Synopsis Sentence Examples
A synopsis of the leading formula connected with the circle will now be given.
Honore Fabri (Synopsis geometrica, 1669) treated of the curve and enumerated many theorems concerning it.
In 1709 he published the Synopsis Algebraica of John Alexander, with many additions and corrections.
Each entry includes brief credits and a detailed synopsis.
The most difficult thing to write was the actual synopsis of the episodes.
It is absent from the so-called Synopsis of Athanasius, the Stichometry of Nicephorus, the List of Sixty Books and other authoritative documents.
Turrianus - one of the papal theologians at the Council of Justificatione, 1 557), the title was used in 1659 by the Lutheran Lukas Friedrich Reinhard (1623-1688), professor of theology at Altdorf (Synopsis theologiae dogmaticae, eds.
It may be useful to give here a synopsis of the classification adopted in this encyclopaedia, noting that, for convenience of treatment, it has been thought, necessary to adopt a grouping not always expressive of the most recent views of affinity.
The first includes the Marattiaceae, Osmundaceae, Schizaeaceae, Gleicheniaceae and Matoniaceae; the second the Loxsomaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, Cyatheaceae and the Dennstaedtineae (a group including species placed in the Synopsis Filicum in Dicksonia and Davallia); while the remaining Polypodiaceae constitute the Mixtae.
Synopsis A pangolin is an obscure species of scaly anteater.
AdvertisementThank you very much synopsis and author biography Best of the Best - celebrating 10 years of the Orange Prize.
Fiver to you DVDs Synopsis A wealthy businessman hires a bodyguard to protect his girlfriend who has become witness to a murder.
Synopsis Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker is remembered as an eminent Victorian botanist and traveler, and one of Charles Darwin's closest collaborators.
Fiver to you DVDs Synopsis James Brooks directs this satirical comedy about three ambitious TV newscasters.
Synopsis This reference should provide dental hygienists with basic nutrition principles, and applies these principles to dental hygiene practice.
AdvertisementZombie Planet is an independent action / drama... carb diet danger in the Zombie Planet movie synopsis... " carb crave killer.. .
Synopsis The year is 1539 and the court of Henry VIII is increasingly fearful at the moods of the aging sick king.
We provide a synopsis below, based on our proposal and arguments at a debate " Has feminism gone too far?
Synopsis Silence is like a huge expanse of blue black firmament where on a master artist creates most beautiful patterns.
Synopsis On the run from the wicked queen, Snow White becomes housekeeper to a bunch of diminutive miners.
AdvertisementSynopsis Oral Pathology for the Dental hygienist is written to meet the specific needs of dental hygiene students and practicing hygienists.
Synopsis Andrew Largeman leads a numb and highly medicated existance.
Synopsis Laura Flannery needs a vacation from her boring life and a break from nosy neighbors.
Synopsis Sarah Harrison became a household name in the 1980s with her internationally best-selling novels.
Synopsis The first ever collection of Iain Banks's short fiction, this volume includes the acclaimed novella, The State of the Art.
AdvertisementSynopsis It was meant to be a harmless stag night prank.
Synopsis In a spectacular seascape, a young boy sails for a distant island where he finds a special friend waiting for him.
Synopsis Agnes Meadowes is cook to the Blanchards of Foster Lane, the renowned silversmiths.
The next stage was taking the synopsis to a full text layout for approval.
No mere synopsis can adequately convey the strangeness of cinematic vision expressed in Awakening of the Beast.
Applications should be accompanied by a synopsis of the proposed lecture.
The entrepreneur must submit a synopsis of their business which may at a later stage include a full business plan.
There are also a range of detailed articles colored red, which, having read the brief synopsis, can be purchased on line.
She asked me to prepare a synopsis, which I managed over the next two months.
The first step was to write the sixty page synopsis.
Ideally any writers who wish to submit a play to us should, in the first instance send a synopsis of the play.
The official site is up and running and includes a full synopsis, stills and a trailer.
A brief synopsis of what each of these issues contains is included below.
To hear a short synopsis of each chapter, use the pen to touch the chapter heading.
The game begins with a quick voice-over synopsis of the story's opening events.
The -s option restricts the information displayed to a short usage synopsis.
More particularly "argument" means a synopsis of the contents of a book, the outline of a novel, play, &c. In logic it is used for the middle term in a syllogism, and for many species of fallacies, such as the argumentum ad hominem, ad baculum, &c. '(see' Fallacy).
Synopsis Kim Andrews shuts out her history teacher, who is telling the class about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
The game begins with a quick voice-over synopsis of the story 's opening events.
Lecture synopsis Lay people believe in the doctor 's ability to help if not cure.
Don't forget to type up a professional-looking project synopsis and report to hand out as well.
This outline provides a general synopsis that answers the question of "How does a dog act when it is dying?"
Typically, you will write a one-page synopsis that communicates the overall story, ensuring you include main characters and major shifts in plot and how the video game ends (include all endings if there are multiple ways).
The reviews are from new wine releases and include a synopsis of more in-depth reviews for special tastings included earlier in the issue.
Skyviewzone provides a synopsis of what each sign can expect when regarding love.
Synopsis - Most reviews give you a general idea of what each film is about, taking care not to include any spoilers.
Visiting IMDB, you'll find cast bios, a full synopsis of the plot, and lots of additional information.
When you find the movie in which you are interested, click on it to be taken to a page that gives you the synopsis, release date, and more.
When you find a movie trailer that you'd like to download, you can read a synopsis of the movie.
Also, be sure to check out this Reader's Digest list of 100 films complete with synopsis that you should rent and watch right now!
Yet, because of the over-saturation, there can be some confusion as to exactly what a movie synopsis is.
A movie plot synopsis explains what happened in a movie in full detail.
Because of this, you may not want to read a movie synopsis before you see a movie, as it could end up ruining the ending for you.
This is where a movie plot synopsis and a movie review differ.
While a synopsis gives you the entire story in full detail, a good movie review gives you just enough for you to find out what it's all about.
There's no doubt that there are plenty of different sites where you can find movie information, and even plenty of places to find a movie plot synopsis.
There is usually a short synopsis of the following week's plot as well.
Y&R Daily Updates - The official site for Young and the Restless is updated daily with a synopsis of the day's events on the soap.
In addition to the episode's synopsis, detailed casting information is also available.
However, due to a change in networks many viewers lost track of the Camden family and were forced to rely on episode spoilers and weekly synopsis to keep up with the show.
Each brief episode synopsis provides descriptions on individual shows and gives insights on popular characters.
You'll find a brief highlights clip and a scene-by-scene synopsis of the show.
Most recaps just offer a quick synopsis and fail to detail the nuances of an episode's events.
Soap opera fan sites cropped up, providing fans on the West Coast with East Coast synopsis.
Toni's spoiler page offers a one-day advanced synopsis of CBS's long running soap The Young And The Restless.
However, the main function of Toni's site is to provide a one-day advanced synopsis of Young and the Restless episodes.
They typically include a synopsis of daily episodes and many also feature a look ahead at what's to come on future shows.
The site is updated regularly with program synopsis information and more.
Official Site - The CW updates their official site regularly with episode synopsis, interviews with the actors, episode clips and full episodes.
For a much more in depth synopsis of the story of Rent, visit the official site.
Elton devised a synopsis for the musical that strayed substantially from the ideas Lloyd Webber and Forsyth had worked on.
When sending information to a producer, include a cover letter and the synopsis (that first page you wrote in your TV show packet).
If you aren't interested in watching full episodes, you can read a show by show synopsis of each aired episode at Steven Seagal Lawman episode guide.
A short synopsis of where each season begins and ends will help you locate the episode you're looking for.
Looking for episodes will usually also net you spoilers, though some websites opt to just include the title of the episode rather than an entire synopsis.
While you can go to CW's official Smallville page, you'll only find basic data about the actors and actresses and synopsis of the episodes of previous seasons.
Many of their future episodes list short synopsis about the show, which comes from many reliable resources.
Keep in mind that you will find synopsis for future episodes (which may contain spoilers) and a separate spoiler section, which will obviously contain spoilers.
Check out the blog and see if you agree with the synopsis.
In both fields he displayed much talent, and by writing his Synopsis of the Indian Tribes within the United States East of the Rocky Mountains and in the British and Russian Possessions in North America (1836), and by founding the American Ethnological Society of New York in 1842, he earned the title of "Father of American Ethnology."
Besides editing his friend Willughby's books, Ray wrote several zoological works of his own, including Synopsis methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis (1693), that is to say, both mammals and reptiles, and Synopsis methodica Avium et Pisciurn (1713); the latter was published posthumously, as was also the more important Historia Insectorum (1710), which embodied a great mass of Willughby's notes.
Cope, "Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia of North America," Proc. Ac. Philad., 1868, p. 208.
By Friday 7th Newman had read the outline and made handwritten annotations, before returning the synopsis to Wilson.
A synopsis of The Ramayana is the story of the life of Lord Rama, an earthly incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu.
Ray's interest in ornithology continued, and in 1694 he completed a Synopsis Methodica Avium, which, through the fault of the booksellers to whom it was entrusted, was not published till 1713, when Derham gave it to the world.'
This was the work of Salerne, published after his death, and is often spoken of as being a mere translation of Ray's Synopsis, but a vast amount of fresh matter, and mostly of good quality, is added.
This was his General Synopsis of Birds, and, though formed generally on the model of Linnaeus, greatly diverged in some respects therefrom.
His Synopsis was finished in 1785; two supplements were added in 1787 and 1802, 6 and in 1790 he produced an abstract of the work under the title of Index Ornithologicus, wherein he assigned names on the Linnaean method to all the species described.
In 1769 Berkenhout gave to the world his Outlines of the Natural History of Great Britain and Ireland, which reappeared under the title of Synopsis of the same in 1795.
In nonflowering plants the works usually followed are for ferns, Hooker and Baker's Synopsis filicum; for mosses, Muller's Synopsis muscorum frondosorum, Jaeger & Sauerbeck's Genera et species muscorum, and Engler & Prantl's Pflanzenfamilien; for algae, de Toni's Sylloge algarum; for hepaticae, Gottsche, Lindenberg and Nees ab Esenbeck's Synopsis hepaticarum, supplemented by Stephani's Species hepaticarum; for fungi, Saccardo's Sylloge fungorum, and for mycetozoa Lister's monograph of the group. For the members of large genera, e.g.
Arsenius is said to have prepared from the decisions of the councils and the works of the Fathers a summary of divine laws under the title Synopsis Canonum.
Petrus Hispanus had predecessors, however, in William of Shyreswood (died 124 9 as chancellor of Lincoln) and Lambert of Auxerre, and it has been hotly disputed whether the whole of the additions are not originally due to the Byzantine Synopsis of Psellus.
Pinches, which gave a synopsis of Babylonian history from a Babylonian point of view, and was compiled in the reign of Darius.
He wrote Breviuscula Introductio ad Logicam, a treatise on logic and the psychology of the intellectual powers; Synopsis Theologiae Naturalis; and an edition of Pufendorf, De Officio Hominis et Civis, with notes and supplements of high value.
For ordinary practical purposes this synopsis is useless, most of the anatomical characters being visible only in the macerated skull.
His chief works were First Lines of the Practice of Physic (1774); Institutions of Medicine (1770); and Synopsis Nosologicae Medicae (1785), which contained his classification of diseases into four great classes - (t) Pyrexiae, or febrile diseases, as typhus fever; (2) Neuroses, or nervous diseases, as epilepsy; (3) Cachexiae, or diseases resulting from bad habit of body, as scurvy; L and (4) Locales, or local diseases, as cancer.
His chief works were Philosophiae Triumphus (1573); Synopsis Metaphysicae Aristotelis (1596); De Rerum Aeternitate (1604); and a treatise written in criticism of Caesalpinus entitled Caesae Alpes (1597).
Nicephorus was also the author of lists of the emperors and patriarchs of Constantinople, of a poem on the capture of Jerusalem, and of a synopsis of the Scriptures, all in iambics; and of commentaries on liturgical poems.
The first two editions of the Catalogus plantarum Angliae (1670, 1677) were likewise arranged alphabetically; but in the Synopsis stirpium Britannicarum (1690, 1696, also re-edited by Dillenius, 1724, and by Hill, 1760) Ray applied the scheme of classification which he had by that time elaborated in the Methodus and the Historia plantarum.
The detail of these raids is quite beyond the compass of the present article, and a summary or synopsis must suffice.
The flora of the Quito basin has been well studied by various European botanists, more especially by Dr William Jameson (1796-1873) of the university of Quito, who began the preparation of a synopsis of the Ecuadorean flora in 1864-1865 (Synopsis plantarum Quitensium, 2 vols., Quito, 1865).
In his Synopsis physicae ad lumen divinum reformatae he gives a physical theory of his own, said to be taken from the book of Genesis.
In 1781 Nash's Worcestershire included a few ornithological notices; and Walcott in 1789 published an illustrated Synopsis of British Birds, coloured copies of which are rare.
The earliest probable reference to our Homilies occurs in a work of doubtful date, the pseudoAthanasian Synopsis, which mentions "Clementines, whence came by selection and rewriting the true and inspired form."