Take back Sentence Examples
You could at least take back your words.
He settled the affair in his usual downright manner, telling the commissioners bluntly that they must take back their legitimate king, and refusing - perhaps with more questionable wisdom - to allow the retention of the tricolour flag,which to him was a "symbol of rebellion."
It's time to take back control of your life when it's gone awry.
Finding himself in danger of starvation, even his food and drink being changed by his touch, Midas entreated Dionysus to take back the gift.
The refusal of the Italians to take back the Austtian grand dukes made the execution of these arrangements impracticable.
If depression has taken control over your life, it's time to take back that control.
Taking the time to organize your home can go a long way toward helping you take back control and reduce your stress level.
This company has an excellent return policy and will take back undergarments you are unsatisfied with.
The situation is hardly helped when it is discovered that Company Representative Burke (played with two-faced sympathy by Paul Reiser) is actually trying to secure an alien to take back with him for the Company's research department.
As with most social networks, Twitter has unwritten rules of etiquette that once breached, are difficult to take back.
AdvertisementLingerie is one of those items that most stores won't take back.
Shower units for the elderly lets older individuals take back some of their independence by being able to bathe on their own.
You goal in Jet Grind Radio is to tag as much turf as you can while rival taggers try to gain control of your turf or take back what's been drawn on in their turf.
The original owner may have the right to pay the delinquent fees and take back the property even after the auction; you have to determine what the right to redemption laws are in your state.
Also, forget about purchasing a flower lei from the airport to take back home.
AdvertisementWhen the football team is playing defense, you'll want a nice collection of really strong defensive football sideline cheers to encourage the players to block any moves by the other team or even take back control of the ball.
I was hoping to find someone to take back with me.
Tell me what news I may take back to my poor boy.
Will the buyer return your money and take back the tank if it doesn't pass professional visual and hydrostatic tests?
Choosing a women's addiction treatment center can help ease these vulnerable emotions and give women the confidence to speak out and take back their lives.
AdvertisementReputable breeders always provide a written health guarantee policy to refund your money and take back the puppy if it is sick.
This is a good way to take back some space, make your bathroom more efficient, and show a little style.
While most companies will gladly take back something that doesn't fit or simply wasn't what you wanted, sometimes that does not apply to clearance items, holiday wear or special occasion wear.
Some retailers will accept returns on all items of clothing at any time, while others only give you a small time frame or only take back items with the tags still attached.