Swop Sentence Examples
The proposed swapping of the two pitches in a straight swop is unlikely to happen.
A couple of months went by and during that time I arranged a swop with Tony.
I feel that smoking is not worth it anymore and I just would n't swop the benefits of quitting.
Posted 20 Dec 2005 Historic deal for new Crawley Library A land swop has enabled this £ 14m development to go ahead.
Why would they not simply get out of the car and run around it to swop places?
James and I often swop battlefield visit experiences and his interest in the battlefields is very personal and sincere.
I have discovered various cousins many times removed through the Members interests lists of Family History Society, and we swop Emails with information.
Happy to swop email addresses, not sure what this " other " site is that people talk of?
An opportunity for students to exchange places in courses is provided at a swop shop to be held after the lists have been posted.
The comfortable guest lounge is an ideal place to relax and plan the days activities or swop ideas and experiences with fellow guests.
AdvertisementKris joined Montrose in the middle of January in a swop deal that saw Elliott Smith move to East Fife.
Discuss with other employees whether they might be willing to cover the time the employe will be away from work or swop shifts.
Running out of things to read, why not swop the books you 've finished for books from the library.
Darlene had to go before much longer so Sue rang for a backup to swop over and bring more gas and air.
Running out of things to read, why not swop the books you've finished for books from the library.