Suspicious Sentence Examples
I know it looks suspicious, but you've got to learn to trust me.
He nodded absently, giving her a suspicious look.
It was ridiculous to be suspicious of him.
Wasn't her boss suspicious when she went missing?
I never would have believed a woman could be so kind hearted and so suspicious at the same time.
She was growing suspicious of his frequent journeys.
He's just suspicious about the motives of the intruder.
It is easy to be suspicious of the person who speaks in some strange tongue.
We tried not to look suspicious, a difficult task as we were used to working undisturbed.
Or maybe she had a suspicious mind.
AdvertisementThey must have been more than just suspicious of you.
He was suspicious of me when we talked in the hospital.
You're stubborn, suspicious of everyone, and you ask so many damn stupid questions.
The situation in Piedmont was far from promising, the exchequer was empty, the army disorganized, the country despondent and suspicious of the king.
Who might get suspicious, and who was he talking to?
AdvertisementThe saviour of his country was coldly received and left unrewarded by his suspicious sovereign.
The orthodox subjects of Theodoric were suspicious of their ruler; and many would gladly have joined in a plot to displace him.
As king the loss and failure of friends made him cautious, suspicious and cruel.
It is undoubtedly the case that they are suspicious of strangers and defiant of interference.
Ancient accounts agree in describing Alexander as a typically cruel and suspicious tyrant.
AdvertisementWhat good would it do to get suspicious, anyway?
The Turks then again grew suspicious of him and imprisoned him a second time.
Were victims ever suspicious of their attackers beforehand?
It is also suspicious that no list of the members of the league is given, contrary to the usual custom.
Leaning forward, she examined a suspicious looking line at the side of her eye.
AdvertisementGibbons would have been suspicious if you told him to keep quiet about your interest in Corbin.
Until the following March, Washington's work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and discipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely separate parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston.
Instead of comforting him, he was suspicious of the morning routine.
But his internal government, unlike that of Gelo, was suspicious, greedy and cruel.
C. Fremont, - whose doings in California in the next two years were to be the main assets in a life-long reputation and an unsuccessful presidential campaign, - while engaged in a government surveying expedition, aroused the apprehensions of the Californian authorities by suspicious and very possibly intentionally provocative movements, and there was a show of military force by both parties.
It is true that a Young Wales party has arisen, which seeks to narrow this movement to the exclusion of English ideas and influences; and it is also true that there is a party which is abnormally suspicious of and hostile to this Welsh Renaissance; but in the main it is correct to say that the bulk of the Welsh nation remains content to assert its views and requirements in a reasonable manner.
It marks the dawn of a public spirit as represented by the gentry, who, alarmed at the national peril and justly suspicious of the ruling magnates, unhesitatingly placed their destinies in the hands of Hunyadi, the one honest man who by sheer merit had risen within the last ten years from the humble position of a country squire to a leading position in the state.
Egyptians, however, are as a rule suspicious of all not of their own creed and country.
Not stopping to reflect that in the angry and suspicious state of men's minds he was sure to lose as much in one direction as he would gain in the other, Justinian entered into the idea, and put forth an edict exposing and denouncing the errors contained in the writings of Theodore generally, in the treatise of Theodoret against Cyril of Alexandria, and in a letter of Bishop Ibas (a letter whose authenticity was doubted, but which passed under his name) to the Persian bishop Marls.
Dionysius was regarded by the ancients as a type of the worst kind of despot - cruel, suspicious and vindictive.
Ali was angered by the refusal to surrender Parga and justly suspicious of the ambitions which this refusal implied; he could not feel himself secure with the Ionian Islands and the Dalmatian coast in the hands of a power whose plans in the East were notorious, and he was glad enough to avail himself of Napoleon's reverses in 1812 to help to rid himself of so dangerous a neighbor.
In Russia, too, certain reforms were carried out; but they could not survive the suspicious interference of the autocrat and his officials.
But if Alexander suspected Napoleon, Napoleon was no less suspicious of Alexander; and, partly to test his sincerity, he sent an almost peremptory request for the hand of the grandduchess`'Anne, the tsar's youngest sister.
Karl Sand, the murderer of Kotzebue, was one of his pupils; and a letter of his, found on another student, warning the lad against participation in secret societies, was twisted by the suspicious authorities into evidence of his guilt.
The coming of the Child draws Eastern sages to his cradle and fills the court of Herod with suspicious fears.
Though an improvement on the old constitution, it was unacceptable to the estates, jealous of their old privileges and suspicious of the king's intentions.
The letters vividly describe the approach of the enemy, and, in appealing to Egypt, abound in protestations of loyalty, complaints of the disloyalty of other kings and excuses for the writers' suspicious conduct.
He was not suspicious, but if he withdrew his confidence he was implacable.
Owing to the number of American immigrants who had settled in California, the Mexican authorities there became suspicious and hostile, and ordered Fremont out of the province.
Cetywayo was, however, suspicious of the Natal government, which afforded protection to two of his brothers.
The states did, it is true, meet occasionally for discussion, but their relation, which had no real existence save in cases of immediate common danger, was really that between a paramount leader and unwilling and suspicious allies.
In May 1743 a vessel arrived from Corfu, on board of which had occurred some suspicious deaths.
The ship and cargo were burnt, but soon after cases of a suspicious form of disease were observed in the hospital and in the poorest parts of the town; and in the summer a fearful epidemic of plague developed itself which destroyed 40,000 or 50,000 persons, and then became extinct without spreading to other parts of Sicily.
Some years later, however, Tryphon, an officer of the Syrians, who had grown suspicious of the Maccabees, enticed Jonathan into Ptolemais and there treacherously took him prisoner.
The suspicious nobles were solemnly adjured to trust themselves to hIs keeping, under promise of forgiveness.
By these committees criminals were summarily tried, convicted and punished; suspicious characters were deported or intimidated.
Paul was aware of his mother's half-intentionfor it does not appear to have been more - and became increasingly suspicious of his wife and children, whom he rendered perfectly miserable.
Some books and papers were seized as suspicious, then given back as innocent; but Rabelais was in all probability disgusted with the cloister - indeed his great work shows this beyond doubt.
Against Russia he had long maintained a suspicious and hostile attitude.
In that year the long ousted and secluded prince, Gian Galeazzo, died under circumstances more than suspicious.
His movements immediately prior to the attempt were certainly suspicious.
Starting his career as a perjurer, it is curious that he was singularly slow to suspect perjury in others; he was the most systematically betrayed of all English kings, because he was the least suspicious, and the most ready to buy off and to forgive rebels.
The baronage were angry and suspicious, for many of their customary rights rested on immemorial and unchartered antiquity, while others were usurpations from the weakness of John or Henry III.
The firm did not reveal which other top brass got the suspicious options.
Doubts have been cast on the legitimacy of Louis Napoleon; for the discord between Louis Bonaparte, who was ill, restless and suspicious, and his pretty and capricious wife was so violent and open as to justify all conjectures.
Suspicious looks, sulky silences, or sharp speeches had become the order of the day.
Police are linking the two incidents and reminded elderly and vulnerable people to be suspicious of all unexpected callers.
This in turn kept the Germans suspicious of the intentions of the French.
Keep detailed records about online transactions and compare them to your monthly statements to catch suspicious charges immediately.
First of all, it can very dangerous to purchase any allegedly "all natural" herbal formulas from suspicious Internet vendors.
I don't know what he's up to, but I'm suspicious.
Surely he should have known she would get suspicious.
He has to learn you're at least suspicious.
If she didn't give him some explanation, he'd really be suspicious.
I don't want her to get suspicious.
Of course he would be suspicious.
About 1479, probably with reason both suspicious and jealous, James arrested his brothers, Alexander, duke of Albany, and John, earl of Mar; Mar met his death in a mysterious fashion at Craigmillar, but Albany escaped to France and then visited England, where in 1482 Edward IV.
In domestic politics they were strongly Nationalist and suspicious of the Germans.
But not to mention that it occurs in several divergent forms, and that it takes no account of the fact that our present suras are partly composed of pieces of different dates, it contains so many suspicious or undoubtedly false statements, that it is impossible to attach any great importance to it.
Of the seven verses of the sura no less than five (verses 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) have an extremely suspicious relationship with the stereotyped formulae of Jewish and Christian liturgies.
As a rule, however, they are so wary and suspicious that they are very difficult to approach, and their haunts are so well stocked with fish and other game that they make off and hide rather than attack a man swimming in their waters.
On Charles X.'s accession in 1655, Sweden's neighbours, though suspicious and uneasy, were at least not adversaries, and might have been converted into allies of the new great power who, if she had mulcted them of territory, had, anyhow, compensated them for the loss with the by no means contemptible douceur of religious liberty.
After much discussion, for both the Scottish nobles and the Norse king were somewhat suspicious, Edward had succeeded in obtaining from them a promise that the young queen should marry his heir, Edward of Carnarvon.
The prospect of a Spanish infanta as the bride of the future king of England filled them with suspicious terrors.
Dissenters had, in the main, stood shoulder to shoulder with churchmen in rejecting the suspicious benefits of James, and both gratitude and policy forbade the thought of replacing them under the heavy yoke which had been imposed on them at the Restoration.
The clear implication here is a reminder to be suspicious of the motives of those who advocate a 'one best method '.
Also, be highly suspicious of litter boxes that boast a ventilation system designed to reduce odors.
Incorrect items should be disputed, incorrect personal information, such as name and employer, must be corrected, and anything that looks suspicious should be reported.
Any agency that asks you for "service fees", "contract deposits", or anything else that sounds suspicious should be treated with the utmost caution.
If any activity looks suspicious, you can contact a customer service representative.
You can report any suspicious emails to customer service as well.
Don't worry; even though it is the most common way these days, web browsers are aware and often provide countermeasures against suspicious websites.
It can cause a user to be fearful or suspicious of others' actions.
The young woman died in a suspicious fire at the age of 23, leaving 8-year-old Curtis to be raised by his maternal grandmother.
It's usually more suspicious when a company contacts you first.
While one rejection of a sexual overture may be put down to exhaustion, stress or other reason, regular rejections are more suspicious.
Sudden attentiveness can be soothing to the suspicious partner or spouse, particularly if he has been working long hours, away frequently and distant in your relationship.
She may have had every reason to be suspicious.
While the BBB does not handle legal matters directly, they can point consumers in the right direction and inform law enforcement of any suspicious or illegal business activities.
In fact, the more the package brags about added vitamins, the more suspicious you should be.
Don't download any file that makes you suspicious.
Despite their advances, saving music to your computer can still be a risky liability, especially if you download from suspicious sites and those known as peer-to-peer (P2P) sites.
Many times, the assignments are patrolling the streets of Jefferson Parish until a call comes in or until they see something suspicious.
It doesn't help matters that Harry seems to be fluent in the language of the snakes, a gift that "He Who Must Not Be Named" also possessed; this has the other students even more suspicious.
The androids were female because they would be less "threatening" and "suspicious" to others, thus more effective in their battles.
Even baby wipes should be scrutinized if your child is experiencing a suspicious rash.
Not every suspicious pimple or mole ends up being a malignant melanoma, and no physician will criticize you acting on the cautious side.
Prior to any freckle removal surgery or treatment procedure, a dermatologist will evaluate your freckles to ensure no form of suspicious moles that could be indicative of skin cancer are present.
Don't click on suspicious links found in wall posts.
Ignore private messages that come from people you don't know, aren't on your friends list, or look suspicious.
As Hamilton was somewhat officious and very combative, and Jefferson, although uncontentious, very suspicious and quite independent, both men holding inflexibly to opinions, cabinet harmony became impossible when the two secretaries had formed parties about them and their differences were carried into the 1 It was at this period of his life that Jefferson gave expression to some of the opinions for which he has been most severely criticized and ridiculed.
His Letters concerning Toleration laid down the principle which had been maintained by Cromwell, with a wider application than was possible in days when the state was in the hands of a mere minority only able to maintain itself in power by constant and suspicious vigilance.
The irritation of the disfranchised proletariat was moreover increased by the appalling dearness of bread and food generally, which the suspicious temper of the timesfomented by the tirades of Marat in the A mi du peupleascribed to English intrigues in revenge for the aid given by France to the American colonies, and to the treachery in high places that made these intrigues successful.
They have a language of their own, and are an unsociable people, suspicious of strangers, ever ready to decamp if they think a tax-collector is near.
It is no longer the merry, saucy hanger-on of the homestead, but is become the suspicious thief, shunning the gaze of man, and knowing that danger may lurk in every bush.
But the cities, watchful and suspicious, renewed the Lombard league and took up a hostile attitude.
But his old confidence had left him; he had grown moody and suspicious, and his temper gave a ready handle to his enemies.
But Brunhild was moody and suspicious, remembering her troth with Sigurd and believing that he alone could have accomplished the quest.
Suspicious he might be, but he was interested all the same.
She had to look at him, he was going to be suspicious if she didn't.
He'll be suspicious if I don't.
Bordeaux kicked sand away from a suspicious mound and found an empty cartridge box.
The Grey God had tensed, his suspicious gaze on Jonny.
They might get a mite suspicious if you didn't try to give her a call.
One person in that place looks more suspicious than two.
It couldn't be easy for him — and the way Josh answered the phone that night — no wonder he was suspicious.
It was the effect of undue influence, suspicious circumstances, fraud and mistake.
However the bronchoscopy also reveals a suspicious mass in the left superior lobe bronchus which is biopsied.
Frankly, it is suspicious and looks dishonorable, but the deceit supports the revised chronology even tho only by default.
We have here colonists of whom they are suspicious.
I get interviewed by fourteen year olds and they're always very suspicious of my dual writing identity.
Some commentators are deeply suspicious of the way the Deep Impact data is being handled.
People are understandably suspicious about the way some organizations treat them, but good Data Protection practice reassures them that they can trust you.
I'm always a tad suspicious when I receive a demo that actually sounds quite good ' Is this for real?
New security issues arise when the user may not be trusted, or the user and the host computer's owner are mutually suspicious.
Everything that is offered on the other side is scrutinized with the utmost severity; every suspicious circumstance is a ground for argument and invective; what cannot be denied is extenuated, or passed by without notice; concessions even are sometimes made; but this insidious candour only increases the effect of the vast mass of sophistry."
The story was, on the ground of want of evidence, regarded as suspicious by Guilliman in a private letter of 1607, and doubts were expressed by the brothers Iselin (1727 and 1754) and by Voltaire (1754); but it was not till 1760 that the legend was definitely attacked, on the ground of its similarity to the story of Tokko (see below), in an anonymous pamphlet by Freudenberger, a Bernese pastor.
This the present writer is inclined to doubt, considering that he has received examples of the normal Amblystoma tigrinum from various parts of Mexico, and that Alfred Duges has described an Amblystoma from mountains near Mexico City; at the same time he feels very suspicious of the various statements to that effect which have appeared in so many works, and rather disposed to make light of the ingenious theories launched by biological speculators who have never set foot in Mexico, especially Weismann's picture of the dismal condition of the salt-incrusted surroundings which were supposed to have hemmed in the axolotl - the brackish Lago de Texcoco, the largest of the lakes near Mexico, being evidently in the philosopher's mind.
According to others the plague arose in Marseilles from local causes; and recently discovered data show that suspicious cases of contagious disease occurred in the town before the arrival of Chataud's ship.'
They might have considered her an innocent bystander in her relationship with Allen, but being on the sideline again would, at minimum, make them suspicious.
You turned me away with your suspicious actions, long before Alex came along.
He'd need a place where he was supposed to go frequently, so's no one would get suspicious.
It couldn't be easy for him — and the way Josh answered the phone that night — no wonder he was suspicious.
Looking back, she could hardly blame him for being suspicious.
He ached to know how Rissa was but feared even sending a page, lest Memon's men grow suspicious.
His regard became suspicious.
He dabbed at his mouth again, his expression still suspicious.
Most people saved that look for his mother while casting uncertain or suspicious looks at the masked child who followed her dutifully through the city.
He was leaning against the doorframe, arms folded and gaze suspicious.
The photographer was pleased, Xander suspicious.
He subsequently spent a long, suspicious, secret and incomprehensible career in the attempt to piece together Gian Galeazzos Lombard state, and to carry out his schemes of Italian conquest.
Lord William Bentinck finally took over large administrative powers, seeing that Ferdinand, owing to his dulness, and Maria Carolina, owing to her very suspicious intrigues with Napoleon, could never be trusted.
The knowledge of this fact may have rendered Theodoric suspicious.
But the age was incurably suspicious of attempts to deal with such difficulties on any kind of technical system.
James had promised to defend the existing Church and government, but the people now became suspicious.
He grew up among enemies, and became artful, suspicious and self-controlled, concealing his feeling behind the mask of an immobile, almost repulsive, coldness.
The Unionist party, both in Ireland and in England, became suspicious of the tendencies of his administration, and he was driven to resignation.
Melanchthon, who in the tension which prevailed at the synod had shown himself inclined to negotiation, became suspicious on his return, and endeavoured to influence the elector of Saxony and Luther in accordance with his views.
But he was suspicious of Sir Edward Grey's foreign policy, which he thought too slavish in its following of Lord Lansdowne; and he opposed the naval increases of the years before the World War, as the socialists in Berlin had opposed the German increases which provoked British rejoinders.
From 1809 to 1812 Speranski was all-powerful in Russia, so far as any minister of a sovereign so suspicious and so unstable as Alexander could be so described.
The emperor agreed to the first steps being taken, namely the suppression of the existing lodges; but he was naturally suspicious of secret societies, even when ostensibly admitted to their secrets, and Speranski's abortive plan only resulted in adding the clergy to the number of his enemies.
In the suspicious temper of the times this vacillating policy was doubly fatal.
He was at times suspicious of the papal policy, while his relations with Spain were somewhat inharmonious.
His education at the Spanish court and an hereditary tendency to insanity, however, made him haughty, suspicious and consequently very unpopular, while even in his best days the temper of his mind was that of a recluse rather than of a ruler.
He also calculated that the demand itself would make the szlachta suspicious of all reform, including the Czartoryscian reforms, especially as both the king and his uncles were generally unpopular, as being innovators under foreign influence.
He lived to the age of eighty; but, however great were the merits of his Chronicle, it was long considered a suspicious book on account of the leanings of the author to Calvinism.
In the years assigned to the different judges, also, the frequency of the number 40 (which certainly appears to have been regarded by the Hebrews as a round number) is suspicious.
The French were suspicious of the Union, aimed avowedly at checking their influence, and the complete self-government for which the " Reformers " in English-speaking Canada had clamoured was not yet conceded by the colonial office.
Unlike some of his predecessors, he had no grand, original schemes of his own to impose by force on unwilling subjects, and no pet crotchets to lead his judgment astray; and he instinctively looked with a suspicious, critical eye on the panaceas which more imaginative and less cautious people recommended.
Henry was an affectionate but a suspicious and close-handed father.
He could, never forgive Gustavus for having forestalled the revolution, and his morbidly irritable and suspicious temper saw slights and insults in the most innocent conjunctures.
Moreover, the maintenance of the tribal system and the support given to the lawful chiefs did much to win the confidence and respect of a people naturally suspicious, and mindful of their exiled king.
Gustavus, naturally suspicious, was much perturbed by the innovation, and warned all his border officials to be watchful and prepare for the worst.
Rendered suspicious by this arbitrary act, the,Protestant princes in 1608 formed a confederation known as the Evangelical Union, and in response the Roman Catholics, under the guidance of Maximilian, united in a similar confederation afterwards called the Catholic League.
French patriotic feeling, suspicious, angry and alarmed, needed only a slight provocation to cause it to blaze up into an uncontrollable fever for war.
Now Eusebius believed the work to have been of quite recent and suspicious origin.
The excavation of it was undertaken by Russians about 1894 and it cost Dembre dear; for the Ottoman government, suspicious of foreign designs on the neighbouring harbour of Kekova, proceeded to inhibit all sale of property in the plain and to place Dembre under a minor state of siege.
But the Assemblies were suspicious of Safety.
Richelieu, therefore, passed his time in safeguarding himself from his rivals and in spying upon them; his suspicious nature, rendered still more irritable by his painful practice of a dissimulation repugnant to his headstrong character, making him fancy himself threatened more than was actually the case.
He's already suspicious, isn't he?
Yeow. You are a suspicious old biddy, aren't you?
Unlike Landis warriors, who were suspicious others meant to take their places, the Tiyan warriors accepted him quickly.
Maybe so, but she didn't want to be a nosy suspicious wife.
During the journey you will meet all the suspicious characters embroiled in a dastardly plot.
By this time, the German occupation authorities had become suspicious that someone was helped escapees to avoid the German forces.
But when the murders startup again with the same pattern as Edgar's, Hobbes is suspicious of a copycat killer.
You can help police by getting a good description of the person and by noting down the registration number of any suspicious vehicles.
I am also very suspicious when these figures come out in such a nicely rounded fashion.
I was suspicious of the skinny little runt for the outset.
And the exploration of space might be a waste of gasoline, frog after-taste pills, truth serum and re-location papers for suspicious bacteria.
The most exciting thing was Sid demanding coal tar soap, nothing flowery scented that Kathy might get suspicious at.
Maybe she should have worn gloves in case he became suspicious - had the envelope dusted for prints.
For example the police have the right to take anyone who they deem suspicious to the police station for interrogation.
You should be vigilant and not execute any e-mail attachments that seem suspicious.
The police remained sufficiently suspicious to follow him up for a number of years adding progress reports to the file.
They were pretty painless, just uncomfortable, but I was slightly suspicious as I had felt vaguely uncomfortable all day.
Nevertheless, the majority of societies have not sought recognition, being suspicious of fiscal state intervention.
He greeted the treaty of San Stefano (3rd March 1878) with undisguised relief, and by the mouth of the king, congratulated Italy (7th March 1878) on having maintained with the powers friendly and cordial relations free from suspicious precautions, and upon having secured for herself that most precious of alliances, the alliance of the future a phrase of which the empty rhetoric was to be bitterly demonstrated by the Berlin Congress and the French occupation of Tunisia.
Carus seems to have belied the hopes entertained of him on his accession, and to have developed into a morose and suspicious tyrant.
Hardyng's testimony is, moreover, suspicious as reflecting the prejudices of the Percys after they had turned against Henry IV., for Hardyng himself expressly says that the earl of Northumberland was the source of his information (see note, p. 353 of his Chronicle).
The consuls Aulus Hirtius and C. Vibius Pansa, however, fell in the battle, and the senate became suspicious of Octavian, who, irritated at the refusal of a triumph and the appointment of Brutus to the command over his head, entered Rome at the head of his troops, and forced the senate to bestow the consulship upon him (August 19th).
But his failings of mind were exacerbated by his bodily infirmities; he grew more and more whimsical and capricious, morbidly suspicious and morbidly parsimonius; old friends were estranged or removed by death, and new friends did not come forward in their place.
A suspicious observer might have detected something ominous in the first act of his reignthe arrest and attainder of his fathers unpopular ministers, Empson and Dudley, whose heads he flung to the people in order to win a moments applause.
His job is to push a button if he sees anything suspicious.
But of all these various suspected characters, Pierre was considered to be the most suspicious of all.
PureMessage removes or quarantines suspicious attachments, providing increased protection by stopping common virus vectors at the email server.
You 're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.
I 'm always a tad suspicious when I receive a demo that actually sounds quite good ' Is this for real?
New security issues arise when the user may not be trusted, or the user and the host computer 's owner are mutually suspicious.
At least five black people have lost their lives in suspicious circumstances in the custody of the police in the last year.
In the event of any suspicious transactions arising, the Bank is obliged to notify the National Criminal Investigation Service.
The United States is also seeking the elaboration of a mechanism for international investigations of suspicious outbreaks of disease or alleged BW incidents.
There had been a number of suspicious incidents over recent months.
Let the police and your neighbors know if you have had a suspicious caller at the door.
The abaxial surface of these leaves is covered with a suspicious gray film.
I was suspicious of anyone trying to peddle medicine as it is often just snake oil.
The woman's presumptuous questioning made her new colleagues suspicious of her motives.
Generally, they were also suspicious of and resistant to the work-at-home market.
If you find suspicious buyers or victims, you know to avoid them.
BitDefender scans for computer changes typically involved with spyware, allowing the program to recognize problems and take action on suspicious files.
Consumers by nature are suspicious of manufacturers because buyers often feel they just want money and don't care about the customer's thoughts and feelings.
If you see something suspicious or even see someone conceal a product, let an employee know immediately.
The most basic advice is to never give out your information to someone or a website that you feel is suspicious.
Before making a purchase, do some sleuthing to make sure the seller isn't doing anything that seems suspicious.
Respiratory illnesses are not a small matter for yourpet, andyou shouldmakean immediate visit to your veterinarian if your cat shows any suspicious symptoms.
This will allow you to better track your spending, and help you catch suspicious purchases on your account in case of fraud.
Specialists are on the lookout for any suspicious activity on your account and will notify you immediately if something looks amiss.
If there is suspicious activity on your account, the company will call you to alert you to this problem.
Also, since the thief may be sitting nearby recording people's card numbers with a wireless device, it is possible that he can be caught before he gets a chance to leave the airport if the suspicious kiosk is reported promptly.
While some store employees did become suspicious, few knew Tiger's real first name.
Three days after the birth of her daughter, her 20 year-old-son, Daniel Wayne Smith, died in what the Bahamian police have labeled "suspicious" circumstances.
Her son, Daniel, 20, died last year in the Bahamas of suspicious circumstances.
A suspicious celebrity death, high profile divorce, or when someone commits a serious crime - these are the big celeb scandals that have a long back story, and the mysteries unfold as the days pass by.
However, if there are suspicious causes behind these deaths, they become a celeb scandal.
They don't report on every passing, but the major or suspicious ones are covered in detail.
Also, while teachers always hope students will improve over a semester, they're going to be suspicious of a freshman suddenly producing graduate-level work by the end of a course.
Even if a school doesn't subscribe to a plagiarism-checking program, suspicious professors can type a few sentences into Google and bring up the original source of borrowed content.
If a site looks suspicious, or it appears that a company is just looking for your personal information, do not submit a grant application.
If someone offers to take the whole litter off your hands, be very suspicious about that person's intentions and say no thanks.
If any of these things is missing, or if the price is remarkably low, you may be suspicious that you are not getting genuine Police products.
To double check a suspicious coupon offer, guests can contact the park's guest relations office and ask about the deal before succumbing to a possible scam.
But in the long run, the unoriginal gimmick of having monsters routinely jump out from every suspicious dark corner is used so often that the tension eventually wears off and it all becomes nothing more than a nuisance.
Local, federal, and international authorities are oftentimes suspicious of people who are buying prepaid cell phones in bulk.
If a suspicious heart sound is detected, the physician will evaluate how breathing, exercise, or change of body position affect the sound.
The removal and microscopic examination of tiny bits of tissue (biopsy) from any suspicious areas found on an x-ray exam can be performed by either traditional or newer surgical techniques.
Using these tools, the doctor can capture still images for further diagnosis and hospital records, and the doctor can examine suspicious areas more closely with the camera or by taking tissue samples.
Unexplained or suspicious bruises or other marks on the skin are typical signs of physical abuse, as are burns.
If these tests are suspicious for celiac disease, the next step is a biopsy (surgical removal of a tiny piece of tissue) of the small intestine.
Fever with a shaking chill is even more suspicious.
A suspicious or positive result requires further evaluation, i.e., prolonged EFM monitoring or a BPP.
Six points is suspicious and requires either a CST or a repeat BPP within 24 hours.
Many animals, such as raccoons and skunks, are nocturnal and their activity during the day should be regarded as suspicious.
Because some of the adverse effects of sulfonamides may be very serious, parents should report any suspicious symptoms to their physician promptly.
Obviously, a smart girl and her parents will act immediately if there seems to be some suspicious contact, but online predators know a lot of tricks too so it's best to give them as little as possible to work with.
Members of the public tend to be suspicious of fuzzy numbers, poor accounting, and equally poorer accountability.
Any one sign is not enough to implicate anyone, but if the totality of her behavior seems suspicious, chances are something is going on.
You are right to become suspicious if he clears the monitor when you walk in the room or starts using the computer late at night when he didn't do so before.
Relationships require trust and if you are always suspicious of his behavior, you may injure the relationship whether he is cheating or not.
With less productivity, your coworkers might become suspicious or you could even get fired.
If you find any receipts, messages or notes from another person that are suspicious, make a copy or write them in your notebook.
In addition, you will want to see much more than one change in her behavior before you start getting suspicious.
Classic scenarios include being pulled over by the police who happen to find something "suspicious" in the car (the ring), or being "fired" by the boss for celebrating at work for the proposal that is seconds away.
DeBeers was skeptical and suspicious of the how one mine could produce such large quantities of uniform diamonds.
Purchasing an Anne Klein tote online for the low price of 24 US dollars makes for a suspicious circumstance.
So if you suddenly find yourself looking at a 60 dollar quilted Chanel wallet you have well-founded reasons to be suspicious of the item's authenticity.
Online auctions are displaying more Designer Replica Handbags replica items than genuine designer merchandise, and when it comes to severely discounted products you should be very suspicious!
Moreover, since these styles are strapped across your back, you are unable to view suspicious persons who may be lingering behind you, waiting for a key moment to unzip your carrier's pockets.
However, if you are prone to leaving you wallet out in the open, or are heading to a public place where suspicious strangers abound, then hiding your wallet in a purse is probably the wisest idea.
If you are suspicious of problems with your nanny, consider using Nanny Cams.
Report any suspicious behavior to the Website moderator and to local authorities, and tell your kids to notify you if anyone tries to contact them over the Internet.
Some people claim to have analyzed clips and caught Fielding doing "suspicious" things.
If the coupon is a PDF or has an expiration date that is six months to a year from today's date, you should be very suspicious of the offer.
You're Undead to Me - Stefan's plan to incarcerate Damon backfires as Elena grows increasingly suspicious of Stefan's abilities.
Already welcomed into the bosom of the Chancellor family, it was Nina who remained suspicious of Cane and his motives.
Avoid unhealthy-looking restaurants and don't be afraid to examine your meal if it looks suspicious.
The best rule to follow is to be suspicious and avoid deals that are too good to be true.
It warns you if a site looks suspicious.
Conditions were not then favourable for peace, however; the French government, moreover, did not approve of the choice, inasmuch as Adams was not sufficiently pliant and tractable and was from the first suspicious of Vergennes; and subsequently Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay and Henry Laurens were appointed to co-operate with Adams. Jefferson, however, did not cross the Atlantic, and Laurens took little part in the negotiations.
Two MEN sitting at a table next to the stage look very suspicious.
I don't know how you changed your profile, but you appearing the same day the soldiers came by looking for someone new and suspicious can't be a coincidence.
He had insinuating manners and could make himself very agreeable if he chose; but he was mean, treacherous, rapacious, suspicious and horribly vindictive.
He had already succeeded in partially pacifying them, when one of their colonels began to abuse the still hesitating and suspicious musketeers.
They argued that it would be much more difficult to carry out a success ful coup d'etat when the good-natured, confiding emperor had been succeeded by his more suspicious and energetic daughter.
So suspicious had the ministry become of the nature of the military preparations that were being made by the Boers, that in May 1899 they communicated their apprehensions to the High Commissioner, Sir Alfred Milner, who telegraphed on the 25th of May to Mr Chamberlain, informing him that Natal was uneasy.
Having said all of that, government should certainly be watched with a suspicious eye, for it could conceivably delay or derail our ascent to the next golden age.
The attitude of the distracted imperial government towards these movements was at first openly suspicious and hostile.
As this ungrateful work brought no reward, Richelieu, in spite of the earnest entreaties of the queen-mother, retired once more to his bishopric. But the king, while approving his conduct, was still suspicious of him, and he was exiled to Avignon, along with his brother and brother-in-law, on the 7th of April 1618.
We learned later, at first the police were suspicious of the parents as they couldn't believe someone could enter a small house with sleeping adults and two boys in an adjoining room, and not be heard.
What form it would ultimately take depended still on the balance between the forces of conservatism and change, the suspicious temper of the autocracy being revealed, during the years of unstable equilibrium, by the alternate concession and withdrawal of privileges, e.g.
Of course, it did look suspicious, and if she had come across Lori and Alex doing the same thing...
Moreover, the Porte was thrown into a suspicious mood by the contrast between the friendly language of the western powers and the active sympathy of the western peoples for the Greeks, who were supported by volunteers and money drawn from all Europe.