Tactics Sentence Examples
She had not the training for tactics or strategies.
Ikir, they're using our tactics against us.
I'm an urban warfare tactics trainer, specializing in tracking.
Rissa paid heed to his explanation of tactics, uncertain if they were truthful, but noting his assessments.
The French, retreating in 1812--though according to tactics they should have separated into detachments to defend themselves--congregated into a mass because the spirit of the army had so fallen that only the mass held the army together.
His tactics would never earn anything but scorn from Kris, but they worked.
As a war-goddess, she is the embodiment of prudent and intelligent tactics, entirely different from Ares, the personification of brute force and rashness, who is fitly represented as suffering defeat at her hands.
Men can only be taken prisoners if they surrender according to the rules of strategy and tactics, as the Germans did.
It doesn't fit with their alleged party objectives or any tactics they've ever employed.
His strategy at Dundee and Inverlochy, his tactics at Aberdeen, Auldearn and Kilsyth furnished models of the military art, but above all his daring and constancy marked him out as the greatest soldier of the war, Cromwell alone excepted.
AdvertisementThese tactics soon rendered legislation impossible, and a modification of the rule of procedure became absolutely necessary if any business at all was to be done.
He was met by Alva with cautious tactics.
His works on Macedonia, on Thebes, and on tactics (perhaps identical with the Strategica) are lost.
Their victories had been due mainly to the guerilla tactics of the leaders of the type of without having accomplished anything beyond throwing supplies and troops into Coron, Modon and Patras.
His colleague, Yussuf Pasha, in East Hellas fared no better; here, too, the Turks gained some initial successes, but in the end the harassing tactics of Kolokotrones and his guerilla bands forced them back into the plain of the Kephissos.
AdvertisementHis energetic and at the same time systematic tactics inaugurated a new era of mountain warfare.
When the Riksdag met in 1760, the indignation against the Hat leaders was so violent that an impeachment seemed inevitable; but once more the superiority of their parliamentary tactics prevailed, and when, after a session of twenty months, the Riksdag was brought to a close by the mutual consent of both the exhausted factions, the Hat government was bolstered up for another four years.
But such a war does not fit in under any rule and is directly opposed to a well-known rule of tactics which is accepted as infallible.
Over a period of a week, the tactics had gone from infantile to novice to advanced, as if someone were learning the intricacies of battle planning.
Dunbar attested his constancy and gave proof that Cromwell was a master of the tactics of all arms. Preston was an example like Austerlitz of the two stages of a battle as defined by Napoleon, the first flottante, the second foudroyante.
AdvertisementTheir tactics, however, produced a contrary effect, for Rudini, accepting proposals from Berlin, renewed the alliance in June 1891 for a period of twelve years.
He was one of the first to perceive the vast changes which must ensue from the introduction of steam into the navy, which would necessitate a new system of signals and a new method of tactics.
What he had done for signals Colomb next did for tactics.
In the Two Tactics (1905) he had announced that terrorism was inevitable as a weapon in the hands of revolutionists.
On the r4th (the anniversary of Marengo) Lannes carried out his role of fighting advanced guard or screen, the emperor's main body gradually came up, and the battle of Friedland (q.v.), notable chiefly for the first display of the new artillery tactics of the French, ended with a general attack about 5 P.M.
AdvertisementHe was principal of the College for the Blind at Vinton after the war, and until his death was connected with the Iowa College of Agriculture at Ames, being military instructor and cashier in 1870-1882, acting president in 1876-1877, librarian in 1877-1878, vicepresident and professor of military tactics in 1880-1882, and treasurer in 1884-1887.
We have an interesting description of their tactics from the pen of the emperor Leo VI., whose account of them is confirmed by the contemporary Russian annals.
The only bright spot, as far as the British were concerned, was to be found in northern Cape Colony, where General French, with two cavalry brigades and details, by his skilful tactics and wonderful activity kept at arm's length a superior force of the enemy in the vicinity of Colesberg, an achievement the more noteworthy since he had pitted against him both De la Rey and De Wet, two of the three men of military genius produced by the war on the Boer side.
Then followed a long period of groping for a means to cope with the development of guerrilla tactics, which for the next six months were at their zenith.
Moltke, knowing well the danger for a great army of being forced into a battle with an unfordable river behind it, and with his naturally strong bent towards the defensive in tactics, concluded that Benedek would elect to hold the left bank of the Elbe, between the fortified towns of Josephstadt and Kiiniggra,tz, with his right thrown back and covered by the lower courses of the Aupa and the Mettau.
They imagined that, like other nations, they would fallbefore their superior tactics and valour; and their cupidity was inflamed by the prospect of marching to Calcutta and plundering the country.
The war against Pisa was renewed, and in 1499 the city might have been taken but for the dilatory tactics of the Florentine commander Paolo Vitelli, who was consequently arrested on a charge of treason and put to death.
It is intended to be a practical manual for the student and the official alike; and, to fulfil this object, it treats of the mechanic arts of life as well as the subtleties of the scholar, the duties of the prince and the tactics of the general.
Moderate as were his views and disinterested as were his motives, his tactics were passionately and dangerously aggressive.
His professional attainments were great, and in 1856 he was a member of a board entrusted with the revision of light artillery drill and tactics.
They were not charged by the Imperialists at this moment, for Pappenheim had not yet arrived, and the usual cavalry tactics of the day were founded on the pistol and not on the sword and the charging horse.
Their arms comprise two short swords, a longer spear, a round shield, and they sometimes wear a coat of mail; a curious feature is their tactics of fighting in a circle of protecting shields.
Nevertheless he had every intention of delivering a heavy and decisive counterstroke when the right moment should come, and meantime his defensive tactics would certainly have full play on this prearranged battlefield with its elaborate redoubts, bombproofs and obstacles, and its garrison of a strength obviously equal (and in reality superior) to that of the assailants.
He was present at the battle of Assaye, and displayed such courage and knowledge of tactics throughout the whole campaign that Wellesley told him he had mistaken his profession, and that he ought to have been a soldier.
Sometimes they cut off supplies by ceasing to bring provisions to the market, but the French were not to be turned aside by such tactics.
But at the end of 1840 Valee was recalled and replaced by Bugeaud, who adopted totally different tactics.
The well-established doctrine that the House of Lords could not amend, though it might reject, a money-bill, coupled with the fact that it never had gone so far as to reject a budget, was relied on by the extremists as dictating the obvious party tactics; and before the year 1909 opened, the possibility of the Lords being driven to compel a dissolution by standing on their extreme rights as regards the financial provision for the year was already canvassed in political circles, though it was hardly credited that the government would precipitate a constitutional crisis of such magnitude.
Events had now made Mr Lloyd George and his financial policy the centre of the Liberal party programme; but party tactics for the moment prevented the ministry, who remained in office, from simply sending the budget up again to the Lords and allowing them to pass it.
This was a master-stroke of tactics, as Pompey's return was imminent.
The armies were very large, an expedition often consisting of several divisions, each numbering eight thousand men; but the tactics of the commanders were quite rudimentary, consisting merely of attack by arrows and javelins at a distance, gradually closing into a hand-to-hand fight with clubs and spears, with an occasional feigned retreat to draw the enemy into an ambuscade.
His clear-cut, strenuous policy of open hostilities has always had its admirers; but it is difficult to see how England could have secured from it more than she 294 Walsingham, Sir Francis actually did from Elizabeth's more Fabian tactics.
Each army by a night march attempted a surprise of the other, but the British tactics prevailed, and Gates was utterly routed.
In 1858 the LiberalConservative party, formed in 1854 by a coalition, attempted to bring him out as a candidate for the upper house, which was at this date elective, but though he had broken with the advanced reformers, he could not approve of the tactics of their opponents, and refused to stand.
The opposition were determined to raise debates in the House of Commons on the fiscal question, and Mr Balfour was no less determined not to be caught in their trap. These tactics of avoidance reached their culminating point when on one occasion Mr Balfour and his supporters left the House and allowed a motion hostile to tariff reform to be passed nem.
It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.
Demosthenes averted this, and immediately afterwards by superior tactics inflicted a complete defeat at Olpae in Acarnania on Eurylochus at the head of a Spartan and Ambracian force.
In September 1896 a skirmish at Hafir, with similarly successful tactics, gave the British commander the possession of Dongola.
The want of homogeneity of the force, and the unaccustomed tactics imposed upon the cavalry, somewhat hampered the defence, and the square was broken at the left rear corner.
MacDonald distinguished himself by his tactics, and completely repulsed the enemy.
In 1872 he took part in the congress summoned by the Ultramontanes at Fulda, and by his judicious use of minimizing tactics he kept his diocese free from any participation in the Old Catholic schism.
Thus one of the earliest of the great military theorists lived to speculate on the tactics of the present day.
A second campaign by the king in the autumn was defeated, like that of the previous year, through bad weather and the Fabian tactics of the Welsh.
This measure provided for the foundation and maintenance of colleges "where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics [which had not been included in the original bill], to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts...
Using the same tactics as his father had used before, Obaidallah summoned the chiefs of the tribes and made them responsible for the conduct of their men.
But the Alids, though not devoid of personal courage, never excelled in politics or in tactics.
Krauss, who now had Krobatin's troops under his orders, and subsequently drew reinforcements from Stein's group, wished to organize a double drive through the Brenta and Piave gorges, and reach the plain by the tactics he had successfully employed in the Plezzo basin.
Krauss blames his divisional commanders, who, he says, were opposed to these tactics, and could not make up their minds to a resolute attempt.
This holding of the Italian fire, like the failure to appreciate the necessity for defence in depth, is explained by the fact that as regards the practice of defensive tactics the Italians were some two years in arrears.
Appointed by Governor Dennison one of three brigadiersgeneral of militia in 1860, he eagerly undertook the study of tactics, strategy and military history.
The nucleus of the army was formed of armoured horsemen, excellently practised for long-distance fighting with bow and javelin, but totally unable to venture on a hand-to-hand conflict, their tactics being rather to swarm round the enemys squadrons and overwhelm them under a hail of missiles.
In 1484 the same tactics proved successful against an invasion of Bayezid II.
He is the supposed author of a treatise on Graeco-Macedonian tactics (TaKTLKa Ke4aXaca), which, however, is probably not his own work, but the skeleton outline of the lectures delivered by his master, who is known to have written a work on the subject.
At the battle of Leuctra (371) he contributed greatly to the success of Epaminondas's new tactics by the rapidity with which he made the Sacred Band close with the Spartans.
As a soldier Tarnowski invented a new system of tactics which greatly increased the mobility and the security of the armed camps within which the Poles had so often to encounter the Tatars.
Under the leadership of Arnauld, who came of a great family of lawyers, the Jansenists accordingly took refuge in a series of legal tactics.
Charles's generals avoided pitched battles, and contented themselves with defensive and guerrilla tactics, with the result that in 1380 only Bayonne, Bordeaux, Brest and Calais were still in English hands.
The Coalition neither practices nor endorses the " stealth tactics " the ADL claims.
By now it should be obvious that India does not respond positively to strong-arm tactics.
Using strong-arm tactics courts the joint do you get history here dates.
Got a match there sunday anyone know how its fishing, the best pegs, and the best tactics.
Unable to resort to conventional tactics of warfare in order to secure victory, they created new theaters of war to demonstrate their superiority.
Black Eye is in Crow's Nest and when activated, melee tactics replenish your shield energy.
Even so, learning these secret techniques and finding lesser-known tactics can give you an edge over the competition.
Use the PSP's Wi-Fi to experience multiplayer LOTR Tactics with up to 4 players.
Riviera is best described as a cross between a turn-based strategy game, a role playing game and a tactics game.
Often, Simulation Games and Role Playing Games (RPGs) include equal parts strategic elements since tactics are inherent parts of their gameplay.
These games require the user to plan and create tactics to achieve their ultimate goals.
Different opponents will have a variety of combat tactics.
With strategy guides, you may be offered different types of moves and tactics that will help you achieve greater success in sports games, fighting games, simulation games, and role-playing games.
With their forward-thinking strategy and intelligent business tactics, Nintendo is positioning themselves for a revolution in the gaming world.
Three equally accessible tactics are described below.
A completely different set of tactics is required for that.
They are acquisition of basic motor skills, social development by the child's interaction with coaches and teammates, and cognitive development in understanding and following instructions and executing strategy and tactics.
Sexual abuse-Forced sexual contact through the use of threats or other fear tactics, or instances in which an individual is physically unable to decline sexual activity.
Their tactics differ, however, in that they are less visible.
Applying architectural tactics when studying the face, Anastasia came up with a unique strategy for shaping eyebrows to create the appearance of an altered facial structure.
However, if you start very early, use a program that utilizes songs, games and other tactics to teach phonics.
If you are interested in negotiating late payments with mortgage lenders, you need to understand what tactics might work and you also need to act quickly.
Option One used deceitful tactics to trick customers.
For those who like Quiksilver, you can get a shaded hoodie at Tactics.
Wikipedia's article on chess tactics is actually a good overview for beginners.
There are many ways to earn money to support a non-profit organization, however sometimes traditional fundraising tactics do not work well if you need to raise a large amount of funding for your fiscal year.
Sexual Assertion - Be upfront in your sexual expectations and avoid coy tactics.
You've probably figured out by now, that none of these tactics have worked.
Some will suggest specific tactics for specific dating sites.
Because of their ability to change their tactics, it is tough for law enforcement to stay ahead of the curve.
While things like a flashy car or material items can initially cause a girl to notice you, these tactics for flirting only go so far.
It's worth pointing out that most writers use several different tactics to find work.
Such tactics are not uncommon for psychics who are new to a particular area and lack clientele.
Some of the tactics used in business are similar to the ones a bull uses when protecting his herd.
With the scare tactics of some Internet providers and movie companies threatening lawsuits, is there any option where movies are available to watch for free?
Although you might expect that the Economides children would be a bit embarrassed by their parent's frugal tactics, all five of the kids are quite experienced at saving money themselves.
With so many other options available with one click of your computer mouse, SAS thrives as a company even without glitzy marketing tactics and online specials.
Tactics also carries a wide selection of Fallen shoes at both regular and sale prices.
Budgets are cut, big-name actors may suddenly jump ship and the network is left scrambling to come up with new tactics to bring in fresh blood and new viewers.
Victor Newman's arrival in Genoa City was not intended to be long-term, but the actor's charisma combined with the character's dangerous business tactics and rivalry with Jack Abbott struck a chord with the fans.
It's a jungle out there, but guerilla marketing tactics will help you get the most out of your advertising dollars.
It allows you to choose specific methods and tactics to help you to reach the market your business is ideal for.
How much does the strategy and tactics cost to put in place?
You may want to describe a specific timeline for each of the marketing tactics you are considering.
We will do this through a combination of exclusive brands and white-glove service, promoted through a combination of ads and direct response marketing tactics.
Getting the crowd involved with some "hello cheer tactics" can definitely set the tone for the game.
Big names like Chantelle and Aubade dominate the world of high-end undergarments, using an endless array of tactics to mold, accentuate, and accessorize the female form.
Knowles is well known in the industry for underhanded tactics, and Beyonce recorded and released the song without Jean even being informed.
The basic premise has been repeated with great success in more current shows like Punked, Scare Tactics and America's Funniest Home Videos.
The worst reality show villains earn their titles because of their devious tactics and disregard for the feelings of other people.
His villain-like behavior was subtle at first, but as the show progressed it became obvious that there was something extra special about his tactics to gain the win.
A kind of horrific candid camera is the theme of Scare Tactics with host Tracy Morgan pulling elaborate scary hoaxes over on people.
Often web companies will use some combination of these tactics to get their money back from a "free" offer, and there's nothing actually wrong with that.
Scam SEO firms "game the system" by using tactics that temporarily trick search engines into ranking a site highly for a while.
Website conversion for service businesses involves using tools, tactics and techniques to improve a website in order to help turn website traffic into more paying clients.
Case studies, awards, accreditations and other evidence of your expertise are common persuasion tactics.
There are many tactics that we use to help increase the amount of time visitors stay on a website and the number visitors who make inquiries.
Then, we put together an action plan which includes the specific strategies and tactics that we're going to implement on their site.
Philosophy, grammar, the history and theory of language, rhetoric, law, arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, mensuration, agriculture, naval tactics, were all represented.
Antony's heavy battleships endeavoured to close and crush the enemy with their artillery; Octavian's light and mobile craft made skilful use of skirmishing tactics.
The Discourse on the Dissensions in Athens and Rome (September 1701), written to repel the tactics of the Tory commons in their attack on the Partition Treaties "without humour and without satire," and intended as a dissuasive from the pending impeachment of Somers, Orford, Halifax and Portland, received the honour, extraordinary for the maiden publication of a young politician, of being generally attributed to Somers himself or to Burnet, the latter of whom found a public disavowal necessary.
Their original tactics were merely to land suddenly near some thriving seaport, or rich monastery, to sack it, and to take to the water again before the local militia could turn out in force against them.
He inaugurated the tactics by which his grandson and great-grandson were to win epochmaking victories abroadEthiiards reign lasted br thirty-five years, and was equally important in constitutional development and in imperial policy.
Meanwhile he had acquired no small military reputation, had collected a large body of professional soldiers whose experience was to be invaluable to him in the continental war, and had taught his army the new tactics which were to win Crecy and Poitiers.
It was his evident belief that by pursuing such tactics he could force the House of Commons to concede the legislation which he desired.
Notwithstanding these new rules obstructive tactics continued to prevail; and, in the course of the parliament, many members were suspended for disorderly conduct.
In these two books his experience and his opinion of the tactics which founded the second French empire stand registered for all time.
Flamininus modified both the policy and tactics of his predecessors.
It was a victory of superior tactics.
He had read much of tactics and strategy, joined the American army at the outbreak of the War of Independence, and fought at Bunker Hill, planned the defences of the camps of the army before Boston, and brought from Lake George and border forts much-needed artillery.
We see here, as in other activities of the age, a determination to acquire technical knowledge, and to apply it directly to the practical issue; just as music was being enriched by new technical knowledge, architecture by modern theories of plans and T-squares (sc. Hippodamus), the handling of soldiers by the new technique of " tactics " and " hoplitics," so citizenship must be analysed afresh, systematized and adapted in relation to modern requirements.
Cited before the court of Paris, the Black Prince refused to attend, and war broke out in Gascony, Poitou and Normandy, but with fresh tactics (1369).
The law of conscription was voted on the 5th of September 1798; and the tragedy of Rastadt, where the French commissioners were assassinated, was the opening of a war, desired but illprepared for, in which the Directory showed hesitation in strategy and incoherence in tactics, over a disproportionate area in Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
In 1897 he was appointed instructor in tactics at the U.S. Military Academy, but on the outbreak of the Spanish-American War (1898) asked to be assigned to active duty.
He was the first to recognize the insufficiency and the unreliability of the feudal levies, the first to employ a regular army on a large scale, the first to depend more upon strategy and tactics than upon mere courage.
Nicephorus was the author of an extant treatise on military tactics which contains valuable information concerning the art of war in his time.
From now on they could practice evasion tactics - and in the next hour she discovered Bordeaux knew a slew of them.
I'm an urban warfare tactics trainer specializing in tracking.
They were too … different, too unlike the tactics and war planning taught by Anshan or anyone in the Five Galaxies.
It tells that Kaunitz, with whom Candy was imprisoned in South Africa, is spreading black propaganda about English tactics in South Africa.
Those who feel the ' violent anarchists ' are curbing their successes should maybe look at how successful their own tactics are.
The perfect way to settle every football argument or demonstrate tactics that should have been used on the pitch.
Six minutes were added to the match and the Rams time wasting tactics backfired as the home side drew level in added time.
And high visibility police patrols, covert tactics and warning posters are being used at other venues which have suffered vehicle break-ins.
Such tactics were familiar to these veteran soldiers, but were embarrassing to an enemy armed with small bucklers and unwieldy weapons.
Bully tactics Men use power in terms of financial clout.
Thus the reported tactics of the British commandos had tragic consequences for many others who fell into German hands.
It should cause no surprise that such tactics increase public cynicism.
Pop ups fished just under the surface also continue to prove deadly with a number of fish falling to such tactics.
Creditors employ a variety of tactics to trace debtors.
It was a conflict that presaged Vietnam in many of its political motives, military tactics and in its use of toxic defoliants.
Such slanders do the neocons no good but only add to their isolation and the burgeoning detestation of their tactics.
Three case studies of British military campaigns illustrate the counter-productive nature of the tactics employed.
Tactics Sheets (written by careers advisers) with tips on gaining employment in a wide variety of occupational areas.
All methods are working, although pole and float tactics remain favorite particularly as a lot of the catches are coming from mid water.
The magazine also offers practical business tools and tactics, from must-have gadgets to how to handle voluminous amounts of e-mail.
The only rational response to such tactics is at minimum to wear some form of protective headgear.
A little closer to home, some antique dealers in the Winchester area are using very high-pressure tactics.
Be like a many-headed Hydra, flexible, changing tack and tactics all the time.
The most prestigious carp fishing waters in the world are regularly featured and information regarding fishing availability and tactics are covered in-depth.
By the use of simple tactics he succeeded in strengthening his position until he became practically invulnerable.
Clive Tallet fished the entrance to the jungle and took two good zander early week on float tactics fishing lamprey section.
Regular Chris Adams fishing peg 1 took a real mixed bag on pole tactics.
Stuart Richfield fished peg 8 mid week and took a good 50lb mixed bag on feeder tactics.
From their armchairs, these middle class moralists see fit to lecture the shade of Connolly on revolutionary strategy and tactics.
Opportunism in program is naturally connected with opportunism in program is naturally connected with opportunism in tactics and opportunism in organization.
Employing these tactics enabled each wave of two-ship pairs to engage tanks selectively and avoid dropping ordnance on less significant targets.
Gandhi's tactics only work if the other side lets it and Gandhi used to get very peeved when others used it against him.
Normal tactics include long pole if there is enough depth and waggler on shallower pegs, fishing on the drop.
When Steve and his team weren't using persuasion on me, they'd use other tactics.
One can only hope that Britain is too phlegmatic for the kind of tactics they favor.
Back to top Positive Coping Tactics 1. never retaliate against acts of bad driving, they could be unintentional mistakes.
They are finally forced to end one rip-off after many years of delaying tactics and maneuvering, so they switch to another one.
Second was Dave Cook using similar tactics taking seven bream and a few skimmers from Peg 39.
Got a match there Sunday anyone know how its fishing, the best pegs, and the best tactics.
Tuesday 30th May 2006 Defending a younger person from someone who seems to be using bullying tactics to get their way, is possible.
This bank has fished very well recently, particularly from the outflows where trotting tactics can work very well.
Whilst most areas have fished well, the dam and early peg numbers continue to fish best to both pole and float tactics.
These excuses are delaying tactics that we see every year.
Paraguay has used unfair defensive tactics, not only in competitive matches, but in friendly games and warm-ups for The World Cup.
Adjusted minimum premium eg the classic car insurance in uk person as too-aggressive collection tactics.
Would Stresemann have used aggressive tactics in the East once Germany had recovered her strength?
It did well with guerrilla tactics in the last month.
Whatever his motive, Blair used scare tactics to push Parliament into Iraq.
They insist it is a delinquent industry full of half truths, broken promises and strong-arm tactics.
But thanks to some underhand delaying tactics and a fantastic save from Kawaguchi, Srna's low penalty was turned round the left-hand post.
The others opted for float fishing tactics, a decision that ultimately proved to be far more sensible!
Caractacus escapes into the Welsh borders and fights the Romans using guerilla tactics.
Whether you're learning the basic skills, or discovering advanced techniques & tactics, Soccer Academy will help make you a better player.
These are simply underhand tactics to get ' active ' e-mail addresses.
However, the tactics to deal with suicide bombers in all three countries are wholly unsuitable for adoption by the UK.
Fishing identical tactics to Steve, Geoff had zander to just under double figure.
Mrs. Fawcett was strongly opposed to the tactics of the militant suffragists, and expressly dissociated the N.U.W.S.S.
The infantry division consists of 2 brigades, each of 2 regiments of 3 or 4 battalions (the 4 battalion regiments have recently been reduced for the most part to 3), with I squadron cavalry and 12 batteries, attached from the corps troops, in war a proportion of the artillery would, however, be taken back to form the corps artillery (see ARTILLERY and TACTICS).
Whilst others busied themselves with the application of the accepted rules of the Dutch, the German, and other formal schools of tactical thought, Cromwell almost alone saw clearly into the heart of the questions at issue, and evolved the strategy, the tactics, and the training suited to the work to which he had set his hand.
His tactics failed to entice the Italians from their position, and on the 3rd of April sickness among his men compelled John to withdraw the Abyssinian army.
These futile tactics exasperated the home government, which on the 22nd of February despatched General Baldissera, with strong reinforcements, to supersede Baratieri.
The repetition of the same tactics by Bonaparte in Fructidor, 1797, served still more decidedly to tilt the balance in favour of the sword, with results which were to be seen at the coup d'etat of Brumaire 1799.
At Manzikert, on the Murad Tchai, north of Lake Van, he was met by Alp Arslan; and the sultan having proposed terms of peace, which were scornfully rejected by the emperor, a battle took place in which the Greeks, after a terrible slaughter, were totally routed, a result due mainly to the rapid tactics of the Turkish cavalry.
Having first determined by experiment - for which he was given special facilities by the admiralty - what are the manoeuvring powers of ships propelled by steam under varying conditions of speed and helm, he proceeded to devise a system of tactics based on these data.
His latest published work was a biography of his friend Sir Astley Cooper Key, and his last article was a critical examination of the tactics adopted at Trafalgar, which showed his acumen and insight at their best.
He organized the engineer companies which explored and reported on the several proposed routes for a railway connecting the Mississippi valley with the Pacific Ocean; he effected the enlargement of the army, and made material changes in its equipment of arms and ammunition, utilizing the latest improvements; he made his appointments of subordinates on their merits, regardless of party considerations; he revised the system of tactics, perfected the signal corps service, and enlarged the coast and frontier defences of the country.
Zeno states that in the following year Ismail entered upon a new campaign in Kurdistan and Asia Minor, but that he returned to Tabriz without accomplishing his object, having been harassed by the tactics of Ala ud-Daula, a beylerbey, or governor in Armenia and parts of Syria.
He won overwhelming victories over superior forces with his ragtag army, marching over huge areas of the country executing his elaborate tactics.
Cliff 's successful tactics and bait was a small feeder fished at 30m with corn and red worm on the hook.
Back to top Positive Coping Tactics 1. Never retaliate against acts of bad driving, they could be unintentional mistakes.
Everton 's roughhouse tactics in that game resulted in the broken leg suffered by Willie Irvine.
This time it was based on statistical salami tactics.
Hearing all the cheers in the changing room, the firsts were going over final tactics looking to secure a double victory.
Without using shock tactics, pills, patches or other gimmicks !
However, the father must have regretted his hard-sell tactics, for he soldered the silver coin to the PB 's gearbox housing.
Wheels clash, whips crack and magic sizzles in the air but tactics also play a part.
They in turn would accuse the red rose party of spoiling tactics.
Yet these devices held the key to new battlefield tactics, which could have broken the stalemate of trench warfare.
The vaudevillian antics, the brass band tactics, the star chamber proceedings of the Dies Committee have put all of us on notice.
The answer must always go back to the tactics employed.
Underhand tactics of the week however must go to The Daily Mail.
The tench are also responding to float tactics with small boilies, soft pellet and corn proving best baits.
But thanks to some underhand delaying tactics and a fantastic save from Kawaguchi, Srna 's low penalty was turned round the left-hand post.
The others opted for float fishing tactics, a decision that ultimately proved to be far more sensible !
On the other hand, maybe that 's where the terror tactics comes in.
Using tactics is not a novel idea, particularly in the area of theorem proving.
Training to use pre fight deceptive dialog, high probability unarmed tactics and weapons is a must.
The rebels always employed unconventional tactics not just toward the end.
An all-new revenge meter tracks underhanded tactics and leads gamers down the path to the ultimate payback.
Medieval Siege warfare tactics were therefore very much dependent on the construction of the castle.
Male birds will use tactics like dancing or flashing their colorful feathers to beguile their female counterparts.
As an accomplished attorney, Michael was able to deflect many of the prosecutor's questioning tactics.
With modern tactics, you can buy your movie tickets wherever and whenever you want and then simply waltz into the theater and enjoy your movie.
They can give you information about pricing and negotiation tactics and even help you find a mortgage.
The scam is not in the gold itself-which can easily be determined to be fake on the spot-but the tactics used.
The gold host is there to make money and may use pressure tactics and lies to get you and your friends to buy the gold.
Steer clear of any company that seems to use unscrupulous tactics for getting clients.
The IRS always makes the final determination on who is accepted for this option, regardless of promised negotiation tactics, and whether the $150 OIC filing fee can be waived.
Collection agencies employ a lot of scare tactics to get you to pay up.
Since many collection agencies and their representatives work on commission, they may resort to guilt and intimidating tactics.
They also need to read up on identity theft's causes and tactics for prevention.
The agency has resources and search tactics that you may not have access to at your home or office.
Consider using some of these tactics, depending on what is appropriate for your climate, budget and building site.
These top 5 gothic eye makeup tips are primarily for the girls, but boys may want to take note on eyeliner tactics.
This may sound strange, but if you apply some Madison Avenue tactics to writing an online dating profile you may find results that please you.
As the master builders of football strategy and tactics, which coaches are running your players should be just as important to you as what players you choose.
All teams will use different tactics to beat their opponents, and the more you play, the better you will be able to identify these tactics and choose the right teams to win your battles.
Whether you're a novice scrapbooker building up a supply stash or an experienced crafter looking to save money on your scrapbook necessities, there are a number of money saving tactics you can try.
While finding scrapbook discounts is a great way to save money on your layouts, the truly budget-conscious crafter employs a number of frugal scrapbooking tactics.
These tactics will help you enjoy your albums with a clear conscience!
Just as some scrapbookers prefer simple layouts and others enjoy a collage effect, organizational tactics can vary.
One of the most important instant stress relief tactics to have in your arsenal is knowing how to take deep, calming breaths.
The good news is that these symptoms are temporary and may actually be lessened using various tactics including relaxation exercises or intentional distraction.
Even if your centerpiece is all cupcakes, though, there are plenty of tactics you can employ to give it a "wow" factor.
The disadvantage in these tactics is that most lower level department stores and everything stores are not fashion forward.
If you want to get a discount at the beginning of the summer season, you may need to utilize some different tactics.
The University cited that costs are high due to extreme tactics in marketing and recruitment for students.
While new visitors may feel intimidated by such tactics, polite (and insistent) refusal is usually heeded without trouble.
This will teach her to "think" her way through situations and figure out how to get the stock to respond to her herding tactics.
Various pesticides, lures and natural tactics are used to reduce the number of beetles and prevent plant damage.
Although these marketing tactics may get your attention, keep in mind that you should still demand a list of references and get estimates from a couple of other contractors prior to signing a contract.
While these tactics might not quite make your organic grocery bill lower than if you'd bought conventional food, at least you can take some of the sting out of the cost of organics.
Organic instant coffee manufacturers cannot employ any of these chemical tactics and still be labeled as organic.
One of the most important issues related to staying safe in the sun is the proper use of sunscreen and other UV ray protection tactics.
Through brutal challenges, harsh living conditions, and extreme tactics, the goal was to outwit, outplay, and outlast every other contestant on the island, a feat that Richard Hatch accomplished to become the first Survivor winner.
The only way to win is by using tactics such as drifting, ramming, hitting extra-time cars, and taking shortcuts.
LoveToKnow has you covered when it comes to terrific cheat codes, Easter eggs, strategies, and tactics.
The developers of Brothers in Arms went through actual military training to gain first-hand knowledge of real fire team tactics, and this is reflected in the gameplay.
The one complaint I had about the previous game was that you end up with so many weapon and soul choices, but you only end up using one set that you get used to and rarely have the need to diversify your tactics.
Some of these elements involve customization of weapons and armor, as well as adaptive combat tactics.
It was some time before he realized the spirit of cavalry tactics, of which he was later so complete a master.
Battles became all but bloodless; diplomacy and tactics superseded feats of arms and hard blows in pitched fields.
But for the tactics of Rattazzi, leader of the Left, who, by basing his opposition on party considerations, impeded the secession of Minghetti and a part of the Right from the ministerial majority, Sella would have been defeated.
The Church of Rome has discouraged these daring tactics in favour of the more cautious and probably more defensible positions of Aquinas.
The parallel extends even to the secret negotiations; for, if Austria could have been induced in May 1807 to send an army against Napoleon's communications, his position would have been fully as dangerous as before Austerlitz if Prussia had taken a similar step. Once more he triumphed owing to the timidity of the central power which had the game in its hands; and the folly which marked the Russian tactics at Friedland (14th of June 1807), as at Austerlitz, enabled him to close the campaign in a blaze of glory and shiver the coalition in pieces.
Along with this paid cavalry went another branch of the army, the Turcopuli, a body of light cavalry, recruited from the Syrians and Mahommedans, and using the tactics of the Arabs; while an infantry was found among the Armenians, the best soldiers of the East, and the Maronites, who furnished the kingdom with archers.
Organization and tactics did not affect the issue directly, for the conduct of the men and their junior officers gave abundant proof that in the hands of a competent leader the " linear " principle of delivering one shattering blow would have proved superior to that of a gradual attrition of the enemy here, as on the battlefields of the Peninsula and at Waterloo, and this in spite of other defects in the training of the Prussian infantry which simultaneously caused its defeat on the neighbouring field of Auerstadt.
With these numbers it was impossible to attain the high degree of individual efficiency required for the old line tactics, hence they were compelled to adopt the French methods of skirmishers and columns, but as yet they had hardly realized the increased density necessary to be given to a line of battle to enable it to endure the prolonged nervous strain the new system of tactics entailed.
The tactics in war were the traditional nomad tactics of harassing the enemy on the march, constantly retreating before him and avoiding a general engagement.
After July the tactics of the Boer executive were simply directed towards putting off a crisis till the beginning of October, when the grass would be growing on the veld, and meanwhile towards doing all they could in their despatches to put the blame on Great Britain.
From Rome it passed to Constantinople; at the end of the 9th century it was diligently studied by Leo VI., who himself wrote a work on tactics; and in the middle of the 10th century Constantine Porphyrogenitus mentioned it as one of the most valuable books in the imperial library.
But the guerilla tactics of the wily klepht were powerless against Ibrahim, who marched northward, and, avoiding Nauplia for the present, seized Tripolitsa, and made this the base from which his columns marched to devastate the country far and wide.
An elder brother, who like himself was early turned out into the world to seek his own fortune, rose to command a brigade in the Mysore army, while Hyder, who never learned to read or write, passed the first years of his life aimlessly in sport and sensuality, sometimes, however, acting as the agent of his brother, and meanwhile acquiring a useful familiarity with the tactics of the French when at the height of their reputation under Dupleix.
The dissensions of the republican leaders and the demoralizing tactics of the Vendeans resulted in republican defeats at Chantonnay, Torfou, Coron, St Lambert, Montaigu and St Fulgent.
To study the skillful tactics and aims of Napoleon and his army from the time it entered Moscow till it was destroyed is like studying the dying leaps and shudders of a mortally wounded animal.