Swipes Sentence Examples
After a few hefty swipes Pete woke up suddenly.
We had parody; some " in " - theatrical jokes and some clever side swipes at clerics.
They will soak up the impact of any vicious swipes made by your school.
The merchant swipes the card using a secure encrypted messaging protocol (SEMP).
You present the card, the clerk swipes it, and as long as you have the available funds the purchase is approved and you sign the receipt.
Only 25 percent of sales need keyed, with the other 75 percent processing through swipes.
If you do need to hand it to a person, watch the card carefully to avoid additional swipes of the card.
The cheeks are sheer in a wash of color, as are the lips, and the eyes are naked save for several swipes of mascara.
At Walgreens, you'll find the SAS Group Swipes Lens CPR Lens Scratch Repair Kit.
He ran over to the Troop Leader and, sobbing uncontrollably, described how the bear wanted the peanut butter chocolate so bad that he'd torn the jeans right off of Jake's legs with two swipes of his razor sharp claws.