Talked Sentence Examples
He said he had talked to his mother.
We've talked about it long enough.
He talked with some of the sailors.
He barely talked to me.
The fishermen talked in low tones with one another for a little while, and then one said, It's a bargain.
Maybe Bordeaux had already talked to him.
I'm sorry I talked about her that way.
Only such a one can appreciate the eagerness with which I talked to my toys, to stones, trees, birds and dumb animals, or the delight I felt when at my call Mildred ran to me or my dogs obeyed my commands.
Instead, they had talked about the house and how she would assume responsibilities.
Last time we talked, you sounded like you never wanted to see me again.
AdvertisementIt reminded her of those days, years ago, when the family laughed and talked to each other.
He'd approved all their purchases and talked them out of a few bad ones during the morning.
Several days of festivity and merry-making followed, for such old friends did not often meet and there was much to be told and talked over between them, and many amusements to be enjoyed in this delightful country.
We talked about celibacy and all the stuff he'd miss.
But we talked about it.
AdvertisementI talked to Lydia on the phone.
I resolved to remain calm for her sake and talked of nothing but positive certainty of our escape.
Nobody I talked to ever heard of Dawkins, but Mrs. Worthington said she remembers reading about this Rowland guy.
He talked to me as if I were a real person, not just a skirt he was plotting to lift.
We talked about writing a will, but it was one of those things you never get around to doing—we're all going to live forever.
AdvertisementWhen they talked to him, he seemed to understand, but he didn't respond.
You talked to him?
They talked for over an hour, Mums gracefully avoiding the obvious.
She led them through the mall towards the entrance, while her cousins talked.
She lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the evening sun while she talked to him.
AdvertisementWe talked about a big debate but seeing as you ain't got an opponent— at least yet—we put that idea on hold.
When the little princess had grown accustomed to life at Bald Hills, she took a special fancy to Mademoiselle Bourienne, spent whole days with her, asked her to sleep in her room, and often talked with her about the old prince and criticized him.
He glanced with pity at the excited face of Ilyin, who talked much and in great agitation.
We've talked before about the health benefits of brushing your dog's teeth.
I found that interesting because in reading The Complete Holistic Dog Book, they talked about this same subject.
I talked it up in the opening, now it's time to sell.
So he and I talked a little while his little puppy Sam ran around barking at the wild turkeys that stroll through the vineyard mid-morning.
A coloring book and crayons kept her busy while they worked and talked.
What would Alex have done if she had talked?
Cassie waited while they talked.
Julie called to talk to her daughter but after she spoke to Molly we talked.
Later, when I talked to the FBI, they mentioned this turkey we're chasing plays the switch game with plates all the time.
I was sure it was he who talked to her when she was walking Bumpus.
Maybe if we talked to her again.
They talked about how to punish me and then sat me down and told me their decision.
But his distress was short-lived, and he talked a number of lodgers into a late afternoon dip at the pool.
We talked to half the state of Colorado and got nowhere.
Cynthia talked him out of it until more was learned of Fitzgerald's present whereabouts.
She talked about a friend in Chicago but gas was costing lots more than we thought and she was getting real tired from driving.
You do seem very …different from the other night when we talked.
We talked about this the day you signed the adoption papers.
After church, they talked to Katie and Bill about the situation with Lori.
Lori, I know I told you in the hospital that I would let you have Destiny when you were ready, but I hadn't talked to Alex about it yet.
They shouldn't have talked in front of him, but sending him to his room wouldn't have left him feeling any better.
A red-eyed Lori went out on the porch and talked to them while Carmen got Destiny ready for bed.
Back at the room, she decided to hold Alex's hand while she talked to him.
He has talked much about you.
They talked a little longer and then Lori left.
They talked for a long time and he agreed to stay for supper.
They talked a few more minutes and then ended the call without discussing the stabbing or Lori.
I know we talked before, but why didn't we talk like this?
The longer they talked, the deeper the clammy shadows sank into her.
She returned to the room, where the two Germen women still sat and talked while cleaning their camping gear.
The healers. village consisted of several dozen cottages around a central square, in which many of the village.s people gathered and talked or cooked meals over red flames.
But he'd won her as Kisolm's younger brother, Romas, had decreed, which should alleviate any accusations brought on by their clan, if Kisolm's father talked some sense into the arrogant crown prince.
But I talked her into giving me the whole day with him at Telluride tomorrow.
He talked about having her committed.
I've never met anyone who talked like that.
The sheriff talked to Edith, too.
These mountaineering folk talked a different language.
They've talked with Ryland, Gladys, Edith and even Janet.
Corday talked to Edith for about ten minutes, then skedaddled.
Donald talked about some sort of joint custody when he brought him up to meet me.
I should have talked to you, asked you why she was there, but I didn't want to.
Because I should have dragged her to a shrink or someone who could have talked some sense into her, or at least watched her more closely-protected her from herself.
We talked on the phone half the day, to some lawyer guy.
We talked about him coming out here but he begged off.
She talked to Dean as if any fool out here in the wilderness should be fully versed in everyone else's activity.
He wanted to listen in when she talked to Skippy in case he got out of line, so hurried downstairs.
We had such a fun time at Elisabeth's and when we got home we had a nightcap and went up to bed and, well, you know...When we were done, we talked for a while and then he asked me.
The foursome talked about the showing, making fun of some of the stuffy patrons.
During dinner, they talked mostly about the wedding and tomorrow's party.
I'm the one who talked you into this goat dairy business.
They talked all the way to the car and all the way home.
For the next half-hour they walked together and talked about her plans for a horse ranch.
We've talked about it.
Besides, it would be best to see his face when they talked.
Have you talked to her recently?
Brady got his food as the two talked, seating himself before he looked to Dan again.
He'd talked it over with Hannah, and they agreed it was the only option they had.
Death talked to Rhyn?
Before we left, she talked to me about some dream I didn't have then started to talk about philosophy.
We talked as they flipped through my transcript.
The newspaper says someone talked with Byrne—an employee.
I talked to your Mrs. Byrne this afternoon.
Dean felt it might be better if she talked instead of letting the silence and the upcoming events prey on her mind.
Dean stood aside while they talked quietly, then walked around the car and shook the young man's hand.
They talked mostly baseball until the mushrooms, olives, peppers, onions, sausage and extra cheese of the house special were safely put away.
One worker talked to a man about biking in Colorado.
He listened for a few moments with Dean standing by the doorway as the boy's mother talked.
He told her about Cynthia and she talked about someone named Jack who was a med student whose family thought she was a jerk and they both decided life was too damned complicated and lots of the times it sucked, but not at times like this.
We even paid off his stolen escrow account and talked him into backing off Cynthia Byrne.
I talked him out of it.
I talked the owner into selling her to me.
Carmen and I have talked it over and decided this is the best solution.
Obviously he had been talking to Katie... or Bill, and Bill talked to Katie.
He talked from behind the paper.
Maybe the warmth of the water would help her relax before they talked.
What more could he have to say in the little time since they had last talked?
He had actually talked about the baby as if it were theirs.
The way he talked to her today, she wasn't even sure if she liked him any more.
I talked to them about how you felt.
He talked to Mums and Mr. Reynolds briefly and then left the waiting room.
Josh and I talked about it.
Jenn slumped at the table as they talked on around her.
Before she talked herself out of it, she Traveled back to the Others' portal into the immortal world.
The way he looked at her, the emotion that stirred within her when they talked and touched.
He had talked her into surrogacy even though she believed it was wrong.
Have you talked to your mom about it?
I talked to Gerald.
They talked for a few minutes and then all eyes turned to Alex when he came back in the house.
Gerald talked to the twins for a few minutes and then turned to Alex.
They talked for a little while longer and then she announced that she had to bury Brutus, but she would meet them at the stable in a couple hours for the first ride.
Gerald obviously admired Alex, and Alex talked to him in a way she had only heard him talk to Bill.
Alex and Gerald talked around and over the bobbing heads of children on their laps as if it were an everyday occurrence.
They talked until Alex returned and then all retired for the evening.
Then we went for a ride and talked.
They met in the field and talked for a few minutes and then separated – Rob continuing toward the guest house and Alex and Gerald angled toward the footbridge.
If he needed someone to talk to, he could have talked to her.
Actually, he had talked to her, but she hadn't taken him seriously.
They talked for a little while and then Carmen set up an interview time for that afternoon.
That evening as they prepared for bed, she talked to Alex about it.
It would be nice to be at his side when he talked to Alondra, but at this point he probably felt she wasn't part of the family.
I meant he thinks so much of you that he even bought a book so he could be knowledgeable about the subject when he talked to you.
I shouldn't have said what I did when I talked to you on the phone.
You said you talked to Gerald.
It seemed that recently all his father talked about was his days in the service.
He was talking about it this morning, but I think I talked him out of it.
They exchanged news and details on the climate differences and finally, when they were talked out, they said their good byes.
Had Dad already talked to him?
That man had talked about catamounts - and a grandson who would have been about her age.
Maybe he hadn't talked to Dad since she had.
She offered Clara some iced tea and they talked for almost an hour before Clara surprised her with a calculating question and matching expression.
You've talked endlessly about him and said absolutely nothing about your Fiancé.
But when I talked to Dad...
You shouldn't have left until you talked this over with him.
All she talked about earlier was nailing him.
Xander, I barely talked her out of crisis mode!
A peerage was openly talked of as his due, while his own ambition pointed to some responsible office at home.
Civil war was raging in France, and Clement became an ardent partisan of the League; his mind appears to have become unhinged by religious fanaticism, and he talked of exterminating the heretics, and formed a plan to kill Henry III.
But he did not move so fast in the path of reform as was expected, and agitation continued throughout the papal states.i In 1847 some administrative reforms were enacted, the laity were admitted to certain offices, railways were talked about, and political newspapers permitted.
Becoming more violent Thistlewood formed other plots, talked of murdering the prince of Wales, and was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for challenging the home secretary, Lord Sidmouth, to a duel.
In bringing about this " fall," however, Parsons the Jesuit appears to have had a considerable share; at least Lord Sheffield has recorded that on the only occasion on which Gibbon talked with him on the subject he imputed the change in his religious views principally to that vigorous writer, who, in his opinion, had urged all the best arguments in favour of Roman Catholicism.
So threatening were the symptoms that the royalists at Paris and the plenipotentiaries at Vienna talked of deporting him to the Azores, while others more than hinted at assassination.
But while a crusade was talked of, the real object was central Italy, and in the autumn Cesare, favoured by France and Venice, set forth with io,000 men to complete his interrupted enterprise.
In the wild schemes of Shaftesbury after the election of Tory sheriffs for London in 1682 he had no share; upon the violation of the charters, however, in 1683, he began seriously to consider as to the best means of resisting the government, and on one occasion attended a meeting at which treason, or what might be construed as treason, was talked.
Polite Danes were wont to say that a man wrote Latin to his friends, talked French to the ladies, called his dogs in German, and only used Danish to swear at his servants.
It was now intended to re-establish the government on the basis of the old republican institutions, but it was found that sixty years of Medici rule had reduced them to mere shadows, and the condition of the government, largely controlled by a balia of 20 accoppiatori and frequently disturbed by the summoning of the parlamento, was utterly chaotic. Consequently men talked of nothing save of changing the constitution, but unfortunately there was no longer an upper class accustomed to public affairs, while the lower class was thoroughly demoralized.
Although he talked of helping his sovereign, his troops took no part in the battle of Agincourt (1415), where, however, two of his brothers, Anthony, duke of Brabant, and Philip, count of Nevers, fell fighting for France.
In a fit of jealousy the emperor commanded that this masterpiece should be thrown down, and sent commissioners to Amber charged with the execution of this order; whereupon Mirza, in order to save the structure, had the columns plastered over with stucco, so that the messengers from Agra should have to acknowledge to the emperor that the magnificence, which had been so much talked of, was after all pure invention.
In 1848, while making a tour in Cornwall, Tennyson met Robert Stephen Hawker of Morwenstow, with whom he seems - but the evidence is uncertain - to have talked about King Arthur, and to have resumed his intention of writing an epic on that theme.
Those who talked with him felt that he was truth itself.
In consequence, a divorce began to be talked of at court; and it seemed not impossible that Francis, alarmed at the possible extinction of the royal house, might listen to such a proposal.
At the time of Franklin's arrival in Paris he was already one of the most talked about men in the world.
Early in 18 20 a revolutionary movement was set on foot, and vague plans of combined risings all over Italy and a war with Austria were talked of.
He had taught his child to whistle, dined with his servants, talked of "worldly things such as baking, brewing, enclosing, ploughing and mining," preferred walking to riding, and denounced the debasement of the coinage.
He feigned madness at his trial, but during the forty years of his subsequent confinement at Bedlam he talked and acted like a rational being, and when he was at length released and sent to Australia he earned his living there as a house painter, and used to declare that he had never been mad at all.
Peel on this subject in the early days of the Tory administration, and the queen talked of reducing her establishment in order that she might give away larger sums in charities.
Marat despised the ruling party because they had suffered nothing for the republic, because they talked too much of their feelings and their antique virtue, because they had for their own virtues plunged the country into war; while the Girondins hated Marat as representative of that rough red republicanism which would not yield itself to a Roman republic, with themselves for tribunes, orators and generals.
Though Erasmus had passed nearly all his life in England, France and Germany, his conversation was Latin; and the language in which he talked about common things he wrote.
Indeed, according to Ammonius, Plato too had talked as he walked in the Academy; and all his followers were called Peripatetics, until, while the pupils of Xenocrates took the name " Academics," those of Aristotle retained the general name.
Voluntary separation was frequently talked of before 1815.
He talked at large of the "purple geese of the Capitol" and met the remonstrances of Cardinal Zelada, the papal secretary of state, with insults.
Thus Mme Perier tells us that he disliked to see her caress her children, and would not allow the beauty of any woman to be talked of in his presence.
He never willingly read or thought or talked about affairs of state.
Since Johnson had been at ease in his circumstances he had written little and had talked much.
In his judgments of mankind he often talked as a misanthrope.
It is probable that Monmouth never went so far as to think of armed rebellion; but there is little doubt that he had talked over schemes likely to lead to this, and that Shaftesbury had gone farther still.
Agur's dictum is one of pious agnosticism directed, apparently, against certain theologians who talked as if they were well acquainted with the ways of God.
According to the Indian conception, these belts could tell by means of an interpreter the exact rule, provision or transaction talked into them at the time and of which they were the exclusive record.
The public weal was no longer talked about, while the kingdom was plundered both by royal tax gatherers and by unsubdued feudal lords to pay the cost of the war.
He talked rapidly and much, sometimes for hours at a time, and most indiscreetly.
They viewed with displeasure and foreboding the fall of Iturbide's empire and the creation of the republic. They were not treasonable, but talked much, refusing allegiance to the new government; and as they controlled the resources of the colony and the good will of the Indians, they felt their strength against the local authority; besides, they were its constant benefactors.
From 1836 on, foreign interference was much talked about.
Mary talked too much for Anne's comfort, and Anne too little for Mary's satisfaction.
When old-fashioned theologians talked about the canons and councils of antiquity, Laynez answered that the Church was not more infallible at one time than another; the Holy Ghost spoke through the decrees of Trent quite as plainly and directly as through the primitive Fathers.
The wonders of his Domus aurea were remembered and talked of long after its partial demolition by Vespasian.
Expeditions were talked of to the Caspian Sea and Ethiopia, but Nero was no soldier and quickly turned to a more congenial field.
Certain similarities between passages in Paradise Lost and parts of the translation from Old Saxon interpolated in the Old English Genesis have given occasion to the suggestion that some scholar may have talked to Milton about the poetry published by Junius in 1655, and that the poet may thus have gained some hints which he used in his great work.
He was tail, rawboned and awkward; his early instruction was scant; but he "read books," talked well, and so, after his admission to the bar at Richmond, Virginia, in 1797, and his removal next year to Lexington, Kentucky, he quickly acquired a reputation and a lucrative income from his law practice.
His determination to restrict the ambassadorial right of asylum, which had been grossly abused, was resented by Louis, who defied him in his own capital, seized the papal territory of Avignon, and talked loudly of a schism, without, however, shaking the pope in his resolution.
Hume's casual allusion to "this famous atheist" and his "hideous hypothesis" is a fair specimen of the tone in which he is usually referred to; people talked about Spinoza, Lessing said, "as if he were a dead dog."
In 1884, having the power in his hands when the Scanlen ministry fell, Hofmeyr had put into office a ministry dependent upon the Bond, and had talked of a possible Dutch rebellion in Cape Colony if the Boer freebooters in Bechuanaland were ejected; in 1890 Rhodes became premier with Hofmeyr's approval and support.
That downright, gossiping German princess, the duchess of Orleans, cared little for the Maxims; but she was enraptured by their author, and his "ugly face, all skin and bone, though he laughed and talked quite unaffectedly and easily."
At a later period he talked of "dying of rage, like a poisoned rat in a hole"; for some time, however, he was buoyed up by feeble hopes of a restoration to England.
In September of the same year his physical malady reached a crisis, from which he emerged a helpless wreck, with faculties paralysed rather than destroyed - "He never talked nonsense or said a foolish thing."
All Elstow talked of him as an eminently pious youth.
The later books say that they were all converted at once; but, according to the most ancient Pali record - though their old love and reverence had been so rekindled when the Buddha came near that their cold resolutions quite broke down, and they vied with each other in such acts of personal attention as an Indian disciple loves to pay to his teacher, - yet it was only after the Buddha had for five days talked to them, sometimes separately, sometimes together, that they accepted in its entirety his plan of salvation.'
Then he talked to her on that essential part of his system, the impermanency of all things, till her doubts were cleared away, she accepted her lot, became a disciple, and entered the "first path."
Lying down under some Sal trees, with his face towards the south, he talked long and earnestly with Ananda about his burial, and about certain rules which were to be observed by the society after his death.
The chair was not exactly offered to him, as has been sometimes asserted, but the electors, having met and talked over the subject, authorized one of their number, who was Hamilton's personal friend, to urge him to become a candidate, a step which his modesty had prevented him from taking.
After this John1s spirits rose, and he talked of crossing the seas himself to recover Normandy and Anjou.
The preachers were picturesque figures in long russet dress down to the heels, who, staff in hand, preached in the mother tongue to the people in churches and graveyards, in squares, streets and houses, in gardens and pleasure grounds, and then talked privately with those who had been impressed.
Archias went in to him, encouraged him to rise, repeated his old arguments, talked to him of reconciliation with Antipater.
It is impossible within brief limits to convey more than a general idea of the work of a philosopher who published more than three hundred original papers bearing upon nearly every branch of physical science; who one day was working out the mathematics of a vortex theory of matter on hydrodynamical principles or discovering the limitations of the capabilities of the vortex atom, on another was applying the theory of elasticity to tides in the solid earth, or was calculating the size of water molecules, and later was designing an electricity meter, a dynamo or a domestic water-tap. It is only by reference to his published papers that any approximate conception can be formed of his life's work; but the student who had read all these knew comparatively little of Lord Kelvin if he had not talked with him face to face.
That evening as she gave Destiny a bath, Alex talked to Jonathan.
I talked to the Sanders and they're going to help as well.
Of course, Howard had talked to Len – even given him instructions to the Giddon house.
Had she talked to Howard or Len – or both?
They were a long way from talked out when she got in her new car, but she felt much more alive and aware of her surroundings – much more in control of her life than she had since the accident.
Not yet, but if they subpoena me, I'll have no choice but to admit I've talked with you.
The inadequate number of steaks was surreptitiously replaced with hamburgers after the women were talked into staying for dinner.
We talked about writing a will, but it was one of those things you never get around to doing—we're all going to live forever.
You do seem very …different from the other night when we talked.
Despite Rhyn's frustration, there was affection on his face as he talked about his mate.
He'd talked Rhyn off the ledge a million times then defied past-Death to protect Katie.
They seemed to think that was a first rate coincidence, especially Effie, the first sister I talked to.
I'm sure he'll give me a speech about it not being his jurisdiction but he's the one who's talked to Jerome Shipton.
Listen. Don't tell the bastard I talked to you, but here's the short version.
They talked through the night, the hosts educating the new vampires, and the guests hungry for stories of the couple's life; stories that would provide comfort during difficult times.
Elisabeth and Jackson talked in bed for a long while, both worried that tomorrow might alter their relationship irrevocably.
The newspaper says someone talked with Byrne—an employee.
They met in the field and talked for a few minutes and then separated – Rob continuing toward the guest house and Alex and Gerald angled toward the footbridge.
The songs were talked about in the same rush of feverish anticipation and excitement, this, the debut album has a lot to live up to.
The scout talked Steven's into a movie contract, which must have seemed more alluring than his chosen career of dentist.
The staff were very far from apologetic - in fact the man I talked to seemed to find the whole thing slightly amusing even.
As the hours passed, our conversation grew more animated, as we talked about " very private " issues.
Ariel socket onto wall, make food, clean up 5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
My brother and sisters and I barely talked about this great bane of our lives.
A talked about partner at the NSC is South Bk University Sports Science Dept which would seem a logical bedfellow.
At the Persephone Lunch on 3 July the distinguished biographer Lyndall Gordon talked about Katherine Mansfield.
Give us your views on the latest comings and goings in the most talked about house in the UK... emma!
He talked like a Puritan about the Sabbath; and then he had a crucifix in his room.
He talked about tangential energy and radial energy and most of us who were scientists really rather demurred from that.
Earlier in the depression Learning Path, we talked about the importance of tolerating uncertainty when looking to overcome depression.
Officers also talked to drivers about ' microsleep ' - a brief doze that lasts between two and 30 seconds.
But last Easter he talked her into giving it a try and a month later venture capitalists dropped $ 1m into their laps.
We talked to most of the people in the tented encampments - Jane had to keep dragging me away!
He no doubt talked about the inevitable end of sin and where it leads when he first evangelized them.
As Hanna Segal points out in her excellent foreword to the book, they were not talked down to or condescended to.
I, apparently, sounded tinny and the person I was talking to was a little garbled, especially when they talked loudly.
We stroked Angora goats, looked at their wool, and talked about all the different things you can make from wool.
He went on television and talked and talked, and ended up saying some rather graceless and foolish things.
All Vienna talked of the approaching marriage of the beautiful heiress with Count von Hermanstadt.
Fabry talked about'slow calories ' which appears to pre-empt glycaemic index by some 20 years!
The pastors I talked to see the Catholic Church as out of touch, too institutional, and inattentive to worldly problems.
Many MSPs have talked about postcode prescribing for beta interferon.
Prime Time was assembled around a table and then Ornette took over and talked anyway, with Denardo making a few interjections.
During the very long intermission (they had to chance floors) I talked with several people.
The Silent Woman refers to a beheaded saint although other stories tell of a previous landlady who talked too much.
A former naval lieutenant talked enthusiastically about seeing the souls of dead soldiers in seagulls.
I tended to say Ja instead of yes or yeah and the way I talked became slightly more lyrical.
His stay at Cambridge lasted several days, during which the two men talked nonstop about scientific matters.
From virtual obscurity, PMS or PMT has become one of the most talked about twentieth-century diseases.
British film business people I talked to there assumed it would not be a major prizewinner.
They talked to more than 2,300 people, and what they found should make everyone working in the present tsunami disaster relief think hard.
Over dinner everybody talked a lot about their current jobs, life, also relived their memories of the fantastic time in Leeds.
He talked of trout and Tweed, Tay and Teviot, Highland lochs and leaping salmon.
A biomedical scientist from Donegal with whom I spoke in Tyrone County Hospital talked in a similar vein.
Wren officers came and Purbright danced, drank beer and talked shop with several old shipmates of his wife.
People talked together, then fell silent, then talked some more or looked at the stars.
According to Rauschning Hitler often talked about the Aryan superman having a Cyclops eye.
I recently got to meet Apple's global iPod marketing supremo, who talked me through the specs of the new machine.
And you're the only one who knows what the doctors you talked to said, and what their qualifications with patellar tendinitis are.
There are many talked about features at Privilege including, transvestites on trapezes, live sex on the stage, and fire breathing dwarfs.
What the troops had talked about was their growing confidence in the Iraqi troops that they were working with.
Earlier in the Depression Learning Path, we talked about the importance of tolerating uncertainty when looking to overcome depression.
They were little gangster wannabes who talked tough and hadn't a clue about the art of death.
Augustine accordingly held that each of the disciples talked all languages miraculously; Chrysostom that each talked one other than his own.
The pope talked of coercion by arms; but Spain, to whom he looked for support, refused to be drawn into war, and the quarrel was finally settled by the mediation of France (March 22, 1607).
They excited no controversy, and were comparatively little talked about - so little, indeed, as to have extorted from him a half murmur about " coldness and prejudice."
Some of the philosophers who talked idly of the good old times of the republic, and thus indirectly encouraged conspiracy, provoked him into reviving the obsolete penal laws against this class, but only one, Helvidius Priscus, was put to death, and he had affronted the emperor by studied insults.
As I talked, happy thoughts fluttered up out of my words that might perhaps have struggled in vain to escape my fingers.
In my fancy the pagan gods and goddesses still walked on earth and talked face to face with men, and in my heart I secretly built shrines to those I loved best.
And I would keep my little hand on her face all the while, because it amused me to feel her face and lips move when she talked with people.
She said the poor young girl talked and acted exactly like a little child.
She could only understand Miss Rhoades when she talked about the simplest things.
She has talked incessantly since her return about what she did in Huntsville, and we notice a very decided improvement in her ability to use language.
She has talked about nothing but the circus ever since.
Two of the teachers knew the manual alphabet, and talked to her without an interpreter.
Wouldn't the children understand if you talked to them about Helen?
I have always talked to Helen exactly as I would talk to a seeing and hearing child, and I have insisted that other people should do the same.
When Miss Sullivan went out in the barnyard and picked up a little chicken and talked to Helen about it, she was giving a kind of instruction impossible inside four walls, and impossible with more than one pupil at a time.
She could not remember that any one had ever read to her any stories about King Frost, but said she had talked with her teacher about Jack Frost and the wonderful things he did.
For I purposely talked to him as if he were a philosopher, or desired to be one.
We talked of rude and simple times, when men sat about large fires in cold, bracing weather, with clear heads; and when other dessert failed, we tried our teeth on many a nut which wise squirrels have long since abandoned, for those which have the thickest shells are commonly empty.
The old prince always dressed in old-fashioned style, wearing an antique coat and powdered hair; and when Prince Andrew entered his father's dressing room (not with the contemptuous look and manner he wore in drawing rooms, but with the animated face with which he talked to Pierre), the old man was sitting on a large leather-covered chair, wrapped in a powdering mantle, entrusting his head to Tikhon.
I have said nothing to you, but you have already been talked to.
These gentlemen talked among themselves and sometimes laughed.
But much as all the rest laughed, talked, and joked, much as they enjoyed their Rhine wine, saute, and ices, and however they avoided looking at the young couple, and heedless and unobservant as they seemed of them, one could feel by the occasional glances they gave that the story about Sergey Kuzmich, the laughter, and the food were all a pretense, and that the whole attention of that company was directed to-- Pierre and Helene.
Anatole answered the Frenchwoman very readily and, looking at her with a smile, talked to her about her native land.
He interrupted him, talked rapidly and indistinctly, without looking at the man he was addressing, and did not reply to questions put to him.
Everyone shouted, talked, and kissed him at the same time.
Isn't it? asked Natasha, so seriously and excitedly that it was evident that what she was now saying she had talked of before, with tears.
In the third circle, Naryshkin was speaking of the meeting of the Austrian Council of War at which Suvorov crowed like a cock in reply to the nonsense talked by the Austrian generals.
This was the first time since his return that they had talked alone and about their love.
They put questions and gave brief replies about things they knew ought to be talked over at length.
The third thing--what else was it you talked about? and Prince Andrew crooked a third finger.
Prince Andrew expressed his ideas so clearly and distinctly that it was evident he had reflected on this subject more than once, and he spoke readily and rapidly like a man who has not talked for a long time.
The sun had sunk half below the horizon and an evening frost was starring the puddles near the ferry, but Pierre and Andrew, to the astonishment of the footmen, coachmen, and ferrymen, still stood on the raft and talked.
They crossed the ferry where he had talked with Pierre the year before.
People talked about him, were interested in him, and wanted to meet him.
This was Speranski, Secretary of State, reporter to the Emperor and his companion at Erfurt, where he had more than once met and talked with Napoleon.
Having talked for a little while in the general circle, Speranski rose and coming up to Prince Andrew took him along to the other end of the room.
He did nothing, did not even think or find time to think, but only talked, and talked successfully, of what he had thought while in the country.
As he had done on their first meeting at Kochubey's, Speranski produced a strong impression on Prince Andrew on the Wednesday, when he received him tête-à -tête at his own house and talked to him long and confidentially.
Brother Urusov came and we talked about worldly vanities.
The countess looked with sad and sternly serious eyes at Prince Andrew when he talked to Natasha and timidly started some artificial conversation about trifles as soon as he looked her way.
After supper, over their cherry brandy, Rostov and "Uncle" talked of past and future hunts, of Rugay and Ilagin's dogs, while Natasha sat upright on the sofa and listened with sparkling eyes.
They talked of how they would live when they were married, how their husbands would be friends, and how happy they would be.
The prince's house did not belong to what is known as fashionable society, but his little circle--though not much talked about in town-- was one it was more flattering to be received in than any other.
All were silent or talked in low tones.
When he got there he leaned on his elbows and, smiling, talked to her for a long time.
Marya Dmitrievna talked to the count about something which they concealed from Natasha.
So she knows I am engaged, and she and her husband Pierre--that good Pierre--have talked and laughed about this.
One of Pierre's acquaintances, while they were talking about the weather, asked if he had heard of Kuragin's abduction of Rostova which was talked of in the town, and was it true?
Prince Andrew talked incessantly, arguing now with his father, now with the Swiss tutor Dessalles, and showing an unnatural animation, the cause of which Pierre so well understood.
Boris, coolly looking at Helene's dazzling bare shoulders which emerged from a dark, gold-embroidered, gauze gown, talked to her of old acquaintances and at the same time, unaware of it himself and unnoticed by others, never for an instant ceased to observe the Emperor who was in the same room.
But he had begun talking, and the more he talked the less could he control his words.
While the horses were being harnessed Alpatych and Ferapontov over their tea talked of the price of corn, the crops, and the good weather for harvesting.
Here, at the extreme left flank, Bennigsen talked a great deal and with much heat, and, as it seemed to Pierre, gave orders of great military importance.
They waited for him from four till six o'clock and did not begin their deliberations all that time but talked in low tones of other matters.
Only someone's orderly passed through the gateway, splashing through the mud, and talked to the innkeeper.
Animated by that address Anna Pavlovna's guests talked for a long time of the state of the fatherland and offered various conjectures as to the result of the battle to be fought in a few days.
They spoke of the war, and like everyone else unconsciously exaggerated their sorrow about it; they spoke of their last meeting--Nicholas trying to change the subject--they talked of the governor's kind wife, of Nicholas' relations, and of Princess Mary's.
Having wept, talked, and wiped away their tears, the two friends went together to Prince Andrew's door.
He liked to talk and he talked well, adorning his speech with terms of endearment and with folk sayings which Pierre thought he invented himself, but the chief charm of his talk lay in the fact that the commonest events--sometimes just such as Pierre had witnessed without taking notice of them--assumed in Karataev's a character of solemn fitness.
He talked to them and discussed something trivial.
Denisov talked in whispers with the esaul and the Cossacks rode past Petya and Denisov.
Natasha had grown thin and pale and physically so weak that they all talked about her health, and this pleased her.
Kutuzov never talked of "forty centuries looking down from the Pyramids," of the sacrifices he offered for the fatherland, or of what he intended to accomplish or had accomplished; in general he said nothing about himself, adopted no pose, always appeared to be the simplest and most ordinary of men, and said the simplest and most ordinary things.
Previously he had talked a great deal, grew excited when he talked, and seldom listened; now he was seldom carried away in conversation and knew how to listen so that people readily told him their most intimate secrets.
They talked of what Pierre had told them.
Though Princess Mary and Natasha were evidently glad to see their visitor and though all Pierre's interest was now centered in that house, by the evening they had talked over everything and the conversation passed from one trivial topic to another and repeatedly broke off.
She talked only because she physically needed to exercise her tongue and lungs.
We talked about expressing one 's religiosity in a way not to touch another person.
Of course, despite the nonsense talked about the reshuffle, Blair is indeed rewriting the constitution from above.
On a number of forums and groups self-proclaimed design experts have talked of how the new logo breaks the 'rules of design '.
Celtic writers talked about worshipping God with the " five stringed harp " meaning all five senses.
He believes that he must have talked his mother into the suicide pact.
According to Rauschning Hitler often talked about the Aryan Superman having a Cyclops eye.
I recently got to meet Apple 's global iPod marketing supremo, who talked me through the specs of the new machine.
He talked very little, and seemed all the more mysterious for his taciturn manner.
Fortified by many tankards of ale I talked with the gathered company.
And you 're the only one who knows what the doctors you talked to said, and what their qualifications with patellar tendinitis are.
There are many talked about features at Privilege including, Transvestites on trapezes, live sex on the stage, and fire breathing dwarfs.
There 's been a lot of pious twaddle talked about this matter.
After dinner his illegitimate majesty and myself had a walk, and talked as well as my twopenny Samoan would admit.
They were little gangster wannabes who talked tough and had n't a clue about the art of death.
He wheezed when he walked, and spluttered food when he talked.
He never talked aboot it, wis still the same auld da, gaun tae his work, cairryin on in the hoose.
The story got really scary when it talked about the phantom that was seen in the old barn.
If you've talked to proponents of either cloth or disposable diapers, you might have discovered that they are emphatically in one corner or the other.
Charlotte talked about this product with LoveToKnow.
Meg recently talked to LoveToKnow about her best-selling line of baby books as well as her Baby Sense products.
The terms herbs and spices are often used interchangeably, or you'll hear them both together even when only herbs or only spices are being talked about.
I know I have talked about safety before, but as I have found out first hand, you can never be too careful.
For a drink that is talked about so much, it's surprising just how few people have actually ever tasted one - except for Derby goers, of course.
When photovoltaics (PVs) off grid is talked about, what people are referring to is a power supply, usually solar, that is not in any way connected to a main power grid.
I watched the program and found this mineral makeup stuff pretty fascinating with the flawless coverage they talked about and demonstrated.
Naomi Campbell's perfumes and lotions may not be the most talked about.
Kat remembers her mother as a beautiful woman, but when she put on makeup, Kat noticed a discernable difference in how she talked, walked and smiled.
No one likes being talked at and opening up two-way communication greatly increases your chances of getting a response.
When we talked about it she told me that she had never thought about me in that way and that she had always just thought of me as a great someone to go to.
I've talked to many boys but none ever made me want to make a serious until my boyfriend.
The third well... he is known for breaking up with a girl after about a week and hooking up with someone else the next day, but I've talked to him before and he's really funny, kinda sweet and extremely hot!
For most, the ultimate goal is to create a memorable legacy that will be talked about by class members and even underclassmen for days, weeks, and even years to come.
A reception held at a California winery is sure to be talked about for a long time to come.
I got there a little early so I talked to the bartender, who used to be a stripper, about classic Russian authors and Hemingway.
You supply the cupcakes and frosting, and designer kits from places like Cupcake Cuties gives you everything else you need -- embellishments and wrapper sleeves -- to make the most talked about centerpieces of your next party.
The young star talked to LoveToKnow Celebrities about her childhood, her life in Hollywood, and her upcoming endeavors.
The post, which has since been removed, also talked about how Barker lost his mother at an early age and wants nothing but the best for his children.
Janet made those decisions, but talked to us about them first, and in general, we were okay with them.
One of the most talked about of celebrity couples in recent years has been Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.
In a world with too few positive role models, this young actress talked about the experience of having little girls tell her that Betty's character lets them know that they have value and worth even if they are not pretty.
Although the two have talked about marriage in the past, there have been no comments as to whether Warren and Alba will wed before or after the baby is born.
Conaway will be returning to give sobriety another try in season two of the much talked about show.
Hudson has always talked about how close she was to her family and how her siblings kept her "grounded" amidst her rise to fame.
Lauren talked to Lo about it and, of course, the ever manipulative Lo (how does Lauren not see this) basically told her to cut Audrina out of her life.
The Hogan's respective legal teams have talked about liquidating their many assets like a Scarab power boat, a Rolls Royce and their two homes worth nearly $10 million combined, to name just a few.
Yes, we're all kind of sick of hearing about the Gosselins, but hey, they don't seem to be going anywhere soon and as long as they choose to remain in the spotlight, they're going to be talked about, right?
The 21-year old finally talked about the incident because she basically wanted to speak out for victims of domestic violence everywhere, namely, her fans.
This was one of the most talked about deaths and celebrity autopsies of the decade.
In the early 1990s, Jennifer Grey got that much talked about nose job that so drastically altered her appearance, that even her acquaintances reportedly had trouble recognizing her.
Successful celebrities can get past these distractions, however, and deliver memorable love scenes that are talked about for years to come.
The business-management Web site talked with recruiters at several top companies and higher-education boards to find out which online MBA degrees held the most credibility.
Other customers, some of them long time users of Canidae, reported that the representatives that they had talked to at customer service were difficult, uncaring or unhelpful.
These ruffs became somewhat ridiculous in the amount of stiffness and size; a writer of the time, Webster, talked about a man carrying himself "...monstrous steady for fear of breaking."
LoveToKnow Organic recently talked to Sarvar Azimjanovich, co-founder of the organic wool bedding company Sleep and Beyond.
LoveToKnow talked to Marita Aikonen, director of Design for Old Navy Women's Plus division.
She was also a guest star on TV's America's Next Top Model, where she talked with contestants about self-esteem and body image issues.
Internet safety is something that should be talked about in the classroom.
Once the process has been repeated enough times for all the men to have talked to all the women, the sheets are turned in.
After you've found Franklin and talked to him go the Wishing Well and steal the knife and fork from the table.
The mood was pretty light considering the lottery system and most of the customers I talked to said they liked that idea better because it gave anybody a chance to get one.
Many people I've talked to refer to their wine refrigerator as a chiller - not so!
Mothers with more access to their babies in the hospital developed better rapport with their infants, held them more comfortably, and smiled at and talked to them more often.
Most teenagers who have mood disorders believe their problems are too hard or embarrassing to talk about, so it is important for a helper to show they can be trusted and talked to.
Hair extensions used to be something no one talked about, but now celebrities such as Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie all use them.
Now that we've talked about my qualifications, do you have any concerns about me being able to do a good job in this position?
You also talked about how you overcame your weakness, and how you still strive towards self improvement.
Many people are still wary of online mortgages because of the scams that are talked about on the news.
Jessica has talked to the media and is excited about her impending motherhood, like many other women.
They probably have already referred patients to an implant dentist and so they have have seen the quality of the work and have talked to their patient about the experience.
The much talked about Brazilian wax is a must.
The Neat Sheet Ground Cover, talked about at Ask the Plant Lady, is considered a sand-resistant, rather than a sandless blanket.
Although the ad campaign only ran for a few months after the The Hal Riney & Partners Ad Agency in San Francisco set it into motion back in 1991, it's still talked about today.
For such a simple item, it's become as talked about as a celebrity couple.
A Snuggie fashion show, held during New York's Fashion Week, was only attended by 12 people, but was talked about so much on Twitter that it could be considered a massive hit.
Let alone merely talked about, the dress was voted worst of the night by many fashion outlets.
The show about nothing is how Jerry Seinfeld sold his TV idea, and after many seasons on the air and quite a few off, the show is still being talked about so it makes sense that a game is made from it.
LoveToKnow Christmas talked with Ever-Green Seasons representative Tanya Kobilyatsky about what makes these products so innovative.
Today's teens chat online the way earlier generations talked on the phone.
Here you can seek out the woman you shared a smile with on the subway or the man you talked to at the bar last night.
LoveToKnow talked with Tasha about her motivation for starting the site, her experiences with it, and her advice for women still out there on the dating scene.
Any guy who's talked about can create a username and password and post his story to the site.
Then turn the lights back on and perform what you just talked about.
Well that time has come and we talked about doing it on our 2-year anniversary that is in 3 weeks.
For the next year, we talked everyday by phone and we alternated bi-monthly visits to the other's home state.
I met a guy over a year ago and we talked about having kids at the time.
Finally I agreed and went to his house, watched a movie and we talked when I realized I could possibly date him.
While no one I've talked to thinks he has a girlfriend, deep down I think he is seeing someone else just from his actions lately.
I was raised better than that, so that's not it; he and I even talked about this issue.
We talked until 4 a.m. He was so sweet, never pressured me, and called me everyday just to talk and "hear my voice."
So we talked for 10 minutes and he asked me for advice about an issue he had.
How would you feel if you talked with someone for a month, then showed your photo and never heard from him or her again?
I'll bet neither of you talked about how you would negotiate differences or how the two of you react to stress or how difficult decisions would get made.
The last two days he hasn't talked to all.
We should have talked about our issues before she came to visit and instead the same pattern occurred, except this time my demons came out.
We finally talked a bit a couple nights ago, just about what is going on with each other, a lot of laughter.
I met her once and she talked so bad about him, but he wants to take care of his children.
We talked casually, which opened a window for the both of us that we seem to both be shying away.
I've talked to him about the situation and how I feel.
I have been dating this guy for a month but we talked about dating way before we officially started to date.
And again, if you thought people talked about your relationship while you were dating, wait until they find out the two of you have split up.
We've talked about going to counseling, but is our relationship even salvageable?
Now we are together and though we have talked through everything and want to make it work, things just don't seem right.
While you believe that the two of you have talked through everything, the fact that "things just don't seem right" tells me that you and your wife aren't finished talking.
You say that "we have talked through everything and want to make it work, but things just don't seem right."
However, if the gift was talked about and used often then that should tell you something about what your partner likes.
I assume that you have talked with your girlfriend about enlisting in the military.
I met a great man on an Internet site; we talked online for weeks.
Then started talking on the phone, and a week or so later met ta a cafe and talked for a hours.
We've known each other almost all our lives but never talked.
We've talked a little since then, but I think about this everyday, multiple times.
He told me that you just started to email him and he has not talked to you in a long time.
If he is cheating, most likely he has talked with the other woman on his cell phone.
I also talked with the guy and he even gives me the same story.
I have talked to him about me not being ready but he says that I am.
Finances should be talked about from the first date, in the early stages of the relationship - for assessing as talked about in the question above.
We both love each other, have talked about getting married, and how our life in the future will be.
We have talked about my feelings and he always says he hears me but a part of me doesn't believe that.
It's usually a good thing to do after you've had a few dates and talked for a while - you want to err on the side of caution.
For example, Anais Nin is well known for her writing about her affair with Henry Miller, but very little is talked about her relationships with women other than that they happened.
Then I called my friend Bob and we talked about how we played video games all day and then we went out to a small bar right down the street from the old supermarket but we didn't have a good time."
If you've talked to her, surprised her, been nice to her and spent time with her and she's been receptive to all of that, chances are, she will be receptive to you telling her you like her.
It may feel like you've talked about it for pages and pages of text - but unless your partner is reading it as well, you're not talking to the most important person who needs to hear what you have to say.
If you haven't talked to your ex lately and you miss him or her, spend some time reconnecting and see if there is still a spark.
Life & Style Magazine reported that Kim talked to Schwartz about being inspired by Elizabeth Taylor's cushion cut Krupp diamond.
Scorpio's tendency towards jealousy is widely talked about within the field of astrology.
I've talked to enough parents who have lost precious parts of themselves while busy taking care of the needs of others.
We also wanted to help parents relax and not feel judged or talked down to as many parent "advice" books can do.
Later, a friend ran up to her, scared out of her mind, and told her that the spirit of the board had talked of throwing her downstairs.
Savalas discovered the man had also written down his phone number, so he called it and talked with a woman who became very upset when he asked for the man.
Recently, Loyd Auerbach talked with LoveToKnow Paranormal about his work as a parapsychologist in a two-part interview.
LoveToKnow Save talked with Razmara about the barter process and how Favorpals brings people together.
Fashion blogs talked about men in high heels as well, inviting many different opinions on the matter.
The episode remains one of the most talked about in the history of the television show.
The controversial character is one of the most talked about on daytime as the fans wait impatiently for the answer to will Adam get caught on Young and the Restless?
The season finales for Grey's Anatomy are always talked about with themes such as a previously straight character turning to a homosexual relationship and two favorite characters flatlining.
Be on guard to not allow yourself to get talked into a larger or more complicated cross tattoo than you originally hoped to get.
This tattoo style is often preferred mainly by women because it can become "pretty" or "feminine" and a piece that can easily be talked about and displayed.
This will be golden information when you call contacts, reminding them where you met and talked about, creating a favorable impression that you're someone who pays attention and that they were important to you..
If you and the interviewer talked about a specific subject, include an article on the topic.
One IT director LoveToKnow Business talked with thought handwritten notes were "creepy."
However, one form of mini business cards is becoming a much talked about topic and conversation starter.
Purchasing a car you can't afford or being talked into buying such a vehicle can end up in late payments or even repossession.
Your transaction is with the dealer, so the rebate should not be a factor in the price of your car.Once you've settled on a purchase price and talked about the rebate, you'll have to decide how you want to use it.
In a recent Glycemic Index Interview with Dr. Shari Lieberman, author of the book Transition Lifestyle System Gycemic Index Food Guide, she talked about the program which she endorses.
Today many of the people who express an interest in the diet, are looking for a way to lose weight fast, and while this is one aspect of the diet Burroughs promoted, he also talked of how it worked to detoxify the body.
The health benefits of apple cider vinegar have been talked about for centuries.
Although these shirts are much talked about - and laughed about - they are not easy to find for sale.
While the original lyrics talked about a man potentially cheating on his girlfriend, Rahzel turns it into a girl interested in a no-good guy and what her mother would do if she were to find out.
Andersson most recently finished his fourth tour with the band, which included a marathon 26 shows in 30 days and a much talked about skit on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
The second controversy was much less talked about and involves his cover of John Lennon's Imagine.
He talked her up to record executives, who started to come to her shows.
Hot N Cold, for example, features a West Side Story-esque dance scene that many have talked about in the media.
The song the Quinceanera dances to should mean something special to her and her family, especially when considering it will be videotaped and talked about for years to come.
Though it was much talked about - and had plenty of controversy surrounding it - CBS did NOT pick up Kid Nation for a second season, leaving Bonanza City, New Mexico a ghost town once again.
Vanessa's attack on Brandi was much talked about.That's Amore is a competitive dating show with former contestant Domenico, who was eliminated in Episode 4 of season one.
He also took her to meet some former gang members who talked to her about the dangers of the lifestyle.
Betty initially declined TLC's offer to star in a reality TV show, but her husband talked her into it by pointing out that their participation might help their young daughter, Rebecca, who has Cerebral Palsy.
There are many interviews of the celebrities about the show not associated with Celebrity Ghost Stories, so you can get some insight about the show and the events they talked about.
A couple of the dates were doomed from the start, including one in which the woman talked incessantly about finding a husband and settling down.
Viewer numbers talked, and the show broke records for MTV.
He likely could have talked his way into the jury's good graces, but he chose instead to be cocky and act deserving.
The couple never went anywhere without a chaperone and rarely talked on the phone alone without other family members involved in the conversation.
Their leaders talked and talked and talked but nothing could stem the avalanche.
Starring Keanu Reeves as Thomas Anderson aka Neo, Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus, and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity, it was one of the most talked about films of the year, and inserted a number of concepts into the culture.
It's only natural that a program that is so engaging will be widely talked about in the blogosphere.
In an interview with ABC she talked about the experience of wearing a one-piece uniform for a sponsor.
Vannevar Bush, the author, talked about how the methods of the time were no different than those used hundreds of years earlier, in the era of "square rigged ships."
Talking about it might help her, but they had already talked the subject lifeless.
Each of them hugged him and talked briefly to Destiny.
It was Alex who talked her into the IVF, but what did it matter?