Swab Sentence Examples
I'll chase him out of jail tomorrow, after I have him swab down the cells and clean the toilets.
All sections cleaned using acetone on a cotton swab.
Gently tap the swab at the base of the lashes to loosen the glue.
During the examination, a cotton swab or a metal instrument with a flattened tip is used to press on the outer lens of the eye so that a better view of the front areas of the retina can be obtained.
Using a cotton swab, dab some of the oil on the affected toe or fingernail.
From there, check your handiwork and if need be, clean up with a cotton swab.
A cotton swab dampened in water is a great tool you could use.
Consider applying some of the MAC Pro eye makeup remover or Gently Off version to a cotton swab and gently erasing your makeup with small strokes rather than saturating a cotton ball and wiping the entire eye area.
All you have to do is swab the inside of each dog's check and seal the swab in the container provided.
Taking a DNA sample is as easy as swabbing your dog's mouth with a Q-tip and sealing the swab in a test tube provided with the DNA test kit.
AdvertisementThe foot is then sterilized with an alcohol swab and a lancet is used to puncture the baby's heel on one side, avoiding the center of the heel to prevent inflammation of the bone.
Next, a small amount of medicine should be put on a cotton swab and applied to the sore.
A throat swab will capture the causative organism in most cases and the culture will allow the specific organism to be grown in the microbiology laboratory under certain conditions.
The specimen for throat culture is obtained by wiping the child's throat with a sterile cotton swab.
With the tongue depressed and the child saying "ah," the care provider wipes the back of the throat and the tonsils with the sterile swab, applying it to any area that appears either very red or is discharging pus.
AdvertisementThe swab is removed gently without touching the teeth, gums, or tongue.
Laboratory results will be available as soon as bacteria grow in a special plate that has been streaked with the contaminated swab, usually within two to three days.
When the throat swab reaches the laboratory, the microbiologist uses it to make streaks directly across a blood agar plate.
These tests allow direct detection of streptococcal antigens in body fluids such as urine or blood serum or from a throat swab.
There are no special care recommendations after throat swab and culture have been performed.
AdvertisementA nasal swab can be obtained to isolate the virus or antibodies to the virus in secretions.
A swab of the throat can be taken and smeared on a gel-like substance in a petri dish to see if bacteria will multiply and grow over 24 to 72 hours.
If epiglottitis is suspected, no efforts should be made to look at the throat or to swab the throat in order to obtain a culture for identification of the causative organism.
A throat culture is performed by wiping a cotton swab across the tonsils and back of the throat and sending the swab to a laboratory for culturing.
To perform a rapid strep test or a throat culture, a nurse will use a sterile swab to reach down into the throat and obtain a sample of material from the sore area.
AdvertisementA swab of the external canal will not necessarily reveal the actual causative organism, so some other tissue sample (biopsy) will need to be obtained.
Chlamydia can be diagnosed by taking a cotton swab sample of the cervix and vagina during the third trimester of the pregnancy.
Group beta streptococcus (GBS) can be detected by a vaginal or rectal swab culture and sometimes from a urine culture.
Other causes of rhinitis, including infection, can usually be ruled out by a physical examination and a nasal smear, in which a sample of mucus is taken on a swab for examination.
Material from the swab is put on a microscope slide and stained using a procedure called Gram's stain.
The parent or child sprinkles the product onto a swab and coats the nostril then pinches the nose for 15 to 20 seconds.
Also, before sending children out to play on cold, dry days, parents can put a bit of petroleum jelly on a cotton swab and wipe it just inside their children's nostrils.
Another diagnostic procedure involves taking a corneal impression in which a swab or slide is pressed lightly against the cornea of the eye to determine whether viral material is present.
The test involves submitting a cheek swab or mouth wash; it is completely painless.
While you can get a lot of answers through genealogy DNA testing, a cheek swab analyzed in this way won't tell you everything.
She also used a cotton swab with aloe gel to soothe the treated area, and within minutes the pain and redness was significantly faded.
Not a cream, it does not bleach or lighten the skin and should be applied to a small area at a time with a cotton swab.
Clean the cartridge with a paper towel or cotton swab making sure you remove any buildup.
Rub the wet swab on the age spots twice a day.
Dip a cotton swab into the egg white and dab it on the acne bumps.
Dip a clean cotton swab into the tea tree oil and then dab it directly on the acne.
Wipe away the extracted bump with a cotton swab tip that has been moistened in antiseptic.
Dip a cotton swab in topical antibiotic ointment then tap the moistened swab on the cut.
Apply any of the cures liberally with a cotton ball on the top of the toe nail, and use a cotton swab to reach the areas beneath the free edge of your nail bed.
A viral culture swab from the vesicles will confirm the infection and then either topical or systemic acyclovir will be used as treatment.
So if you take a swab, and analyze the fluid for fetal fibronectin, then presto!
Using a sterile dressing pack and sterile gloves, thoroughly swab the distal end of the catheter and cap with Betadine and methylated spirits.
Intimate samples include blood, semen or other bodily fluids, dental impressions or a swab from any body orifice other than the mouth.
First, kill the tick by applying alcohol or nail polish remover on a cotton swab.
The culture of the bacteriological swab from the left ear had shown beta haemolytic streptococcus.
Do the same for the tricolor inkjet print cartridge, using a clean, moistened cotton swab to avoid any contamination.
In females, the vagina is packed with an iodine soaked swab.
Your doctor will take a swab or scraping from a blister or sore in the mouth or genital area.
If chickenpox or shingles is suspected please send a swab for virus isolation.
Repeat until no ink residue is seen on a clean swab.
Usually a nose or throat swab Frequency of testing?
Along comes a health worker who takes a saliva swab specimen for analysis.
Use a cotton swab to remove the majority of the oil.
Apply using cotton wool swab or with spray application.
Gonococcal urethritis is diagnosed in 98 per cent of men by microscopic examination of the discharge obtained from a urethral swab.
Use rubbing alcohol on swab to remove oils from cork area...
Threaten to make your roommate walk the plank if he/she does n't swab the deck.
This is used to take a swab sample from inside the cheek.
They send you a free swab kit and instructions and I'll send you more details.
Routine blood, urine, swab tests etc taken in the Practice will normally take up to one week to come back.
The swab results revealed a variety of infection (Figure 1).
You need to use a lint-free cloth to apply the varnish and for details and crevices, use a tape recorder head cleaning swab.
Therefore their presence on throat swab cultures is normal; finding them in cultured blood samples is highly significant.
For the bathroom, dampen a cotton swab with your favorite essential oils and swab the inside of a toilet paper roll.
He will probably swab some of the dark substance out of the ear canal and look at it under a microscope.
Virus isolated from a throat swab and/or feces or blood tests demonstrating the rise in a specific antibody is required to confirm the diagnosis.
Lemon juice - Dip a soft cotton swab in a capful of lemon juice.