Sustaining Sentence Examples
They can be made, too, to cover in any extent of area without sustaining walls.
After he had educated himself by the study of the phenomena of lines of magnetic force in his discoveries on electromagnetic induction, he applied the same conception to electrostatic phenomena, and thus created the notion of lines of electrostatic force and of the important function of the dielectric or non-conductor in sustaining them.
Their sustaining power has been calculated at 2016 tons, while the whole weight of the suspended part of the bridge is only 489 tons.
Another and very obvious difficulty is traceable to the great disparity in the weight of air as compared with any known solid, and the consequent want of buoying or sustaining power which that disparity involves.
By doing this they are protecting natural populations in the forest, sustaining biological diversity in vivo.
Ironically, human intervention can also make the woods picturesque, healthier, more naturally diverse and self sustaining.
Most of these have been important in focusing and sustaining the self-identity of people oppressed by racism.
A woman had slipped and fallen, sustaining a suspected fractured humerus and neck injuries.
The organ may be a contrapuntal instrument par excellence, but, above all, it is a sustaining instrument.
American public opinion will be crucial in sustaining such a course.
AdvertisementGetting there by itself is one tough job, and sustaining your place there is another day to day tussle.
The substructure consists of (a) the piers and end piers or abutments, the former sustaining a vertical load, and the latter having to resist, in addition, the oblique thrust of an arch, the pull of a suspension chain, or the thrust of an embankment; and (b) the foundations below the ground level, which are often difficult and costly parts of the structure, because the position of a'bridge may be fixed by considerations which preclude the selection of a site naturally adapted for carrying a heavy structure.
No practical good can therefore accrue to aviation from elaborate measurements of the wings and body of any flying thing; neither can any rule be laid down as to the extent of surface required for sustaining a given weight in the air.
The superimposed aeroplanes (a, b, c) in this machine contained a sustaining area of 28 sq.
Its sustaining area, if that of the tail (d) be included, was something like 36 sq.
AdvertisementScott was thrown out, sustaining slight injuries to the ankle.
Christian Aid works on issues from HIV/AIDS, peace building, emergency response and sustaining livelihoods to trade and human rights.
Even so, they launched an attack at the enemy sustaining heavy casualties in doing so.
Both of these incidents had involved HGV drivers sustaining head injuries due to a faulty loading lift.
See all the earth, all her beings, irradiated with this enfolding, sustaining, transfiguring light.
AdvertisementWhile this may not seem like much at first glance, depending on the kind of debt it is, it leaves pockets empty for sustaining a healthy financial future.
A family budget is useful in maintaining a financial position and sustaining a lifestyle.
Protein and its amino acids are essential for building and repairing tissue and muscle as well as maintaining proper cell growth and sustaining strength in the body.
They have difficulty with sustaining their self image.
Regardless of your type of business or place of employment, you run the risk of sustaining a personal injury in a workplace accident.
AdvertisementIf you perform poorly in a fight (taking too much time, sustaining a lot of damage), you earn few TP.
Because low-toned muscles do not fully contract before they again relax, they remain loose and very stretchy, never achieving their full potential of sustaining a muscle contraction over time.
Often, early in a pregnancy, if the condition of the baby and/or the mother's uterus are not compatible with sustaining life, the pregnancy stops, and the contents of the uterus are expelled.
Studies of concussion in contact sports have shown that the risk of sustaining a second concussion is even greater than it was for the first if the person continues to engage in the sport.
Individuals with type II disease have a higher risk of sustaining bone fractures.
It can help to protect the eyes from sustaining sun damage, may actually help to improve vision, and is capable of preventing clouding of the eyes, which is a precursor to cataracts.
Lately, I am beginning to feel the pressures of sustaining a long-distance relationship.
Initiating and sustaining conversation with my fiancée over phone was an enriching experience.
Distance can make sustaining a relationship difficult.It is possible to keep a relationship going from a distance.
Poems discussing a person's sustaining love for another, celebrating a couple's happiness or paying tribute to the beloved's qualities are some of the many love poetry options.
If you have your 401k in high risk portfolios, you risk sustaining a serious loss.
You'll eventually have additional requirements to sustaining your body.
His work in founding the kingdom was a personal vocation, the spirit of which He communicates to believers, "thus, as exalted king," sustaining the life of His Kingdom.
In the campaigns of 1768-69 the French gradually overcame the fierce resistance of the islanders; and Paoli, after sustaining a defeat at Ponte-Novo (9th of May 1769), fled to the mainland, and ultimately to England.
Some served their avowed object with great success, being powerful instruments in the anti-papal polemic and sustaining the revolted Franciscans in their hope of an approaching triumph.
And on the influence of these inconspicuous bodies and of the pituitary body in sustaining arterial blood pressures physiologists have thrown some important light.
In 1530 it became the residence of Shere Shah the Afghan, and forty-five years later was recovered by the emperor Akbar after sustaining a siege of six months.
Pyrites low in sulphur is incapable of sustaining its own combustion without the aid of an external source of heat, and 45% of sulphur is, for economic reasons, usually regarded as the lowest admissible for sulphuric acid manufacture.
There is no proof for the legend that Bernard Saisset earned Philip IV.'s hatred in 1300-1301 by boldly sustaining the pope's demand for the liberation of the count of Flanders, and by publicly proclaiming the doctrine of papal supremacy.
In 1856, the last year of his rule, he issued orders to General (afterwards Sir James) Outram, then resident at the court of Lucknow, to assume the direct administration of Oudh, on the ground that " the British government would be guilty in the sight of God and man, if it were any longer to aid in sustaining by its countenance an administration fraught with suffering to millions."
In answer to these, Madison, who had become a member of the Virginia legislature in the autumn of 1799, wrote for the committee to which they were referred a report elaborating and sustaining in every point the phraseology of the Virginia resolutions.'
The remarkable federation of the Dominion of Canada which was thus originated presented the unique feature of a federal union of provinces practically exercising sovereign rights in relation to all local self-government, and sustaining a constitutional autonomy, while cherishing the colonial relationship to Great Britain.
In 1811 he discovered chloride of nitrogen; during his experiments serious explosions occurred twice, and he lost one eye, besides sustaining severe injuries to his hand.
This is one of the richest districts of Bolivia and is capable of sustaining a large population.
Before daylight on the 19th of August 1779 was approaching, Major Henry Lee with a force of about 400 men surprised the British garrison at Paulus Hook, where Jersey City now stands, and, although sustaining a loss of 20 men, killed 50 of the garrison and took about 160 prisoners.
The oblique line referred to as running diagonally across the wing virtually divides the wing into an active and a passive part, the former elevating and propelling, the latter sustaining.
The sustaining of the whole, therefore, depended upon the speed at which it travelled through the air, and the angle at which its under surface impinged on the air in its front....
When the aerodrome rose to the surface, it was found that while the front sustaining surfaces had been broken by their impact with the water, yet the rear ones were comparatively uninjured.
This time the back part of the machine, in some way still unexplained, was caught by a portion of the launching car, which caused the rear sustaining surface to break, leaving the rear entirely without support, and it came down almost vertically into the water.
Largely with the view of studying the problem of maintaining equilibrium, several experimenters, including Otto Lilienthal, Percy Filcher and Octave Chanute, cultivated gliding flight by means of aeroplanes capable of sustaining a man.
James Russell Lowell said, "To him more than to all other causes did the young martyrs of our Civil War owe the sustaining strength of thoughtful heroism that is so touching in every record of their lives."
Among other reforms the abolition of the foro ecclesiastico (privileged ecclesiastical courts) brought down a storm of hostility from the Church both on the king and on Cavour, but both remained firm in sustaining the prerogatives of the civil power.
Mr Row was thrown on the way home, sustaining concussion of the brain.
One of them slipped and fell 20 ' breaking his arm and sustaining facial lacerations.
India produces 2.5 million tons of cotton each year, sustaining livelihoods of over 17 million people.
The phœbe had already come once more and looked in at my door and window, to see if my house was cavern-like enough for her, sustaining herself on humming wings with clinched talons, as if she held by the air, while she surveyed the premises.
After sustaining a famous siege in his capital Bactra (Balkh), Euthydemus obtained an honourable peace by which the hand of one of Antiochus's daughters was promised to his son Demetrius.
The Persian officials were at first hostile, but their opposition, which was attributed to Russian influence at Teheran, was eventually overcome, and Colonel MacMahon (who was knighted in 1906) delivered his final award, sustaining the Persian contention, in February 1905.
The idea was to obtain great sustaining area in comparatively small space with comparative ease of control.