Surviving Sentence Examples
Dogs are good at surviving on their own.
Kris's confident response rankled Rhyn. He leaned his back against a tree and faced his eldest surviving brother. "I promised Kiki I'd tell you something," he started.
What you need to focus on is surviving the next two weeks.
Some notion of the personal appearance of Alexander may be got from the literature and the surviving monuments.
In November 1580 Ivan in a fit of ungovernable fury at some contradiction or reproach, struck his eldest surviving son Ivan, a prince of rare promise, whom he passionately loved, a blow which proved fatal.
All the surviving forms, however, have a completely established double system with the specific characters alluded to, and since there is every reason to believe that the conditions of evolution of the primitive Pteridophyte must have been essentially similar to those of the Bryophytes, the various stages in the evolution of the conducting system of the latter (p. 732) are very useful to compare with the arrangements met with in the former.
Further surviving timbers were recovered (see ba, October 2002, May 2003 ).
The world was falling apart around them, and he couldn't risk either of their mental states in a relationship that may not see both of them surviving.
In the 18th and early part of the 19th century Penrith manufactured checks, linen cloth and ginghams, but the introduction of machinery put an end to this industry, only the making of rag carpets surviving.
Louis University (subject to the life income of certain surviving relatives) for the erection and support of a hospital and for the advancement of medicine and surgery.
AdvertisementHe did not, however, sit long in the House of Commons; for, on the death of his mother in 1837, he succeeded to the peerage which had been conferred on her with remainder to her only surviving son, and as Viscount Canning took his seat in the House of Lords.
Simon delivered to the small congregation of six surviving disciples.
They were intended to be the chief organs of internal administration, and have, in fact, discharged this function, especially under the First and Second Empire, surviving, though with diminished importance, under the other forms of government which modern France has seen.
Abd-ul-Aziz is said to have yielded the more readily as being desirous of bringing about a similar alteration in the succession in Turkey, in favour of his own eldest son, Prince Yussuf Izz-ed-din; public opinion was, however, opposed to so sweeping a change, and the succession to the throne in Turkey still goes to the eldest surviving member of the house of Osman.
In case the owner is married the homestead cannot be sold or mortgaged, except for an unpaid portion of the purchase money, without the joinder of husband and wife, and if the owner dies leaving a spouse or minor children, the homestead with its exemptions descends to the surviving member or members of the family.
AdvertisementThe St Katharinenkirche and the St Jakobikirche are the only surviving medieval churches, but neither is of special interest.
According to Pindar, she imitated on the flute the dismal wail of the two surviving Gorgons after the death of Medusa.
Freeman considered it "the most perfect surviving church of its kind in England, if not in Europe."
After having lost half of /7"' his men in a battle, Duclerc and all his surviving companions were made prisoners.
The family of Tekke Oglu, domiciled near Perga, though reduced to submission in 1812 by Mahmud II., continued to be a rival power to the Ottoman governor till within the present generation, surviving by many years the fall of the other great Beys of Anatolia.
AdvertisementThe importance of Kutha as a religious and at one time also as a political centre led to his surviving the tendency to concentrate the various sun-cults of Babylonia in Shamash.
Pursued by the Zulus, all the surviving inhabitants of Durban were compelled for a time to take refuge on a ship then in harbour.
Cobden had married in 1840 Miss Catherine Anne Williams, a Welsh lady, and left five surviving daughters, of whom Mrs Cobden-Unwin (wife of the publisher Mr Fisher Unwin), Mrs Walter Sickert (wife of the painter) and Mrs Cobden-Sanderson (wife of the well-known artist in bookbinding), afterwards became prominent in various spheres, and inherited their father's political interest.
If either husband or wife dies intestate and there are no descendants the whole of the estate passes to the survivor; if there are descendants the surviving spouse has the use of the homestead for the remainder of his or her life, an absolute title to one-third of the other real estate of the deceased, and to personal property limited to $1000 besides wearing apparel.
The advantage of approximate bisection lies in the superior brilliancy of the surviving spectra; but in any case the compound grating may be considered to be perfect in the longer interval, and the definition is as good as if the bisection were accurate.
AdvertisementHis style is strongly tinged with preciosite; and his chief surviving interest is as a glaring example of the evils from which Bossuet delivered the French pulpit.
It is almost the only exception to the rule that all surviving Syriac literature is Christian.
In Notulae syriacae (privately printed 1887) Wright edited the surviving fragment of a 3rd recension which is preserved in a 13th-century MS. at Cambridge.
Nau, who appends to it the surviving fragment of his treatise on the composition of man as consisting of soul and body.?
The drug has naturally always been liable to great adulteration in spite of penalties, the severity of which suggests the surviving tradition of its sacred character.
Hollow or Hole-bourne, this name surviving in Holborn; and it was fed by numerous springs (Bagnigge Well, Clerkenwell and others) in this vicinity.
He held the deanery of St Paul's for forty-two years, surviving until the 13th of February 1602.
A good example of the camisia of the 12th century is the rochet of Thomas Becket, preserved at Dammartin in the Pas de Calais, the only surviving medieval example remarkable for the pleating which, as was the case with albs also, gave greater breadth and more elaborate folds.
But when Candia was attacked by a large force, under the terrible vizir Keuprili, Morosini was sent to relieve the fortress in 1667; the siege lasted eighteen months, but Morosini, in spite of his prodigies of valour, was forced to surrender to save the surviving inhabitants.
In 1827 Frederick Tennyson (1807-1898), the eldest surviving brother, uniting with his younger brothers Charles and Alfred, published at Louth an anonymous collection of Poems by Two Brothers.
The various stages in the development of the city are clearly indicated in its general plan and the surviving names of many of its streets.
Amalgamation has been completely effected in the course of long centuries, and even the Ainu, though the small surviving remnant of them now live apart, have left a trace upon their conquerors.
About this period arose a great number of weekly serials for popular reading, known as " Sonntagsblatter," of which the Gartenlaube (1858) and Daheim (1864) are surviving examples.
On the one hand there were during the middle ages sects, like the Catharists and Albigenses, whose "opposition as a rule developed itself from dualistic or pantheistic premises (surviving effects of old Gnostic or Manichaean views)" and who "stood outside of ordinary Christendom, and while no doubt affecting many individual members within it, had no influence on church doctrine."
The town is very picturesque, with its steep and narrow streets, and its one surviving gateway, while it is dominated on the west by the ruined castle of Stein, formerly a stronghold of the Habsburgs, but destroyed in 1415 and again in 1712.
Pierre Calas, the surviving son, was banished for life; the rest were acquitted.
Of the surviving monuments of the Greek city the most important is the temple of Apollo.
The town has a medieval appearance, many old houses decorated with beautiful wood-carving still surviving.
From this meaning is deduced that of the person in whom lies the right of presenting to public offices, privileges, &c., still surviving in the title of the Patronage Secretary of the Treasury in Great Britain.
The only other surviving document of the 12th century bearing on this subject is a letter of which MS. copies are preserved in the Cambridge and Paris libraries, and which is also embedded in the chronicles of several English annalists, including Benedict of Peterborough, Roger Hovedon and Matthew Paris.
Stonehenge, the greatest surviving megalithic work in the British Isles, is a mile and a half distant; and on a hill near the village is Vespasian's Camp or the Ramparts, a large earthwork, which is undoubtedly of British, not Roman, origin.
In Mary's reign some of the surviving monks were brought together, and Westminster Abbey was restored.
Khufu's work in the temple of Bubastis is proved by a surviving fragment, and he is figured slaying his enemy at Sinai before the god Thoth.
This circumstance appeared so anomalous that some astronomers doubted whether the surviving lines were really due to calcium; but Sir William and Lady Huggins (née Margaret Lindsay Murray, who, after their marriage in 1875, actively assisted her husband) successfully demonstrated in the laboratory that calcium vapour, if at a sufficiently low pressure, gives under the influence of the electric discharge precisely these lines and no others.
His first wife was his cousin, Miss Isabella Clark, who died in 1858, leaving one surviving son, the Hon.
In 1640 his three surviving sons ruled the duchies of Weimar, Eisenach and Gotha.
The descent of the estate of a husband dying intestate is the same as that of a wife dying intestate; if there is only one child, or the issue of only one child, the surviving spouse is entitled to one-half of the estate; if more than one child, to one-third of the estate; and if no children, father, mother, brother or sister, to the whole of the estate.
Upon the death of either husband or wife the exemption may be continued for the benefit of the surviving spouse, and upon the death of both husband and wife the exemption may be continued until the youngest child is of age.
In May 1858 the surviving members of his faction together with a few fresh arrivals from France established a new 1 The Mormons said the name was 6f Hebrew origin and meant "beautiful place"; Hebrew "naveh" means "pleasant."
Letizia lived to witness the glory and the downfall of her great son, surviving Napoleon I.
They were recorded in the comparatively late surviving version of the 7th century B.C., on twelve tablets, with an obvious design of correlation with the twelve divisions of the sun's annual course.
The Siamese, as southern Buddhists, pride themselves on their orthodoxy; and since Burma, like Ceylon, has lost its independence, the king is regarded in the light of the sole surviving defender of the faith.
Af ter losing the commander in the Philippines and discovering Borneo, the two surviving ships reached the Moluccas late in 1520.
On the Arka-tagh even the moss, the last surviving representative of the flora, disappears entirely.
In the 11th century the area was enclosed by earthen ramparts, with bastions and gateways; but of these the only surviving remnant is the Golden Gate.
The institution embraces a college of liberal arts, a college of engineering, a college of law (united in 1897 with the law school of Cincinnati College, then the only surviving department of that college, which was founded as Lancaster Seminary in 1815 and was chartered as Cincinnati College in 1819), a college of medicine (from 1819 to 1896 the Medical College of Ohio; the college occupies the site of the old M`Micken homestead), a college for teachers, a graduate school, and a technical school (founded in 1886 and transferred to the university in 1901); while closely affiliated with it are the Clinical and Pathological School of Cincinnati and the Ohio College of Dentistry.
The most accepted modern theory is that it is merely a catchword surviving from a longer phrase which proclaimed how, during such Indulgences, ordinary confessors might absolve from sins usually " reserved " to the Bishop or the Pope.
His most famous pupil was Varro (116-27), the six surviving books of whose great work on the Latin language are mainly concerned with the great grammatical controversy on analogy and anomaly - a controversy which also engaged the attention of Cicero and Caesar, and of the elder Pliny and Quintilian.
Before he died, Robert, his only surviving son by his second wife, was ready to step into his shoes as the queen's principal adviser.
Thus the analysis of George Baur of the ancestral form of the lizards, mosasaurs, dinosaurs, crocodiles and phytosaurs led both to the generalized Palaeohatteria of the Permian and indirectly to the surviving Tuatera lizard of New Zealand.
We observe the contemporaneous and largely independent radiations of the hoofed animals in South America, in Africa and in the great ancient continent comprising Europe, Asia and North America; we observe the Cretaceous radiation of hoofed animals in the northern hemisphere, followed by a second radiation of hoofed animals in the same region, in some cases one surviving spur of an old radiation becoming the centre of a new one.
There have also been discovered the remains of a species of swan belonging to the South American genus Chenopis, and of the tuatara (Hatteria) lizard, the unique species of an ancient family now surviving only in New Zealand.
The surviving wife or husband and the minor children, if any, may occupy the homestead right during the minority of the children, and the surviving wife or husband is entitled to the right during the remainder of her or his lifetime.
This settlement was at first called "Great Harbor," but soon after Mayhew was appointed governor of the island it was named Edgartown, probably in honour of the only surviving son of the Duke of York.
They are the chief factor in surviving Irish superstition.
If the rites are not properly performed or not performed by the proper person, no relation is considered as established between the deceased and anybody surviving Livy
Miracles occur at their shrines, and the surviving relatives who guard them wax rich off the offerings brought.
Evi-Jently, therefore, the Appalachians as we now see them are not the still surviving remnants of the mountains of late Palaeozoic deformation; they owe their present height chiefly to the Tertiary upwaroing and uoliftinr.
One of its few surviving copies contains an article by Laurier opposing confederation as a scheme designed in the interest of the English colonies in North America, and certain to prove the tomb of the French race and the ruin of Lower Canada.
It follows that Aristotle, from early manhood, not only wrote dialogues and didactic works, surviving only in fragments, but also began some of the philosophical works which are still parts of his extant writings.
At the time of the latter's death his eldest surviving son, Prince Muazim, was governor of Kabul, and in his absence the next brother, Azam Shah, assumed the functions of royalty.
Absalom was now the eldest surviving son of David, and the present position of the narratives (xv.-xx.)- after the birth of Solomon and before the struggle between Solomon and Adonijah - may represent the view that the suspicion that he was not the destined heir of his father's throne excited the impulsive youth to rebellion.
Mary was succeeded in her lifetime in 1567 by her only son James VI., who through his father Lord Darnley was also head of the second branch, there being no surviving male issue of the family from progenitors later than Robert II.
But, at least in the south, market centres had sprung up, town life was beginning, houses of a better type were perhaps coming into use, and the southern tribes employed a gold coinage and also a currency of iron bars or ingots, attested by Caesar and by surviving examples, which weigh roughly, some two-thirds of a pound, some 21 lb, but mostly I g lb.
One of the surviving Christian leaders, Pelayo the Goth, took refuge with three hundred followers in the celebrated cave of Covadonga, or Cobadonga, near Cangas de Onis, and from this hiding-place undertook the Christian reconquest of Spain.
Boeotia is at present a Nomos with Livadia (the old Turkish capital) for its centre; the other surviving townships are quite unimportant.
Henceforth, too, annexations of territory were frequently carried out by the Bohemian crown on the extinction of Silesian dynasties, and the surviving princes showed an increasing reluctance to the exercise of their authority.
Whenever there is neither issue nor kindred the surviving husband or wife has all the estate.
The compromise with the surviving rebels was arranged by his son in concert with Richard of Cornwall and the legate Ottobuono; the statute of Marlborough (1267), which purchased a lasting peace by judicious concessions, was similarly arranged between Edward and the earl of Gloucester.
His third and only surviving son, George Robert Gleig (1796-1888), was educated at Glasgow University, whence he passed with a Snell exhibition to Balliol College, Oxford.
The Teutonic Order (q.v.), surviving in the Ballarde (Bailiwick) of Utrecht, was officially established in the Netherlands by the States General in 1580.
History Of Mission Fields The continuity of missionary enthusiasm maintained through the primitive, the medieval, and the modern periods of the Church's history, operating at every critical epoch, and surviving after periods of stagnation and depression, is a very significant fact.
In 1157 an almost circular moat, still preserved in the inner canal or Naviglio, was constructed round the town; but in 1162 Frederick Barbarossa took and almost entirely destroyed the city, only a few churches surviving.
A distinction is sometimes maintained, however, when the Amorites are spoken of as the people of the past, whereas the Canaanites are referred to as still surviving.
A clean sweep was made of the medieval polity surviving in the somnolent local diets and corporations.
Lionel, the next surviving brother of the Black Prince, left an only child Philippa, who married the earl of March, in whose heirs was the right to the succession.
He was succeeded by Charles, afterwards known as Charles the Bold, his only surviving son by Isabel.
In prehistoric times those two divisions were two vast lakes, and Sicily is a surviving fragment of the land which once united the two continents.
An Ambracian reinforcement was annihilated at one of the peaks called Idomene, and a disgraceful truce was accepted by the surviving Spartan leader Menedaeus.
West Looe continued to be administered under this charter until 1869, when the death of the mayor deprived the council of its only surviving member and elector.
Of the gates the finest are the Bab-en-Nasr, in the north wall of the city, and the Bab-ez-Zuwela, the only surviving part of the southern fortifications.
In Nubia, owing to the poverty of the country and its scanty population, the proportion of monuments surviving is infinitely greater than in Egypt.
The characteristic triliteral roots of all the Semitic languages seemed to separate them widely from others; but certain traits have caused the Egyptian, Berber and Cushite groups to be classed together as three subfamilies of a Hamitic group, remotely related to the Semitic. The biliteral character of Coptic, and the biliteralism which was believed to exist in Egyptian, led philologists to suspect that Egyptian might be a surviving witness to that far-off stage of the Semitic languages when triliteral roots had not yet been formed from presumed original biliterals; Sethes investigations, however, prove that the Coptic biliterals are themselves derived from Old Egyptian triliterals, and that the triliteral roots enormously preponderated in Egyptian of the earliest known form; that view is, therefore, no longer tenable.
The elder of the two surviving sons, James, earl of Dalkeith (1674-1705) had a son Francis (1695-1751), who through his grandmother, inherited the title of duke of Buccleuch in 1732, and was the ancestor of the later dukes.
From 1638 to 1811, when the title expired, it gave the title of earl to the Ogilvies, whose name was adopted in addition to his own by Sir Lewis Alexander Grant, when he succeeded, as 5th earl of Seafield, to the surviving dignities.
The Mamelukes in Egypt tried to make their own government appear more legitimate by nominally recognizing a continuation of the spiritual dignity of the caliphate in a surviving branch of the 'Abbasid line which they protected, and in 923 A.H.
Akinetes are ordinary thallus cells, which on account of their acquisition of a thick wall are capable of surviving unfavourable conditions.
Albanian, the only surviving remnant of the ancient Thraco-Illyrian speech, affords an interesting study to philologists.
The exquisite bas-reliefs on a Lycian sarcophagus now in the museum of Constantinople are among the finest surviving examples of classical art.
Malcolm would have been succeeded by his eldest son by Margaret, Edward, but he fell beside his father at Alnwick, and the succession was disputed between Duncan, son of Malcolm by his first wife; Edmund, eldest surviving son of Malcolm and Margaret; and Donald Ban, brother of Malcolm.
The surviving Scots fought under Jeanne d'Arc till her last success, at Lagny, under Sir Hugh Kennedy of Ardstinchar in Ayrshire, but James (May, June 1429) made a treaty of peace with Cardinal Beaufort, which enabled Beaufort to send large reinforcements into Paris, where the Maid, deserted by Charles VII., failed a few months later.
In 1690 an act restored the kirk to the legal position of 1592, under sixty of the surviving ministers deprived in r661.
The struggle would be most acute between individuals and varieties of the same species, with the result that "any being, if it vary however slightly, in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and somewhat varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected."
Trombones often played with the three lower voices, a practice of high antiquity surviving from a time when there were soprano trombones or cornetti (Zincken, a sort of treble serpent) to play with the sopranos.
The shrine of the three kings at Cologne is the finest surviving example.
A few courses of the ancient ramparts appear under the double enceinte of the surviving medieval fortress.
The health of the men and the II surviving dogs was perfect throughout the 96 days of the double journey.
As age and infirmity were telling upon him, the estates in 1389 appointed his second surviving son Robert, earl of Fife, afterwards duke of Albany, guardian of the kingdom.
For the moment Augustus turned, almost of necessity, to his surviving step-son.
The surviving portion of the inscription contains examples of all the letters of the early alphabet, though the forms of F and B are fragmentary and doubtful.
To this end he "added some touches where surviving tradition seemed to contain trustworthy additional particulars," such as the statement that Paul taught in the lecture-room of Tyrannus " from the fifth to the tenth hour."
Judging from the historical evidence of their late continuance, and from the character of the relics found in them, the crannogs may be included among the latest prehistoric strongholds, reaching their greatest development in early historic times, and surviving through the middle ages.
Whymper and two guides then alone surviving the terrible accident in which their four comrades perished.
The Iliu Persis, again, was the oldest authority for the story of Laocoon and of the consequent escape of Aeneas - a story which connected a surviving branch of the house of Priam with the later inhabitants of the Troad.
At the beginning of the igth century the order had been almost exterminated, only eight houses surviving, all in the Austrian dominions.
The first examples to come under consideration are the few surviving MSS.
It is, moreover, more exactly adequate to the actual situation, for the Principe has a divine spark of patriotism yet lingering in the cinders of its frigid science, an idealistic enthusiasm surviving in its moral aberrations; whereas a great Italian critic of this decade has justly described the Ricordi as "Italian corruption codified and elevated to a rule of life."
Sicyon's primitive name Aegialeia indicates that its original population was Ionian; in the Iliad it appears as a dependency of Agamemnon, and its early connexion with Argos is further proved by the myth and surviving cult of Adrastus.
In the surviving buildings of the convent religious services (Anglican, Scottish Presbyterian and French Protestant) are now held, while the more modern castle is occupied by offices of the Cantonal Government.
It represents the Koppa of the earliest Greek alphabets surviving in that form of the Ionic alphabet, which ultimately superseded all others, merely as the numerical symbol for 90.
His only surviving child, Damaris, a devout and talented woman, became the second wife of Sir Francis Masham, and was distinguished as the friend of John Locke.
In the 4th century, however, Philippus of Theangela in south Caria describes Leleges still surviving as serfs of the true Carians, and Strabo, in the 1st century B.C., attributes to the Leleges a well-marked group of deserted forts, tombs and dwellings which ranged (and can still be traced) from the neighbourhood of Theangela and Halicarnassus as far north as Miletus, the southern limit of the "true Carians" of Pherecydes.
The surviving church became involved in Socinianism and Universalism, but maintained a somewhat vigorous life and, through Wickenden and others, exerted considerable influence at Newport, in Connecticut, New York and elsewhere.
In 1631 he formed the surviving members of the chapters of Utrecht and Haarlem into a collegiate body which became known as the chapter of Utrecht.
His waste of time and treasure upon a fascinating mistress named Shadu l-Mulk, the delight of the kingdom, soon brought about his deposition, and in 1408 he gave way to Shah Rukh, who, with the exception of Miran Shah, was the only surviving son of Timur.
In 1791 Alexander Falconbridge (formerly a surgeon on board slave ships) collected the surviving fugitives and laid out a new settlement (Granville's Town); and the promoters of the enterprise - Granville Sharp, William Wilberforce, Sir Richard Carr Glyn, &c. - hitherto known as the St George's Bay Company, obtained a charter of incorporation as the Sierra Leone Company, with Henry Thornton as chairman.
He was the only surviving minister of Henry I., and his knowledge of the exchequer business was unrivalled.
The Analogy, on the contrary, did not directly refer to the deists at all, and yet it worked more havoc with their position than all the other books put together, and remains practically the one surviving landmark of the whole dispute.
There was no surviving prince of the Aviz dynasty except the aged, feeble and almost insane Cardinal Prince Henry, who, as a younger son of Emanuel I., now became king.
About 288 Antigonus Gonatas dissolved the league, which had furnished a useful base for pretenders against Cassander's regency; but by 280 four towns combined again, and before long the ten surviving cities of Achaea had renewed their federation.
At length, in 40, the Parthians set up as king Antigonus, sole surviving son of Aristobulus.
Excavation at the south end of the Acropolis led to the discovery of the Altar itself and the rest of its surviving reliefs, which, now restored and mounted in Berlin, form one of the glories of that city.
This is done in the ancient feudal form, surviving elsewhere only in the conferring of the M.A.
This account of his travels is lost save for fragments, and the few surviving fragments do not determine where his Thule was, but Miillenhoff is probably right in thinking it was the Shetlands.
In 311 a peace was concluded between the combatants, soon after which the surviving king Alexander was murdered in Macedonia, leaving the satrap of Egypt absolutely his own master.
His only surviving male descendant was then Rene II., duke of Lorraine, son of his daughter Yolande, comtesse de Vaudemont, who was gained over to the party of Louis XI., who suspected the king of Sicily of complicity with his enemies, the duke of Brittany and the Constable SaintPol.
Naturally, surviving examples of such seals are rare, but they are sufficient in number to indicate the style adopted at different periods.
The surviving aborigines remained there until 1802, when they joined the Mohegans in New York and migrated to Wisconsin and later to Indian Territory, now part of the state of Oklahoma.
In the New Testament there is already a tendency to ignore the Sadducees and to transfer to the surviving and active sect of the Pharisees denunciations addressed to hypocrites.
Upon the formation of the cabinet of 1853, which was composed by the junction of the surviving followers of Sir Robert Peel with the Whigs, under the earl of Aberdeen, Lord Palmerston accepted with the best possible grace the office of secretary of state for the home office, nor was he ever chargeable with the slightest attempt to undermine that Government.
In point of detail, it is now impossible to draw a sharp distinction between that which they found surviving ready to their hand and that which they themselves added, or to define how far they reproduced the traditional fragments with verbal fidelity or indulged in revision and remoulding.
Having distinguished himself in his father's Turkish war, he was nominated emperor in preference to his elder surviving brother.
Among such is the immense legal development by which the primitive law of personal vengeance passed gradually away, leaving but a few surviving relics in the modern civilized world, and being replaced by the higher doctrine that crime is an offence against society, to be repressed for the public good.
If there are no descendants, the whole goes to the surviving husband or wife.
If a husband or wife and one child survive, they share the estate equally; if more than one child, the surviving husband or wife takes one-third and the children divide the remainder.
Among existing Cycadophyta we find surviving types which, in their present isolation, their close resemblance to fossil forms, and in certain morphological features, constitute links with the past that not only connect the present with former periods in the earth's history, but serve as sign-posts pointing the way back along one of the many lines which evolution has followed.
He was buried in eastern Bagdad, where his tomb still exists, one of the few surviving sites from the time of al-Mansur, the founder.
Surviving records show that in assessments of wool to the king, Bedfordshire always provided its full quota.
Andorra is the sole surviving specimen of the independence possessed in medieval times by the warlike inhabitants of many Pyrenean valleys.
He was born on the 11 th of November 1661, and was the only surviving son of his father's two marriages - a child of old age and disease, in whom the constant intermarriages of the Habsburgs had developed the family type to deformity.
He was elected king in the old English fashion by the surviving magnates, and crowned on Christmas Day 1066.
The few surviving English landholders had to fall into line with the newcomers.
William had two surviving brothers, beside several nephews.
In 1163 he had completed the conquest of South Wales; the marcher lords were now in possession of the greater part of the land; the surviving Welsh princes did homage for the rest.
John, the new kings only surviving brother, had been declared Lord of Ireland by his father in 1185, but Henry had been forced to remove him for persistent misconduct, and had left him nothing more than a titular sovereignty in the newly conquered island.
Its first failure was in the repression of the surviving royalists.
In 1301 the kings eldest surviving son Edward, who had been born at Carnarvon in 1284, was created prince of Wales, and invested with the principality, which henceforth became the regular appanage of the heirs of the English crown.
When France had grown strong, under Philip Augustus, the house of Plantagenet still retained a broad territory in Gascony and Guienne, and the house of Capet could not but covet the possession of the largest surviving feudal appanage which marred the solidarity of their kingdom.
When the marquess of Berkeley was dead without surviving issue, the castle having passed to the crown, Maurice, the brother and heir, had no summons.
The Antilocapridae (prongbuck), whose relationships appear to be rather with the Cervidae than with the Bovidae, are on the other hand apparently a North American group. The chevrotains (Tragulidae), now surviving only in West and Central Africa and tropical Asia, are conversely a purely Old World group.
If either husband or wife dies intestate and leaves no issue the surviving spouse is entitled to the entire estate of the deceased, both real and personal.
He describes actual Pelasgians surviving and mutually intelligible (a) at Placie and Scylace on the Asiatic shore of the Hellespont, and (b) near Creston on the Strymon; in the latter area they have "Tyrrhenian" neighbours.
Elsewhere "Pelasgian" in Herodotus connotes anything typical of, or surviving from, the state of things in Greece before the coming of the Hellenes.
Fersen was speedily released, but henceforth kept aloof from politics, surviving the king two years.
The Ferns form the great majority of existing Pteridophytes; the importance and interest of the other groups, of which the Club-mosses and Horsetails are the most familiar examples, depend largely on the fact that they are the surviving representatives of large families of plants which flourished in earlier geological periods.
The difficulty is increased when it is borne in mind that the small surviving forms probably have a long geological history, and may have coexisted with the Lepidodendraceae.
They are of special interest, since they have been shown to be the surviving forms of a group species which have been identified from Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks.
The Rotifera are characterized by the retention of what appears in Molluscs and Chaetopods as an embryonic organ, the velum or ciliated prae-oral girdle, as a locomotor and foodseizing apparatus, and by the reduction of the muscular parapodia to a rudimentary or non-existent condition in all present surviving forms except Pedalion.
He also copied out Landnamabok and Sverri's Life from his MSS., of which surviving copies were taken.
Early in 1406 the king's only surviving son, afterwards King James I., was captured by the English; and on the 4th of April 1406 Robert died, probably at Rothesay, and was buried at Paisley.
In numerous cases, lakelets have gathered under rocky cirques behind the terminal moraines of the last surviving glaciers.
On his return to Portugal he found that his uncle, the cardinal Henry, only surviving son of King John III.
But Joshua as a tribal hero does not belong to the earliest phase in the surviving traditions.
The old English and the Arab superstitions about the language of beasts are examples of this opinion surviving among civilized races.
By reflection on dreams, in which the self, or " spirit," of the savage seems to wander free from the bounds of time and space, to see things remote, and to meet and recognize dead friends or foes; by speculation on the experiences of trance and of phantasms of the dead or living, beheld with waking eyes; by pondering on the phenomena of shadows, of breath, of death and life, the savage evolved the idea of a separable soul or spirit capable of surviving bodily death.
The hypothesis that the rites and the stories are savage inventions surviving into civilized religion seems better to meet the difficulty.
When Clotaire, the last surviving son of Clovis, died in 561, the kingdom was divided between his four sons like some piece of private property, as in 511, and according to the German method.
On his death there was an obscure interregnum of five months, which ended by the election of Liuva (567572), the governor of Narbonne, the surviving remnant of the Visigoth power to the north of the Pyrenees.
Alphonso swept all through that region, already more than half depopulated, slaying the lingering remnants of the Berbers, and carrying back the surviving Christians to the north.
Between 1481 and 1492 the Catholic sovereigns completed the work of the reconquest by subjugating the one surviving Conquest of Mahommedan state of Granada.
In 1902 the last surviving dervish amir of importance surrendered to the sultan of Darfur.
He died in 1824, leaving two surviving sons and three daughters.
The superstition was extended to a cult surviving among some Jews even as late as the 7th century A.D.
French companies rested more than did their rivals on false principles; they were more fettered by the royal power, and had less initiative of their own, and therefore had less chance of surviving.
The scaly ramenta which occur in abundance on the leaf-stalk bases of fossil Cycads constitute another fern-character surviving in Mesozoic Cycadales.
From the southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, we know of one or two fragments only which can reasonably be referred to the Matonineae (Map B, M 5), a fact which may point to a northern origin for this family with its two surviving species almost confined to the Malayan region.
The two surviving species of Sequoia afford an illustration of the persistence of an old type, but unfortunately most of the Mesozoic species referred to this genus do not possess sufficiently perfect cones to confirm their identification as examples of Sequoia.
In 151 the few surviving exiles were allowed to return to Greece.
Surviving her own plight meant nothing if there was no Gabriel for her to return to.
The idea of caring for her overwhelmed him again. He'd never had a reason to try to control his power or to focus on anything other than surviving. That a simple little mortal could show him just how little his Immortal and demon powers really meant humbled him. If he found his way, it would be because of her. Her distress and sorrow were, buried but he still saw them. She was trying to be brave, asking him for one last moment of comfort before what she thought was the end.
Neither was ideal, but one would see them all surviving.
She ate fast, ravenous for real food after surviving off of scraps at the Black God's house.
His experience of surviving adversity across the remote world is second to none.
The sole surviving killer reveals a dark-skinned man with a fierce countenance.
Also downloadable leaflet for young people and parents Surviving adolescence.
She said, " Every two minutes someone in the UK will suffer a heart attack, with only half of them surviving.
Rare surviving example of a cast iron Victorian bandstand.
The younger surviving brother then decided it was his duty to carry on the family work, against his wife's wishes.
In addition to numerous complete items of clothing, evidence was also found of exquisite medieval carpentry in surviving coffins.
Another delight for your eyes is the world's last surviving tea clipper, Cutty Sark.
Fawkes was tried with the other surviving conspirators on 27 January 1606 and executed in Old Palace Yard, Westminster, on 31 January.
MacCulloch claims that Cranmer makes only a single reference to either wife in all surviving correspondence (481 ).
The sole surviving daguerreotype of Kirker reveals a dark-skinned man with a fierce countenance.
Areas of forest surviving the mining, logging and roads in the Amazon are those that have been legally demarcated as Indian territories.
Narrower age bands could be assigned to children, especially those that had dentitions surviving.
Their last surviving descendant was said to have died in the 19th century.
A serious fire in 1985 destroyed the chief surviving feature, a large C15 roof of the former canon's dormitory.
Morris was the only surviving son of a local draper.
Some of these molecules are remarkably durable, surviving as evidence of living tissue that has otherwise completely dispersed.
The new study consisted of a measured survey of the surviving earthworks, together with a geophysical survey of features below the surface.
If the trust is in favor of the surviving spouse, the spouse exemption will still apply.
All known sites where bombs landed have been charted and interviews with surviving eyewitnesses are included.
Early in 1417 Selman quit-claimed to Chirch, the only other surviving feoffee.
The lower masonry courses of the surviving fragment of the Chapter House are in bond with the east wall of the Sacristy.
The surviving ruins include a large gatehouse, and the curtain walls.
It is one of two surviving fortified gateways in Winchester.
Only surviving deck rooting around a. Scheme of cruise lines operate ships larger bilingual german.
Gumm, immortal Granny, looks after surviving grandsons Farish, Danny, Eugene and Curtis, a retarded infant radiating inappropriate love.
Their daughter and last surviving heir daughter and last surviving heir conveyed the estate to her husband, Henry Percy, first earl of Northumberland.
The MOD was unable to provide a figure for the number of claims from surviving spouses of former civilian internees.
After spawning, the surviving sea trout Kelts regain a silvery sheen by the following spring, when they return to the sea.
British turf labyrinths A update on the eight surviving ancient turf ' mazes ' by Marilyn Clark.
Here, as so often elsewhere, good surviving examples of old cast iron lampposts at present carry much newer electric light fittings.
Three surviving stone lecterns are described and analyzed in terms of their petrography and sculptural style.
All surviving airship logbooks are in AIR 3, including the logbooks for the R 100 and R 101.
The surviving manuscripts of Frankenstein comprise leaves torn from two sets of notebooks in which Mary Shelley wrote the novel.
I'm beginning to worry about actually surviving the marathon.
Many of the surviving preterm infants suffer serious morbidity.
This explanation assumes that after recovery from polio the surviving giant motor neurons must labor more than normal neurons just to maintain daily activities.
The oldest surviving part of Henry II's Windsor Castle is the round tower that still occupies the earthen mound.
This lantern is the only municipal lantern surviving in England.
Murder and suicide finished eight of them and the last surviving mutineer was granted amnesty in 1825.
For small L the number S of surviving opinions is seen to be slightly below 10, the usual maximum number of opinions.
Here he lived to a ripe old age suffering the classic fate of a surviving unsuccessful revolutionary - almost total oblivion.
Second installment of our multi-year project to show the entire surviving oeuvre of the great pioneer master David Wark Griffith.
Like Charles II he did not manage to have any surviving legitimate offspring who could succeed him.
The epic of Gilgamesh - the oldest surviving epic poem and greatest paean to friendship in literature containing the pre-biblical sources of The Flood.
This means that if a partner were to die, the surviving partner could put the share of the property into trust.
When everyone rejects patriarchy, the world might have chance of surviving.
Given the apparent paucity of surviving live and broadcast material by the band there may not be much more to come.
Of these, 1,149 are destroyed and 1,005 recorded as ' unknown ', leaving an approximate figure of 6,000 surviving pillboxes.
The surviving Indians were so pitiable that when the ship finally reached Hispaniola, Spanish authorities set them free.
The majority of surviving native black poplars are approaching the end of their natural life spans.
Patients surviving the acute event do, however, have a relatively good long-term prognosis.
They are the oldest surviving regalia in Britain and consist of a crown, a sword and a scepter.
A special court was appointed in October 1660 and the surviving regicides were brought to trial.
Ultimately, the responsibility for restoration of unsafe memorials lies with surviving relatives.
The oldest surviving relic is the 1623 gravestone to Jane, daughter of George Graham, Bishop of Orkney.
The two surviving remnants of the trunk are enclosed by a stone wall built in 1795 to deter souvenir hunters.
Free car parking for mill visitors Dating from the 1820s, Gunton sawmill is the oldest surviving water-powered sawmill in the country.
Graham Barber has thoroughly scrutinized the large surviving repertoire of the nineteenth century and selected these works as being fully worthy of resurrection.
In his turn Titus vows revenge and sends his surviving son Lucius to the Goths to raise an army.
Her chief executor was Henry Smyth, her eldest sone surviving, mr. of Arts and student of Xt.
The Swan Fountain is a surviving example of local landowner Richard Rigby's attempt to develop Mistley into a fashionable spa.
However, your surviving spouse will not necessarily get the whole of your estate.
Hakewill's work awaits, but the surviving roodloft stair in the window is nice.
Reece Winstone's books also contain photographs of the then surviving stonework of the castle.
This church also has one of the finest surviving medieval holy water stoups in the county, with a triangular hood.
Finding clothes that look summery without revealing all is key to surviving through to October.
British turf labyrinths A update on the eight surviving ancient turf labyrinths A update on the eight surviving ancient turf ' mazes ' by Marilyn Clark.
Q. One of my dizygotic twins has died at 25 weeks, what are the risks for the surviving twin?
You should plant outside any adult plant that has even a remote chance of surviving winter.
No blame attaches to the Roman general, Marcellus, since he had given orders to his men to spare the house and person of the sage; and in the midst of his triumph he lamented the death of so illustrious a person, directed an honourable burial to be given him, and befriended his surviving relatives.
Where there is no issue and the deceased dies intestate the surviving spouse is entitled to the whole estate, both real and personal, if it does not exceed $2000, and if it exceeds that sum the survivor is entitled to $2000 and one-half of the remainder; if there are no kindred, the whole of the estate goes to the surviving spouse.
All Eastern liturgies, in their present form, are of later date than the surviving fragments of the earlier Western liturgies, and cannot form the basis of so sure an induction; but they entirely confirm the conclusions to which the Western liturgies lead.
His first successor in the rectorship of the Maulawi fraternity was Husam-uddin himself, after whose death in 1284 Jalal-uddin's younger and only surviving son, Shaikh Bahaudd-In Ahmed, commonly called Sultan Walad, and favourably known as author of the mystical mathnawi Rababnama, or the Book of the Guitar (died 1312), was duly installed as grand-master of the order.
The first founded of surviving European academies, the Academia Naturae Curiosorum (1651),2 especially confined itself to the description and illustration of the structure of plants and animals; eleven years later (1662) the Royal Society of London was incorporated by royal charter, having existed without a name or fixed organization for 1 The medieval attitude towards both plants and animals had no relation to real knowledge, but was part of a peculiar and in itself highly interesting mysticism.
In 1900 its population was 852,712 (all but wholly Romanist), of whom more than half were German-speaking, and many in the south Italian-speaking, while in certain side valleys of the Adige system the quaint old Ladin dialect, still surviving also in the Swiss Engadine, is the prevailing tongue; in the southern half of the region there are a few German-speaking among the Italian-speaking folk.
But he came too late; the ill-fated reforming sultan had been strangled in the seraglio, and Bairakdar's only resource was to wreak his vengeance on Mustafa and to place on the throne Mahmud II., the sole surviving member of the house of Osman.
Thus while its form would by analogy tend per se to awaken suspicion, its contents remove this feeling; and we may even infer from this surviving early formulation of local ecclesiastical tradition, that others of somewhat similar character came into being in the sub-apostolic age, but failed to survive save as embodied in later local teaching, oral or written, very much as if the Didache had perished and its literary offspring alone remained (see Didachf).
In all these works the phenomena of societies in an archaic stage, whether still capable of observation or surviving in a fragmentary manner among more modern surroundings or preserved in contemporary records, are brought into line, often with singular felicity, to establish and illustrate the normal process of development in legal and political ideas.
By releasing his or her right of dower or courtesy together with the homestead right, if any, the surviving widower or widow is also entitled, in fee, to one-half the real estate, if said deceased leaves no issue surviving; if the husband leaves issue by the widow surviving, she is entitled in fee to one-third of his real estate; if the wife leaves issue by him surviving, the husband also is entitled in fee to one-third of her estate; but if the wife leaves issue not by him, he is entitled only to a life interest in one-third of her real estate.
At the same time it was decided that the electoral vote should be exercised by the two lines alternately, and that in the event of either branch of the family becoming extinct the surviving branch should inherit its possessions.
The legends represent the Latins of the historical period as a fusion of different races, Ligures, Veneti and Siculi among them; the story of the alliance of the Trojan settler Aeneas with the daughter of Latinus, king of the aborigines, and the consequent enmity of the Rutulian prince Turnus, well known to readers of Virgil, is thoroughly typical of the reflection of these distant ethnical phenomena in the surviving traditions.
King Edward IV.'s two surviving sons, Edward and Richard (the princes in the Tower), had been mysteriously put to death in 1483, so that the only male descendant of the house of York, and indeed of the whole Plantagenet race, was the duke of Clarence's son Edward, earl of Warwick (grandson of " the Kingmaker "), who was imprisoned by Richard III.
In the sphere of nature, with its vast numbers and constant pressure, not every more favoured individual would survive, nor every surviving individual be the more favoured, but throughout the changes and chances there would be a constant and important bias in favour of the individuals more fitted to their conditions.
The Chutuktus, or abbots of the great monasteries, then assemble, and after a week of prayer, the lots are drawn in their presence and in presence of the surviving Great Lama and of the Chinese political resident.
When completed, 70% of the surviving quarto texts will be available as digital resources.
A special court was appointed in October 1660 and the surviving Regicides were brought to trial.
It is often a relict of former woodland vegetation, surviving woodland clearance despite being a shade lover.
Yes, the next of kin can relinquish in favor of you providing that there are no objections from other surviving relatives.
The surviving members of the band celebrated by getting together for a reunion tour.
Surviving color photos of AVG aircraft show the roundels on the upper wings to be surprisingly pale in color.
Free car parking for mill visitors Dating from the 1820s, Gunton Sawmill is the oldest surviving water-powered sawmill in the country.
A chance to view the most complete surviving WWI seaplane base in Britain.
Both batsman rode their luck and benefited from some sloppy fielding, Hume surviving the drop of the century in the gully.
Robert contracted smallpox as a child, surviving disfigured and scarred.
The Swan Fountain is a surviving example of local landowner Richard Rigby 's attempt to develop Mistley into a fashionable Spa.
Surviving spies, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy 's camp.
Hakewill 's work awaits, but the surviving roodloft stair in the window is nice.
Reece Winstone 's books also contain photographs of the then surviving stonework of the castle.
The surviving spouse is a potential beneficiary as are the children and so on.
Edwin was then the eldest surviving son, four brothers having died in infancy.
We now have people who could be regarded as genetically weak, surviving to reproduce.
It also retains a significant Jewish quarter, complete with one of the oldest surviving synagogues in the Iberian peninsula.
Finds included several coffins and well-preserved remains within a surviving vault.
Obviously, the higher the gestational age, the better chances a baby has of surviving.
Here are some tips for packing and surviving enhanced airport security.
The death of a child is difficult on everyone, but it can be particularly hard on the surviving children.
Surviving holiday shopping is easier said than done.
With a quick guide to surviving holiday shopping, you can make this holiday the peaceful, fun, festive family occasion that it was always meant to be.
If you do those three things, then not only will surviving holiday shopping be a breeze, but it might actually turn out to be a fun thing to do so.
This is perhaps the most important part of surviving holiday shopping.
Fallingwater is one of the best surviving examples of architect Frank Lloyd Wright's concept of "organic" architecture, incorporating nature into building and design.
Only a physician can differentiate a heart attack from a less serious cause of chest pain, and the chances of surviving a heart attack increase with prompt diagnosis and treatment.
Worried about surviving the next few years?
Yet in many cases, teen lesbians are less concerned about these larger societal issues and more worried about surviving day-to-day life in the halls of their high school.
The likelihood of someone surviving greatly depends on how well someone nearby can identify alcohol poisoning symptoms.
She reached that point in her life and her career through hard work and dedication, surviving her earlier abuse and disappointments.
Joey Bishop - The last surviving member of the Rat Pack; passed away October 17.
Octomom became famous when she gave birth to the world's longest surviving set of octuplets on January 26, 2009.
Conquering a wide variety of roles and surviving the typecasting of a teen heartthrob, Lowe has earned the respect of his peers and viewers alike.
Ruffles and bows are endearing on a baby, but the likelihood of that dress surviving a party bound infant without a stain-fest is regrettably low.
Mr Archer Hind, of Newton Abbot, has B. edulis out of doors, and it has flowered well after surviving a temperature of 25 degrees below freezing.
On warm soils it grows best and sows itself every year, surviving the winter, and growing much stronger.
By planting marigolds with plants susceptible to certain insects, the plant has a greater chance of surviving and producing a harvest.
For you, this translates into bacteria that may be more likely to cause illness by surviving the acidic environment of the human stomach.
Life insurance can also be used to replace the deceased person's income for a surviving spouse and/or children or to form the bulk of an estate if there are little or no other assets.
It's a life simulator where you keep a pack of wolves surviving day by day.
He needs to search the island to find her, surviving through dense jungle, wild ferocious beasts and difficult obstacles.
Underneath is a hideous scaly figure, and one of the final few surviving Saurions.
Through some weird evolution procedure, some little octopus thing comes by and eats them all, but is soon eaten from the inside by one surviving Sea-baby-guy-thing.
She is an adventurer, which was brought upon by becoming the only survivor of a plane crash and by surviving the wilderness.
Having a working smoke alarm dramatically increases residents' chances of surviving a fire.
Surviving infants with CMV may suffer from hearing problems (15%) or mental retardation (30%).
In a minority of cases, however, the reverse happens, and parents feel emotionally distant from their surviving children.
Yoga originated in ancient India and is considered one of the longest surviving philosophical systems in the world.
Babies with late-term disease typically have meningitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal tissues); yet they have a better chance of surviving than those with early-onset disease.
If you are the surviving spouse, it may be tempting to share your worries about finances or other adult matters.
It usually includes full name, age, dates and places of birth and death, surviving family members and time, and the date and location of the funeral.
An obituary can tell you a lot about the deceased such as date and cause of death, surviving relatives, and place of burial.
Children will often mimic or emulate the actions of other surviving adults around them to formulate their reaction to the death of their parent.
Act in a rational manner so you can be a source of strength to the surviving children.
With a death record, you will know the date and place of birth, marriage and death, surviving family members, occupation and military service.
The St. Augustine Parish Registers of 1594-1638 are the oldest surviving vital records in the United States.
Additionally, surviving spouses of veterans who died during service or as a result of a service-related disability may be eligible.
Athlete's foot is the most common fungus found in shower areas, and it is highly transferable, easily surviving on damp surfaces until the next host comes along.
For anyone who has dealt with infidelity in their marriage, joining in the conversation at one of the many surviving infidelity forums is a confidential way to get support and advice online.
Reading surviving infidelity forums can help you work through the emotional issues of a broken marriage while getting advice and counsel from other people who have been through similar situations.
Surviving Infidelity has been active since 2002 and has focused discussion boards.
Café Mom has a surviving infidelity board for members.
Working through the pain and issues in an online surviving infidelity forum can give you the support and guidance when you need it most.
If the author dies, their surviving spouse owns one-half of the copyright termination interest.
If there is no surviving spouse the interest is passed to surviving children.
If there is no surviving spouse, children or grandchildren the termination interests shall be handled by the author's personal representative, trustee or executor.
Surviving the last day at school is all about keeping kids busy so that their extra energy doesn't lead to complete chaos.
Arguably, the most powerful storyline moments on Grey's Anatomy were spoiled including the death of Denny (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) after surviving the latter half of the second season and the cut LVAT wire.
Among these was Southwestern Bell, which changed its name to SBC Communications, Inc. Eventually SBC merged with the remnants of AT&T in 2005, leaving Bell South the last surviving baby bell.
The key to surviving layoffs is not to panic, think through your options and to regain a positive outlook.
The proceeds of a life insurance policy can also be used to pay for a child's post-secondary education or to fund the surviving spouse's retirement.
If dual grantees are listed as "joint tenants" the property passes automatically to the surviving grantee or grantees should death occur.
If a person has worked and paid Social Security for at least ten years prior to their death, Social Security death benefits can be paid to surviving members of their family.
Instead, they are transferred to eligible members of the person's surviving family.
Other annuities have specific maturity dates and if the investor passes away before the maturity date, the nearest surviving relatives or stated beneficiaries may have the ability to claim the remaining payments.
The retiree, as well as his or her surviving spouse and dependents, are included under the plan.
Surviving Victorian women's satin long robes are festooned with lace and ribbons and are exquisite creations that could work for a modern wedding if they weren't such museum-quality pieces.
On three occasions, the surviving members of Zeppelin, with John Bonham's son Jason taking his place on drums, have performed together as Led Zeppelin.
The surviving members of Joy Divison decided to stay together, add one new member (Gillian Gilbert) and rechristen themselves New Order.
For many high school seniors, graduation is a fun time to celebrate surviving 12 or more years of school and being awarded a diploma that says you're somewhat educated.
Sandra Diaz-Twine had to decline a second shot at surviving on the All-Stars edition due to a pesky parasitic infestation she picked up on the Pearl Islands.
The Gosselin sextuplets are now one of only thirteen surviving sets of sextuplets in the United States.
Discovery Health Channel approached Jon and Kate and subsequently produced two hour-long specials on the family, called Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
While Bear Grylls is certainly capable of surviving under almost any conditions, the show has come under fire repeatedly for misleading viewers.
The surviving two winners would battle it out for the ultimate prize.
The competition to land a spot on the show is fierce, but there are things you can do to increase your chances of surviving the cuts.
In 2005 the Gosselins were featured in a special on Discovery Health entitled Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
Discovery Health Channel learned of the Gosselins and decided to film a documentary-style program about them called Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
With frigid temperatures and scarce food, this year-long experiment taught them both a great deal about surviving in the outdoors.
The first Discovery Channel show to feature Gosselin was a 2005 special entitled Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
Two weeks after her 2010 death, the one hour special behind-the-scenes look at the Survivor franchise, called Surviving Survivor, also ran a special tribute to her.
It's an elimination match, with eventually only Ripley (and the ship's cat) surviving via the the escape pod, destroying the Nostradomo behind her.
That film featured a shipwrecked family (from Switzerland, yet named Robinson), resourcefully surviving on a deserted island and making a home for themselves.
Knowledge that an heir to Isildur is returning to claim the vacant throne drives him mad, and he dies by his own hand, while trying to slay his surviving son.
She later finds a less lofty love in the person of Denathor's surviving son Faramir.
This can be done by defeating a foe, outwitting a trickster, or surviving a challenge.
In the 1970s, the Battlestar Galactica was the last surviving member of the colonial fleet.
Nearly 40 years old at the beginning of show, it was due to be decommissioned, but after the Cylon attack wiped out the colonies, it was also one of the only surviving ships not networked and shut down.
As the commanding officer of Battlestar Galactica and the highest ranking officer left after the Cylon attack on the 12 colonies, Admiral William Adama takes over the surviving rag-tag Colonial fleet.
They are reasonably resilient, with the ability to go without feeding for up to a year and surviving varying highs and lows in temperature.
On paper, they had a ninety percent chance of surviving the operation.
Do what the demon says and almost have a fifty percent chance of surviving.
Better. I have a preferred outcome, one that involves you surviving and the soul embedded in your head not.
If you do as I tell you, you will increase his chances of surviving the destiny Darkyn intends to inflict upon him.
Me surviving? she asked incredulously.
You aren't surviving day-to-day anymore as you have your whole life, and for the first time, you're fighting for something other than you.
Her draw was not as consuming as Katie.s, which meant she.d have a much better chance of surviving if not every demon and Immortal was drawn to her.
Kris was crushed, and Rhyn wasn.t sure how his eldest surviving brother hadn.t expected the rest of them to walk away.
When a person dies, the prime suspect is always the surviving spouse.
Dwindling supplies made surviving the day enough of a challenge without scaling a mountain at night.
We're surviving because of our position with the PMF and no other reason.
Simply surviving was enough.
His pecuniary affairs were embarrassed, partly from the liberality with which he had endowed his few surviving relatives.
Albanian is peculiarly interesting as the only surviving representative of the so-called Thraco-Illyrian group of languages which formed the primitive speech of the peninsula.
Pisas maritime power having been extinguished in the battle of Meloria (1284), the two surviving republics had no rivals.
The element of givenness, dominant in empiricism, and partially surviving through intuitionalism even into Kant, is sublimated in Hegel's thinking.
Thus in the Mediterranean region the large groups of palms, figs, myrtles and laurels are each only represented by single surviving species.
At the close of the glacial epoch the north Asiatic flora spread westwards into Europe and intermingled with the surviving vegetation.
The ancient broad-leaved Gymnosperm Gnetum has a few surviving species scattered through the tropics of both worlds, one reaching Polynesia.
His only surviving son was Charles Spencer, 3rd earl of Sunderland.
He was, however, the first to show clearly that the Ratitae are the retrograde descendants of flying ancestors, that the various groups of surviving Ratitae are, as such, a polyphyletic group, and he has gone fully into the interesting question of the development and subsequent loss of the power of flight, a loss which has taken place not only in different orders of birds but also at various geological periods, and is still taking place.
They separated themselves from the mass of the plebeians to form a single body with the surviving patricians.
The surviving fragments of these works are collected and commented on in Hilgenfeld's Ketzergeschichte, 207-218.
A comparison of the surviving fragments of Basilides, moreover, with the outline of his system in Irenaeus-Hippolytus (Syntagma) shows that the account given by the Fathers of the Church is also in the highest degree untrustworthy.
There is evidence of the existence of a once dominant fair race, of which the still surviving Sienetjo, a people of a yellow or fair complexion, are regarded as descendants.
Of the surviving mutineers over twelve hundred were executed, some of them by his own hand, and the entire corps was disbanded.
Of this invocation, which is constant in all Eastern rituals, there are few, though sufficient, surviving traces in Western rituals.'
The exemption is not affected by the death of the husband or wife, but inures to the benefit of the surviving members of the family.
But the surviving material is extremely uneven; vital events in these centuries are treated with a slightness in striking contrast to the relatively detailed evidence for the preceding period - evidence, however, which is far from being contemporary.
Of the surviving early mitres the greater number have only the orphrey embroidered, the body of the mitre being left plain.
The great Mirabeau was the eldest surviving son of the marquess.
In 1661 he buried, at Lisburn, Edward, the only surviving son of his second marriage.
Of two surviving daughters, Matilda married Thomas Ysaak, a simple esquire, and Margaret became the wife of William, earl of Sutherland.
The date of his birth has been disputed, and certain curious facts have been cited in proof of the assertion that he was born on the 7th of January 1768, and that his brother Joseph, who passed as the eldest surviving son, was in reality his junior.
This was done; but on the death of the eldest (Joseph) the child first baptized Nabulion received the name Joseph; while the third son (the second surviving son) was called Napoleon.
With him in his poorly furnished lodgings was Louis Bonaparte, the fourth surviving son, whom he carefully educated and for whom he predicted a brilliant future.
The chief direct result in the life of the Egyptian people was the virtual destruction of the governing caste of the Mamelukes, the Turks finding it easy to rid themselves of their surviving chiefs and to re-establish the authority of the Sultan.
The Sidra Rabbet knows of three total destructions of the human race by fire and water, pestilence and sword, a single pair alone surviving in each case.
Probably by unconscious selection of surviving plants through long ages this type has been evolved in Guatemala, and experiments have been made to develop weevil-resistant races in the United States.
At the close of 1794 he also used his tact and eloquence on behalf of the restoration of the surviving Girondins to the Convention, from which they had been driven by the coup d'etat of the 3 1st of May 1793.
That same day he had learned that Prince Andrew, after surviving the battle of Borodino for more than a month had recently died in the Rostovs' house at Yaroslavl, and Denisov who told him this news also mentioned Helene's death, supposing that Pierre had heard of it long before.
Today, there are modern-day Da Vincis living in parts of the world where just surviving is a full-time occupation, powerless to develop the gifts they could offer the wider world.