Talc Sentence Examples
The product of talc and soapstone in 1908 was 19,616 short tons, valued at $458,252.
Talc also is widely distributed in the state; the most extensive beds are in the south-western counties, Swain and Cherokee.
Once done sprinkle talc onto the exposed glued surface of the veneer so to avoid permanently bonding the veneer onto the ' press ' .
It appeared that these symptoms recurred each time he injected intravenously a mixture of drugs containing talc.
Give her a warm bath for 10 minutes before, dry her then apply the anti-friction talc and plenty of lubricant.
This is an area of very specialized products, including talc, industrial garnets, and zinc.
I used water or baby lotion and cotton wool to clean her bum and a sprinkling of Johnson's baby talc.
Once done sprinkle talc onto the exposed glued surface of the veneer so to avoid permanently bonding the veneer onto the ' press '.
The pressure estimated from the talc peaks was 2 GPa.
There is no oil, talc, synthetic preservatives, or fragrance.
AdvertisementThis line has no parabens, bismuth oxychloride, gluten, or talc.
Their mineral makeup is a true natural product with no preservatives, talc, oil, waxes, fragrances or other chemicals.
It contains no unnecessary fillers, oils, perfumes, dyes, or talc.
These include talc to provide softness and smoothness, and Silica which helps to absorb oils from the skin.
The minerals are refined to a dust-like substance, and the products contain broad spectrum sun protection and are free of irritants like dye, oil, talc, alcohol and perfume.
AdvertisementModern mineral makeup is weightless, free of talc and additives, fillers, preservatives, fragrance and numerous other skin irritants found in most color cosmetics.
Free of chemicals, dyes, perfume, preservatives, talc, mineral oils and other potentially harmful ingredients, mineral makeup is known for its skin-nourishing properties.
Mineral makeup as seen on TV is said to have no talc, preservatives, oil, nor fragrance.
This natural source of color makes it possible to get long-lasting, natural color without the use of oils, talc, waxes or chemicals.
These fine cosmetic products don't contain fillers, oil or talc, but do provide 100 percent true color.
AdvertisementCeramic tiles are made from clay, talc and other natural materials and once formed are fired under intense heat.
Ceramic tiles are made primarily from clay, but can sometimes contain other natural materials like talc.
It also contains no oil, talc, wax or fragrance.
Thus, they use no parabens, propylene glycol, aluminum, talc, alcohol or petroleum.
The value of the clay products, lime and talc, decreased from $245,378 in 1907 to $112,815 in 1908.
AdvertisementNear Talcville, in St Lawrence county, is a large deposit of fibrous talc. In 1908 the total value of the state's talc product was $ 6 97,39 0, almost one-half the total for the entire country.
Glass and other sands and gravel ($13,270,032), lime ($11,091,186), phosphate rock ($10,653,558), salt ($7,553,632), natural mineral waters ($7,287,269), sulphur ($6,668,215, almost wholly from Louisiana), slate ($6,316,8 I7), gypsum ($4,138,560), clay ($2,599,986), asphalt ($1,888,881), talc and soapstone ($1,401,222), borax ($975,000, all from California), and pyrite ($857,113) were the next most important products in 1908.
Grindstones, building-stone, talc, gypsum, marble and phosphates are also produced.
Magnesium is found widely distributed in nature, chiefly in the forms of silicate, carbonate and chloride, and occurring in the minerals olivine, hornblende, talc, asbestos, meerschaum, augite, dolomite, magnesite, carnallite, kieserite and kainite.
From these rocks in the Ottawa valley are quarried or mined granite, marble, magnificent blue sodalite, felspar, talc, actinolite, mica, apatite, graphite and corundum; the latter mineral, which occurs on a larger scale here than elsewhere, is rapidly replacing emery as an abrasive.
Crystal is a noted product of Korea, and talc of good quality is also present.
The black variety of cochineal is sometimes sold for silver cochineal by shaking it with powdered talc or heavy-spar; but these adulterations can be readily detected by means of a lens.
The primary rocks which appear at Mitushev Kamen are overlaid with thick beds of quartzites and clayslates containing sulphide of iron, with subordinate layers of talc or mica slate, and thinner beds of fossiliferous limestone, Silurian or Devonian.
Minerals which were not mined commercially in 1902 include asbestos, which occurs in Spartanburg and Pickens counties; fullers'-earth; graphite in Spartanburg and Greenville counties; iron ores in the north and north-west portions of the state; iron pyrites in Spartanburg and York counties; talc, bismuth, ochre, pyrites, ' galena, brown coal, malachite, phosphate of lead and barytes.
The only time I suffered any kind of leak was the one time I failed to use talc.
I used water or baby lotion and cotton wool to clean her bum and a sprinkling of Johnson 's baby talc.
It is the hardest known substance (though tantalum, or an alloy of tantalum now competes with it) and is chosen as io in the mineralogist's scale of hardness; but the difference in hardness between diamond (io) and corundum (9) is really greater than that between corundum (9) and talc (1); there is a difference in the hardness of the different faces; the Borneo stones are also said to be harder than those of Australia, and the Australian harder than the African, but this is by no means certain.