Surfactant Sentence Examples
The absence of surfactant, which normally reduces the surface tension in the lungs, leads to collapse.
Near the nozzle tip, the surface strain rates are very large, so the surfactant adsorption is very small.
He was intubated, commenced on IPPV and given surfactant.
Some contain a surfactant called sodium lauryl sulfate, which is a common cause of reactions, particularly in people with eczema.
We have a project looking at the use of biological systems to produce surfactant.
Central areas of research are surfactant self-assembly, polymers in solutions, and gels and polymer interactions with surfactant self-assembly, polymers in solutions, and gels and polymer interactions with surfactants.
Natural surfactant extract vs synthetic surfactant in the treatment of established respiratory distress syndrome.
In infants born more than two months premature the quantities of lung surfactant may be greatly reduced or completely absent.
Expert guidance is that two doses of surfactant should be given, 12 hours apart via the endotracheal tube.
Risks to the environment must be outweighed by the benefits of keeping the surfactant on the market.
AdvertisementNatural surfactant can be extracted from animal lungs or human amniotic fluid.
In addition, the surfactant used in glyphosate formulations increases the likelihood of absorption through the skin.
Central areas of research are surfactant self-assembly, polymers in solutions, and gels and polymer interactions with surfactants.
The surface of the particle shows a monolayer of bound surfactant molecules (far right).
They looked at surfactant protein A, which is essential for normal breathing outside the womb.
AdvertisementHer work on surfactant solutions led her to a job at Kodak.
The project features the world 's largest lattice Boltzmann simulation of its kind, to study defect dynamics in liquid crystalline surfactant systems.
Premature infants lack a substance, called surfactant, that permits their lungs to expand and breathe normally.
It is more beneficial if the steroid can be given twice in a 48 hour period; however, if there is not time for this, surfactant has been developed that can be administered into the lungs of a premature infant to facilitate breathing.
Babies born too soon have immature lungs that have not developed surfactant, a protective film that helps air sacs in the lungs to stay open.
AdvertisementA surfactant drug can be given in some cases.
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)-Also known as hyaline membrane disease, this is a condition of premature infants in which the lungs are imperfectly expanded due to a lack of a substance (surfactant) on the lungs that reduces tension.
Surfactant is normally produced in the fetal lungs in the last months of pregnancy, which helps the air sacs to open up at the time of birth so that the newborn infant can breathe freely.
Premature infants may lack surfactant and are more susceptible to respiratory problems without it.
Surfactant is produced starting at about 34 weeks of pregnancy and, by the time the fetal lungs mature at 37 weeks, a normal amount is present.
AdvertisementIf an infant is born prematurely, enough surfactant might not have formed in the alveoli causing the lungs to collapse and making it very difficult for the baby to get enough air (and the oxygen it contains).
If premature birth is expected, or there is some condition that calls for delivery as soon as possible, the amount of surfactant in the amniotic fluid will indicate how well the lungs have matured.
If little surfactant is found in an amniotic fluid sample taken by placing a needle in the uterus (amniocentesis), there is a definite risk of RDS.
If the membranes have ruptured, surfactant can easily be measured in a sample of vaginal fluid.
In more severe cases a drug very like natural surfactant (Exosurf Neonatal or Survanta) can be dripped into the lungs through a fine tube (endotracheal tube) placed in the infant's windpipe (trachea).
The drug is continued until the infant starts producing its own surfactant.
There is a risk of bleeding into the lungs from surfactant treatment; about 10 percent of the smallest infants are affected.
By contrast, if the infant's breathing is supported until the lungs mature and make their own surfactant, complete recovery within three to five days is the pattern.
The best way of preventing RDS is to delay delivery until the fetal lungs have matured and are producing enough surfactant, generally at about 37 weeks of pregnancy.
If delivery cannot be delayed, the mother may be given a steroid hormone, similar to a natural substance produced in the body, which crosses the barrier of the placenta and helps the fetal lungs to produce surfactant.
If a very premature infant is born without symptoms of RDS, it may be wise to deliver surfactant to its lungs.
An alternative is to wait until the first symptoms of RDS appear and then immediately give surfactant.
The coconut-based surfactant is a sudsing agent that helps remove the waxy layer.
Surfactant was isolated from duck, chicken, and pig lung lavage fluid by differential centrifugation.
The measurements show sodium salicylate concentrated by extraction with cetyl pyridinium chloride surfactant.
The Eco-Balls contain mineral oxides and act as a natural non-ionic surfactant that reduces surface tension and releases dirt.
The surface activity of pulmonary surfactant from diving mammals.