Swollen Sentence Examples
Her feet felt swollen and fiery.
He touched his swollen lip.
Half an hour later, her eyes swollen and her chest sore from sobbing, she turned her face up to the warm water in the shower.
The large man gasped for air, his eye swollen already.
Mrs. Marsh's face was white, and her eyes red and swollen, with dark circles under them.
She must look a sight with red swollen eyes.
Yully touched her swollen eye and cheek self-consciously.
Her eyes were bloodshot and her face swollen from crying.
Her eyes were swollen and red.
Despite their pale swollen faces and tattered uniforms, the hussars formed line for roll call, kept things in order, groomed their horses, polished their arms, brought in straw from the thatched roofs in place of fodder, and sat down to dine round the caldrons from which they rose up hungry, joking about their nasty food and their hunger.
AdvertisementBut if he saw her swollen eyes he'd be asking all kinds of questions.
The crocuses were in full bloom and the daffodils along the fence were swollen, ready to give birth to their bright yellow blossoms.
Then she pushed away from Dean and looked straight at him with red and swollen eyes.
Exaggerated importance must not be attributed to the swollen deficit.
She touched her swollen lips and winced.
AdvertisementA slow waltz began playing and she closed her eyes, imagining the bright sunlight and flowers bursting from swollen buds.
If the gall-bladder was swollen, it pointed to an extension or enlargement of some kind.
Why weren't his lips swollen and cracking?
Her eyes must be swollen and red.
Her eyes were swollen and red, and there were dark circles under them.
AdvertisementIn this worm the ventral blood-vessel is so swollen as to occupy nearly the whole of the available coelom.
The few teeth are recurved, with swollen bases.
His face had the same swollen pallor as the faces of the other hospital patients, but it was not this that struck Rostov.
She described people with great sheets of skin hanging off of their bodies; grotesque swollen faces; torsos covered with large blisters.
The first symptoms of cold sores in infants are swollen gums and sore mouth.
AdvertisementHer throat was dry and her lips swollen.
One cheekbone was yellow, her lower lip swollen.
The lids felt like they were four inches thick and her tongue felt swollen.
Alexander reached the Hydaspes just as the rains broke, when the river was already swollen.
The larvae are furnished with large heads, powerful mandibles and well-developed legs, but the body-segments are feebly chitinized, and the tail-end is swollen.
The larvae have the three pairs of legs well developed, and the hinder abdominal segments swollen.
By 1796 the issues had reached the enormous figure of 45,500,000,000 francs, and even this gigantic total was swollen still more by the numerous counterfeits introduced into France from the neighbouring countries.
The weather during the whole of October had been unusually wet, the swollen Danube overflowed the low ground and the roads had become quagmires.
In June the waters of the Mekong, swollen by the rains and the melting of the Tibetan snows, rise to a height of 40 to 45 ft.
The third genus Rhabdogaster has no such distinct head, though the body may be swollen anteriorly.
Thus augmented, and swollen into a stream 140 yds.
Swollen by the melting of the winter snows and by heavy rains in the mountains, it is frequently a torrent, and is thus, except in the last few miles, unnavigable for either boats or rafts.
These cells become swollen by this translucent substance and are thrown off into the space where they become fused together, forming colloid masses.
The swollen waxy capillaries are pressing on the columns of liver cells and are causing marked atrophy.
The secreting cells never show this change, although they may become atrophied or destroyed by the pressure and the disturbance of nutrition brought about by the swollen condition of the capillary walls.
Upon the roots of leguminous plants characteristic swollen nodules or tubercles are present.
In this situation it becomes much swollen and banded with colours, and produces a large number of ecaudate cercariae.
The act of feeding, in which the proboscis is buried in the skin of the victim nearly up to the bulb, is remarkably quick, and in thirty seconds or less the abdomen of the fly, previously flat, becomes swollen out with blood like a berry.
The painful wound is speedily discoloured and swollen.
In the female, each ovary consists of a large number of ovarian tubes, in which swollen chambers containing the egg-cells alternate with smaller chambers enclosing nutrient material.
Otkar continues to answer " Not yet," adding at last " When thou shalt see the fields bristling with an iron harvest, and the Po and the Ticino swollen with sea-floods, inundating the walls of the city with iron billows, then shall Karl be nigh at hand."
In post-mortem examination, the most obvious pathological lesion is hypertrophy of the spleen, which may be very pronounced; the lymphatic glands in the neck, inguinal region, &c., are also often greatly swollen.
The courses of the other streams are short, and except when swollen by rains their volume is small.
The .- trunk contains a spacious body-cavity filled during the breeding season by the swollen ovaries, and the same is true of the tail if we substitute testes for ovaries.
The early larval stage of the " Lobster Moth " (Stauropus fagi), for example, presents a general resemblance, due to a combination of shape, colour, attitude and movements, to black ants, the swollen head and the caudal disk with its two tentacles representing respectively the abdomen and antenna-bearing head of the model.
Sometimes the swelling of the skin is much more general, so that the whole body may be so swollen and puffy as exactly to resemble that of a person suffering from advanced kidney disease.
The skin over the affected part is often red and swollen, and, even after the attack has abated, feels stiff and tender to the touch.
In the members of the typical genus Potorous (formerly known as Hypsiprymnus) the head is long and slender, with the auditory bullae somewhat swollen; while the ridges on the first two premolars are few and perpendicular, and there are large vacuities on the palate.
In Bettongia, on the other hand, the head is shorter and wider, with smaller and more rounded ears, and more swollen auditory bullae.
The South Australian Caloprymnus campestris represents a genus near akin to the last, but with the edge of the hairy border of the bare muzzle less emarginate in the middle line, still more swollen auditory bullae, very large and posterially expanded nasals and longer vacuities on the palate.
When the swollen wall is dense and regular in appearance the term " capsule " is applied to the sheath as in Leuconostoc. Secreted pigments (red, yellow, green and blue) are sometimes deposited in the wall, and some of the iron-bacteria have deposits of oxide of iron in the membranes.
Egg-shaped mass of zoogloea of Beggiatoa roseo-persicina (Bacterium rubescens of Lankester); the gelatinous swollen walls of the large crowded cocci are fused into a common gelatinous envelope.
The swollen nodes are a characteristic feature.
It frequently extends downwards a little on the rachilla, forming with the latter a swollen callus, which is separated from the free portion by a furrow.
The secondary phloem contains numerous thick-walled fibres, parenchymatous cells, and large sieve-tubes with plates on the radial walls; swollen parenchymatous cells containing crystals are commonly met with in the cortex, pith and medullary-ray tissues.
He was drowned in the swollen stream of Csele on his flight from the field, being the second prince of the house of Jagiello who laid down his life for Hungary.
They are liable to be suddenly swollen by rains, and floods and landslips often cause considerable damage.
Swollen by their many affluents, they reach the lowlands and unite their waters to form the Santiago, which flows into the Maranon at the head of the Pongo de Manseriche.
Like the thrifty steward he was, he saw with growing concern the waste of the national resources and the strain upon commerce, with a public debt swollen to what then seemed the desperate sum of £400,000,000.
The long, sparingly branched stem bore at the somewhat swollen nodes whorls of six to eighteen wedge-shaped or linear leaves, which did not alternate in successive whorls.
These are ferns of considerable size, the large leaves of which are borne on a short, erect, swollen stem (Angiopteris, Marattia), or arise from a more or less horizontal rhizome (Danaea, Kaulfussia).
The floating debt in 1900 had swollen to 24,243,300.
Sasha.s face was a mottled mess that made him resemble Frankenstein.s monster, with newly sewn stitches holding together the edges of swollen red gashes.
The swollen stream had abated and the stream at the entrance was much abated so in we went.
This is indicated by the way the swollen abdomen tapers down to a distinct point.
You may have some mild obstruction to your nasal passages from swollen adenoids or nasal polyps.
Symptoms include a swollen, painful ankle with possible bruising due to ruptured blood vessels.
The excitement started by a seal launch from the two foot high bank and running the flood swollen beck down into the sea.
A late period is usually the first signal, followed by other symptoms such as morning sickness, swollen breasts and generally feeling fatigued.
When the condition called bursitis occurs, the slippery bursa sac becomes swollen and inflamed.
If the condition becomes chronic the cervix becomes swollen and enlarged and may contain cysts that may also become infected.
They stimulate circulation to reduce the risk of legs becoming tired or swollen.
The male can be distinguished from the female by his larger throat spots and large swollen cloaca (reproductive opening ).
Affected birds may show conjunctivitis, runny eyes, sinusitis and swollen dark blue heads.
The crop consists of the large starchy corms (short swollen underground stems ).
She reported chronic symptomology that included tearing, photophobia, swollen lids, pain behind the eyes, and intermittent diplopia.
He has had swollen genitals, and he seems to have discoloration in his urine.
My eyes were nearly swollen shut and my feet and ankles looked like I had elephantiasis.
Within a few hours he developed a bumpy rash on one cheek and a swollen pink eyelid.
She had a swollen jaw and swollen front right flipper and was obviously in a lot of pain.
Because of all the hormones in the mother's body, the baby's genitals come out all swollen.
If these filtering units get inflamed (swollen) for some reason (see causes) this is called glomerulonephritis.
These may include poor memory and concentration, irritability and overactivity in children, swollen gums, acne and weight gain.
Yesterday I found he'd been mugged again overnight and now has lovely swollen hock!
The victim suffered a swollen jaw, a missing tooth and a cut to the back of his head.
That's a long, long time to have swollen joints!
News flash kiddo, I'm already allergied up to my eyeballs and swollen like a balloon.
Over the last few weeks I have tried Brufen, Diclofenac, Naproxen and Mobic, Still got swollen knees!
Serious Condition The pediatrician examined Sam and discovered his hugely enlarged spleen and swollen liver.
But sometimes, the swollen lymph nodes can block the circulation of tissue fluid.
The swollen peduncles of the fruit are edible fresh, in drinks or ices.
They suffer leg and foot problems, swollen joints and uterine prolapse.
It is common for the foot to be swollen for several months following surgery, and some people's feet always remain slightly puffy.
This lining produces a fluid that lubricates the joint and when affected by rheumatoid arthritis it becomes inflamed and swollen.
Boys may have a swollen scrotum, which in rare cases, can lead to twisting of the testis (testicular torsion ).
It has a short swollen stem base, long stout adventitious roots and strong leafy, epigeal stolons that root at the nodes.
Florrie sniffs, sitting up in bed and nursing her swollen stomach.
Donald Roy managed to evade pursuit and walked five miles without stopping, his wounded foot badly swollen and without a shoe.
New patient Vince has been brought into the hospital with a temperature and severely swollen tongue.
The skin appears red and slightly swollen and the burn is almost always painful.
They were so swollen if I loosened the laces and left my shoes open they were still tight.
There has been some literature claiming that hypertonic saline is of value when the membranes of the nose are extremely swollen.
I am not only itchy; it is very sore and sometimes swollen.
The ankles, for example, become swollen at some point during the disease in up to 90% of children.
There she said that the bottom lip appeared swollen.
There is also another spot with them that looks swollen like an ulcer.
Jeff's ankle had swollen very badly which sadly put him out of action for the rest of the trip.
When the bile ducts can get swollen the bile cannot get to the gall bladder.
Her thyroid, to the doctor's touch, feels smoothly swollen.
The skin from his swollen testicles has literally been burnt away due to him sitting in his own urine for months.
But, about 1 in 4 males who get mumps over the age of 12 develop a painful swollen testis.
A sore throat with swollen tonsils that are heavily covered by a white coating.
Swollen adenoids are often associated with tonsillitis (infected tonsils) and are usually removed as part of an operation to remove the tonsils.
Shoes made to fit swollen or big feet should have a long vamp, which provides good arch support for big feet.
They frequently produce large, swollen vesicles within the root tissues.
The base of each hair is thin walled and swollen with cell sap.
The penis is also still swollen but not woody hard and probably has quite considerable preservation of erectile tissue.
Naumann humbly began at COthen a treatise on the birds of the principality of Anhalt, which on its completion in 1804 was found to have swollen into an ornithology of northern Germany and the neighbouring countries.
Most of them were disfigured by frost-bitten noses and cheeks, and nearly all had red, swollen and festering eyes.
His drawing of paraphyses shows one that has an apical chain of pyriform swollen cells.
For example, removing the mite swollen buds from blackcurrants will help prevent reversion virus.
Boys may have a swollen scrotum, which in rare cases, can lead to twisting of the testis (testicular torsion).
Greedily, it began to feed on Kai 's swollen belly, slurping away with great relish.
Liver function is affected, the abdomen becomes swollen with fluid increasing the risk of heart failure.
Paul Parry is expected to recover from swollen glands.
His symptoms are lots of dirty diapers a day, swollen tummy and wind.
She placed her hand against my very swollen belly.
It is also remarkable, that this river is never swollen by rains, but often rises by the violence of the winds.
Jeff 's ankle had swollen very badly which sadly put him out of action for the rest of the trip.
Her thyroid, to the doctor 's touch, feels smoothly swollen.
The silk is produced from special glands in the swollen tarsal segment on each front leg.
Slim people can have the most extraordinarily swollen tummies, which go up and down with the hours of the day.
Swollen udders are commonly hot with mastitis; they can be agonizing and leak pus.
Abdominal ultrasonography showed swollen lymph nodes around the abdominal aorta.
These painful, swollen abscesses keep recurring. Can they be a sign of a bigger physical problem?
Genitals-While it is common for an infant's genitals to be swollen after birth, your doctor will still want to examine him or her to check for any abnormalities.
Always go for a fitting in the evenings, since this is the time our feet are swollen and sneakers that feel comfortable at this time will offer you the best fit going forward in time.
When I was a teen, one of our cats had kittens and her nipples never really looked swollen, yet she was able to easily nurse seven kittens.
If you can see that the inner part of the eyelids look swollen, then it's still likely the kitten has distemper.
I thought it would get better, but in the last week his nose has swollen to double its original size and is now a shiny red color.
When she came home after the first surgery, she was not this swollen around her neck.
After the second month, the hair around the queen's nipples will begin to recede, and the nipples themselves will become pink and swollen.
Oatmeal is very soothing to the skin, and this oatmeal mask helps to draw out the impurities, as well as decrease swollen, red areas around pimples.
From common everyday ailments like swollen feet to unusual problems like eliminating fibroids naturally, herbal medicinal plants can help.
Skin can become red and the face swollen.
Yes, sometimes the vulva remains slightly swollen throughout the pregnancy, and some male dogs misinterpret the scent as a season.
Like the bald cypress, tupelo tree living in constantly wet conditions have swollen trunks.
The wood of the swollen trunk is lighter and less dense than the rest of the tree.
If you are wondering what you can do to relieve your tired, swollen legs, you may need some compression socks, or men's support socks, as they are commonly called.
The swollen lymph nodes are one of the earliest warning signs of infection.
Swollen gums, enlarged liver or spleen, bruises, or pinpoint red rashes all over the body are some of the signs of leukemia.
Other symptoms that sometimes occur with fifth disease include swollen glands, red eyes, and diarrhea.
As in percutaneous tests, a reddened, swollen spot develops at the injection site for each substance to which the child is sensitive.
The liver becomes swollen, and the patient becomes jaundiced with yellowing of the eyes and skin.
This congestion results when membranes lining the nose become swollen.
This narrowing reduces the blood supply to the swollen membranes, causing them to shrink.
If the child does not respond to the parents, if the puncture site continues to leak a watery fluid, or the puncture site appears red and swollen, or has other signs of infection, then the doctor should be notified.
Signs of infection are swelling, redness, tenderness, throbbing pain, localized warmth, fever, swollen lymph glands, the presence of pus either in the wound or draining from it, and red streaks spreading away from the wound.
The vulva and vagina can be red, swollen, and painful.
When a child has croup, that portion of the airway just below the vocal cords narrows and becomes swollen, making breathing both noisy and labored.
When the child's airway becomes increasingly swollen and more mucus is secreted, it becomes more challenging to breathe.
Sore throats have many different causes, and may or may not be accompanied by cold symptoms, fever, or swollen lymph glands.
In rare cases of mononucleosis, breathing may be obstructed because of swollen tonsils, adenoids, and lymph glands.
The early symptoms of trachoma include the development of follicles (small sacs) on the conjunctivae of the upper eyelids; pain; swollen eyelids; discharge; tearing; and sensitivity to light.
A child who is not getting enough vitamins and nutrients may have symptoms such as skin rashes, fatigue, a painful and swollen tongue, irritability, pale skin, mental slowness, or difficulty breathing.
The scrotum may be swollen or discolored.
The tongue may be swollen, or shriveled and cracked.
For example, some children experience more pain at the blister site or even flu-like symptoms, including swollen glands, fever, or sore throat.
The primary infection can cause symptoms like other viral infections, including fatigue, headache, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
The breakout is often accompanied with fever and swollen lymph glands in the neck.
The next time the infant has an outbreak the blister is the first symptom, not the swollen gums and painful mouth.
Some children have a serious primary (first episode) herpes infection called gingivostomatitis, which causes fever, swollen lymph glands, and several blisters inside the mouth and on the lips and tongue that may form large, open sores.
This condition is called hydronephrosis (a kidney swollen with urine).
The rash typically occurs on the front of the lower leg or top of the foot, and appears as a red, warm, swollen area about 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in diameter.
The throat becomes red, swollen, and sore.
There may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and multiple swollen lymph nodes.
The tonsils and the back of the throat may appear red, swollen, and streaked with pus.
If the needle puncture site continues to bleed, or if hours or days later the site looks infected (red and swollen), then a doctor should be contacted.
Rubella, also called German measles or three-day measles, is a highly contagious viral disease that in most children and adults causes mild symptoms of low fever, swollen glands, joint pain, and a fine red rash.
A low fever and swollen glands, especially in the head (around the ears) and neck, often accompany the rash.
Cortisone anti-inflammatory medications are also occasionally prescribed for the treatment of severely swollen tonsils or throat tissues.
Lymphadenitis is marked by swollen lymph nodes that develop when the glands are overwhelmed by bacteria, virus, fungi, or other organisms.
Swollen nodes without soreness are sometimes caused by cat-scratch disease, which is an uncommon illness.
In children, if the lymphadenitis is severe or persistent, the doctor may need to rule out mumps, HIV, tumors in the neck region, and congenital cysts that resemble swollen lymph nodes.
If the child has acutely swollen lymph nodes in the groin, the doctor will need to rule out a hernia in the groin that has failed to reduce (incarcerated inguinal hernia).
The fire ant sting usually produces immediate pain followed by a red, swollen area that disappears within 45 minutes.
A blister or a red, swollen, itchy patch then develops.
Accompanying the swollen glands is pain on chewing or swallowing, especially with acidic beverages, such as lemonade.
With so many people vaccinated as of the early 2000s, a case of mumps must be properly diagnosed in the event the salivary glands are swollen for reasons other than viral infection.
A child who is not getting enough vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients may have symptoms such as skin rashes, fatigue, a painful and swollen tongue, irritability, pale skin, mental slowness, or difficulty breathing.
The eye may water and itch, and the eyelid may be swollen and painful.
In this condition, the eyelids are crusty, reddened, and swollen.
Children will usually complain of severe pain in the affected ear, which may become swollen.
Ear pain is a common complaint from children, but parents should suspect serious ear infection if the ear area is red and swollen.
The joints (especially those of the ankles, knees, elbows, and wrists) become red, hot, swollen, shiny, and extraordinarily painful.
Nearby lymph glands may be swollen, and there may be red streaks running up the arm or leg from the wound toward the center of the body.
Within two weeks of the blister's appearance, lymph nodes near the site of injury become swollen.
The symptoms usually disappear within a month, although the lymph nodes may remain swollen for several months.
In such cases, a small sore develops on the palpebral conjunctiva (the membrane lining the inner eyelid) and is often accompanied by conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane) and swollen lymph nodes in front of the ear.
The appearance of painful and swollen lymph nodes is another reason for consulting a doctor.
When cat-scratch disease is suspected, the doctor will ask about a history of exposure to cats and look for evidence of a cat scratch or bite and swollen lymph nodes.
If a lymph node becomes very swollen and painful, the family doctor may decide to drain it.
The joint may feel warm to the touch and look reddish as well as swollen.
Because the swollen epiglottis interferes significantly with air movement, every breath creates a loud, harsh, high-pitched sound referred to as stridor.
Because the vocal cords are located in the larynx just below the area of the epiglottis, the swollen epiglottis makes the patient's voice sound muffled and strained.
An instrument called a laryngoscope is often used in the operating room to view the epiglottis, which will appear cherry-red and quite swollen.
The swollen epiglottis has a characteristic appearance, called the "thumb sign."
If food becomes trapped under the flap, the gums may become sore, swollen, and painful, infected, or abscessed.
A child who is constipated may feel bloated, have a headache, swollen abdomen, or pass rock-like feces; or strain, bleed, or feel pain during bowel movements.
Often the site where the bacteria enter is insignificant, does not become swollen or red, and does not require medical attention.
During the inflammation, the brain's tissues become swollen.
Some signs of hemophilia A are numerous large, deep bruises and painful, swollen joints caused by internal bleeding.
Symptoms can also include fever, chills, tiredness, muscle aches, earache, pain or discomfort when swallowing, and swollen glands in the neck.
When a doctor or nurse looks into the mouth with a flashlight, the tonsils may appear swollen and red.
A tonsillectomy is performed if the patient has recurrent sore throats or throat infections, or if the tonsils have become so swollen that the patient has trouble breathing or swallowing.
Swollen gums, an enlarged liver or spleen, bruises, or pinpoint red rashes all over the body are some of the signs of leukemia.
When the material in the bowel cannot move past the obstruction, the body reabsorbs large amounts of fluid and the abdomen becomes sore to the touch and swollen (distended).
Lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin become swollen or tender.
An area of skin that has been cut or scraped becomes painful or swollen, feels hot, or produces pus.
It causes scaly, swollen blisters or a rash that looks like black dots.
Hands and feet of infants with Turner syndrome may be swollen or puffy at birth; there may be swelling at the nape of the neck.
The lymph nodes near the ears, called the preauricular nodes, may be swollen.
The infant will be tearing and have a purulent ocular discharge, and the eyelids will be swollen.
When an inguinal hernia is incarcerated, the bowel becomes swollen and trapped outside the body.
The skin over the hernia may be discolored and swollen.
If the child is in severe pain, and the skin is discolored or swollen, medical help should be sought immediately.
The joints become swollen, tender, and painful with movement; the pain may be debilitating.
Because NEC is potentially fatal, doctors are quick to respond to its symptoms, which include lethargy, vomiting, a swollen and/or red abdomen, fever, and blood in the stool.
Although the wound had appeared completely healed, it suddenly grows red and swollen again.
Lymph nodes in the area become swollen and tender, and the patient develops fever, chills, and headache.
The infected person usually feels tired and has a fever, sometimes accompanied by chills, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph glands, and nausea.
The tonsils look swollen and are bright red, with white or yellow patches of pus on them.
The joints, especially the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles become red, sore, and swollen.
If the canal is excessively swollen, hearing may become muffled.
The canal may appear swollen and red, and there may be evidence of foul-smelling, greenish-yellow pus.
It will become red and swollen, and there may be enlarged and tender lymph nodes in front of, or behind, the ear.
The palms, soles, and mucous membranes that line the eyelids and cover the exposed portion of the eyeball (conjuntivae) become purplish-red and swollen.
The lymph nodes in the patient's neck may also become swollen.
Symptoms of this rare, but potentially deadly, complication include enlarged tongue, swollen facial features, hoarseness, and physical and mental sluggishness.
Oral contraceptives may cause the gums to become tender and swollen or to bleed.
The most common minor side effects are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping or bloating, breast pain, tenderness or swelling, swollen ankles or feet, tiredness, and acne.
When the lining of the sinuses is at all swollen, the swelling interferes with the normal flow of mucus.
These chemicals cause blood vessels to become more porous, allowing fluid to accumulate in tissue and leading to the swollen and reddish appearance of hives.
If there is excess bleeding from the needle puncture site, or if hours to days later, the puncture site looks infected (red and swollen), then a doctor should be contacted.
Symptoms include swollen glands, liver, and spleen; fever; increased white blood cells; headache; fatigue; and sore throat.
People who use them tend to become overweight, with swollen faces.
In adults, CMV may cause mild symptoms of swollen lymph glands, fever, and fatigue.
An ear infection will cause the eardrum to look red and swollen.
There may be painful urination, and swollen and tender lymph glands in the groin.
The epiglottis will look swollen and bright red if the doctor examines the patient's throat with a laryngoscope (a viewing device).
The glands become swollen and tender and are painful.
Use of topical decongestants for longer than several days can cause loss of effectiveness and rebound congestion, in which nasal passages become more severely swollen than before treatment.
The infant' s abdomen may be swollen and firm (distended) because the abnormal trachea allows air to build up in the stomach, filling the abdominal space that holds the surrounding organs.
In some cases, the infected individual will experience swollen lymph glands.
In secondary syphilis, the infection becomes systemic and the individual experiences symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat, rash, and swollen glands.
In the first, called acute otitis media (AOM), parts of the ear are infected and swollen, and fluid and mucus are trapped inside the ear.
Acute otitis media often occurs as an aftereffect of upper respiratory infections, in which the eustachian tube and nasal membranes become swollen and congested.
In addition, the tube that delivers food from the mouth to the stomach (the esophagus) often becomes inflamed, and salivary glands can become swollen.
A newborn may fail to pass meconium (the first stool) within 24 hours of birth, may repeatedly vomit yellow or green colored bile, and may have a distended (swollen, uncomfortable) abdomen.
After six months, those following the diet demonstrated significant improvement in the duration of morning stiffness, the number of swollen joints, and pain status.
Other possible symptoms are pain on urination, inability to urinate, or frequent urge to urinate if the swollen appendix is near the urinary tract and bladder.
In children younger than age two years, the most common symptoms are vomiting and a bloated or swollen abdomen.
Symptoms in combination that require a doctor's immediate attention include significant abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, swollen or bloated abdomen, and loss of appetite.
Symptoms include sore throat, chills, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
People with respiratory allergies, hay fever, and sinus infections have swollen nasal membranes that are fragile and more likely to bleed.
Decongestants dry up nasal passage tissues and reduce swollen nasal membranes so as to relieve congestion.
Use of nasal spray decongestants for longer than four to five days can cause loss of effectiveness and rebound congestion, in which nasal passages become more severely swollen than before treatment.
Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction to something that irritates the skin and is manifested by one or more lines of red, swollen, blistered skin that may itch or seep.
Hydrops fetalis is characterized by an accumulation of fluids within the baby's body, giving it a swollen appearance.
Hydrops fetalis-A condition in which a fetus or newborn baby accumulates fluids, causing swollen arms and legs and impaired breathing.
Parents should pay attention to unexplained fevers; night sweats; or tender, swollen lymph nodes.
Common symptoms include an inflamed sore in the area of the bite or scratch, swollen lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, and rash.
Underwear, basic stretch pants, and larger shoes for those swollen feet can all be found at a bargain.
This can actually be a somewhat painful experience as a women's breasts may feel hard and swollen.
During pregnancy, it's common for your breasts to become swollen and tender.
The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy tackles tough topics like morning sickness, exercising during pregnancy, avoiding stretch marks, coping with swollen breasts, and dealing with your changing sex life.
This method may be uncomfortable for many women, particularly those with sore or swollen breasts.
Despite having morning sickness, heartburn, swollen feet, aching backs, and other unpleasant body changes from being pregnant, celebs still manage to look their best while pregnant.
Although doctors have varying opinions on whether or not these methods actually work, women often find themselves trying just about anything when their feet are swollen and their pelvic bones are crushed.
Between one and two weeks after conception, your breasts may become slightly swollen, tender to the touch, or sore.
While you cannot banish her swollen ankles and back pain, you can offer her a comfortable place to put her feet up and relax.
So midway between your periods each month, you may have always noticed your nipples are tender or your breasts are swollen.
Your breasts may feel swollen, tender, or heavy.
If you find that your feet are much more swollen than they have been and that the swelling doesn't resolve with elevation, contact your health care provider.
If your hands and face should become swollen, this is a potential sign of hypertension of pregnancy and is a cause to call your health care provider.
Finally, if only one of your legs is swollen, especially if the swollen area is red and painful, contact your health care provider as this may be a sign you are developing a deep vein thrombosis.
Make sure you pay attention to just how swollen your feet usually are during the course of your day and you'll know whether you have normal edema or need to call a health care provider.
In addition, all women may experience swollen breasts or notice that their breasts or nipples have changed slightly in color or texture.
The signs of dropsy include a swollen body, swollen eyes and scales that protrude from the body.
Symptoms include red and swollen gills and difficulty breathing.
A wedding ring that is too small will make a roll of flesh above the finger which will make the finger look swollen and could result in an engagement ring being uncomfortable to wear.
However, some people who get infected with fifth disease (particularly older teens and adults), also have swollen glands, diarrhea, and after the rash clears joint pain.
One of the earliest, popular urban legends regarding Taco Bell involved a story about a person who ate at a local Taco Bell, and the next day had swollen gums (in other versions, the cheeks swelled).
Shop later in the day when feet are a bit more swollen.
Swollen joints and blistering feet may tell an entirely different story.
Shop for shoes at the end of the day when your feet are slightly swollen.
Shoe horns and other assistive devices can be a lifesaver when you are trying to ease swollen, painful feet into shoes.
Shop for shoes at the end of the day when your feet are larger and more swollen.
If the site appears swollen and/or feels painful even though the tattoo itself has healed, there may be a deep infection.
An infected nose piercing will be red and swollen, and this may make jewelry difficult to move as the swelling increases.
The latter condition has the warning signs of shortness of breath, chest pain, swollen ankles, and fainting spells.
It occurs when the tendons located in the wrist become swollen.
Arthritis pain is often accompanied by swollen joints.
Swollen breasts and tummies can make finding comfortable undergarments difficult, and last thing that you want is to feel restricted and as if you are popping out of your unmentionables.
Not only that, but if you're fresh out of a hot bath or shower, your skin may be swollen from the heat, which will further impede your progress.
It appears as a red, painful area, usually swollen and very tender to the touch.
High fever, sore throat, and swollen glands usually accompany the rash.
Forehead, cheeks, and eyes may all be swollen.
Sometimes, the area around the nail gets red and swollen, too.
Subsequent bitings, which carry an abundance of foreign proteins into the body, are usually the cause of red, swollen, and itchy bumps within 24 hours.
In the case of a mosquito attack, many bites will follow the first and swollen hives or a wheal may begin to develop within minutes of the bites.
Within a few days, victims find relief from the bite and swollen hives tend to reduce in size.
In most cases, the fluids cause a mild allergic reaction in the victim, which then produces the swollen, itchy mass known as the mosquito bite.
These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, severe headache, body aches, swollen glands, rash, lethargy, jaundice and sensitivity to light.
People who are sensitive to mosquito bites may have larger sized, swollen areas that itch.
Middle-aged and elderly people are much more prone to this type of dermatitis, which can be characterized by swollen legs, painful sores, itching and discoloration on the legs.
Weakened, leaky capillaries draining under the eyes makes them look swollen and puffy.
Alternatively, tea bags that have previously been boiled but are then cooled, are perfect for soothing swollen eyes.
Welts may be painful to the touch and are normally red and appear swollen.
Her eyes were swollen and red, the silver glowing in the dim light of the room.
Curly brown hair was pulled into a ponytail, and she wore jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt that was tight over her swollen belly.
Lori nodded and struggled off the porch swing, her swollen stomach a reminder that babies were still an option for some people.
Lori was pale and her eyes were swollen and red.
She dabbed at her swollen eyes again and Denton shook his head.
Her forearm was still swollen, Jonny's fingers clearly outlined in black-purple bruises on her skin.
Even swollen, her arm was small and feminine compared to his.
The true source of the Adige is in some small lakes on the summit of the Reschen Scheideck Pass (4902 ft.), and it is swollen by several other streams, near Glurns, where the roads over the Ofen and the Stelvio Passes fall in.
It is a rapid and muddy stream, dangerous to cross when swollen by the melting of the snows in Armenia, but fordable in its ordinary state.
From the proximity of the mountains to the sea none of the rivers in this part of Italy has a long course, and they are generally mere mountain torrents, rapid and swollen in winter and spring, and almost dry in summer.
It will be seen that the revenue is swollen by a large number o taxes which can only be justified by necessity; the reduction and still more, the readjustment of taxation (which now largely falls or articles of primary necessity) is urgently needed.
The heavy rain, which had delayed the commencement of the action, had swollen the Bistritz so as to check their advance and thus postpone the decision, whilst the mist and driving rain hid the approaching troops from the Austrian gunners, whose shells burst almost harmlessly on the sodden ground.
The most peculiar feature about the chiru is, however, its swollen, puffy nose, which is probably connected with breathing a highly rarefied atmosphere.
Appressoria are also formed by some parasitic fungi, as a minute flattening of the tip of a very short branch (Erysiphe), or the swollen end of any hypha which comes in contact with the surface of the host (Piptocephalis, Syncephalis), haustoria piercing in each case the cell-wall below.
These reserve stores may be packed away in single hyphae or in swollen cells, but the hyphae containing them are often gathered into thick cords or mycelial strands (Phallus, mushroom, &c.), or flattened and anastomosing ribbons and plates, often containing several kinds of hyphae (Merulius lacrymans).
They also undergo cutting up by numerous septa into short cells, and these often divide again in all planes, so that a pseudoparenchyma results, the walls of which may be thickened and swollen internally, or hardened and black on the exterior.
In many cases the swollen cell-walls serve as reserves, and sometimes the substance is so thickly deposited in strata as to obliterate the lumen, and the hyphae become nodular (Polyporus sacer, P. rhinoceros, Lentinus Woermanni).
Sometimes fatty oil or watery sap is found in swollen hyphal ends, or such tubes contain coloured sap. Cystidia and paraphyses may be also classed here.
At the time of sporangial formation the protoplasm with numerous nuclei streams into the swollen end of the sporangiophore and there becomes cut off by a cell-wall to form the sporangium.