Take-control Sentence Examples
If she was ever going to learn to be totally self sufficient, she was going to have to take control of her life.
The time to take control of her life was long overdue.
You like to do the asking - only you're afraid to take control.
Remote control means you actually take control of the remote PC through your local keyboard.
Whoever has them will be able to take control.
Would he continue to consider her input, or would he simply take control?
The moment he made the decision to demand her as payment, all had become overwhelmingly clear, as if he had chosen at last to take control of a dream that had imprisoned him for so long.
It was time to take control.
He says an elected assembly " will allow the region to truly take control of its destiny " .
The Fellowship works to enable people affected by manic depression to take control of their lives.
AdvertisementIt was the moves by the Chávez government to take control of oil industry that provoked the most immediate howls of outrage.
You'll get to take control of Kian, who's a rather mysterious warrior from the world of Arcadia.
There are also occasions where you take control of Kaede, a female ninja who has joined you in your quest.
Remote control means you actually take control of the remote control means you actually take control of the remote PC through your local keyboard.
This frame has gone scrappy, neither player can take control.
AdvertisementIts raison d'etre undertaken by the public sector.' Voluntary and community groups need to take control of civil renewal because it is rightly theirs.
Keith Stroud will take control of Preston's trip to table toppers Reading.
The reshuffle followed Thursday 's local elections, which saw the Conservatives take control of 11 local authorities.
The opening stages were scrappy as both sides attempted to take control of the game.
Keith Stroud will take control of Preston 's trip to table toppers Reading.
AdvertisementThese kits will kill and help you take control of those pesky bed bugs.
You can take control of debt reduction and taxes.
However, once you determine your basic income and expenses, you should gather even more information to take control of your finances.
Debt doesn't have to ruin your life if you take control of it from the minute you sense you are in trouble.
Whether you have a large fleet or a small fleet, a fleet card can help you easily analyze your company's expenses and provide you with the information you need to take control of your business.
AdvertisementKnowing how to mix the individual oils into the perfect antidote for your health problem is a satisfying way to take control of your health.
The photographer should take control of the shoot and give verbal directions to the model to assure that he achieves the results that they have both agreed upon.
This is another area of your life where you need to take control.
The first thing you need to do to save your social life is to take control of your anxiety.
You may know all about studies on how stress can negatively affect your health, mental stability, and relationships but you just can't seem to take control of it.
If you don't, look over your list and figure out what you can take control of right now.
By acknowledging that money is a necessity, but is not necessarily evil, you take control of your financial future.
You just need to step up and take control of your life again.
Jealousy is an evil demon; don't let it take control.
The longer you let the symptoms of this mental illness take control over you, the worse life will seem.
The program encourages seniors to take control of their health by getting into the best possible condition through exercise and healthy lifestyle choices.
As you play through the game, you take control of American paratroopers, members of the Red army, and British paratroopers.
So you have to take control of the streets by recruiting other baddies, which may include friends, old rivals, and/or old Zelleneti members.
What you do have is Campaign mode where you take control of a team you create that gets sent to the depth of football hell.
Based on the television series and movie of the same name, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command gets you to take control Buzz as he flies across the universe, defending good and defeating evil.
Within each nationality you take control of the lives of corresponding countrymen.
At its core, you take control over the Overlord as he controls his army of minions.
Gamers are particularly pleased to take control of such stars as Triple H, John Cena, and yes, even Vince MacMahon.
Along similar lines, strategy and role-playing games can be longer versions where they take control of one character and follow through its life by making quasi-real choices and can affect one or many within the game.
If you do the later, you take control of the fighting and it's possible to have a 2 on 3, 1 on 4, or 3 on 3…depending on if you sent your guys into help.
Fly through space; attack enemy ships and attempt landing on them to take control with your marines.
Each planet you take control over you receive credits to use to recruit unit classes or buy bonus items to help you.
It is also cool to board a large space battle cruiser with one of your own ships and then invade it with your marines to take control of it.
Each planet you take control over you receive a planetary bonus to help your troops or sabotage your enemies in upcoming galactic battles.
Not surprisingly, you take control of Clark Kent and Superman for the duration of this game, which is said to offer between six and 10 hours of gameplay in the single-player story mode.
You choose between 13 different races (or create a custom one) and attempt to take control over the galaxy either by diplomacy or by defeating all other races.
One is Mickey's half-brother Oswald and the game's bad guy is The Phantom Blot, who wants to take control of this cartoon wasteland.
Formulated in a gel cream consistency, you can add shine, take control and help define curls in just one step.
A midwife teaches, educates and empowers women to take control of their own health care.
Of course, if you already have access to a previously purchased ClearPlan Fertility Monitor, testing while using Clomid is still a relatively simple way to take control of your fertility.
Planning when and if you have children is very important, and there are many ways that you can take control of your fertility.
Most forms of contraception are for women, which allows females to take control of their reproductive systems.
Using the focused and relaxing Lamaze breathing exercises are thought to allow the woman and her birth partner to take control of the birth process.
When they find one, they take control of it, thus turning the previously stable molecule into a free radical as well -- again in search of an electron.
Also, hemming yourself into the sides is a good way to take control of the board.
When you are about to embark on a flirty interaction, take control over your mood.
Police officers take control of matters and make decisions on the spot.
Whether you're an editor, copywriter or feature writer, lean times call for you to step up and take control of your career.
Both signs are strong minded, and they are ready and willing to take control in any situation.
You might consider allowing a teenager to take control of her own clothing budget; nothing makes a young woman a good shopper like awareness of how much things cost and the finite size of her pocketbook.
Read on for some sites offering kids Internet games, as well as a few things for parents to consider before letting the kids take control of the mouse and keyboard.
If you've been looking for a way to take control of your financial future, Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover may be the answer.
She encourages her fans to take control of their money so they can live their lives by the motto, "People First, Then Money, Then Things."
Dave Ramsey budget forms can be a useful tool for helping you take control of your finances.
Corporate politics take center stage with back office scheming and attempts to take control of the magazine.
Ever since the Greek philosopher Plato (428-348 BC) relied on an ancient water alarm clock to signal important events (rumored), people have strived to take control of time.
However, with proper nutrition, yoga and Pilates, girls can take control of their health.
Making the list and prioritizing tasks that need to be accomplished is work, but if you want to take control of your daily life it's the first step in making a plan.
Think how much better it would be to take control of the situation and get organized.
Reading about how Justin lost 46 pounds and gained control over his chronic back pain may give you the motivation you need to take control of your health.
By changing the way you eat, you can take control of your health.
Regular exercise is one of the most important lifestyle changes you can make to take control of your health.
While some muscle loss does occur, you can take control of your body's aging process, explains Mayo Clinic.
While many people may not label these programs as "makeover series," they follow a general format of trying to help people take control of a certain aspect of their lives.
The show features both a unique take on home makeover and design features by bringing in the Clean House team to help people take control of their homes and clutter.
A diplomat with extensive experience, Weir was appointed by the President to take control of Stargate Command, a nod to international pressure against U.S. military control.
While it's possible some adults will not "outgrow" acne, it is possible to take control and maintain a healthier, clearer complexion with time and an effective skin care regimen.
By checking the skin surface once a month and noting any possible changes, a person can take control of their own risk and act upon any concerns.
Even if you are real life friends with someone, anyone can take control of their account if they possess the ability to hack the password.
From small businesses to nonprofit associations, the right training can help anyone take control of their Internet marketing and ranking strategies.
Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before.
She never thought she'd find herself rooting for the Black God, but she willed Jonny to take control of the situation.