Surcharges Sentence Examples
The public revenues are derived from customs, taxes, various inland and consumption taxes, state monopolies, the government wharves, posts and telegraphs, &c. The customs taxes include import and export duties, surcharges, harbour dues, warehouse charges, &c.; the inland taxes comprise consumption taxes on alcohol, tobacco, sugar and matches, stamps and stamped paper, capital and mining properties, licences, transfers of property, &c.; and the state monopolies cover opium and salt.
Diplomats estimate Baghdad garners $ 2bn a year by smuggling crude oil over its borders, charging buyers illegal surcharges and demanding kickbacks.
Goods that do not meet the above criteria and are not resalable as new will be subjected to additional surcharges.
However, we do not impose surcharges on any tax on which tax geared penalties are also being charged.
By that reasoning, the recent Emercom contracts were worth $ 1.8 million in illegal surcharges.
The business subsequently received default surcharges for those periods.
Spring Scale Our portable luggage scale can save you a lot of money in airline surcharges.
The United Nations began last year to try to quash Iraq 's surcharges by imposing a system of retroactive pricing on Iraqi oil.
We apply this rule to surcharges calculated at the 10% or 15% rates only.
The last thing you want is to return the rental car and discover a whole mess of hidden fees and surcharges.
AdvertisementPrepaid calling cards eliminate the need to make collect calls, they erase the need to pay expensive surcharges for long distance calls made from hotels, and they usually provide the cheapest per-minute rates available.
Cocktails and other drinks, however, do have surcharges, though they are generally less expensive than other cruise lines.
These surcharges are frequently added after a cruise quote and may run $100-500 per passenger depending on the length of the cruise, the number of ports, and the cruise line's policies.
Port fees and taxes are extra charges, and guests may also have to pay nominal fees for airline surcharges, including upgrades to a different flight, better class of seat, or a preferred airline.
There are always "hidden" fees and surcharges involved, whether they are more explicitly expressed or not.
AdvertisementAre you aware that they may be a "system access fee", as well as surcharges for 911 service?
Many airlines have begun adding fuel surcharges to their fares in recent years.
It is wise to comparison shop between rental car companies to find the best deal, because what looks like the cheapest initial rate may actually be far more expensive once other fees and surcharges are added to the advertised rate.
While this may be a hassle, they are safer because you are used to their operation, and you can avoid car seat surcharges on the rental.
Because this is a fair trade company, prices vary based on the quantity purchased, and some additional surcharges may apply, but many of these pants have a base cost of $9.