Surpasses Sentence Examples
My intelligence far surpasses any of you worthless scum.
In size the male African elephant often surpasses the Asiatic species, reaching nearly 12 ft.
The upper class greatly surpasses the common people in physique and intelligence.
In age it almost rivals Sanskrit; in primitiveness it surpasses that language in many points; it is inferior only in respect of its less extensive literature, and because it has not been made the subject of systematic grammatical treatment.
Yet the mileage open per Io,000 inhabitants in Australia, as a whole, far surpasses that in any other of the broad geographical divisions.
The Praefatio goes on to say that it was reported that the poet, till then knowing nothing of the art of poetry, had been admonished in a dream to turn into verse the precepts of the divine law, which he did with so much skill that his work surpasses in beauty all other German poetry (ut cuncta Theudisca poemata suo vincat decore).
As for his ivory-white, it distinctly surpasses the Chinese Ming Chen-yao in every quality except an indescribable intimacy of glaze and p&e which probably can never be obtained by either Japanese or European methods.
Montaigne said of him,"I give the palm to Jacques Amyot over all our French writers, not only for the simplicity and purity of his language in which he surpasses all others, nor for his constancy to so long an undertaking, nor for his profound learning.
No part of England surpasses the more fertile portions of this county in the peculiar richness of its rural scenery.
It became one of the wealthiest of central American cities, although it had always a keen commercial rival in Leon, which now surpasses it in size and importance.
AdvertisementFrom the flanks of Lebanon, especially from the heights which lie to the north of the Qasimiyeh or IKasimiya (Litany) River, the traveller looks down upon some of the finest landscape in the world; in general features the scenery is not unlike that of the Italian Riviera, but surpasses it in grandeur and a peculiar depth of colouring.
He thus covers a wider range than Jovinian, whom he surpasses also in intensity.
In the pine forests of the Alps the prevailing species are the common spruce and the silver fir; on siliceous soil the larch flourishes, and surpasses every other European species in height.
Erected for the exposition of 1889, the Eiffel Tower, in the Champ de Mars, Paris, is by far the highest artificial structure in the world, and its height of 300 metres (984 ft.) surpasses that of the obelisk at Washington by 42 9 ft., and that of St Paul's cathedral by 580 ft.
At any rate it may be said that generally speaking the maximum, minimum and mean temperatures of points of approximately equal altitude are respectively but slightly different in northern or southern California.2 Death Valley surpasses for combined heat and aridity any meteorological stations on earth where regular observations are taken, although for extremes of heat it is exceeded by places in the Colorado desert.
AdvertisementIts basin is narrow and its volume not remarkable, but in length it surpasses all other Central American rivers.
As a cerealproducing state Colorado is, however, relatively unimportant; nor in value of product is its hay and forage crop notable, except that of alfalfa, which greatly surpasses that of any other state.
And he surpasses almost all of them in the richness of his diction, and his skill in the use of metaphors and illustrations.
The staple is the currant, in the production of which the island surpasses Zante.
In grandeur of conception, comprehensiveness of treatment, and breadth of learning, this apology surpasses all other similar works of antiquity.
AdvertisementCoal surpasses all the other minerals to such an extent that, taking the year 1903 as a type, when the total value of the mineral output was very nearly £70,000,000, that of coal is found to approach £61,000,000.
The tonnage annually shipped ranges from about 42 millions of tons in the case of Newcastle to some half a million in the case of Liverpool; but the export trade of Cardiff in South Wales far surpasses that of any English port, being more than three times that of Newcastle in 1903.
As to the capacity of the cranium, men differ from one another so extremely that the largest known human skull holds nearly twice the measure of the smallest, a larger proportion than that in which man surpasses the gorilla; while, with proper allowance for difference of size of the various species, it appears that some of the lower apes fall nearly as much below the higher apes.
Much more is to be said for the view that man's larger and more highly organized brain accounts for those mental powers in which he so absolutely surpasses the brutes.
The Eye is essentially reptilian, but in sharpness of vision, power and quickness of accommodation it surpasses that of the mammals.
AdvertisementWhen an edible species gains protection by mimicking a distasteful one, there is a likelihood of its increasing in numbers until it equals or surpasses its model in this respect.
But, in the utilization of the monks as the best of the Church's forces, the Western Church far surpasses the East, where meditation rather than practical activity is the monastic ideal.
He is as an artist inferior to Steingrimr Thorsteinsson, but surpasses him in bold flight of imagination.
In its gorgeous colours the opah surpasses even the dolphins, all the fins being of a bright scarlet.
The crown land of Lower Austria far surpasses in this respect the other divisions of the country, having about four-ninths of the whole, and not less than 1700 species of flowering plants.
Its commerce in other grains is also extensive; in the amount of barley received and shipped Minneapolis surpasses any other city in the United States, and in receipts and shipments of rye is second only to Chicago.
Cicadas are also noteworthy for their longevity, which so far as is known surpasses that of all other insects.
Though ranking with Augustine, Jerome, and Gregory the Great, as one of the Latin "doctors," he is most naturally compared with Hilary, whom he surpasses in administrative excellence as much as he falls below him in theological ability.
It now turns due N., and soon becomes itself an affluent of the Rhine (left), which it surpasses in volume when they unite at Coblenz, opposite Waldshut.
It is an improvement upon the Shire due to the quality contributed by the Clydesdale, and it surpasses the Clydesdale in strength and substance, as a result of the Shire connexion.
Such was the zeal with which Alberti pursued his task that the exterior of the little Rimini church is one of the finest and purest achievements of the Renaissance, and surpasses in beauty and elegance all the rest of his works.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
It is brutally heavy and wonderfully melodic in a way that surpasses a lot of the bands in this movement.
Home-made mincemeat is for me the taste of opulent festivity and far surpasses commercial varieties.
A day to God's glory far surpasses a lifetime to selfish pleasures.
Columbus passed through the islands, and in one of his letters to Ferdinand and Isabella he said,"This country excels all others as far as the day surpasses the night in splendour; the natives love their neighbours as themselves; their conversation is the sweetest imaginable; their faces always smiling; and so gentle and so affectionate are they, that I swear to your highness there is not a better people in the world."
Sage holds the place of honour; then comes rue, the antidote of poisons; and so on through melons, fennel, lilies, poppies, and many other plants, to wind up with the rose, "which in virtue and scent surpasses all other herbs, and may rightly be called the flower of flowers."
He surpasses the school of Antiphon in perspicuity, the school of Lysias in verve, the school of Isocrates in variety, in felicity, in symmetry, in pathos, in power.
The ease with which is can now be removed from the office surpasses anything in history.
A day to God 's glory far surpasses a lifetime to selfish pleasures.
What grew out of the clumsy old windmill design of sails made of canvas attached to the blades is beginning to take on a grace in form that surpasses pure functionality.
As a plant difficult to cultivate, it ranks with, or surpasses, the equally remarkable Ostrowskia magnifica.
You may find that you feel the design of the glasses at surpasses the drugstore versions in sophistication as well.
The company claims the test surpasses the 80-90% accuracy rate of ultrasounds, but online reviews dispute this.
Having used the huge blenders in other brands it is true that the Ninja surpasses crushing ice.
Virgo finds comfort in her nurturing and silent communication that surpasses any words he might wish to speak.
An overloaded vehicle where the gross vehicle weight surpasses the gross vehicle weight rating can lead to an accident.
As the highest-selling fast food service chain, McDonalds surpasses its competitors, such as Burger King and Taco Bell, with its more than 12,000 United States locations and more than $19 billion sales in 2000.
If the cost of the medical care or services that were rendered to you surpasses your deductible amount, you will need to pay the remainder of your deductible and submit the claim to your insurance company.
As the demand for dentistry surpasses the supply of quality, local dentists, people find themselves turning to the Internet to find a dentist, at least within their home state, who serves the community with high-quality dentistry.
As a place of import, the Peiraeus surpasses Patras, Syra and all the other Greek maritime towns, receiving about 53% of all the merchandise brought into Greece.
No stable food for quick work surpasses a superior sample of fine-hulled whole oats like " Garton's Abundance " (120 lb per week), and Timothy hay harvested in dry weather.