Switching Sentence Examples
It uses relay signal switching to preserve signal integrity.
Occasionally, having had the machine on Pause for time, switching back to Play tended to result in a slightly jerky picture.
The TV has gone mental too - keeps switching from channel to channel willy nilly.
Override Facility Quickly and easily override Facility Quickly and easily override the programmed switching time without the need to re-program the entire system.
Using packet switching, various packet switching, various packets of information can travel along different routes on the network, allowing the carrier to optimize network capacity.
These cytokines induce gene rearrangements culminating in class switching.
I did, however, manage to cause slight (mainly cosmetic) damage to the switching mechanism at some point on Sunday.
It is like switching from riding an old hack to a young thoroughbred.
Raise tax on hand-rolling tobacco to dissuade smokers from switching from manufactured cigarettes to roll-your-own.
These sensors are supplied power by a switching transistor to conserve power with battery operated products.
AdvertisementThe existing network comprises a switching system, which is 74% digital with an analog transmission system throughout.
The Minister will be switching on the first micro-wind turbines on the roof of the 13-storey CIS building in Portland Street.
If fat wasting develops, will switching to another drug restore the fat?
For local earthquakes it will move relatively to the pivoted balance weight like an ordinary bracket seismograph, and for very rapid motion it gives seismoscopic indications of slight tremors due to the switching of the outer end of the boom, which is necessarily somewhat flexible.
One provides zero volt switching for single-phase resistive loads or for motors where the power factor is greater than 0.8.
AdvertisementFollow dramatic, political power struggles, German scientists switching allegiance and what happened to early rockets transporting fruit flies into space.
There 's even talk of me switching over to American Football.
Switching secure online atm transactions at uninterrupted availability is the core business of the company and provides its principal revenue.
When switching to ReFacto it is important to individually titrate and monitor each patient 's dose in order to ensure an adequate therapeutic response.
Switching to a more conventional voice menu touch-tone response system is planned.
AdvertisementSwitching secure online ATM transactions at uninterrupted availability is the core business of the company and provides its principal revenue.
The course will cover switching delays occurring in bipolar and unipolar semiconductor devices.
Based on individually sampled keys, true stereo imaging, four-way velocity switching and an additional damper layer, this piano evokes unparalleled realism.
For this reason, we recommend switching to a microfibre wash mitt when washing wheels and the insides of wheel arches.
Widescreen switching was not working at the time of capture, so Vanessa Mae looks a bit squashed !
AdvertisementIf you do feed her formula, and she seems to be having digestion problems, contact your pediatrician before switching to another type of formula.
You can save some money by switching to these.
Some parents like starting their baby in a bassinet and then switching to a baby bed as she grows.
And if you end up switching loyalties, your new baby will be a constant reminder of a time gone by.
Switching into a big bed from the confines of a baby bed can be intimating, but toddler beds are often just the right size.
Try switching to another material like Merino wool, which absorbs sweat better.
However, if you are a music junkie and are constantly switching CDs, a multi-disc changer may be the right system for you.
You can often vacuum underneath furniture without switching to special attachments when you use a canister vacuum.
Cracked glass, shoddy installation and old windows are examples of switching out windows from necessity.
Switching from a PC to a Mac-based system does not have to be difficult, and choosing and buying the appropriate Mac computer for your needs does not have to be difficult.
Although more expensive than regular hard drives, many consumers are switching out their current hard drives in lieu of the SSD because of the lower chance of failure.
If you're using clay litter now, try switching to a recycled newspaper litter and see if he prefers it.
While you are switching your cat to raw food keep a close eye on her for subtle changes that might mean she is constipated or otherwise not handling the new diet very well.
If you find that you are not necessarily getting the rewards you had expected, or if you decide that the higher interest rate simply isn't worth it, then you should look into switching to a different account.
Switching from incandescent to fluorescent lighting is easy to do and can have a positive impact on the environment as well as your energy bills.
Switching to EnergyStar compact fluorescent light bulbs can save you an average of $60 a year.
Switching to fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and avoiding other canned foods is another great way to reduce your consumption of BPA.
Wind 4 Power - Another company that advertises an 80 percent decrease in your power bill after switching to wind power is Wind 4 Power.
How much you can save by switching to wind power will depend on the climate of where you live and the average wind speed, but the one thing you can know is that overall you will save.
Switching to a high efficiency water heating system conserves energy and reduces pollution.
Switching electrical equipment off and not leaving lights burning is an easy way to reduce the amount of energy used.
Switching to compact fluorescent bulbs or CFLs can significantly reduce electricity costs.
By switching to renewable energy sources we can stop man-made pollution.
Another great place to find tax incentives is to use the Energy.gov's Tax Credits, Rebates & Savings page to search for both your state incentives and utility company rebates and savings for switching to solar power.
Consider laying one tile straight along your counter before switching to the diagonal for two rows.
It gives the option of switching from the initial overhead view to a 3-D angled view that gives you a better understanding of how the kitchen will look.
Sensitive skinned gals may benefit from switching to a mineral based cosmetic line.
If you're looking for a perfume that wears well while offering a wide range of scent varieties, you may be interested in switching to an oil based fragrance such as One Drop Perfume.
If you fancy the bottles and concept behind some of the most world-renowned fragrance houses, you're sure to miss them when switching to a plain packaged oil based scent.
Leonard Klienrock created a technique called packet switching, which allows data to be sent from one computer address to another.
Plenty of customers have issues switching to online payments, but become more comfortable with them once they get acclimated to the system.
People switching to a low carb food diet will see a drop in their weight.
If things have really come to a head, you may even want to consider switching departments (or transferring).Even worse than having a conflict with a co-worker is having one with a supervisor.
Switching careers, companies and even shifts is often a hassle.
One concern people have when switching to a vegetarian diet is that they won't get enough protein.
Some symptoms associated with switching to the raw food diet include nausea, headaches, mild depression and cravings for certain foods may occur during the first few days of the diet.
Before switching to raw entirely, you should talk to a doctor or nutritionist.
You can also keep your meals interesting by switching up types; if you always make brown rice, for example, try white jasmine or white basmati.
Unique wedding cake variations range from changing the shape of the layers to switching up color combinations or cake toppers.
Each season, Dempsey and his teammates compete in 14 endurance races, lasting for up to 24 hours at a time, with two drivers switching off at intervals.
Although switching your dog to a low-fat recipe dog food may seem like the right thing to do, it's actually better to stick with a normal, balanced pet food and just serve it in smaller portions.
Your vet may have already recommended this, but switching your dog to a bland diet of cooked rice and lamb might be beneficial right now.
I believe this is a better alternative than switching to a diet-type dog food.
Switching foods can be helpful in some cases, but you really need to learn the exact food sources your dog might be allergic to so you know what to avoid.
Have the vets you've worked with simply suggested switching formulas, or have they actually tested your dog for specific food allergies.
Although many pet owners report being happy after switching to Blue, others report that their dogs experienced digestive problems, including gassiness and diarrhea.
It's possible that these upsets were caused by switching to the richer formula too quickly, and most owners note that their dogs recovered in a few weeks and are now doing well on the new diet.
Switching from pizza to baked chicken and steamed vegetables is not always easy.
At RateItAll.com, many dog owners have reported positive changes in their dogs when switching to raw food plans such as Nature's Variety.
The pet owners noted that after switching to a raw diet, their dogs have improved energy, skin and coats.
To a player switching from guitar or a beginning player, this can be confusing.
It is a widely used bulb, and very inexpensive, although energy advisers and proponents of "green" lighting suggest switching out these older bulbs for newer, more energy-friendly units.
Also, if you're in shorts but your legs are getting a sunburn despite the sunscreen you've applied, you can always cover them back up by switching back to pants mode.
Switching to organic body butters is one way to reduce the amount of petroleum-based chemicals that your skin absorbs each day.
Switching to pest-resistant varieties may prevent issues.
The obvious advantage to this type of CPAP battery backup is the simplicity of switching back and forth from electrical to battery power, which requires absolutely no effort from the person using the machine.
Switching from a nasal mask to a nasal pillow mask can often alleviate many sleeping problems, particularly for slide sleepers who tend to fight with slipping nasal masks throughout the night.
Talk with your doctor or therapist about switching to a different type of mask - like from a nasal mask to a nasal pillow mask.
Switching to a full-face mask or using a heated humidifier can also relieve symptoms of dry mouth.
Most CPAP mask problems discontinue with time, and switching to a different mask nearly always results in a decrease in side effects.
If you currently wear glasses and are thinking about switching to contact lenses, you will need to know how to put in contact lenses.
There is usually at least an adjustment period when switching from glasses or soft lenses to rigid gas permeable lenses, though some users never feel comfortable wearing them.
Franklin was both near-sighted and far-sighted and grew frustrated of switching back and forth between different glasses to be able to see throughout the day.
If you're switching to Wild Eyes from a pair of glasses, you will need to get an eye exam to determine the fit of your new colored lenses.
Nowhere on the frontier of human ingenuity and aerospace technology was there anything that could've done away with the annoying process of switching from my flashlight to my gun.
If you fall into a pit, press Y repeatedly and keep switching weapons.
Solve puzzles and use your ever increasing abilities, switching characters to gain the best advantage.
At least the Parade can hold more and you have the option of switching out Miis at will.
Switching weapons, throwing bombs, and utilizing alternate shooting options are an absolute joy.The gameplay, likewise, is easy to pick up, but difficult to master.
Switching to Look mode allows you to examine highlighted points on the screen.
Switching between the two was uncomfortable at first, but an hour with the game is all you need.
Otherwise, unsheathing/sheathing the sword, actual attacking, and shooting the crossbow or throwing the knives was responsive and switching between doing all three were smooth.
At first, switching back and forth between the buttons and the touch screen will feel a little awkward, but luckily it becomes second nature after a little while with the game.
Tools are still used to solve puzzles, but now instead of switching between your four main characters, Jude acquires the now-temporary items from spheres found in dungeons.
Individual characters are not always easy to distinguish, especially when switching characters frequently.
You can reduce the amount of calories in your wine by switching to a wine spritzer.
Because a mobile phone has become just as much a fashion accessory as a functional communication device, more and more people are switching to Spring cell phones to match their more brightly-colored outfits, for example.
It's not like switching from a thick winter coat to a light spring jacket, right?
There are signal boosting accessories that may help, but short of switching networks or switching handsets, you are largely left with whatever coverage you can get.
Drugs and doses should be adjusted based on observation of healing rate, switching patients from high to low doses and from narcotic analgesics to non-narcotics when circumstances permit.
This may be done by switching to a high fiber breakfast cereal.
Experts also recommend switching to cloth diapers and cleaning affected skin with plain water.
In infants, switching to soy-based formula may help.
Stand in fifth position, plié, and then jump straight up into the air, switching the foot that was in back on the ground into the front, creating as little visual space between the two feet in the air as possible.
If you feel there is something missing, there are certainly enough studios in San Diego to consider switching to another class at another studio.
As you move on from the swing dancing basic to things like basic turns and switching hands, the basic step is always a safe step to come back to in order to recover from the more advanced steps inserted into the dance.
If you don't like the way a poem has turned out, rework it by switching lines around and adding words.
You can opt to radically change your hair color by switching between natural shades as well, so long as the new color works well with your skin tone, eye color, and personality.
If your hair is parched and in dire straights, you may find that switching to a sulfate-free shampoo helps to protect and hydrate your hair effectively.
Some parents have found that their older children are a grade or two behind when switching to Singapore, so be sure to give your child the placement test to be sure you get the book most suited for your student.
For example, you can click a button to find out the impact on interest paid and payment amounts by switching the worksheet to figure an adjustable rate mortgage.
If you have an adjustable rate mortgage, consider switching to a fixed rate.
The problem with just cutting back or switching to a low-tar cigarette instead of quitting is people tend to inhale more deeply or take more puffs when they are put on a limit.
For women who are already taking birth control pills and have a doctor they see regularly, switching to Yasmin may be as simple as getting a new prescription.
If you are worried about the possible link between birth control and weight gain, ask your doctor about switching your birth control pill prescription.
In most cases, you can prevent the unwanted weight gain associated with your birth control by paying extra attention to your diet and exercise habits or simply switching to a different type of birth control.
Also, if you are switching from a different type of pill or trying birth control for the first time, you may notice some side effects.
However, your doctor will typically ask you to wait three months before switching pills.
Sometimes switching from hot tea to cold tea can help can mitigate this effect.
There is one more non chlorine alternative for swimming pool use, but switching to it after chlorine use is very tricky.
Bold designs, cut-away shapes, and meticulous attention to detail make these one pieces pretty and sexy enough to have even the most dedicated bikini wearer switching to the one piece instead.
Was Vendt completely wrong for switching to the swimsuit he liked better, the suit in which he felt he performed best?
For a girl who isn't sure about switching from a one-piece to a tankini, this sort of fit will boost confidence nicely.
The government website on calcium supplements recommends increasing your dose of liquid calcium gradually to mitigate side effects and switching to higher fiber diet.
There's been no word on whether Lopez is planning on discontinuing or at least switching to faux fur in her clothing lines.
Fortunately, the product is well-made and is designed so that switching out pieces can be simple.
The Artisan series is a nine-cup standing mixer with a tilted mixer head that allows for easy attachment switching.
People with very sensitive skin have difficulty using electric razors and may benefit by switching to a traditional razor.
Switching to an electric razor made for sensitive skin may alleviate the problem.
If you purchase the Lefse griddle from Lefse Time you have the option of switching out the types of plating and rollers and even selecting not to opt for certain tools.
The automatic switching on and switching off of flameless candles is extremely convenient.
It is particularly useful in households who have several flameless candles as switching these on and off several times a day can be time-consuming.
Change a winter candle ring into a holiday piece by switching a white candle for a red one, or give a bold touch to a spring candle ring by switching from pale pink to sunny yellow.
Many people are able to see significant improvement by switching to a gluten free diet and remaining on it for their lifetimes.
But switching phone services may require canceling your old account and getting a new number.
As long as the bundle comes in well under the total, it is definitely worth the trouble of switching.
Switching brands is a great way to begin saving money, but it's not the only way to cut costs in your household budget.
Get free recipes by switching over to the "Recipe" section.
If you can find a coupon that makes a different brand a good deal, switching food might be worth the savings.
Most phone companies will be eager to keep you as a customer, even if it means they must match a competitor's offer to prevent you from switching carriers.
Would switching to Pantene for your shampoo and conditioner be a huge inconvenience?
Switching from wet or tinned cat food to a quality dry food can be a simple way to save money on your pet care expenses.
Sometimes, just switching out shoelaces can make the shoe last longer.
If you love to ride horses but hate the uncomfortable feel of traditional riding boots, consider switching to a pair of Ariat boots.
If you started using a new product after getting the tattoo and have developed red, itchy skin, try taking a break from that product or switching to a different brand.
No stopping to switch out inks, switch out guns or clean out the guns between colors; switching between colors is as easy as twisting the next one into place.
And, unlike visiting the individual airline sites, you can shop for a large number of airlines all at the same time - no switching back and forth between sites to compare prices.
An alarm may sound loudly, making an unpleasant buzzing sound and this may result in your rolling over and switching the annoying noise off rather than getting up and facing the day.
Instead of switching the alarm off in the conventional manner, baseball themed alarm clocks with the throw function can be thrown against a wall to switch them off.
Co-founded in 1918 by Ralph Matthews and Karl Hassel, Zenith first existed under the name Chicago Radio Labs before switching over to Zenith Radio Company in 1923.
Traditional analog systems operate by transmitting a signal from location to location, utilizing switching centers powered and maintained by a local phone company.
There's no sense in spending the next five-to-ten years switching from one insurance company to another.
Many small businesses are switching to this option, which also provide wellness programs to help people stop smoking, lose weight, and get into shape to decrease their chances of illness.
Hold the stretch for 30 to 60 seconds before switching legs.
Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds before switching legs.
The fatigue is caused by the body switching over from burning glucose to burning ketones for energy, it only lasts a few days.
Don't think that just switching to diet soda is good enough; getting rid of all carbonated beverages is better for you.
Detoxification fasts can take a number of forms, ranging from simply switching to a raw diet to severely restricting calories.
Modern marketing has conditioned consumers to want a quick-fix for every concern, but simply switching to a more natural diet will, over time, help your body rid itself of toxins.
Perform all your reps on your right leg before switching to your left.
Work one leg at a time doing a full set before switching; trying to alternate legs between each rep is bound to make you lose rhythm and/or balance.
You can either alternate legs between each rep or do a full set per leg before switching.
On that note, you should also try switching the exercises up between workouts, i.e. do squats one week and then switch to machine leg presses the following week.
Repeat for eight to 12 reps before switching arms.
Not only will switching up your workouts prevent boredom, but by taking part in various activities, you may find new favorites.
These include hop squats, hopping while switching feet, jumps with jabs and lunging to the floor.
To get the most out of your workouts, plan on switching your routine every four weeks so that you are still providing a challenge for your body.
Perform 10 to 15 repetitions on your right side before switching sides.
By switching companies or asking about some of the discounts that your current company offers, you could save yourself hundreds of dollars every year.
Now, however, layoffs and switching jobs are commonplace, so the need for financial assistance during times of unemployment is often a reality.
Policyholders may be surprised to discover that they can save a large amount of money on their insurance costs by either switching to a new company, or by calling their current insurance provider and requesting a review of their policy.
Agents will assist new customers with the tasks of switching from an existing policy or creating an entirely new policy.
Once you are a policyholder with Cinergy, you do have the option of switching your coverage to a major medical policy.
Renewing your current policy for savings by not switching to another insurance company.
Auto Insurance - IDS claims most auto insurance shoppers have saved an average of almost five hundred dollars by switching their current insurance.
However, if you're very serious about switching your home insurance to a new policy, speaking directly to an agent will allow you to ask any specific questions about issues you're concerned about.
If you've always purchased your party invites, you may be cautious about switching to printables.
He began his career as a graffiti artist before switching to tattoos.
He also demonstrates how small changes, like switching light bulbs, can make a big difference and how living an eco-friendly lifestyle is a learning process.
Unfortunately, the switching spouses do not get to choose what type of family they will cohabitate with.
Try switching to all-natural products to wash your face with.
With that in mind, your facial skin will thank you for cutting out the coffee or switching to decaf instead.
A simple step such as switching a few prescriptions may lessen your chance of future outbreaks.
For beginners, the need to tweak some of the resulting code from the visual editor and the ease of switching from visual to code editing promotes a very quick HTML learning environment for beginners.
In the 1980s, the first wide networks used a technology called "packet switching."
Switching the bones and killing him in the first place are two different acts—forty years apart.
It doesn't look like the auctioneer had anything to do with switching the bones.
He considered switching a digit and feigning a mistake but he knew these guys would figure he was hiding something and be all the more aggressive when they questioned Cynthia.
This consists of a receiving antenna similar to the sending antenna, and in any wireless telegraph station it is usual to make the one and the same antenna do duty as a receiver or sender by switching it over from one apparatus to the other.
The idea of automatic telephony is to substitute for the operator of the manual exchange an electromechanical or other switching system, which, controlled in its movement by the action of the subscriber, will automatically select, connect and disconnect circuits as desired.
A classification may also be made, according to the work for which engines are designed, into passenger engines, goods engines, and shunting or switching engines.
In this case the motion at la is that of elastic switching.
It has also three terminal switching lines and the belt line of the Minnesota Transfer Company, serving both Minneapolis and St Paul.
Switching the bones and killing him in the first place are two different acts—forty years apart.
Clicking noises, echo, very ambient, switching back to a main melodic thread.
For them switching to the salt form (sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, etc.) often permits far higher tolerance.
To enable individual data networks to utilize best the new high-speed backbone through the application of switching technology.
It may also facilitate technological progress, by reducing firms ' switching costs and so lowering barriers to entry and barriers to change.
Some households are more likely than others to benefit from switching from a flat rate to a metered water billing.
Relief and renewed confidence meant we had the play and dominated the game with one-twos, switching play across the pitch glorious.
They also provide contactor switching for corridor lighting and other key loads.
The dew point switching system was fitted to the desiccant dryer.
This makes DaRT networks fully extensible with no wiring or central switching facility.
The evidence proves to be quite favorable for the Markov switching model.
It appears that significant increases in the price of traditional felts would be needed before substantial switching would occur.
The polarizing filter prevents false switching with shiny objects.
We get none of the biological absurdities of abduction lore, no switching off of witnesses, no mind rays.
The GTPases Rac and Cdc42 promote outgrowth of neurites while Rho promotes their retraction, by switching on the kinases PAK and ROK respectively.
A 15 Amp 280 VAC solid-state relay provides local high level switching for actuation or shutdown of your system.
Switching to a new, greener tariff is easy.
When switching to ReFacto it is important to individually titrate and monitor each patient's dose in order to ensure an adequate therapeutic response.
For this reason, we recommend switching to a microfibre wash mitt when wash mitt when washing wheels and the insides of wheel arches.
Recommendations for dietary change include switching to 1 percent or skim milk, low-fat cheese, and meats from which the fat can be trimmed.