Tanning Sentence Examples
The principal industry is the tanning and leather trade.
The principal industries include tanning, dyeing, tile-making, milling, the production of yeast and there is a large establishment for the manufacture of railway stock.
The chief exports are chestnut extract for tanning, cedrates, citrons, oranges, early vegetables, fish, copper ore and antimony ore.
As a general rule, tanning is never a good idea.
Varese is the seat of active silkspinning, tanning, paper-making and the manufacture of organs and vehicles.
The industries include iron-founding, tanning, and the manufacture of machines, tobacco and gloves.
Flour-milling and tanning are industries, and monthly cattle fairs are held.
He then engaged in the lumber and tanning business in western New York, and in banking at Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.
Among the industries of the men were printing (in both English and German), book binding, tanning, quarrying, and the operation of a saw milI,.
Chinon has trade in wheat, brandy, red wine and plums. Basket and rope manufacture, tanning and cooperage are among its industries.
AdvertisementThe main industries are cotton-spinning, flax-spinning, cottonprinting, tanning and sugar refining; in addition to which there are iron and copper foundries, machine-building works, breweries and factories of soap, paper, tobacco, &c. As a trading centre the city is even more important.
The principal industries include paper-making, brewing, the making of nets and twine, bricks, tiles and pottery, tanning and oil-refining, besides saltworks and seed-crushing works.
Its industries include tanning, leather-dressing and shoe-making, silk-spinning, hat-making, absinthe-distilling and oil-refining.
Its industries include the distillation of oil, tanning, salt-refining, brewing, and the manufacture of earthenware and casks.
Its industries embrace the manufacture of iron and steel goods, tanning and organ-building.
AdvertisementThe leading industries comprise the making of agricultural implements and mineral waters, besides tanning.
The chief industries of Grimsby are shipbuilding, brewing, tanning, manufactures of ship tackle, ropes, ice for preserving fish, turnery, flour, linseed cake, artificial manure; and there are saw mills, bone and corn mills, and creosote works.
The bark, split off in May or June, forms one of the most valuable tanning substances in Canada.
The industries are brewing, tanning, soap-boiling, flour-milling, malting, ironfounding, saw-milling and jam-making.
Printing is the chief industry, tanning, flour-milling and sugar-making being also carried on.
AdvertisementThe weaving and bleaching of cloth, which is of less importance than formerly, the manufacture of vehicles, and tanning are carried on; there is a large trade in the horses of the district, and granite is worked in the neighbourhood.
There are about thirty species of medicinal plants, twelve used for condiments, and twelve for dyes and tanning.
The place has an active trade, especially in grain and in the timber floated down from the Black Forest by the Rhine and the Ysel; the industries include tanning, weaving, and oil and paper manufactures.
The industries include cloth-weaving, tanning, dyeing and saw mills.
Wool and cotton spinning and weaving, dyeing, distilling, paper-making and tanning are carried on here with considerable activity.
AdvertisementThe leading industries are linenweaving, tanning, brewing, horse-dealing and the quarrying of marble and gypsum.
The other industries are leather work, sugar-refining, goldsmith's work, ivory carving, iron, brass, copper, stone masonry, tanning, weaving, dyeing and carpentry.
Other articles of export are chemicals, dyeing and tanning stuffs, tobacco, sugar-beet and kitchen-salt.
Industry consists chiefly in fishing (sardines, &c., and coral), the manufacture of tobacco, oil-distilling, tanning, and the preparation of preserved citron§ and of macaroni and similar provisions.
It is divided into four sanjaks - Kastamuni, Boli, Changra and Sinope - is rich in mineral wealth, and has many mineral springs and extensive forests, the timber being used for charcoal and building and the bark for tanning.
More important is the cultivation of the black wattle (Acacia mollissima), which began in 1886, the bark being exported for tanning purposes, the wood also commanding a ready sale.
Small up to the beginning of the 19th century, Holywell has increasingly prospered, thanks to lime quarries, lead, copper and zinc mines, smelting works, a shot manufactory, copper, brass, iron and zinc works; brewing, tanning and mineral water, flannel and cement works.
There has been some development in the manufacture of agricultural machinery and implements, vehicles, pianos and furniture, and some older industries, such as tanning leather and the manufacture of saddles and harness, the milling of wheat and Indian corn, distilling, soap-making, &c. At Guanta there is a factory for the manufacture of patent fuel from Naricual coal and asphalt.
Worsted spinning and weaving, tanning and leather-dressing, paper-making and the making of printing-machines are the principal industries.
It produces vegetables and fruit for the Hamburg markets, and carries on tanning, glass manufacture, brewing and brick-making.
Fishing, tanning, flourmilling and brewing are the chief industries.
The flannel manufacture has been transferred to Newtown, but Welshpool has tweeds and woollen shawls, besides a fair trade in agricultural produce, malting and tanning.
The principal industries are brewing, soap manufacture and tanning.
It is an important industrial centre, carrying on cotton weaving and spinning, tanning, distilling, and the manufacture of coffee, sugar, manure and saltpetre.
The chief industries are tanning, malting, and rope-making.
The chief industries include coast and deep-sea fisheries, shipbuilding, tanning, the making of cod-liver oil and fish-curing.
Its industries include tanning and leather-currying, and there is trade in grain.
Use has been made of electrolysis in tanning operations, the current being passed through the tan-liquors containing the hides.
The industries include the spinning and weaving of cotton and wool, printing, dyeing and tanning, while there is a brisk trade in wine.
The chief industries are tanning and the manufacture of weapons, shoes, cloth, hats and artificial flowers.
The industries include dyeing, weaving, tanning and the manufacture of metal-work, wine and flour, but Uskiib is chiefly important as the commercial centre of the whole vilayet of Kossovo (q.v.).
The tanning, currying and finishing of leather ranks second in importance, with a gross product ($10,250,842) 9% greater than that of 1900, and constituting about one-fourth of the gross factory product of the state in 1905; and the manufacture of food products ranked third, the value of the products of the fruit canning and preserving industry having more than doubled in the decade 1890-1900, but falling off a little more than 7% in 1900-1905.
The chief industries of the town proper are fishing, saw-milling, tanning, leatherdressing, ship-building, iron and copper-founding, rope-making and the manufacture of agricultural implements.
The more important industries comprise cotton manufactures, iron works, boat-building, dyeing and bleaching, tanning, rope-making and salt-making.
A large fleet is engaged in the fishery; and a great number of factories extract the oil for tanning and currying, and for adulterating other more expensive oils, and manufacture the refuse into a valuable guano.
There are a few industries, printing, tanning and clothweaving.
The chief industry is shoemaking, but malting, brewing and tanning are also carried on.
Other trades are brewing and tanning.
Its industries include wool-spinning, mining, tanning and dyeing.
Among veld plants the elandsboontje provides tanning material equal to oak bark.
Its industries comprise wire-drawing, tanning and saw-milling, and there is a considerable trade in wine, fruit and other agricultural produce.
The manufacture of iron and steel goods is carried on; other industries include the manufacture of zinc wares, tanning, distilling and brewing.
Tanning, dyeing, flour-milling, brandy-distilling and the manufacture of glass are among the industries.
There are manufactures of tobacco, sugar and boots; other industries are flour-milling, tanning and brewing.
The industries are considerable, and include dyeing, tanning and the manufacture of woollen, cotton, shawls, coverlets and paper.
There are also establishments for dyeing, tanning, lime-burning, iron-making, brewing and the preparation of liqueurs.
Besides brewing and tanning, its industries include the manufacture of tobacco and chicory.
The chief are tanning, fellmongery, wool-washing, bacon-curing, flour milling, brewing, iron-founding, brick-making, soap-boiling, the manufacture of pottery, candles, cheese, cigars, snuff, jams, biscuits, jewelry, furniture, boots, clothing and leather and woollen goods.
It has some comparatively insignificant industries, such as tanning and tobacco manufacture; its direct trade is in wine and fruit.
There were of course some crude industries in existence before the arrival of the 'Spaniards, such as weaving and dyeing of fabrics made from various fibres, and making earthenware utensils, images, &c. The Spaniards introduced their own industries, including sugar-making, weaving, tanning, and leatherand metal-working, some of which still exist.
The industries include the manufacture of woollens and confectionery, tanning and engineering, and there is a considerable agricultural trade.
Wool-spinning, iron-founding, brewing, tanning, and the manufacture of agricultural implements are also carried on.
It contains an Evangelical church, a gymnasium, a hospital and various administrative offices, and carries on cotton and woollen weaving, tanning, brewing and distilling.
The industries include distilling and brewing, nursery gardening, tanning, saw and flour mills, iron-foundries and manufactures of woollens, tweeds and plaiding, and the quarrying of sandstone.
The bark itself is used in tanning; and by the Samoiedes and Kamchatkans it is ground up and eaten on account of the starchy matter it contains.
The principal buildings are the market-house and town hall, and the industries include distilling, brewing, tanning, the making of net, rope and twine and woollen manufactures.
The bark of the larch is largely used in some countries for tanning; it is taken from the trunk only, being stripped from the trees when felled; its value is about equal to that of birch bark; but, according to the experience of British tanners, it is scarcely half as strong as that of the oak.
The chief local industries are tanning and the manufacture of petroleum drums. The opening, in 1895, of the railway to Bucharest, which crosses the Danube by a bridge at Cerna Voda, brought Constantza a considerable transit trade in grain and petroleum, which are largely exported; coal and coke head the list of imports, followed by machinery, iron goods, and cotton and woollen fabrics.
It is easily soluble in warm water, the solution being, of a dull blue tint, and is used in calico-printing, dyeing and tanning.
The industries comprise metallurgy, machine-making, chemicals, silk and cotton weaving, tanning and leather-working.
The chief industries are tanning and hand weaving, both silk and cotton.
Industries include the manufacture of paper, iron founding, brewing and tanning.
Tanning and wagon-building are among the industries, but the surrounding country is one of the largest wine and brandy producing districts in the province.
Manufactures of boots and shoes, flour and beer, and tanning are important.
Besides the manufacture of sheeting, towelling, ticks, dowlas and sail-cloth, the principal industries include flax-spinning, net-making, bleaching, dyeing, tanning, brewing, brass and iron founding, and there are potteries, flour-mills, engineering works, fisheries, and factories for the making of oil-cloth and linoleum.
Linen manufacture is also carried on, and brewing, tanning and soap-making give considerable employment.
Other thriving industries include bleaching, dyeing, calico-printing, weaving (carpets, shawls, tartans), engineering, tanning, iron and brass founding, brewing, distilling, and the making of starch, cornflour, soap, marmalade and other preserves, besides some shipbuilding in the yards on the left bank of the White Cart.
Distilling, brewing, dyeing and tanning are also important industries.
The chief industries are tanning, shipbuilding, milling, paper-making, rope-making and brick-making.
The principal industries are tanning, dyeing and brewing, and there is considerable trade in grain.
Brewing, tanning, and the manufactures of soap, yeast, carriages and bricks are the most important industries of the town, which also carries on a certain amount of trade in corn, ship timber and yarn.
Tanning and leather-dressing, distilling, the manufacture of agricultural implements, furniture and corks, cooperage and the preparation of preserved fruits, are prominent industries.
On the more barren soil the sumach shrub, the leaves of which are used for tanning, and the prickly pear grow freely.
Some brewing, distilling and tanning are carried on, and the manufacture of very beautiful lace is maintained at the Convent of the Good Shepherd; but a formerly important textile industry has lapsed.
The leading industries are distilling, brewing, tanning, spinning, needlemaking and tobacco manufacture.
It is a centre for local trade, and has an important tanning industry.
Tanning and flour-milling are carried on.
Flour-milling and tanning are the chief industries.
The inhabitants of Denbigh are chiefly occupied in the timber trade, butter-making, poultry-farming, bootmaking, tanning and quarrying (lime, slate and paving-stones).
Warrington and the neighbourhood are an important centre of the tanning industry.
The industries of Straubing are tanning and brewing, the manufacture of bricks and cement, and trade in grain and cattle.
The bark possesses tanning properties, and in Scotland in past times yielded with ferrous sulphate a black dye for wool.
The district is rich in coal and iron, which supply the predominant industries, Falkirk being the chief seat of the light casting trade in Scotland; but tanning, flour-milling, brewing, distilling and the manufacture of explosives (Nobel's) and chemicals are also carried on.
Shoe-making, tanning, agricultural trade, tin-plating, and the manufacture of confectionery and cider have superseded the former large woollen and serge industries.
The bark of the musuemba (Albizzia coriaria) is largely used in the tanning of leather.
The industries of Landshut are not important; they include brewing, tanning and spinning, and the manufacture of tobacco and cloth.
Various industries are carried on, including brickmaking, tanning, brewing, and cart and wagon building.
The wood of the aspen is very light and soft, though tough; it is employed by coopers, chiefly for pails and herring-casks; it is also made into butchers' trays, pack-saddles, and various articles for which its lightness recommends it; sabots are also made of it in France, and in medieval days it was valued for arrows, especially for those used in target practice; the bark is used for tanning in northern countries; cattle and deer browse greedily on the young shoots and abundant suckers.
Cotton and silk weaving, tanning and shipbuilding are carried on, and there is a fairly active trade.
The bark of Acacia arabica, under the name of babul or babool, is used in Scinde for tanning.
Flour-milling, tanning, and the manufacture of brandy, hosiery and agricultural implements are carried on.
The chief industry is the manufacture of woollens (blankets, hosiery), but brewing, tanning and iron-founding are carried on, and fruit (especially pears) and garden produce are in repute.
Brewing, flour-milling, distilling, turnery, cotton-bleaching, cidermaking, metal-founding, tanning, and the manufacture of glass, paper, iron ware, nails, pins, wind-instruments, bricks and sugar are also carried on.
Silk-weaving, tanning and hat-making are the chief industries; and there is some trade in wine and grain.
Tanning leather is an important industry, especially in the south, some of the Chilean trees, notably the algarrobilla (Balsamocarpon brevifolium) and lingue (Persea lingue), being rich in tannin.
Tanning and tile-making, and the manufacture of boots and sheep-skin rugs are practised.
Large quantities of dairy produce, wool and live stock are exported; and there are a number of flourishing industries in the town, including brewing, flourmilling, tanning and boot and biscuit manufacturing.
Here, and in other cities, tanning, distilling, various metallurgical industries, and manufactures of soap, flour, tobacco, &c., are carried on; the entire output is sold in Portugal or its colonies.
Tanning and saddlery are carried on by the natives with primitive methods, but with excellent results.
Apart from numerous fermentation processes such as rotting, the soaking of skins for tanning, the preparation of indigo and of tobacco, hay, ensilage, &c., in all of which bacterial fermentations are concerned, attention may be especially directed to the following evidence of the supreme importance of Schizomycetes in agriculture and daily life.
Boots, caps and furred gowns are manufactured, and gardening and tanning are carried on.
The bark has been employed for dyeing yellow and for tanning, and was formerly in popular repute as a febrifuge and tonic. The powder of the dried nuts was at one time prescribed as a sternutatory (to encourage sneezing) in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia.
The industries include the manufacture of machinery, paper and celluloid, and tanning and brewing.
There are coal mines in the neighbourhood, and the local industries include tanning and manufactures of soap, coarse linen and cloths.
The industries include linen and damask weaving, tanning, brewing and the manufacture of pins, chemicals and machinery, and a brisk river trade is carried on in agricultural produce.
Its industries comprise tanning and saw-milling, and it has some trade in wine and tobacco and hops.
The principal industries are cotton-weaving, tanning and the manufacture of artificial manures.
One of the first tasks imposed on him by the managers was the delivery of a course of lectures on the chemical principles of tanning, and he was given leave of absence for July, August and September 1801 in order to acquaint himself practically with the subject.
Iron-founding, engineering, tanning and brick-making are carried on, and there are large flour-mills.
Tanning, introduced in the 15th century, survives.
The principal industries include cotton and rope manufactures, bacon-curing, distilling, tanning, shipbuilding, sandstone quarrying, nursery-gardening and salmon-fishing.
The town is among the first twelve manufacturing centres of Sweden in value of output, the principal industries being tanning and sugar manufacture and refining from beetroot.
There is some tanning, shipbuilding and brewing, and making of soap, tar and machinery.
Tanning leather was formerly one of the chief industries of the town.
Brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata), valuable for its timber and colouring extract, and "roco" (Bixa orellana), the "urucn" of Brazil which furnishes the anatto of commerce, are widely distributed in central and southern Colombia, and another species of the first-named genus, the C. coariaria, produces the "divi-divi" of the Colombian export trade - a peculiarly shaped seed-pod, rich in tannic and gallic acids, and used for tanning leather.
The principal industries are the spinning and weaving of wool, dyeing, tanning, and the manufacture of pottery ware, hats, cloth, paper and machinery.
Other important industries are engineering, sugar-refining (established 1757), meat-preserving, flour-milling, sailcloth-making, soap-boiling, rope and twine-making, tanning, chemical manures-making, wood-sawing, hosiery, biscuit-baking, brewing, distilling and lime-juice making.
Industries include brewing, flour-milling, tanning, hatmaking and carriage-building.
The leading industries are the making of agricultural implements, manufactures of woollens and sacking, brewing, tanning and coachbuilding, besides corn mills and engineering works.
The industries embrace iron-founding and machine-making, malting and tanning.
The bark is astringent; it is used for tanning and dyeing.
Ropeand brick-making, iron and brass-founding, chemical manufactures, brewing and tanning, are also carried on.
The town is capital of an arrondissement, and carries on tanning, &c., and trade in the well-known Bazadais cattle.
The staple industries are linen and jute manufactures, but brewing, tanning, bleaching, ropemaking and iron-founding are also carried on.
The industries comprise brewing, saw-milling, iron-founding, flour-milling, tanning, and the manufacture of pottery and woollen goods.
Among other industries that have largely contributed to the welfare of the town are dyeing and bleaching, brass and iron founding, tanning, machine-making, brewing and distilling, milling, rope-making and the making of soap and candles,while the collieries in the immediate vicinity are numerous and flourishing.
There are also communal colleges for boys and girls, a school of artillery and school of draughtsmanship. The industrial establishments include manufactories of earthenware and porcelain and metalfoundries, and tanning, leather-dressing, turnery, the making of wooden shoes and furniture, the weaving of woollen and other fabrics, dyeing, and the manufacture of machinery, paper and parchment are carried on.
The principal industries are tanning leather and the manufacture of saddles,.
The yield, which is rough, unequal and woody in texture, is called virgin cork, and is useful only as a tanning substance, or for forming rustic work in ferneries, conservatories, &c. Subsequently the bark is removed every eight or ten years, the quality of the cork improving with each successive stripping; and the trees continue to live and thrive under the operation for 150 years and upwards.
The inner bark of the cork-tree is a valuable tanning material.
The chief manufacturing industries are those for which the country supplies raw material, notably meat-packing, flour-milling, brewing, tanning, and the weaving or spinning of hemp, flax and wool.
The chief industries of Strassburg are tanning, brewing, printing and the manufacture of steel goods, musical instruments, paper, soap, furniture, gloves and tobacco.
It has lace, dyeing and tanning industries, and manufactures of toys and musical instruments; and there is a convalescent home for the poor of the city of Leipzig.
The leading industries include the manufacture of sailcloth, canvas and coarse linens, tanning, boot and shoe making, and bleaching, besides engineering works, iron foundries, chemical works, shipbuilding and fisheries.
Tanning bark, coffee and guano are also recent exports.
The industries are tanning, iron-founding, brewing and the manufacture of chemicals; and there is a large agricultural trade.
Bone-crushing, tanning, the manufacture of oil-cake for cattle, and rope-making are carried on in various places.
There are gunpowder mills on the banks of the Medway, and wool-stapling, brewing and tanning are carried on.
Weaving, dyeing and tanning are the principal native industries.
Other industries are cotton-spinning, brewing, tanning, iron-founding, and the manufacture of bricks, tiles, soap, flour, ironmongery and ice.
The principal industries are the collection and preparation of truffles and preserved foods, also tanning and the manufacture of earthenware.
In these the variety of tannic acid is not exactly the same, but although there are slight chemical differences, they all possess the power of tanning raw hides and of preserving albuminous tissues.
Tanning, silk-weaving and glass-blowing are also carried on.
The manufacture of cloth, woollens, shoes and paper, dyeing, tanning, brewing and distilling are the principal industries.
As the centre of the silk trade of southern France Aubenas is a place of considerable traffic. It has also a large silk spinning and weaving industry, and carries on tanning and various minor industries together with trade in silk.
However, leather objects made after 1884 were probably not processed using alum tanning (Storch 1987 ).
A spray tanning room with a fantasy tan spray booth.
Wolff Tanning Beds Make informed decisions about tanning beds, especially commercial tanning beds such as Sunquest tanning beds and Wolff tanning beds!
Major services include, nail extensions, manicures, pedicures, waxing, facials, massage, spray tanning, aqua detox.
This was done by man handling the hides through a row of pits filled with tanning liquor.
For those who yearn for a tan, a safer method is to use tanning lotions.
Also, I go to a tanning bed about every other day for a 15 to 20 minute nap.
They'll spend a fortune at tanning salons throughout the winter just to maintain them.
Large spreads of burnt seaweed ash and crushed shell may have come from a white tanning agent used to make vellum.
Tip - Cannes Antibes and Nice beaches permit topless tanning which is why so many film stars and model girls love the French Riviera.
It is a railway junction of some consequence, with cultivation of vines, fruit and vegetables, brewing, tanning, &c. Diedenhofen is an ancient Frank town (Theudonevilla, Totonisvilla), in which imperial diets were held in the 8th century; was captured by Conde in 1643 and fortified by Vauban; capitulated to the Prussians, after a severe bombardment, on the 25th of November 1870.
The trade of the town is prosperous, brewing, distilling and tanning being carried on, besides the linen manufacture common to the whole county.
In former days this was the prevalent poplar in Britain, and the timber was employed for the purposes to which that of other species is applied, but has been superseded by P. monilifera and its varieties; it probably furnished the poplar wood of the Romans, which, from its lightness and soft tough grain, was in esteem for shield-making; in continental Europe it is still in some request; the bark, in Russia, is used for tanning leather, while in Kamchatka it is sometimes ground up and mixed with meal; the gum secreted by the buds was employed by the old herbalists for various medicinal purposes, but is probably nearly inert; the cotton-like down of the seed has been converted into a kind of vegetable felt, and has also been used in paper-making.
It has manufactures of bells, furniture and cigars, other industries being tanning and vinegrowing.
It is used in dyeing and tanning, and in the manufacture of ink and of Nordhausen sulphuric acid or fuming oil of vitriol (see Iron).
Brewing and tanning are carried on; and there are also manure and chemical works, brickand lime-kilns, flour-mills and agricultural implement works, engineering works and iron foundries.
Woollen manufactures (carpets, tartans, shawls) are the staple industry, and tanning, iron-founding, carriage-building and agricultural implement-making are also carried, on, in addition to furniture factories, cooperage and rubber works.
You by screaming, him in and there close enough of salon spray tanning diego inadvertently you.
The tanning of leather required the use of oak bark, which was another major demand specifically for oak.
Systems of tanning leather for the industry have also caught up with the times.
In a process called "tanning", mechanical and chemical treatments preserve the skins and convert them to leather.
Spray tanning is the new rage in skin enhancement.
With the advancement of a more natural looking tan from sunless tanning products, the potential exists for that realistic tan without going outside.
The great advancement in sunless tanning came to us in the form of a chemical called, dihydroxyacetone (DHA).
It is the active ingredient in all spray tanning products on the market today, allowing them to offer the natural tans they advertise.
The amount of DHA within the spray tanning mixture is particularly important.
Before applying a spray tanning product it is ideal to prep the skin.
Sunless tanning booths have cropped up all over offering a quick effective way to apply a spray tan.
Essentially, you are provided a private room with a spray tanning stall.
Sunless tanning booths are the fastest method of acquiring a fake tan, but make sure the place you choose uses standard cautions.
A similar concept to the spray tanning booth, but a more precise application process - the spray tanning chemicals are applied to your skin by a technician with a compressor and air brush.
While the shower booth system takes seconds to apply, air brush tanning sessions usually last about fifteen minutes.
If you want to avoid the cost or hassle of a professional session, you can purchase your own spray tanning product for a homemade tan.
An example is the product Spray Tan in a Can which advertises the same 8% DHA concentration found at the sunless tanning booths.
When spray tanning at home keep all the safety cautions in mind and work with a steady hand!
With the technological advancements found in spray tanning over the past years, the popularity has risen dramatically.
If you are looking for information on spray tanning booths or airbrush salons, check out our article Spray Tanning at LoveToKnow Makeup.
Whether you chose a home tan kit or a salon spray booth, both employ the same tanning process.
A completely safe process, the chemical has actually been around since the 1970s with only recently being discovered as an artificial tanning product.
When you compare the DHA chemical reaction to the possibility of skin cancer from the sun, a spray tan sounds like a much safer tanning option.
Spray particularly light on your feet as they tend to react to the tanning solution more dramatically.
Use gloves and spray the tanning mist on your hands, then apply to tender areas like the face.
As you are dealing with chemicals not recommended for internal use, always avoid inhaling the spray while tanning.
Guaranteed to not streak or turn orange, this product produces an immediate golden color followed by the longer lasting bronze of the tanning chemicals.
From mascara to tanning lotion, there is hardly a free sample on the Internet that you can't find.
You've probably heard about the benefits of sunless tanning, but what do the reviews of Vita Matrix Self Tanning lotions and potions say?
The company wants to stand in the fight against skin cancer by making it known that people have other good options to get dark without the sun or tanning beds.
They're great for tanning booths, airbrushing, and even at-home tanning lotion application.
Orange Palms Preventer counteracts the leftover DHA on your palms after you're done tanning and prevents the muddy-palm look that most often gives away a sunless tan.
Spray Nose Filters are great whether you do airbrush tanning at home or in a salon.
Who wants to breathe in sunless tanning mist?
Sunless.com, a very thorough sunless tanning information site, offers reviews on sunless tanners.
Jimmy Coco's tanning method of choice is the spray tan, and for your convenience, it can be done by a pro at your home or office.
This self tanning product review will discuss Jergens Natural Glow.
This product is commonly found in other self tanning products.
When I decided to write a self tanning product review, I did a little research on self tanning products.
Orange is really not my color.I visited several message boards and looked at various web sites before deciding to try out the Jergens self tanning products.
Obviously, that isn't going to help with an all over tan, so I needed to make adjustments.Remembering to use this self tanning product every day was probably my biggest challenge.
Delay wearing panty hose this fall by having naturally looking glowing legs without a visit to the tanning salon.
While many people still enjoy tanning, the harmful effects of sun exposure have left many women seeking an alternative for gilded color.
If you want a faux tan but have trouble applying self-tanner without embarrassing telltale lines, a spray on tanning booth is a wonderful alternative.
Even with a multitude of spray tanning and lotion formulas available in the cosmetic market, application of self-tanners is tricky business.
A spray booth is a wonderful addition to the tanning salon market and is worth a try if you want perfectly custom color and results from a self-tanner.
A spray on tanning booth is a very similar experience to visiting a tanning bed.
Most spray booths are available in free-standing tanning salons and spas.
Spray tanning booths are designed much like a regular stand-up shower.
No matter your natural coloring, spray tanning will deliver a bronze glow.
Rather than subject yourself to the sun's damaging rays, why not consider a spray tanning booth?
Spray foundation gives the skin more even coverage by relying on the same airbrush technology that is used for spray tanning.
Gradually build up a good base tan to avoid heavy tanning too close to picture day.
They can occur as a result of exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun or tanning beds.
When you use a tanning bed or lying in the sun, your skin begins to produce melanin to protect itself from burning.
Some people mistakenly believe that going to a tanning booth will help them protect their skin from sunburn, thus preventing skin cancer.
Another argument for the use of tanning beds is that they benefit the body by giving it vitamin D, yet people who eat a balanced diet already get the vitamin D that they need.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer labeled tanning beds as "carcinogenic to humans," which puts it in the same cancer-risk category as radon gas and plutonium.
Knowing that seventy percent of the customers using tanning beds are girls and women, the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association are warning their patients against using these devices.
Thirty states currently regulate minors' use of tanning beds, and some require anyone under the age of 14 to obtain parental permission.
Studies point to a connection between skin cancer and tanning beds, even in the teenager years.
Be open to unusual opportunities, such as helping display a car at the car show or online modeling for a local tanning salon and you will likely find success.
Sun Lamps - These lights are used for tanning.
Full-grain leather - This leather is not altered beyond hair removal and the tanning process.
Tanning used to be considered a sign of good health and an attractive trait, but that is no longer the case.
Tanning beds use ultraviolet A and produce a more intense experience.
Adolescents should avoid tanning salons and should sunbathe but without tanning.
Sunlamps, tanning beds, and tanning booths were once thought to be safer than the sun, because they give off mainly UVA rays.
Health experts advise people not to use these tanning devices.
Females using oral contraceptives should avoid too much sun exposure and should not use tanning beds, tanning booths, or sunlamps until they know how the medicine affects them.
Patients being treated with this medicine should avoid exposure to the sun and should not use tanning beds, tanning booths, or sunlamps until they know how the drug affects them.
Parents, concern about their child's sun exposure is usually influenced by their own experience with tanning and sunburn.
Those who insist on tanning should be encouraged to tan gradually and avoid burns.
Persons who have been tanning, have a tan, or even a sunless tan, should not use laser hair removal until the tan has disappeared.
Feather extensions are a hybrid of hair extensions and the thread wrapped vacation braids so many women opt for while tanning somewhere tropical.
You shouldn't be tanning anyway, which is why Alice + Olivia crafted this particular design to meet the needs of sun-damage concerned socialites.
Additionally, most tankini styles are not ideal for tanning, but the apron tankini can leave you with even more awkward tan lines.
If tanning is important to you, opt for sheer apron tankinis.
If you're more concerned about skin care, you can prevent tanning by using sunscreen and avoiding the beach and pool during peak UV hours.
Many people like them for tanning, even though they are not the most comfortable bathing suit bottom available.
You do not have to get a tan from the sun or from the tanning beds.
You can even find water resistant tanning products that will be your ideal formula in a bikini competition.
They can be especially good for tanning because they have no straps.
If you're more into tanning than surfing, you might try the Swirl Tie Lowrider Bottom that promises full seat coverage, but still shows off a lot of side skin.
When it comes to really daring, it's the rear that shows how serious Brazilians are about tanning.
You can spend your tanning time in a traditional bikini or a tan-through swimsuit.
The Brazilian bikini is a product of the sun-drenched beaches of South America where tanning is serious business.
Thousands of pinpoint holes are woven through the fabric, which allows light to pass through to allow tanning on the skin beneath.
Essentially just a string-like piece of fabric that goes inside of the rear, it doesn't offer much in the form of coverage, but it's ideal for ultimate tanning.
G-strings are mainly valued for their sex appeal, but they can also be the ultimate tanning swimwear since they cover so little skin.
This style of bikini is done in a sheer fabric that is great for tanning and laying out poolside or at the beach.
This G-string style is great for tanning and is very sexy.
It is excellent for tanning since it is so sheer that you will not have any tan lines.
These swimsuits are perfect for tanning since they are so skimpy that you will have either minimal tan lines or none at all.
However, if you do not relish an expensive tanning salon membership, and prefer to opt for a full body tan at the shores or in your backyard, your only resort is to seek out nudist beaches.
If you're going to expose an egregious amount of skin, it's a good idea to spend some quality time in a tanning booth beforehand.
These frequently backless swimsuits will reveal every blemish and imperfection, which is why they can be ideal for tanning in the first place.
Mesh swimwear is prone to snagging and shrinking; sun, sand, tanning oils and chlorine can all take a toll on the fabric.
Soon, these women realized that there was more of their bodies that could be made golden by the rays of the sun, and they began to clamor for smaller bikinis that would increase their tanning potential.
For instance, if you go tanning or enjoy laying out in your back yard, wearing a micro bikini will enable you to get a fully tanned look without baring all.
You'll find that the material is permeated with thousands of nearly invisible holes that allow the sun to shine through and expose your entire body to tanning.
Sunburns are a possibility, especially if you ignore our tanning tips.
Year round, people visit tanning salons, and lay out by the pool in an effort to achieve the perfect tan.
Unfortunately, even laying in a tanning bed or making sure all sides of the body are equally exposed to the sun doesn't guarantee an optimal all-over tan.
A long-lasting tan is best achieved gradually, thus continuous tanning is recommended in order to achieve perfect all-over color.
Any tanning aficionado knows - or should know - the importance of dousing the skin with an SPF lotion.
These usually reach to the mid- or upper-thigh and allow significant tanning.
While they may be more stylish, boardshorts offer very little opportunity for tanning, and can create distinctive tan lines that may be visible if regular clothing shorts are a shorter length.
Beyond their tanning and health benefits, tan-through swimsuits often come with a guarantee that they will not snag or easily fall apart.
Just like regular sunbathing or visits to a tanning salon, the rate your skin is able to produce melanin will determine the results of your tan-through swimsuit experience.
The swimsuit does not speed up the tanning process in any way, rather it leaves you free of any tell tale tan lines or other skin variations that are considered a fashion taboo during the summer months.
If the sun will be weak, you might want to wear a lightweight, tan-through suit to maximize the sun's tanning power.
Tan Thru Direct offers bikini and brief styles to get golden, but they have another unusual option for the tanning man-bike shorts!
The extra exposure that goes along with wearing a tonga bikini really increases your tanning area, meaning no more pale moon rising.
Most of the time there are no pesky straps to get in the way, allowing for seamless tanning and versatility.
It's a suit designed for tanning, as you will have a few lines from the straps to show how much color you've gotten.
Though it is possible to get vitamin D through the use of tanning beds, there are so many health risks involved with the use of tanning beds that sunlight is generally preferred.
The various methods for tanning and finishing leather allow for a huge variety of looks and colors in handbags, messenger bags, luggage, and more.
Handbags by DMG specialize in old world craftsmanship and special tanning processes that create natural and beautifully distressed bags.
These children work in many different venues, including street vending, textile and carpet production, leather tanning, and brick-making.
Sunless tanning creams and lotions had a bad rap for numerous years because more people turned orange, rather than bronzed.
If you are one of those people, outdoor or indoor tanning products can help you increase your tan while decreasing your exposure times.
Lotions, oils, and creams used in tanning beds are always more expensive than outdoor tanning products.
Buying your products online will save you the typical tanning salon markup, too.
Tanning products are a great way to enhance that summertime glow.
Tanning beds use ultraviolet, or UVA, light, which is a stronger, concentrated light than the visible sunlight we see outside.
Tanning is the body's natural response to protect it from UV radiation; a shield, if you will, to avoid absorbing more of those rays.
Does this mean that tanning is good for you?
This is why long-term tanning ages the skin more quickly, and some experts caution that excessive tanning leads to skin cancer.
So choose your tanning products carefully.
However, you cannot spend the same amount of time in tanning in a bed as you do outside.
Take the time to learn about the bulbs in your tanning bed and how to maintain them.
A tanning bed bulbs is usually a long F71 cylinder, about 100-watts, and last about 700 hours.
The price of a tanning bed, even a used one, runs between $1,000-$4,000.
The unit itself does not have to be fancy - you can always replace the cushion in a used tanning bed, for example.
Sunco Tanning carries both used and residential tanning beds.
Master Tanning has a variety of sunbed manufacturers and offers special monthly financing plans.
Wolverine World Wide, originally called Wolverine Shoe and Tanning Company, was founded by G.A.
Along the same lines, the company's packaging, shoe linings, embellishments and even its tanning methods are eco-friendly.
If you intend to spend your days tanning and swimming, then look for waterfront hotels to help cut down on travel time to the beach.
Baby G watches are tough, shock resistant watches with a feminine look and options like pink watchbands and tanning timers.
Another aspiring model while he goes to school and works in a tanning salon, Bryan is only one of two men on the show.
No one probably would have ever guessed that a reality show based on a tanning salon would be a success, but producers definitely found a hit in Sunset Tan.
Sunset Tan - the salon, not the show - is actually a full service tanning salon offering clients the usual array of skin darkening services that any other run of the mill tanning salon offers.
Most people would argue that it's nothing more than a tanning salon, and due to the "sophisticated aesthetics," an overpriced one at that.
So when some of the customers get wrinkles from too much tanning, Dr. Fisher is there to make them look young again…genius.
I believe tanning beds are extremely unsafe as they use lightbulbs that simulate the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
In fact, I believe the increase in skin cancer in young people that we are seeing is due to the use of tanning beds, at least in part.
Tanning lotion manufacturer Beau Soleil offers a Tantric Euphoria oil based on grapefruit, peppermint, and other herbs.
Tanning lotions used to be considered a formula that accelerated the darkening pigment on the skin.
However, self tanning lotions have become one of the most popular summer skincare items in recent years.
There has been a direct correlation between tanning beds and skin cancer, which has led people to find better ways to achieve that bronzed glow.
Before tanning lotions, sunbathing and beds were all the rage.
However, we now know that tanning is extremely unhealthy and should be avoided at all costs.
However, we now know that even darkening your skin through moderate tanning without ever experiencing a burn can increase your skin cancer risks.
While getting a little sun is good for your health, tanning requires more sun than you realistically need to maintain your vitality.
To prevent this from happening, always exfoliate thoroughly before applying tanning lotion and purchase a brand that is tinted so you can see where it has been applied.
Never use a regular tanning lotion without a sunscreen to help filter some of the UVA/UVB rays.
Tanning is actually the body's defense against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Countless Americans still opt to lay out during the summer months and to visit tanning salons in the winter, both of which are horrifically damaging to your skin.
The Cellex-C sun protection range includes SPF 30 and over sunscreens and sunless tanning gel.
The use of tanning beds has been linked to a higher risk of certain types of skin cancer.
Some studies have shown that the use of tanning beds in youth can increase risk for melanoma as much as 75 percent.
These products include SPF 8 Protective Tanning Lotion, SPF 4 Dark Tanning Lotion, and SPF 4 Hawaiian Style Tanning Lotion.