Taking-place Sentence Examples
Saturday and Sunday were both productive days with four sessions taking place each day.
From these facts,, and from those of the sporogony, to be described below, we may regard budding to this type as taking place from the germinal epithelium rather than from ordinary ectoderm.
Similar turgescence changes, taking place with similar rapidity in the midrib of the leaf of Dionaea, explainthe closing of the lobes upon their hinge.
He was, however, the first to show clearly that the Ratitae are the retrograde descendants of flying ancestors, that the various groups of surviving Ratitae are, as such, a polyphyletic group, and he has gone fully into the interesting question of the development and subsequent loss of the power of flight, a loss which has taken place not only in different orders of birds but also at various geological periods, and is still taking place.
The custom of collective flagellation was introduced into the monastic houses, the ceremony taking place every Friday after confession.
We cannot, therefore, admit that the source of the heat in the sun is to be found in any chemical combination taking place in its mass.
This is an inappreciable distance when compared with the diameter of the sun, which is nearly a million of miles, but the significance for our present purpose depends upon the fact that this contraction is always taking place.
In the case of many Oligochaeta where there is no vascular network surrounding the nephridium, this function must be the chief one of those glands, the more elaborate process of excretion taking place in the case of nephridia surrounded by a rich plexus of blood capillaries.
In the prose version, Lancelot, from his first appearance at court, conceives a passion for the queen, who is very considerably his senior, his birth taking place some time after her marriage to Arthur.
Many of the species are in process of extinction, owing to the extensive changes tha.t are taking place in the natural conditions of the world by the extension of human population and of cultivation, and by the destruction of forests; hence it is probable that a considerable proportion of the species at present existing will disappear from the face of the earth before we have discovered or preserved any specimens of them.
AdvertisementThe first execution recorded under this law took place in 1541, and the right was exercised in Halifax longer than in any other town, the last execution taking place in 1650.
They must watch demand, be able to form reasonable anticipations of its move ments, and at the same time know the existing stocks of cotton, the sales taking place from day to day, and the best forecasts of the coming supplies.
As the cost of dealing in " futures " is only one shilling on each transaction for a member of the Cotton Exchange (the outsider is charged in addition a commission by his broker), it is not surprising that the transactions taking place in " futures " number legion.
While these things were taking place around them, the Christians of the kingdom of Jerusalem only hastened their own fall by internal dissensions which repeated the history of the period preceding 1187.
In the Malay Peninsula itself there is abundant evidence, ethnological and philological, of at least two distinct immigrations of people of the Malayan stock, the earlier incursions, it is probable, taking place from the eastern archipelago to the south, the later invasion spreading across the Straits of Malacca from Sumatra at a comparatively recent date.
AdvertisementA formal transfer to Japan was made in June of the same year in pursuance of the treaty, the ceremony taking place on board ship outside Kelung, as the Chinese commissioners did not venture to land.
Although loss of flight (correlated with more or less reduction of the wings and the sternal keel, and often compensated by stronger hind limbs) has occurred, and is still taking place in various groups of birds, it is quite impossible that a new Ratite can still come into existence, because the necessary primitive substratum, whence arose the true Ratitae, is no longer available.
Although the cost of transport from the remote forest regions of some districts is a serious consideration, this is not likely to be operative in reducing production until there has been a considerable and permanent fall in price, by which time new areas in those countries in which planting is now taking place will probably have come into bearing.
When coagulated in water, the mass is placed in vats in the ground and allowed to dry, this taking place in about a fortnight.
This crocin is a red colouring matter, and it is surmised that the red colour of the stigmas is due to this reaction taking place in nature.
AdvertisementThe only Ottoman detachments which during the 7th and 8th confronted the two British divisions that had made a descent on this locality were those which had been on guard on the spot when the landing was taking place.
The reduction is not due to electrolysis, but to the action of carbon on alumina, a part of the carbon in the charge being consumed and evolved as carbon monoxide gas, which burns at the orifice in the cover so long as reduction is taking place.
Natural arrest of haemorrhage arises from (I) the coagulation of the blood itself, (2) the diminution of the heart's action as in fainting, (3) changes taking place in the cut vessel causing its retraction and contraction.
One steadily exercised influence is constantly at work, for the shores bordering the Pacific Ocean are slowly though appreciably rising, while on the side of the Japan Sea a corresponding subsidence is taking place.
When this building of railways began in Japan, much discussion was taking place in England and India as to the relative advantages of the wide and narrow gauges, and so strongly did the arguments in favor of the latter appeal to the English advisers of the Japanese government that the metre gauge was chosen.
AdvertisementThese halts in temperature that occur during the cooling of a mixture should be carefully noted, as they give valuable information concerning the physical and chemical changes that are taking place.
Meanwhile a corresponding change was taking place in the attitude of the educated classes owing to the spread of Greek literature.
He followed James to England on his accession, but was the same year nominated to the see of Glasgow, his consecration in London, however, not taking place until October 1610.
Her voyage to Scotland was interrupted by a violent storm - for the raising of which several Danish and Scottish witches were burned or executed - which drove her on the coast of Norway, whither the impatient James came to meet her, the marriage taking place at Opslo (now Christiania) on the 23rd of November.
They may exclude one another, exist so to speak in a condition of armed neutrality to one another, without being positively thereby related to one another or altered by any change taking place in any of them.
It makes no mention of the death of Achilles, but hints at its taking place "before the Scaean gates."
The troops in the capital were won over (the same troops who had effected the revolution of the previous year), and on April 1 2 they demanded that the constitution should be subject to Mahommedan sacred law, and great demonstrations, attended by fighting, taking place against the Government.
During the first two weeks of April, while Constantinople was in the throes of revolution, serious events were taking place in Adana, the prosperous capital of the Cilician plain.
It was not until the 1st of July 1907 that the letters-patent conferring self-government on the colony were promulgated, the election for the legislative assembly taking place in November following.
The peaceful internal development of Siam seemed also likely to be favoured by the events that were taking place outside her frontiers.
It possesses a strong ammoniacal smell, and on digestion with alcohol the carbamate is dissolved and a residue of ammonium bicarbonate is left; a similar decomposition taking place when the sesquicarbonate is exposed to air.
It championed the rights of private ownership against Socialism, and combated the anti-Rome movement which was taking place throughout the republic. In foreign affairs it supported the Government.
It should be added that the process of development, the gastrulation as it is termed, may be shortened by the immigration of cells taking place C From Balfour, after Kowalewsky.
But the events which were taking place in Europe made it imperative to send home a part of the army of Africa, and Medea had to be evacuated.
It is soluble in a solution of caustic potash, a dilute solution most probably containing the hypoiodite, which, however, changes slowly into iodate, the change taking place rapidly on warming.
In general, churchwardens are appointed in Easter week, usually Easter Monday or Easter Tuesday, but in new parishes the first appointment must be within twenty-one days after the consecration of the church, or two calendar months after the formation of the parish, subsequent appointments taking place at the usual time for the appointment of parish officers.
Pams, his inauguration taking place on Feb.
After the conclusion of the Armistice Poincare made a tour in Alsace and Lorraine, his official entrance into Metz taking place on Dec. 4 1918.
At its first metamorphosis it produces a caterpillar, then a bombylius and lastly a chrysalis - all these changes taking place within six months.
Olszewski, and illustrated for the first time in public the liquefaction of oxygen and air, by means of apparatus specially designed for optical projection so that the actions taking place might be visible to the audience.
The development of the Roman chancery is also a characteristic sign of the evolution that was taking place.
In strychnine poisoning trismus or lockjaw is generally secondary to spasm of the other muscles, while in tetanus it is usually the first symptom, no relaxation taking place between the spasms.
The "tangential arcs" (T) were explained by Young as being caused by the thin plates with their axes horizontal, refraction taking place through alternate faces.
Retribution in human history is recognized, but attention is specially concentrated on the final judgment, which is usually conceived as taking place in two stages.
A severe storm effected, however, a complete disaster without any actual engagement taking place.
Any one of these soon comes to rest on a host-cell, and either pierces it and empties its contents into its cavity, where the further development occurs (Olpidium), or merely sends in delicate protoplasmic filaments (Rhizophydium) or a short hyphal tube of, at most, two or three cells, which acts as a haustorium, the further development taking place outside the cell-wall of the host (Chytridium).
It is thus a dialogue within a dialogue, after the manner of Plato, but a conversation of sufficient length to occupy several days (though represented as taking place in one) could not be conveyed in a style similar to the short conversations of Socrates.
About the same time great national movements seem to have been taking place farther east.
His position was becoming gradually weaker when in 1051 he invaded Hungary, where a reaction against German influence was taking place.
The leading manufactures are ginghams, tweeds and shirtings, and the town is also an important agricultural centre, stock sales taking place at regular intervals and cattle and horse fairs being held every year.
Its further development will be fostered by the improvement of communications which is taking place.
Roman taxcensuses, taking place every fifteenth year, probably originated in Egypt, in A.D.
A parliamentary commission was appointed in 1881 to investigate the causes of the disastrous subsidences which are constantly taking place in all the salt districts, and the provision of a remedy.
But in those forms where curving must take place in different directions the layers or fibres of metal are made to glide over one another, extension taking place in some layers but not in others, and this goes on without producing much reduction in the thickness.
Phosphorus pentachloride converts them into alkyl chlorides, a similar decomposition taking place when they are heated with the haloid acids.
When evolution to that which is taking place in double stars; the latter appear to be separating from a single original mass and the former condensing into one.
If it is merely the aggregate of the stars, each star or small group of stars may be a practically independent unit, its birth and development taking place without any relation to the evolution of the whole.
The plates are placed in a vessel full of insulating oil which prevents the glow or brush discharge taking place over their edges.
It is obvious that the motions of a pair of points may be varied in any manner, whether by direct or by lateral deviation, and yet that their comparative motion may remain constant, in consequence of the deviations taking place in the same proportions, in the same directions and at the same instants for both points.
These wines, therefore, require very careful handling in order to prevent undesirable secondary fermentations taking place at a later period.
The vintage on the Rhine is, in order to permit the grapes to acquire the " over-ripeness " necessary to the peculiar character of the wines, generally very late, rarely taking place before the end of October.
In it Oersted describes the action he considers is taking place around 2 Faraday discussed the chemical theory of the pile and arguments in support of it in the 8th and 16th series of his Experimental Researches on Electricity.
Lord Kelvin showed that Faraday's discovery demonstrated that some form of rotation was taking place along lines of magnetic force when passing through a medium.'
In 1864 it was chartered as a town and was made the county-seat, succeeding Georgetown (then a flourishing town, which speedily fell into decay), the transfer of the offices taking place in 1865.
As he sat on the judgment-seat, ` the deep thought betrayed in his furrowed brow - the large eyebrows, overhanging eyes that seemed to regard more what was taking place within than around him - his calmness, that would have assumed a character of sternness but for its perfect placidity - his dignity, repose and venerable age, tended at once to win confidence and to inspire respect ' (Townsend).
Whilst a political and national revival was taking place in Moldavia and Walachia, towards the beginning of the 19th century, the Latin movement went on in Transylvania.
The reactions taking place in the vitriol chambers are very complicated, and have been explained in many different ways.
Here he first interpreted the process of digestion, which he proved to be no mere mechanical process of trituration, but one of actual solution, taking place primarily in the stomach, by the action of the gastric juice.
It so happened that some bad harvests had temporarily increased the difficulties of the tenantry, and there was no doubt that large numbers of evictions were taking place in Ireland.
The winter whitening of mammals is, therefore, precisely similar to the senile bleaching of human hair, no shift of the coat taking place.
There is very little doubt that the general course of the decompositions follows these iines; but any such simple explanation of the actions taking place is rendered impossible by the fact that, instead of the breaking-down of the hydrocarbons being completed in the coal, and only secondary reactions taking place in the retort, in practice the hydrocarbons to a great extent leave the coal as the vapours of condensible hydrocarbons, and the breaking down of these to such simple gaseous compounds as ethylene is proceeding in the retort at the same time as the breaking up of the ethylene already formed into acetylene and methane, and the polymerization of the former into higher compounds.
The lower section of the Don is subject to two annual floods, of which the earlier, known as the "cold water," is caused by the melting of the snow in the country of the Don Cossacks, and the later, or the "warm water," is due to the same process taking place in the region drained by the upper parts of the stream.
We may observe, too, that the Stoics rejected the divergence which we have seen gradually taking place in Platonic-Aristotelian thought from the position of Socrates, " that no one aims at what he knows to be bad."
These processes, it must be noticed, are not to be conceived as successive, or as taking place in time; they are to be looked at sub specie aeternitatis, as the necessary elements or moments in the self-evolution of the divine Being.
AsCl4CH3, AsCl3(CH3)2, on heating break down, with separation of methyl chloride and formation of compounds of the type AsX3 the breaking down taking place more readily the fewer the number of methyl groups in the compound.
But the result of taking these into account is far from being in accordance with the facts, and experiments of Lord Rayleigh and Paul Drude make it probable that we ought to assume that the transition from one medium to another, though taking place in a distance amounting to about one fiftieth of a wave-length, is gradual instead of abrupt.
It must be specially noticed, however, that it is not the friction between A and B that has prevented motion, this only prevented A moving on B, - it is the force which keeps B stationary, whatever that may be, which has finally prevented any motion taking place.
These form the continental watershed, but in this region erosion is taking place so rapidly that the day is not far distant when Lakes La Plata and Fontana, situated to the east at a height of 3000 ft.
The yield obtained is only about 40% of that required by theory, on account of secondary reactions taking place.
It is thought that it may have been derived from the Roman Terminalia, a festival celebrated on the 22nd of February in honour of Terminus, the god of landmarks, to whom cakes and wine were offered, sports and dancing taking place at the boundaries.
Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday.
The dust was finally settling, but already he could feel a small aftershock, taking place beneath his feet.
And the bloody Bacchanalia taking place in Chechnya today is called a counterterrorist operation in the language of Russian chekists.
A demonstration will be taking place this Thursday in solidarity with those campaigning against Europe's largest arms bazaar, DSEi.
In its revised format the Awards became biennial taking place every two years.
There may be problems with step kids, ex spouses or even some religious stumbling blocks for the marriage taking place.
The review is taking place as a result of a co-ordinated request from a number of organizations representing boaters, including IWA.
The changes taking place after 14 February 2006 only apply to chip and pin cardholders.
While the service was taking place a huge clod of snow slipped from the roof and fell right against the church door.
Some crematoria have a viewing area that overlooks the crematory, where you may witness the committal taking place.
Whenever you suspect that illegal coursing is taking place on your land contact the Police.
It was also the local courthouse with executions taking place there.
An increasing amount of human activity is now taking place within the computer generated space that we have come to call cyberspace.
The fundamental changes taking place in public services require equally deep-rooted changes in regulation.
But the role of both of them began to be partially eclipsed by events taking place barely a generation after Edward's papal canonization.
Branch visits give presidents a privileged insight into the wide range of exc ell ent planning activity currently taking place.
The planned roadshows are to advise employers of the changes taking place.
You will also consider energetics, which involves an analysis of energy exchanges taking place in chemical reactions.
The Ham & High reports on the number of basement excavations currently taking place in the posh suburb.
Fraud can also be linked to other serious criminal activity taking place outside the organization, including extortion and money laundering.
The address at which the alleged fraud may be taking place.
The formation of a new generation of stars is now taking place within this compressed gas in these outer shell structures.
It also seriously hinders or prevents many collaborations from taking place.
A poetically realized and deeply humane vision of war, concerned primarily with the people and the places affected by hostilities taking place elsewhere.
Twelve of the 14 have already started a hunger strike to focus attention on the injustice which is now taking place.
So economic reform is terribly important at this historic juncture with enlargement taking place as well.
A bicameral legislature came about thanks to gradual political reform, taking place in 1997.
This theme echoed the changes taking place in the immediate locality through the governments Urban Renaissance strategy.
There is a similar debate taking place in the USA in respect of irregular migration from Mexico.
Here we rested awhile, as we could hear the distant murmur of an open-air service taking place in the Baptistry.
Short-listed nominees will be announced in May, with the final taking place in June.
The center of the stones seemed to be permanently occupied by a rowdy group, preventing spiritual observances from taking place.
This seemed odd, given that the game was taking place in Munich.
On the pill, the hormones are given in a steady dose, which prevents ovulation from taking place.
His thought is that these birth pangs may begin in 1996, with the actual birth taking place in 1999?
This consists of sparking plug with a transparent top which enables you to see the color of the combustion taking place.
The inability of the planar molecules to stack up would prevent polymerization from taking place.
The annual proms in the Park Festival will be taking place on Saturday August 15th.
Interviews for full-time rangers would be taking place early next month.
Attempts to rectify these shortcomings are currently taking place.
Shrovetide games were taking place on the market square.
Could an inflation target regime have been introduced earlier on in the 1980s, when the main arguments about the ERM were taking place?
Concealed love trysts will be taking place all over, and will keep a bunch of insidious investigators active.
Many of the environments are very urban in style, taking place on abandoned streets in England or even training yards.
The Falmouth branch was the last GWR line to have its timber viaducts replaced, this work taking place during the 1930s.
In some neighborhoods, community safety walkabouts are taking place to identify improvements needed to reduce crime and fear of crime.
In fact PRC led a walkout when the voting on speakers was taking place.
There will be a live Webcast of the sessions taking place in the main room.
On the r4th of October 190r his eightieth birthday was celebrated in Berlin amid a brilliant gathering of men of science, part of the ceremonies taking place in the new Pathological Museum, near the Charite, which owes its existence mainly to his energy and powers of organization.
Now, whatever be the direction in which a body is moving, a frictionless constraint, like a string attached to the body, can cause its velocity to be changed into the vertical direction without any change taking place in the magnitude of the velocity.
He ascribed the reduction of resistance of the mass to a welding or cohering action taking place between the metallic particles, hence the name " coherer."
This duty occupied three days, negotiations between the two parties taking place over several disputed points, and it was completed by Friday the 19th, when several copies of the charter were sealed.
Mechanism and Function of StomataIt is not quite exact to speak of either the gaseous interchanges or the transpiration as taking place through the stomata.
The union taking place underground, while the bulk of both partners in the symbiosis rises into the air, renders the association a little difficult to see, but there is no doubt that the plants in question do afford each other assistance, forming, as it were, a kind of partnership. The most pronounced case of parasitism, that of Cuscuta, the dodder, which infests particularly clover fields, appears to differ only in degree from those mentioned, for the plant, bare of leaves as it is yet contair.s a little chlorophyll.
By way of reprisal land was taken from Polish owners and given to Russians, and settlements were established for colonization purposes - a measure of this kind taking place as late as 1913 - so that proportionately more convicts and political exiles were sent into Lithuania than even into Siberia.
Frederick was unable at first to persuade Henry Jasomirgott to abandon Bavaria, but in June 1154 he recognized the claim of Henry the Lion, who accompanied him on his first Italian campaign and distinguished himself in suppressing a rising at Rome, Henry's formal investiture as duke of Bavaria taking place in September 1156 on the emperor's return to Germany.
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) entered on his electrical studies with a desire to ascertain if the ideas of Faraday, so different from those of Poisson and the French mathematicians, could be made the foundation of a mathematical method and brought under the power of analysis.3 Maxwell started with the conception that all electric and magnetic phenomena are due to effects taking place in the dielectric or in the ether if the space be vacuous.
He formulated the conception, therefore, of electric charge as consisting in a displacement taking place in the dielectric or electromagnetic medium (see Electrostatics).
All change is a miracle to contemplate; but it is a miracle which is taking place every instant.
It was evident that her eyes did not see Princess Mary but were looking within... into herself... at something joyful and mysterious taking place within her.
But a complex and difficult process of internal development was taking place all this time in Pierre's soul, revealing much to him and causing him many spiritual doubts and joys.
When he had gone, taking his wife with him, and had settled down with her in their covered cart, the officers lay down in the tavern, covering themselves with their wet cloaks, but they did not sleep for a long time; now they exchanged remarks, recalling the doctor's uneasiness and his wife's delight, now they ran out into the porch and reported what was taking place in the covered trap.
While this was taking place in Petersburg the French had already passed Smolensk and were drawing nearer and nearer to Moscow.
But not only was it impossible to make out what was happening from where he was standing down below, or from the knoll above on which some of his generals had taken their stand, but even from the fleches themselves--in which by this time there were now Russian and now French soldiers, alternately or together, dead, wounded, alive, frightened, or maddened-- even at those fleches themselves it was impossible to make out what was taking place.
Disregarding the officers' orders, the soldiers stood leaning against their stretchers and gazing intently, as if trying to comprehend the difficult problem of what was taking place before them.
For a little while he was left alone and involuntarily witnessed what was taking place on the other two tables.
It was taking place at the English Club and someone near and dear to him sat at the end of the table.
The more closely a man was engaged in the events then taking place in Russia the less did he realize their significance.
With ever-growing horror, and no sense of joy or relief, he gazed at what was taking place.
When an event is taking place people express their opinions and wishes about it, and as the event results from the collective activity of many people, some one of the opinions or wishes expressed is sure to be fulfilled if but approximately.
I would now like to turn to the repositioning of the Company which I am pleased to report is taking place with increasing momentum.
This dataset was analyzed for the presence of opacity effects (resonant scattering) taking place in the star 's transition region.
Plans are already underway for next year 's reunion weekend, which will be taking place in March.
The next reversal of fortunes may already be taking place.
Were satanic rituals really taking place all around me?
According to these records, Shrovetide games were taking place on the market square.
Teleconferencing solutions for meetings taking place in several globally dispersed large venues.
Semi-finals will be held on 29 July, with the Final (to be televised live on Eurosport) taking place on 31 July.
Two sea anglers recently reported seeing pair trawling for bass taking place just two miles off Start Point, Devon.
Universities too would be unwise to ignore the changes taking place.
Already various forms of cultural interaction are taking place under the influence of the global market and global empire.
Programs vary in length from a single day to one year, taking place in either daytime of evening, weekday or Saturday.
There will be a live webcast of the sessions taking place in the main room.
Over the years, this material was transferred to the zoology collections, with the last transfer taking place in 1975.
The flashing, red alerts make loud sounds when a fire drill is taking place.
Auditions for the spring play will be taking place in the auditorium next week.
Toddlers are at that in-between age of realizing a major change is taking place in their lives without understanding why this change is happening and what it means to their lives.
During the first year of your infant's life, many hormonal changes and fluctuations are taking place.
Sign up for e-mail newsletters that will let you know when special events or sales are taking place.
Several P2P lending sites feature special sections designated for members who want to lend or borrow money with the stipulation that the transaction is taking place in a Christian manner.
They do, however, reduce the instances of additional fraudulent activity taking place.
Prevention is key, so once you determine that you are at risk for identity theft or fraud, you can implement the necessary measures to prevent the fraud from taking place.
Most experts do not believe that natural causes alone are substantial enough to result in the climate changes currently taking place on the planet.
Scientists have spent several decades studying global warming in an attempt to predict what changes will occur in the future and determine how man can slow or stop these changes from taking place.
Much of the deforestation currently taking place in countries such as Costa Rica and Brazil is for increasing grazing space for cattle.
If possible, arrange to have your husband and children out of the house while your scrapbooking party is taking place.
The following chart helps explain other significant changes taking place in your body.
Girl puberty consists of many changes, from the beginning of menarche to the rapid social and cognitive developments taking place in the brain.
Recent findings confirm the onset of menstruation is now taking place as early as the age of nine, and in some cases even earlier.
If your graduation ceremony will be taking place in a public school, it's a good idea to review the most recent rulings on this subject.
Weddings taking place around Christmas time can incorporate holly, miniature Christmas trees or elegantly wrapped "gifts" as wedding reception centerpieces.
A tea length gown may be less desirable in colder climates or weddings taking place in the late fall or winter months when chilly weather makes a longer gown more comfortable.
If the wedding is taking place in early autumn, you might expect a slight chill in the air.
In this case, mothers of the bride should look for a dress that coordinates with the colors, not the season the wedding is taking place.
Weddings and wine often go hand-in-hand, regardless of whether your theme is wine and grapes, taking place in a vineyard, or if you even like the drink itself.
Production is currently taking place on the final three episodes of this, the sixth season of the show.
Also on our website, you can learn about the upcoming AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day events that will be taking place all over the country, and find out how to hold your own event.
The show is part of the Health and Fitness Expo taking place in Dallas.
If you've recently visited California Adventure, then you can see for yourself the $1.1-billion, five-year renovation taking place there.
Even though the event is wildly popular, because of a massive renovation taking place at California Adventure, the 2011 and 2012 food and wine festivals are canceled.
With so many players on screen and all the frantic action, there are still changes and innovations taking place in football video games.
There's a little news headline everyday that sometimes tells of special events that are taking place around town, so you'll want to check that everyday so you can be sure to go where the people are.
There's a lot of multitasking taking place here and tycoon games are typically much more involving than a turn-based Monopoly.
One year later, the original RuneScape Classic was restricted to paying members only due to the large amount of cheating taking place on the servers.
It followed the story of the first Sub-Zero, primarily taking place before the first Mortal Kombat game.
This means that fermentation is taking place.
Toy train production was also taking place in France, England and the United States.
The same changes are taking place in the affected person's internal organs.
Areas where removal is taking place should be sealed off from the rest of the house.
For NSTs/MBPPs/CSTs, the time period between tests should be no longer than three to four days under high-risk conditions with fetal movement counting taking place in between testing dates.
Once cholesterol enters the body, a slight alteration in the cholesterol molecule occurs, with one change taking place in the skin.
There is, traditionally, a great deal of flirting and playful banter taking place during the dance, entertaining for both dancers and audience alike.
History has happened all around us and is also taking place every day.
Anyone who works in a place of business where behaviors that fit the description of what constitutes a hostile work environment are taking place can be the victim of this type of harassment.
London is a key source of international bank lending with more than 20 percent of all international bank lending taking place through London bank offices.
They may also prevent fertilization from taking place or interfere with implantation after fertilization occurs.
A lot of things can happen to prevent this meeting from taking place.
The medication causes ovulation occur about 40 hours after having the injection with egg collection taking place about 34 hours after the injection to ensure that the eggs are ready, but that ovulation has not occurred yet.
The aquarium website is a great place to see which new exhibits are on display and what events are taking place.
This is all taking place under a caption that states that the star will be featured in the new Emporio Armani underwear and jeans advertisements.
The balance of any charges must be paid prior to the actual party taking place.
If you know what you'll be doing while wearing your swimsuit, you can prevent most mishaps from taking place.
Fall and winter are other good times to shop these stores as there are fewer special events taking place and the stores must lower prices to encourage business.
Rather than taking place in a large mansion like classic Clue, this version of Clue Jr. takes place in a town or city.
Even though most people think of winter scenes as taking place in the family room or living room during Christmas, they can also be in the kitchen or anywhere else you want to turn into a charming holilday space.
Simply because you are writing a short story, it doesn't mean that you can't use words to paint pictures in the reader's mind about what is taking place.
And finally, the fact that different versions of the story have it taking place in hundreds of locations around the U.S. make it very clear that this is yet another hoaxed urban legend.
Adolescents are ripe with emotions and chemical reactions taking place in their bodies.
The planchette appears to be moving but theories on how this is taking place create further contradiction.
Seasonal events, like hayrides in the fall, and summer camp programs are just a few examples of things taking place.
A recap is exactly that, a recap of the events taking place on the show, including character interactions, mood and setting.
Each season represented a different year of school for the college student played by Keri Russell, with the final episode fittingly taking place in her senior year of college.
Be specific in what you enjoy about the class, as well as what profound changes are taking place in you and your life due to your yoga practice.
If the convention is taking place in your hometown, it's definitely news.
Proper work wear depends on where the work is taking place.
With the weather improving you will want to get your windows sparkling clean so you can see the seasonal changes taking place outdoors.
Unfortunately, many situations taking place before you pass away could prevent this from happening.
It wasn't that, but it was was one of the first true rock hits - and the song that officially gave a name to the exploding music and youth culture revolution taking place in the 50s.
Instead of the wedding taking place in a friend's backyard, he relocates everything to a swanky estate.
In The Winds of Dune, as well as last year's Paul of Dune, we are going back to the core classics, setting these stories as "in-quels" (rather than prequels or sequels), stories taking place between and after Dune and Dune Messiah.
In addition to the Georgian government, a number of independent Georgian bloggers started writing impressive blog entries about the violence and terror taking place within the country.
Although it only started taking place in 2004, the Social Networking Conference quickly became the central place to be for anyone even remotely interested in doing business using social media and technologies.
People hear the term Color Guard and often picture a small group of military personnel serving as Color Guard somberly carrying the national flag and other flags appropriate to the ceremony taking place.
Set on the Earth Ship Enterprise NX, the series was a prequel taking place 100 years before the original Star Trek series.
Any event that's taking place on a sunny day, or involving activities that are only indoors, wouldn't be best served with an image of fireworks.
Free ASP shopping carts just send web pages to the customer, with all the action taking place behind the scenes and not on the client browser.
In the hall beyond, most of the murmured conversation was taking place as feet tromped around the house.
By the time Dean huffed his way downstairs from the last trip, everyone was assembled in the parlor, and introductions were taking place.
Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday.
The largest group was assembled below the bridge where some activity was taking place.
While these disturbances were taking place in the province of Buenos Aires, another revolutionary rising was in progress in Santa Fe.
Earth movements are still taking place both along Bass Strait and the Great Valley of South Australia, and apparently along the whole length of tht southern coast of Australia.
In Western Australia, too, the act failed to prevent strikes taking place.
Fabian was martyred during the persecution under the emperor Decius, his death taking place on the 10th of January 250, and was buried in the catacomb of Calixtus, where a memorial has been found.
Telephonic speech between these two circuits was found possible and good, the communication between the circuits taking place partly by induction, and no doubt partly by conduction.