Tantrum Sentence Examples
She stomped her feet like a child in a tantrum.
She may cry or even throw a tantrum if taken to the potty.
Instead, he works himself into a full-blown tantrum.
It is important not to 'give in ' because of your child 's tantrum.
Permissive parents often "give in" to their children's wishes, hesitating on boundaries as soon as their child protests, gets angry, throws a tantrum, or expresses disapproval in some way.
Thoughts Hitting a child will not stop the tantrum.
When routines are disrupted, a tantrum may ensue.
If possible, be proactive to ward off the chance of a tantrum occurring.
In spite of their embarrassment, parents should treat a public tantrum in essentially the same way they treat one at home.
Most childcare experts agree that the first order of business is to ignore the child's tantrum if at all possible.
AdvertisementWhile this works well at home, a tantrum in a public place will probably demand another solution.
Dr. Drew issued a public apology after Cruise threw his tantrum.
It usually occurs when the child is angry or frustrated and may be a component of a temper tantrum.
How to Deal Effectively with Whining and Tantrum Behavior.
Granted, she was in the middle of a tantrum, but two years had passed without a word from her except notification when their aunt died.
AdvertisementIt is important not to 'give in ' because of your child's tantrum.
Cyanotic BHS may be a component of a temper tantrum or a child's attempt to gain control over a situation.
A child over the age of two with daily spells may have learned that intense crying or a temper tantrum can trigger a spell.
The child's reaction to the supposed cause of the tantrum is often markedly disproportionate to the precipitating incident.
Aside from taking any measures needed to prevent danger to children, parents should try to ignore the tantrum and let it run its course.
AdvertisementWhenever possible, they should remove the child to the car or some other private space to avoid inconveniencing others and attracting any more unwelcome attention, after which they should ignore the tantrum and let it run its course.
The child's doctor should be called if the child hurts herself, the parent, other people, or objects during a tantrum.
Some studies have shown that vitamin B6 improves eye contact and speech and lessens tantrum behavior.
In one family, a child may have occasional bursts of anger that cause a mild tantrum of kicking and screaming.
Permissive parents often feel as if they "have to" give in to avoid crying or a temper tantrum.
AdvertisementTheir behaviors may seem similar, and when they do have difficulties, they may manifest in ways that appear simply unruly or disruptive - nothing more than a temper tantrum.
Its tantrum subsided when it saw she wouldn't give, and it paced furiously within her.
Seeing Wenger's little tantrum where he took out his frustration on his chair was the icing on the cake.
Seeing Wenger 's little tantrum where he took out his frustration on his chair was the icing on the cake.
The next morning, the prince was pissed off, throwing a good old tantrum.
This tantrum of sorts resulted in her being hauled off to the hospital in order to undergo a "mental evaluation."
The tantrum occurs because the small child, who is still learning to cope with her feelings, is simply unable to contain strong emotions of anger, frustration, or disappointment.
The woman claimed to have seen Heath Ledger doing drugs before his tragic death and also made claims that she was once the personal assistant to tantrum prone model Naomi Campbell.
Occasionally a tantrum may also be an attempt to gain attention from a parent or other caregiver, or it may be an attempt to manipulate the situation in some way.
If the upset has occurred over something the child wants and has been denied, it is tempting to give in to the child's wishes, but doing so can be harmful because it teaches children that they can get what they want by having a tantrum.
Children become over stimulated or tire more easily in busy public spaces such as supermarkets and malls and may use the tantrum as an attempt to regain parental attention that is focused elsewhere.
If parents or other caregivers acquiesce to the child's wishes each time to avoid the occurrence of a tantrum, it quickly becomes obvious to the child that this is the most successful means of getting his or her wishes fulfilled.
A tantrum is an episode of extreme anger and frustration characterized by crying, screaming, and violent body motions, including throwing things, falling to the floor, and banging one's head, hands, and feet against the floor.
The fact is, while the behavior may seem similar to a simple temper tantrum, the underlying causes of that behavior is deep-seated and very much beyond either the parent or child's control.
The archetypal shopping tantrum over the candy bar at the checkout counter or the elaborate toy can sometimes be countered by proposing an alternative treat or purchase instead of the flat denial that sends the child into a tantrum.