Take it Sentence Examples
I take it you don't like cats.
I take it you do.
Sofia forced herself to walk over and take it.
I've been unfair asking everyone to take it on faith.
His cousin is flying out there tomorrow... today, and she's to take it out to him.
But he didn't take it with him.
I'm waiting for Jenn to confirm, and we'll schedule to take it out tomorrow morning, Toni said.
He wasn't used to failure, and he didn't know how to take it.
If that was all she got, she'd take it.
If you need a vacation or anything, take it.
AdvertisementJule laughed, looking at her to see how she'd take it.
I take it the distraction won't work on you in our private deals.
We'll take it nice and slow and hold hands.
He'd take it as far as it would go.
Think about it, but take it.
AdvertisementYou'd be a fool not to take it.
How could you ever think you'd rule the underworld, if you didn't take it seriously?
It wasn't as if he could take it off.
I, um, don't even know …" "I take it you have no place to stay."
My first grandchild, I take it?
AdvertisementI take it Rhyn has an eye on her?
Why not kill her and take it?
Write down the names, and I'll take it down, he offered.
Does no one take it seriously?
I take it you.re going to see Erik next.
AdvertisementI take it this guy is unconscious?
I take it more bad news?
I take it this is his way of hooking me up with a man to keep me in line?
The Council wants nothing to do with them and views the presence of your father's betrayer and your people on the planet as a sign the Yirkin are willing to share your planet rather than take it over.
He let her take it and saw her attention shift to the bracelet.
He touched a few buttons to take it off training mode.
It's part of their permanent collection and I wasn't supposed to even take it out, but I'm sure if you explain about the book your brother is writing, they'll let you make a copy of it.
I take it you didn't have any luck.
So I've got two choices, take it or leave it, huh?
He didn't move an inch, but said, All right, take it easy.
Jackson couldn't take it any longer.
Yes, I take it I'm spending the night again?
I take it things went well with the in-laws.
I take it we're going on a road trip to… where?
A woman scorned, I take it?
I think I'll take it in the kitchen.
How did she take it?
I take it Liz doesn't know about this plan of yours?
Oh, I wouldn't take it personally.
It wasn't a nice thing to say, and at the moment she wished she could take it back.
He would take it that way.
Only she could take it away.
I take it we've not heard from the central or west coast sites this week?
We'll take it with us.
I only have one weapon that takes that ammo, so you can take it all.
A little toy for you, I take it.
I take it these guys are after you.
I'll destroy it if you try to take it.
Four days left. I take it you won't come to my rescue if he does.
She didn't take it very well.
The kid offered him money for the registration but the man said that was Corbin's bad luck and wouldn't take it.
Yes, but I thought you might take it wrong.
I take it you and Xander don't necessarily see eye-to-eye.
I take it that's a no.
If there is any part of you that thinks I'd do anything less than ask you what he wanted to know, take it back.
I take it there's a story behind this.
I take it it's the pregnant chic.
I take it you're my ride.
Normally. I then take it to Sirian or Bastion.
He made no move to take it.
I'll take it under advisement.
I didn't take it that way, and Dad would have been the first to enjoy a touch of humor.
The doctor says I can take it out of the sling when I'm resting.
The therapist said I should take it out otherwise, so the joint doesn't freeze.
I'll take it out there for you.
Don't take it personally.
I wouldn't take it from you - if that's what you're worried about.
If you don't want it, don't feel obligated to take it.
He said he'd take it under consideration.
I take it that's your southern beau.
I take it you don't have time for the down-on-one-knee thing.
I take it you don't listen to the messages women leave on your assistant's phone.
He was wearing it now, but he had to take it off sometime.
You want me to take it out on your cousins?
You decided not to take it.
I can't take it anymore.
You're figuring things out, I take it?
Ignore it if you can't take it.
I take it Xander does.
Praying he didn't take it out on Ashley, Jessi cursed the teen silently for taking her phone.
I take it you didn't know that either.
The English, under Sir Thomas Graham, afterwards Lord Lynedoch, in March 1814 made an attempt to take it by a coup de main, but were driven back with great loss by the French, who surrendered the place, however, by the treaty of peace in the following May.
All the companies, except the Nord, have at one time or another had to take advantage of the guarantee, and the fact that the Ouest had been one of the most persistent and heavy borrowers in this respect was one of the reasons that induced the government to take it over as from the 1st of January 1909.
Its early - Protestant sympathies placed it on the side of Sweden during the Thirty Years' War, and in 1628 it successfully resisted a siege of eleven weeks by Wallenstein, who had sworn to take it "though it were chained to heaven."
Imagining that this would interest Hertz and be successfully attacked by him, Helmholtz specially drew his attention to it, and promised him the assistance of the Institute if he decided to work on the subject; but Hertz did not take it up seriously at that time, because he could not think of any procedure likely to prove effective.
When the trumpets take it up they make a remarkable change at its iith bar, for no other reason than that one of the notes, though perfectly within their scale, and, indeed, already produced by them in the very same bar, is so harmonized as to suggest the freedom of an instrument with a complete scale.
Feudal law required that the king should take seisin of the earldom before regranting it and receiving the homage, and the sheriff of Ayr was directed to take it on Baliol's behalf.
We may take it then (and the fact is not disputed even by those who, like Dorpfeld, believe in one thorough racial change, at least, during the Bronze Age) that the Aegean civilization was indigenous, firmly rooted and strong enough to persist essentially unchanged and dominant in its own geographical area throughout the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.
In any case we may take it that the lagoon-dwellers were racially identical with the inhabitants of the neighbouring mainland, the Heneti or Veneti.
In 1416 it was taken by the Venetians, who in 1487 successfully resisted, at Calliano, an attempt to take it made by the count of Tirol and the bishop of Trent.
We may take it to (say) 4 places of decimals; or we may suppose it to be taken to 1000 places.
Unfortunately very few of these harrows have come down to us unplundered, and we cannot find one complete example and take it as a type.
Again, the contrast between Lazarus and Dives in the future state pictures vividly the reversals that are in store; but it is unreasonable to take it as implying that every poor man, whatever his moral character, will be blessed.
We must not take it for granted, when the freezing-point curve gives no indication of the compound, that the compound does not exist in the solid alloy.
It has been usual to keep nahar and take it in its ordinary sense when used absolutely, i.e.
Each of the small administrative groups here included takes its census independently of the rest, though since 1871 all take it about the date fixed for that of the United Kingdom.
Or we may take it as representing the pressure - excess over the normal pressure in compression, defect from it in extension.
Let an external force F act on the system, and for simplicity suppose its period is so great compared with that of the mechanism that we may take it as practically in equilibrium with the restoring force.
If the hounds jump at the brook, even though they fail to clear it, the rider may take it for granted that at that place the leap is within the capacity of any ordinary hunter in his stride; hence if, when going at three parts speed, a horse's feet come just right to take off, the mere momentum of his body would take him over a place 15 ft.
We may take it then that the last date in the Rhetoric to Alexander is 340; and by a curious coincidence 340 was the year when, on Philip's marching against Byzantium, Alexander was left behind as regent and keeper of the seal, and distinguished himself so greatly that Philip was only too glad that the Macedonians called Alexander king (Plutarch, Alexander, 9).
The natural advantages of its site and its position with relation to the pass over the Alpis Cottia (Mont Genevre; see CoTTri Regnum) made it important in early times, though it cannot have been very strongly fortified, inasmuch as Hannibal, after crossing the Alps in 218 B.e., was able to take it after a three days' siege.
That is practically the sense in which it is treated in this article s We may begin, however, with the definition of Jezira by the Arabic geographers, who take it as representing the central part of the Euphrates-Tigris system, the part, namely, lying between the alluvial plains in the south and the mountainous country in the north.
Aurangzeb tried to take it in 1649 with 5000 men, but failed.
It is necessary in upward or subterranean irrigation to send the water on and to take it off very gently, in order to avoid the displacement and loss of the finer particles of the soil which a forcible current would cause.
In Ayrshire the figure varied from 5 to 20%; for Dumfriesshire 16% was given as a fair average, but here too the distressed farmer was compelled to admit that if he gave up his holding there were others ready to take it.
Two months after he had granted Normandy to Charles, he took advantage of a quarrel between the duke of Brittany and his brother to take it again, sending the duke of Bourbon "to aid" Charles, while Dunois and Chabannes prepared for the struggle with Burgundy.
But there is nothing to prevent its being represented by a directed line if, as further applications of (a) and (b) show we must do, we take it perpendicular to each of the factor lines.
In pneumonic cases patients no doubt spread it around them by coughing, and others may take it up through the air-passages or the skin; but even then the range of infection is small, and such cases are comparatively rare.
We may take it as an experimental result, although the best evidence is indirect, that a particle falling freely under gravity experiences a constant acceleration which at the same place is the same for all bodies.
In 395 Dionysius failed to take it by assault on a winter's night, but in 392 he occupied it and settled his mercenaries there.
All policy was to be determined by the Covenant; the king and every official was to be obliged to take it.
This, whether it be curiosity, or vain-glory, or nature, or (if one take it favourably) philanthropia, is so fixed in my mind as it cannot be removed.
We take it that the machine has already been regulated by means of the impression screws at the respective ends of the cylinder for all-round or average work, and that any inequality of impression can be remedied by adding or taking away from the sheets on the cylinder.
If we take it strictly to mean the belief in ghosts or spirits having the " vaporous materiality " proper to the objects of dream or hallucination, it is certain that the agency of such phantasms is not the sole cause to which all mystic happenings are referred (though ghosts and spirits are everywhere believed in, and appear to be endowed with greater predominance as religious synthesis advances amongst primitive peoples).
We may now take it as an established fact that varieties of animals and plants occur, both in domesticity and in a state of nature, which are better or worse adapted to special climates.
And here wi may take it as certain that the scene of his activity was laid ir the east of Iran, in Bactria and its neighboring regions.
The story told in the memoirs of the French ambassador Bassompierre, that he was killed by the heat of a brasero (a pan of hot charcoal), because the proper official to take it away was not at hand, is a humorous exaggeration of the formal etiquette of the court.
A number began to take it in the famine year, 1866, as it enabled them to exist on less food and mitigated their sufferings; others used it to enable them to undergo fatigue and to make long journeys.
His surname was usually derived by later Greek writers from the name of his supposed birthplace, Gonni (Gonnus) in Thessaly; some take it to be a Macedonian word signifying an iron plate for protecting the knee; neither conjecture is a happy one, and in our ignorance of the Macedonian language it must remain unexplained.
The nomadic population which seeks pasturage during the summer months in these dreary altitudes is entirely Kirghiz, and we may take it for granted that it will soon be entirely Russian.
The history of the epistle's reception into the canon is not opposed to this; for, once it was attributed to James, Syria would be more likely to take it up, while the West, more sceptical, if not better informed as to its origin, held back; just as happened in the case of Hebrews.
But Edward either failed to see his opportunity or refused to take it.
Pitt could not take this view; perhaps no man in his day could be fairly expected to take it.
Mr Peel, who had been elected to the chair in 1884, decided that neither the speaker nor any other member had the right to intervene to prevent a member from taking the oath if he was willing to take it.
Those things which belong to a person, as the parts of his body, &c., take the pronominal suffix; a thing possessed merely for use would not take it.
In it he granted them the same privileges as the citizens of York, among these being a gild merchant and freedom from toll throughout the whole of Yorkshire, with right to take it at all the markets and fairs in their town except at the three principal fairs, the toll of which belonged to the archbishop. In 1200 King John granted the town a new charter, for which the burgesses had to pay 500 marks.
Mr Chamberlain himself had proposed only to take it off as regards colonial, and not foreign corn, - thus inaugurating a preferential system.
I was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
I take it you know by now you've got no Guardian powers?
I, um, don't even know …" "I take it you have no place to stay."
After your encounter with the souls, I think you understand why I take it so seriously.
I take it that doesn't extend to blood monkey status.
Write down the names, and I.ll take it down, he offered.
I take it we're going on a road trip to… where?
Maybe there should be a WARNING expressed here that rowing is a strangely addictive sport for many who take it up.
When they saw the prototype they began to take it more seriously, but still balked at spending money on development.
Surely we should take it upon ourselves to extend the olive branch of reconciliation?
Some ca n't broach the subject, full stop; others don't know how to start or where to take it from there.
I take it this isnt the same LOUISE who gave away her American bulldogs due to lack of time?
Scientology is bad Oh, but we so crave someone to take it down a peg.
Someone had omitted to ask the loco crew to take it easy.
You can take it outside with you and practice your ' magic ' whilst greeting the dawn and at the closing of the day.
Consequently, we should take it for granted that both terms involved are referentially determinate.
If this sounds too energetic, take it easy, with the warmest welcome in the world, fortified by Tasmania's abundant seafood.
Dublin will always give the fielders a chance, unfortunately Myles Cunliffe was unable to take it.
You can either add lecithin granules to your cereal every day or take it in capsule form.
Birds collect greenery and take it to the nest because (it is suggested) it acts as a kind of natural insecticide.
You need to take it in small sips rather than huge gulps in one go.
So go along and take it like a true headbanger.
Originally posted by smiler G I take it being called a weekend hippy is taken as an insult?
Then you get a young hotshot coming in, like Tiger Woods, who really starts to take it to them.
This extension has far too many brilliant features to list but take it from me, its totally invaluable.
Karen glad to see you are up and about please take it easy kiddo.
So if you feel moody, don't give yourself a hard time - take it seriously.
M is for... MUSIC Music is a great restorative and popular leisure activity - take it easy on the country music tho.
Just remember to take it out and lift the rudder by hand before you run up the beach.
I try not to take it personally, but it can be very vitriolic.
I do like clean code, but if you use a WYSIWYG I'll still take it.
Now as each source lets out the wind periodically it affects the pressure in the chest so that we cannot regard this as constant, but may take it as better represented by p+Xa sin (27rn i t+e)+µb sin (27rn 2 t+f).
He would not take it.
But take it a step further.
Once someone has something, no one should be able to take it from him or her.
But we take it largely for granted—and I think that is just fine.
If you have a problem with that, take it up with the man with the gun.
Then I took the doll, meaning to give it back to her when she had made the letters; but she thought I meant to take it from her, and in an instant she was in a temper, and tried to seize the doll.
She made the letters rapidly, and I gave her the cake, which she ate in a great hurry, thinking, I suppose, that I might take it from her.
I SUPPOSE he was going to take it to his mother.
We will take it at once and show it to the count.
Andrew, I bless you with this icon and you must promise me you will never take it off.
If I want anything, I won't beg--I'll take it!
Prince Vasili gave him a look of stern inquiry, as though what Pierre had just said was so strange that one could not take it in.
He was just going to take it when Dolokhov, leaning across, snatched it from his hand and began reading it.
Did I really take it?
Once or twice he shrugged his shoulders and raised his hand to the kerchief, as if wishing to take it off, but let it drop again.
Tell them to take it away, replied Natasha.
At two in the morning of the fourteenth of June, the Emperor, having sent for Balashev and read him his letter to Napoleon, ordered him to take it and hand it personally to the French Emperor.
Some of the peasants said that these new arrivals were Russians and might take it amiss that the mistress was being detained.
You'll dig up your pot of money and take it away with you....
A painstaking police officer, considering the presence of a corpse in his excellency's courtyard unseemly, told the dragoons to take it away.
I do not wish to take it on my conscience.
If the revolutionary proletariat does not take power, Fascism will inevitably take it !
However, a slightly more rigorous examination of the language syntax would take it from " good " to " great.
However, as I said earlier, I shall take it that such singularities are harmless.
Maggot is the favorite bait if you 're trotting a stick float, as just about everything will take it.
There is already evidence this season that he can adapt his game and maybe take it to previously unconsidered levels.
I guess we should take it that Robin Stacey is a touch unhappy with the situation....
Teams set up camp and take it in turns to walk around a track for up to 24 hours.
Don't take it personally when you get called a noob by the more experienced players, just try to laugh it off.
If you are planning to put baby in special clothing for the photo, take it with you and get baby dressed right before the photo sitting.
When you do decide that its time to introduce your child to your boyfriend or girlfriend, take it slow.
There are many different stores which offer personalized baby books, or you can purchase a book and take it to be personalized at an engraving or graphic arts shop.
Will you only use it at home, or will you take it with you in your car, as you travel, etc?
Finally, if you have determined the crib you are using isn't safe, take it apart and dispose of it.
Don't push your child too quickly; take it one step at a time.
Once you start potty training, take it one day at a time.
Before you purchase a car, you should always take it for a test drive.
If you see something that looks good to you, ask the salesperson if you can take it for a test spin.
Should this be the case, or if you are more than a little fearful of probing the innards of your computer, take it to a shop and have it done.
Should this be the case, or if you are more than a little fearful of probing the innards of your computer, take it to a professional for the installation.
Check the vehicle carefully before you take it off the lot.
Once you have a copy of the deed to the property you wish to purchase, take it to the notary public to guarantee its authenticity and assure that it is not communal agricultural property (which can only be used, not owned).
In most states this is required in order to register the bike.Once you've purchased the bike, take it immediately to your mechanic and have the mechanic complete a full tune-up.
You can't just buy a nail gun, take it home, and start using it.
Whether you are looking for a travel trailer or a used trailer for transporting vehicles or other equipment, heeding some of the advice below will help you save money and reduce the chance of the trailer failing the moment you take it home.
Even better, take it up a notch by choosing polarized lenses.
You can keep it in storage and then take it out when it comes time to wrap it and put it under the tree.
If you need to buy a present during the year as part of your planning ahead, you can take it out of that money.
Before you hop on the cart and take it for a spin, do a quick spot-check.
Grown cats aren't as threatened by kittens as they are by other adults, and may develop parental affection for a kitten and take it under their protection.
Most grooming shops are geared for cats as well as dogs, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding somewhere to take it.
I hope you'll consider keeping the kitten and take it to the vet.
One of the first things you will do when you get a new kitten is take it to a veterinarian for a complete check up.
Serving Champagne is a tradition on New Years Eve, but why not take it up a notch and create cocktails featuring this bubbly beverage.
Return Protection - If you return an item within ninety days of purchase and the merchant won't take it back, American Express will refund the full purchase price, up to $300 per item.
Don't be afraid to negotiate with them and think about their offer before you take it.
When the person "logs in" the thief gets all of that login information and can then take it and log into the person's real account.
Seek out help and take it wherever you can get it.
Even if you have no need for the finished compost, you are bound to have plenty of neighbors who are keen gardeners or local organizations who will be pleased to take it from you.
You can collect the paper and take it to a local recycling center or arrange for pick-up through the waste management department in your area.
Whether your trash is picked up, or you have to take it to the landfill, there should be a list of items the recycling center accepts as well as how they like these items handled.
For example, some towns accept cardboard for recycling but you must take it there yourself.
Normally valerian has a sedating effect on those who take it.
Use half a teaspoon or less and take it with meals to avoid an upset stomach.
Because of this, if you take the tincture, it is best to take it in something that can mask the flavor and odor.
Several other possible side effects may occur if tea tree oil is taken internally, and even though it was at one time used as a tea, hence its name, you should never take it internally.
In a dedicated theater room, you can take it one step further with customizable home theater seating.
For instance, a safari themed bedroom may allow you plenty of room for going bold with your design and carrying the look as far as you can take it.
For expensive pieces, such as furniture, be sure of the return policy before you take it home to avoid costly mistakes.
You can stop the headboard just below the top mattress or you can take it to the baseboard.
Once fabric is cut from the bolt, many fabric stores won't take it back.
Finally, once you have chosen your top colors you can save the colors and then print out the final results and take it to your nearest Home Depot store to choose your swatches and paint samples.
If you want to play it safe,start with a white kitchen and take it from there.
Since their tastes are always evolving it's an easy way to add decoration and then take it away when your child's changes his or her mind.
You'll reap the beauty benefits of this makeup accessory no matter where you take it.
Subtle shadow is appropriate for daytime wear at work or school, while you can take it up a notch for a night on the town.
Apply with a light hand because it's easier to add more makeup than to take it away if you've put on too much.
Makeup junkies need a powerful product to take it all off at the end of the day.
This may mean having to take it to a professional.
Once you know the VIN, take it to Carfax.com.
Name your pet, and then enter the animal's digital world to feed it, play with it, take it to the vet, and watch it perform tricks.
Bear in mind that they may be getting approached by many other people, so don't take it personally if they don't respond straight away.
As you grow your pet, you have the option to take it on quests.
Keep the sugar in the oven for 30 minutes, then take it out and crumble up any clumps.
Then quickly take it out of the boiling water and drop it into a bowl of ice water.
Ready-made layouts take it a step further and do everything but stick your pictures to the page.
Like with any scrapbook tool, there are always a few serious scrappers who find a way to take it to a new level.
If you have a cell phone, be sure to take it with you.
With a relaxation and stress management workbook, group members can take it home, work on it, reflect, and then discuss their thoughts at the next meeting.
Also, anyone who wants to differentiate between symptoms of anxiety and depression should take it.
Try not to take it personally; it's not your fault.
It took you a few months to put on the pounds, so it will take you a few months to take it off again.
Bad friends are often people who have low self-esteem and take it out on others.
If you want to play up the bold look and take it a step further, carry a pink satin clutch and pink peep toe heels or strappy sandals in the same shade as your dress.
Your teen may take it for granted that there’s a place to store his laundry and someone to actually do it for him.
Be sure to pack it carefully before travel and take it out once you arrive on site to smooth any wrinkles.
If you do find holes, they may be able to be repaired, but before you purchase the dress, ask if you can take it to a dressmaker's shop for an estimate and consultation.
You can add clip art designs to your discount wedding invitations, create the card you like the best, then take it to a local print shop and order as many copies as you need.
So we decided to take it for a spin around the dance floor, just for fun.
Once you get it there, whether you choose to have it shipped or you do decide to take it yourself, you're going to want to have it steamed.
You'll stand out on your wedding day regardless, but these dresses are meant to look like pieces of art, so they can help you take it up a notch.
I only take it a day at a time today, who knows if I will be sober tomorrow.
The inventory provides a quick and fairly accurate overview of how any one person is feeling at the time they take it.
The pattern may begin in childhood when the children steal because they see something they want and simply take it.
Clonazepam side effects can be more pronounced in users who obtain this drug illegally or who take it in higher doses than the doses prescribed.
If you aren't sure where to begin, then take it step by step . A shower curtain is a large scale design piece; yet it's usually not so overwhelming that it will steal the spotlight away from the overall mood of your bathroom décor.
When it's finished, take it out of the oven and let it cool completely.
For more information on Boy George, check out his memoir, Take It Like a Man.
While not uncommon for pregnant women to have a physician's order to take it easy, it certainly puts a wrinkle in a working actress' life.
In response to his termination, Washington said in a statement, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore," borrowing a line from the 1970s movie, Network.
For a list of Jewish movie stars, you can take it a little further than just listening to Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song.
There is a trend towards better dressing but it can be difficult for a parent to persuade their child to take it up.
After the dough has set, take it out and slice it very thinly.
Senny needs to take it easy the rest of the day, but other than that, that is all there is to it.
I had to fight a bit to get this bypassed and then to have them take it out because the type of cancer he had/has needs a special scope.
Here is a perfect example of why and when it is a great time to take it along with you.
Likewise, forcing the dog to drink water, unless he is willing to take it on his own, won't improve the situation.
Simply take it into consideration as one more factor along with the physical signs of readiness.
When the dog goes to eliminate, you can pick it up and take it outside.
If he seems stressed and attempts to take it off, he probably isn't a good candidate for clothing.
H. Woodall praises it for those who like a bold and distinct plant in a warm situation in summer, and have means to protect or take it up and pot it in winter.
Place the tray in a lightly shaded location when you take it out.
You can download an e-book instantly and read it on your computer or print it out and take it into the greenhouse with you.
You don't need to be a master carpenter; just take it step-by-step and you'll create a project that will do you proud.
The SX100B Series II has a maple neck and a rosewood fingerboard with a durable high-gloss finish on the body, neck and headstock to protect it from damage at the rowdy bar gigs you'll take it to.
After all, it's not a party unless someone can whip out the Eagles' Take It Easy or Green Day's Good Riddance at the slightest suggestion!
The only downside with this strategy is that once your strap is on, you can't take it off without unscrewing the peg.
You need to make sure you can take it slow and easy so you minimize mistakes and complete every step with precision.
However, if you're still in the research process and not sure which cabinets you'd like to install in your bathroom, you can pick up a Thomasville product catalog and take it home to shop for ideas as you make your decision.
Having accessories on your patio can take it from average to amazing.
If the mildew is on an item that can be brought outside, take it out and brush it outdoors to avoid spreading the spores in your house.
Once you have it in place, you're not going to want to try and take it out again.
You may need to take it back down to correct some of your original cuts - this is normal.
Many manufacturers will allow you to choose upgrades to your prefabricated garage to take it from basic to fabulous.
Be sure that they will be able to easily put their necklace on and take it off.
When in doubt, take it to a high-end dry cleaner that specializes in formal wear or vintage clothes.
And you can certainly take it to the cleaners, but again, make sure it's a high-end place that knows how to handle quality fabrics.
Geocaching tee shirts simply let the world know, as you whiz by in pursuit of the hidden treasure, that you enjoy geocaching and take it seriously enough to wear a tee about it.
Take the wide end through the loop as if you're tying a shoe, then take it to the left so that the wide side is still on the left.
Once a year, take it to a professional to have it cleaned.
If you're using a green tea extract, follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and never take it on an empty stomach.
However, be aware that your hair may get mussed when you pull it on or take it off.
Since it's such an easy way of showing off your individual style, why not take it a step further and make your shrug truly individual?
If the care tag says "Dry Clean Only" or "Dry Cleaning Suggested," then take it to the dry cleaner when it needs to be cleaned.
If you choose to write your own directive, take it to a lawyer to make sure that your instructions are clear.
Why not bake a batch of cookies and take it to a neighbor who is a shut-in?
You may need to take it over a period of time, up to a month, before you see results.
An herbal bath of jamica dogwood is a good option, though one can take it at bedtime, too.
You take it to your optometrist's office to redeem it.
The ride's roughly figure-8 course will take it across the lagoon and onto Millennium Island, where the Millennium Force roller coaster undergoes a complicated turn to reverse its course.
If you are looking to take a substantial bite out of "The Sweetest Place on Earth," then stay a few days to take it all in.
Similar to delivering the package earlier, Tom now hands you a carpet and orders you to take it somewhere.
Do you want to take it for a joyride or do you actually want to use it in combat.
Then, hop over to the oven to bake the cake they request, take it to the icing machine and select the correct flavor, add any decorations, then serve it up hot.
Because he's unpopular, no one will listen to him, so Chicken Little and his friends take it upon themselves to save the world.
Other mods take it a step further and create a whole new game.
Well, come wild men, loyal to the crazy guy storm the boat and attempt to take it down, find the artifact and kill Ned.
Even if you don't quite take it to this level, it can be a lot easier if you can simply load your content onto a memory card and plug that into your portable device.
Suck it up and take it like a real man/woman.
Buy it, take it home and play around with it.
So if you are a parent who is concerned with this, you may want to take it into consideration.
Grab the statue in the spawning pit room in your tower and take it with you.
In Sonic Adventure, players could load a Tamagotchi-like game onto the VMU and take it on the go.
If someone becomes engaged with the enemy, then you can either let them fight it out on the map (automatic), or take it to the arena Soul Calibur style.
Spiderman 2 makes a great rental, but it doesn't have enough replaybility to take it home as a purchase.
No more excuses to not play the game, now you can take it everywhere you go!
If you get a chance to visit during harvest season, take it!
If you are trying to evaluate your antique bone china tea pot in order to insure it then it is very important that you take it to an experienced appraiser for the current replacement value of the item.
Scan this mark if you have a scanner so that you can take it with you if you need to do research away from home.
The best thing that you can do is to take it to an experience appraiser or try to contact Singer for help.
You can pump it up cordlessly or use your car lighter to take it from flat to full in seconds.
You can help keep it clean by not allowing it to touch the ground when you put it up or take it down.
Don't forget to check out the downloads that are available online for the iPhone; they will take it to a whole new level.
If you do damage your device, take it to an Apple Store for repair by professionals.
You take it with you everywhere you go, whether you're making your way to the office or you're enjoying a leisurely brunch with your mother-in-law.
While the test is useful for children and adults, infants and young children should not take it because of the risk of dehydration from diarrhea in those who are lactose intolerant.
In addition, about 1 percent of those who take it develop agranulocytosis, a potentially fatal blood disease, within the first year of use, and all patients on clozapine must be monitored regularly for this side effect.
Yet millions of Americans take it for that reason.
Medical laboratories can test the tick for Borrelia burgdorferi if the tick is alive; parents should place the tick in a tightly sealed plastic bag or small bottle with a moistened cotton ball and take it to the doctor.
Doctors may not consider Lyme disease if it is rare locally but will take it into account if a patient mentions vacationing in an area where the disease is commonly found.
When they see something they want, they simply take it.