Surveying Sentence Examples
The stranger stepped next to her, surveying the damage.
She placed the last clip and stood back, surveying the outdoor dining area.
He turned and leaned back against the counter, surveying her with obvious distaste.
D'Anville's map contained all that was then known, but ten years afterwards Major Rennell began his surveying labours, which extended over the period from 1763 to 1782.
The action of the society in supplying practical instruction to intending travellers, in astronomy, surveying and the various branches of science useful to collectors, has had much to do with advancement of discovery.
In 1907 the number of students was 554 Below the university there are six provincial institutes, one in each province, in each of which there is a preparatory department, a department of secondary education, and (this due to peculiar local conditions) a school of surveying; and in that of Havana commercial departments in addition.
He studied surveying and navigation, and joined his father in his ship-building, fishing and general trading business, quickly becoming one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the province.
This was followed by the Book of Surveying and Improvements (1523), by the same author.
While I was surveying, the ice, which was sixteen inches thick, undulated under a slight wind like water.
Brady returned from surveying the supplies in the well-stocked medical facility.
AdvertisementThe science of geodesy is part of mathematical geography, of which the arts of surveying and cartography are applications.
Polar explorers making sections across the great expanses of water with everfrequently repeated those experiments in deep-sea soundings, increasing accuracy, and in that work the government surveying both William Scoresby and Sir John Ross obtaining notable ships have also been engaged, vast stretches of the Indian and results, though not reaching depths of more than 1200 fathoms. Pacific Oceans having been opened up to knowledge by H.M.SS.
Modern surveying ships no longer make use of hempen lines with enormously heavy sinkers, such as were employed on the " Challenger," but they sound instead with steel piano wire not more than 310 to 215 of an inch in diameter and a detachable lead seldom weighing more than 70 lb.
The Book of Surveying adds considerably to our knowledge of the rural economy of that age.
All attempts to dispense with a lead and line and to measure the depth by determining the pressure at the bottom have hitherto failed when applied to depths greater than 200 fathoms; a new hydraulic manometer has been tried on board the German surveying ship " Planet."
AdvertisementSurveying Ships, Indian Marine Survey and British Submarine Telegraph.
The two chiefs, surveying the French army in their front, considered that no serious force was in front of Quatre Bras, and Wellington terminated the interview with the conditional promise that he would bring his army to Blucher's assistance at Ligny, if he was not attacked himself.
Many traders and trappers were butchered by the Indians, who became still more troublesome after the invasion of the Territory by the gold-seekers, and the surveying of railway routes had been undertaken.
Surveying and the administration of the land have for a long time occupied the attention of the government.
Five years previously he had defeated a Tatar raid upon Moscow, for which service he received the title of sluga, 1 Brough, Mine Surveying, pp. 276-278; Marriott, Trans.
AdvertisementThey make incomparable guides for fishing, hunting and surveying parties, on which they will cheerfully undergo the greatest hardships, though tending to shrink from regular employment in cities or on farms.
That the sense of touch is highly developed seems quite certain, because the bird, although it may not be audibly sniffing, will always first touch an object with the point of its bill, whether in the act of feeding or of surveying the ground; and when shut up in a cage or confined in a room it may be heard, all through the night, tapping softly at the walls..
These men were specially Service trained at Dehra Dun in the work of surveying, and entered Tibet with a strong wooden box with a specially concealed secret drawer for holding observing instruments, .a prayer wheel with rolls of blank paper instead of prayers in the barrel on which observations might be noted, and lamaic rosaries by the beads of which each hundred paces might be counted.
Surveying these positions, we shall not be astonished to find much that is surprising and some things that are contradictory in Pascal's utterances on "les grands sujets."
He hastily qualified himself by study, and entered upon the practical duties of surveying farm lines, roads and town sites.
AdvertisementSurveying route for additional work, removing ragwort plants.
This is essential for military applications to surveying work to the people working in the forestry industry.
The technicians assist by adjusting the surveying instruments.
The ability to visualize distances and objects is another important trait for surveying work.
Another 77,000 people worked as surveying and mapping technicians.
Other places to look for land surveyor job openings include online job boards, such as the Surveying Jobs page at
If you're in the store and surveying a certain type of shoe, keep on the lookout for loose threads.
Other favorites show just the eagle's head or portray the eagle at rest, coolly surveying its territory.
Check out the competition first by surveying local yellow pages.
It is easy to grasp the basics of badger surveying and one square should only take a day to survey.
Nick Bennet's surveying tool lives in a long, neutrally buoyant tube held at arms length from the diver.
More so because we were surveying as we went and the passage made sharp doglegs every few meters.
The publication has chapters that address key issues in geodesy such as geodetic surveying techniques, geodetic systems, physical geodesy and satellite geodesy.
As part of geodesic surveying work he invented the heliotrope.
The post would interest anyone with an interest anyone with an interest in surveying, architecture or town planning.
By 2009 robotic landers are due to be surveying its surface in fine detail.
He went back to the shop front and stood surveying it in infinite perplexity.
It is awarded by a panel of three judges picked by BCRA Council for any contribution to cave surveying considered worthy.
The course aims to produce graduates with skills and expertise in building surveying and prepare them for careers in the management of property.
Detailed examination of structure can be obtained by geophysical techniques such as seismic surveying.
Chartered surveying is one of the most exciting and diverse professions around.
Her previous experience in historic building survey and recording has been in on-site surveying and rectified photographical assessment using 3-Dimensional design packages.
A new geophysical survey was conducted around the present excavations using David Staveley's new TR system resistivity surveying machine.
The percentage figures were, she said, agreed to include some quantity surveying services.
The course in cave surveying which was held recently was a splendid thing.
All of our surveyors carry the BIOH P402 qualification, the recognized industry standard for asbestos surveying.
The term ' geomatics ' is now more commonly used than ' land surveying ' in the industry.
A renowned building surveying consultancy, with a prestigious presence in London, has launched a new office in Reading.
The principles and methods of surveying and position finding had by this time become well advanced, and the most remarkable example of the early application of these improvements is to be found in the survey of China by Jesuit missionaries.
In 1797 Bass, who had been a surgeon, made an expedition southwards, continued the work of Cook from Ram Head, and explored the strait which bears his name, and in 1798 he and Flinders were surveying on the east coast of Van Diemen's land.
It must be noted, however, that since 1895 the soundings of Nansen in the north polar area, of the " Valdivia," " Belgica," " Gauss " and " Scotia " in the Southern Ocean, and of various surveying ships in the North and South Pacific, have proved that the mean depth of the ocean is considerably greater than had been supposed, and mean-sphere level must therefore lie deeper than the calculations of 1895 show; possibly not far from the position deduced from the freer estimate of 1888.
He was brought up on his father's farm, studied at Hobart Academy, and though he left school in his sixteenth year, devoted himself assiduously thereafter to private study, chiefly of mathematics and surveying, at the same time keeping books for a blacksmith for his board.
A typical course at one of the higher colleges lasts for two years and includes instruction under the heads of soils and manure, crops and pasture, live stock, foods and feeding, dairy work, farm and estate management and farm bookkeeping, surveying, agricultural buildings and machinery, agricultural chemistry, agricultural botany, veterinary science and agricultural entomology.
Of recent years the use of " hydrography " as the equivalent of physical oceanography has acquired a certain currency, but as the word is also used with more than one other meaning (see Surveying) it ought not to be used for oceanography.
Matrix Consult is an enthusiastic, innovative and progressive quantity surveying practice based in Central London.
This is an opportunity to learn about resistivity surveying.
Surveying the seabed Sound is used to survey the seabed.
Stomping down to the downstream pitches was very pleasant - no sign of any surveying instruments of torture yet.
The surveying profession traditionally gets most attention from property lawyers.
Several training days in surveying techniques have been held for over seventy people.
Once set up the compass is not required for the surveying instrument.
On the surveying trip it proved to have shrunk by 16 meters.
The same surveying firm came along for the potential purchasers.
A new geophysical survey was conducted around the present excavations using David Staveley 's new TR system resistivity surveying machine.
The course in cave Surveying which was held recently was a splendid thing.
Singularity While Enterprise is surveying a black hole in a trinary star system, the stellar phenomenon causes strange effects on the crew.
However, after surveying the landscape of reviews it seems that customers had more positive experiences with this company as compared to others, such as Acai Berry Supreme.
Bordeaux dismounted, surveying the camp, landscape and men in one rolling glance.
Dusty's in Atlanta surveying spots for a new headquarters, and I'm staying right here for now.
When she entered, Darian stood in the middle of the foyer, surveying the vamps staring at him like the god he was.
Arrived in the river Plate in 1527, rumours reached Cabot of mineral wealth and a rich and civilized empire in the far interior, and he resolved to abandon surveying for exploration.
They first prepared a map of the country round Peking, which was submitted to the emperor Kang-hi; and, being satisfied with the accuracy of the European method of surveying, he resolved to have a survey made of the whole empire on the same principles.
The great development of photography has been a notable aid to explorers, not only by placing at their disposal a faithful and ready means of recording the features of a country and the types of inhabitants, but by supplying a method of quick and accurate topographical surveying.
The whole question of the regime of rivers and lakes is sometimes treated under the name hydrography, a name used by some writers in the sense of marine surveying, and by others as synonymous with oceanography.
The compiler, in combining these materials, is called upon to examine the various sources of information, and to form an estimate of their value, which he can only do if he have himself some knowledge of surveying and of the methods of determining positions by astronomical observation.
On his return he assisted his father in surveying the Stockton & Darlington and Liverpool && Manchester lines, but in 1824 he accepted an engagement in South America to take charge of the engineering operations of the Colombian Mining Association of London.
For the mapping of the whole vast interior, except in rare cases, no data exist beyond the itineraries of explorers, travelling as a rule under conditions which precluded the use of even the simplest surveying instruments.
In 1830 he was placed in charge of the division of instruments and charts, and in 1838 was appointed to command an exploring and surveying expedition in the Southern Seas, authorized by Congress in 1836.
The soundings of the Dutch expedition on hung on the sounding-tube that it was automatically released the " Siboga " during1899-1900in the eastern part of the on striking the bottom and left behind, while the light brass tube Malay seas and those of the German surveying ship " Planet " containing a sample of the deposit was easily hauled up. This in 1906 in the South Atlantic, Indian and North Pacific Oceans principle has been adopted universally for deep soundings, and were notable, and Sir John Murray's expedition on the " Michael is now applied in many forms. In 1855 Maury published Sars " in the Atlantic in 1910 obtained important results.
Particularly steep slopes are found in the case of submarine domes, usually incomplete volcanic cones, and there have been cases in which after such a dome has been discovered by the soundings of a surveying ship it could not be found again as its whole area was so small and the deep floor of the ocean from which it rose so flat that an error of 2 or 3 m.
Moreover, a college under the control of the Ministry of Lands and Agriculture, which was founded in 1909, provides locally courses of instruction in these subjects and also in irrigation engineering, sericulture and surveying.
On surveying the situation, certain weak points in the policy of the Vatican under Leo XIII.
Beginning in 1863 a number of native Indian explorers were sent by the government of India into Tibet, for the purpose of surveying.
This is another surveying instrument consisting essentially of a telescope bearing a level and mounted horizontally upon a frame.
Surveying the whole range of Habit.
Species, in fact, were not fixed categories, but halting-places, often extremely difficult to choose, for the surveying mind of the systematist.
Surveying the questions connected with landed property, with the game laws, the poor, the Established Church, especially in Ireland, he expressed grave doubt on the legislative capacity of the English parliament as compared with the power of renovation manifested in other states of western Europe.
Sea-level is the assumed mean level of the sea, serving as a datum from which to calculate the elevation of land in surveying.
C. Fremont, - whose doings in California in the next two years were to be the main assets in a life-long reputation and an unsuccessful presidential campaign, - while engaged in a government surveying expedition, aroused the apprehensions of the Californian authorities by suspicious and very possibly intentionally provocative movements, and there was a show of military force by both parties.
North of this and extending to the boundary of the 1 The actual surveying and laying out of the city was done by Andrew Ellicott (1754-1820), a civil engineer, who had been employed in many boundary disputes, who became surveyor-general of the United States in 1792, and from 1812 until his death was professor of mathematics at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
But 1 "It is, perhaps, by surveying India that we at this day can best represent to ourselves and appreciate the vast external reform worked upon the heathen world by Christianity, as it was organized and executed throughout Europe by the combined authority of the Holy Roman Empire and the Church Apostolic."
Admirable descriptions of this inhospitable region, the farthest south of the inhabited parts of the globe, may be found in the Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships "Adventure" and " Beagle" between the years 1826 and 1836 (3 vols., 1839).
The Russian government agreed to this proposal, and the work of surveying the country from Mt Ararat to the Persian Gulf was then undertaken.
In 1838 he went into the office of John Urpeth Rastrick, one of the leading railway engineers of the day, where he was employed in designing bridges for the line from London to Brighton, and also in surveying for railways in Lancashire.
Few men, if any, have ever acquired a settled mental habit of surveying human affairs broadly, of watching the play of passion, interest, circumstance, in all its comprehensiveness, and of applying the instruments of general conceptions and wide principles to its interpretation with respectable constancy, unless they have at some early period of their manhood resolved the greater problems of society in independence and isolation.
From 1796 to 1798 he was engaged in surveying public lands in Ohio; in 1798 he settled in New York City, and during the period (1798-1800) when war with France seemed imminent he acted as military secretary to Alexander Hamilton, then inspector-general of the United States army.
Cassini, obtained employment, first in surveying the coast from Nantes to Bayonne, then, in 1 739, in remeasuring the French arc of the meridian.
Besides agriculture, the course of instruction at the college includes chemistry, natural and mechanical philosophy, natural history, mensuration, surveying and drawing, and other subjects of practical importance to the farmer, proficiency in which is tested by means of sessional examinations.
Batavia was laid out in 1801 by Joseph Ellicott (1760-1826), the engineer who had been engaged in surveying the land known as the "Holland Purchase," of which Batavia was a part.
He swung around, soberly surveying her from bare feet up, stopping at her breasts.
Surveying herself in the mirror, she decided that the hanging pearl earrings would set off a little brooch Alex had given her.
The post would interest anyone with an interest in surveying, architecture or town planning.
As I sounded through the ice I could determine the shape of the bottom with greater accuracy than is possible in surveying harbors which do not freeze over, and I was surprised at its general regularity.
Tall and stout, holding high her fifty-year-old head with its gray curls, she stood surveying the guests, and leisurely arranged her wide sleeves as if rolling them up.
Post-secondary programs in surveying are offered by several universities, as well as community colleges.
Thousands of miles away, Gabriel was with one of his death dealers surveying the gruesome discovery.
During the two years of his residence in Walden woods he lived by the exercise of a little surveying, a little job-work and the tillage of a few acres of ground which produced him his beans and potatoes.
After leaving Waynesburg (Pa.) College he studied surveying and became assistant chief engineer for a railway.
Casually, while surveying the squadron, the Emperor's eyes met Rostov's and rested on them for not more than two seconds.