Swift Sentence Examples
Her answer came swift and certain.
Her answer came swift and positive.
The hare they had started was a strong and swift one.
The words were swift and emotional and she had no doubt he spoke the truth.
He held his head higher, his eyes shone with the light of life, and with swift steps he followed the maid, overtook her, and came out on the Povarskoy.
She went up to him and with a swift, flexible, youthful movement dropped on her knees.
The streams are swift and clear, and numerous small waterfalls are characteristic of the district.
In its upper course it flows over a rocky bed with a swift current and many rapids.
He was a great admirer of Dean Swift, and took pleasure in sending him presents of game.
Her unusually swift stride outdistanced both of them.
AdvertisementHe was swift and clean as a good journeyman.
All are swift and unnavigable, save perhaps for a.
With one swift swipe Nols expertly kills the bullock and tears out its still pulsating heart.
In 1711 he founded the 4 Swift's Inquiry into the Behaviour of the Queen's Last Ministry; Mrs Delaney's Correspondence, 2 ser., iii.
The upward ascent of the column of gases is as swift as the descent of the solid charge is slow.
AdvertisementThe increase of railway accommodation has been swift.
They are great leapers and swift runners, mostly frequenting open stony plains.
Of river names the Blackwater, Witham, Ashburne, Swift, Washburn, Loxly, Wythburn, Eamont are perhaps English and so also may be the Waveney in Suffolk.
In 1688 the rich uncle, whose supposed riches had dwindled so much that at his death he was almost insolvent, died, having decayed, it would seem, not less in mind than in body and estate, and Swift sought counsel of his mother at Leicester.
Swift's endeavours after an accommodation were as fruitless as unremitting.
AdvertisementSwift, on the other hand, was devoid of passion.
Swift was afraid of the reception the book would meet with, especially in political circles.
I am, for those few days, yours entirely - Jonathan Swift.
In London he met Swift, who procured him a chaplaincy at Hull.
Darwin Swift (Clarendon Press, 1894), in which are many references to authorities.
AdvertisementThe Cypselus esculentus, or edible-nest swift, is very common, and the nests, which are built mostly in limestone caves, are esteemed the best in the archipelago.
The best account of Brook Farm is Lindsay Swift's Brook Farm, Its Members, Scholars and Visitors (New York, 1900).
The rapid exhaustion in late years of the caribou, seals and other animals, once the food or stockin-trade of the Aleuts and other races, threatens more and more the swift depletion of the natives.
But the genius from which it came - the swift faculty of perception, the lofty imagination, the idealizing spirit enamoured of reality - was the secret source of all Emerson's greatness as a speaker and as a writer.
Swift, who was intimate with him, speaks of him as "an arrant knave"; but the dean may have been disappointed at being unmentioned in Rivers's will, for he made a fierce comment on the earl's bequests to his mistresses and his neglect of his friends.
Sinaia resembles a large model village, widely scattered among the pine forests of the lower Carpathians, and along the banks of the Prahova, a swift alpine stream.
His grandfather, Thomas Swift, vicar of Goodrich near Ross, appears to have been a doughty member of the church militant, who lost his possessions by taking the losing side in the Civil War and died in 1658 before the restoration could bring him redress.
After a brief residence with his mother, who was needlessly alarmed at the idea of her son falling a victim to some casual coquette, Swift towards the close of 1689 entered upon an engagement as secretary to Sir William Temple, whose wife (Dorothy Osborne) was distantly related to Mrs Swift.
It was at Moor Park, near Farnham, the residence to which Temple had retired to cultivate apricots after the rapid decline of his influence during the critical period of Charles II.'s reign (1679-1681), that Swift's acquaintance with Esther Johnson, the "Stella" of the famous Journal, was begun.
Swift was twenty-two and Esther eight years old at the time, and a curious friendship sprang up between them.
William remained unconvinced and Swift's vanity received a useful lesson.
A certificate of conduct while under Temple's roof was required by all the Irish bishops he consulted before they would proceed in the matter of his ordination, and after five months' delay, caused by wounded pride, Swift had to kiss the rod and solicit in obsequious terms the favour of a testimonial from his discarded patron.
Forgiveness was easy to a man of Temple's elevation and temperament, and he not only despatched the necessary recommendation but added a personal request which obtained for Swift the small prebend of Kilroot near Belfast (January 1695), where the new incumbent carried on a premature flirtation with a Miss Jane Waring, whom he called "Varina."
Swift's Battle of the Books was written in 1697 expressly to refute this.
Anne was particularly amenable to the influence of priestly and female favourites, and it must be considered a proof of the strong interest made for Swift that she was eventually persuaded to appoint him to the deanery of St Patrick's, Dublin, vacant by the removal of Bishop Sterne to Dromore.
One of his pamphlets against the latter (The Public Spirit of the Whigs set forth in their Generous Encouragement of the Author of the Crisis, 1714) was near involving him in a prosecution, some invectives against the Scottish peers having proved so exasperating to Argyll and others that they repaired to the queen to demand the punishment of the author, of whose identity there could be no doubt, although, like all Swift's writings, except the Proposal for the Extension of Religion, the pamphlet had been published anonymously.
The immediate withdrawal of the offensive passage, and a sham prosecution instituted against the printer, extricated Swift from his danger.
Foreseeing, as is probable, the impending fall of the former, Swift retired to Upper Letcombe, in Berkshire, and there spent some weeks in the strictest seclusion.
The utter exclusion of Whigs as well as Dissenters from office, the remodelling of the army, the imposition of the most rigid restraints on the heir to the throne - such were the measures which, by recommending, Swift tacitly admitted to be necessary to the triumph of his party.
Bolingbroke's daring spirit, however, recoiled from no extreme, and, fortunately for Swift, he added so much of his own to the latter's MS. that the production was first delayed and then, upon the news of Anne's death, immediately suppressed.
When, a few days afterwards, Oxford was in prison and in danger of his life, Swift begged to share his captivity; and it was only on the offer being declined that he finally directed his steps towards Ireland, where he was very ill received.
These four busy years of Swift's London life had not been entirely engrossed by politics.
Varina was avenged by Vanessa, who pursued Swift to far other purpose.
Had the solution of marriage been open Stella would undoubtedly have been Swift's choice.
It was rumoured at the time that Stella was the natural daughter of Temple, and Swift himself at times seems to have been doubtful as to his own paternity.
From the same source sprang the report of Swift's marriage to Stella by Bishop Ashe in the deanery garden at Clogher in the summer of 1716.
The ceremony, it is suggested, may have been extorted by the jealousy of Stella and have been accompanied by the express condition on Swift's side that the marriage was never to be avowed.
John Lyon, Swift's constant attendant from 1735 onwards, disbelieved the story.
It was accepted by the early biographers, Deane Swift, Orrery, Delany and Sheridan; also by Johnson, Scott, Dr Garnett, Craik, Dr Bernard and others.
Sir Walter Scott found the Abbey garden at Celbridge still full of laurels, several of which she was accustomed to plant whenever she expected Swift, and the table at which they had been used to sit was still shown.
Worn out with his evasions, she at last (1723) took the desperate step of writing to Stella or, according to another account, to Swift himself, demanding to know the nature of the connexion with him, and this terminated the melancholy history as with a clap of thunder.
Stella sent her rival's letter to Swift, and retired to a friend's house.
Swift rode down to Marley Abbey with a terrible countenance, petrified Vanessa by his frown, and departed without a word, flinging down a packet which only contained her own letter to Stella.
The grief which the gradual decay of her health evidently occasioned Swift is sufficient proof of the sincerity of his attachment, as he understood it.
A lock of her hair is preserved, with the inscription in Swift's handwriting, most affecting in its apparent cynicism, "Only a woman's hair!"
Between the death of Vanessa and the death of Stella came the greatest political and the greatest literary triumph of Swift's life.
None could be procured; the public passion swept everything before it; the patent was cancelled; Wood was compensated by a pension; Swift was raised to a height of popularity which he retained for the rest of his life; and the only real sufferers were the Irish people, who lost a convenience so badly needed that they might well have afforded to connive at Wood's illicit profits.
Swift's pamphlets, written in a style more level with the popular intelligence than even his own ordinary manner, are models alike to the controversialist who aids a good cause and to him who is burdened with a bad one.
The noise of the Drapier Letters had hardly died away when Swift acquired a more durable glory by the publication of Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World, in four parts.
The keenness of the satire on courts, parties and statesmen certainly suggests that it was planned while Swift's disappointments as a public man were still rankling and recent.
It is Swift's peculiar good fortune that his book can dispense with the interpretation of which it is nevertheless susceptible, and may be equally enjoyed whether its inner meaning is apprehended or not.
The third part, equally masterly in composition, is less felicitous in invention; and in the fourth Swift has indeed carried out his design of vexing the world at his own cost.
While Gulliver is infinitely the most famous and popular of Swift's works, it exhibits no greater powers of mind than many others.
The laborious attempts that have been made, particularly in Germany, to affiliate the Travels only serve to bring Swift's essential originality into stronger relief.
Travellers' tales were deliberately embalmed by Swift in the amber of his irony.
Swift's grave humour and power of enforcing momentous truth by ludicrous exaggeration were next displayed in his Modest Proposal for Preventing the' Children of Poor People from being a Burden to their Parents or the Country, by fattening and eating them (1729), a parallel to the Argument against Abolishing Christianity, and as great a masterpiece of tragic as the latter is of comic irony.
As in the Directions, the satire, though cutting, is good-natured, and the piece shows more animal spirits than usual in Swift's latter years.
In March 1742 it was necessary to appoint guardians of Swift's person and estate.
As a consequence of that paralysis, but not before, the brain, already weakened by senile decay, at length gave way, and Swift sank into the dementia which preceded his death."
The stress which Swift thus laid upon his character as an assertor of liberty has hardly been ratified by posterity, which has apparently neglected the patriot for the genius and the wit.
Swift inoculated the Scriblerus Club with his own hatred of pedantry, cant and circumlocution.
Yet as the author of Gulliver he is still read all over the world, while in England discipleship to Swift is recognized as one of the surest passports to a prose style.
Among those upon whom Swift's influence has been most discernible may be mentioned Chesterfield, Smollett, Cobbett, Hazlitt, Scott, Borrow, Newman, Belloc.
Twenty-five of these letters on Swift's death became the property of Dr Lyon.
The Vanessa correspondence was used by Sheridan, but first published in full by Sir Walter Scott, and Swift's letters to his friend Knightley Chetwode of Woodbrook between 1714 and 1731, over fifty in number, were first issued by Dr Birkbeck Hill in 1899.
The anecdotes of Swift related in Spence, Laetitia Pilkington, Wilson's Swiftiana, Delany's Autobiography, &c., though often amusing, can hardly be accepted as authentic.
Twelve portraits of Swift are included in the work, in addition to two portraits of Stella and one of Vanessa.
Let us, the inhabitants of the Cape Colony, be swift to recognize that we are one people, cast together under a glorious flag of liberty, with heads clear enough to appreciate the freedom we enjoy, and hearts resolute to maintain our true privileges; let us desist from reproaching and insulting one another, and, rejoicing that we have this goodly land as a common heritage, remember that by united action only can we realize its grand possibilities.
As far as it concerns the party politics of England, there is much about the peace in Dean Swift's works.
The Ruizi (180 m.) is a deep, wide and swift stream with sinuous course flowing in part through great gorges and in part through large swamps.
The citizens of London welcomed him, but he was not secure of his success till by a swift swoop on Winchester he obtained possession of the royal treasurean all-important factor in a crisis, as Henry I.
Political writing is at its best from Halifax to Cobbett, and its three greatest names are perhaps Swift, Junius and Burke, though Steele, Defoe, Bolingbroke and Dr Johnson are not far behind, while Cannings contributions to the A4nti-Jacobin and Gillrays caricatures require mention.
The more characteristic and useful birds include many species of the sparrow, such as the song, swamp, Lincoln's chipping and field sparrow; the bank, barn, cliff, white-bellied and rough-winged swallow, as well as the purple martin and the chimney swift; ten or more species of fly-catchers, including the least, arcadian, phoebe, wood pewee, olive-sided and king bird; about ten species of woodpeckers, of which the more common are the downy, hairy, yellowbellied and golden-winged (flicker); about thirty species of warblers, including the parula, cerulean, Blackburnian, prothonotary, yellow Nashville, red-start, worm-eating and chestnut-sided; and four or five species of vireos.
The Gave de Pau, a larger stream than the Adour, passes Pau and Orthez, but its current is so swift that it is only navigable for a few miles above its junction with the Adour.
The self or the will can no longer be looked upon as possessing a kind of imperium in imperio, " this way and that dividing the swift mind."
In the view of primitive Christians ordinary human society was a world temporarily surrendered to Satanic rule, over which a swift and sudden destruction was impending; in such a world the little band who were gathered in the ark of the church could have no part or lot, - the only attitude they could maintain was that of passive alienation.
Of those species that frequent the North Atlantic, the common StormPetrel, Procellaria pelagica, a little bird which has to the ordinary eye rather the look of a Swift or Swallow, is the "Mother Carey's chicken" of sailors, and is widely believed to be the harbinger of bad weather; but seamen hardly discriminate between this and others nearly resembling it in appearance, such as Leach's or the Fork-tailed Petrel, Cymochorea leucorrhoa, a rather larger but less common bird, and Wilson's Petrel, Oceanites oceanicus, the type of the Family Oceanitidae mentioned above, which is more common on the American side.
The tremendous uproar raised by Swift about Wood's halfpence was heightened by the fact that Wood shared his profits with the duchess of Kendal, the mistress of George I.
In 1708 Swift declared that the Papists were politically as inconsiderable as the women and children.
Writers the most unlike each other - Swift and Hugh Boulter, George Berkeley and George Stone, Arthur Young and Dr Thomas Campbell - all tell the same tale.
Swift and Berkeley did not consider themselves Irishmen at all.
In the Piedmont Plateau region the current of the rivers is usually swift, and not infrequently there are falls or rapids; but in the Coastal Plain region the current becomes sluggish, and in times of high water the rivers spread over wide areas.
Night is a person in Greek mythology, and in the fourteenth book of the Iliad we read that Zeus abstained from punishing Sleep " because he feared to offend swift Night."
Odin would thus (if we admit the etymology) be the swift goer, the " ganger," and it seems superfluous to make him (with Grimm) " the all-powerful, all-permeating being," a very abstract and scarcely an early conception.
Swift was another appreciative visitor.
With their eyes on the ends of the earth, and a ring of enemies from Constantinople to the Antilles, the Spaniards fought, with steadily diminishing material resources, with a character and intellect which shrivelled by swift degrees.
Swift, in his reply, abused him for his want of manners in giving a gentleman the lie, answered his arguments seriatim, and declared that the evidence of the publication of another almanac was wholly irrelevant, "for Gadbury, Poor Robin, Dove and Way do yearly publish their almanacs, though several of them have been dead since before the Revolution."
The lower stream is beset with numerous rapids, called pontos, and is subject to swift and violent inundations.
There are many kinds of birds, notably the megapod (Megapodius nic.), the edible-nest-building swift (Collocalia nidifica), the hackled and pied pigeons (Calaenas nic. and Carpophaga bicolor), a paroquet (Palaeornis caniceps) and an oriole (Oriolus macrourus).
It did not exist in Ireland in 1617, when Fynes Morison wrote his Itinerary, but it had appeared there within a hundred years later, when Swift mentions its occurrences in his Journal to Stella, 9th July 1711.
He nudged Diablo into a swift walk.
If they do, death will be swift and painless.
While spending the day with Cynthia Byrne was of itself a pleasant contemplation, accompanying relatives to identify corpses, especially those that had been under water for a week, was, in Dean's estimation, right up there with root canals and swift kicks in the you-know-whats.
The evening culminated in the presentation of the Textron trophy for achievements in cricket groundsmanship to a very surprised Geoff Swift.
The first Overseas player application is from Oulton Park who wish to register Australian all-rounder Jason Swift from Canberra.
There was a squeal of pain and fear, and a swift, fierce altercation.
Common swift Apus apus Several seen around the Valley of the Kings and at Kom Ombo.
The fourth boat rectified last year's lower boat debacle with four swift bumps, all within the minute.
The last decade of Swift's life was not happy.
With the shares beating a swift passage south, the final denouement started at a board meeting on August 12.
She also took swift actions to ensure rider safety and minimize distress and delay after the unexpected death of a French athlete's horse.
The A55 coastal expressway is within 3 miles offering swift road access to the North Wales Coastal towns.
Great thoughts burn within us like fiery seeds, Swift to flame out a red fruitage of deeds.
Swallows 4 star awarded accommodations The Old Courtyard Swift and Swallow Cottage are two newly converted 4-star accommodation very tastefully furbished.
I got a glimpse of a Black Swift just outside town.
Light boats sail swift, tho greater hulks draw deep.
When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight.
Being caught doing any indiscretion, warranted punishment that was both, swift and brutal.
Russia's swift seizure of the arms control initiative helped shift the logjam.
However a quick posting to the relevant newsgroup often gives you a swift response to your problem.
One could hear the swift, soft, bounding steps coming along the corridor, like the pads of a fleeing and leaping panther.
Sierra Pole Creek To show photomicrographs with the Swift microscope, we skip ahead to May of 2001.
Last chance saloon A swift pint, then back into detox.
Rich Wadner was comfortably the top rookie this year in his beautifully turned out Swift SC92, and will be worth watching next season.
He also waited with me as Diane turned up and had a swift scoot around the church too.
George Swift was a nineteen year old shoemaker in 1819.
Yet the Swift manages to look individual in a complex world, and that rounded snout gives errant pedestrians a sporting chance of survival.
Then came the swish of swift sharp spears seeking the mortal flesh of adversaries.
The expansion has been remarkably swift given that Bangors House has been in business for just three years.
We needn't have worried tho as it was more of a drift down the river (surprisingly swift ).
However, forward progress was incredibly swift and always accompanied by a soundtrack that was pure MG RV8.
After joining the Chester and District League Fourth Division they made fairly swift progress and by 1969 had reached Division One.
Military operations against Iraq may indeed lead to a relatively swift victory in the short term.
Just to say many thanks for the extremely swift dispatch of the replacement wheel.
There were chimneys we climbed; there were boulders we scaled; and the streams that ran swift after rain.
Lightweight " Swift Lite " buggy for babies and growing toddlers.
All fields on the form must be completed fully to guarantee a swift turnaround of your request.
This swift uppercut to his own jaw seems to have woken him to the absence of an opponent.
With a view to becoming a parliamentary candidate for the city of Dublin he issued in 1748-1749 a series of political addresses in which he advocated the principles of Molyneux and Swift; and he made himself so obnoxious to the government that the House of Commons voted him an enemy to the country, and issued a proclamation for his arrest, thus compelling him to retire for some years to the continent.
There he completed his investigation of the comet of 1680, for which the Cotta prize was awarded to him in 1817; he correctly assigned a period of 71 years to the comet of 1812; and discovered the swift circulation of the remarkable comet which bears his name (see Comet).
Moreover, the opening theme is formed of slow arpeggios; and the more modern harmonic elements, though technically chromatic, consist, from the modern point of view, rather in swift changes between nearly related keys than in chromatic blurring of the main key.
He advised him to addict himself to an assiduous study of the more idiomatic English writers, such as Swift and Addison - with a view to unlearn his foreign idiom and recover his halfforgotten vernacular - a task, however, which he never perfectly accomplished.
Among the smaller birds may be enumerated finches, the siskin, bullfinch, pipit, titmouse, wagtail, lark, fine-crested wren, hedge-sparrow, corn-wren, nut-hatch, starling, swallow, martin, swift, thrush, butcher bird, shrike, dipper, yellow-hammer, ortolan and a warbler (Accentor alpinus).
To this cause we may ascribe his constant efforts to dazzle France by grandiose adventures and by swift, unexpected movements.
When, therefore, the violent agitation in Ireland against Wood's halfpence (see Swift, Jonathan) made it necessary to replace the duke of Grafton as lord lieutenant, Carteret was sent to Dublin.
Throughout his career he desired, says Swift, his intimate friend, to be thought the Alcibiades or Petronius of his age, and to mix licentious orgies with the highest political responsibilities.
Swift he resembled in the occasional broadness of his humour, in his brilliantly successful use of sarcasm and irony, 2 and in his mastery of the hoax.
Hester Johnson, Swift's "Stella," was the daughter of Temple's steward, whose cottage still stands.
At Aix he came for the first time into intimate contact with Metternich, and the astute Austrian was swift to take advantage of the psychological moment.
According to the same authority, one of the greatest delights of Edward the Confessor was "to follow a pack of swift hounds in pursuit of game, and to cheer them with his voice."
Farming is very intensive, and crop follows crop in swift succession; in 1905 the yield of barley per acre, 44 bushels, was greater than in any other state or territory, as was the farm price per bushel on the 1st of December, 81 cents; the average yield per acre of hay was the highest in the Union in 1903, 3.46 tons, the general average being 1 54 tons,was fourth in 1904, 2 71 tons (Utah 3.54, Idaho 3 07, Nevada 3.04), the general average being I 52 tons, and was highest in 1905, 3.75 tons, the general average for the country being 1 54 tons; and in the same three years the average value per acre of hay was greater in Arizona than in any other state of the Union, being $35.78 in 1 The San Francisco yellow pine forest, with an area of some 4700 sq.
We possess a large series of coins of Panticapaeum and other cities from the 5th century B.C. The gold staters of Panticapaeum beating Pan's head and a griffin are specially remarkable for their weight and fine workmanship. We have also coins with the names of the later Spartocids and a singularly complete series of dated solidi issued by the later or Achaemenian dynasty; in them may be noticed the swift degeneration of the gold solidus through silver and potin to bronze (see also Numismatics).
Moor Park took him away from brooding and glooming in Ireland and brought him into the corridor of contemporary history, an intimate acquaintance with which became the chief passion of Swift's life.
At Laracor, near Trim, Swift rebuilt the parsonage, made a fish-pond, and planted a garden with poplars and willows, bordering a canal.
Swift may have learned that Esther means "star" from the Elementa linguae persicae of John Greaves or from some Persian scholar; but he is more likely to have seen the etymology in the form given from Jewish sources in Buxtorf's Lexicon, where the interpretation takes the more suggestive form "Stella Veneris."
This elicited Swift's most amusing Vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq.
The same post brought a letter from Oxford, soliciting Swift's company in his retirement; and, to the latter's immortal honour, he hesitated not an instant in preferring the solace of his friend to the offers of St John.
He was interred in his cathedral at midnight on the 22nd of October, in the same coffin as Stella, with the epitaph, written by himself, "Hic depositum est corpus Jonathan Swift, S.T.P., hujus ecclesiae cathedralis decani; ubi saeva indignatio cor ulterius lacerare nequit.
The Artemis of the Odyssey " taking her pastime in the chase of boars and swift deer, while with her the wild wood-nymphs disport them, and high over them all she rears her brow, and is easily to be known where all are fair," is a perfectly rational mythic representation of a divine being.
One morning there was a loud knock at Dean Swift's door.
Just step inside and make believe that you are Dean Swift.
He gave an angry thrust to his horse, which had grown restive under him, and plunged into the water, heading for the deepest part where the current was swift.
Swift currents flowing between the Atlantic and the North Sea soon eroded the islands, leaving the stumps as sandbanks in the channel.
These ships rapidly developed into the much more powerful and seaworthy, turbine engined ships, such as HMS Swift of 1907.
I had a bit of a panic about meeting too many people and ordered a swift one, just to settle the nerves.
The perfect glass of Hooky beer should be much more than a swift swallow which is soon forgotten.
This gave them a greater attacking threat, but was leaving gaps in their rearguard for South to exploit in swift counter-attacks.
I took a swift glance as the band struck up with Deliverance and decided it was time to go !
It 's amazing what a swift kick up the backside can do to a boy !
Mr Moon, 05 Sep 05 Very easy check in, swift departure to airport at a realistic price.
We need n't have worried tho as it was more of a drift down the river (surprisingly swift).
Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood.
Israel was swift to respond to this turn of events and there was a devastating pre-emptive air strike against the Egyptian air force.
We paid lip service to the touristy bit on arrival at Chester, followed by a swift adjournment to the pub.
Traditional turnaround strategies focus on the need for a swift reduction in internal overheads which can include removal of the existing management team.
Lovely the swift Sparrows that brought you over black earth A whirring of wings through mid-air Down the sky.
The cult made it clear that retribution for betrayal would be swift and painful.
Anxiety over the issue will not improve your child's survival, and it should be stressed that, aside from employing the above preventative measures, SIDS is swift and arbitrary.
If you've tried out gels and stains with zero success, perhaps it's time to break out the jars or pumps and try again, working with a swift hand in a circular motion, applied only to the apples of the cheeks.
My life is like that "Teardrops On My Guitar" song by Taylor Swift!!!
Jovani dresses are very popular and have even been worn by celebrates such as Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift.
Seen all over celebs such as Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift, bold floral patterns are girly but with an edge.
Country singer Taylor Swift hails from Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.
Born on December 13, 1989, Swift released her first album at the age of 17.
Appealing to younger fans of both country and pop music, Swift has become the best-selling digital artist in history.
In his best-known rant to date, he stormed up on stage at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards and interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to claim that Beyonce's video should have won.
This is a fabulous collection of over 80 pictures of celebrity homes, including the residences of stars like Taylor Swift, Charlie Sheen, and Britney Spears.
His lawyer has been swift with subpoenas to Spears' friends, assistant, bodyguard and the Promises Treatment Center she attended earlier in the year.
In a rare moment of contrition for Kanye, he actually looks as though he is really sorry for hurting Taylor Swift's feelings.
West has received an almost unbelievable amount of bad press due to his VMA/Taylor Swift upstaging.
Lautner has dated some famous women, including Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez.
As Taylor Swift accepted her VMA Award for Best Music Video, singer Kanye West barged in and declared that Beyonce's video for Single Ladies was one of the best videos of all time.
While check-in itself is rather swift, there is little seating available while waiting for embarkation to begin, and lines designating early check-in passengers, V.I.P. passengers, and standard guests are not clearly marked.
Parvovirus requires swift action to help an infected dog survive.
However, you may be slightly surprised to see comparatively newer artists like Bruno Mars, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift right alongside such a classic band.
Most masks are generically, shaped, but the Swift LT for Her was designed to be adjustable to the varying contours of a woman's face versus a man's.
Since cycling involves swift motion, it is important you find frames that will not fall off when riding quickly or stopping suddenly.
The process if swift -- often the lenses change within 60 seconds.
You are unable to see when you reach the top, and the drop is sudden and swift.
Frame rate is great, even with the sweet graphics, and moving Jack around the island is swift, especially when he gets his new abilities.
Movement in Soul Blade is fast and swift.
Sam Fisher has to keep his reaction quick, his movements swift, and his weapons and gadgetry ready to go.
Rhythm games are incredibly popular, giving gamers the opportunity to rock out to artist like The Who, Nirvana, Oasis, Marilyn Manson, Taylor Swift and more.
Since 1960, it has become much less common in the United States, partially because of increasingly accurate and swift diagnosis of strep throat.
The skin is cleaned, and then the needle and jewelry are inserted through the tissue in one swift motion.
All joking aside, spiral perms are still in style and making a major comeback thanks to pop starlet Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift straight hair news spread like wildfire around the world in December 2009.
Swift said so long to her trademark long spiral curls and hit the streets of New York City with super sleek tresses.
Taylor Swift's new straight hair was a radical departure from her traditional waves, but it didn't last long.
Still, the sight of Swift sporting stick straight hair and blunt bangs made headlines the world over, and photos of Taylor Swift straight hair could be seen from Japan to Jamaica.
The Grammy winner's drastically different look was reportedly done for a photo shoot and Swift kept the hairstyle for her night out in the Big Apple.
In March 2010, Swift went straight again for Elle magazine.
The hairstyle is so far removed from Swift's normal curly do that she is almost unrecognizable.Fan feedback on Swift's new straight tresses has been mixed.
Some claim Swift's flattened hairdo made her look much older, while others note that the singer's naturally curly hair is as much a part of her image as her voice, so she should stick with her trademark spiral perm-like ringlets.
Elle took the Swift hair controversy to new heights by creating a photo gallery of the songstress' tresses.
From curly to straight and everything in between, the magazine's online gallery allows fans to view and vote on the hairdo they think looks best on Swift.
If Swift's sleek new locks inspire you, then you might consider straightening your own hair.
Taylor Swift's classic curls are lovely, but her straight hair can be equally elegant and astonishing.
If the layoffs occur as a product of an event that could not have been predicted, such as a natural disaster, or business circumstances that lead to a swift company closure, you may not be able to count on 60 days' notice as a right.
As disappointing as it is to her many fans, there are very few Taylor Swift bikini pictures.
Although named one of Maxim's sexiest women of 2008, singer-songwriter Taylor Swift does not seem too interested in overtly sexy photos.
However, not all stars like to be photographed this way, and Taylor Swift's bikini look seems to be kept mostly to her own pool.
While Swift clearly embraces her beauty and sexuality, she has usually avoided the sort of overtly sexy photo shoot that many celebrities feel obligated to do.
For fans who want to see Taylor Swift enjoying the sun and surf, they may just have to wait a little longer.
There is actually no such thing as a Taylor Swift Barbie doll.
The Fashion Collection also has separates that you can buy for your Taylor Swift fashion doll.
Barbie clothes and accessories should fit the Taylor Swift dolls as well.
You can buy the Taylor Swift fashion doll locally at Walmart and similar stores.
The Taylor Swift doll can provide hours of pretend play for your child.
He sold those rights to Albert Swift who sold them to Selchow and Righter, a game company, in 1870.
Again, finding an experienced doctor at a celiac treatment center will increase your chances of receiving both swift and accurate diagnosis as well as a solid treatment plan.
Let's say you're watching Kanye and Taylor Swift on the Video Music Awards-you might say, "He isn't behaving respectfully toward her.
The director of the film was David Swift and the movie was based on a book written by Erich Kästner, Lottie and Lisa.
Our campsites are going to be along the Swift River, a fast running brook that travels for miles over soft stones, smooth from years of fast-running water.
Still, professional baseball players employ metal baseball cleats to ensure the ease of lateral and tight fielding maneuvers as well as swift base running.
Before email made such communications swift and easy, managers typed individual notes to employees called memos.
Likewise, handing your wife of thirty years and four children a package bearing the label "Frederick's of Hollywood" will either incite laughter or a swift slap.
I'm sensing somewhere someone at Elektra Records is giving themselves a good, swift kick.
Taylor Swift has made a big splash in a short time in the music industry, and country music fans everywhere are belting out their favorite Taylor Swift lyrics.
At the young age of 18 in 2008, Taylor Swift seems to already be on top of her game - a fact that surprises some people, given her youth.
What might be even more surprising is that Swift set herself up on this road since her toddler years.
By the age of 11, Swift had taken it upon herself to record a demo tape of herself singing along to her favorite songs, and convinced her parents to take her to Nashville's famous Music Row to hand out the tape to record labels.
Around the time Swift was 12, her parents moved from Tennessee back to their Pennsylvania home, but continued to make trips to Nashville with their daughter.
During these trips, a 12 year old Swift began writing songs with local songwriters at Nashville's lauded Bluebird Café.
Swift's debut album, Taylor Swift, was released in October 2006.
Swift wrote all of the songs on the album.
Tours with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill and Rascal Flatts followed, helping Swift to reach even wider audiences.
Myspace has also been integral to Swift's success.
If you don't see your favorite Taylor Swift song listed here, they have a function to allow you to add the lyrics (not to mention to correct the flubbed lyrics someone else might have entered!).
Monster Lyrics - Monster Lyrics has one of the most extensive list of Swift lyrics around, and they also have a forum you can visit to chat with your fellow Swift fans.
Lyrics Mode - Lyrics Mode has the lyrics you need plus a Swift bio and a rating system to let you weigh in on the best Swift songs.
In the meantime, Caillat has teamed up with the likes of Jason Mraz and Taylor Swift, so that should tide fans over for just a bit until her next album is released.
A Taylor Swift MP3 song is an essential item for any country or pop fan's music library.
Teen girls sing along to popular Swift hits such as "You Belong with Me" at the mall, on the school bus and even while riding in the car.
If you can get past the jealousy over Swift dating teen hunks such as Nick Jonas and Taylor Lautner, her music really speaks to the teen soul.
Both of Taylor Swift's albums, Fearless and Taylor Swift, can be purchased from online MP3 stores.
There are many stores where you can buy Swift's music, but possibly the most convenient form is in an MP3 download.
The iTunes store, Shockhound.com, Amazon.com, and Rhapsody.com are all reliable, legal forms of downloading a Taylor Swift MP3, or even the whole album!
Legal Sounds offers quite a few Taylor Swift MP3 downloads.
This album includes songs by Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift.
Mine by Taylor Swift was the first single released off of her third album, Speak Now.
Taylor Swift is an American country and pop artist, and she is also an actress.
Taylor Swift is very popular both with country and pop music fans, especially teenage girls, and has sold millions of albums since 2006.
Before Mine by Taylor Swift was released, Taylor Swift had two other albums released.
There are many other songs besides Mine by Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift also recorded a song with the popular alternative rock band, Boys Like Girls.
If you do not already own one or all of Taylor Swift's albums and would like to, then there are many different places where you can find them.
If you do not want to buy the whole Taylor Swift album, then downloading music is a good option for you.
As one of America's country music sweethearts, there are several Taylor Swift music videos out there for fans to watch.
From her Romeo and Juliet account in the music video for the song Love Story to her music video for the track Fifteen, featuring her friend Alison, Taylor Swift music videos are certainly in high demand.
One thing that Swift fans tend to love about her music videos is that there is generally a story or plot line to the music video rather than just being a bunch of scenes featuring her singing.
If you're already a Taylor Swift fan, you've probably seen a few of her music videos for her hit songs.
This music video was filmed by Swift in front of a green screen.
The main plot of the video is that Swift reflects on the time of her life when she was fifteen and her high school self is reflected.
Swift is seen playing her guitar throughout the video, and after a period of time, she is hugging her friend.
Swift plays both the girl next door and the popular girl - the former pinning after the boy the latter has.
In the end, Swift and her neighbor heartthrob communicate through holding up large cue cards.
In the end, good girl next door Swift gets the guy.
He and Swift find themselves sitting under a tree at the start of the video before scenes of flashback flash.
Swift is dressed in a ball gown waiting on her date and dancing with at a fancy ball.
In this music video, Swift watches as her parents relationship dissolves due to her father's treatment of her mother.
Later, the video features the same thing happening in a relationship Swift is having.
He apologizes and the video ends with scenes of Swift's happy marriage to her partner.
One of the best elements of Taylor Swift music videos is that they are all different from one another.
Retaliation is swift and brutal - a human colony is destroyed and we find ourselves in a war with an enemy that is completely incomprehensible to us.
Across the Internet, the reaction to the film was swift and clear.
Even though Ebirah doesn't have any super powers, his strong pincers, tough exoskeleton and swift swimming abilities make him a formidable foe.
Be aware that swift movements will attract more yellow jackets, so move slowly and do not run or swing your arms.
The creek was clear and swift.
So, what's it gonna be, The Carpenters or Taylor Swift?
Swift says that "with a singularity scarce to be justified he carried away more Greek, Latin and philosophy than properly became a person of his rank."
In the first months of his tenure of office he had to deal with the furious opposition to Wood's halfpence, and to counteract the effect of Swift's Draper's Letters.
Next he places the parrots (q.v.), and then the vast assemblage of " Passereaux "- which he declares to be all of one type, even genera like Pipra (manakin, q.v.) and Pitta - and concludes with the somewhat heterogeneous conglomeration of forms, beginning with Cypselus (swift, q.v.), that so many systematists have been accustomed to call Picariae, though to them as a group he assigns no name.
He had a clear eye for the gravity of the situation, a calm judgment, and a prompt, swift hand to do what was really necessary.
The crew was supposed to consist of fifty, agreeing in number with the fifty oars of the "Argo," so called from its builder Argos, the son of Phrixus, or from apryos (swift).
The collective name for the corps was celeres (" the swift," or possibly from Kan s, "a riding horse"); Livy, however, restricts the term to a special body-guard of ' Romulus.
In 1705 appeared The Consolidator, or Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon, a political satire which is supposed to have given some hints for Swift's Gulliver's Travels; and at the end of the year Defoe performed a secret mission, the first of several of the kind, for Harley.
His most brilliant gift was his eloquence, which according to Swift was acknowledged by men of all factions to be unrivalled.
In the Great Plains region and in the TransPecos Province the rivers have cut deep canyons, and the character of the longer rivers in their upper courses varies from mere rivulets late in summer to swift and powerful streams during spring freshets.
Coyotes or prairie wolves (of which there is a local sub-species, Canis nebracensis texensis), grey wolves, prairie dogs (gophers), and jack rabbits are common on the plains; less common are the grey wolf or lobo (Canis griseus) and the timber wolf; and there are several species of foxes, including the swift.
The tree swift, or scaly lizard, is also an inhabitant of western and south-western Texas.
The outlet of the lake is a swift river 65 m.
John Arbuthnot, Queen Anne's physician and the friend of Swift and Pope, was a.
This disappointment, aggravated as it was by certain lines written by Dean Swift, affected Ditton's health to such a degree that he died in the following year, on the 15th of October 1715.
By one of his swift and secret flank marches he placed his corps on the flank of the enemy, and on the 2nd of May flung them against the Federal NI.
Swift runners carried burning brands to.
The headwaters of the rivers are for the most part mountain streams or elevated lakes; farther on their swift and winding currents - flowing sometimes between wide intervales, sometimes between rocky banks - are marked by numerous falls and fed by lakes.
This cathedral contains the monuments of several illustrious persons, amongst which the most celebrated are those of Swift (dean of this cathedral), of Mrs Hester Johnson, immortalized under the name of "Stella"; of Archbishop Marsh; of the first earl of Cork; and of Duke Schomberg, who fell at the battle of the Boyne.
Lunatics are maintained in St Patrick's hospital, founded in 1745, pursuant to the will of Dean Swift, and conducted by governors appointed under the charter of incorporation.
The city has a large jobbing trade, a coal supply from rich deposits in Pierce county, and abundant water-power from swift mountain streams, which is used for generating electricity for municipal and industrial use.
Swift also, being satirically referred to in the book, made it the subject of a caricature.
The stone-built cases of the carnivorous Hydropsychid larvae are familiar objects in the water of swift streams.
From 5707 he had been engaged as college tutor; in 1712 he paid a short visit to England, and in April 1713 he was presented by Swift at court.
The following year Miss Vanhomrigh, Swift's Vanessa, left him half her property.
Many of them, like ungulates, are specialized for swift running, and have unusually long limbs, with ridges developed on the articular surfaces of the lower bones; the clavicles are more or less reduced; the thorax is more compressed than usual, with a narrower breast-bone; and there is a marked tendency to the reduction or loss of the lateral toes, more especially in the hind limb.
Other works are A Discourse concerning a New Planet (1640); Mercury, or the Secret and Swift Messenger (1641), a work of some ingenuity on the means of rapid correspondence; and Mathematical Magick (1648).
The little Skell descends from the uplands of Pateley Moor to the west a clear swift stream, traversing a valley clothed with woods, conspicuous among which are some ancient yew trees which may have sheltered the monks who first sought retreat here.
It sits crouching on the ground during the day, with its bill pointing in the air, a position from which it is not easily roused, and even when it takes wing, its flight is neither swift nor long sustained.
They were to be supported by five bombarding monitors ("Marshal Soult," "Lord Clive," "Prince Eugene," "General Crawford," M24 and M26) and covered by five British destroyers ("Swift," "Faulknor," "Matchless," "Mastiff" and "Afridi"), with three British destroyers and six French torpedo boats attending on the monitors ("Mentor," "Lightfoot," "Zubian," "Lestin," "Capitaine Mehl," "Francis Gamier," "Roux," "Bouclier").
Hamilton Benn were busy laying a smoke screen, supported by the "Faulknor" (flying Commodore Hubert Lyne's broad pendant), "Lightfoot," "Mastiff," "Afridi," "Swift" and "Matchless."
As characteristic birds of the snow-region may be mentioned the alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax alpinus), which is frequently seen at the summits even of the loftiest mountains, the alpine swift (Cypselus melba), the wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria), snow-finch (Montifringilla nivalis) and ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus); the geographical distribution of this last being similar to that of the mountain hare.
It is doubtful how far Swift derived his idea of the immortal Struldbrugs from the notion of the Wandering Jew.
This was the constitution which Molyneux and Swift had denounced, which Flood had attacked, and which Grattan was to destroy.
Spirit of Swift, spirit of Molyneux, your genius has prevailed!
Swift as before to strike, in three months' time he had deftly turned his own word against the would-be master by administering Due Correction for Mr Hobbes, or School Discipline for not saying his Lessons right, in a piece that differed from the Elenchus only in being more biting and unrestrained.
The Polish districts produce swift Hussar horses of a semi-eastern type.
Again he joined the emperor, but his punishment was swift and sure, as Turenne and Wrangel again marched into the electorate and defeated the Bavarians at Zusmarshausen, near Augsburg, in May 1648.
Meanwhile, what is now Kansas City, and was then Westport Landing, being on the river where a swift current wore a rocky shore, steadily increased in importance and overshadowed Westport.
Jiul; and the White and the Swift Kbriis are the other principal rivers.
Large galleys could not anchor in the bay of Zengg, which is shallow and exposed to sudden gales, so the Uskoks fitted out a fleet of swift boats, light enough to navigate the smallest creeks and inlets of the Illyrian shore, and easily sunk and recovered, if a temporary landing became necessary.
His father, the god Ares-Hippius, gave him winged horses swift as the wind, and Oenomaiis promised his daughter to the man who could outstrip him in the chariot race, hoping thus to prevent her marriage altogether.
The clash of arms breaks upon his pagan paradise with no uncertain sound; he is swift in narrative, breathless in escapade.
As the mouth of the river is obstructed by a bar and its current is swift, the anchorage is outside in an open roadstead, only slightly protected on the south.
A great part of the country, however, is still compelled to use the most primitive means of communication-mule paths, fords in the smaller streams in the dry season, and rude suspension bridges across deep gorges and swift mountain torrents.