Sustained Sentence Examples
It formed a part of the original home of the Incas and once sustained a large population.
The Maryland Court of Appeals sustained the validity of this act.
Yet I sustained myself by the prospect of such reading in future.
The cause of his son Conrad was sustained in Lower Italy by Manfred, one of Fredericks many natural children; and, when Frede- Conrad died in 1254, Manfred still acted as vicegerent ricks for the Swabians, who were now represented by a boy SUCCCS Conradin.
It sustained frequent sieges during the troubled history of the Israelite kingdom.
If, on the contrary, the gradual cooling is met by a corresponding depletion of the cells of water, even intense cold may be sustained without injury.
The terrible losses sustained by whole communities of farmers, planters, foresters, &c., from plant diseases have naturally stimulated the search for remedies, but even now the search is too often conducted in the spirit of the believer in quack medicines, although the agricultural world is awakening to the fact that before any measures likely to be successful can be attempted, the whole chain of causation of the disease must be investigated.
In his adoption of a purely defensive policy at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, he miscalculated the temper of the Athenians, whose morale would have been better sustained by a greater show of activity.
But, in contrast with Congregationalism, when they elect and "call" a minister their action has to be sustained by the presbytery, which judges of his fitness for that particular sphere, of the measure of the congregation's unanimity, and of the adequacy of financial support.
Their power to initiate rates, conferred upon them by their legislatures, was sustained by the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court reserving to itself only the power to decide whether the prescribed rates were reasonable.
AdvertisementHe sustained severe injuries in a fall from horseback which permanently affected his brain, and was persuaded by his friends to retire.
In 1573 it successfully sustained a seven-weeks' siegeby 16,000 Spaniards under the duke of Alva.
Lodge was, however, fully aware that it was necessary for syntonic telegraphy to provide a radiator capable of emitting sustained trains of waves.
In any case exile, and death in the prisons of Cayenne, now awaited the timid champions of law and order; while parliamentary rule sustained a shock from which it never recovered.
Mr. Thomas Morley was admitted with a gunshot wound to his leg, sustained, according to him, when he was mugged in an alley while taking a short cut to his car.
AdvertisementThe highest court of that state sustained the validity of the monopoly.
He made an eloquent plea for Christianity, but his case was weak in law, and the court sustained the will.
The boy was of an easy-going and pleasure-loving disposition, averse from sustained effort of any kind, and sensual by nature.
It sustained frequent sieges, as well as devastating conflagrations.
These carbohydrates provide more sustained energy.
AdvertisementIn 1508 Alonso de Ojeda obtained the government of the coast of South America from Cabo de la Vela to the Gulf of Darien; Ojeda landed at Cartagena in 1510, and sustained a defeat from the natives, in which his lieutenant, Juan de la Cosa, was killed.
No sustained effort was made to ward off the inroads of the Danes and others, who were constantly attacking the borders of the Empire.
When the clerk read the orders of the day Lord Palmerston rose, and in impressive and solemn tones declared "it was not.possible for the House to proceed to business without every member recalling to his mind the great loss which the House and country had sustained by the event which took place yesterday morning."
Recriminations ensued until his death in 1557, and although he sustained his claim for priority, posterity has not conceded to him the honour of his discovery, for his solution is now known as Cardan's Rule.
Flies, outnumbered by two to one, sustained a sharp reverse before the other columns closed in.
AdvertisementBut very heavy losses had been sustained by the 29th Division, large bodies of Turkish troops had arrived from Bulair and were being brought round from the Asiatic side of the Straits,' and after three days of strenuous combat the British and French had barely secured a depth of 2 m.
In 1107 B.C., however, he sustained a temporary defeat at the hands of Merodach-nadin-akhi (Marduknadin-akhe) of Babylonia, where the Kassite dynasty had finally succumbed to Elamite attacks and a new line of kings was on the throne.
If Tennyson had died of the savage article which presently appeared in the Quarterly Review, literature would have sustained terrible losses, but his name would have lived for ever among those of the great English poets.
At this date he was ambitious of a political career, but his father had sustained severe losses in business, and in these circumstances Manning, having graduated with first-class honours in 1830, obtained the year following, through Viscount Goderich, a post as supernumerary clerk in the colonial office.
Sensible of the loss which the nation had sustained by his death, the empress Catherine ordered him a funeral at the public expense.
In command of the "Royal George" he forced the passage of the Dardanelles, but sustained considerable loss in effecting his return, the Turks having strengthened their position while he was being kept in play by their diplomatists and Napoleon's ambassador General Sebastiani.
Something like taxation occasionally occurred, though the government was usually sustained by the scanty feudal payments, by the proceeds of justice and by the income of domain manors.
The losses which they sustained by land roused the Byzantines to indemnify themselves on the vessels which still crowded the harbour, and the merchantmen which cleared the straits; but this had the effect of provoking a war with the neighbouring naval powers.
A decisive battle ensued at Lastoguanes, where the Spanish troops under Monteverde sustained a crushing defeat.
The royalists, effectually roused by the reverses they had sustained, concentrated all their means, and a number of sanguinary encounters ensued.
William sustained another defeat, but the battle was one of the most fiercely contested of the whole war.
Sevastopol sustained a memorable eleven months' siege, and on the 8th of September 1855 was evacuated by the Russians.
No longer leading his armies in person he entrusted the direction of campaigns in various parts of his empire to his sons and other lieutenants, and from his favourite residence at Aix watched their progress with a keen and sustained interest.
Considering the accuracy of these measures (an accuracy far surpassing that of any other contemporary observations), it is somewhat surprising that this form of micrometer was never systematically used in any sustained or important astronomical researches, although a number of instruments of the kind were made by Dollond.
In the Anglican Church the bishops (subject to appeal to the sovereign) have the right of excommunicating, and their sentence, if sustained, may in certain cases carry with it civil consequences.
As regards their antiquity, the attempts to claim for them an earlier origin than the end of the 12th century can no longer be sustained.
During a conflict with the Saracens of the Euphrates (856-63), the emperor sustained a personal defeat (860), which was retrieved by a great victory on the part of his uncle Petronas in Asia Minor.
He sustained many single combats, one very famous struggle being the wrestling with the Libyan Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Ge (Earth), who had to be held in the air, as he grew stronger every time he touched his mother, Earth.
After a fourth Easter synod in 1053 Leo set out against the Normans in the south with an army of Italians and German volunteers, but his forces sustained a total defeat at Astagnum near Civitella (18th June 1053); on going out, however, from the city to meet the enemy he was received with every token of submission, relief from the pressure of his ban was implored and fidelity and homage were sworn.
But such Huckleberry Finn is, beyond all question; it is a story of very varied interest, now comic, now almost tragic, frequently poetic, unfailingly truthful, although not always sustained at its highest level.
By the end of the third year The New Yorker had reached a circulation of 9500 copies, and had sustained a total loss of $7000.
A brief consideration of some of the constructive achievements of his administration will show that the "destructive" theory of his political activities is not sustained by the facts.
The burning questions were the publicity of legal proceedings and the freedom of the press; and on these the government sustained its first crushing defeat in the lower chamber in 1842.
The brilliant way in which he sustained his preliminary examination won him the friendship of the examiner, Bishop Jasper Brokman, at whose palace he first met Frederick III.
In 450 Theodosius died of injuries sustained through a fall from his horse.
The burden of defence could no longer be sustained; piracy and smuggling became so common that the company was compelled to appeal to the states-general for aid.
Before hibernating the adults grow very fat, and it is by the gradual consumption of this fat - known in commerce as bear's grease - that such vital action as is necessary to the continuance of life is sustained.
This assumption, however, was not always sustained by the facts.
It was mainly by his use of Claviere that Mirabeau sustained his reputation as a financier.
But although the Mahommedan religion from the very commencement sustained checks, it nevertheless made its weight felt upon the independent states of Turkestan to the north and east, and thus acquired a steadily growing influence.
The issue was fought out on the field of Tannenberg, or Griinewald (July 15, 1410), when the Knights sustained a crushing defeat, which shook their political organization to its very foundations.
It was owing to Laski's intrigues that the new hospodar of Moldavia, Petrylo, after doing homage to the Porte, intervened in the struggle as the foe of both Ferdinand and Sigismund, and besieged the Grand Hetman of the Crown, Jan Tarnowski, in Obertyn, where, however, the Moldavians (August 22, 1531) sustained a crushing defeat, and Petrylo was slain.
But the flighty and ignorant szlachta not only were incapable of any sustained political action, but they themselves unconsciously played into the hands of the enemies of their country by making the so-called liberum veto an integral part of the Polish constitution.
Meanwhile the white traders in Fiji had played an intimate part in the internal political affairs of the group, and in 1858 King Thakombau, being threatened with reprisals by the American consul on account of certain losses of property which he had sustained, asked for British protection, but did not obtain it.
For the losses he had sustained as a colonist he received no compensation, and several years elapsed before he obtained an appointment that placed him in a state of comfort and independence.
The instinctive certainty that there is a supreme good, lying beyond empirical experience, and yet not an intellectual good - this feeling, and the accompanying conviction of the utter vanity of all earthly things, were produced and sustained by Neoplatonism.
His journal and letters show how he was led from a sustained effort to attain the morality of the Gospel to a profound spiritual revolution.
In other words, a balance appears to be always sustained between the internal (hereditary and ontogenetic) and the external (environmental and selectional) factors of evolution.
Caesar had no resource left but uncompromising obstruction, which he sustained by enormous bribes.
An isolated attack on Charleston, South Carolina, had been made by Sir Henry Clinton and Sir Peter Parker as early as June 1776, but this was foiled by the spirited resistance of General William Moultrie; after 1778 the southern attempts, stimulated in part by the activity of the French in the West Indies, were vigorously sustained.
As a result of their inquiry the Crofters' Holdings Act was passed in 1886, and in the course of a few years some improvement was evident and has since been sustained.
The lowland is enclosed by an upland or cuesta, known as Chunnenugga Ridge, sustained by partly consolidated sandy strata; the upland, however, is not continuous, and hence should be described as a maturely dissected cuesta.
In the first decades after the establishment of independence the resources and energies of the nation were absorbed in the task of occupying the vacant spaces of a continent, and sub-, duing it to agriculture; and so long as land was so abundant that the spreading population easily sustained itself upon the fruits of the soil, and satisfied the tastes of a simple society with the products of neighborhood handicrafts, there was no incentive to any real development of a factory economy.
In 1871, the New Brunswick legislature abolished the separate school system, and a contest arose which was finally settled by the authority of the legislature being sustained, though certain concessions were made to the Roman Catholic dissentients.
The question after long and vehement discussion was brought to a final issue in the election of 1891, and Sir John Macdonald's government was again sustained.
In the bye-election which followed Laurier's admission to the cabinet he was defeated-- the only personal defeat he ever sustained; but a few weeks later he was returned for Quebec East, a constituency which he held thenceforth by enormous majorities.
He was associated with Blake in his sustained opposition to high tariff, and to the Conservative plan for the construction of the Canadian Pacific railway, and was a conspicuous figure in the long struggle between Sir John Macdonald and the leaders of the Liberal party to settle the territorial limits of the province of Ontario and the legislative rights of the provinces under the constitution.
The place is notable for the siege which Mavrocordato and Botzaris sustained in 1822 and 1823 against a Turkish army I I,000 strong, and for the more famous defence of 1825-26.
At the general election which followed, the governor-general was sustained by a narrow majority, but in 1848 the Liberals were again returned to power, and he and Mr Lafontaine formed their second administration under Lord Elgin and carried numerous important reforms, including the freeing from sectarian control of the Provincial University and the introduction into Upper Canada of an important municipal system.
Among the prehistoric people are many female skeletons with a fractured right ulna sustained in warding off blows, and some of these women had died while still wearing splints.
The last ten years of his life were passed in complete retirement at Brantwood, in the loving care of the Severn family, to whom the estate was transferred, with occasional visits from friends, but with no sustained work beyond correspondence, the revision of his works, and a few notes and prefatory words to the books of others.
His pantheism had an antinomian drift; for himself and his officials he claimed impeccability; but, whatever truth there may be in the charge that among his followers were those who interpreted "love" as licence, no such charge can be sustained against the morals of Niclaes and the other leaders of the sect.
When he came before the council it was at once apparent that the charge of treason could not be sustained, and the efforts of the court agents were directed to draw from More some approbation of the king's marriage.
On the 2nd of July 1878, and again on the 14th of August 1880, he dismissed a ministry without assigning any reason, after it had been triumphantly sustained by a test vote of the legislature.
For cool and sustained declamation he stood unrivalled in parliament, and his readiness in debate was universally acknowledged.
The Unionists went to the polls with divided counsels, and sustained a crushing defeat, remarkable nevertheless for the comparative success of the tariff reformers.
He tried to awaken general opposition to the Institution scheme, and being suspended from his office as superintendent by a special district meeting, appealed to the law courts, which sustained the action of the district meeting.
It surrendered at once, whereas Myrina, with its very strong citadel built on a perpendicular rock, sustained a siege.
This was the fourth and most brilliant of the seven sieges which the city has sustained.
It sits crouching on the ground during the day, with its bill pointing in the air, a position from which it is not easily roused, and even when it takes wing, its flight is neither swift nor long sustained.
To the outward eye his gigantic strength and herculean build lent him the appearance of health and vigour, but forty years of unintermittent toil and anxiety had told upon him, and during the last two-and-twenty years of his reign, by which time all his old self-chosen counsellors had died off, he apathetically resigned himself to the course of events without making any sustained effort to stem the rising tide of Protestantism and democracy.
At the beginning of his long reign, before the death of Apries, he appears to have sustained an attack by Nebuchadrezzar (568 B.C.).
It is, however, certain that nothing would have driven the Provinces to take part in the war but for the overbearing attitude of the British government with regard to the right of neutral shipping upon the seas, and the heavy losses sustained by Dutch commerce at the hands of British privateers.
Charles of Blois, sustained by Philip VI., captured John of Montfort, who was supported by King Edward III.
A state of chronic warfare ensued, until the Ashanti sustained a signal defeat at Dodowah on the 7th of August 1826.
In 1658-59 he sustained Denmark against Sweden, and in 1662 concluded an advantageous peace with Portugal.
Belgium was regarded too much in the light of an annexed territory, handed over to Holland as compensation for the losses sustained by the Dutch in the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars.
In 1544 the town sustained heavy damage in the expedition led by the 1st earl of Hertford, afterwards the protector Somerset, and in 1604 a large portion of it was destroyed by fire.
He conspicuously lacked, indeed, the grace of gesture which he so much admired in Chatham; he had not the sustained dignity of Pitt; his powers of close reasoning were inferior to those of Fox and Flood.
Nevertheless his speech was a superb effort of oratory; for more than two hours he kept his audience spellbound by a flood of epigram, of sustained reasoning, of eloquent appeal.
The chief support which had sustained him through the most arduous labour of his life was the hope that she would enjoy the fame and the profit which he anticipated from his Dictionary.
Public opinion in America almost unanimously sustained the act; but Lincoln, convinced that the rights of Great Britain as a neutral ha .d been violated, promptly, upon the demand of England, ordered the liberation of the prisoners (26th of December).
Alternate victories and defeats of the Venetians and Genoese - the most terrible being the defeat sustained by the Venetians at Chioggia in 1380 - ended by establishing the great relative inferiority of the Genoese rulers, who fell under the power now of France, now of the Visconti of Milan.
In a speech in favour of the government bill for a rate in aid in 1849, he won loud cheers from both sides, and was complimented by Disraeli for having sustained the reputation of that assembly.
He was much exhausted by the arduous labours which for more than nine years he had sustained.
He disliked the formalities of the law, and in one instance, "the miller Arnold case," in connexion with which he thought injustice had been done to a poor man, he dismissed the judges, condemned them to a year's fortress arrest, and compelled them to make good out of their own pockets the loss sustained by their supposed victim - not a wise proceeding, but one springing from a generous motive.
Murad maintained a long struggle against the Bosnians and Hungarians, in the course of which Turkey sustained many severe reverses through the valour of Janos Hunyadi.
Along the Croatian and Dalmatian coast there existed a well-developed Latin civilization, which was sustained by constant intercourse with Italy; and, under its influence, the Serbo-Croatian immigrants were converted to the Roman Catholic Church.
It was fortified early in the 14th century, and in 1343 sustained a siege by the revolted Esthonians.
The brilliant and sustained effort which made Scotland independent was almost paralysed by the deaths of Bruce and the Good Sir James of Douglas, during the minority of David II.
It was he who drew up the reply to the malcontents on this occasion, for the first time demonstrating his many-sided ability and his genius for sustained hard work.
The percentage (27.7) of loss sustained by the British is sufficient evidence of the intensity of the conflict, and provides a convincing answer to certain writers who have represented the battle as chiefly a French affair.
Of a headstrong temperament, Saisset as abbot energetically sustained the struggle with the counts of Foix, begun two centuries before, for the lordship of the city of Pamiers, which had been shared between the counts and abbots by the feudal contract of pariage.
Westermann, sustained various defeats, but finally gained a victory between Tiffauges and Cholet on the 19th of September 1793.
He came to an open rupture with Licinius in 313, sustained a crushing defeat in the neighbourhood of Heraclea Pontica on the 30th of April, and fled, first to Nicomedia and afterwards to Tarsus, where he died in August following.
A fine specimen of sustained humour is to be found in his speech pro Murena, where he rallies the jurisconsults and the Stoics.
In consequence of the defeat which they here sustained, the Persians were forced to abandon the western portion of their empire and limit themselves to Iran proper.
While Mansur was thus losing Africa and Spain, he was trying to redeem the losses the empire had sustained on the northern frontier by the Byzantines.
But the losses sustained by the Carmathians during that struggle had been enormous.
The influence of Duputy gained for him the beginnings of a practice; but Vergniaud, though capable of extraordinary efforts, too often relapsed into reverie, and was indisposed for study and sustained exertion, even in a cause which he approved.
In 1834, when the missions had already passed their best days, there were some 486,000 cattle, hoses, mules and asses on the ranges, and 325,000 small animals, principally sheep. Throughout the pre-American period stock-raising was the leading industry; it built up the prosperity of the missions, largely supported the government and almost exclusively sustained foreign commerce.
In the war of 1688 the possession of Athlone was considered of the greatest importance, and it consequently sustained two sieges, the first by William III.
It was the centre of Chibcha civilization before the Spanish conquest and sustained a large population.
Let N be the total pressure sustained by a flat pivot of the radius r; if that pressure be uniformly distributed, which is the case when the rubbing surfaces of the pivot and its step are both true planes, the intensity of the pressure is pN/irr2 (60)
It is his noble and powerful style, sustained through every change of idea and subject, that finally separates Homer from all forms of " ballad-poetry " and " popular epic."
Rule Vi I I.-Expenses Of Lightening A Ship When Ashore, And Consequent Damage When a ship is ashore, and, in order to float her, cargo, bunker coals and ship's stores, or any of them, are discharged, the extra cost of lightening, lighter hire, and reshipping (if incurred), and the loss or damage sustained thereby, shall be admitted as G.A.
The court of appeal held that both the damage sustained by the engines while worked to get the ship off, and the coal and stores consumed, were subjects for G.A.
But in the latter case the allowance does not expressly extend to damage sustained while stored on land.
The latter contention cannot for a moment be sustained; and there are also strong arguments against the indigenous origin of the dingo.
A rigid orthodoxy is sustained by means of purblind imitation assisted by no little persecution.
And this book now demands that out of them "must not only the ministers be sustained, but also the poor and schools."
The art was sustained by Karl Anton Wetterbergh (1804-1889), who called himself " Onkel Adam," by August Blanche the dramatist, and by Marie Sofie Schwartz (1819-1892).
Hurried, unconnected sentences, rather than sustained argument, are its most characteristic features.
Nevertheless, the armies of Alexander Severus, supported by the king of Armenia, succeeded in repelling the Persians, though the Romans sustained severe losses (231 233).
But in the following year he sustained a severe reverse in Armenia, in which he lost his war-chest and harem.
During this long struggle he was sustained by the conviction that he was fighting for freedom, and at the end of the trial he was probably the most popular, if not the most powerful, man in Scotland.
It would be difficult to exaggerate the loss which logic and political economy sustained through the accident by which his life was prematurely cut short.
The Chouans then waged a guerrilla warfare against therepublicans and, sustained by the royalists and from abroad, carried on their assassinations and brigandage with success.
He himself, on one occasion (1623), defeated the Turks on the banks of the Nyitra; but anything like sustained operations against them was then impossible.
His movement is sustained and powerful, but there is no rise and fall in it.
At the beginning of his reign the religious fervour which had sustained the Almoravide dynasty was rapidly subsiding; in Portugal independent Moorish chiefs ruled over cities and petty states, ignoring the central government; in Africa the Almohades were destroying the remnants of the Almoravide power.
The heavy losses sustained by the Indians during that outbreak, and their dislike and distrust of the colonial Spaniard, account for the comparative indifference with which they viewed the rise and progress of the 1814 colonial revolt against Spain, which gave the South American states their independence.
As a man, Vieira would have made a nobler figure if he had not been so great an egotist and so clever a courtier, and the readiness with which he sustained directly opposite opinions at short intervals with equal warmth argues a certain lack of sincerity.
The Celts sustained a long struggle against the Frankish kings, who only nominally occupied Brittany.
But there was no sustained effort for the complete subjugation of Italy till Liutprand, the most powerful of the line.
The assault was thoroughly successful, although the column which was to enter the city by the Lahore gate sustained a temporary check.
During the siege, the British force sustained a loss of 1012 officers and men killed, and 3837 wounded.
The town of Chitral (pop. in 1901, 8128), is chiefly famous for a siege which it sustained in the spring of 1895.
Palmerston had learnt by experience that it was wiser to conciliate an opponent than to attempt to crush him, and that the imperious tone he had sometimes adopted in the House of Commons, and his supposed obsequiousness to the emperor of the French, were the causes of the temporary reverse he had sustained.
Bright took out a patent for a machine to be sustained by vertical screws.
Penaud next directed his attention to the construction of a model, to be propelled by a screw and sustained by an elastic aeroplane extending horizontally.
Stringfellow, however, stated that it occasionally left the wire and was sustained by its aeroplanes alone.
The award of the tribunal made in October 1 9 03 was arrived at by the favourable vote of the three commissioners of the United States and of Lord Alverstone, whose action was bitterly resented by the two Canadian commissioners; it sustained in the main the claims of the United States.
But a few weeks after his accession Turkey sustained a crushing defeat at Slankamen from the Austrians under Prince Louis of Baden and was driven from Hungary; during the four years of his reign disaster followed on disaster, and in 1695 Ahmed died, worn out by disease and sorrow.
His victories were counterbalanced by numerous defeats, sustained by his subordinates, and his lack of statesmanlike talent prevented his securing the loyalty of his subjects.
As compensation for loss sustained by a serious fire, Richard II.
The doctrine of the rights of the lay monarchy sustained by Occam and John of Paris, by Marsilius of Padua, John of Jandun and Leopold of Bamberg, was affirmed by the jurists and theologians, penetrated into the parlements and the universities, and was combated by the upholders of papal absolutism, such as Alvaro Pelayo and Alonzo Trionfo.
But the resistance, aided by Louis and merged as it now was in the cause sustained by Marsilius of Padua and John of Jandun, became daily bolder.
The Cossacks of the Ukraine, who kept it, revolted against their Polish rulers about 1665, and sustained a fierce siege.
Harley by this time was losing influence and was becoming chronically incapable of any sustained effort.
Curiously enough, there is not a single novel in the Rumanian literature with a sustained plot; none which presents a study of the development of human character amid the multifarious vicissitudes of life.
The town several times sustained siege and capture between its occupation by the Moors in the 8th century and its capitulation in 1641 to the troops of Louis XIII.
In 15 70 he sustained no fewer than three hundred and eighteen theses at a disputation in Mantua, with such applause that the duke made him court theologian.
They complained that while doing burgher duty in former wars - the Cape Mounted Rifles consisted largely of Hottentot levies - they had not received the same treatment as others serving in defence of the colony, that they got no compensation for the losses they had sustained, and that they were in various ways made to feel they were a wronged and injured race.
The will was contested by Smith's heirs, but in 1847 was sustained by the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts.
As an example we may take the case where a brake is provided offering a resistance, c R, proportional to the load sustained, and where the values a and b are small compared with unity.
Next year, on the proposal of the tribune Manilius, his powers were still further extended, the care of all the provinces in the East being put under his control for three years together with the conduct of the war against Mithradates VI., who had recovered from the defeats he had sustained from Lucullus and regained his dominions.
Money had to be earned, and he now secured an editorial post at Hartford, Connecticut, which he sustained until forced by ill-health, early in his twenty-fifth year, to re-seek the Haverhill farm.
His idyllic masterpiece is the sustained transcript of winter scenery and home-life, Snow-Bound, which has had no equal except Longfellow's " Evangeline " in American favour, but, in fact," nothing of its class since " The Cottar's Saturday Night " can justly be compared with it.
In London the Lords passed a vote of censure on Lord Palmerstons proceedings; and the Commons only sustained the minister by adopting a resolution approving in general terms the principles on which the foreign policy of the country had been conducted.
During the first four years of Lord John Russells government, his administration had never enjoyed any very large measure of popular support, but it had been partly sustained D th, by the advocacy of Sir Robert Peel.
As a tragic monodrama it is incomparable for sustained power and terrible beauty.
But neither Sheridan nor Fox was capable of that sustained and overflowing indignation at outraged justice and oppressed humanity, that consuming moral fire, which burst forth again and again from the chief manager of the impeachment, with such scorching might as drove even the cool and intrepid Hastings beyond all self-control, and made him cry out with protests and exclamations like a criminal writhing under the scourge.
The industries of the town are sustained by the garrison and marine establishments.
From its position near the frontier San Sebastian was long a first-class fortress, and has sustained many sieges.
This was the beginning of a lasting friendship, sustained by common sympathy with liberty - civil, religious and philosophical.
This repugnance to believe blindly what rested on arbitrary authority, as distinguished from what was seen to be sustained by self-evident reason, or by demonstration, or by good probable evidence, runs through his life.
Large, " round-about " common sense, intellectual strength directed by a virtuous purpose, not subtle or daring speculation sustained by an idealizing faculty, in which he was deficient, is what we find in Locke.
In bodies we observe no active agency, only a sustained natural order in the succession of passive sensuous phenomena.
At sea the French had sustained a severe defeat from Lord Howe, and several of their colonies had been taken by the British.
But the Directory was sustained by the military successes of the year 1796.
It is therefore with some show of reason that The Last of the Mohicans, which as a chain of brilliantly narrated episodes is certainly the least faulty in this matter of sustained excellence of execution, should be held to be the best of his works.
The spontaneous play of this sympathy he treats as an original and inexplicable fact of human nature, but he considers that its action is powerfully sustained by the pleasure that each man finds in the accord of his feelings with another's.
The sustained improvement in the political and commercial situation was not influenced materially by the temporary excitement in consequence of the attempt on the life of King Milan (6th July 1899), and of the state trial of several prominent Radicals accused of having conspired for the overthrow of the dynasty.
He resigned Whitcombe in 1852, finding the work too hard in connexion with his mastership; and in June of that year he sustained a severe bereavement by the death of his wife.
Still less can it be appreciated in all its large wisdom and sustained self-mastery if it is viewed merely as a duel between the ablest champion and the craftiest enemy of Greek freedom.
The Irishman, in his own language at any rate, seems incapable of a sustained literary effort, a consequence of which is that he invents the most intricate measures.
Twenty-five days later the northern allies, intending to surprise the smaller Frenth army on its passage over the bridge at Bouvines, themselves sustained a complete defeat.
In man there is only the susceptibility to reason, which is sustained and helped by the light of the active intellect.
Whether or not Mushet's patents could have been sustained, the value of his procedure was shown by its general adoption in conjunction with the Bessemer method of conversion.
They carry the head and neck low and the hind-quarters high, their action in running being peculiar and not elegant, somewhat resembling the pace of a sheep. Though with no power of sustained speed or extensive leaping, they are remarkable fOr flexibility of body and facility of creeping through tangled underwood.
On his return he successfully sustained in his camp at Cecora a siege by the Tatar khan.
The invaders were compelled to evacuate the place, however, in consequence of the heavy losses they sustained in the numerous attempts made for its recovery.
He himself fell into a nervous state in his "prison," but he was sustained by the devotion and intelligence of his wife and her mother.
The animal's blood sustained them, yet they were not thriving.
Shipped to Arkansas for reintroduction, they had sustained injuries that made them vulnerable to predators.
Devon sustained a broken ankle and a head injury and was taken by ambulance to Pilgrim Hospital for treatment.
To provide a sustained impetus toward the wider use of field data in teaching and learning anthropology by working with a group of institutions.
Imagine the effect of a sustained barrage of this ferocity on even a lightly manned trench.
Tho the exercises were appropriate to the injury I had sustained, they were quite frankly boring.
For long-term good health, appetite control and sustained energy levels, unrefined complex carbohydrates are recommended as part of your daily diet.
How are such small amounts of vitamin E able to protect cell membranes against sustained free radical attack?
Stu had machine problems and Andy was unfortunate to crash in an earlier race and sustained a broken collarbone.
In the horrendous crash at the end of Stage 1, Tyler Hamilton sustained two hairline fractures in his right collarbone.
He fell from his horse and sustained a compound fracture of his tibia.
If there is still activity in the brain stem, a person is considered to have sustained brain damage, rather than brain death.
The only damage sustained was caused by flying debris.
For the removal of H atoms, the method of sustained off-resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation (SORI-CID) in FT-ICR has been applied.
More like injuries sustained from repeated hitting with a single drumstick.
She had lost consciousness briefly and sustained a suspected fractured femur, head, chest and rib injuries.
A 34 year old man sustained an open fracture of the distal femur with bone loss.
It transpired that she had sustained a fractured fibula.
She sustained a fracture to her right ankle and a fracture to her right fibula.
This reflects the sustained effort that has been put in, and the priority Ministers attach to providing first-class, responsive, public services.
The low unemployment Ace refers to is being sustained by this very flaky marginal demand.
A glitch in the sustained tone before the final flourish gives it away.
August at 16.00 An 11-year-old girl sustained an ankle fracture.
In the fall she sustained a deep gash to the left knee.
It once sustained a gigantic animal creation and an equally gigantic vegetation.
It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.
My client based in Cardiff is an established manufacturing company, currently experiencing a period of sustained growth.
This would eventually cause the polar ice caps to melt, and thus generate an environment in which biological life could be sustained.
That is why it has sustained itself through three election victories and why the Conservative hegemony of a generation has so dramatically imploded.
L-type channels are slowly inactivated thereby permitting sustained calcium entry 24.
Whilst on holiday in Spain Henry sustained a spinal cord injury in a diving accident.
We now need to see a clear strategy for the future of the railways to encourage long-term, sustained investment.
Al-Qaeda is also sustained by sections of the anti-war left who provide it with moral and political substance.
He sustained a 90 per cent tear of his medial ligaments in last Tuesday's Test match.
She had sustained multiple scalp wounds and had a ligature around her neck, although the ligature had not caused her death.
He lectures and organizes courses on agroforestry, sustained yield forestry, forest mensuration, forest planning and harvesting, marketing and utilization.
I got given a smack in the jaw by some lower-class yobo moron and have sustained a triple fracture of my jaw.
Third, the link is sustained by propagating a myth.
Symptoms of acute intoxication include unsteady gait, slurred speech and sustained nystagmus.
He undertook the first serious and sustained attempt to collect the traditional songs of the English peasantry and workers, predominantly in West Devon.
What do you say to a church that has had to face sustained pressure from fierce persecution?
The fully prepared, athletic physique, attained after sustained intake of carbohydrates, requires both protein and the pure energy provided by glucose.
Here again Howell gave a rather plodding performance, playing Antipholus of Ephesus on a sustained note of vague irritation.
Rosie sustained a few minor injuries, with her wounded pride being the most affected, however the car did not fair so well.
He was ruled out of the next game with a hamstring injury that was, according to Stan, sustained doing the quickstep.
The sustained, but rarely intense, lowland rainfall provided excellent conditions for early winter aquifer recharge.
Over the year, the Bolam test sustained significant criticism for being overly reliant on medical testimony.
These agents appear able to induce a sustained biochemical remission of disease with associated symptomatic improvement.
Edward lead his army into battle despite having two broken ribs, sustained from a kick from a horse.
The campaign is in response to the increasing number of collisions sustained by young and inexperienced moped riders.
The very large sauropods could not eat enough to have sustained endothermic metabolism, given likely estimates of bite size and nutrient values.
Through all those doubtful places his sense of that silent spectator beside him sustained his sincerity.
The headstock bearings were plain and the hardened spindle capable of sustained high speeds with great reliability.
During the past night alone the Marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed and 5 wounded.
What is needed is secure, sustained access on the ground if widespread starvation is to be avoided.
Several of the right-wing tabloids, in particular, have been plugging away on immigration and asylum in a sustained way for many months.
Patients who survive either ventricular fibrillation or sustained ventricular tachycardia have a high risk of further episodes, which may be fatal.
Clearly, what is needed is a gathering of oral histories encompassing all forms of survivor testimony including sustained dialog.
Fellwalking High Pike Ambleside 3rd September at 17.35 A woman slipped and sustained a fracture tibia and fibula.
The movements may be sustained or jerky (myoclonic torticollis ).
It tends to be more marked with sudden and sustained traction compared to slow, gentle, progressive traction.
The ecological conditions that traditionally sustained natural pest control in citrus have been disturbed, thus trapping farmers in the pesticide treadmill.
Maximum sustained winds were near 90 knots and was one of the strongest typhoons to impact the region in several years.
If this hypothesis is true, then unilateral neglect should be improved by increasing activation of the sustained attention system.
The questioning, which at times seems unrelenting, was sustained over a two, sometimes three day period.
A period of slower growth within the sustained economic upturn is possible.
September at 14.31 A 54-year-old woman slipped and sustained wrist and leg injuries and a minor head injury.
Compelled by Bardanes's disloyalty to take the field himself, he sustained a severe defeat at Crasus in Phrygia (805), and the subsequent inroads of the enemy into Asia Minor induced him to make peace on condition of paying a yearly contribution of 30,000 gold pieces.
In 364, however, he sustained a severe reverse in attempting to relieve a besieged Spartan garrison at Cromnus in south-western Arcadia.
He started a magazine in his own name, for which he secured the assistance of many literary men of reputation and authority, but which was mainly sustained by his own intellectual activity.
It sustained several sieges, the most noteworthy of which, in 1591, was the result of its opposition to Henry IV.
It is possible to conceive of any number of notes struck and sustained by the fingers as consisting of so many quasi-vocal parts; but when a series of single sounds is played and each sound continues to vibrate by means of a pedal which prevents the dampers from falling on the strings, then we are conscious that the sounds have been produced as from one part, and that they nevertheless combine to form a chord; and this is as remote from the spirit of polyphonic part-writing as modern English is from classical Greek.
The first of these, decided in 1890, upheld the verdict of a jury awarding damages to the Moores Lime Company, which had sustained a secondary boycott because it had sold material to a contractor who had been boycotted by Bricklayers' Union No.
He answered these attacks in kind, sometimes perhaps with unnecessary vehemence and rancour, but he never faltered in his work, and, an optimist by nature, a disciple of his friend George Combe, and a believer in the indefinite improvability of mankind, he was sustained throughout by his conviction that nothing could so much benefit the race, morally, intellectually and materially, as education.
In accordance with this model he has given to his own poem the form of a personal address, he has developed his argument systematically, and has applied the sustained impetus of epic poetry to the treatment of some of the driest and abstrusest topics.
The shaft Crystal- carries arms and blades fixed in such a manner that the mass of sugar is quietly but thoroughly moved, while at the same time a gentle but sustained evaporation is produced by the continuous exposure of successive portions of the mass to the action of the atmosphere.
Proofs of his power in the sustained narration of stirring events are abundant; his treatment of the Pilgrimage of Grace, of the sea fight at St Helens and the repulse of the French invasion, and of the murder of Rizzio, are among the most conspicuous examples of it.
In 1030 he resolved to retaliate upon the incursions of the Moslems on the eastern frontier by leading a large army in person against Aleppo, but by allowing himself to be surprised on the march sustained a serious defeat at Azaz near Antioch.
Ruggles Brise, the English expert on prisons, declared that "the purity of the air and the cleanliness of the American prisons are admirable, and under a very elaborate system of warming by hot air, a regular and uniform temperature is sustained throughout the year, which, considering the varying nature of the climate from extreme heat to cold many points below zero, is a considerable engineering triumph."
In 424 B.C. the contingent which the Thespians had been compelled to furnish sustained heavy losses at Delium, and in the next year the Thebans took advantage of this temporary enfeeblement to accuse their neighbours of friendship towards Athens and to dismantle their walls.
Sustained departures from the normal seasonal runoff and recharge patterns have typified many regions.
Lee Richardson sustained his resurgent run of form with a lively paid 12-point haul, which included some memorable passing maneuvers.
During the same incident several semidetached houses on the nearby Long John Hill also sustained considerable damage.
Yet strength must be sustained and sharpened when the enemy changes.
Olly Allen took his first ride back on a speedway bike tonight following his nasty shoulder injury sustained whilst riding for King 's Lynn.
Their courage was primarily moral courage, and in many it was sustained by prayer and the example of Jesus Christ.
Employers ' liability Protection for employers against bodily injury sustained by employees.
Who should pay for the injuries sustained as a result of sport?
There may be individual weeks when the 48-hour limit will be exceeded, but this is unlikely to be sustained over a 17-week period.
It's A Sin (7a+) * sustained climbing once the first BR of six is clipped.
An example of this would be a crush injury to the chest such as may be sustained in a car crash.
He was feted by the populace, including Emma who also ministered to the wounds he had sustained in the Battle.
Following an atmospheric timpani roll, cellos, basses and bassoons play a sustained thematic line in the depths of the orchestra.
The movements may be sustained or jerky (myoclonic torticollis).
Householders have not experienced sustained capital losses on housing since the fifties and arrears and possessions have reached unheard-of levels.
He is, however, convinced that a coaching intervention produces sustained changes and unleashes potential.
This cast copper alloy horse ' bit ' fractured during a race and unseated the jockey who sustained severe injuries.
The whole unwieldy structure is sustained by three main procedures each of which seems to me highly dubious.
La vita nuova, in its sustained intensity of feeling, is one of the greatest verse sequences in European literature.
You can also send animated electronic greeting cards and cards that include sustained music and singing.
You should also talk with a representative of the association about any damages the condo you're interested in has sustained in the past.
Although children and pets are the most susceptible to sustained damage from chemical exposure, even adults can be affected if the exposure is continuous.
Not all rods are strong enough to hold the weight of some curtains for a sustained period of time.
Virtual life games have sustained a popularity nearly unrivaled in the online community.
In both cases, the cameras' guts are in perfect working order, though the exterior may have sustained some slight cosmetic damage.
For example, if your Sony camera sustained major water damage or if the interior of the camera was caked with soil or sand, it may be beyond repair.
However, in most cases, unless you have a background in camera repair, experts recommend leaving the work to professionals, as it will end up costing you more to fix further damage sustained by limited skills.
These foods are also good snacks because in small amounts, they provide the body with sustained energy.
Bollea sustained only minor injuries and was released the following day from St. Petersburg's Bayfront Medical Center in Florida.
Colbert sustained a wrist injury in 2007 and his cast sold on eBay for $17,600.
He did spend the night in the hospital with the woman who sustained a minor neck fracture.
Travis Barker and DJ AM are expected to make a full recovery from the injuries they sustained in a September 19th plane crash.
Sadly, Natasha Richardson died on March 18, 2009 from the injuries sustained in this skiing accident.
Mike Tyson's daughter, Exodus, died in May 2009 from injuries she sustained when a treadmill cord became tangled around her neck.
Now, authorities are investigating whether the driver died as a result of his injuries sustained during the crash or if he died before the accident, causing the bus to swerve off the road and flip over.
Whatever your encounter, the Girl Scouts of America has sustained as a thriving non-profit for generations, and will continue to provide meaningful activities and goals for new legions of girls all across the nation.
All spring things have gone by, and the wealth of flowering shrubs and trees has become exhausted when this very beautiful object makes full compensation for any loss that has been sustained."
For the blueberry plant to grow well, the soil must be acidic before the plant is placed in the ground and that pH level needs to be sustained throughout the life of the plant.
For example, for a sustained B, the author of the site states that the chord has a "nice jangly sound" and that lifting a finger will make the chord sound more like a Crowded House song.
Each year, an astounding 205,860 preschool and elementary children receive emergency department care for injuries sustained from, or on, playground equipment.
That same year approximately 6,000 more workers died as a result of injuries sustained on the job.
In fact, the Cyclone was so intense that it is the only coaster in history to have employed a full time nurse on the unload platform to minister to patrons who had fainted or sustained other injuries while riding.
To treat an injury, you go into a special menu screen that shows Snake's entire body and where he's sustained injuries.
A., et al. "Sustained long-term hematologic efficacy of hydroxyurea at maximum tolerated dose in children with sickle cell disease."
It may be associated with involuntary muscle spasms, sustained muscle contractions (dystonia), and exaggerated deep tendon reflexes that make movement difficult or uncontrollable.
Battered child syndrome (BCS) refers to non-accidental injuries sustained by a child as a result of physical abuse, usually inflicted by an adult caregiver.
The long-term consequences of sustained peer rejection can be quite serious.
Delilbasi, C., et al. "Maxillofacial Fractures Sustained During Sports Played with a Ball."
Recent work suggests that the babbling is neither as varied nor as sustained as in hearing children.
The remaining 15 percent of CP cases are due to neurologic injury sustained after birth.
The chelation process can only halt further effects of the poisoning; it cannot reverse neurological damage already sustained.
Parents should contact their child's doctor if the child has started wetting the bed after a sustained period of time staying dry.
The exact number of fractures sustained in the United States each year is not known as many are not treated.
Cardiovascular conditioning involves moderate to vigorous physical activity that results in an elevated heart rate for a sustained period of time.
The repeated test of sustained wakefulness (RTSW) measures sleep latency by challenging the patient's ability to stay awake.
It is a flat tracing and indicates that the baby has sustained a severe assault on its central nervous system.
If an infant fails to establish sustained respiration after birth, the infant is diagnosed with asphyxia neonatorum.
The symptoms of concussion usually clear quickly and without lasting effect, if no further injury is sustained during the healing process.
For someone who has sustained a concussion of any severity, it is critically important that he or she avoid the possibility of another blow to the head until well after all symptoms have cleared to prevent second-impact syndrome.
A University of Cincinnati one-year study of the drug in patients with bipolar I disorder found that it provided sustained relief of depressive symptoms.
Moreover, cognitive-behavioral skills building programs should be immediate, sustained, and cost-effective.
This condition can lead to an impaired clearance and pressure regulation in the middle ear, which, if sustained, may be followed by viruses and bacteria traveling from the nasopharynx to the middle ear.
Some diseases that cause sustained muscle contraction limited to a particular muscle group (focal dystonia) are inherited, but others are caused by trauma.
It may be associated with involuntary muscle spasms, sustained muscle contractions, and exaggerated deep tendon reflexes that make movement difficult or uncontrollable.
Most seizures are benign, but a seizure that lasts a long time can lead to status epilepticus, a life-threatening condition characterized by continuous seizures, sustained loss of consciousness, and respiratory distress.
Since dancing often means a fleeting career for many, Burke has sustained herself through a true passion for the creative arts.
The fish provided fertilizer for the rice crops while the aquatic life found in the rice fields sustained the koi.This is a good example of the balance in life that the koi represents.
I was terminated from a job that I had just started because I missed 9 weeks of work due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident.
I have had a sustained attraction for a man.
DeBeers experts were also surprised that Mirny Mine sustained such high levels of consistent diamond production for years.
The poems speak about lifelong commitment or simply a sustained love.
Most diamonds were created over a billion years ago, when carbon-containing minerals deep in the Earth responded to intense and sustained pressure.
Perhaps this interest stemmed from the fact that he had lost his wife to tuberculosis, and one of his sons died from injuries sustained in battle.
All but one of the young ladies died from injuries sustained in the accident, and one of the girls died instantly.Hardly a year passed when reports started coming in from drivers who reported seeing ghosts on the hill.
Through a summer of hate, Andrew sustained a vicious beating and numerous letters calling for his resignation.
Through sustained awareness on all aspects of the practice, the movement of body, breath, and mudra harmonize, and the inner flow naturally emerges.
These benefits are enjoyed by all practitioners, but can be especially appreciated by athletes who may have sustained injuries or who are in need of an additional type of physical movement.
Workmans comp Insurance protects employees who have sustained injuries while working on the job or at a job site, covering their basic living needs for a set period of time.
While extreme and sustained stress isn't healthy for anyone, there are a number of benefits associated with stress.
High-quality carbohydrates (low G.I.) have a gentler, more sustained effect on blood sugar -- a chart would indicate a gentle rise followed by a slow return to the initial blood sugar level.
But repeated or sustained use could cause serious harm as the body is plunged into and out of starvation rations, bouncing weight up and down like any other yo-yo diet, and straining the body's systems to run on far too little fuel.
Weight gain happens when you take in more calories than you burn for a sustained time period.
Plenty of antioxidant rich veggies and fruits - the theory behind this is that some of the body damage sustained by people with diabetes; such as eye, skin, and nerve damage may be the cause of oxidation present with glucose elevation.
When stipulating aerobic exercise this means that the activity needs to make the individual moderately out of breath for a sustained period of time.
The key to following this type of diet is adopting good habits that can be sustained.
Typically, a clear liquid diet is not nutritionally balanced and cannot be sustained over a long period of time, but rather is meant to provide some liquid, salt and basic nutrients for a few days until more nutritious foods can be resumed.
Their impact on blood glucose depends on many factors, but in general, complex carbohydrates cause a more gradual, sustained impact on blood glucose than simple carbohydrates.
Abroad its navigators monopolized the commerce of the world, and explored unknown seas; at home the Dutch school of painting reached its acme in Rembrandt (1607-1669); and the philological reputation of the country was sustained by Grotius, Vossius and the elder Heinsius.
The presence of these giant reptiles on the group is the chief fact on which a former land connexion with the continent of America may be sustained.
This claim cannot be sustained on a comparison of dates, but at any rate he introduced the art into upper Italy.
In June 1835 Airy was appointed Astronomer Royal in succession to John Pond, and thus commenced that long career of wisely directed and vigorously sustained industry at the national observatory which, even more perhaps than his investigations in abstract science or theoretical astronomy, constitutes his chief title to fame.
The first of these awarded damages to the company which had sustained a secondary boycott.
Even if the sun were made of one mass of fuel as efficient as coal, that mass must be entirely expended in a few thousand years if the present rate of radiation was to be sustained.
With this division Baker sustained the brilliant rearguard action of Tashkessan against the troops of Gourko.
The Supreme Court sustained these argu - ments and the act of Maryland was held to be void.
The German master - now grand master and German master in one - had his headquarters at Mergentheim in Swabia; the revenues of the states scattered throughout the twelve bailiwicks of Germany sustained him and his Order.
Nevertheless the mountain tribes who inhabited the higher parts of the Caucasus were still independent, and their subjugation cost Russia a sustained effort of thirty years, during the course of which her military commanders were more than once brought almost to the point of despair by the tenacity, the devotion and the adroitness and daring which the mountaineers displayed in a harassing guerilla warfare.
At Ancyra (about 235 ?) Seleucus sustained a crushing defeat and left the country beyond the Taurus to his brother and the other powers of the peninsula.
Told off to serve in the army of Nice, he was detained by a special order of the commissioners of the Convention, Saliceti and Gasparin, who, hearing of the severe wound sustained by Dommartin, the commander of the artillery of the republican forces before Toulon, ordered Bonaparte to take his place.
Withers had proposed a disputation against vestments, which the university would not allow; his thesis affirming the excommunicating power of the presbytery was sustained.
Without pledging ourselves to the acceptance of all its details - some of which, as is only natural, cannot be sustained with our present knowledge - it is certainly not too much to say that Merrem's merits are almost incomparably superior to those of any of his predecessors.
It might also be anticipated, were the theory of a southward immigration to be sustained, that the Malays would be new-comers in the islands of the archipelago, and have their oldest settlements on the Malayan Peninsula.
The prince of Conde sustained a severe repulse under its walls in 1638, and it was on this occasion that the town received from Philip IV.
After threatening an invasion in 1137, David marched into England in 1138, but sustained a crushing defeat on Cutton Moor in the engagement known as the battle of the Standard.
But it is not so well understood that slavery discharged important offices in the later social evolution - first, by enabling military action to prevail with the degree of intensity and continuity requisite for the system of incorporation by conquest which was its final destination; and, secondly, by forcing the captives, who with their descendants came to form the majority of the population in the conquering community, to an industrial life, in spite of the antipathy to regular and sustained labour which is deeply rooted in human nature.
A committee was formed on the 22nd of May 1787 for the abolition of the slave trade, under the presidency of Granville Sharp. It is unquestionable that the principal motive power which originated and sustained their efforts was Christian principle and feeling.
Notwithstanding the losses that the city had sustained, `Amr was able to write to his master, the caliph Omar, that he had taken a city containing "4000 palaces, 4000 baths, 12,000 dealers in fresh oil, 12,000 gardeners, 40,000 Jews who pay tribute, 400 theatres or places of amusement."
Then, to avenge an insult sustained from the ruler of Egypt, Timur marched southwards and devastated Syria, thence turning to Bagdad, which shared the same fate.
While preparing an expedition against Rhodes to avenge the repulse sustained forty years before by Mahommed II., the sultan died at Orashkeui, near Adrianople, at the spot where he had attacked his father's troops.
The resemblance is further sustained by a broad belt of elevated plains, 'ranging from 1200 to 1700 ft., which s The upper Bukhtarma valley in the Sailughem range of the Altai system appears to belong to the same type.
The width of the gap may be diminished until it is no greater than the distance between two neighbouring molecules, when it will cease to be distinguishable, but, assuming the molecular theory of magnetism to be true, the above statement will still hold good for the intermolecular gap. The same pressure P will be exerted across any imaginary section of a magnetized rod, the stress being sustained by the intermolecular springs, whatever their physical nature may be, to which the elasticity of the metal is due.
Boundary cases and cases of indemnity for losses sustained by non-combatants in time of war, of which several instances have already been mentioned, belong to this class.
Sustained by their enthusiasm, however, the recruits displayed equal courage, and, at the end of four hours' stubborn fighting, their defence was still intact.
The English supply increased, with some oscillations, to between six and seven thousand tons annually in the period 1840-1860, when it suddenly rose to about io,000 tons, and this figure was fairly well sustained until about 1890, when a period of depression set in; the yield for 1900 was 4336 tons, and for 1905 about 4200 tons.
Although sustained by a fair number of guns and with the moral support of the 53rd Division, which had disembarked during the night, the 10th and 11th Divisions could make no headway.
He thus became associated with the enactment of all the great fiscal laws through which the strain of war and of reconstruction was sustained.
Finally he endeavoured, though unsuccessfully, to secure the introduction of juries into the courts of chancery, and - a generation and more before the fruition of the labours of Romilly and his coworkers in England - aided in securing a humanitarian revision of the penal code, 4 which, though lost by one vote in 1785, was sustained by public sentiment, and was adopted in 1796.
It was sustained with complete success.
Property Insurance will cover you in the event of any damages sustained to your computers, desks, tables, chairs, and office equipment.
Aerobic exercise is any exercise which increases your heart rate for a sustained period of time.
Through this elevated, sustained heart rate, your heart becomes stronger and is better able to function even when you are not doing cardio exercise.
Endurance allows repetitive motion over sustained amounts of time.
Any type of activity that causes your heart rate to get into your target heart rate zone (as defined by the American Heart Association) for a sustained period of time is considered cardiovascular activity.
Increased muscular endurance - When you improve your muscular endurance, you can perform sustained activities for longer periods of time without muscle fatigue.
Cardiovascular exercise is any repetitive exercise that is done in your target heart rate zone for a sustained period of time.
Aerobic exercise is any kind of intense exercise that uses several muscle groups simultaneously for a sustained amount of time.
They offer sustained exercise that, when done at a certain level intensity, raises your heart rate into the your target heart rate zone and maintains it for a period of time.
When performed over a sustained period of time (20 to 60 minutes), they build your body's capacity to pump blood and take in oxygen.
Those vintage two-piece sets were often bulky and too warm for people to wear for sustained activity.
Some exercises require constant and sustained movement that increases your heart rate and adds a cardiovascular component to the Pilates routine.
Sustained cardiovascular exercise raises your heart rate and burns calories, helping boost your daily calorie expenditure, contributing to overall fat loss.
Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that uses your major muscle groups in a sustained and rhythmic fashion.
It also covers actual sustained losses, money and securities, forgery, liability for bodily injury and more.
For example, you may have a policy that will pay $50,000 for one person's injuries but max out at $100,000 for all injuries sustained in that accident.
Some states have instituted automobile insurance rules directing that drivers must also buy coverage that pays for their own injuries sustained in an accident.
If you don't have insurance or don't have enough insurance in place to pay for damage to the vehicle, property, or injuries sustained by people in the other vehicle, you will need to pay these expenses out of your own pocket.
The answer to the question, "What is an insurance premium?" is that it is the fee a customer pays to his or her insurance company to get coverage to compensate them when they have sustained a loss covered under the policy.
The first person sustained $30,000 in medical bills; the second person $10,000 and the third person $25,000.
The first market the company targeted was Civil War soldiers as Metropolitan Life offered disability insurance against losses due to sickness, accidents, or wounds sustained during armed conflict.
This is the portion of the policy that pays for injuries sustained by the occupants of the other vehicle if involved in an accident.
Most funny parodies are one-off recordings and the artists behind them don't have sustained careers.
In 1977, just as shooting for the original film was winding down, Hamill was in an automobile accident in which he sustained facial injuries, including a broken nose and cheek.
The introduction of the polymer helmets did manage to reduce the number of head and face injuries players sustained.
The conception of the north-western route to Cathay now leads the story of exploration, for the first time as far as important and sustained efforts are concerned, towards the Arctic seas.
This thesis he sustained brilliantly in his Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France, the first volume of which appeared in 1874.
It can be shown that unless a quantity of meteors in collective mass equal to our moon were to plunge into the sun every year the supply of heat could not be sustained from this source.