Symbolic Sentence Examples
There are several symbolic acts descriptive of the siege.
It will be shown later that all invariants, single or simultaneous, are expressible in terms of symbolic products.
Symbolic Identities.- For the purpose of manipulating symbolic expressions it is necessary to be in possession of certain simple identities which connect certain symbolic products.
Such a symbolic product, if its does not vanish identically, denotes an invariant or a covariant, according as factors az, bz, cz,...
We cannot even outline here the process of selection by which the symbolic meanings now stereotyped in the Roman Pontifical were arrived at.
Given any propositions involving any number of terms, Boole showed how, by the purely symbolic treatment of the premises, to draw any conclusion logically contained in those premises.
Early in 1886 he struck the public taste with precision in his wild symbolic tale of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Stroh, from a knowledge of the results, was able to verify and extend the results by the symbolic method.
A separation is the symbolic representation of a product of monomial symmetric functions.
The identities are, in particular, of service in reducing symbolic products to standard forms. A symbolical expression may be always so transformed that the power of any determinant factor (ab) is even.
AdvertisementThe waratah or native tulip, the magnificent flowering head of which, with the kangaroo, is symbolic of the country, is one of the Proteaceae.
Two methods of treatment have been carried on in parallel lines, the unsymbolic and the symbolic; both of these originated with Cayley, but he with Sylvester and the English school have in the main confined themselves to the former, whilst Aronhold, Clebsch, Gordan, and the continental schools have principally restricted themselves to the latter.
It is thus possible to study simultaneously all the theories which depend upon operations of the group. Symbolic Representation of Symmetric Functions.-Denote the s 8 s elementar symmetric function a s by al a 2 a3 pleasure; then, Y y si,, si,...
If we restrict ourselves to this set of symbols we can uniquely pass from a product of real coefficients to the symbolic representations of such product, but we cannot, uniquely, from the symbols recover the real form, This is clear because we can write n-1 n-2 2 2n-3 3 a1a2 =a l a 2, a 1 a 2 = a 1 a2 while the same product of umbrae arises from n n-3 3 2n-3 3 aoa 3 = a l .a a 2 = a a 2 .
The loculi were intact and the epitaphs still in their places, so that " they form a kind of museum, in which the development, the formulae, and the symbolic figures of Christian epigraphy, from its origin to the end of the 3rd or 4th century, can be notified and contemplated, not in artificial specimens as in the Lateran, but in the genuine and living reality of their original condition."
AdvertisementIt is clear from what has been said above that the liturgical vestments possessed originally no mystic symbolic meaning whatever; it was equally certain that, as their origins were forgotten, they would develop such a symbolic meaning.
Friendship bracelets are symbolic jewelry pieces you make yourself.
Still more original and remarkable, however, was that part of his system, fully stated in his Laws of Thought, which formed a general symbolic method of logical inference.
The Sun Stone is a symbolic phallus on the physical level.
Its function could determine the meaning of the symbols, since the most ancient Immortal writing is based on a complex system of symbolic context.
AdvertisementAfter a hiatus of fifty years, France had finally allowed the US to build a small, largely symbolic, NATO base.
Morris rejects any symbolic meaning to the number of fish caught, believing there is no actual evidence to support the view.
A young girl takes a trip through a metaphorical zoo gathering animals symbolic of her negative thoughts.
It contains a film of a complete Symbolic Modeling session with on-screen annotation.
Typical assembler directives tell the assembler where to locate a program and data in memory and equate symbolic names to actual values.
AdvertisementApart from Forth, the system ROM has a symbolic assembler enabling you to write machine code directly on the board.
Others sported red berets, symbolic of the governing Fifth Republic Movement party.
The symbolic transformation from old man to young man represents the continuity of proletarian struggle in the post-modern age blah blah blah!
It had no symbolic significance, just bothersome disjointed sequences that lacked a relevant theme.
A great catafalque had been built, housing a symbolic coffin.
My tendency to get lost when trying to follow a mass of symbolic computations has long haunted me.
Such slabs are often decorated with carved motifs including crosses and various symbolic or purely decorative elements.
This hugely symbolic event was arguably a ritual act of public desecration which transgressed the most sacred site of communist public space.
The shield incorporates elements symbolic of the three original wards constituted in 1879.
It's the symbolic representation of a myth, a graphic depiction of something utterly abstract yet elemental.
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
The white ermine is meant to be symbolic of chastity.
On systems that don't support symbolic links, produces a fatal error at run time.
Also present in the show are some re-worked forms that he created in the 1980's when he first became involved with symbolic figuration.
It relies heavily on the use of symbolic representations and deduction to apply quantum mechanics to a variety of situations.
Explore the original story using mime, music, symbolic movement.
Making people miss lectures has some symbolic value, making them contract mumps has none whatsoever.
This is yet another symbolic feature, the triad asking the percipient to join them to form a quaternity.
This symbolic role functioned relative to notions of social organization, delineating or invoking the fundamental limits of social praxis.
And avoid the potential infinite regress of symbolic meaning by being fully grounded in the real world.
Abraham is a symbolic " returner " from " exile ", given a promise of land by the Persian shah.
The ribbons were personally designed by King George VI and all have symbolic significance.
It will focus in particular on functionalism, Marxism, symbolic interactionism, figurational sociology and feminism.
The slippery finger may be less impressive than the metal speculum, but it is no less significant as an instrument of symbolic domination.
President Armando Guebuza administered the first doses of the vaccine in the Maputo suburb of Mavalane as the symbolic launch of the campaign.
He was terrific if purely symbolic best country album.
If it is only a symbol then it doesn't literally purify but is merely symbolic of purification.
In practice, the legislation turned out to be largely symbolic.
In a deeply symbolic action he chose twelve disciples one for each of the ancient tribes.
As it was the International Year of the Mountains, to visit the greatest of them all seemed highly symbolic.
As philosophers and physiologists have established, even physical reality can be considered as symbolic.
The interrogation would have been a moment of truth in the case, a symbolic breakthrough after decades in which Pinochet was considered untouchable.
In other words, the symbolic value of linguistic utterances is more important than the content of what one says.
The opening " vision " (i.), an elaborate symbolic picture, is of the nature of a general preface, and was composed probably late in the prophet's life.
There follow a symbolic prediction of the exile (xii.) and a denunciation of non-moral prophets and prophetesses (xiii.) - though Yahweh deceive a prophet, yet he and those who consult him will be punished; and so corrupt is the nation that the presence of a few eminently good men will not save it (xiv.).
In the 16th and 17th chapters of the Differential Equations we find, for instance, a lucid account of the general symbolic method, the bold and skilful employment of which led to Boole's chief discoveries, and of a general method in analysis, originally described in his famous memoir printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1844.
With the exception of Augustus de Morgan, Boole was probably the first English mathematician since the time of John Wallis who had also written upon logic. His novel views of logical method were due to the same profound confidence in symbolic reasoning to which he had successfully trusted in mathematical investigation.
Among the symbolic conceits in which the authors of the Brahmanas so freely indulge, there is one overshadowing all others - if indeed they do not all more or less enter into it - which may be considered as the sum and substance of these speculations, and the esoteric doctrine of the sacrifice, involved by the Brahmanical ritualists.
History Of Geographical Theory The earliest conceptions of the earth, like those held by the primitive peoples of the present day, are difficult to discover and almost impossible fully to grasp. Early generalizations, as far as they were made from known facts, were usually expressed in symbolic language, and for our present purpose it is not profitable to speculate on the underlying truths which may sometimes be suspected in the old mythological cosmogonies.
It consisted essentially in the adoption of Delauny's final numerical expressions for longitude, latitude and parallax, with a symbolic term attached to each number, the value of which was to be determined by substitution in the equations of motion.
Constitutional formulae like these, in fact, are nothing more than symbolic expressions of the character of the compounds which they represent, the arrangement of symbols in a certain definite manner being understood to convey certain information with regard to the compounds represented.
The operation of taking the polar results in a symbolic product, and the repetition of the process in regard to new cogredient sets of variables results in symbolic forms. It is therefore an invariant process.
Making the substitution in any symbolic product the only determinant factors that present themselves in the numerator are of the form (af), (bf), (cf),...and every symbol a finally appears in the form.
It is a broad collection of numerical and symbolic calculation and visualization tools with a familiar scratchpad interface.
Colin Wills, the last tin miner in St. Agnes will strike a symbolic sledgehammer blow linking the past with the present.
Doubtlessly this is massively symbolic of something, but it 's not quite clear what.
The land of Egypt, in scripture, is often symbolic of the world, a world which is no friend of Grace.
White flowers, symbolic of peace, were laid in commemorative solidarity.
But icons as understood in the Orthodox Church since that date are partly symbolic in nature.
Symbolic Interactionism is concerned with social situations and the way people make sense of those situations.
Blades of grass dyed with manganese were woven into the baskets in geometric patterns with a symbolic significance.
Symbolic representations do not take kindly to Meta Model questions.
The symbolic aliens are frequently replaced by a savage authoritarian regime trampling on freedom.
The zodiac worked as a symbolic calendar divided into twelve parts, like the of 12 moons waxing and waning in a year.
Most people agree, however, that baptism is a symbolic act.
Whether used for symbolic purposes or simply because of its pleasing design, the fleur de lis can be found in countless homes, used in all sorts of different ways.
It was symbolic of Napoleon’s strength and the liberation his Napoleonic Code offered.
Named for the castle ruins of Le Chateau de Lancome, Mr. Petitjean found the symbolic splendor of the rose an ideal for the beauty of a woman.
Included in the kit are angel cutouts sitting on large clouds, which provides enough room to add a symbolic element, reminiscent of your baby.
One look through a gallery of wedding cake topper pictures will show any couple that there is a wide range of styles for this symbolic wedding figurine.
Because lucky bamboo plants are often used for feng shui and other symbolic decorations, the number of shoots used in wedding favor arrangements can be very significant.
Wedding favor frames in symbolic shapes, such as the popular castle or the pumpkin carriage.
Photos of white wedding picture frames can beautifully depict wedding in a symbolic and wonderful way.
Chat with your fiancé, wedding party, and other close friends and family members to brainstorm ideas and pick out things that are symbolic for you as a couple.
If you use the Aster in your wedding flowers you will be pleased to know that this particular flower is symbolic of love and faith.
As threat displays became more symbolic than practical, some societies have developed penis sheaths for different occasions, from ceremonial use to everyday wear.
A necklace can be a symbolic and meaningful gift, and none are more heartfelt and personal than mother necklaces.
Celtic knots are delicate and highly symbolic designs with different twists representing the connections between nature, life, and spiritualism.
Because the knots themselves are highly symbolic - often embodying particular beliefs or family patterns - using symbolic gems adds another layer of meaning to the jewelry.
Claddagh bracelet silver Celtic jewelry makes highly symbolic, richly meaningful gifts between friends, lovers, or anyone who shares a special relationship.
It is a symbolic keepsake that is certain to become a treasured family heirloom as it is handed down through the generations.
A stone with such a legendary history would appeal to a person searching for symbolic jewelry.
In Western culture monkeys are symbolic of many things.
To others they are symbolic of cunningness, mimicry or mischievousness.
It is these symbolic meanings of the monkey that makes it a desirable fashion accessory for many people worldwide.
People who are searching for symbolic or inspirational jewelry should consider this necklace.
Tiffany & Co. created a variety of jewelry with the symbolic stone over the years.
Moonstone's mystical lore and luminous beauty make it a natural choice for symbolic jewelry.
Check out small stores on college campuses that sell folk jewelry, symbolic jewelry or metaphysical items.
Jewelry friendship pendants can be made extra special by personalizing the piece to be more symbolic of your enduring relationship.
Many jewelry stores offer a limited selection of friendship pendants, though they will have a larger range of basic pendants that can be just as symbolic when given to a friend.
Admirers of inspirational and symbolic jewelry will love Chalice Well pendants and the jewelry's connection to both Christianity and Arthurian legend.
A gift of religious jewelry can become one of the child's most treasured objects due to its symbolic nature.
Beyond these typical pieces of jewelry you can also find pocket watches, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and rings designed with religious motifs and symbolic icons.
Later, the Rose of Sharon was interpreted to be symbolic of Christ.
The pearl circle of life pendant is an elegant design that will appeal to those who like symbolic jewelry.
Jewelry shoppers who want a symbolic pendant for a personal statement or as a special gift to a loved one may find the pearl circle of life pendant perfect.
Consider a men's Celtic knot cross necklace if you are looking for a cross that is highly symbolic and fashionable.
The rich history and lore surrounding opals also will appeal to men looking for historic and symbolic rings.
And by directly touching, not using a symbolic button for an action.
A roogle is symbolic of their efforts, and a fine bit of international cooperation it is.
Cultural values can also affect artistic expression and development, influencing content, art media, style, and symbolic meaning as represented in the child's view of the world.
Because there are no rules in symbolic play, the child can use this play to reinforce, learn about, and imaginatively alter painful experiences.
Symbolic play may be used by children to cope with fear of separation when they go to school or to the hospital.
Also, a child's self-awareness deepens as he explores an event through role-playing or symbolic play.
Other children may draw pictures that are symbolic of death (an airplane crashing, boats sinking, burning buildings, or children in graves).
Some symbolic (language) abilities are developed at the end of this stage.
The child makes perceptual discriminations involving color, shape, size, use, number, missing parts, and symbolic material.
Material symbols such as kimonos, fans, and towels are given rich symbolic importance as the rehearsal space is changed into a sacred and special room separate from the worries of the outside world.
The symbolic bears of the Grateful Dead can be found in many places and on many things.
Both men and women wore these symbolic items, and wore face masks as well.
This is symbolic of the close contact with the earth that is required at the funeral.
The decision for the memorial included an Outdoor Symbolic Memorial and 30,000 square foot interactive memorial museum.
The Outdoor Symbolic Memorial is 3.3 acres and has 168 chairs with glass bases representative of the lives lost.
The color red is the first color most people think of as symbolic of fire.
From art posters and tee shirts to artist prints and tattoos, an art dragon yang yin is not only beautiful to look at, it is also rich with symbolic meaning.
In the Taoist belief the five elements are symbolic of five elemental energies that combine, in a multitude of ways, to produce the ten thousand things, which encompasses everything that exists in the world.
Each element has an assigned color because it is a symbolic representation of the element.
In feng shui, peonies are not just symbolic but also enhancers often used to bring abundance to the couple in love and to strengthen their bonds of love.
These have become symbolic with love and many use them as symbols of love and in the love sector of homes.
The eye of each teardrop is symbolic of the constant watchful eye of the koi.
Mathematics is amongst the more complicated subjects for students because the language of math is often seen as largely symbolic.
For a birthday, Valentine's Day, or First Anniversary, the rose is symbolic of a great range of emotion, from warmth and happiness to love and romance.
Since fire is symbolic of the "spark of life," people with fire signs are passionate, assertive, spontaneous, and energetic.
Families honor these gods by burning symbolic money to pay for their traveling expenses.
Candle holders with dragonfly designs have different significance and symbolic meaning to individuals depending on their culture and spiritual beliefs.
Whether your holiday will have a modern, traditional or a vintage Christmas theme, include angel Christmas decorations and ornaments for an enchanting, symbolic touch. provides love quizzes based on the symbolic meaning of your answers.
An engagement ring is the ultimate symbol of a couple's relationship, and nothing is more symbolic than three stone engagement rings that represent the different stages of that relationship.
Fortunately, there are many ways that a couple can find an engagement ring that is low in cost and high in symbolic value.
Damascus wood grain wedding rings are a great choice for a couple searching for modern and symbolic wedding bands.
The Damascus wedding ring is highly symbolic because it represents the blending of different metals into one work of art.
Platinum Celtic engagement rings are good option for couples who like traditional symbolic jewelry or wish to honor their Celtic heritage.
The Everlon jewelry collection appeals to couples looking for symbolic engagement, wedding and anniversary rings.
The affordable price of the symbolic ring makes it a perfect promise ring.
Bella's engagement ring will remain a popular item for Twilight fans who desire a symbolic engagement or promise ring.
The simple beauty of traditional Jewish wedding rings can be meaningful to a couple who wants symbolic wedding jewelry.
Throughout history, Jewish engagement and wedding jewelry had both social and symbolic meanings.
The Jewish wedding ring's plain fashion is highly symbolic.
The symbolic ring has a rich history that appeals to couples who want to honor the tradition and heritage of their faith.
For symbolic jewelry, a groom may choose an aquamarine engagement ring for his bride's birthstone or a husband might mark his 19th wedding anniversary by gifting his wife with an aquamarine eternity ring.
Couples searching for symbolic rings with rich history should consider Celtic wedding bands.
These patterns are often symbolic so that the design has more meaning than mere decoration.
The circular nature of knots is also highly symbolic because it involves an unbroken circle where two ends meet as one like a wedding ring.
Celtic wedding bands offer many options to couples who want symbolic wedding jewelry or to celebrate a heritage.
Getting engaged on Valentine's Day is very symbolic of your love for each other because it is a holiday that honors expressing love.
These types of rings are usually all metal and feature a pattern, some of which are symbolic.
When couples select a DNA2Diamonds ring made from the carbon signatures in their hair, they are selecting a piece of jewelry uniquely their own through DNA and symbolic of their union in marriage.
For an added element of fun and symbolic end to the academic year, let kids rip out used pages in their workbooks for their paper balls.
Telling the tale of the late 19th century, classic western movies usually explain how the West was won while wearing a symbolic cowboy hat on the way to the saloon.
Typically, this is the most difficult of the psychic gifts to interpret because the information is almost all symbolic in nature.
Frequently, psychics can't shift their focus and reassess their perceptions as potentially symbolic rather than literal.
The meanings behind these symbolic tattoos is as diverse as the people who have them, but they all begin from the same basic form.
While one partner gets the locked heart, his or her significant other gets a tattoo of the symbolic keys to that heart.
Fairies have a rich symbolic history and their size, detail, symbolism and colorful nature make them ideal for tattoos.
Fairy-based tattoos can be beautiful, symbolic, detailed and interesting choices for body ink.
The dolphin is also symbolic of a variety of things, in addition to being the cutest brainiac in the ocean.
As you can see, the beauty of koi fish makes them a natural choice for tattoo inspiration, but the fact that these designs hold symbolic meanings really dovetails with what tattoos are all about.
Every Aztec tattoo was done in a specific symbolic pattern, depending on the god being honored.
Next, the heart is pierced by a thorn or may be wrapped in a crown of thorns, symbolic of the crown forced on Christ at his crucifixion.
However, people have attached symbolic meanings to different flower species, which can be a good guide to choosing your floral tattoo.
There are more flowers out there than just the typical rose, and many have beautiful symbolic meanings.
Many famous authors are known for using symbolic speech in their novels and stories.
Some novels and works of literature, such as the popular The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown spend an entire story explaining and relating to symbolic meaning.
Tattooists must show a lot of meaning in a small image, so they often use symbolic messages to do this.
One extreme form of symbolic tattoos can be seen in Russian jail tattoos, where different pictures have specific meanings.
While kanji is the most popular form of tattoo in the world, there is much to be said for other types of symbolic Japanese ink.
Katakana is a symbolic method for writing things out; this form of writing and tattooing is used to create a sense of urgency and deeper emphasis on the meaning of the original word.
The use of a symbolic language makes the meaning unique, original and adds and air of mystery.
The pearl is also considered symbolic of a closed lotus blossom.
Tiger tattoos are both beautiful just as they are as well as symbolic, because of the many qualities assigned to this animal.
Yes, butterflies are considered symbolic of rebirth, and certain flowers have meanings, but generally speaking, these designs are fairly innocuous.
Fairies, pixies or whatever you choose to call them are all symbolic of the youthfulness that still lives deep within us all.
As discussed above, roses can be very symbolic, but you don't have to follow any of these preconceived notions.
This is basically symbolic of the fact that the Airborne Division is always ready for rapid deployment, and since that usually means being dropped into areas of active fighting, death is a constant companion.
Butterflies have many beautiful legends and symbolic meanings attached to them.
These tats can be small and symbolic, or they can be done as an entire back mural.
The Middle East is filled with many ceremonies that hold a strong symbolic meaning to its people.
It can also warm and heat a person and be symbolic of the fire and passion that burns within.
It is a very popular ornamental tattoo; thousands of women have adorned their skin with this stunning symbolic creature.
For those looking for a symbolic tattoo, a representation of the equinox with images of the sun and the planet Earth itself can be a great way of illustrating the constellation.
A single drop of water (or more than one in a pattern) is still symbolic of Aquarius.
They are dominant over the sky and are symbolic of duality as they balance their day with the dominance of the sun.
In the earlier part of the 1940s and 1950s, gays and lesbians would often opt for a nautical star tattoo as a symbolic and revealing statement of their alternate sexual preference.
While it's true that crosses remain steeped in Christian religious symbolism, their history also documents additional symbolic representations like the ones listed below.
Words such as "actor", "writer", "dancer", "artist", "musician" and other pastimes or professions translate well into kanji, with direct symbolic representation minimizing the risk of a botched meaning.
Using it as a part of an Egyptian tattoo design is symbolic of that same protection, or warding off evil.
This change can be symbolic to people wishing to represent a change in their own lives.
Roses are also symbolic in Greek history of the muse Erato, and the wearing of the rose tattoo could be seen as a means of tapping into inner muses.
Iyengar also explains the practice and benefits of pranayama, yoga meditative approaches, mudras (symbolic hand movements), kriyas (cleansing exercises) and other yogic principles.
While the site doesn't stock asana pendants frequently, you'll be pleased with other symbolic pieces in a range of mediums to suit any taste.
While the building of this car is more symbolic than actual, you do get to experiement with the various options to create a car that is really your own.
The caterpillar represents Jesus' life on earth, the cocoon is symbolic of Jesus' crucifixion and burial, and the butterfly represents His resurrection and ascension to Heaven.
This signing of the treaty was the symbolic end of World War I.
While guest stars are nothing new in hip hop music, this combination was symbolic of the rappers' reconciliation after several years of animosity between the two.
In England, symbolic objects were baked into the cake.
Key chains - Since a sixteenth birthday often means driving, a key chain is both symbolic and useful.
A Chinese New Year celebration is a highly festive, symbolic event rooted deeply in cultural history.
Even if apples aren't central to your fall party theme, they are symbolic of the season.
When families were reunited, they met up underneath the symbolic "family tree," a large tree that Find My Family used as a gimmick to try and add meaning to these already touching scenes.
The poem is vastly symbolic and follows the lives of several knights.
The flag is a symbol that is sacred to many, symbolic of freedom and also the people who have died in the service of the country it represents.
She'd thought her role more spiritual or symbolic.
Every symbolic product, involving several sets of cogredient variables, can be exhibited as a sum of terms, each of which is a polar multiplied by a product of powers of the determinant factors (xy), (xz), (yz),...
It has been shown by Gordan that every symbolic product is expressible as a sum of transvectants.
If we have a symbolic product, which contains the symbol a only in determinant factors such as (ab), we may write x 2, -x 1 for a 1, a 2, and thus obtain a product in which (ab) is replaced by b x, (ac) by c x and so on.
Its symbolic expression, to a numerical factor pres, is (Hbc) (Hbd) (Hcd) (bcd), and it is clearly of degree 6.
We Have The Symbolic Expression Of A /?
Since +xZ=x x we have six types of symbolic factors which may be used to form invariants and covariants, viz.
To assist us in handling the symbolic products we have not only the identity (ab) cx + (bc) a x + (ca) bx =0, but also (ab) x x+ (b x) a + (ax) b x = 0, (ab)a+(bc)a s +(ca)a b = 0, and many others which may be derived from these in the manner which will be familiar to students of the works of Aronhold, Clebsch and Gordan.
The development of symbolic algebra by the use of general symbols to denote numbers is due to Franciscus Vieta (Francois Viete, 1540-1603).
The geometrical interpretation of imaginary quantities had a far-reaching influence on the development of symbolic algebras.
But the whole style of the work, with its use of conventional apocalyptic forms, favours the more symbolic view.
Shadows and reflections were ignored, and perspective, approximately correct for landscape distances, was isometrical for near objects, while the introduction of a symbolic sun or moon lent the sole distinction between a day and a night scene.
And he admits (§ 63) that if we were compelled to choose between translating mental phenomena into physical and its converse, the latter would be preferable, seeing that the ideas of matter and motion, merely symbolic of unknowable realities, are complex states of consciousness built out of units of feeling.
The boundarystones between properties (termini) were also the objects of cult at the annual festival of the Terminalia, and the "god Terminus," the symbolic boundary-stone, shares with Jupiter the great temple on the Capitol.
His cult survived the metamorphosis of the ancient Vedic nature-worship into modern Hinduism, and there still are in India fire-priests (agnihotri) whose duty is to superintend his worship. The sacred fire-drill for procuring the temple-fire by friction - symbolic of Agni's daily miraculous birth - is still used.
According to tradition in Hesse, he awaits resurrection, probably symbolic of the triumph of the sun over winter, within the Gudensberg (Hill of Odin).
Thus Berengar of Tours (999-1088) upheld the symbolic character of the Eucharist and the superiority of the Bible over tradition.
While the scriptural statements imply a belief in the existence of spiritual beings intermediate between God, and men, it is probable that many of the details may be regarded merely as symbolic imagery.
The kerubim might perhaps be symbolic representatives of the god Rakab'el or Rekub'el, probably equivalent to Hadad, whose sacred animal was the bull.
The signs or symbolic acts of the prophet probably originated in the actions of sympathetic magic. Thus in the vivid scene of r Kings xxii.
Although real historical personages - Gustavus Vasa, Olaus Petri the reformer and Gerdt the Anabaptist - figure as leading characters, they are made symbolic of the present-day forces of progress and reaction.
For the great festival of Tezcatlipoca, the handsomest and noblest of the captives of the year had been chosen as the incarnate representative of the god, and paraded the streets for public adoration dressed in an embroidered mantle with feathers and garlands on his head and a retinue like a king; for the last month they married him to four girls representing four goddesses; on the last day wives and pages escorted him to the little temple of Tlacochcalco, where he mounted the stairs, breaking an earthenware flute against each step; this was a symbolic farewell to the joys of the world, for as he reached the top he was seized by the priests, his heart torn out and held up to the sun, his head spitted on the tzompantli, and his body eaten as sacred food, the people drawing from his fate the moral lesson that riches and pleasure may turn into poverty and sorrow.
That the Lord's Supper was from the first a meal symbolic of Christian unity and commemorative of Christ's death is questioned by none.
In the West trine immersion was generally held to be symbolic of the triune name of "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."
The story of the Creation in the book of Genesis is shown, from the point of view of chronology, to be a poetic or symbolic account by the discovery of civilizations of much greater antiguity.
It has been suggested that this use is due to the custom of the symbolic use of flowers.
The Wandering Jew has been regarded as a symbolic figure representing the wanderings and sufferings of his race.
By the result of a symbolic discharge of arrows he informed the king of his coming success against Syria, and immediately thereafter he died.
It is the prose epic of feudalism, and its romantic spirit, its high ideals, its fantastic gallantry, its ingenious adventures, its mechanism of symbolic wonders, and its flowing style have entranced readers of such various types as Francis I.
Though the progress of his psychological thought compelled him to abandon the positive theology of the Moravians, he always retained an appreciation of its spiritual or symbolic significance.
In both the patient was withdrawn from the multitude and the cure was wrought with the accompaniment of symbolic actions.
When the idea, itself indefinite, gets no further than a struggle and endeavour for its appropriate expression, we have the symbolic, which is the Oriental, form of art, which seeks to compensate its imperfect expression by colossal and enigmatic structures.
First comes architecture - in the main, symbolic art; then sculpture, the classical art par excellence; they are found, however, in all three forms. Painting and music are the specially romantic arts.
Its commanding position gained it in 1634, by royal decree, the title of "Llave del Nuevo Mundo y Antemural de las Indias Occidentales" (Key of the New World and Bulwark of the West Indies), in reference to which it bears on its coat of arms a symbolic key and representations of the Morro, Punta and Fuerza.
This is some symbolic object, stick or what not, which passes between the parties to a contract, the obligations under which, if not fulfilled by the contracting parties during their lives, become hereditary.
The symbolic logic, which confuses " is " with " is equal to," having introduced a particular kind of predicate into the copula, falls into the mistake of reducing all predication to the one category of the quantitative; whereas it is more often in the substantial, e.g.
Hamilton's significance for the history of logic lies in the stimulus that he gave to the development of symbolic logic in England by his new analytic based upon his discovery or adoption of the principle of the quantification of the predicate.
The future of symbolic logic as coherent with the rest of logic, in the sense which the word has borne throughout its history seems to be bound up with the question of the nature of the analysis that lies behind the symbolism, and of the way in which this is justified in the setting of a doctrine of validity.
Venn's Symbolic Logic (1881) gave a careful history and bibliography of that development.
Wright, Biblical Studies (1886) argues ably for the symbolic theory.
All this might very early, without the incentive of Jewish and pagan example, have affected the symbolic ritual of the primitive Church.
Cybele was usually worshipped in connexion with Attis, as Aphrodite with Adonis, the two being a duality interpreted by the philosophers as symbolic of Mother Earth and her vegetation.
But here too symbolic ideas must be taken into account.
So carefully is this record of the visions arranged that the first two chapters of the second part of the book (vii.-viii.) were no doubt purposely made to appear in a symbolic form, in order that in the last two revelations (xi.-xii.), which were couched in such direct language as to be intelligible even to the modern student of history, the author might obtain the effect of a climax.
Leo of Rome, Athanasius, Gregory of Nyssa, Theophylactus, Cyril of Jerusalem and others, trine immersion was regarded as being symbolic of the three days' entombment of Christ; and in the Armenian baptismal rubric this interpretation is enjoined, as also in an epistle of Macarius of Jerusalem addressed to the Armenians (c. 330).
The work on [[Trigonometry]] and Double Algebra (1849) contains in the latter part a most luminous and philosophical view of existing and possible systems of symbolic calculus.
In 1860 De Morgan endeavoured to render their contents better known by publishing a [[Syllabus]] of a Proposed System of Logic, from which may be obtained a good idea of his symbolic system, but the more readable and interesting discussions contained in the memoirs are of necessity omitted.
These steps are symbolic of the rising, culminating and setting of the sun, or alternatively the course of the solar deity through the three divisions of the universe.
The very various periods named make it probable that the periodical return of the phoenix belongs only to vulgar legend, materializing what the priests knew to be symbolic. Of the birds of the heron family the gorgeous colours and plumed head spoken of by Pliny and others would be least inappropriate to the purple heron (Ardea purpurea), with which, or with the allied Ardea cinerea, it has been identified by Lepsius and Peters (Alteste Texte des Todtenbuchs, 1867, p. 51).
The sun conjunct Regulus is therefore symbolic of Jesus in the Manger.
A customary Champions of Europe, becoming increasingly symbolic all the time, led onto a better performance in the second half.
Nor can the esoteric and pantheistic theories of priests (according to which the various beast-gods were symbolic manifestations of the divine essence) be received as an historical account of the origin of the local animal-worships.
Some liberal Christians do not accept a literal bodily resurrection, [3] seeing the story as richly symbolic and spiritually nourishing myth.
To emphasize the symbolic significance of the three stone arrangement, most three stone engagement rings utilize a prong setting, and the center stone may be slightly elevated.
One consideration that couples may want to acknowledge before choosing black jewels for an engagement ring is the symbolic superstition associated with black.
Heart shaped diamond engagement rings are beautiful, nostalgic options for couples interested in a symbolic ring that is more unique than classic diamond shapes.
Both styles have a loop that represents infinity and has a symbolic meaning when given as a special gift.
Of course, all diamonds are symbolic of love, commitment, and timelessness, but adding yellow to the stone gives it even deeper meaning.
This makes Hollywood jewelry, particularly engagement rings, highly symbolic, not only because they represent the characters' nuptial commitment, but because the rings are designed to symbolize deeper themes in the movie itself.
Every culture has unique ways to design engagement rings, and honoring one's culture with a symbolic ring can be a lovely and meaningful gesture.
Ruby is also the designated July birthstone, and birthstone engagement rings can be a highly symbolic and sentimental options for July-born brides or couples whose nuptials will take place at the height of summer.
With so many promise ring meanings to choose from, this type of symbolic jewelry can be a delightful gift for many different occasions and relationships.
Religious promise rings are a strongly symbolic way for individuals to demonstrate their faith, spirituality, and commitment.
A Christian purity promise ring is a highly symbolic and sacred token of a personal vow deeply rooted in one's religious beliefs.
These unique wedding rings carry symbolic meanings in their intricate designs.
While it's easy to choose a gemstone if you wish to go with your own birthstone, the birthstone of your significant other, or the birthstone of your child, there are other ways to choose gemstones that are equally symbolic.
As more men embrace the beauty of diamonds as symbolic of their marriage, some designers are creating three stone diamond anniversary rings with a masculine touch.
Choosing matching promise rings is a symbolic way for a couple to show off the promise they share, whether it is a promise of a future relationship to one another or if it is a shared commitment to chastity or Christian purity.
A couple could exchange simple matching promise rings such as plain bands, while Claddagh rings are a highly symbolic and lovely option that can be had more cheaply than many gemstone rings.
A double heart diamond ring is a lovely symbolic piece of jewelry that can be used for many special occasions.
Exchanging Valentine's promise rings can be a wonderful way for a couple to commit to one another when they aren't quite ready to get engaged but they want to show their devotion in a strongly symbolic way.
Rubies can also be a highly symbolic gift for couples who were married in July, since the ruby is July's birthstone.
If the couple has a child born in July, or themselves have July birthdays, a ruby band is similarly sentimental and symbolic.
A ruby anniversary band is a beautiful and highly symbolic choice to celebrate a long lasting marriage or any special July anniversary, or even if rubies are just a favorite jewel.
Many consider it to represent the Resurrection, and some Protestants view the three layers of the egg as symbolic of the Trinity.
We write;L 22 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 n-2 b2s 3 n - 3 3 n-3 3 n-3 3 a 3 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 b 2 .c 1 c2, and so on whenever we require to represent a product of real coefficients symbolically; we then have a one-to-one correspondence between the products of real coefficients and their symbolic forms. If we have a function of degree s in the coefficients, we may select any s sets of umbrae for use, and having made a selection we may when only one quantic is under consideration at any time permute the sets of umbrae in any manner without altering the real significance of the symbolism.
For these only will the symbolic product be replaceable by a linear function of products of real coefficients.
There is no linear covariant, since it is impossible to form a symbolic product which will contain x once and at the same time appertain to a quadratic. (v.) is the Jacobian; geometrically it denotes the bisectors of the angles between the lines ax, or, as we may say, the common harmonic conjugates of the lines and the lines x x .
This study was inaugurated by George Peacock, who was one of the earliest mathematicians to recognize the symbolic character of the fundamental principles of algebra.
That the figures symbolic of Rakab or Hadad were compounded or amalgamated by the Israelites with those symbolic of Nergal (the lion-god) and Ninib (the eagle-god), is not surprising.
A sort of symbolic retaliation was the punishment of the offending member, seen in the cutting off the hand that struck a father or stole a trust; in cutting off the breast of a wet-nurse who substituted a changeling for the child entrusted to her; in the loss of the tongue that denied father or mother (in the Elamite contracts the same penalty was inflicted for perjury); in the loss of the eye that pried into forbidden secrets.
In common with other sciences, economics makes use of " abstractions"; but if for some problems we employ symbolic processes of reasoning, we must keep clearly in view the limits of their significance, and neither endow the symbols with attributes they can never possess, nor lose sight of the realities behind them.
The weight of the function is bipartite and consists of the two numbers Ep and Eq; the symbolic expression of the symmetric function is a partition into biparts (multiparts) of the bipartite (multipartite) number Ep, Eq.
Some of them imitated the Hebrew prophets in the performance of symbolic acts of denunciation, foretelling or warning, going barefoot, or in sackcloth or undress, and, in a few cases, for brief periods, altogether naked; even women in some cases distinguished themselves by extravagance of conduct.