous manures, whilst in their roots they accumulate a store of nitrogen which will ultimately become available for future crops of other kinds.
Start to dig in overwintered green manures such as grazing rye and winter tares.
The farmers sow some tares for seed, instead of pease; never for hay or soiling.
Where there is the true, you will always find the counterfeit and where there is wheat you will find the tares.
I found they favor many black baits, and will take tares in the early season, mirroring part of their natural diet.
Are not tares a hindrance, sharing the strength of the soil with the good seed, while they themselves are good for nothing?
They do not use winter tares for soiling, which is a barbarous neglect.
The UK has the lowest soil tares and the highest delivery standards in the EU.
On the one hand, indeed, orthodoxy and heresy are symbolized to his mind by the wheat and the tares respectively; he clings to the naive opinion of Catholicism, that contemporary orthodoxy has prevailed within the Church from the first; he recognizes the true faith only in the mystery of the Trinity; he judges heretics who have been already condemned as interlopers, as impudent innovators, actuated by bad and self-seeking motives; he apologizes for having so much as treated of Arianism at all in his history of the Church; he believes in the inspiration of the ecclesiastical councils as much as in that of the Scriptures themselves.
AdvertisementImportant monopolies in the 18th maritime- century, and prohibitive import duties, as well as large tares and money bounties, in the 19th, contributed towards the pe t t y - In accumulation of immense private fortunes, but manu- pastries.
Millet, wheat, sweet potatoes, yams and tares are also grown.
Apart from the important parables of the tares, the pearl and the net, the writer adds little to his sources until we come to the remarkable passage in ch.
The name is of uncertain origin; some derive it from lolium, tares, quoting Chaucer (C. Shipman's Prologue) "This Loller heer wil prechen us somwhat..
To each his own pasturage, and the task of separating the tares from the wheat.
AdvertisementI thought how strange it was that such precious seeds of truth and wisdom should have fallen among the tares of ignorance and corruption.