Swear Sentence Examples
I swear I would have seen anyone who was nearby.
I swear to God, I've had it with all this shit.
I swear to God I will!
If you let anything happen to her, I swear to the Original Beings I'll haunt you from the grave for the rest of your life!
I swear, I never intended for things to go that far.
I swear, I'll tell you all and disappear.
He'd kill me; I swear to God, he would!
I swear, sometimes I think he's completely against progress.
My accounts, which I can swear to have kept faithfully, I have, indeed, never got audited, still less accepted, still less paid and settled.
I swear, I have never used influence on you for any reason, never!
AdvertisementNothing bad will ever happen to you again, Yully, I swear this to you.
But, if you do as Sasha says and break the bond, I will keep her safe, I swear it, Kris said.
If you hurt her, I swear I will find a way to kill you.
Rhyn saw the resolution on Kris's face. "I swear it," Rhyn said.
I swear to God I'll be there!
AdvertisementI swear to you, Gabriel, I never meant to hurt anyone.
You swear the Council will consider my debt to them repaid? he asked.
When all the Jewish people swore to be loyal to Caesar and the king's policy, the Pharisees - above 6000 - refused to swear.
Miguel, who was first required to swear fidelity to the charter.
Others may swear by established salon favorites such as Frederic Fekkai, Bumble and Bumble, Alterna and the infamously expensive celebrity favorite Kerastase.
AdvertisementWe weren't there a minute, I swear.
Spare me this, and I swear, whatever it is you ask, I will grant you!
On admission all were to swear to co-operate so far as in them lay for the assertion of the principles of liberty and equality.
The result of the constitutional experiment hardly justified the royal expectations; the parliament was hardly opened (February 5th, 1819) before the doctrinaire radicalism of some of its members, culminating in the demand that the army should swear allegiance to the constitution, so alarmed the king, that he appealed to Austria and Germany, undertaking to carry out any repressive measures they might recommend.
The election took place on the 4th of June, when 152 votes out of 196, four being absent, determined that Leopold should be proclaimed king of the Belgians, under the express condition that he "would accept the constitution and swear to maintain the national independence and territorial integrity."
AdvertisementThe whole of the Prussian military system, inciuding not only the obligation to military service, but the rules for recruiting, organization, drill and uniforms, has to be followed in all the states; all the contingents are under the command of the emperor, and the soldiers have to swear obedience to him in addition to the oath of allegiance to their own sovereign.
He might not lie nor take an oath, for the precept "Swear not at all" was, like the rest of the gospel, taken seriously.
He induced the ulemg to sign a letter, praying the sultan to revoke the command for reinstating the beys, persuaded the chiefs of the Albanian troops to swear allegiance to him, and sent 2000 purses contributed by them to Constantinople.
This was of great importance to William, not only for military reasons, but also because of his firm resolve to make the under-tenants (though the "men" of their lords) swear allegiance directly to himself.
Every king was obliged, on his inauguration, to swear that he would govern justly and according to law, to which he remained always subject.
Talleyrand celebrated Mass, and Lafayette was the first to swear fidelity to the Assembly and the nation.
Every day. I swear it. We won't be apart anymore. We'll stay here until I can get the castle cleaned out and beat the shit out of my brothers. They'll be moving in, even if they don't know it yet. And that's where Hazel will hatch and live.
I swear by my blood!
Greek students are naturally curious about swear words.
Except The Boss - that's his name, I swear - wants me to bring in another human cyborg on the run.
The duke of the Basques came to his court to swear fidelity, and at his villa at Clichy the chief of the Bretons of Domnone promised obedience.
As a result the clergy and the nobles were excluded from all membership of the commune, except inasmuch as that those residing in the town might be required to swear not to conspire against it.
A new oath of allegiance was imposed on all holders of civil or military office; they were required to swear that no foreign prelate had, or ought to have, any jurisdiction, whether civil or ecclesiastical, within the realm.
The flamen Dialis was not allowed to leave the city for a single night, to ride or even touch a horse (a restriction which incapacitated him for the consulship), to swear an oath, to look at an army, to touch anything unclean, or to look upon people working.
Saldanha, a prominent constitutionalist, threatened to march on Lisbon if the regency did not swear obedience to the charter by the 31st of July.
In 989 she visited Rome, where she exercised as imperatrix the imperial prerogatives, and probably compelled the Romans to swear to acknowledge her son.
But this laudation of times past concentrates itself almost wholly on the person of the sainted king whom, while with feudal independence he had declined to swear fealty to him, "because I was not his man," he evidently regarded with an unlimited reverence.
Bids them not to swear at all nor to expect any intercession of the departed saints for sinners.
Young men swear eternal brotherhood; girls, eternal sisterhood; and the Church ratifies their choice in a service at which the feet of the pair are chained together.
He demanded that Harold should swear to aid him in the project.
He generally gave way when pressed, without attempting an appeal to arms; he would then swear an oath to observe the Great Charter, and be detected in violating it again within a few months.
They swear they have no knowledge of even the existence of this person.
I didn't want to come here but I know about … he told me-- and I never told anyone, I swear it-- about your healing ability.
You are free to do whatever you want with that video, but I swear to you, there is nothing on it you should be afraid of.
I swear, on my soul, I serve Tiyan.
Anyone failing to swear allegiance would suffer the full penalty of the law.
There were exceptions; but ' Ali was lenient, and 235 would not press the adherents of the late caliph to swear allegiance.
More surprisingly, he managed to persuade the Norman nobility to swear fealty to the boy.
A purge followed, and in 1579 every JP was required to swear fidelity to the established religion.
You can even chuck your Ice Shot Glasses in the fireplace and swear in Russian without having to buy replacement glassware.
He now refused to swear allegiance to the new monarch, though he had recalled him and had restoredhim to the possession of his see.
His father, on his deathbed, had made him swear to conduct the Scottish expedition to its end.
He had also to swear an obedience to a long string of constitutional limitations of his power, and to promise to remove many practical grievances of administration.
Hence the Conventicle Act (1664) imposed penalties on those taking part in religious meetings in private houses, and the Five Mile Act (1665) forbade an expelled clergyman to come within five miles of a corporate borough, the very place where he was most likely to secure adherence, unless he would swear his adhesion to the dbctrmn.e of non-resistance.
Thereupon they adjourned to a neighbouring tennis court, where Mounier proposed that they should swear not to separate until they had established the constitution.
Amid this anarchy it became a practice for the National Guards of different districts to form federations, that is, to meet and swear loyalty to each other and obedience to the laws made by the National Assembly.
The Assembly not only adopted this constitution but decreed that all beneficed ecclesiastics should swear to its observance.
As the constitution implicitly abrogated the papal authority and entrusted the choice of bishops and cures to electors who often were not Catholics, most of the clergy declined to swear and lost their preferments.
This the citizens were summoned, in parties of ten each, to profess and swear to as the confession of their faith - a process which, though not in accordance with modern notions of the best way of establishing men in the faith, was gone through, Calvin tells us, "with much satisfaction."
In 1527 the Croats were compelled to swear allegiance to Ferdinand I.
Assembly, in order to reduce the number of hostile forces, voted for the exile of all priests who had refused to swear to the Civil Constitution and the substitution of a body of twenty thousand volunteer national guards, under the authority of Paris, for the kings constitutional guard (May 27June 8, 1792).
This body had been summoned at the beginning of reigns to swear homage to the new king and his heir, or to confirm regulations made as to the succession.
The sees were forcibly reduced to four, the archbishopric was ostensibly abolished, and the bishops were compelled to do homage and swear fealty to the Latin Church.
I swear on my old lady's head we never touched a nickel of it—never even opened the damn suitcases.
If you ever come near me again, Xander, I swear I'll … whatever.
Make sure you do brunch at least one day of your stay as I swear nowhere in the UK does brunch like Sydney does.
Them being so very devout I always take care not to swear or say anything controversial when I visit.
God-fearing father would swear!
I can see his odd grimaces, and hear him swear so funnily in his speeches, as if it were but yesterday!
Some people swear by juice drinks although you need a juicer to make them at home you can buy pressed juices from the supermarket.
Their flower-like faces as they swear undying loyalty, small, deep cracks in their emerald.
Over more than 60 years I have heard many clergy swear their oath of canonical obedience.
I've got an idea for one sketch where we get an old lady to swear at a clown.
I've met people who take cannabis who swear they'll never touch something stronger.
In particular, the use of swear words or undue profanity is discouraged.
There was also something wonderfully refreshing in having characters swear when they're in trouble, rather than using pathetically tame, mild profanity.
Read more... Joe Rocket Speedmaster Wednesday 24th August 2005 We know British superbike racers out there who swear by these gloves.
Arago, a staunch republican, refused to swear allegiance.
Whether you swear by natural medicine or race down to the chemist at the first sneeze we want to hear from you.
The Essenes took a solemn vow on entering the Community, but they had to swear it to themselves.
Run your palm across the textured fascia, feel the solidity of the controls, and you'd swear someone else made it.
It is customary for young men who are attached to each other to swear eternal brotherhood (compare the Slavonic pobratimstvo); the contract is regarded as sacred, and no instance has been known of its violation.
The key-note to the conduct of Giovanni lies in his words at the close of the first scene "All this I'll do, to free me from the rod Of vengeance; else I'll swear my fate's my god."
One of the most striking of the passages in the Cid's legendary history is that wherein he is represented as forcing the new king to swear that he had no part in his brother's death; but there was cause enough without this for Alphonso's animosity against the man who had helped to despoil him of his patrimony.
I swear by the falling of stars; The Moon [54.1] The hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder.
Run your palm across the textured fascia, feel the solidity of the controls, and you 'd swear someone else made it.
Tabloid press reports stoked the controversy, saying that the program contained 8,000 swear words.
The Irish parliament will have to swear allegiance to the British crown.
Edward therefore got every claimant to the throne to swear fealty to him for the realm of Scotland if he chose them.
In my case I stated the time of purchase of my ticket and would be willing to swear on oath that I paid.
Quot swear colorfully is loudly affirmed approved of his him about how.
Where is the obedience to the word of God that the churches normally swear to uphold?
Will not swear to defend the King against the Pope.
Many parents swear to the fact that they and their child experience much less frustration and better communication when incorporating baby sign language.
Some parents swear by them, while others are vehemently against giving their baby a pacifier.
There are those who swear by the method of rocking their baby until he falls into a deep sleep, then slipping him quietly into his bed.
This method isn't really supported by all of the experts either, but some parents swear by it.
Although many women swear by the comfort of cup-less and wireless nursing bras, these options are often only comfortable for women who have smaller chests.
I swear he is more like a dog than a cat.
Many people swear by Bach flower remedies.
More research is needed to establish the effectiveness of quercetin, but many people still swear by it for treating their hay fever symptoms.
Proponents swear that applying Feng Shui to their home has given them significant stress relief.
Whether you go with the Basic Hardware from Kirsch or with the Decorative Hardware, you are getting high quality curtain rods that many professional window treatment installers swear by.
Some sellers prefer to ship by UPS, DHL or FedEx, while others swear by the United States Postal Service.
Many people swear by online sites for bargain supplies, both new and used.
In the Catholic wedding ceremony, couples may swear by the Virgin Mary and the laws of the Catholic Church that they will pledge themselves to one another.
Even so, to listen to them speak, you might swear there was more to this sisterly connection.
Those who have owned Carter's clothing swear that it is one of the best brands for girls around.
There are people who swear by a particular brand of dog food claiming it is that very food that keeps their pet healthy and beautiful.
The idea of feeding your dog raw dog food may not seem like a healthy idea, but there is a growing group of raw dog food diet followers who swear by this feeding plan.
Some gardeners swear by adding pickle juice to their gardenia soil.
Some people swear by Japanese beetle traps while other insist they entice more beetles to the garden than they capture.
A shade may look gray on the swatch, but after it's been in the room for a day, you'll swear it's more of a baby blue.
Many people swear that the use of organic products has helped to improve their health.
Women who swear by Sag Harbor not only love the affordable prices, but the fit and selection.
They even seem to enjoy being popped because I swear they're saying "Whee!" each time I create a match.
However, many camping purists swear by external frames and refuse to move to the more modern internal frames.
Others swear by the strong signal and good battery life of BlackBerry devices.
Celebrities, who understand the toll heat-styling and chemical processing can weigh on hair, swear by the regular use of these products.
For those that swear to never cut their beautiful long hair, spice things up with a deep side part, which accentuates your cheek bones.
Although it's never been scientifically explained, there are women who swear that they've had a dream they're pregnant or even dreamed of their baby's gender, before actually finding out from the doctor that they're expecting.
Although every pregnant woman knows another who will swear up and down that their labor was brought on by doing x, y, and z, it really comes down to whether the baby is ready to come out.
However, a significant number of people swear these prediction methods worked for their pregnancies.
Although some women swear by the techniques for conceiving baby girls listed here, women need to decide if it's more important to have a baby of either gender rather than planning on just a girl.
Some swear that the baby gender prediction test really works.
While some swear that the Drano pregnancy test works, medical professionals may beg to differ.
Some women swear that eating certain foods will induce labor.
Many seamstresses swear by the quality construction and performance of these old machines, and the number of antique and vintage Singers on the market today may be a testament to their durability.
Many women swear by Billabong bikini bottoms, noting that they contour and flatter that tricky part of the body.
You'll be a pastel pink couture queen when you hit the shoreline, and although you'll be paying a fair amount for these fashionable ensembles, you will also be the owner of some of the most-coveted couture items that celebrities swear by.
Some beauty experts swear by brewer's yeast supplementation, although the scientific backing is not quite established.
Though experts seem to go back and forth on the effectiveness of these claims, many people swear by vitamin C supplements.
Many coffee connoisseurs swear that this is the top of the line when it comes to coffee grinders.
It cans sometimes be confusing to meet someone you could swear is an Aries; only to find out they are a Sun sign Virgo with an Aries moon.
Create a Reward System-Some parents swear by the reward systems they've used with their children.
Instead of using borderline swear words, offer a child alternative ways to help him/herself express his or her thoughts and feelings.
Many parents swear by behavior charts as a way to help children overcome bad habits, sibling rivalry and many other undesirable traits.
For instance, if you do not want your children to swear, then watch your language around them.
Probably not, but that doesn't appear to make a difference to the true believers who swear they have seen one.
Before you swear a story is true and repeat it to all your friends, visit one of the debunking websites and check your facts.
However, you don't have to swear off all the trendy shoes.
Some designers swear that flats, with their old Hollywood glamour, are versatile enough for nighttime.
Swear words and derogatory names are always welcome on punk shoes.
Many people also swear by the Asics brand for being comfortable shoes that work for a variety of sports well beyond mere walking.
The couple swear their undying love for each other and plan to run away, but Manuel discovers them before they can.
Some artists swear by the use of Bacitracin, an antibiotic ointment that can prevent infection, while keeping a new tattoo moist.
When it comes to cleaning old copper pennies you may be surprised at the variety of methods and concoctions people swear by.
While this detox is not for everyone, there are many people who swear by its results.
Droves of people have sworn by Dr. Atkins zero-carb-high-protein diet and many celebrities swear by The Zone.
Health nuts swear by this unique squash.
Many people swear by using the Weight Watchers food scale.
On the other hand, many prominent martial artists swear by Hindu squats, and in Asia it's been a mainstay of thousands of athletes for ages.
Many medical professionals, trainers, and athletes swear by a healthy diet to supplement exercise.
While there are many people who swear by homeopathic treatments for a wide variety of ailments, most insurance companies are reluctant to insure treatments than deviate from standard medical procedures.
Many women swear by the camis sold at the Gap.
Some folks swear by cotton while others adore the soft feel of fleece against their skin.
Many swear by Polartec fleece women's robes, which are perfect winter selections.
Some people swear by it for their Christmas shopping, while others prefer to peruse on eBay for the most rare and unique of finds.
This song is a bit like hip-hop for dummies - mention guns - check, shoot something up - check, swear a lot - check.
Most of them swear like sailors and very few of them are aware of the social graces taught in finishing schools.
Jorge, for example, vowed that he would not swear on television.
Some people swear by flax seed oil instead of fish oil.
Some people swear by Vitamin E or cocoa butter.
They swear it works, but this could potentially create an uneven skin tone, as well as dryness.
Although there are those who swear that lemon juice in the plastic, lemon-shaped bottle will lighten freckles, this lemon juice has been too overly handled and processed to be safe to put on your skin.
It is just one of several common home remedies that people swear by, but as with so many treatments, results vary from person to person.
Many home brewers swear by a beer and acidophilus mixture for treating fungus.
Many blogging aficionados swear by Wordpress.
Oh, and tell him I swear not to look at what other girl's he's been calling... cross my heart, like fun!
Elisabeth chuckled, "I swear, there is a breeze when she enters and leaves a room."
You need to respect that, because the next time you throw one of your petulant hissy fits, I swear to God, I will install so much sound proofing in this room, you will never hear another note.
I swear I saw PMF fighting alongside us earlier against the guys who attacked us.
I'll find a way to help you. I swear it.
Do you want to swear out a warrant?
This way you could never swear in a court of law you saw him.
I swear none to you.
I swear to you, Taran, I will do anything!
What would you do, swear to me to protect them and swear to Memon to exploit them?
I swear to no man.
If you ever come near me again, Xander, I swear I'll … whatever.
Shortly afterwards he refused to swear allegiance to the new imperial government, and was dismissed the service.
A man who killed another in a quarrel must swear he did not do so intentionally, and was then only fined according to the rank of the deceased.
A brander, induced to remove a slave's identification mark, could swear to his ignorance and was free.
The plaintiff could swear to his loss by brigands, as to goods claimed, the price paid for a slave purchased abroad or the sum due to him.
In 1198, on the election of Enrico Dandolo, the aristocracy carried their policy one step farther, and by the promissione ducale, or coronation oath, which every doge was required to swear, they acquired a powerful weapon for the suppression of all that remained of ancient ducal authority.
Greenland, like Iceland, had a republican organization up to the years 1247 to 1261, when the Greenlanders were induced to swear allegiance to the king of Norway.
Polite Danes were wont to say that a man wrote Latin to his friends, talked French to the ladies, called his dogs in German, and only used Danish to swear at his servants.
The soldiers swear the oath of allegiance to the senate.
But as he did not long observe his oath he was deposed at a synod held in St Peter's, after Otto had compelled the Romans to swear they would elect no pope without the imperial consent; and a nominee of the emperor, who took the name of Leo VIII., was chosen in his stead.
He gained a temporary authority in northern Italy, but was soon compelled by his rival Berengar, margrave of Friuli, to leave the country and to swear he would never return.
The duke himself complained in parliament of the way he was spoken of out of doors, and at the outbreak of Wat Tyler's insurrection the peasants stopped pilgrims on the road to Canterbury and made them swear never to accept a king of the name of John.
Thus, at the election diet of 1669, one of the deputies, Pieniaszek, moved that a new and hitherto unheard-of clause should be inserted in the agenda of the general confederation, to the effect that every senator .and deputy should solemnly swear not to take bribes, while another szlacic proposed that the ambassadors of foreign Powers should be excluded permanently from the Polish elective assemblies.
Laud's infatuated policy could go no further, and the etcetera oath, according to which whole classes of men were to be forced to swear perpetual allegiance to the "government of this church by archbishops, bishops, deans and archdeacons, &c.," was long remembered and derided.
On his deathbed Richard, reversing his former arrangements, caused his barons to swear fealty to John (1199), although the hereditary claim of Arthur was by the law of primogeniture undoubtedly superior.
He wrote on an apple the words, "I swear by the sacred shrine of the goddess that I will marry you," and threw it at her feet.
More was sent for to Lambeth, where he offered to swear to the succession, but steadily refused the oath of supremacy as against his conscience.
If the result was satisfactory, he was admitted, but before partaking of the common meal he was required to swear awful oaths, that he would reverence the deity, do justice to men, hurt no man voluntarily or at the command of another, hate the unjust and assist the just, and that he would render fidelity to all men, but especially to the rulers, seeing that no one rules but of God.
The majority of the priests and bishops refused to swear assent to what they held to be an invasion of the divine right of the hierarchy, and after some months of unfortunate indecision Pius VI.
Amin, in anger, caused the will of his father, which, as we have seen, was preserved in the Ka`ba, to be destroyed, declared on his own authority that Mamun's rights of succession were forfeited, and caused the army to swear allegiance to his own son Musa, a child of five, on whom he bestowed the title of an-N atiq bil-Haqq (" he who speaks according to truth"), A.H.
He made an effort to destroy the memory of the sage from off the earth, consigning to the flames all the ancient books from which he drew his rules and examples, (save one), and burying alive hundreds of scholars who were ready to swear by his name.
Vainly did Louis, brought back a captive to Paris, swear on the I4th of September 1791 solemnly mere lip-service to the constitution; the mistrustful party of revolution abandoned the constitution they had only just obtained, and to guard against the sovereigns mental reservations and the selfish policy of the middle classes, appealed to the main force of the people.
William also made everyone swear an oath of loyalty to him.
Columbus passed through the islands, and in one of his letters to Ferdinand and Isabella he said,"This country excels all others as far as the day surpasses the night in splendour; the natives love their neighbours as themselves; their conversation is the sweetest imaginable; their faces always smiling; and so gentle and so affectionate are they, that I swear to your highness there is not a better people in the world."
You have a choice to affirm your allegiance or swear the oath to Almighty God.
Some people also swear by taking bee pollen produced by local bees.
I swear, I think she is entertaining them because when she stops, one of the other three will do just one thing to get her going again, and then get right back into the sitting position to watch the show.
Today, some quilters swear by the simple functioning and easy sewing maneuverability of treadle machines.
I've got some checking to do before I whip out the bible and swear to it.
Although, at the moment she wouldn't swear to it.
No matter what he did, the man will swear she led him on.
They swear by him, they offer him to you as they would a dish of choice sterlet.
I swear to you on my honor that Napoleon was in such a fix as never before and might have lost half his army but could not have taken Smolensk.
I swear I'd do it!
I swear on my old lady's head we never touched a nickel of it—never even opened the damn suitcases.
I swear it'll never happen again.
On what soul I have, I swear never to allow harm to come to kiri.
I swear it on my duty as Death.
I will get you out, and you can do those things. We can do those things together. I swear it.
Gabriel, if you can't find an option to save me, will you swear to let me live out what I have left in peace?
I think aught will come of their rantings as the miners swear they'll flee the area for a more obliging locale if such nonsense were to happen.
I swear it, Kris. She was planted by the demons. I don't know why they chose you, but they did, and you're the one she came after. She reeked of demon, Kris.
I didn't want to come here but I know about … he told me-- and I never told anyone, I swear it-- about your healing ability.
When an attack was imminent, I called Brady and made him swear to take care of you.
I swear it to you, Kiera.
Darian, I swear you've gotten even faster.
If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you didn't think your mother was worth the cost.