Survival Sentence Examples
His own survival was more important.
The natural selection process is survival of the fittest.
The survival rate on wounds like that are zero.
And that she holds the keys to the world's survival in her hands, Brady added silently.
The greatest lesson I've learned this life is survival.
I'm sure there's a reason for your survival.
The tribal organization in northern Albania is an interesting survival of the earliest form of social combination; it may be compared in many respects with that which existed in the Scottish highlands in the time of the Stuart kings.
She made him what he was, but his suffering was necessary to ensure his survival.
It is, Mivart remarks, a survival of a very ancient state of things.
Evidence of this class, proving the derivation of modern civilization, not only from ancient barbarism, but beyond this, from primeval savagery, is immensely plentiful, especially in rites and ceremonies, where the survival of ancient habits is peculiarly favoured.
AdvertisementGod knows, there are enough threats to our operation's survival without her coming on board.
It is curious that the same survival of Christian ceremonial should be found amongst the Sarikoli, a Shiah people of Aryan descent akin to the Tajiks of Badakshan, as may be traced amongst the Kirghiz.
In the 19th century, however, Lamarck's theory of the development of new species by habit and circumstance led through Wallace and Darwin to the doctrines of the hereditary transmission of acquired characters, the survival of the fittest, and natural selection.
Thus the mitre over an English bishop's coat-of-arms is a survival which indicates him as the successor of bishops who actually wore mitres, while armorial bearings themselves, and the whole craft of heraldry, are survivals bearing record of a state of warfare and social order whence our present state was by vast modification evolved.
The Stone Age represents the early condition of mankind in general, and has remained in savage districts up to modern times, while the introduction of metals need not at once supersede the use of the old stone hatchets and arrows, which have often long continued in dwindling survival by the side of the new bronze and even iron ones.
AdvertisementThis is Tasmania, where as in the adjacent continent of Australia, the survival of marsupial animals indicates long isolation from the rest of the world.
The attention of antiquarians to the charms against the Evil Eye used by the inhabitants of the Neapolitan provinces was first drawn in 1888, when it was shown that they were all derived from the survival of ancient classical legends which had sprung from various sources in connexion with classical sites in the neighbourhood.
Mayor's show in London is the most conspicuous survival; the processions connected with royal coronations and with court ceremonies generally; the processions of friendly societies, so popular in Great Britain and America; processions organized as a demonstration of political or other opinions; processions forming part of the ceremonies of public worship. In a narrower sense of "going forth, proceeding," the term is used in the technical language of theology in the phrase "Procession of the Holy Ghost," expressing the relation of the Third Person in the Triune Godhead to the Father and the Son.
Brown contains a wealth of material, but is weak in scholarship. For a striking survival of Dionysiac rites in Thrace (Bizye), see Dawkins, in J.H.S.
The burgeoning bushmeat trade is the most deadly threat to the survival of Africa's great apes and is devastating wild populations.
AdvertisementPrecisely. It's a survival technique.
In its outward form the Avesta, as we now have it, belongs to the Sassanian period - the last survival of the compilers' work already alluded to.
A Christian bishopric existed at Yarkand Survival of in Marco Polo's time, and is supposed to have survived Christian for another century (1350).
Second, the process of " survival in culture " has caused the preservation in each stage of society of phenomena belonging to an earlier period, but kept up by force of custom into the later, thus supplying evidence of the modern condition being derived from the ancient.
Hence, as the survival of the fittest, there are many artificial waters, with low dams consisting exclusively of earth - and sometimes very sandy earth - satisfactorily performing their functions with no visible leakage.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, since the socalled peat-sheep of the prehistoric Swiss lake-dwellers appears to be represented by the existing Graubunden (Grisons) breed, which is woolly and coloured something like a Southdown, it may be argued that the former was probably also woolly, and hence that the survival of a hairy breed in a neighbouring part of Europe would be unlikely.
There is just a trace of a dim sky-dwelling being, Arawotja, possibly an all but obliterated survival of an AllFather.
Of all the explanations, then, of Egyptian animal-worship, that which regards the practice as a survival of totemism and of savagery seems the most satisfactory.
Water is imperative for survival.
You have these army brats taking on an alien menace and it is all out survival for the human species.
I still feel really bad about watching Survival and laughing with my mom at the dying catfish.
The survival instinct that had been fueling his resolve melted away and he did something he could not recall ever doing; he openly wept.
If she told him more, he might influence the paths she saw in a way that would make their slim chance of survival even slimmer.
The proceedings are, with but few exceptions, written, and the procedure is a survival of the antiquated Spanish system.
Human survival is taught, but not ultimate immortality; and, as against Epicureanism, Stoicism on the whole tends to deny free will.
It continues to the present day in the universal survival of the parochial system.
The long probation called "abstinence" which led up to it is a survival of the primitive catechumenate with its scrutinies.
The heretic, having developed powers of rational choice, perceives his heresy, to wit, his want of adaptation to the moral environment, and turning round embraces the new faith that is the passport to survival.
The patriarch has the assistance and support of a large household, a survival from Byzantine times.
There is no evidence for its survival in Italy or Africa after the fall of the Ostrogothic and Vandal kingdoms, while in Spain it is doubtful whether the Visigoths retained their language until the Arabic conquest.
The rectangular disposition of the streets in the centre of the town is a survival of Roman times.
But the legal maxim that corporations never die is well illustrated by the survival of the fine series, not complete, indeed, but very full, of the matrices of English corporations, beginning with the close of the 12th century.
This is a survival of the ancient belief that the deity resided in the pillar or stone-heap, and that the fugitive was placing himself under the protection of the local by seeking sanctuary.
In this sense all Greece was once "Pelasgic"; the clearest instances of Pelasgian survival in ritual and customs and antiquities are in Arcadia, the "Ionian" districts of north-west Peloponnese, and Attica, which have suffered least from hellenization.
In both words the etymology reveals the origin of the vestment, which is no more than a glorified survival of an article of clothing worn by all and sundry in ordinary life, the type of which survives, e.g.
The hotel de ville, which contains a museum and the municipal library, occupies the former bishop's palace, designed by Jules Mansart in the 17th century; the Romanesque tower beside it is the only survival of an old Benedictine abbey.
Grum-Grshimailo found on the Pamir the butterfly Colias nastes, a species characteristic of Labrador and Lapland; like the alpine plants which bear witness to a Glacial period flora in the Himalayas, this butterfly is a survival of the Glacial period fauna of the Pamir.
He was principally concerned to show that in morality, as in other departments of human life, it was not necessary to postulate a complete and abrupt gap between human and merely animal existence, but that the instincts and habits which contribute to survival in the struggle for existence among animals develop into moral qualities which have a similar value for the preservation of human and social life.
The retention, however, by Copernicus of the antique postulate of uniform circular motion impaired the perfection of his plan, since it involved a partial survival of the epicyclical machinery.
The Roman Catholic University College in Dublin may be described as a survival of the Roman Catholic University, a voluntary institution founded in 1854.
This would explain the survival of the writings of Pelagius in Ireland until the 8th century.
New laws were announced at large assemblies of the people, whose consent was asked, and always given through the headmen of the different divisions of native society; this custom was no doubt a survival from a time when the popular assent was not a merely formal act.
Another school (also somewhat divided against itself) believes that misunderstood language played but a very slight part in the evolution of mythology, and that the irrational element in myths is merely the survival from a condition of thought which was once common, if not universal, but is now found chiefly among savages, and to a certain extent among children.
The senseless element in the myths would by this theory be for the most part a " survival."
It is usual to regard the more primitive character of J and E as a mark of antiquity; but this ignores the regular survival of primitive modes of thought and of popular tradition outside more cultured circles.
Of the thousand years or more of effective Egyptian occupation many monuments exist, but on a broad general view it must be pronounced that they owe their fame more to the accident of survival than to any special intrinsic value.
Diseases and distrubances of the ordinary functions of the organs were attributed to the influence of planets or explained as due to conditions observed in a constellation or in the position of a star; and an interesting survival of this bond between astrology and medicine is to be seen in the use up to the present time of the sign of Jupiter 4., which still heads medicinal prescriptions, while, on the other hand, the influence of planetary lore appears in the assignment of the days of the week to the planets, beginning with Sunday, assigned to the sun, and ending with Saturday, the day of Saturn.
The passages with gates at each end within which most Frank shops in modern Smyrna lie, are a survival of the semi-fortified residences of the European merchants.
The modern name is Bahr Lut or "Sea of Lot" - a name hardly to be explained as a survival of a vague tradition of the patriarch, but more probably due to the literary influences of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Koran filtering through to the modern inhabitants or their ancestors.
This practice is a survival of the older method of moistening the seed with a little water, while the seeds were bruised under edge-runners, so as to lower the temperature and facilitate the bursting of the cells.
The recent genus, Dipteris, with its four existing species, occurring .chiefly in the Indo-Malayan region (Map B, Dipteris), is also a modern survival of several Mesozoic types represented.
The most probable inference, however, is that these settlements were not built to avoid the danger of inundation, but represent a survival of the ordinary lake dwelling.
That's the natural selection process at work - survival of the fittest.
He's a threat to the survival of the Guardians, if he chooses to protect her, the Watcher said.
Strange how her perspective had changed now that survival was no longer an everyday struggle.
As an influential Undersecretary in the fed command and control structure, Tim had access to all kinds of information that helped Brady's chances of survival.
This afternoon, we're learning some basic survival shit, since it's clear you don't know any of it.
Lana doesn't have the … skills for survival.
Parkside's economy was less than spectacular, but at least it didn't require dependency on the fickle business of mines, steel or manufacturing for its fiscal survival.
Your warlord would tell you that Tiyan's survival outweighs everything.
In the end, her life and heart were a small sacrifice for Tiyan's survival.
Analysis indicated a survival advantage for HU over BUS.
Mountain biking and boarding, kayaking, canoeing, archery, gorge walking, rock climbing, survival skills and more.
Animal survival was not modified and serum autoantibody levels were similar in exposed and sham-exposed groups.
An introduction to survival shelters and emergency bivouacs will be included.
Make sure you look more businesswoman than bag lady with the Office Survival Kit.
The research actually works with women who already have breast cancer, finding ways to maximize their survival.
Warde P, Payne D. Does thoracic irradiation improve survival and local control in limited-stage small-cell carcinoma of the lung?
Indeed, perhaps in these times a belief in the ETH would be somehow dangerous, making us too careless of our own survival.
Treatment with other enzymes called catalases has increased the survival of MND mice 18.
Chechen people, is one of the most ancient nations of the world, during many centuries conducts struggle for the survival.
Primary objective Does the addition of induction chemotherapy to CHART improve overall survival over CHART alone?
This barbaric trade poses a serious threat to the survival of the wild chimpanzee.
Combinations containing cisplatin, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin were studied in the 1980s and showed improved median progression-free survival.
The use of any new treatment modality, such a laparoscopic-assisted colectomy, should produce at least a similar recurrence and survival profile.
The main aim was therefore to produce the first account of the survival and subsequent development of hospital contributory schemes under the NHS.
The now rare corncrake is battling for survival up and down the islands.
For the sake of national survival, nonintervention became a Haitian credo.
Caught in a murderous crossfire, Rawalpindi had no hope of survival.
However, in the long term the survival rate of salvage cryosurgery has yet to be measured.
Senior loyalists fear the threat to the party's survival is not the contempt of the voters but its own death wish.
This was vital for survival with the potato famine which affected the UK in the 1860s.
Similar conclusions concerning the late survival of the Pleistocene fauna were drawn by various field workers in many parts of the American continent.
It honors those felines whose stories of courage, survival, fate and transformation have inspired the humans who love and care for them.
Effect of enalapril on survival in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fractions and congestive heart failure.
The average survival for patients with recurrent glioma is four months.
Early results have shown promise for extending survival in patients with highly aggressive brain tumors called gliomas.
Delayed graft function is associated with reduced length of graft survival.
The Imperial Guard and Space Marines are in constant battle to maintain mankind's tenuous grip on survival.
The survival of trade guilds in the cities favored the masters at the expense of the artisans.
Efforts to conserve the hare should focus on increasing survival of adults and leverets.
Signet ring cell histology did not impact survival in our group of largely advanced gastric cancer cases.
Patient prognosis and survival was best predicted by tumor histology.
Probably not, but its survival is a running testament of the solidity of these Sixties family holdalls.
The struggle for my personal survival is becoming hopeless.
This is survival horror in it's purest form.
Sharpe's Pottery is a very rare survival of an early 19th century pottery, with its original kiln hovel.
However it is not the subject matter of this book to attempt to prove or disprove any survival hypothesis.
It all bodes ill for United's survival prospects, and has sparked a fresh spate of slating on the club's fans forum.
Multivariate models for predicting progression to AIDS and survival in human immunodeficiency virus-infected persons.
The 15-year survival rate for 227 patients treated by immunosuppression was only 38 per cent.
Several trials have shown that ace inhibitors improve survival in patients with all grades of heart failure.
But when he finally dares to try to stop the insanity, he winds up in a desperate fight for survival.
Tip a player into stress and watch the primitive survival instincts take over.
Could this survival instinct be the origin of flight?
Hunting people have the biggest vested interest in the survival of the species.
Millers survival likely as new group takeover Rotherham United look to have beaten the fight to avoid liquidation.
No regimen is currently considered the standard of therapy for patients with relapsed AIDS-related lymphoma, and survival is short in this setting.
This is not about macho, macho is about image, this is about survival, survival is about living.
The form originating from collecting ducts is highly infrequent and very malignant with the five-year survival in 20% only.
Instead, praying has become a mantra for survival... .
This showed that resection margins 1cm did not influence survival.
Given the chronic nature of the disease, surrogate markers for survival are used in clinical trials.
The survival and segmentation models may be used to define metrics for data access.
Species after species is being altered for better survival in the technological milieu.
Supports and encourages the work and survival of traditional millwrights and millers across the UK.
The region has examples of the exceedingly rare survival of funerary monuments above ground.
Spurr's emphasis is upon the survival of sacerdotal conceptions over the commonly accepted latitudinarian moralism.
The survival rate in the 24 patients with p53 mutation did not differ significantly from that in the 16 patients without p53 mutation.
Your role is to collect myrrh to ensure your town's survival.
These small cross sections of molded compressed neoprene are the key to our survival and deserve more attention than they often get.
In turn, the livelihoods of thousands of poor pastoralists who rely on the animals for their survival are also affected.
He showed that length of survival and graft patency were related to the extent of tissue necrosis at presentation.
This survival horror game from Midway will see you assuming the role of a prisoner on death row in a haunted maximum security penitentiary.
Nature is concerned with the survival of species not the state of an individual woman's perineum.
Many closures have been unavoidable because following changes in payment of pensions, sub- postmasters have found economic survival impossible.
The presence of SCC does not necessarily indicate a poor prognosis in terms of duration of survival.
Tumor burdens in mice were completely eradicated and survival was significantly prolonged.
Darwin had just propounded his Origin of the Species and his theory of the survival of the fittest.
An abandoned pup has very little chance of survival.
Improved survival with pre-operative radiotherapy in resectable rectal cancer.
The impact of salvage radiotherapy on disease-free survival is promising, but the guidelines of therapy are not well established.
His liver damage was most probably caused by eating the poisonous plant ragwort, and our vets gave him very little chance of survival.
Tumor thickness is the most important prognostic factor for local and distant recurrence and overall survival in melanoma.
Exposing the roots for only a few minutes can damage the fine root hairs, and reduce the plant's chance of survival.
There are wild rumors in Baghdad that Saddam is secretly negotiating oil for his survival.
It was assumed that this was a transitional survival between the ancient type and the more modern lateen sail.
Furthermore, the survival of cheese from the same deposit was also salutary.
Also covered in this edition is a quick start guide to getting net savvy, a survival requirement in the Web marketing world.
Increasing human activity in harbor could affect distribution and survival of offspring is vital during breeding season.
From our perspective, apparently self-destructive behavior is usually in reality a survival mechanism.
Cooperation is common in nature, but the puzzle why it would evolve when survival seems selfish.
In the ruthless world of the television sitcom, survival is the name of the game.
Yet the Swift manages to look individual in a complex world, and that rounded snout gives errant pedestrians a sporting chance of survival.
Arthur's only chance for survival is to hitch a ride on a passing spacecraft.
We are but four frail spinsters, and unschooled in the harsh arts of survival out here on the steppe.
The average survival is in excess of 60% with a very low standard deviation.
With natural foods in short supply, garden feeding is vital to their survival.
Among the majority of patients with advanced stage disease so treated, immune response augmentation appears to prolong survival.
By buying these items you may be threatening the survival of the local wildlife.
The aim must be to achieve a sound structural condition to ensure long term survival.
For example, we cannot afford to take decisions on chemical safety which would endanger the survival of the chemical industry in Europe.
The median survival for patients with myeloma is two years.
They also had a greater likelihood of progression-free survival and a higher five-year survival rate (36% vs. 23% ).
Nineteen patients had a mean and median disease-free survival of 48 and 36 months, respectively.
Stage I disease has a 5-year survival of 90% .
Resource utilization, length of aplasia, overall (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were assessed for 63 patients.
By joining the Trust's Supporters ' Group you will be helping to ensure its long-term survival.
Structural analogs of LFM developed for use in organ transplantation are effective in prolonging graft survival in different animal model systems (15 ).
Toby and Sarena went directly to the capital of the Amazon, Manaus, and from there spent for days learning jungle survival tips.
Taking the example of the incest taboo, Dean exposes some cultural traits that impart a survival advantage.
Survival School has worked with a vast range of companies on programs which have been shown on cable, satellite and terrestrial television.
Therapeutic questions across both pathways - To assess the value of low dose thalidomide in maintenance in improving overall and progression-free survival.
Level of tumor thrombus appears to be correlated with overall survival.
A direct correlation between survival and neutralizing antibody titer was found.
They are just some of the millions of people whose lives have become a daily struggle for survival because of unfair international trade.
The most prominent element of the zombie survival horror genre is, of course, the zombie survival horror genre is, of course, the zombies themselves.. .
In any case, since the Eastern origin of the Etruscans is now generally admitted, we may temporarily, at least, accept the conclusion that hepatoscopy as a method of divination owes its survival in advanced forms of culture to the elaborate system devised in the course of centuries by the Babylonian priests, and to the influence, direct and indirect, exerted by this system in the ancient world.
He teaches (whether suggestively, metaphorically or deliberately), pre-existence' as well as survival; perhaps he is moved to this by non-Greek influences.
The main events in this transition appear to have been (I) disappearance of the central xylem of the protostele and replacement by pith, leading to the survival of a number of (mesarch) collateral bundles (see below) at the periphery of the stele; (2) passage from mesarchy to endarchy of these bundles correlated with a great increase in secondary thickening of the stele.
Strathclyde is also sometimes called Cumbria, or Cumberland, and the survival of the latter name on the English side of the border preserves the memory of a period when the territories of the northern Welsh were of much greater extent, though it is perhaps not certain that the race possessed political unity at that time.
This diversity of jurisdiction, and subjection of the clergy only to the sentences of judges bribed by their esprit de corps to judge leniently, led to the adoption of a scale of punishments for the offences of clerks avowedly much lighter than that which was inflicted for the same crimes on laymen; and this in turn led to the survival in England, long after the Reformation, of the curious legal fiction of benefit of clergy (see below), used to mitigate the extreme harshness of the criminal law.
The theories of the modern evolutionist school, however, have introduced into materialistic theory a new optimistic note in doctrines such as that of the survival of the fittest.
His cosmopolitanism - which makes him in the modern Imperialist's eyes a "Little Englander" of the straitest sect - led him to deplore any survival of the colonial system and to hail the removal of ties which bound the mother country to remote dependencies; but it was, in its day, a generous and sincere reaction against popular sentiment, and Cobden was at all events an outspoken advocate of an irresistible British navy.
The selection of the fortuitously (fortuitously, - that is to say, so far as the conditions of survival are concerned) produced varieties is sufficient, since it of ac- is ascertained that they will tend to transmit those 3' characters with which they themselves were born, although it is not ascertained that they could transmit - characters acquired on the way through life.
As a sign of grief, or on any occasion when the individual felt himself brought into closer contact with his deity, the garments were rent (subsequently a conventional slit at the breast sufficed) and he donned the sak, a loin-cloth or wrapper which appears to be a survival of older and more primitive dress.
Though we may recognize in this poetical imagery the survival of ancient and, if we please, mythical notions, we should err if we inferred that Yahweh was originally a departmental god, presiding specifically over meteorological phenomena, and that this conception of him persisted among the Israelites till very late times.
The transition from the evolutionist criterion of survival - which in itself it is difficult to regard as anything but non-moral - to the criterion of happiness is effected by means of the psychological argument that pleasure promotes function and that living beings must, upon pain of extinction, sooner or later take pleasure in actions which are conducive to their survival.
Survival of fair hair and complexion and light eyes among the upper classes in Thebes and some other localities shows that the blonde type of mankind which is characteristic of north-western Europe had already penetrated into Greek lands before classical times; but the ascription of the same physical traits to the Achaeans of Homer forbids us to regard them as peculiar to that latest wave of pre-classical immigrants to which the Dorians belong; and there is no satisfactory evidence as to the coloration of the Spartans, who alone were reputed to be pure-blooded Dorians in historic times.
A letter addressed to Oecolompadius 1 gives an account of their practices and beliefs at that time, and shows us a simple and unlettered community, which was the survival of an attempt to form an esoteric religious society within the medieval church.
From the belief in the survival of the dead arose the practice of offering food, lighting fires, &c., at the grave, at first, maybe, as an act of friendship or filial piety, later as an act of worship (see Ancestor Worship).
They suppressed the chimeras which went with belief in a complete survival after death, chimeras which were homicidal at the time, in so far as they robbed man of the true notion of death and led him to multiply murders."
But, as a survival of the earlier state of things, one of his two quaestors was quartered at Eryx, the other being in attendance on himself.
This is still rung in some English country churches, and has often been mistaken for and alleged to be a survival of the curfew-bell.
This event is celebrated every June in the ceremony of "Riding the Common" - in which a facsimile of the captured pennon is carried in procession to the accompaniment of a chorus "Teribus, ye Teri Odin," supposed to be an invocation to Thor and Odin - a survival of Northumbrian paganism.
The most pressing concern is securing their own survival.
Citizens in these countries are grateful for any job that pays anything at all, and their primary concern is simply survival.
Our survival relies heavily on showing the right sort of films.
Fundamentally, what is going on is that replicating molecules ensure their survival by means of phenotypic effects on the world.
The survival rate of our series (91 %) was not different from that usually seen in retinoblastoma patients.
Exposing the roots for only a few minutes can damage the fine root hairs, and reduce the plant 's chance of survival.
The wood was formed from saplings taken from areas of the park where they would have had less chance of survival.
Action plan objectives and targets Ensure the continued survival of allis shad stocks.
There are also a whole slew of special features within the Survival Mode viewing of the film.
So the recent challenge has been to design a project that will answer the question posed by poor smolt survival.
There was little evidence of a socioeconomic gradient in survival.
Occasionally surgical resection of isolated solitary distant metastases (usually lung) offers the prospect of prolonged long-term survival.
However, after the blackbirds had dispersed survival improved, whilst song thrush numbers continued to decline markedly.
Arthur 's only chance for survival is to hitch a ride on a passing spacecraft.
Some, for example, mimic the warning patterns of other distasteful species of butterfly in order to improve their own chance of survival.
Survival by risk category Patients were stratified into risk groups using age and comorbidity.
Zhivago is a poet, surgeon, husband and lover struggling for survival.
The future survival of this subspecies of tiger looks very bleak, indeed many conservationists believe it 's fate is already sealed.
They also had a greater likelihood of progression-free survival and a higher five-year survival rate (36% vs. 23 %).
Stage I disease has a 5-year survival of 90 %.
By joining the Trust 's Supporters ' Group you will be helping to ensure its long-term survival.
It develops an immune reaction to its own survival instinct.
The survival rate from both camps was three percent.
The ICT Advice website has an OfSTED survival kit of suggestions made by teachers - all useful stuff !
For patients with parenchymal liver disease, increasing levels of the International Normalized Ratio (INR) and urea indicated decreasing survival probabilities.
Instead of physical survival traits, we 're developing cultural ones instead.
Previous studies have demonstrated improved survival after complete resection of pulmonary and hollow viscus gastrointestinal metastases.
Many people are trying to perform swoop landings without the needed " survival " skills.
The burgeoning bushmeat trade is the most deadly threat to the survival of Africa 's great apes and is devastating wild populations.
It emphasizes the importance of achieving maximal plasmid DNA purity when performing DNA transfection experiments that focus on cell survival.
The unconscious minds ultimate priority is to assure your survival.
For the soldiers, the harsh reality of desert survival especially the unrelenting heat proved testing.
Artificial ventilation was provided entirely by hand a total of 1400 university students worked in shifts to ensure the survival of these patients.
Gender, site, morphology, type, concomitant vesical tumor, nodes number and involvement do not significantly influence survival.
Survival was the same for initial management with " watchful waiting " or RT.
The feedback we get, makes sure that we give you the very best survival and wilderness bushcraft instruction.
This will help to protect the tree seedlings which are essential to the survival of the wood and cannot withstand trampling.
The most prominent element of the zombie survival horror genre is, of course, the zombies themselves...
Due to the process of natural selection, prey that blend in to their environments are more likely to survive and pass on those genes that allowed survival.
Traits that are neither necessary nor helpful for survival can disappear over long periods of time due to natural selection.
Ribosomes are vital to the survival of any organism.
We do this as a matter of survival; if we obsess over every minor problem that crosses our path, we'll never accomplish anything, and we might be miserable.
The company adopted a relatively frugal mindset, improving our chances of survival when we hit the inevitable rough spots.
For instance, as committed as you may be to the enterprise's survival, this commitment may be doing both you and your company more harm than good.
Fortunately, with quality neonatal care, babies who are twenty-four weeks have an excellent chance of survival.
Preemies who weigh more at birth typically have a better chance of survival, also.
With today's medical advances, a premature baby has a much greater chance of survival.
But, babies as young as 24 weeks have a good chance of survival as well.
Given only a five percent chance of survival at her birth, Adrianna beat the odds that were against her.
Technology and advanced medical science have opened doors for a greater chance of survival for many of these babies.
Although direct causes have not been identified by medical professionals, SIDS statistics have dropped since the early eighties due to certain preventative measures that may increase an infant's chances of survival.
Anxiety over the issue will not improve your child's survival, and it should be stressed that, aside from employing the above preventative measures, SIDS is swift and arbitrary.
Their survival is due to their success with adapting to the social changes over time.
Their hands allow them to grip objects just like humans, which allows them to use jungle objects as tools for survival.
In the event of trauma, the faster you can get your pet checked, the better your pet's chances of survival.
By doing this essential touch therapy, you will greatly increase the kittens' chances of survival.
Tree climbing is essential for wilderness cat survival, and this behavior has translated well to the domestic cat.
Some programs that promote literacy are also on limited budgets; being able to provide free books for children is crucial to the survival of the program and supporting a love of reading for disadvantaged children.
Girls will enjoy reading about a feminine heroine, whose independence leads to her survival, while boys will enjoy the various outdoor adventures she has while living alone.
These issues affect the lives of divorced kids long after they leave childhood behind and can even play a role in their very survival.
There is no handbook or scientific formula for successful co-parenting, or even a survival guide that will able to help each and every set of co-parents.
Co-parenting requires a special set of skills, and, therefore, a unique survival guide when the following issues pop up.
In addition to using it for large projects like canoe and home buildings, the elm bark was used to make pudding, to thicken jelly and as a survival food during the Revolutionary War.
It has as much nutrition as oatmeal when eating in its raw form, which makes it a good survival food.
Many backpackers like to learn about berry identification so that they can sharpen their survival skills while on the trail.
It's a good idea to know your edible berries for survival before you hit the road!
Studies suggest that milk thistle in addition to penicillin as medical treatment greatly reduced the amount of time it took to recover and also significantly increased the survival rate.
While this was a great survival technique when our ancestors came face to face with a saber-toothed tiger, it doesn't always help us in the modern-day world.
Fun ways to relieve stress are essential to basic survival in a world where adults are on the run from the moment they arise in the morning until they turn off the light at night.
It is in fact an integral component to our survival as a species.
This was particularly important for our ancient ancestors, who used anger as an integral emotion for survival.
Financial stress begins and ends with the basic needs for survival.
In addition to the basic information on eating disorders, the site offers a few unique resources like "Eating Disorders Survival Guide & Insurance Issues" and "Twelve Ideas to Help People with Eating Disorders Negotiate the Holidays".
Sending a teen who's gotten into trouble to a wilderness or survival camp.
For those in cold climates, a winter survival kit could include blankets and pajamas for those frosty February nights, perfect for snuggling on the couch together.
Every diet failure is actually a success in terms of species survival."
These hoarding practices are instinctual and usually imperative for an animal's survival.
Following in the footsteps of the wildly popular Survivor, The Amazing Race created a new spin on survival.
One of the most deadly forms of the disease, pancreatic cancer has a devastatingly low survival rate.
Whatever the case may be, their numbers have become sufficiently low for breeders to take an interest in ensuring the survival of these dogs.
This ability to hear so well is also a survival tool for our dogs.
New treatments have been shown to increase the survival time by 91 percent to almost two years.
That's because grain seeds are imbued with a survival self-defense so it can survive being eaten by a bird, animal or even a human by being indigestible.
Although many people who are into keeping an inventory of supplies on hand for survival purchase dried fruit in bulk, more and more people are purchasing this staple for everyday use as well.
Looking more for survival supplies than everyday snacking choices?
Survival Acres has a huge selection of foods that are perfect for long-term storage.
In most cases, freeze dried foods will last from eight to 12 years, making it perfect for an emergency kit or survival supplies.
When it comes to simple survival economics, more people trying to manage their retirement income will drop health insurance if they can't afford it, or cut back on food and heating expenses.
Doctors often say sleep is just as important as water, food and air for survival.
While scientists still can't explain exactly why people sleep and dream, it appears to be necessary for survival.
Carrier is survival horror akin to Resident Evil.
The only reason you may buy this game is you are desperate for a survival horror game on the Dreamcast.
It gives you bonuses for survival of each wave.
Play it in Story Mode, Time Attack, Survival or with friends in Versus and Team Battle Mode.
Survival, of course, depends largely upon your strategic planning and tactical prowess.
Deathmatches and Survival modes offer you a chance to use the weaponry without using your brains.
The stories in the games often revolve around her, usually because the fate of the world depends on her survival.
Referring to the genre as "survival horror", the original Resident Evil, released for the Playstation in 1996, gave the genre a boost to the top that hasn't really died down much since.
One of the defining characteristics of the survival horror genre, and what sets it apart from other games is that typical video game elements such as gameplay take a backseat to the overall theme of the game.
In actuality, this heavy focus on atmosphere and mood make games in the survival horror genre more immersive than most other genres.
Isolation is usually a recurring theme in the survival horror genre.
Puzzles play a big part in survival horror, as you'll usually have to solve numerous puzzles to advance and ultimately escape from wherever you are.
Sweet Home, mentioned above, is widely regarded as the first survival horror game.
While quite different than most genres, survival horror games continue to maintain their popularity.
Often more immersive than movies of the same genre, survival horror video games can give just as good of a scare as any horror blockbuster.
The stamina system is a great addition and really amps up the survival feeling.
Of course (what else would you expect), the Ing and the Luminoth are fighting one another for the planet's energy, critical to the survival of each race.
Are you missing survival horror on the Wii?
What about a survival horror game that involves mountain climbing?
In classic Darwin fashion, it's survival of the fittest as you explore colorful aquatic environments, chomping on fish smaller than you while avoiding the predators larger than you.
Resident Evil 4 is Capcom's latest installment in a series that, through the good and bad, has never had a problem leading the forefront of the survival horror realm.
Resident Evil 4 continued the survival horror game, giving you the chance to use the Wii's special controllers.
Your job is to help them learn the keys to survival.
Calling is a survival horror game from developer Hudson.
There is even a broad selection of interviews with camping experts, covering topics ranging from restoring and Airstream to outdoor survival techniques.
The guides are experts, so you won't have to experience any hog hunting survival stories in the wilderness.
Winter survival tips can help you enjoy camping year round.
It is highly recommended for you to have extensive preparation and training from qualified, experienced professionals in winter survival before you try it.
Survival kits for winter should be specialized for the area and season.
Winter survival tips extend farther than this.
You should also keep personal safety and winter survival items in your vehicle within easy reach of all travelers.
Even though a survival excursion may be what you are after, there are certain things every person who sets foot into the wilderness should have with them.
Your hiking gear checklist should also include a survival and emergency kit.
These essentials are intended to provide safety, comfort and survival in the even of an accident.
Children with complex heart disease may continue to need special medical attention throughout adolescence and into adulthood for survival and to maintain quality of life.
Transplantationasof2004achievesupto80to90percent one-year survival rates and promises to prevent the chronic disease that used to accompany earlier surgical procedures.
A., et al. "Survival pattern in patients with acute organophosphate poisoning receiving intensive care."
Traditionally, pain has been divided into two classes, acute and chronic, although severity and projected patient survival are other factors that must be considered in drug selection.
This refinement frees children from some of the long-term toxic effects and complications that can negatively affect quality of life and survival even if the cancer is cured.
Hormone therapy blocks the production or action of these hormones, slowing growth of the tumor and extending survival for months or years.
While cancer was at one time nearly always fatal in children, as of 2004 more than 75 percent of children diagnosed with cancer enjoyed disease-free survival.
Successful surgical removal of neurofibromas has a survival rate of 50 to 90 percent.
Between 1985 and 2004, the five-year survival rate for patients with ALL increased from 38 to 57 percent.
Due to the new combinations of anticancer drugs being used, the survival rates among children with ALL have improved dramatically.
Antibiotic therapy, begun when symptoms first appear, may increase a patient's chance of survival.
This significant bond between infant and parent is critical to the infant's survival and development.
A study of 419 individuals with EDS vascular type, completed in 2000, found that the median survival rate was 48 years, with a range of six to 73 years.
If the babies are born prematurely, immediate medical care increases the chance of survival without any complications.
Patients with the favorable type of cell have a long-term survival rate of 93 percent, whereas those with anaplasia have a long-term survival rate of 43 percent and those with the sarcoma form have a survival rate of 36 percent.
The goal of surgery is to repair the defect as much as possible, restore circulation to as close to normal as possible, reduce symptoms, improve survival, and improve quality of life.
The child's eligibility for a transplant depends on the results of blood tests and other factors related to his or her health and potential for survival.
Children with complex heart disease may continue to need special medical attention throughout adolescence and into adulthood for survival and to maintain a good quality of life.
Research published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2001 concluded that the Apgar scoring system remains as relevant for the prediction of neonatal survival in the early 2000s as it was in 1949.
These reflexes, which are essential for a newborn's survival immediately after birth, include sucking, swallowing, blinking, urinating, hiccupping, and defecating.
These typical reflexes are not learned; they are involuntary and necessary for survival.
A blood test that measures levels of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can help predict the likelihood of a specific patient's survival.
Between then and the early 2000s chemotherapy drugs and innovative surgical techniques improved survival with intact limbs.
Likelihood of long-term survival depends on the type and location of the tumor, how much the tumor has metastasized, and on what organs, bones, or tissues have been affected.
Advances in the medical care of premature infants since the 1980s have dramatically increased the rate of survival of these fragile newborns.
The rate of survival for preterm infants has leveled off in the early 2000s, and methods to improve the long-term health of these at-risk babies are being sought.
Aggressive surgical and medical management have improved the survival and function of infants with spina bifida.
A snakebite victim's chances of survival are excellent if medical aid is obtained in time.
A fetus whose liver has moved into its chest, seriously restricting lung development, whose lung-to-head ratio is less than one in four, and whose chance of survival through delivery is less than 50 percent may be a candidate for surgery.
Removal of solid CCAM cysts has a survival rate of about 50 percent.
Survival rates for prenatal treatment of TTTS are about 70 percent.
Survival rates for surgical repair of the duodenum is greater than 90 percent, regardless of the cause.
Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP), which in its most severe form is fatal within the first year or two of life; however, survival into the teens has been known to occur.
Individuals with intraocular retinoblastoma who do not have trilateral retinoblastoma usually have a good survival rate with a 90 percent chance of disease-free survival for five years.
Those with extraocular retinoblastoma have less than a 10 percent chance of disease-free survival for the same amount of time.
Patients with trilateral retinoblastoma who receive treatment have an average survival rate of approximately eight months, while those who remain untreated have an average survival rate of approximately one month.
Parents of children born with Patau syndrome should prepare themselves for the possiblity of their child dying within days or weeks of birth, in addition to the poor survival rates past early childhood.
According to statistics, in chronic lymphoid leukemia, the overall survival for all stages of the disease is nine years.
Survival among patients with nail-patella syndrome is not decreased unless they exhibit renal complications.
Aggressive nonsurgical support and careful timing of surgical intervention have improved overall survival; however, this condition can be fatal in about one third of cases.
Good hygiene of the lungs is critical for health and long-term survival of a person with weakened ventilatory muscles.
The survival rate of these children is also related to the other anomalies these children may have.
The survival rate after surgical repair of a diaphragmatic hernia is 60-80 percent.
Immigrant youth organized themselves into street gangs, often as a means of economic survival.
The availability of a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), a special hospital unit equipped and trained to deal with premature infants, can also increase an infant's chances of survival.
Individuals with any signs of botulism poisoning must receive immediate emergency medical care to increase their chance of survival.
Near-drowning is the term for survival after suffocation caused by submersion in water or other fluid.
Some experts exclude from this definition cases of temporary survival that end in death within 24 hours, which they prefer to classify as drownings.
Drowning is always fatal, but near-drowning may result in survival with no long-lasting effects; survival with permanent damage, usually to the brain; or death after a 24-hour survival period.
After surgical repair, the survival rate is 90 percent, and most individuals grow and develop normally.
In his 1987 book, Children of the Sun Morris West tells of the survival of street children in Naples in the 1950s.
In children with cystic fibrosis in which meconium ileus becomes evident soon after birth, the prognosis is linked with the primary disease; the median age of survival for cystic fibrosis patients is 30 years.
There are several studies that have shown HIV-infected women to have shorter survival times than men.
Women may be less likely than men to be diagnosed early, which may account for shorter survival times.
Much of this harm occurs because the ice produces pressure changes that force water (crucial for cell survival) out of the cells.
Tissue hypoxia, or oxygen deficiency, occurs next as a survival mechanism in the body kicks in, causing the blood vessels in the hands, feet, and other extremities to narrow in response to cold.
Fewer than half of babies with anencephaly are born alive, and survival beyond the first month is rare.
A deficiency or abnormality in vWF can interfere with the formation of the temporary platelet plug and affect the normal survival of factor VIII.
Factor VIII-A protein involved in blood clotting that requires von Willebrand factor for stability and long-term survival in the bloodstream.
The MCHC is elevated in hereditary spherocytosis, a condition with decreased RBC survival caused by a structural protein defect in the RBC membrane.
The survival rate for children with osteopetrosis who undergo BMT is 40 to 70 percent.
Permethrin works by paralyzing the lice, so that they cannot feed within the 24 hours after hatching required for survival.
The survival rate of infants with tracheoesophageal fistulas improved dramatically toward the end of the twentieth century.
In uncomplicated cases, the survival rate is close to 100 percent.
Surgery to correct esophageal atresia is usually successful, with survival rates close to 100 percent in otherwise healthy infants after the condition is corrected.
If a patient survives the first 24 hours after injury, the probability of survival for ten years is approximately 75 to 80 percent.
Likewise, the ten-year survival rate for patients who survived the first year after injury is 87 percent.
Infants are defenseless and must depend on a caring adult for survival.
Instinctive behaviors triggered in the mother in response to the infant immediately after birth promote her bonding with the infant and thus support the infant's survival.
Attachment theorists believe this is inaccurate, as these behaviors help serve to ensure the child's survival and socialization.
In agricultural societies where survival depends on growing and harvesting food, rain dances are common and are used to encourage rainfall.
By week 24, if your baby is born prematurely, he/she has an excellent chance for survival thanks to medical technology.
If born now, he/she has a high chance of survival.
Similar to the pregnancy survival kit, this one is made for warmer temperatures.
Gift suggestions can also be found, like the book Pregnancy Chic-The Fashion Survival Guide.
This particular type of vaginal secretion ensures that the sperm has a greater chance of survival on its long journey to meet the egg.Observing vaginal secretions is a complex but highly accurate aid to the timing of peak fertility.
While it's true that premature babies do often have serious complications, survival rates of a 32 week fetus are very high.
That being said, the statistics regarding survival rates of a 32 week fetus are fairly promising.
With advances in research, medicine, and technology occurring every day, the survival rate for premature babies is expected to continue to improve.
Vitamin A is essential to our survival, so how can there be such a thing as vitamin A toxicity?
You will struggle for survival aboard the Galactica while battling thru mistrust and embroiled in steep intrigue.
Most non profits rely on fundraising for the survival and success of their organization.
Most nonprofit organizations rely on donations for their survival, so securing financial gifts is an essential component of operating this type of entity.
Always close the letter with a thank you sentence and let the reader know that you appreciate their gesture and that your organization relies on donations for its survival.
No matter what the reason, volunteering is essential for many organizations' survival.
He proclaimed the tree's survival a miracle and likened it to the Christ Child.
Online Dating Survival Guide - This is a straight-forward and well organized book on the basics of online dating.
Having come from an alcoholic family, you have learned survival behaviors.
Back then, human life was a daily ritual of survival.
That survival meant men and women needed to split up responsibilities in order to exist.
Over many thousands of years, those roles of responsibility that were inherent for human survival became ingrained into the human genetic makeup.
Some people choose to eat gluten-free because they want to lose weight or have more energy, but for people with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease it is a matter of survival.
Sweetie purse purchases also support Grupedsac, an organization that assists villages in improving water and agricultural conditions for survival.
In fact, you probably give a little too much in your relationships, and this leads to being taken advantage of, so it's important that you develop your survival skills, and remember to look out for yourself.
Librans crave the passion, intensity and sensual delights of the early stages of romance the way others need to meet their basic survival needs.
Some websites claim they can no longer keep up with the demands, while others boast that the military has stepped up its long-standing orders of such survival shelters.
The general nature of the world involves a "survival of the fittest" mentality.
Mom-in-Chief'' When I had my first child 15 years ago, I realized that bringing leadership skills to parenting not only made perfect sense but also seemed like a good survival strategy!
Taken from the survival horror video game series from Konami, Silent Hill promises to be an experience.
For the alien's survival, the boy needs to keep him a secret from both his mom and the government.
Before paper money was commonplace, bartering was crucial to a family's survival.
Neiman Marcus sells a Stiletto survival kit.
Their survival depends on the number of viewers who tune in each week.
The survival of Lafayette played by Nelsan Ellis is a noticeable difference from the novel.
Lafayette's survival in the series is another noticeable difference, as Lafayette was found dead in the back of Andy's car at the end of the first book.
Prior to Life Unexpected, Butler appeared in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, Zoey 101, Hannah Montana, iCarly, Ruby and the Rockits and The Wizards of Waverly Place.
The challenge is that the medication is used to help the baby and the physician's intentions are to ensure survival and a safe delivery.
When you start your own business you step into the abyss where survival will depend upon your selling and social skills, and business start up advice can save you from failure.
Using the program, therefore, might increase customer growth, customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of a company's long-term survival.
Survival Acres provides advice on the shelf lives of dehydrated foods.
When this happens, your body is designed to protect your energy storage (fat) and your metabolism will kick into survival mode because it thinks you're starving.
Through time, genes which aided in survival survived through the generations.
Bearing this information in mind, it makes sense that the body will adapt to exercise in a way to increase its chances of survival and efficiency.
Being one of the oldest forms of exercise there is - literally a trait bred into our species for survival - running has common factors regardless of who, where, how, or why someone is running.
Survival Auto Insurance is a division of Survival Insurance Inc, a company founded in 1983 to provide insurance buyers with competitive offers from several insurance providers.
Survival allows you to fill out just one insurance quote with your personal information and, within minutes, you'll have competitive quotes from several companies.
Survival will provide you with quotes for different auto insurance products and policies.
Survival Auto Insurance will also help you manage your coverage when you buy an insurance policy from them.
Once you buy insurance from Survival, you have an online account established giving you access when you need it.
Another advantage of buying insurance through Survival is the easy claim process.
In addition, if your auto insurance policy is canceled, you'll be able to log into your account through Survival and request reinstatement.
Survival Insurance Inc is a leading insurance broker located in California.
It's also important to note that Survival has one of the highest levels of customer service satisfaction.
Survival Auto Insurance is an option for many people.
You can purchase the insurance directly from Survival at this point.
Survival agents are available to work with you to determine the best policy for you, too.
To get a quote online, visit Survival Insurance or call the company direct at 1-888-SURVIVAL.
I do have a booklet titled Your Personal Insurance Survival Guide available on my website that details the steps homeowners should take when buying homeowners insurance.
Are they someone important enough to you that, if you passed away, they would be who you want to get the money for their own survival in the future?
In these cases, umbrella coverage can mean the difference between financial survival and ruin.
The Pilgrims, who came to what is now the Eastern United States on the Mayflower in 1620, originally celebrated both their survival and an abundant harvest with a great feast.
At age 58, what can you say about a Portland, Maine high school physics teacher who claims to have the emotional maturity of a twelve-year-old combined with MacGyver-like survival skills?
Whitmore considers himself a fierce competitor, but he's also counting his personal charisma as one of his strongest survival skills.
She arrives from time to time to give advice, offer a shoulder, and deliver the bad news of elimination or the good news of survival.
Survivor prides itself on finding some of the most exotic, yet isolated spots on the planet to test contestants' survival skills.
The show teaches wilderness survival tips by stranding Grylls in the middle of nowhere and filming his struggles and successes.
It also goes by the title Born Survivor and Ultimate Survival.
The production team responded by saying that the intention was never to film a documentary-style program, but to offer real survival solutions and tips.
The Colony centers around 10 contestants who volunteered for the chance to test their survival skills in a post-disaster world.
The eight teenage participants on the show all undergo a week's worth of survival training before this reality show begins.
There are challenges to test their survival skills as well.
Stroud is very well-respected as a survival expert, and has consulted with and produced programs for The Discovery Channel, The Outdoor Life Network, and The Science Channel.
Zac has lots of survival training, and knew how to do things like make a fire and find water.
Man vs. Wild star Bear Grylls had built a long history of accomplishments in the outdoor sports and adventuring community long before he earned stardom showing off his survival skills on television.
He shows the viewers how to find safe food to eat and other location specific survival skills.
Stroud's mental state is also a big part of the show; using his camera, he spends a great deal of time letting the audience know how he is coping with the isolation, which is an important part of survival.
He claimed the survival skills he learned watching Survivorman helped him make his way out of the wildnerness and survive the ordeal.
He is a modern day renaissance man, with a variety of talents in addition to his vast survival training and experience.
After studying survival training with a number of experts, Stroud and his wife, photographer Sue Jamison, spent a year in Northern Ontario living as if they were settlers there from hundreds of years ago.
He is the sole cameraman, filming himself as he struggles and succeeds through a number of different survival situations.
In addition to working within the tribes for survival necessities, they competed against each other in a series of physical and mental challenges either to earn a reward or to avoid having to attend tribal council.
Thus follows a heart-pounding race for survival, as the remaining crew attempts to avoid becoming host material for the creepy little things.
The first season dealt with the Atlantis Expedition coping with survival, despite being surrounded by tremendous technology.
While fighting for survival, Michael struggles to adjust to the concept of immortal creatures living among humans, and Selene struggles with her own growing attraction to Michael-now a Lycan and her sworn enemy.
Scientists worried about the survival of the race rush their cloning program, and hurry into asexual reproduction to maintain humanity in the face of the threat.
The Stand begins in typical apocalyptic sci-fi horror fashion, with a run-away man-made plague threatening the survival of mankind.
Ile-Rein is under siege; the powerful and mysterious 'Gardier' are threatening to take over the kingdom, and her Villers Sphere may hold the key to survival for the nation.
Beleiving her to be Boomer, Helo and Boomer struggled for survival on the nuked planet.
At first, he thinks he is going crazy, but he soon learns that these symbols are a riddle to find the spot where the Matrix of Leadership, where a tomb of Primes holds the key for Earth's survival.
When Janeway offered to incorporate the crews together, for survival, she made Chakotay her first officer.
The newer show, like the original, carries viewers into a future setting where humankind struggles for survival against the robotic race known as the Cylons.
This movie took the Battlestar Galactica universe and turned it inside-out as the program let viewers experience the fight for survival through the eyes of the Cylons!
Survival required new allies and a lot if ingenuity.
Epidemics of plagues and diseases threaten the fabric of society, ripping it apart and forcing man to struggle with basic survival.
These children were the next step in evolution, but many are imprisoned, ostracized, exiled and executed in the fight for survival.
A utopia is a perfect existence, untroubled by the basic needs of survival or disagreement.
Paranormal romance explores the relationships of supernatural creatures as werewolves, vampires, angels, demons, witches and more struggles with life, love and survival in the urban world.
Humans could create technology that could save us from the labors and tribulations of daily survival, but it could also produce catastrophe and destruction.
Obviously, survival is the most important factor and everything else can be dealt with after that has been assured, but there is no good reason to suffer too many side effects during treatment if you don't have to.
You can find a large-size hard hat at Survival Supply.
A subject line of "BUSINESS PROPOSAL!!" sent from a free email client like Hotmail or Yahoo has slim odds of survival.
Rhyn was a wild animal with a wild beauty, harsh angles and planes, a body built for survival.
While I've never seen what lies within, legend says it's the key to the planet's survival.
Dean's suggestion of placing the little fellow out of doors in the trash was overruled by his more compassionate wife who pointed out the resulting reduced chances of January survival.
Lana doesn't have the … skills for survival.
Katie frowned. In the course of a day, Gabe had gone from emotional to unaffected when discussing Death. He was distracted, and she felt like she was talking to someone completely different. Blaming herself for taking his mind off of their survival, she fell silent and followed him. Briars and branches caught her pant legs, and she found herself slowing to push more and more of the jungle's flora out of the way. Gabe, too, began to struggle with the bramble, and she noticed the jungle no longer laid their path before him. Instead of clearing away to allow them passage, it stayed where it was, obstructing them.
Parkside's economy was less than spectacular, but at least it didn't require dependency on the fickle business of mines, steel or manufacturing for its fiscal survival.
But this was ineffective with the pianoforte, and is only explicable in Haydn as a survival.
While the tropics preserve for us what remains of the preTertiary or, at the latest, Eocene vegetation of the earth, which formerly had a much wider extension, the flora of the North Temperate region is often described as the survival of the Miocene.
It is noticeable that even the more highly developed forms of liturgical prayer tend, in the recitation of divine titles, attributes and the like, to present a survival of this magical use of potent names.
The speech of the Lombards at last got the better of Greek, Arabic and French; how far its ascendancy can have been built on any survival of an earlier Latin speech which had lived on alongside of Greek and Arabic this is not the place to inquire.