Sweet Sentence Examples
It had a sweet smell.
That sweet chocolate gaze softened and a smile touched the corners of his mouth.
It was far too sweet and had a bitter aftertaste.
The place was quiet and secluded, and Sarah would be a sweet person to work for.
She was a sweet girl and I'd truly miss her when she returned to her mother, and presumably her stepfather.
It was sweet and amusing by turns.
We met a sweet little child.
Then he sang a wonderful song, so sweet, so lively, so touching, that many of the sailors were moved to tears.
A sweet voice called from another room.
Home sweet home and I have a playmate awaiting my attention!
AdvertisementBianca was the epitome of adorable, her dark eyes sparkling and warm, and her sweet glow innocent and fresh.
Anna Mikhaylovna, addressing a maid who was hurrying past with a decanter on a tray as "my dear" and "my sweet," asked about the princess' health and then led Pierre along a stone passage.
Sometimes, on Sundays, I heard the bells, the Lincoln, Acton, Bedford, or Concord bell, when the wind was favorable, a faint, sweet, and, as it were, natural melody, worth importing into the wilderness.
You're too sweet to get over me, he teased.
I remember him as a man of rare, sweet nature and of wide experience.
AdvertisementAre you sweet on him?
It was hard to believe sweet little Sarah would be involved with anything so sinister.
He'd never been mistaken for a gentleman, but the woman shimmered with a sweet, pure aura that made him feel obliged to behave.
The sparkle faded from his eyes, leaving them soft sweet chocolate pools.
As he absorbed her words, his expression went from tense to relieved, and then on to something sweet and sad.
AdvertisementThe sweet smell made her mouth water, and her stomach growled in anticipation.
And poor, sweet Molly, dropped to the ground, like so much garbage.
Now, sweet mother, your little girl must say good-bye.
Roxanne had everything; beauty, a good figure, and a sweet personality.
Except she was suddenly hungry again, the faint, sweet scent winding through her senses.
AdvertisementSoon I shall go home to see my mother and my father and my dear good and sweet little sister.
She's one sweet kid.
The sweet companionship of their children meant much to me.
Give them many sweet kisses for me.
The dress is blue like your eyes, and candy is sweet just like your dear little self.
When he spotted her, that sweet chocolate gaze locked on her, visually embracing her from across the room.
She looked seductive, no longer sweet.
She looked up at him, her sweet face glowing.
He looked up at the sweet voice, his anger melting at the sight of Hannah.s pretty face.
She has that very sweet aura.
The memory of the words and how sweet he was last night made her ache, as much because she turned her back on him as it was because she wanted to feel his naked body against hers.
The principal cultivated plants, apart from sugar-cane and coffee, are rice (in great variety of kinds), the coco-nut palm, the areng palm, the areca and the sago palms, maize, yams, and sweet potatoes; and among the fruit trees are the Indian tamarind, pomegranate, guava, papaw, orange and lemon.
In the ditches and pools common yellow and white water-lilies are seen, as well as water-soldier (Stratiotes aloides), great and lesser reed-mace, sweet flag and bur-reed.
Cocoa, copra, sugar and sweet potatoes are other important products of the district.
The offensive taste of rape oil may also be removed by treatment with a small proportion of sweet spirit of nitre (nitrous ether).
They are largely consumed as food instead of ghi under the name of "metah" or sweet oil, but for all other purposes the same substance is known as "kurwah" or bitter oil.
Water-cress, sweet flag, flowering rush, several potamogetons, water milfoil, water ranunculus, and the reedy sweet watergrass (Glyceria aquatica) rank amongst the criteria of excellence.
Beryllium salts are easily soluble and mostly have a sweetish taste (hence the name Glucinum, from yXv,dc, sweet); they are readily precipitated by alkaline sulphides with formation of the white hydroxide, and may be distinguished from salts of all other metals by the solubility of the oxide in ammonium carbonate.
Queen Elizabeth performed the ceremony, the paupers' feet, however, being first washed by the yeomen of the laundry with warm water and sweet herbs.
Striped cloths and pekmez, a sweet paste made from grapes, are the principal manufactures; and tobacco and cereals the principal cultures.
Ceylon cinnamon of fine quality is a very thin smooth bark, with a light-yellowish brown colour, a highly fragrant odour, and a peculiarly sweet, warm and pleasing aromatic taste.
The articles chiefly cultivated are rice, millet, beans, ginseng (at Songdo), cotton, hemp, oil-seeds, bearded wheat, oats, barley, sorghum, and sweet and Irish potatoes.
Those are red-letter days in our lives when we meet people who thrill us like a fine poem, people whose handshake is brimful of unspoken sympathy, and whose sweet, rich natures impart to our eager, impatient spirits a wonderful restfulness which, in its essence, is divine.
Next summer Mildred will go out in the garden with me and pick the big sweet strawberries and then she will be very happy.
When you come to Tuscumbia to see me I hope my father will have many sweet apples and juicy peaches and fine pears and delicious grapes and large water melons.
The flowers were wilted, but the kind thought which came with them was as sweet and as fresh as newly pulled violets.
Mildred is a sweet little sister and I am sure you would love her.
I have loved you for a long time, but I did not think you had ever heard of me until your sweet message came.
I might have seen Mrs. Wiggin, the sweet author of "Birds' Christmas Carol," but she had a dangerous cough and could not come.
Sweet Rebecca, with her strong, brave spirit, and her pure, generous nature, was the only character which thoroughly won my admiration.
At nighttime in the moon's fair glow How sweet, as fancies wander free, To feel that in this world there's one Who still is thinking but of thee!
As she passed a neighbor boy, he waved at her, his two missing front teeth displayed in a sweet smile.
She.d tasted so sweet, and he prayed her sister tasted the same.
With loving greeting to the little cousins, and Mrs. Hale and a sweet kiss for yourself, From your little friend, HELEN A. KELLER.
Of course the sun did not shine, but we had great open wood fires in the rooms, which were all very sweet with roses and other flowers, which were sent to me from distant friends; and fruits of all kinds from California and other places.
Sweet Mother Nature can have no secrets from me when my poet is near.
I got twelve bushels of beans, and eighteen bushels of potatoes, beside some peas and sweet corn.
She is so sweet, so good- natured, and her position now is a very hard one.
Wynn didn't want to imagine what Darkyn did to the sweet girl he left behind in Hell.
Her small effort was rewarded with a warm sweet smile.
You are a sweet girl, he said.
As sweet as she is, I almost wish I'd given her something a little less lethal.
Officer David said in tones as sweet as they were bitter toward her.
Her blood smelled sweet, and the oddly charged aura around her made his brow furrow.
At the north end of the plain is `Ain et-Tineh ("spring of the fig-tree"), also a brackish spring with a good stream; south of the plain is `Ain el-Bardeh ("the cold spring"), which is sweet, but scarcely lower in temperature than the others.
This sweet song of Schack von Staffeldt's, however, was early silenced by the louder choir that one by one broke into music around him.
Formerly the island appears to have been wooded, but it now presents only a few bushes (Edwardsia, Broussonetia, &c.), ferns, grasses, sedges, &c. The natives grow bananas in the shelter of artificial pits, also sugar-canes and sweet potatoes, and keep a few goats and a large stock of domestic fowls, and a Tahitian commercial house breeds cattle and sheep on the island.
The symmetrically substituted ureas are generally tasteless, while the asymmetrical derivatives are sweet.
For example, aa-dimethyl urea is sweet, aß-dimethyl urea is tasteless; p-phenetol carbamide or dulcin, NH 2 CO NH C 6 H 4.0C 2 H 51 is sweet, while the di-p-phenetol carbamide, CO(NH C 6 H 4.0C 2 H 5) 21 is tasteless.
Slowly and obscurely the Renaissance comes to Scotland; its presence is indicated by the artistic tastes of the king, and, later, by the sweet and mournful poetry of Henryson.
Portions of this text are printed in Henry Sweet's First Middle English Primer (Oxford, 2nd ed., 1895), which contains a grammatical introduction.
Had some one made a collection of about twenty isolated stanzas, chosen from these hymns, on each of about twenty subjects - such as Faith, Hope, Love, the Converted Man, Times of Trouble, Quiet Days, the Saviour, the Tree of Life, the Sweet Name, the Dove, the King, the Land of Peace, the Joy Unspeakable - we should have a Christian Dhammapada, and very precious such a collection would be.
Canned sweet corn is an important article of domestic commerce in Canada and the FIG.
But to say that it is two judgments causing a third is always true, and the very essence of inference, because we must think the two to conclude the third in " the sessions of sweet silent thought."
Dry wine grapes do best in the counties around San Francisco Bay, on unirrigated lands; while sweet wine stocks do best in Yolo, San Joaquin and the counties of the raisin grape, and on irrigated lands.
On the Coastal Plain the cypress grows in the Dismal Swamp, river birch along the streams, and sweet gum and black gum in swampy woods.
In the case of the production of certain sweet wines (such as the sweet Sauternes, Port and Tokay) the fermentation only proceeds up to a certain extent.
Sweet wines, which are liable to fret, are more highly and frequently sulphured than dry wines.
The wine becomes turbid and acquires a peculiarly bitter sweet taste, and if the disease goes further becomes quite undrinkable.
Among the white wines we have the full sweet Sauternes, the relatively dry and elegant Graves and Chablis, and the light white wines which produce champagne and brandy.
Whereas the white wines of the Graves are on the whole fairly dry and light in character, the white wines of Sauternes are full and sweet, with a very fine characteristic bouquet.
Wines intended for consumption in France receive a moderate quantity of liqueur, but those for the Russian and South American markets, where very sweet wines are liked, receive more.
The quality of some of these, particularly of the sweet white wines, is considered very fine.
There is also a variety of Pedro-Ximenes, which, however, is not used for making ordinary wine, but for the purpose of preparing the so-called dulce, a very sweet must or wine, made from over-ripe grapes, which, after fortification with spirit, is employed for sweetening other wines.
The former are generally sweet and full-bodied, the latter light and dry.
The sweetness of the sweet sherries is partly due to an inherent property of the wine (apart from any sugar they may contain) and partly to natural or added sugar.
Malaga is a sweet wine (produced in the province of that name) which is little known in England, but enjoys considerable favour on the Continent.
Besides the sweet variety, a coarse dry wine is also made, but this is little known abroad.
Another well-known wine district in the south of Spain is that of Rota, where a sweet red wine, known in England as tent (tinto), chiefly used for ecclesiastical purposes, is produced.
In order to preserve the sweet quality of the wine, fermentation is not permitted to continue beyond a certain point.
The Montepulciano wines have a brilliant colour and high bouquet, and are of a sweet, luscious flavour.
It has a fine red colour, and unites delicacy and a high bouquet with a sweet elegant taste.
In the neighbourhood of Menes sweet red wines produced by the Ausbruch system are also termed mdslds.
A good deal of sweet wine is also made, particularly in the Fresno district, where, however, a large proportion of the grapes is grown with a view to making raisins.
The wines grown on the Pacific slope are generally of a mild and sweet character, resembling in general nature the wines of southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal).
Essex was thus thrown upon his own resources, and his anger against the queen being roused afresh by the refusal to renew his monopoly of sweet wines, he formed the desperate project of seizing her person and compelling her to dismiss from her council his enemies Raleigh, Cobham, and Cecil.
He charmed men by his sweet singing of Psalms, and children were always fascinated by him.
It is the only sort which can ripen north of the great wall, where the winter ends late and begins very early; but in the southern provinces, where the climate is milder and the land more fertile, two harvests a year may be easily obtained, and it is for me a sweet reflection to have procured this advantage for my people."
Knox was accordingly allowed to preach privately for six months throughout the south of Scotland, and was listened to with an enthusiasm which made him break out, "O sweet were the death which should follow such forty days in Edinburgh as here I have had three!"
The water of its upper course and tributaries is sweet, and is conducted across the desert in pipes to some of the coast towns, but in its lower course, as in all the rivers of this region, it becomes brackish.
The taste of the liquid is at first sweet, and then pungent and acrid.
The "common potatoes" of which Gerard speaks are the tubers of Ipomoea Batatas, the sweet potato, which nowadays would not in Great Britain be spoken of as common.
He had a voice both sweet and deep-toned, and its effect was not injured by his Northumbrian burr, which, though strong, was entirely free from harshness and vulgarity."
Strawberries and Sahara dates; alfalfa, wheat, barley, corn and sorghum; oranges, lemons, wine grapes, limes, olives, figs, dates, peanuts and sweet potatoes; yams and sugar beets, show the range of agricultural products.
The fruit is ripe in or shortly before the first week in October, when it falls to the ground, and the three-valved thorny capsule divides, disclosing the brown and at first beautifully glossy seeds, the so-called nuts, having a resemblance to sweet chestnuts, and commonly three or else two in number.
Theophrastus says the leaves are sweet and used for fodder for most kinds of cattle.
For the sweet lime (Citrus Limetta or Citrus acida) arid lime-juice, see Lemon.
In his own country and Nepal, the new wine, sweet and luscious to the taste of savages, completely disqualified them from enjoying any purer drink; and now in both countries Saivism is supreme, and Buddhism is even nominally extinct, except in some outlying districts of Nepal.
Manna possesses mildly laxative properties, and on account of its sweet taste is employed as a mild aperient for children.
This manna occurs in the form of small, roundish, hard, dry tears, varying from the size of a mustard seed to that of a coriander, of a lightbrown colour, sweet taste, and senna-like odour.
In 1899 the state also produced 5,304,503 bushels of tomatoes; 2,418,641 bushels of sweet potatoes; 2,052,200 bunches of asparagus; 17,890,980 heads of cabbage; 21,495,940 musk melons; 3,300,330 water melons; and 1,015,111 bushels of sweet corn.
The sweet water Diatomaceae which are found in great variety in the ooze of the deepest parts of the lake also have an arctic character.
Glyceria fluitans, manna-grass, socalled from the sweet grain, is one of the best fodder grasses for swampy meadows; the grain is an article of food in central Europe.
Coming from the sweet human before him, however, the news made Gabriel want to bargain for entry into Hell just so he could destroy those dealers who thought it was okay to hurt her.
He was as sweet as peach pie in August—shook my hand like a Sunday preacher.
They stood there holding each other, listening to the sound of the horses munching on hay and smelling the sweet aroma of oats and alfalfa.
Looking up into his sweet chocolate gaze, feeling the stroke of his hands on her face and neck, even the quickening of pulse — it was as if they had met all over again.
Then he thought what a pretty picture might be made of his sister's sweet face and little hands.
No barrier of the senses shuts me out from the sweet, gracious discourse of my book-friends.
The upright white hewn studs and freshly planed door and window casings gave it a clean and airy look, especially in the morning, when its timbers were saturated with dew, so that I fancied that by noon some sweet gum would exude from them.
Instead of the white lily, which requires mud, or the common sweet flag, the blue flag (Iris versicolor) grows thinly in the pure water, rising from the stony bottom all around the shore, where it is visited by hummingbirds in June; and the color both of its bluish blades and its flowers and especially their reflections, is in singular harmony with the glaucous water.
Why is it that a bucket of water soon becomes putrid, but frozen remains sweet forever?
For dessert, treat yourself to the sweet potato cheesecake.
Steaks, seafood, vegetables, and sweet tea are all on offer at an astoundingly low price.
The menu changes with the season, but almost always has a handful of staple dishes, like pan-roasted chicken, sweet corn risotto, salmon tartare and marinated grilled shrimp.
It's a good thing we're all so darn sweet.
I'd have been shocked if he didn't take his sweet time going up to the mine.
What's the story on sweet Lydia?
I wonder if it was that sweet man Joseph Dawkins?
He was hanging up the phone when Cynthia emerged from the shower, pink and sweet smelling.
Josh the cad got sweet young Edith pregnant and skipped.
Or, sweet Edith wasn't so sweet and bashed Josh's head in and left him in the mine.
The Fred O'Connor Cyber Cafe was unplugged from electronic connection to the world at large, as the old gentleman was taking his sweet time moving his belongings downstairs.
It was some sort of sugared tortilla that fogged the kitchen in a delicious, sweet aroma.
Now that you've seen all this, get out and go home to sweet little what's-her name.
She tasted slightly sweet, the heat of her mouth contrasting with the chill of her skin, and smelled of lake water.
He'd played a hand in sentencing the sweet human to Hell.
Who was this stranger and what had he done with sweet Alex?
You've always been a little sweet on me, haven't you?
The petals were like silk, their scent strong and sweet.
It smelled sweet and spicy, a scent that always reminded him of pecan pie.
The sweet scent of rotting seaweed made her nose wrinkle.
His next kiss was consuming, hungry yet sweet, teasing her with a hint of promise and driving her body to new heights of awareness.
Or maybe, he wanted to get rid of his own regret at the idea of taking such a sweet soul, someone who might've been a kindred spirit in a different time and place.
It smelled of chicken and rice and something sweet.
Even as Rhyn spoke, he was disturbed by the thought of the frazzled but sweet woman across the hall from him falling to his brother.
He smelled of sweet rain and dark grasses, his taste just as exotic.
Even the honey butter was a perfect balance between sweet and rich, and the rolls still warm when she bit into them.
She was genuine, straightforward, and sweet.
Before he gave his Immortal soul to death, he.d never noticed how sweet the air was or how the grass sang as the wind whipped through it.
The taste of your sweet nectar before I tear you apart?
She can.t be as sweet tasting as you, he said, his gaze darkening.
His sweet smell and the feel of his soft skin lingered in her senses after she.d carried him from the forest.
Rhyn watched her approach, his gaze dropping from his foes to her sweet face.
He lifted her at last and carried her to his quarters, senses full of her quickened breath, heady female scent, sweet taste.
It made her angrier at Evelyn and Romas, knowing A'Ran and his sweet sisters had been forced out of their home into a life of poverty.
He was sweet as sugar—just a concerned husband looking out for his wife's welfare.
I think it's sweet.
Then she added, Donald is so sweet.
She's a sweet little girl.
That was sweet to cook supper.
But then he pictured his beautiful wife, her unfailingly sweet and kind nature, and refused his mind's picture of her kneeling there in the snow, calmly sawing Shipton's rope until it parted, plunging him to his bloody death.
She managed a sweet smile.
He was as sweet as peach pie in August—shook my hand like a Sunday preacher.
That's sweet of you, but I really should be going.
It just seemed so sweet.
He lay on his side watching her sleep, wondering what dreams lived behind the sweet smile on her face.
He tasted only ambrosia, sweet beyond imagination.
The smile with those full lips was sad, sweet and somehow innocent.
One minute they're all sweet and caring and the next they stab you in the back.
I want you to come to me all sweet and willing - without dragging Josh along.
And he expected her to come to him all sweet and willing.
You looked so innocent and sweet.
She's a beautiful, sweet, innocent girl.
He could think of so many things he'd do to her sweet little body.
She was brilliant, loyal, and sweet.
He'd been so sweet to her just a hour before.
The dream was sweet and short.
She'd turned from the sweet, open Angel who kept him company on dark nights to a stranger who wanted nothing to do with him.
Even if the sweet woman had killed a man to save him, she was likely just as angry at him as she was at Tim.
I couldn't quite place it, but it was sweet and yummy.
Dean took his sweet time before explaining it was police business.
It was a sweet instrumental sound, recorded long before the popular velvet voice replaced Cole's beautiful jazz.
You're sweet for coming over and apologizing.
She comes across like a tough gal but she's really very sweet.
Forking more sweet potatoes from his plate, he paused, lifting his gaze to hers.
He paused, taking a bite of the sweet potatoes, chewing them and then swallowing before continuing.
Warm muscular arms slipped around her waist and she leaned her head back against his bare chest, gazing up into the sweet chocolate eyes.
His eyes were so tender — so sweet.
He's a sweet boy.
Looking up into his sweet chocolate gaze, feeling the stroke of his hands on her face and neck, even the quickening of pulse — it was as if they had met all over again.
I have plans for you, my sweet Claire.
If he walked beneath the apple trees in the orchard, would she be waiting for him with her sweet smile, as she had the day they met?
He'd been sweet to her last night.
Darian clasped his hands behind his back, and Claire's smile was both triumphant and sweet.
He responded to her kiss, savoring the sweet taste and softness of her warm lips.
They were so sweet to me before… Her throat tightened, and she trailed off.
She swirled it, considering when she had last drunk some of the sweet, tart cider.
As she met that sweet chocolate gaze, her pulse did the usual dance.
His smile was sweet.
Her smile was sweet and a little shy.
Instead of the sweet taste she expected, it was bitter - like alum.
The warm liquid that filled his mouth was as sweet as it smelled, and unlike anything he ever experienced.
Next time, sweet Ashley won't survive.
So she did know what was going on, despite her sweet appearance.
It was almost as arresting as her sweet scent and the shocked look on her face that made him want to laugh.
Jonny is so sweet to offer.
What if he tried to hurt her sweet cousin, like Jonny promised to do?
Meet me with the necklace, or sweet Ashley doesn't make it back from school.
She tasted sweet, as if she'd snagged a bite of dessert from the caterers before coming up to gloat.
Sweet, minty and warm, it was comforting at a time when she felt rattled.
When a few lumps of sugar are added to a glass of water and stirred, the sugar soon disappears and we are left with a uniform liquid resembling water, except that it is sweet.
He, too, was a disciple of Rousseau, believed in the education of nature, and allowed his Sophie to wander at her own sweet will.
A good palliative is sweet oil; this will allay any corrosive irritation of the throat and stomach, and at the same time cause vomiting.
The Campidano and other fertile spots, such as the so-called Ogliastra on the east side of the island, inland of Tortoli, the neighbourhood of Oliena, Bosa, &c., produce a considerable quantity of wine, the sweet, strong, white variety called Vernaccia, produced near Oristano, being especially noteworthy.
Fish abound in its waters, which are sweet, save at low-level, when they become brackish.
Some trees of the sessile-fruited oak bear sweet acorns in Britain, and several varieties were valued by the ancient Italians for their edible fruit.
Thou knowest, most sweet Jesus, that I have no more the power and the qualities to continue to take care of it.
Insects are attracted to the mouth of the pitcher by a series of glands, yielding a sweet excretion, which occurs on the stem and also on the leaf from the base of the leaf-stalk to the lid and peristome.
He had long been an eager seeker after salvation and was not fully satisfied as to his own " conversion " until an experience in his last year in college, when he lost his feeling that the election of some to salvation and of others to eternal damnation was " a horrible doctrine," and reckoned it " exceedingly pleasant, bright and sweet.
Isabella Gonzaga, who cherished the hope that he might be induced permanently to attach himself to the court of Mantua, wrote about this time to ask news of him, and to beg for a painting from him for her study, already adorned with masterpieces by the first hands of Italy, or at least for a "small Madonna, devout and sweet as is natural to him."
The houses were scrupulously clean and strewn with sweet herbs.
Potatoes are widely cultivated in the temperate and sub-tropical regions, and sweet potatoes in the sub-tropical and tropical.
Yams, sweet potatoes, cassava and arracacha are chiefly cultivated for domestic needs, but in common with other fruits and vegetables they give occupation to the small agriculturalists near the larger towns.
For years he had looked at all earthly good through the medium of a philosophy which taught him that it,, without exception, contained within itself the seeds of bitterness, and was altogether worthless and impermanent; but now to his wavering faith the sweet delights of home and love, the charms of wealth and power, began to show themselves in a different light, and glow again with attractive colours.
The pastoral lands or velds are distinguished according to the nature of their herbage as " sweet " or " sour."
Rice, cotton, sugar, indigo, cinnamon, betel-nuts, sweet potatoes, ground-nuts and tobacco are all cultivated in varying quantities.
Dry Cura coa contains about 39%, the sweet variety about 36% of alcohol.
In the ear of rye that is infected with ergot a species of fermentation takes place, and there exudes from it a sweet yellowish mucus, which after a time disappears.
In the fresh state they are filled with a sweet white pulp which envelops a large brown seed, but in the dried condition the pulp forms a blackish fleshy substance.
Sugar and pineapples are the chief products for export, but sweet potatoes, yams, maize and guinea corn are grown for local consumption.
Since 1893 a German company has supplied Scutari and Kadikeui with water from the valley of the Sweet Waters of Asia.
The most notable of its class is the Lilia of Eystein Asgrimsson, a monk of Holyfell (c. 1350), a most " sweet sounding song."
Yams, taro and sweet potatoes constitute in some districts the main food of the people, while in others sago is the staple diet.
Up to 1911 the manufacture of ruin was the leading industry; in that year the factories were closed by Government decree, compensation being given to the factory owners and to the planters who grew sugar and sweet potatoes for the production of alcohol.
Tobacco, maize, sweet potatoes, yams, kava, taro, beans and pumpkins, are the principal crops.
Of fruit trees the apple, pear, plum, cherry, medlar, pomegranate, fig, quince, as well as two kinds of vine, grow wild; oranges, sweet and bitter, and other Aurantiaceae thrive well in gardens and plantations.
Here the sweet song is first mentioned - a song which, according to the poem on the phoenix ascribed to.
It forms rhombic crystals possessing a sweet taste.
In English also the short and the long o are of different qualities, the short in words like not, got being in Sweet's phonetic terminology a low-back-wide-round, the long in words like no a mid-back-wide-round.
The sound heard in words like the German Gutter is, according to Sweet, a low-front-wide-round, while Jespersen regards it as not low but middle.
These tubes were formerly supposed to secrete the sweet substance known as "honey-dew" so much sought after by ants; but this is now known to come from the alimentary canal.
In the Red Sea regions frankincense is valued not only for its sweet odour when burnt, but as a masticatory; and blazing lumps of it are not infrequently used for illumination instead of oil lamps.
Some might consider his response silly or controlling, yet to her it was sweet and reassuring.
He was so sweet - so patient.
He was so sweet, so dependable - so unlike her father.
He was so gentle, so sweet.
Just like my sweet little friends often do.
Ever since I saw the sweet girl I have coveted he.
She looked too sweet to be someone about to destroy the fabric between the immortal and mortal worlds, even if he did sense some sort of dark secret in her gaze.
The Magician looked like a sweet, innocent Natural, one of the humans with extraordinary gifts who could be brought into the Guardians' organization.
She lay sweet and vulnerable on her back, her lips parted and warm body tucked against his side.
And the sweet scent of his blood made her gums itch.
You're a sweet kid—the very best—and we care for you.
In any case, Darkyn.s demons are planning to invade the castle, where your sweet little morsel is, so they can slaughter every last annoying Immortal.
Cynthia was already at the kitchen table, amid sweet smelling scents of the morning fare of fresh cranberry scones, the ubiquitous notebook and a scattering of paper spread before her.
He was sweet as sugar—just a concerned husband looking out for his wife's welfare.
She was brilliant, loyal, sweet.
Her soft, forlorn words sounded like a farewell. "This is killing me," he muttered. He strode to her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her. She yielded more easily in the dream than she ever had in real life. Her soft, warm lips welcomed him hungrily, and he lost himself in her sweet musk, warm skin and honeyed taste. He didn't want to leave; he wanted to spend the rest of his life making love to her on the beach. He wanted to feel his skin pressed against hers and for her to run her fingers through his hair before scraping her nails down his back. He wanted to take her every way he could imagine, until they lay spent and panting on the beach, until nothing but their entwined bodies and souls remained of their world.
They were so sweet to me before… Her throat tightened, and she trailed off.
He had never imagined anything but vengeance would ever stir his blood like the sweet, brave woman before him did!
Honeysuckle blossoms sent a sweet invitation and a bee buzzed by them in answer.
She appeared sweet and alluring in that vulnerable moment.
Not as sweet as human blood, the Watcher's flavor had depth and conveyed more than life.
The wine smelled of ripe black cherries with a lovely sweet texture.
The dessert was an almond sponge studded with dark morello cherries in a sweet almond pastry base.
My guest chose the deep fried mackerel with sweet pepper relish.
Sweet, rich and concentrated with a lovely crisp acidity and a delicate balance between floral and fruit tones.
The Guardian Nature notes The sweet, slightly acrid scent of privet pervades the streets from garden hedges.
Benedict wisely plays his part in a stolid, straightforward manner; Titmuss goes for sweet sadness but produces only girlish affectation.
The flavor is sweet and full, complex and pleasant; a combination of coffee and chocolate, with a bitter chocolate aftertaste.
Customers can choose from willow, birch, cherry, alder, sweet chestnut, ash, beech chestnut, poplar or oak.
The sweet ballad is so typical of the sounds played at the end of northern soul all-nighters.
Notable exceptions to this general rule include asters, sweet peas, and daisies.
But when Max sweet talks the skinny babe into taking some pictures for him, he's soon reaming her ass deep and wide!
Try making them a bit more exciting by serving them with crispy bacon, crispy cheese crumbs or sweet chestnut crumble.
Her few comforts are making up stories to tell her psychiatrist, the company of friends, and the sweet balm of whiskey.
The palate is also sweet, barley sugar with some spice and floral hints.
The third act will come when the masses come out to shower American and English soldiers with roses and sweet basil.
They may find coffee too bitter, soft drinks too sweet, and full cream milk too fatty.
In soft bright red an £ 42.00 Empireline 70's white a-line dress with polkadot bodice Sweet 70's summer dress by Spinney.
She does sound a little bit bonkers, finding it too hard to look at zoo animals - how sweet.
Trades Union Congress - a week of mind-numbing boredom, stage-managed resolutions keeping sweet with the government, promoting partnership with the bosses.
The western side is older with tiny streets, traditional architecture and simple balconies brimming with bright purple bougainvillea and sweet jasmine.
The girls are both sweet - no hint of tennis brat - and close.
The outer is in a delicate Laura Ashley pink and sage green floral which I believe is called sweet briar rose.
Other frequent species include meadow brome, meadow foxtail grass pepper saxifrage and meadow sweet.
A very sweet antique Victorian brooch, dating to circa 1880.
A very sweet retro vintage brooch, in the form of a flower, dating to circa 1963.
A very sweet English antique belt buckle, dating to circa 1920.
Huge bamboo towers lining the waterfront are covered with sweet buns, said to bring good fortune to anyone managing to get on.
Pull over to the side of the road to pick up tightly wrapped bundles of tender asparagus or punnets of sweet juicy strawberries.
Varieties include butternut, acorn, spaghetti, delicata, sweet dumpling, turban, and of course the mighty pumpkin.
Green Apple candy - This is a fab blend of apples with sweet candy.
Made with walnuts in soft caramel encased in a crisp, enriched sweet pastry.
My complex carbs come from oats or sweet potatoes.
Trapped in his Dungeon of Love, prisoners are swamped by sickly sweet caresses.
Also great with grated carrot or chopped sweet peppers.
Intercropping is commonly practiced and a popular combination includes cassava, sweet potatoes, and beans.
These crops (e.g. cassava, sweet potatoes) need less inputs and less labor and are high in nutritional value.
They have a strong, sweet, nutty flavor, and are popular in a range of dishes including casseroles and loaves.
Serve with nuoc cham or some sweet chili sauce or soy for dipping.
Come, sweet chariots, and carry me home to bed.
Cinnamon Swirl cheesecake An indulgent creamy cheesecake with swirls of sweet cinnamon & sticky caramel sauce.
They have a creamy flesh with a sweet flavor that is similar to squash or roasted chestnuts.
The shank is sweet chestnut with the bark stripped off.
A very sweet English antique Victorian mother of pearl shell belt buckle, perfect for customizing your vintage chic or antique chic outfits.
A very sweet little rare panda figurine in in hand painted china, perfect for displaying in your vintage chic or retro chic interior.
The seriousness of the songs are honey coated in sweet harmonies and singalong choruses, but don't let that fool you.
She might welcome his attention by responding with pansies or sweet peas or rebuff his advances with daffodils or yellow chrysanthemums.
He has a rather chubby body too, because he is said to like eating sweet things.
The secret was closely guarded by the abbey who became renown for their sweet, mellow cider.
The palate has crisp citrus on entry, grapefruit, lemon and lime cordial flavors as well as sweet lemon drops.
For other citrus, try a ratio of two parts sweet citrus to one part sour.
This brooch is in the shape of a sweet little treble clef and it features diamante rhinestone glass stones set in gold-tone metal mounts.
These classic corn cobs have 8 rows of sweet corn seeds, the mark of the original Golden Bantam Sweet Corn strain.
Their firm, sweet flesh is of a nice red coloration with small dark brown seeds.
It came with a light salad including some sweet figs and a tart cranberry compote.
My guest had the crispy duck leg confit with sweet potato and thyme terrine with vanilla jus, (£ 16.00 ).
In addition to large stands of fast-growing conifers, there is extensive sweet chestnut coppice.
Another experiment examined yield, vitamin and mineral content of organic and conventional potatoes and sweet corn over 3 years [4] .
Further along the main path, the firs give way to reveal sweet chestnut coppice.
A fast growing sweet coriander with a subtle lemon flavor.
I've also been involved in marketing at Green Giant which mainly involved their sweet corn, which was OK.
Her favorite foods are anything that is sweet, but she doesn't like soggy cornflakes or sandwiches with no crunch.
The crumbling pastry, sharp lemon and sweet quince coulis were a delight, and we cooed with appreciation.
That sweet furry little creature is a sadistic maniac!
Follow your nose at lunchtime for delicious savory and sweet crepes, made to order.
Try making them a bit more exciting by serving them with crispy bacon, crispy bacon, crispy cheese crumbs or sweet chestnut crumble.
Barclays Capital oil analyst Kevin Norrish said the price of light, sweet crude could touch $ 70 a barrel again soon.
The wildflowers might include ox-eye daisy, buttercup, yellow rattle, meadow sweet and cow slips.
The symptoms of sweet itch include severe pruritus [itching ], hair loss, skin thickening and flaky dandruff.
Let the morning come, my sweet darling, and then I shall take you for a bath in the Ganga ' .
Respect for life is the highest worship, the bright lamp, the sweet garland and unwavering devotion.
His menu consisted of peppery roast leg of lamb, stuffed chicken breasts, sweet & sour aubergines and black lentil dhal.
Please bring a sweet or savory dish to share.
For having traffic with thyself alone, Thou of thyself thy sweet self dost deceive.
A very dark, malty mild, which is characteristically sweet, but well balanced and extremely drinkable.
The latter has a wonderful duet with Louis Armstrong on My Sweet Hunk of Trash.
Honey the Sweet fairy can't make any new sweets without her magic party bag of fairy dust.
Paprika is a deep red, slightly earthy flavored spice made from the dried and ground sweet pepper.
Long Purple oriental eggplants are very sweet and delicious and are typically cooked without peeling.
The acidic soils support sweet chestnut Castanea sativa, sessile oak Quercus petraea, and ash Fraxinus excelsior.
There isn't a strong signal (but no lock) one moment and sweet fa the next.
This neorealist modern fairy tale from the director of ' The Bicycle Thief ' is the sweet story of a boy called Totò .
It can be played successfully for knockabout farce, sweet sentimentality or dark irony.
Have you lost the sweet sense of divine favor, the happy consciousness of acceptance with God?
Certain essential oils are good but oils to be avoided include evening primrose, rosemary, hyssop, sweet fennel and sage.
A sweet litlle English retro vintage china clown figurine, perfect for your retro chic or vintage chic interior.
They range from dry fino (check this very one out in UK Tescos) through to sweet, dark Pedro Jiminez.
The palate was medium sweet and had a slight fizz.
The carrots have a sweet flavor with a slight hint of spice.
This delicious watermelon variety features a very crisp, very sweet and very flavorful bright orange flesh with large cream colored seeds.
Glenmorangie is a light, sweet whiskey, almost flowery, and is very smooth indeed.
That good and sweet feeling which you sometimes have is the effect of present grace and a certain foretaste of your heavenly home.
The sweet smelling starry yellow flowers fill summer days with a heady fragrance which attracts the bees.
I might substitute any of those for sweet corn fritters or fried bread.
Diet Tips For a sweet snack, you'd be better off choosing fresh fruit.
The wine is intensely fruity with wonderful sweet cherry flavors well integrated with the new oak.
His fulness is an infinite fulness; and he is infinitely sweet, as well as infinitely full.
The taste at this stage is sweet, with black cherries, and a finish like the caramelized edge of a roast gammon.
The air was clear of smoke and haze, sweet as the air of a mountain glen.
Julie Kent tried to be sweet and innocent but succeeded only in looking gormless.
Pilgrims are renowned for their sweet nature, which applies if they have been handled as young goslings.
Optimize your sound exactly the way you like it with this sweet graphic equalizer.
To Serve Cut a slice of hot sweet potato gratin on the plate.
The vegetable medley is six steamed green beans, six baby sweet corn and 12 baby carrots.
Sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, celery, salads and globe artichokes can all be sown in a frost-free greenhouse.
Talk about mouthwatering... Perfectly poached halibut in the sweet, savory juices of carrots, cabbage and Alsace bacon combined.
Badgers, like too many children, have a very sweet tooth, which can prove very harmful for them.
Ben enjoys this sweet apple and he gives a loud hee haw.
That said, the film does manage to hit a few genuinely hilarious or sweet notes.
He made his prison-cell fragrant with the sweet incense of prayer.
This sweet corn is genetically modified to protect itself from corn borer insect damage (1 ).
The only reliable way to prevent sweet itch is to avoid your horse or pony being bitten by insects.
The flowers also yield a sweet juice which, when boiled down, produces a dark-brown, caramel-flavoured sugar called jaggery.
From Italian spaghetti sauces to Greek salads to Turkish kebabs, the sweet, strong flavor of Mediterranean oregano is perfect.
Please collect your headsets from the sweet kiosk further along the foyer and also on your left.
Bring up to the boil, then reduce heat and leave to simmer until red lentils and sweet potato are very tender.
The pasta is divine - classic clam linguine is spiced up with a subtely sweet chili sauce.
Whip Me Cream is a more subtle, creamy shade that makes your quivering lips taste of sweet cream.
One of the best things about these outings was buying an ice lolly beforehand in the sweet shop opposite the cinema.
Where shall they find on foreign land, so lone a lake, so sweet a strand?
He's a very nice, very lovable, sweet, friendly kitty.
Conversely The Glory of Love, with its sweet melodic lyricism exudes calm and equilibrium.
The Visitor Center overlooks a small marshland full of reed mace and reed sweet grass.
Home Sweet Home Front Home Sweet Home Front provides source material on a variety of subjects related to the Second World War Home Front.
What was once sweet has become mawkish, and the once exquisite simile appears little more than an ingenious conceit.
Middle Ages Drink - mead Honey was used to make a sweet alcoholic drink called mead which was drunk by all classes.
The fruit also has a sweet scent like a ripe melon.
He sent his servants to buy a great many large, sweet melons.
You may use either sweet white miso, barley miso, or a combination of both.
Booklist " You wake up in this here world, my sweet li'l mister, you got to wake up tough.
These sweet red morsels are among the most popular fruits grown in the United States.
The straw should smell sweet, not musty or stale.
In the past, I have found the peshwari nans to be delicious here, although at times a little too sweet.
The bodice features a round neckline, with a sweet fold-over peter pan collar, edged in lilac.
A small amount of sweet nectar can be sucked from the base of the flower.
Pack includes 4 neon blue pieces of sweet corn.
No more does the ardent nightingale carol its joyous songs, and the sweet and holy melodies of the immortal dove are hushed.
The gorgeous Parts Per Million has a sweet bossa nova vibe over a layered vocal.
Strong plants produce an abundance of medium sized, red oblong 8-12 ounce tomato fruits with a sweet taste and firm flesh.
And Boyd's main feat is to turn these slightly offbeat men into the lovable stars of a sweet romance.
That's when the trouble started as the sweet little old lady wasn't sweet at all.
For sweet oranges, you should be left with neat globes of flesh.
Perpetua remembers the aromas of sweet rose otto, musky frankincense, myrrh, and even common lavender.
Then there was the General Post Office and next to the Grand were some shops, a ladies outfitters and a sweet shop.
Equally popular in sweet as well as savory dishes, food pairings include matching mint with chocolate, apples and citrus fruits.
These are roasted with cumin and fennel seeds, sweet smoked paprika and sea salt.
As much sweet paprika as I dare, then, on second thoughts, as much again and a little more.
This was gorgeous - crisp pastry, sweet fruit and delicious frangipane filling.
In Ghana, a tasty fried patty made from sweet potato and eggs is a top birthday snack.
Then, a sweet potato or sugar-snap peas fit the bill.
Yellow pear Produces sweet and juicy, yellow pear shaped fruits.
Just eating a sweet, juicy pear every day can go a long way to soothing Pitta dosha and cleansing the liver.
A sweet English vintage pendent, dating to circa 1968.
The roasted sweet pepper awash with garlic provided a vibrant backdrop to a large roundel of goat's cheese oozing over its crostini perch.
Ginger, which is used in a vast array of sweet and savory dishes around the world, is a tender, creeping perennial.
She is toned and tanned and always wears sweet perfume.
There'll be palms, sweet oranges and pomegranates emerging from ferns, with a delicate perfume of jasmine and wax flowers.
Cherry blossoms scented the air in long endless ribbons of sweet perfume, like the incense inside mortal temples.
The flesh is very sweet, crisp and juicy with a delicately perfumed quality.
I aim to do the same next year, but I wish I had his recipe for sweet pickle.
A sweet English vintage brass plate featuring an ice skating scene, perfect for your vintage chic interior.
Its fruit is sweet throughout and exceedingly pleasant; doves delight in it and live in the tree, feeding on it.
We can also offer wooden Victorian style hand carts from which are sold freshly spun candy floss and just cooked sweet caramel popcorn.
Local business people are lunchtime regulars, tucking into set menus of both crispy aromatic duck & sweet & sour pork.
Also works with roast pork & apple sauce, or the sweet & sour flavors in Chinese food.
Calm your senses as your body is soothed by a hot herbal poultice of sweet basil and a warm oil massage.
A sweet attacking move from the restart saw South apply some early pressure by winning their first short corner of the match.
This sweet little pink heart packs a powerful punch!
The piano plays ragtime in another room, switches to a lullaby, shushing all the bad dreams back into the cotton sweet closet.
Similarly, there is a large portion of slightly sweet bacon, with several rashers contained in the sandwich.
Tender with an excellent mild sweet flavor ideal cooked, added raw to the salad bowl or dips.
Despite the loss, the Lancaster teams all enjoyed the trip away, and are looking forward to taking sweet revenge next May... .
She recommends using apple or a sweet berry as well as rowans, unless you're making rowan jelly to go with meat.
Arctander (1960) believed that the sweet birch oil of commerce is adulterated synthetic methyl salicylate.
My sense of place found a plate of large juicy sweet cockles on a bed of crisp green samphire before me.
The existing oak, ash, birch, and sweet chestnut were retained, and 400 English oak saplings were planted.
The wings were succulent with a sweet, tangy sauce, while the fries were crisp, golden and lightly salted.
His wife said nothing just scowled at him and the growing pile of empty sweet packets.
Mains might include a stunning dish of grilled sea bream, the sweet fish counterpointed by the spice of the accompanying chorizo.
Romantic desserts Delectable desserts for sweet seduction are barely a streaked apron and a licked wooden spoon away from your delight...
The addition of sweet caramelized shallots turns the traditional sprout into a delicious alternative.
Sweet (unsalted) butter 1 each large shallot, peeled and minced fine 1 Tbl.
Sweet whole shallots on a crisp pastry tart, served with perfectly cooked chicken livers.
Yellow Pear Produces sweet and juicy, yellow pear shaped fruits.
If you like your music bubble-gum sweet and your punters clean shaven given this place a wide berth.
She, the only woman, got a bottle of sweet sherry.
The combination of Bom-Bane's sweet, slightly shrill soprano and Pynn's undulating strings gives each musical riddle an unearthly quality.
One of the first things that Ragazzo noticed about the house in Coppice Row was the sweet rather sickly smell which hung over everything.
It's sweet, but not sickly and the youngest members of the family will love this comforting story.
Short and sweet, sir, that's the style. ' ' Right, right, ' said Spangler.
The wine list is short & sweet &, if you're feeling skint, you can BYO.
It's not too soppy for a man, yet it's sweet enough for the most ladylike of ladies!
The men who carved the spoons were not the landed gentry, and what ever Sweet sayings include " A Heap of Love " .
Rice is the staple on most of the islands although other traditional staples include corn, sago, cassava and sweet potatoes.
Hilary Duff is a talented young starlet that just loves these sugary sweet roles.
The powerful wrens, cheerful chaffinches, delicate sparrows and whistling starlings then weave in melodies, sweet enough to rouse the sun.
Also I was carrying a groin strain that wasn't making life sweet.
Naturally sweet, they can be used in baking to reduce amounts of added sugar.
Apart from rice other important food crops include sugar cane, maize, cassava, potatoes and sweet potatoes.
For the high houses, it is made with sweet sultanas.
Sweeps of purple flowering heather and sweet scented gorse dominate the heathland whilst the wetlands harbor insect-eating sundews and rare marsh gentians.
A fresh selection of home-made sweets is available at the sweet counter.
The sweet smell of leather, the sweet smell of leather, the sweet smell of success... Never had a company car?
The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet, The only sweet thing that is not also fleet.
I popped a boiled sweet - but my saliva didn't flow, and I might as well have sucked a stone.
It's all sickly sweet R&B DJ's and Ritzy chicks round here.
Fred Davies was fishing for bream and using 2 sweet corn when he had a bite and reeled in a 5lb pike.
Great baits are lob worm, canned sweet corn and bread flake, please do not keep you baits inside our holiday home.
Sweet Corn Gardening Tips - Learn to grow your own delicious sweet corn Gardening Tips - Learn to grow your own delicious sweet corn, organically!
A lovely mix that is sure to be a sweet treat for your little sweetheart!
This is the method favored by those who grow sweet peas to exhibit.
They planted sweet peas around the base which would climb around the sculptures over the course of the Roadshow program.
Flowers for cutting Continue training sweet peas up their supports.
The deep pink, fragrant sweet pea (Lathyrus latifolius) is a good choice.
Serve with mashed sweet potatoes and green beans, if desired.
Or try using sweet potatoes instead of ordinary potatoes for your mash.
At about the same time as I grew my first teeth I started eating sweet potatoes, in large quantities!
We tried some sweet potato on Babycake today but he didn't seem to like it very much.
Another huge lunch appears, with fresh fruit juice, fried sweet potato, chicken and lots of different fruit and vegetables.
The chocolate isn't too much of a problem as I don't have a sweet tooth.
However, proving they are intelligent, they can develop a sweet tooth just like kids!
Also try the marinated swordfish and the sweet chili dressing.
The color is deep amber and the aroma very sweet, like syrup of figs, with an attractive light oily note.
The palate balances ripe, sweet fruit with a finish showing pronounced tannins - this is a well structured wine with lovely texture.
A very sweet English antique brass thimble dating to circa 1890.
A very sweet vintage metal thimble dating to circa 1930.
This is a sweet little thimble perfect for a sewing collector and it can still be used.
A very sweet celluloid plastic thimble in candy pink, dating to circa 1950.
The other tradition is bonfire toffee, dark, sweet, treacle toffee with just a slightly burnt taste.
They are all there to tempt the sweet tooth.
It contains common broomrape, basil, marjoram, bladder campion, sweet violet, field scabious and birds foot trefoil.
Perhaps mix normal and sweet potato, or add in some mashed turnip or swede as well.