Swarmed Sentence Examples
The deserts of Egypt swarmed with the "cells" or huts of these anchorites.
The bees swarmed from the nest leaving the delicious honey comb behind.
Driven from the cities they swarmed over the countryside.
Flies swarmed.
They came from the left and from the right and just swarmed the place.
Michael batted at the mosquitoes that swarmed around his ankles.
Soon the place is swarmed with siren screaming representatives of the law enforcement community, and I hear a gunshot!
Arab irregulars swarmed to the scene to take part in the kill.
At that time I have enjoyed great sport as the black gnats have swarmed over the river and the trout have risen all day.
Rumors of the QL's demise were quickly scotched as visitors swarmed through the door of Central Hall Westminster.
AdvertisementGeragos and his team are investigating the matter of the police photos taken of Rihanna that swarmed the Internet just days after the assault.
The cult of Isis spread into Greece with that of Serapis early in the 3rd century B.C. In Egypt itself Isea, or shrines of Isis, swarmed.
County swarmed with OUCC parties, some wearing silly red hats with white bobbles.
Immediately,fans swarmed to Bullock's defense, while James apologized and even checked himself into rehab for sex addiction.
The classics had not refined his taste, for he was amused by setting the wandering scholars, who swarmed to his court, to abuse one another in the indescribably filthy Latin scolding matches which were then the fashion.
AdvertisementThe city swarmed with Spanish adventurers, assassins, prostitutes and informers; murder and robbery were committed with impunity, heretics and Jews were admitted to the city on payment of bribes, and the pope himself shamelessly cast aside all show of decorum, living a purely secular and I.
Commercial flights can be cumbersome to some stars since they tend to get swarmed by fans, and the convenience of a private jet is attractive to those who can afford one.
Microfilaria nocturna swarmed in the blood at night-time and disappeared from the peripheral circulation during the day, hiding away in the large vessels at the base of the lungs and of the heart.
Cesare Borgia was a type of the adventurers with which the Italy of the Renaissance swarmed, but he was cleverer and more unscrupulous than his rivals.
From his name he has been supposed by some to remember that Poland swarmed at that time with foreign ecclesiastics.
AdvertisementThe rebels ravaged Little Walachia in 1801-2, and their ravages were succeeded by those of the Turkish troops, who now swarmed over the country.
As we hastened through the long grass toward the hammock, the grasshoppers swarmed about us and fastened themselves on our clothes, and I remember that my teacher insisted upon picking them all off before we sat down, which seemed to me an unnecessary waste of time.
To expiate his huntsman's offense, Ilagin pressed the Rostovs to come to an upland of his about a mile away which he usually kept for himself and which, he said, swarmed with hares.
Rumors of the QL 's demise were quickly scotched as visitors swarmed through the door of Central Hall Westminster.
With horses only just recovering from an epidemic, they proved quite unequal to the task of catching the Cossacks, who swarmed round them in every direction, never accepting an engagement but compelling a constant watchfulness for which nothing in their previous experience had sufficiently prepared the French.
AdvertisementThe discovery of new lands in the West by the Norsemen came in the course of the great Scandinavian exodus of the 9th, 10th and firth centuries - the Viking Age - when Norsemen, Swedes and Danes swarmed over all Europe, conquering kingdoms and founding colonies.
The nobles, who had been kept at a distance by Philip II., swarmed round the new king, and began to secure pensions in the old style.
The river swarmed with vessels filled with persons carrying away such of their goods as they were able to save.
He may have been one of those hermits who at that time swarmed in the forests of western Europe, and particularly in France, always surrounded by popular veneration, and sometimes the founders of monasteries or religious orders, such as those of Premontre or Fontevrault.
While the infantry kneeled to shoot, the cavalry swarmed round the hostile squadrons, threw their lines into confusion, and completed their discomfiture by a vigorous pursuit.
The peaceful, snowy park was now swarmed with Immortals and demons fighting.
In Stuart times all ranks of society believed in her, and referring to her supposed foretelling of the Great Fire, Pepys relates that when Prince Rupert heard, while sailing up the Thames on the 10th of October 1666, of the outbreak of the fire "all he said was, ` now Shipton's prophecy was out.'" One of her prophecies was supposed to have menaced Yeovil, Somerset, with an earthquake and flood in 1879, and so convinced were the peasantry of the truth of her prognostications that hundreds moved from their cottages on the eve of the expected disaster, while spectators swarmed in from all quarters of the county to see the town's destruction.
We have no clear information about the mind of the Flagellants, who in 1259, and again in 1 349, swarmed through the streets of European cities, naked and thrashing themselves, till the blood ran, with leather thongs and iron whips.
On the 24th of February 1389, Albert, who had returned from Mecklenburg with an army of mercenaries, was routed and taken prisoner at Aasle near Falk ping, and Margaret was now the omnipotent mistress of three kingdoms. Stockholm then almost entirely a German city, still held out; fear of Margaret induced both the Mecklenburg princes and the Wendish towns to hasten to its assistance; and the Baltic and the North Sea speedily swarmed with the privateers of the Viktualien brodre or Vitalianer, so called because their professed object was to revictual Stockholm.
Several battalions of soldiers, in their shirt sleeves despite the cold wind, swarmed in these earthworks like a host of white ants; spadefuls of red clay were continually being thrown up from behind the bank by unseen hands.
Rostov was particularly in need of money now that the troops, after their active service, were stationed near Olmutz and the camp swarmed with well-provisioned sutlers and Austrian Jews offering all sorts of tempting wares.
The Danish army at once dispersed and the duchy of Bremen was recovered by the Swedes, who in the early autumn swarmed over Jutland and firmly established themselves in the duchies.