Take-notes Sentence Examples
Be careful and take notes whenever speaking to lenders.
You should take notes in case we forget some detail.
Betsy kept prompting Martha to take notes.
I told him for years to take notes so our other scientists can pick up wherever he left off.
Otric, suspecting that Gerbert erred in his classification of the sciences, sent one of his own pupils to Reims to take notes of his lectures, and, finding his suspicions correct, accused him of his error before Otto II.
Braille typewriter or laptop computer to take notes.
Once you've selected a plan that looks good and are ready to contact the company, pull out a pen and a pad of paper to take notes on what the insurance agent tells you.
By dealing with calls on a speakerphone, you're free to access files, take notes and multi-task while you talk.
Keep your eyes peeled and take notes on players you see coming back again and again.
You may also want to take notes on each page or practice on scratch paper so that you won't ruin good paper or design elements with errors.
AdvertisementYou might want to read the e-book on the computer and take notes on the most useful sections, or simply print out the pages that are most valuable to you.
Carry a padfolio or small briefcase to take notes during your interview.
If you don't understand something your doctor has told you, ask that it be explained more clearly and don't be afraid to take notes to help you remember your provider's answers.
One important thing to do is to take notes.
There are many different wine tasting forms that wineries hand out so you can take notes on the wines you taste.
AdvertisementWill Apple take notes and give them what they want?
These mobile devices allow customers to check email anywhere, send and edit documents, use GPS services to find clients, take notes at meetings, or even schedule events.
Psoriasis can seriously impact children's lives when the hands and feet are affected so the children cannot take notes or walk or play, or when the disease becomes so widespread that the immune system becomes compromised.
Charts can be published throughout the project and used as a place to take notes.
When you find a style you like, take notes on what characteristics of that style appeal to you most.
AdvertisementRemember to take notes as you’re building your model, however.
If you're winging it, take notes on what you're doing.
Use it to take notes at planning meetings or to document your own thoughts and feelings as you prepare and participate in the relay event.
As you're looking through your selection of magazines, take notes on each publication.
Some schools may also choose to use small word processors that operate on batteries; these are smaller, and the students are able to carry them from class to class to take notes and write answers to tests.
AdvertisementIf you learn best by reading, make sure to browse through these articles and take notes before you start practicing in an actual car.
However, you should take notes regarding what you did to achieve each look so you can replicate the results if desired.
This type of therapy, in which patients take notes on their own thoughts and behaviours, helps them identify triggers and eating patterns.