Surrealism Sentence Examples
Counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the, er...
More often than not I like surrealism in my anime or humor that goes way beyond certain boundaries.
Before 1924 Ernst's work was called Dada, after 1924 it was called surrealism, but his work never actually changed.
It was not until his mid-twenties that Dali discovered surrealism.
The key aspects of Buñuel's work will be considered, including surrealism, psychoanalysis ethics and humor.
French surrealism, particularly, offers a useful focus for the interdisciplinary study of science, art, and literature.
Historic survey shows have included ' British surrealism ' and ' The 1960s ' .
Surfing around ideas, collage and assembly were central to almost everything he created from the early surrealism to the later public sculpture.
It is suffused with " magic realism " a folk surrealism in which people fly and mysterious juxtapositions are the norm.
Add slapstick, surrealism and sci-fi and what more could anyone want?
AdvertisementDadaism began in Zürich, Switzerland, in 1916, and surrealism evolved from the Paris wing of the Dada movement several years later.
Before 1924 Ernst 's work was called Dada, after 1924 it was called Surrealism, but his work never actually changed.
It could be a kind of Surrealism put into motion.
The key aspects of Buñuel 's work will be considered, including surrealism, psychoanalysis ethics and humor.
French Surrealism, particularly, offers a useful focus for the interdisciplinary study of science, art, and literature.
AdvertisementHistoric survey shows have included ' British Surrealism ' and ' The 1960s '.
The afternoon session will include a visit to the Hayward Gallery 's surrealism exhibition next door to the NFT.
Spot strange objects in the Surrealism display, and play a game that is not a game, or is it?
The Frenchman was reportedly influenced by surrealism, an art movement that found significance in the meanings that lie beneath the surface of everyday life.