Taken Sentence Examples
It must have taken a long time to say good-bye.
I've not taken a prize in weeks.
Taken together, those findings suggest that almost all economic growth in the last 120-plus years was from technology.
I've taken up enough of his time.
His ride had taken almost an hour.
I think the man who did it may have taken my wife and a young girl.
The small house in which he had taken shelter was almost between the two armies.
You've always taken care of us.
At last a ship happened to pass that way and Robinson was taken on board.
It was a picture taken at the party and the focus was on Carmen and Alex.
AdvertisementShe rolled her eyes, irritated that her brother hadn't taken his promise to her seriously.
Pierre had taken part in tying a policeman to a bear.
But the baby... he must have taken Claire!
We would have taken any way rather than this; but it was late and growing dark, and the trestle was a short cut home.
If I hadn't taken Destiny...
AdvertisementStill, Alex had taken ownership for what he had done.
The wildlife had probably taken care of them.
You can't believe how many cold showers I've taken.
Later they were taken to a room where they were introduced to their newest family members.
I'll be over there in a few minutes so you can show me what needs to be taken care of while you're gone.
AdvertisementWe've taken steps for my home not to look like a fortress, but believe me, it is.
The pastor continued as if we hadn't taken nearly a three hour break, mostly continuing his sermon.
Hers wasn't the only life that had nearly been taken today.
Dad had taken a short cut then.
But the effects of the trip had taken their toll.
AdvertisementMy heart was racing as I tried to remember the route Martha had taken this morning.
My husband has taken time away from school he shouldn't have and is pressuring me to do the same at the hospital.
A Cleveland mother had reported an infant child was taken from his crib while napping yet when Howie was able to enter the location before and during the alleged time, there was no sign of the child.
Howie had taken to picking at his fingers when the tension built.
Don't get alarmed but I've taken the liberty to be a tad candid with him.
You've taken a great deal off my shoulders, and I appreciate it.
We couldn't have taken a wrong turn!
His anger growing at the petite woman who'd taken Andre, Katie and Gabe from him, Rhyn stalked towards the door.
While Dean was tactful enough not to mention it, it had, however, taken two weeks for Billie Wassermann to come home to port.
I swear to you on my honor that Napoleon was in such a fix as never before and might have lost half his army but could not have taken Smolensk.
It had taken more than an hour to get to school on the bus, making any after-school activities rare.
He led the horse around and they left the ravine, traveling at right angles to the path the Indians had taken.
As for the ranch, she had always known it could be taken away.
He wasn't exactly babysitting... she wasn't that young, but he snuck off someplace and she was taken.
We were on it, so to speak, less than two hours after the baby was taken.
A young girl was taken from her bed as she slept.
I would have tried to stay with him, but I'd taken so long up until then, I couldn't do it.
The police responded and I was taken to a hospital where proper care was being given.
If I'd taken an instant to do so, I know I'd have pissed my pants where I stood.
I had barely taken a sip when I had a vision of a motor home I'd recently seen in Keene, with California plates!
If I hadn't taken time to apply my sleeping solution to the rag, I'd have been in the process of taking them just as that police car with its flashing lights came rolling up!
The girl was younger than Annie, but she was taken from her bed, same as Annie, and held for a week or more.
They've taken Miss O'Malley into surgery so it's waiting time.
An elegantly dressed man in his sixties identified as Assistant Director Carlton Summerfield had taken charge.
She looked at it, flushing to think someone had taken the time to figure out her sizes.
His scent still lingered on her skin, even though she'd taken a shower earlier.
She'd taken in everything she could, like any good operative would.
It looked untouched, but a quick search revealed the only weapons remaining were those she'd taken when she left her room, and the beacon was gone.
The measure was taken to give him unfettered access to her visions.
Another … thing … had entered her nightmare and taken over.
She was the greatest find since he'd taken over the war from his slain brother.
The moon was covered by clouds, and she crumpled the notes she'd taken.
It's taken thousands of years, but I'm glad you finally showed up.
A human mate and so soon after he's taken command.
The fever had taken her out of her mind and into the alternate reality of a dream.
She struggled against him, not caring what he did to her now that he'd taken away her only real hope of leaving.
Darkyn said my weakness is being taken advantage of by others.
You could've killed me and taken the soul out of my head at any point.
It was as if God had taken the boy to heaven.
She was surprised Martha had taken to heart what her husband said the prior evening.
Those were taken on a very clear day, in the late afternoon sun.
While there was a comment that father Joe Calvia hadn't taken the news well, no details were given, and no calls from a hospital emergency room followed.
I just don't know who or how or why they were taken.
Without the light in front of him, his progress was brief pictures taken by the flashes from the sky.
Cynthia was sufficiently sympathetic to the afternoon pounding Dean had taken to not bust his chops over the Fat Tire Ale.
In spite of the drubbing he'd taken in the debate, he felt pretty good.
Did he discover he'd been taken and was then too embarrassed to discuss it?
Fitzgerald still had not reported to Denver but it was now thought he'd taken a few days of leave to sort things out.
He knew without Martha's map he'd never remember the various turns he and Cynthia had taken to where the skeleton had reposed for over fifty years.
If they were claimed, they'd be taken somewhere else with no connection to me.
It was a blissful late afternoon and the Deans were alone in the kitchen—Fred had taken Martha to a movie— when Cynthia raised the subject.
Knowing the most powerful creature – one the Dark One himself exiled at one point for his ruthlessness – had taken over Hell was another matter entirely.
What did he do to those who hadn't taken that final step but probably would soon?
She'd taken her duty seriously, even if it caused everyone around her to hate her.
You want Erik's body taken to the basement at the castle?
Gabriel was taken aback.
He didn't realize how great of a transformation had really taken place within the small woman gazing up at him.
Would he have taken a similar course?
They'd taken a step together towards their future by talking openly on topics he never thought he'd be able to bring up.
Deidre appeared taken aback.
The woman in the bed behind him had taken three days to warn him about the human left in Hell.
I think I read someplace that most kidnapped children are taken by a parent.
One person had taken everything from Lori.
If she hadn't screamed, maybe the man would have taken what he wanted and left.
Jonathan had taken the time to learn sign language so that he could talk to Alex and she had kept him away from the hospital.
We've never taken a vacation.
We've never taken a vacation away from home.
His last lover – the only other he'd ever taken – had been the opposite of Harmony.
He'd taken the car; it was her car!
Wynn had always taken care of her, yet she'd felt safe at the Sanctuary and safest in Gabriel's arms.
He should've taken some satisfaction at the full glass of wine.
Grimly, he realized he should've taken up Wynn's first offer to barter for the secret.
The painkillers she'd taken kicked in soon after, and she bought ice cream.
You've taken the first step on a very long path.
Everything was documented, every visit, every doctor-scrawled record, every prescription she'd ever taken.
She feared looking at Rhyn, feared knowing what shape he'd taken.
She knew he could've taken so much more, made himself stronger by bleeding her dry.
One arm looped around her and she braced herself against his chest, vaguely realizing that --by not refusing him the day before --he'd taken her response as a blank check.
She'd taken great pleasure in stuffing it there.
He'd taken Rhyn to Hell.
Taken aback by his anger, she watched him run a hand through his hair in an unusual sign of agitation.
I.ve never thought twice about any life I.ve taken until now.
It shouldn't have taken almost losing him for her to realize how vulnerable he was.
He.d been spared for what he knew of the Immortals, and Darkyn had taken a personal liking to him.
Not what you want to see when you.ve just taken the most heavenly bath.
She.d brought him nothing but pain, and now her family had taken Kris from him.
He hadn.t thought he.d need her, or he would.ve taken the hand of someone else.
Fury rose within him again as he took in the Immortal who had betrayed them and taken Katie.
He.s taken a human hostage, and we need to know where she is.
Rhyn blocked a second blow that might.ve taken the assassin.s head off and shoved Darkyn before whirling to meet Gabriel.s blow.
He would.ve taken her and run away somewhere safe where no one would ever find them, as he initially wanted to do.
The emotions were almost imperceptible, and it had taken her a long time of studying him to read him.
A'Ran sent for his sisters to meet them outside the small dwelling they had taken refuge in several years ago.
We have taken the land advantage, which is all that matters.
And it sounds like you have this taken care of.
He watched for quite a while, until the model reached a level that had taken him years of apprenticeship under his father to achieve.
Forgive me, nishani, I should have taken you yesterday.
He's taken on the responsibility of raising her child, if she chooses not to mate with another.
I haven't really taken your feelings into account lately, have I?
I guess they told A'Ran you were killed, not taken.
Qatwal will be destroyed or taken over in mere days.
It should not have taken this to make me appreciate what I have.
She was a quiet girl who had taken a shine to the Deans.
Gladys had taken over as docent of the domain.
She called me a couple of days ago and told me she'd taken off and flown out to Colorado with the boy.
The lights were out, but Cynthia was still awake, wondering what had taken him so long.
Dean began getting ready for bed; the day's skiing had taken its toll.
She certainly is taken with the guy.
She seems so taken with her, dressing like her and coloring her hair and all.
Donnie had pretty well taken over the project as the chores of Bird Song limited Cynthia's time.
The return trip from Grand Junction had taken Dean twice the usual two hours, a slalom of ditched autos, snow plows, ice and stopped traffic.
Fred had taken care of the early morning chores as Dean poured himself his first cup of coffee, dreading the inquisition he knew would be forthcoming from the old man.
We can't suppose the knife was originally taken with any murderous intent.
The boy is smart enough to see what Shipton was doing to his mother and he's the most logical one to have taken the knife in the first place.
Mrs. Cummings was taken away to the Sister's hospital this forenoon and I fear she shan't ever return.
Dean assumed if Cynthia's son had traveled to see his grandmother, she had taken a turn for the worse.
If he'd thought for a minute she was suicidal, he'd have taken some steps to protect her from herself.
It bothered Dean, the choice Annie had taken.
Dean wished he'd taken time to dress more warmly as he hurried down the penstock path toward where Shipton's severed line had been tethered.
If you'd taken time to talk to Weller and the rest of them, they'd be here, not just you.
Although taken aback by such intimacy from a stranger, as well as terrified himself, he felt an overwhelming need to comfort her.
Frederick appeared to be taken aback both by the story, and the speed at which Sarah relayed it.
Jackson had taken her elbow, mostly to move her along a little faster.
He had taken a lock of her hair between his fingers and gently twirled it.
Jackson had taken a step forward, ready to enter the room, but stopped when Connor's voice quieted.
He had taken out his new Lotus Elise and gone for a joy ride first.
He had taken way too much blood.
Sarah must have taken it.
Gee, maybe you should have taken Sam up on her offer.
Yeah, well no offense taken.
And wasn't he everything she had taken pains to avoid?
The kids were taken off their mothers and the dairy was semi-operational.
He'd even taken her dancing once, and yesterday he picked her a mess of greens.
Alex had forced himself on her - taken advantage of her.
He could have taken advantage of the moment.
The movers had taken the last of his things from the apartment this morning and he had returned the key.
His face and neck suffered severe burns while his right side looked as though a Brillo brush had been taken to it.
All of the weapons controllers had been taken from their positions all over the world and placed here, disguised as lesser systems.
Four keys capable of destroying a continent—and winning a war—were taken under their noses.
He returned to the main medical bay, where he'd taken up a bed near Dan's.
Dan showed her his viewer with the images he'd taken the day before.
Brady had taken care of this woman from a distance.
Dan leaned back into the hollow of the tree in which they'd taken refuge.
If the helo ride hadn't taken three hours, she would have thought they never left.
We've all but taken over the military and have people in all levels of government.
There was no electricity in this part of the state, and looters would've likely taken everything.
She couldn't help feeling bad she'd never taken much time to get to know her neighbors better.
She'd never taken a chance on a man or let herself wonder what she was missing.
There was no real way to know which route she might've taken.
Because I would've taken the northern.
He'd regretted taking her to his bed initially but now wished he'd taken up her offer to become his companion, even if only for the few nights they had together.
It's taken us a few weeks to get everything running smoothly.
The words were faint but firm in the same tone Katie had taken with him in the dreamland.
Even before their father's death, Andre had taken on the duty to raise and mentor them all.
This one had taken over Gabriel's mission.
But I don't know where the demons would've taken her.
No, Kris, you deserved that for letting our brother get taken by demons.
They looked much younger, so it must have been taken years ago and some pictures of a boy and a girl.
Dean made surprisingly good time driving to Philadelphia in spite of having taken longer than he had planned interviewing the wife of the missing man.
The doctor had taken his sweet time seeing him, but had finally confirmed that Byrne was in excellent health.
Fred had taken the geezer bus to Atlantic City—ten free silver dollars plus a free meal—so Dean was on his own for the early evening.
At first everyone was positive he'd taken a hike, but personally, I haven't seen a thing yet to tell me he didn't just do something stupid and pay the price for it.
It was the roughest flight Dean had ever taken.
Fortunately, room 22 was taken and they settled for adjoining rooms on the second floor near the end of the building.
If Alfred Nota in his blue Ford was really interested in following Dean, why had the con taken off like a scared rabbit as soon as Dean showed up?
Any hint that we're looking at Byrne or anyone else as having taken that money stops the war and our leverage goes out the window.
He was Vinnie Baratto's attorney, so presumably Vinnie told him of his suspicions that Byrne might have taken the drug money.
Dean was sorry he hadn't taken more time and extended his stay.
It seemed more of the investigation time of this case had taken place in motel rooms than anywhere else.
I truly thought he'd skipped out on Randy and me and taken that money.
It was nice to see the way Brutus had taken to him.
The truth was, though, that Brutus had taken to Alex almost the first day – as soon as Carmen assured him Alex was a friend, not a foe.
Carmen had only taken a few bites before the telephone rang – a reminder that her cell phone was in her room.
The rest of the meal was taken up with light conversation about the weather, the clinic, the animals... anything but their feelings about marriage.
In fact, their differences had been so great that she hadn't taken his interest seriously at first.
He had taken her favorite picture of her parents to an artist and had a painting made that matched the one of his parents.
His silence indicated he hadn't taken the test ... or it was negative?
If she had been alone, she might have taken a chance crossing the field, but not with Jonathan.
I don't want to adopt only to have the child taken away.
He was taken aback momentarily, but he recovered swiftly.
Not any more than you could stop our baby from being taken away.
The entire imperial city knew how taken he was with his mate.
She walked room by room, seeking an empty one, and finally found a room that didn't seem taken.
He'd taken a few different vamps to his bed the past few days.
Damian had taken his place when betrayal rendered Darian near-dead then enslaved to a madman for thousands of years.
It had taken a team of Guardians—including two Original Beings—to kill the last Other.
What I can see is that we will all be taken.
Her cravings had taken on a new life the longer she was pregnant.
He'd taken Xander with him twice.
Unable to love her husband, she'd taken it out on the one who meant the most to her, Talia.
She'd taken pity on both men who lost their own families and ended up feeling more than she ever wanted to again.
Though her trip had taken more than two hours on the immortal side, less than an hour had passed in the mortal world.
Worse, she'd taken the bait.
He pulled the necklace Jenn had taken from the immortal world and rose, wanting to see why it was so special to her.
It's taken care of.
Jenn drew a knife in case an animal had also taken refuge in the cave.
She'd taken care of him since she met him.
Sofi said Jule, Dusty, and Damian would all be taken.
Why were they taken?
He carefully tucked away the reality that—if Jonny hadn't crippled her—she wouldn't have been taken.
When her vision cleared to reveal where he'd taken her, she sucked in a breath.
No. They were taken.
She'd lost contact with her mate before being taken to the immortal world.
And he hadn't taken back the necklace.
Jonny's dark eyes had taken on a new spark of intelligence, his air settled where it had been agitated before.
It is the only way Tiyan can be taken.
It has taken my whole life to stop the senseless wars.
It won't let me, and I lie here, unable to speak, my voice taken by my own hand.
He wondered if the demon had taken her as it had Memon, who looked well but whose skin was cold as death.
The man before him had taken everything from him once; he wouldn't let him do it again!
Alex had taken care of it all this time.
It should never be taken for granted.
The rest of their conversation was taken up in directions to the house and instructions about the rental contract she would fax them.
Alex was momentarily taken by surprise, but appeared to have no problem maintaining his erect status in the saddle.
She owed him something for what she had taken away from him.
Actually, he had talked to her, but she hadn't taken him seriously.
I wish I hadn't taken Ed.
We've taken the men up there a few times.
They had both taken her for granted.
Oh, how she would love to be taken in his arms.
Maybe he was afraid she would take half of what he had taken a lifetime to acquire.
When you're my age you'll wish you had taken his proposal of marriage more seriously.
Of course, she could have taken that job offer in New York.
How long had it taken him to learn?
A little suffering never hurt anyone, and already she was beginning to have a new appreciation for the comforts that she had once taken for granted.
How she would love to be taken in his arms again, and kissed as only he could.
Why had it taken her months to tell him?
She couldn't take her mind off Xander, especially since she began to think he'd taken her disinterest in him as a dare.
She almost asked him if she could have her picture taken with him.
He was starving, teased by the snack-sized drink he'd taken from Jessi.
It was like she'd taken a wrong turn in a theatre, walked into a movie and couldn't find the door back to the theatre.
I'm not getting my head taken off by a vamp.
He'd taken a gamble by entrusting it to her.
It's not his thing, though, so he's basically taken on the role of a reluctant protector.
His phone vibrated just as dawn lit the room where he'd taken them.
Or that she'd taken off the gem.
Yes, she'd taken off the ruby, but it was for a damned good cause.
But this idea involves the further conception of Leibnitz, that of a pre-established harmony, by which the Creator has taken care to arrange the life of each monad, so that it agrees with that of all others.
Having taken holy orders his advancement in the Church was very rapid, mainly through the influence of his brother Andrew.
It has a total length of 37 in., of which 22 are taken up by the tail.
The rival philosopher, who believes water to be continuous and without spaces between its particles, has a greater difficulty in accounting for the disappearance of the sugar; he would probably say that the sugar, and the water also, had ceased to exist, and that a new continuous substance had been formed from them, but he could offer no picture of how this change had taken place.
He drew simple diagrams, three of which, taken from Dalton's New System of Chemical Philosophy, part ii.
He died in Turin on the 20th of March 1894; his body was taken to Pesth, where he was buried amid the mourning of the whole.
But in 1570 the island was taken by the Turks; and Antonio Davila, the father of the historian, had to leave it, despoiled of all he possessed.
In February 1700 Dampier called at Juan Fernandez and while there Captain Straddling of the "Cinque Porte" galley quarrelled with his men, forty-two of whom deserted but were afterwards taken on board by Dampier; five seamen, however, remained on shore.
A further step was taken by Henry II.
On the capture of that city by the Goths in 474 he was imprisoned, as he had taken an active part in its defence; but he was afterwards restored by Euric, king of the Goths, and continued to govern his bishopric as before.
Only in her case religion must be taken in an even more restricted sense than Matthew Arnold's " morality touched by emotion."
He had named them Roman patricians; the latter he had placed in charge of Florence; the former, for whom he planned to carve out a kingdom in central Italy of Parma, Piacenza, Ferrara and Urbino, he had taken with himself to Rome and married to Filiberta of Savoy.
In 1832 it was taken by the Egyptians under Ibrahim Pasha.
The fineness of the hair may perhaps be ascribed to some peculiarity in the atmosphere, for it is remarkable that the cats, dogs and other animals of the country are to 'a certain extent affected in the same way, and that they all lose much of their distinctive beauty when taken from their native districts.
In 1616 he was released, was restored to his rank of colonel-general of horse, and despatched against one of the disaffected nobles, the duke of Longueville, who had taken Peronne.
On the 12th of May the dictatorship of Garibaldi was proclaimed at Salemi, on the 15th of May the Neapolitan troops were routed at Calatafimi, on the 25th of May Palermo was taken, and on the 6th of June 20,000 Neapolitan regulars, supported by nine frigates and protected by two forts, were compelled to capitulate.
Circumventing the Italian troops, Garibaldi entered Catania, crossed to Melito with 3000 men on the 25th of August, but was taken prisoner and wounded by Cialdini's forces at Aspromonte on the 27th of August.
Recrossing the Italian frontier, he was arrested at Figline and taken back to Caprera, where he eked out his slender resources by writing several romances.
On the 15th of October 1651 Lord Derby, who had been taken prisoner after the battle of Worcester, was brought here and executed the same day.
In all cases the mean value for the 24 hours is taken as 100.
Thunder.-Trustworthy frequency statistics for an individual station are obtainable only from a long series of observations, while if means are taken from a large area places may be included which differ largely amongst themselves.
During the first weeks of the queen's sorrow after the battle, Gavin, with one or two colleagues of the council, acted as personal adviser, and it may be taken for granted that he supported the pretensions of the young earl.
When all these characters are taken together no other mushroom-like fungus - and nearly a thousand species grow in Britain - can be confounded with it.
In determining fungi no single character must be relied upon as conclusive, but all the characters must be taken together.
The stable manure is taken into the tortuous passages of these cellars, and the spawn introduced from masses of dry dung where it occurs naturally.
The beds remain in bearing for six or eight months, and then the spent manure is taken to the surface again for garden and field purposes.
The equable temperature of these cellars and their freedom from drought is one cause of their great success; to this must be added the natural virgin spawn, for by continually using spawn taken from mushroom-producing beds the potency for reproduction is weakened.
Many other fungi in addition to the fairy-ring champignon grow in circles, so that this habit must merely be taken with its other characters in cases of doubt.
From Peter's point of view the question was, did the enormity of the tsarevich's crime absolve the tsar from the oath which he had taken to spare the life of this prodigal son?
The first steps toward this change had been taken, however, by the Republicans in 1870.
He is credited with having taken half the scholars and fellows of Winchester to Eton to start the school there.
The effigy on it may be taken to be an authentic portrait.
He would have taken his title from Beaconsfield had he survived to enter the peerage.
Although planned in the shape of a cross, with a square and tower in the middle, the arms of the cross are not straight, the constructor holding the ingenious opinion that, in order to prevent little towns from being taken in at a glance, their streets should be crooked.
At the age of eight he was taken in charge by an elder brother of his father, Howard Hastings, who held a post in the customs. After spending two years at a private, school at Newington Butts, he was moved to Westminster, where among his contemporaries occur the names of Lord Thurlow and Lord Shelburne, Sir Elijah Impey, and the poets Cowper and Churchill.
At a later date he was charged by Burke with having taken up profitable contracts for supplying bullocks for the use of the Company's troops.
Pitt had never taken a side against him, while Lord Chancellor Thurlow was his pronounced friend.
Edmund Burke had taken the subject races of India under the protection of his eloquence.
The history of the city is unknown, though it is regarded as probable that it preserved its independence long after the Spaniards had taken possession of the rest of the district.
The position-angles of double stars are reckoned from north through east, the brighter star being taken as origin.
The discrepancies produced in this way are, however, very small, if care is taken to minimize the distance between the silver film and the photographic plate and to select a reasonably good piece of glass for the reseau.
Hartmann overcame these and many other difficulties by directly superposing the image of the spectrogram of a star, having iron comparison lines, upon the image of a spectrogram of the sun taken also with iron comparison lines.
The consecrated wafer shared by Lohengrin and the swan on their voyage is one of the more obvious means taken by the poet to give the tale the character of an allegory of the .relations between Christ, the Church and the human soul.
It was also the view universally taken by the German governments which supported the Kulturkampf in a greater or less degree.
In 1718 was published a new Communion Office taken partly from Primitive Liturgies and partly from the first English Reformed Common Prayer Book,..
In 1896 the grain area was 380,000 acres, a slight diminution having taken place since 1882.
The opportunity of utilizing the wool for textile industries has not yet been taken, though Sardinian women are accustomed to weave strong and durable cloth.
The difference between English and Roman miles would be compensated for by the more devious course taken by the railway.
In 551 it was taken by Totila, but reconquered after his death by Narses for the Byzantine Empire.
Musat returned to the island once more and made himself master of it, but was defeated and taken prisoner under the walls of Cagliari in 1050, when the dominion of Pisa was established.
The foregoing statements must not be taken to mean that concordats are in their nature perpetual, and that they cannot be broken or denounced.
Selim determined on war with Persia, where the heresy was the prevalent religion, and in order that the Shiites in Turkey should give no trouble during the war, "measures were taken," as the Turkish historian states, which may be explained as the reader desires, and which proved fully efficacious.
A small fort was built at Sheerness by Charles II., which, on the 10th of July 1667, was taken by the Dutch fleet under De Ruyter.
In Marcy 1640, though still a minor, he was elected for Tewkesbury, and sat in the parlia ment which met on the 13th of April, but appears to have taken no active part in its proceedings.
He appears to have taken no part in the attempt to impeach Clarendon on a general charge of treason.
A new parliament was called to meet at Oxford, to avoid the influences of the city of London, where Shaftesbury had taken the greatest pains to make himself popular.
In 1848 Montanelli served with the Tuscan student volunteers at the battle of Curtatone, where he was wounded and taken prisoner by the Austrians.
Antoine, taken to the secret meetings of the persecuted Calvinists, began, when only seventeen, to speak and exhort in these congregations of "the desert."
In the meantime the Six Nations (in 1768) had repudiated their sale of the region to the Susquehanna Company and had sold it to the Penns; the Penns had erected here the manors of Stoke and Sunbury, the government of Pennsylvania had commissioned Charles Stewart, Amos Ogden and others to lay out these manors, and they had arrived and taken possession of the block-house and huts at Mill Creek in January 1769.
In 1641 the town was taken by Owen Roe O'Neill, but shortly afterwards it was recaptured by Lord Inchiquin.
Charles's sons Robert and Philip landed in Sicily, but after capturing Catania were defeated by Frederick, Philip being taken prisoner (1299), while several Calabrian towns were captured by the Sicilians.
The strongly fortified castle which he erected at the same time had the unfortunate result of making the infant town an object of contention in the Thirty Years' War, during which it was five times taken and retaken.
A succession difficulty in Bavaria-Landshut was only decided after Maximilian had taken up arms and narrowly escaped with his life at Regensburg.
He was so consummate a liar that, when taken in the fact, he could brazenly deny it.
The place of Mersenne as his Parisian representative was in the main taken by Claude Clerselier (the Frenchtranslator of the Objections and Responses), whom he had become acquainted with in Paris.
In1859-1860Foucher de Careil published in two parts some unedited writings of Descartes from copies taken by Leibnitz from the original papers.
It was taken by the parliamentary forces in 1645 after a desultory siege of three years.
It was taken by the Turks in the 16th century, and is now noted for its sponges.
Care should be taken in planting to select a spot somewhat elevated and well drained.
We learn much as to these magistrates from the large number of inscriptions that have been found (over 2000 in Ostia and Portus taken together) and also as to the cults.
He was taken prisoner at the battle of Tinchebrai in 1106, but was subsequently released.
This year may be taken as the beginning of his literary activity and public life.
Revelation is not Scripture alone, for Scripture taken by itself does not correspond exactly with his description; nor is it church tradition alone, for church tradition must so far rest on Scripture.
But on the 2nd of October the fortress, which had been heroically defended, was taken by assault.
A scandalous charge against his mistress Aspasia, which he defeated by his personal intercession before the court, was taken very much to heart by Pericles.
A "toucher" bowl is a characteristic of the Scottish game to which great exception is taken by many English clubs.
All remaining impurities, including the excess of oxygen, can then be taken out of the gas by Sir James Dewar's ingenious method of absorption with charcoal cooled in liquid air.
In 1747, however, the town was taken by the French, under Marshal Lowendahl, who surprised it by means of a subterranean passage.
Restored at the end of the war, it was again taken by the French under Pichegru in 1795.
At Ecbatana new masses of treasure were seized, but when once the necessary measures which its disposal and the occupation of the Median capital entailed were taken, Alexander continued the pursuit.
In Asia Alexander learnt that Bessus had taken the diadem as Darius' successor in Bactria, but so soon as he marched against him Aria rose in his rear, and Alexander had to return in all haste to bring the revolt under.
The latter enterprise Alexander designed to conduct in person; under his supervision was prepared in Babylon an immense fleet, a great basin dug out to contain 1000 ships, and the watercommunications of Babylonia taken in hand.
A Hugh de Lusignan appears in the illfated crusade of 110o-1101; another Hugh, the Brown, came as a pilgrim to the Holy Land in 1164, and was taken prisoner by Nureddin.
Next year he suffered a crushing defeat at the battle of Hittin, and was taken prisoner by Saladin.